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Getting Started with SalesForce CRM

Getting Started with SALESFORCE Part VII

BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and advance learners. In the same series, we have prepared a complete end-to end Hands-on Beginners G ide !or Sales"orce. The doc ment !oc ses on #$% %in&s, 'an( to 'an( $elationship and )hanging *ata T(pe. +oin o r pro!essional training program and learn !rom e,perts.


Version #$% #$% Description Change Initia" Dra&t Re-iew.% A thor P !"ish Date Chandra Pra'ash Shar(a )th * "y +#%, A(it Shar(a )th * "y +#%,

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)ontents.......................................................................................................................... . #$% %in& to a ) stom "ield in Sales"orce ......................................................................./ How to )reate #$% %in& to a ) stom "ield in Sales"orce 0.........................................../ 'an( To 'an( $elationships in Sales" )reating the two 'aster-*etail $elationships b( sing Secondar( relationship 0.......-/ How to change *ata T(pe 23ew ) stom "ield4 in Sales" 0...........................-5

www.bispsol Page .

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/RL Lin' to a C sto( Fie"d in Sa"esForce

H(perlin& 6 #$% %in& to a ) stom "ield allow to ser enter an( valid website address. i! ser add an( valid web site in Sales"orce, #$% %in& to a ) stom "ield it open new tab in same browser.

How to Create /RL Lin' to a C sto( Fie"d in Sa"esForce :

7o can add #$% %in& to a ) stom "ield in an( 0ew C sto( 1a! "or E, 0-8 I will add emplo(ment website new c sto( 1a!9.

Step % :2
For Creating /RL Lin' to a C sto( Fie"d in Sa"es Force clic& to Set p -: Create -: O!3ects -: )lic& to an( C sto( O!3ect 8E, 0emplo(ment website9 There is (o can !ind C sto( Fie"ds 4 Re"ationships in this ) stom "ields ; $elationships clic& to 0ew b tton (o can see below screen.

Step + :2
<!ter clic& 0ew b tton open new page called as 0ew C sto( Fie"d in this page (o can see man( data t(pe, select one chec&ed /RL radio b tton and clic& to 0e5t b tton (o can see below.

www.bispsol Page /

www.h(periong r .com

Step , :2
In this page !ill "ield %abel, "ield 3ame, *escription 6 Help Te,t and clic& to 0e5t b tton.

Step 7 :2
)lic& to 0e5t b tton.

www.bispsol Page =

www.h(periong r .com

Step ) :2
)lic& to Sa-e b tton. save this #$% data t(pe.

Step 8 :2
<!ter clic& to Save b tton, (o clic& on c stom tab 8E, 0- Emplo(ment websites9 and clic& to 3ew b tton (o can see below.

www.bispsol Page 5

www.h(periong r .com

Step 9 :2
<!ter clic& on 3ew b tton, then !ill Emplo(ment 3ame, >ebsite <ddress and clic& to Save b tton.

Step : :2
7o can clic& on >ebsite <ddress, (o can see that web site open new tab in same browser.

)lic& here on this lin&

www.bispsol Page ?

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;any 1o ;any Re"ationships in Sa"esForce$co(

7o can se master-detail relationship to man(-to-man( relationship between an( two ob@ects. < man(-to-man( relationship allows each record o! one ob@ect to be lin&ed to m ltiple records !rom another ob@ect. -. To create a man( to man( relationship (o need to create a third c stom ob@ect called as a8@ nction ob@ect.9 between the two ob@ects and create two master detail relationship on it. .. a9. Primar( relationship. b9. Secondar( relationship. /. The @ nction ob@ect 8i! not assigned a tab9 will inherit the st(le 8color and icon9 on the primar( 8ob@ect9 =. i! the primar( relationship is deleted, the secondar( relationship becomes the primar( relationship a tomaticall(.

* nction O!3ect :
< c stom ob@ect with two master-detail relationships #sing b( @ nction ob@ect, (o can model a man(-to-man( relationship between two ob@ects

Step % :2
Creating the * nction O!3ect :
)lic& Set p -: Create -: O!3ects )lic& 3ew ) stom Ab@ect 8E, 0- +ob Posting9 (o can see below.

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Step + :2
Creating the two ;aster2Detai" Re"ationships !y sing Pri(ary re"ationship : An 3ew ) stom Page 8E,0- Emplo(ment websites9 there is (o can !ind C sto( Fie"ds 4 Re"ationships and clic& to 0ew b tton, 7o can see below.

www.bispsol Page B

www.h(periong r .com

Step +<I= :2
Select 'aster-*etail $elationship and clic& to 3e,t b tton.

Step +<II= :2 Select Re"ated 1o an( option on dropdown list8E,0- I am select

Position c stom ob@ect9.

)lic& here to select (o $elated To list.

Step +<III= :2
"ill all the !ieldCs and clic& to 3e,t b tton.

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Step +<IV= :2
)lic& to 0e5t b tton.

Step +<V= :2
)lic& to 0e5t b tton. www.bispsol Page -E www.h(periong r .com

Step +<VI= :2
)lic& to Sa-e b tton.

<!ter clic& to Save b tton , (o can create same second ;aster2Detai" Re"ationships and Save. 0ote:2 7o can onl( create two 'aster-*etail $elationships onl( !or one ob@ect , a!ter create two 'aster-*etail $elationships (o want to create third 'aster-*etail $elationships (o not allow to create this detail when (o clic& to create new 'aster-*etail $elationships (o !ind these option is hide (o can see.

www.bispsol Page --

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>o can see How to Re"ate : Step %:2

)lic& to c stom tab which one (o add on 'aster-*etail relationships 8E,0 - Position Tab9. and go down (o can !ind 0ew 3o! Position b tton clic& on this b tton.

Step + :2
)lic& on Loo' p b tton and open new page on this page (o can select an( web site name and clic& to Save b tton.

)lic& here select an( web site name.

<!ter that (o can go second c stom tab (o can add these one 8e, 0- emplo(ment 9 www.bispsol Page -. www.h(periong r .com

)lic& on this tab and clic& to an( bind web site name and go to down and (o can see that. this is a secondar( table clic& to @ob application id 8e, 0- +P-EE-9 (o can go primar( table.

0ote :2 >hen I deleted Primar( detail table Secondar( detail table a tomaticall( assign as a primar( detail table.

Creating the two ;aster2Detai" Re"ationships !y Secondary re"ationship :


0ote :2 I! create 'aster-*etail $elationships b( sing Secondar( relationship it not possible b( sing 'aster-*etail $elationships i! tr( to create it give (o error message . (o can see below.

How to Create Secondary re"ationship : Step % :2

)lic& to Set p -: Create -: O!3ects Then clic& on c stom ob@ect 8E, 0- emplo(ment website 9 there is !ind them C sto( Fie"ds 4 Re"ationships and clic& to 0ew b tton.

Step +<I= :2
Then Select Loo' p Re"ationship and clic& to 0e5t b tton.

www.bispsol Page -/

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Step +<II= :2
Select (o option and clic& 3e,t b tton.

)lic& here to select (o option.

Step +<III= 1o Step +<V= :2

0e5t b tton.

Some mediator( !ield !ill and clic& to 0e5t 6

Step +<VI= : 2

<nd last clic& to Sa-e b tton save this Secondar( $elationship. 7o can see below.

www.bispsol Page -=

www.h(periong r .com

Step , :2
<!ter Save (o can clic& on c stom tab 8E, 0-Emplo(ment website9 and here (o can add position . There is (o can write position and clic& to save b tton.

How to change Data 1ype ?0ew C sto( Fie"d@ in Sa"esForce$co( :

I! (o want to change data t(pe 83ew ) stom "ield9 a!ter create. Scenario: I will create Pic'"ist data t(pe in 3o! app"ication and want to change this data t(pe Pic'"ist to Pic'"ist <; "ti2Se"ect=$ "irst (o will create Pic& list data t(pe in @ob application 8or (o can create other c stom tab9 a!ter that !allow some steps. (o can see below. There (o can see that that is pic'"ist in @ob application.

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Step %:2
)lic& to Step -: Create -: O!3ects -: select (o c sto( O!3ects8E, 0- +ob <pplications9 <!ter then (o clic& on Edit b tton.

Step +:2
)lic& on Change Fie"d 1ype b tton.

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Step ,:2
Select Pic'"ist<; "ti2Se"ect= $adio B tton and clic& to 0e5t b tton.

Step 7 :2
In Fisible %ines "ield how man( n mber (o can want to visible there is enter n mber 8!or e,0 - 59. and clic& to 0e5t b tton.

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How man( lines (o want to visible please enter n meric val e here.

Step ) :2
)lic& to Sa-e b tton.

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<!ter that (o can see that data t(pe will change . There (o can see *ata T(pe Pic'"ist to Pic'"ist<; "ti2"ist= converted.

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