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Pentagram Ritual and Cardinal Stars Angels - A Further Proposal (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. In a not so recent series of articles we argued a change or two was needed in the pentagram ritual. E S W N RPhAL Aldebaran MIKAL Regulus GBRIAL Antares PNIAL Fomalhaut

Today, Oct 28th 04 we received directions and blessings from grand angel RPhAl, which suggest the following arrangement: E Sadalmelik S Antares W Regulus N Aldebaran All four stars compete with a few of more or less the same rank. Aldebaran competes with at least Alpha and Beta (Algol) Persei. Regulus must face Alphard in Hydra. We can say Alphard is the counter demon of Saint Marc's winged lion, much like Hiranya kasipu is Nrsimhadeva's (man-lion avatar) opponent in the vedas. Some notes seem unavoidable. We had Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus for archangel PNIAL proposed direction North (instead of traditional ANAEL or HNIAL). Now we face Sadalmelik directly on the horizon. /5gram /RPhAl This may be called Halloween arrangement. Regulus remains MIKAL. This is a safe proposal. The association of the lion with the sun (soleone in italian) seems appropriate. (to be continued)

Here is one of the older USENET articles for the reader who wants to compare. = Angelstars 5gram Ritual = (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic Largely known as archangels, four cardinal stars E S W N RPhAL Aldebaran MIKAL Regulus GBRIAL Antares PNIAL Fomalhaut

We don't know what the stars are, neither have we detected them as they were, but we can communicate with inorganic beings, such as those called archangels. The astrologer receives initiation from such beings. The knowledge of the astral domain is called astralogy. (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic Homework for my Students: There are interesting points to take heed of in the interpolation of the best time for the Ritual, e.g. Serpens is to be avoided in the West, but Altair in Aquila is a welcome eagle's eye! Aldebaran should mix as less as possible with the energies of Bellatrix in Orion, while Sirius and Rigel may be welcome. CINGVLA ORIONIS, Osiris's Phallus, seems unavoidable; in that case one would perhaps like to experiment with Al Nilam, or, if Buddhist, with Mintaka (Dalai Lama's ascendant). /nu /dalai.lama /orion + + +

Last year you had a horoscope done by an average astrologer? Now everybody can finally afford a true SCIENTIFIC HOROSCOPE. In Truth we Trust - OM SAI RAM - Astronomy=Astrology *Precessional Ascendants = which of these is yours? ===== (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. Virgo Serpens=Cap+Cau Ophiucus Aquila Aquarius Pisces Cetus Taurus Eridanus Orion Monoceros Canis_Minor Hydra Sextans Leo *True Astronomical Zodiac *Improvements Your wife's Neptune in 7th is Neptune in 6th. We have corrected it. Proper positioning of planets in houses. Many planets will be in different houses. We corrected the NYSE, Leo, WTC and Nostradamus. *Astrological Services -Main features True Moon position (e.g. Moon in Auriga, Cetus, Orion (WTC), Corvus...) True planetary positions (e.g. Venus in Hydra, Mercury in Sextans) Astronomical Zodiac (28 constellations) Precessed Ascendant (16 constellations) NEW! Galactic Ascendant SEDNA the mysterious "planet" in the 12 houses! Centaurs (this year centaurs delineated on the site) 2004 PY42, 2004 OK14 Cubewano (original delineations) Quaoar, Varuna Plutino (original delineations) 2004 DW, Ixion *Standard Features Marriage year(s). And months. And the minute. "Hand made" predictions; primary direction. All the loves in your life. When? Why? Issue? Dynamic partnership. Timing relationship.

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True Astronomical Zodiac Aquarius Aries Auriga Bootes Cancer Canis Minor Capricornus Cetus Coma B. Corvus Crater Eridanus Gemini Hydra Leo Minor Leo Libra Ophiucus Orion Pegasus Pisces Sagittarius Scorpius Scutum Serpens Sextans Taurus Virgo << One recent client claimed CAPRICORN ascending, so I had to drag her to witness her TRUE SKIES, only to see PISCES rising in due east at birth. I told her to forget "astrology" and concentrate on her skies as they were, not astrological fancy and misconception. >> (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. Precessional Ascendants Virgo Serpens=Cap+Cau Ophiucus Aquila Aquarius Pisces Cetus Taurus Eridanus Orion Monoceros Canis_Minor Hydra Sextans Leo If you plan a baby in 2007, be sure to plan it with Venus in Hydra. You can choose ascendants from Sextans, Hydra to Cetus if you want a truly gifted child, but Monoceros ascendants are leaders, and Aquila ascendants make great patronizing friends. Some Orion ascendants like Dalai Lama (who has Mintaka rising) have extra sexual power (CINGVLA ORIONIS or the Orion-O5IRIS "belt" is in fact O5IRIS phallic essence; the three pyramid-stars in themselves mark kundalini-Uraeus-snake rising). Eridanus can be risky and might perhaps disenchant you and your wunderkind, but is a great adventure, indeed. Pinocchio has Cetus descending, the neophyte doll was constantly faced with True Mind, in cricket/fairy form. TRUE NATAL POSITIONS What if TRUE NATAL SKIES were affordable for your whole family? Affordable New Aeon Astrology - Call now! (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. Every mother and astrologer cares for her baby. May your baby have a good start with TRUE NATAL HOROSCOPE, the only astronomically correct map of the sky for new born babies. Precise positions help navigating, as well as reprogramming life's joys. Reprogramatrix is available to change, avert and retransform upcoming negative astral influences. Easily predictable high precision clairastrology

We give you what no one even dreams of: your TRUE NATAL PO5ITIONS. Call for family discounts and see that we charge as low as 20 $ per scan! every member of your family deserves to know his TRUE PRECESSIONAL ASCENDANT. Do you have a baby born Aug 4th 2004 with Moon in Cetus, Monoceros (Unicorn) ascendant, Venus in Orion and Mercury in Sextans? Do you want me to include a short commentary? You are welcome to CONFIGURE SPECIAL REQUESTS as concerns the asteroids, ephemeris, special interest, DEDICATED TUITION or perhaps just curiO5ity! Want to learn some O5 basics that will enable you to AVERT upcoming NEGATIVE astral INFLUENCES? O5!

Do you remember the times when astrologers used 12 zodiacal "signs"? There were no centaurs, no Moon in Orion, no WTC... (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. True Astronomical Zodiac Aquarius Aries Auriga Bootes Cancer Canis Minor Capricornus Cetus Coma B. Corvus Crater Eridanus Gemini Hydra Leo Minor Leo Libra Ophiucus Orion Pegasus Pisces Sagittarius Scorpius Scutum Serpens Sextans Taurus Virgo IAU Compatible Astrology is astronomically correct, starting with the zodiac. The astrologies in large use in the past aeon were unaware of the very position of the planets, and the Moon. Aug 4th 2004 we had Moon in Cetus, Venus in Orion and Mercury in Sextans. It is clear from this short report that Sextans, Orion and Cetus are zodiacal constellations. What did not change is the skies as they were. What did is the way we understand them. If you think you had a Capricorn ascendant, you may discover it was Pisces all of the time. If you thought your wife's Neptune was in 7th, you might find it in 6th. The WTC Moon is in Orion (precisely X1 or staff grip of Osiris). Jung's ascendant is Aquila. Monoceros is rising. (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. IAU Compatible Astrology is the final marriage of astronomy

with astrology, after their divorce quite some time ago. The two were surely one and now they are joined once again forever after their long divorce. All that was needed was to observe the skies as the ancients would do. We have of course many new discoveries to discuss in our charts, like Sedna, Wild or Quaoar, but essentially we are like the ancients, copying the skies exactly as they are. Speaking in terms of the new generation, one downloads heaven as-it-is, changing nothing. East is where east is, on this, as well as any planet, and what rises in the East, as here as on Nibiru, is called the ascendant. Planets are recorded in their true position, and delineated in their original position. Thus on Aug 4th 2004 we had Moon in Cetus, Venus in Orion, Mercury in Sextans and Juno in Scutum. It is clear from this short report that Sextans, Orion and Cetus are zodiacal constellations. They are moreover ascendental constellations, too. The true zodiac with the current precessional ascendants (for London, 2004) is enlisted below. One gigabyte of material on the site is more than enough for the serious astrologer to start thinking in astronomical terms. Hundreds of errors have been corrected, so many in fact that your natal chart will never be the same. (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. Precessional Ascendants Virgo Serpens=Cap+Cau Ophiucus Aquila Aquarius Pisces Cetus Taurus Eridanus Orion Monoceros Canis_Minor Hydra Sextans Leo How to order your Subject:TRUE HOROSCOPE? Mail By SMS +393343182775 Mail: Di che ascendente sei? MONOCERO se sei autogestita e hai la stoffa del leadership. HYDRA se ti piace l'occulto, anche quello "proibito"! CETUS se la tue Vera Mente ci ride sempre sotto sotto:) OPHIUCO se ti senti pi "kundalinica",(non)che madre Eva! AQUILA se il tuo veliero ospita tutta la famiglia! ERIDANO se la tua vita, morte e miracoli e Padania. ORIONE se miri al trascendentale come Dalai Lama.

E poi sai che c'e anche l'ascendente galattico? *Sei sicura di sapere quale e il tuo ascendente? (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved. Precessional Ascendants Virgo Serpens=Cap+Cau Ophiucus Aquila Aquarius Pisces Cetus Taurus Eridanus Orion Monoceros Canis_Minor Hydra Sextans Leo !!! OROSCOPO VERO !!! Servizi italiani Astrologia Astronomica ======== ==== Sai Baba nasce Novembre 23simo con il Sole in Bilancia. * Agosto 4to 2004. La Luna e in Cetus. Venere in Orione. Mercurio in Sestante. Benvenuti nel zodiaco astronomico. * Pianificare un bimbo per il 2007 significa decidere se avr Venere in Hydra, oppure Venere in Sestante. * Vaticano nasce con un ascendente massonico del Sestante. * Cos'e vero? L'astrologia si e integrata con l'astronomia. Il sito e sempre o per i piu esperti: /iau /nu /28 /extra /sedna /o5 /pcs *2005 was the first time I got my horoscope right! Scientifical Horoscope - A Work of Art and Majik for the 2005 (C) 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved.

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