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The HR mentorship program consists of two parts- HR Module and HR Workshops.

DISHA !"# $ % &'SIM Mentorship (rogram

)lu* HR+thm


The mentorship programme consists of two parts- HR modu e and !or"shops#

It consists of fi$e %uestions out of which students need to so $e three

Two wor"shops wi &e conducted# These wor"shops wi &e acti$it' &ased# !e propose to conduct these wor"shops section wise# !e need eight da's to conduct these sessions () wor"shops*+ sections,# The duration of each session wou d &e &etween 1#- hrs - ) hrs

The details of the su*missions and the workshop sessions are gi,en *elow.

Attempt any three out of the given five que tion :


Go through the article Steve Jobs given in the folder- Reference Materials. Based on the article, answer the following uestions !word li"it of #$% words &er uestion'(

a. b.

)iscuss the leadershi& st*le ado&ted b* Steve Jobs in his &rofessional stints. +o""ent on the do"inating &ersonalit* traits of Steve Jobs.

,. ,%1, was the *ear for wor-force innovation, with "ore co"&anies e.&eri"enting with using social "edia to brand and "ar-et their organi/ations. 0n ,%1#, co"&anies will ta-e social further( this will be the *ear of Social 1R, with organi/ations integrating social technologies into the wa* the* recruit, develo& 2 engage e"&lo*ees. 3h* do *ou thin- it is i"&ortant for co"&anies to incor&orate social "edia in their 1R &olicies4 5lso what challenges of 1R do organi/ations face in the social "edia age4 Su&&ort *our answer with e.a"&les of various organi/ations that incor&orate social "edia in their 1R functionalities. 6se the following references !do not li"it to 7ust these references, *ou "a* find "ore such articles' to base *ou answer to this uestion. http.//www#m&as"oo #com/&usiness-artic es/human-resource/-+0)-emerging-trend-of-socia -media-in-hrm#htm http.//www#for&es#com/sites/1eannemeister/)213/21/23/)213-the-'ear-of-socia -hr/ http.//& og#theduff'agenc'#com/& og/)211/)/13/how-socia -media-can-he p-'our-human-resources-department#htm http.//& ogs#h&r#org/samue /)213/2)/when-hr-decisions-&ecome-socia#htm http.//www#wipro#com/Documents/Socia 45edia4Report46e&4)21)#pdf http.//& og#ted#com/)227/1)/10/how4to4ma"e4a4s/ #. 8re&are a Job )escri&tion for *our drea" 7ob. S&ecif* the educational ualification and s-ills re uired and the roles and res&onsibilities that *ou thin- would be involved in *our drea" 7ob. 9ou "a* refer to the attached reading "aterial and sa"&le J) for answering this uestion. :. Ma-e a 8ower8oint 8resentation on the conce&ts discussed in the ;ellogs case attached. <otal nu"ber of slides should not e.ceed 1$ including cover slides. 9ou "a* use i"ages and video lin-s to "a-e *our &resentation effective and interesting. $. Ja"es Brown, +=> of ?ew 9or--based ad agenc* )iade" has decidedl* "i.ed feelings when he reads e"&lo*ees @aceboo- status u&dates and tweets about to&ics such as how de"anding a boss he is, how hung over the* feel, and how totall* not into a client the* are. >n one hand, he finds the "essages engrossing. 0 canAt lie. 0tAs entertaining, he sa*s. >n the other hand, he tends to wince at so"e of the sensitive and &otentiall* da"aging infor"ation revealed. Given the nature of social networ-ing sites such as <witter and @aceboo-, itAs a concern "ost e"&lo*ers share. <he* donAt want to su&&ress or control what "an* e"&lo*ees believe is free and &ersonal e.&ression. 3hat do *ou thin- is the best strateg* through

which this issue can be addressed with the e"&lo*ees, without letting the" feel their freedo" of e.&ression is being encroached u&on, while creating a safe situation for the virtual re&utation of the co"&an*4 Suggest what &oints a social "edia &olic* should cover to tac-le the &roble".

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