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Stimate cititorule, Ghidul de fa se dorete a fi o invitaie de a descoperi Bihorul i are menirea de a-i dezvlui doar o mic parte din

ceea ce nseamn BIHORUL. Poarta occidental a Romniei, judeul Bihor te poate ncnta, n egal msur, cu cmpii, dealuri i muni, ruri i lacuri, peisaje mirifice i bogii naturale, dar mai presus de toate cu oameni harnici i primitori. Probabil c i acesta este unul din motivele pentru care numeroi investitori strini au ales Bihorul ca locaie pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor n diverse domenii. Datorit oportunitilor i a condiiilor care li se ofer vizitatorilor numrul acestora este n continu cretere iar rolul acestui ghid este de a le pune la dispoziie informaii utile i necesare. Nu poi spune ns c ai fost n Bihor dac nu ai descoperit centrul istoric al Oradiei, apele termale de la Felix sau formaiunile carstice ale Peterii Urilor, dac nu ai cutreierat mprejurimile montane de la Stna de Vale sau nu ai pescuit la Cefa, dac nu ai fost la pivniele Ierului, dac nu ai participat mcar o zi la Toamna ordean, la festivalul Salcmilor n floare sau la Trgul de la Vama Srii, dar mai ales dac nu ai avut prilejul s cunoti oamenii locului. De aceea, drag prietene, n numele Consiliului Judeean Bihor, al meu personal i, n primul rnd, al locuitorilor Bihorului, te invit, pe aceast cale s vii s ne cunoti aici, la noi acas !


Cuprins: 1. Zece argumente pentru Bihor 2. Scurt istoric 3. Cadrul natural 4. Populaia i fora de munc 5. Municipii i orae 6. Economia judeului Bihor 7. Trguri i expoziii in Oradea 3 4 6 10 11 17 27

Content: 1. Ten arguments for Bihor 2. History in brief 3. Natural environment 4. Population and labour force 5. Municipalities and towns 6. The economy of Bihor county 7. Fairs and exhibitions in Oradea 8. Investment objectives of interest 9. Health 10. Education 11. Social services, NGOs 12. Culture 13. Useful addresses 41 42 44 48 49 55 65 66 69 70 74 75 78

8. Obiective investiionale de interes 28 9. Sntate 10. nvmnt 11. Servicii sociale, ONG-uri 12. Cultur 13.Adrese utile 31 32 36 37 80

situarea la grania de vest a Romniei structura economic diversificat resurse naturale, materiale i umane patrimoniu turistic i cultural deosebit reea rutier i feroviar bine dezvoltat acces rapid i facil ctre exterior infrastructura de afaceri bine dezvoltat nvmnt superior dinamic un grad ridicat de calificare a forei de munc

Paleolitic : mrturii arheologice se concretizeaz n unelte de piatr gsite n dunele de nisip din zona Scueni i Valea lui Mihai Epoca bronzului : este atestat prin prezena mai multor culturi, cum ar fi cultura Cri, cultura Tisa i cultura Otomani Epoca sunt atestate aezrile din prima epoc a fierului, la Sntion, Rpa, traco dacic : Valea lui Mihai, Cociuba Mare i Tad. n perioada lui Dromihete, n aezrile dacice din Bihor se dezvolt agricultura, meteugul i Burebista i Decebal : comerul, dup cum rezult din tezaurele monetare descoperite, care conin monede romane. 101 102 ; Dacii liberi de pe teritoriul actual al judeului Bihor au participat 105 106 : alturi de Decebal la rzboaiele cu romanii. Dacii i romanii : cunoteau bine bile termale de lng Ulpianum (Oradea) ceea ce rezult din pietrele de mormnt descoperite n apropiere de Bile Felix. Sec. IV X : aprarea Bihorului s-a fcut n centrul de rezisten reprezentat de cetatea Bihorului (pe teritoriul localitaii Biharia), cetate dacic, fortificat n timp i reedin domneasc n vremea voivodului Menumorut n cronica lui Anonymus : este relatat faptul ca Menumorut o d pe fiica sa drept soie fiului regelui maghiar Arpad, descendentul lor fiind regele tefan cel Sfnt, ntiul rege cretin al Ungariei (997-1038). n jurul anului 1100 : prima atestare a cetii Oradea (Varadinum), construit pe dealul Promotor. n timpul nvlirii ttare din 1241-1242, cetatea este aprat de canonici n frunte cu Rogerius, autorul Cronicii Carmaen miserabile. n vreme de pace : se dezvolt arta i cultura, inutul Bihorului devenind important centru comercial, nod de legtur ntre orient i apus. 1526 : btlia de la Mohaci, cnd Ungaria este transformat n paalc turcesc i Ioan Zapolya este proclamat regele Ardealului. 1600 : Mihai Viteazul cere mpratului Rudolf, dup ce intr n Alba Iulia, nc 5 judee printre care i Bihorul 1660 - 1692 : Oradea s-a aflat sub stpnire turceasc. Dup anexarea Ardealului la Austria, cetatea Oradea i pierde nsemntatea strategic. 1745 : primele tiprituri realizate la Oradea

1791 :

Suplex Libellus Valachorum poart amprenta suferinelor romnilor de pe aceste meleaguri, fiind formulat cu sprijinul crturarilor bihoreni Ignatie Drbant i Samuil Vulcan. Samuil Vulcan tiprete Lexiconul romano-latin-maghiargerman Citirea n Parlamentul de la Budapesta a Declaraiei lui Alexandru Vaida Voievod care a pregtit Marea Adunare Naional din 1 decembrie 1918, de la Alba Iulia, unde sa proclamat unirea Transilvaniei cu Romnia. Dup 2 decenii de linite, n urma Diktatului de la Viena, Bihorul a fost rupt n dou, Oradea fiind cedat Ungariei hortyiste. Trupele romne elibereaz Oradea i judeul Bihor.

1825 :

1918 :

1940 :

12 octombrie 1944 :

Din punct de vedere geografic, judeul Bihor este situat n partea de Nord - Vest a rii, la intersecia paralelei 46 Nord cu meridianul 22 Est i se nvecineaz n partea de nord, nord vest cu judeele Satu Mare i Slaj, la est cu judeul Cluj, la sud, sud - est cu judeele Arad i Alba iar n partea de vest cu Ungaria, pe o lungime a frontierei de 174.5 km. Peisaj din Apuseni / Apuseni Landscape

Ghearul Focul Viu / The Focul Viu Glacier

Peisaj de iarn / Winter Landscape

Bogii ale solului: punile i fneele naturale: 181,5 mii hectare (24,1% din suprafaa judeului) pdurile i vegetaia forestier: 194,9 mii hectare (25,8% din suprafaa judeului) terenurile arabile: 304,1 mii hectare (40,3% din suprafaa judeului) altele 10%. Solul, corespunztor caracteristicilor reliefului, reprezint solurile silvestre, n zona montan, silvestre i podzolice n zona deluroas i premontan - cu extinderea cea mai mare - i cernoziomurile care ocup o fie n partea vestic. Flora judeului prezint o mare varietate de arbori, plante i flori, cu 16 plante ocrotite, dintre care: floarea de lotus, floarea de col, sngele voinicului, laleaua pestri, strugurii ursului.

Fauna cuprinde specii de interes cinegetic cum sunt: cerbul loptar, capra neagr, ursul, mistreul, iepurele, cpriorul, lupul, vulpea, fazanul, cocoul de munte, raa slbatic, potrnichea. Bogii ale subsolului: bauxit, minereuri polimetalice, argil refractar, marmur, calcare policrome, calcare pentru industria siderurgic i a cimentului, lignit, iei i gaze naturale, ape geotermale i minerale. Relieful este dispus n trei trepte: culmi nalte din masivele Bihor i Vldeasa (cu vrful Cucurbta de 1849 m i Buteasa 1790 m), lanurile muntoase i dealurile mai joase ale masivelor Codru Moma, Pdurea Craiului i Plopi, cu altitudini cuprinse ntre 500-900 m i cmpia Tisei. Clima este continental - moderat cu predominarea aduciei aerului umed din vest, nord-vest. Regimul eolian i termic este dominat de vnturile din aceleai direcii, iar cantitile de precipitaii anuale sunt cuprinse ntre 500 - 900 mm cu mari oscilaii. Izotermele medii multianuale variaz ntre 6 i 10,5C, cu minima absolut de - 29,20C nregistrat la 24 ianuarie 1942 i maxima absolut de 40,00C la 21 august 2000. Reeaua hidrografic cuprinde ruri, lacuri naturale i artificiale, cele mai importante fiind: rul Criul Repede cu o lungime de 101 km pe teritoriul judeului, rul Criul Negru -136 km i Barcul - 68 km, lacul natural Tul Mare, amenajrile lacustre piscicole din zona Inand Tmada, lacul de acumulare Leu de pe Valea Iadului i amenajrile hidrografice de pe rul Criul Repede. Resursele de ap de suprafa n bazinul Criurilor sunt de 397 milioane mc/an.

Nymphaea Lotus

Nymphaea Lotus Thermalis

n judeele Alba, Bihor i Cluj este situat Parcul Natural Apuseni pe o suprafa de 75,8 mii hectare, din care 37,9 mii ha pe teritoriul Bihorului. Bihorul dispune de un numr impresionant de monumente naturale i rezervaii de conservare a naturii. Zona montan este bogat n fenomene carstice renumite ca: petera Urilor, petera Meziad, izbucul intermitent de la Ponoare, petera Vntului. Printre cele mai renumite rezervaii naturale ale Bihorului se numr: Cetile Ponorului, un grandios fenomen carstic cu trei avene i un curs de ap subteran; Cetatea Rdesei i Izvorul Someului Cald - sistem de peteri luminate prin avenele din tavan; Valea Galbenei cu Izbucul Galbenei -chei slbatice cu cascade i marmite spectaculare; Sritoarea Bohodei - una dintre cele mai nalte cascade din Europa; Pietrele Boghii - abrupt calcaros cu o larg deschidere panoramic spre Depresiunea Beiuului; Defileul Criului Repede regiune carstic cu peteri i vegetaie de origine mediteranean; Lacul cu nuferi (Nymphaea Lotus var. Thermalis) din Bile 1 Mai izvoarele prului cu ap termal Pea). Judeul Bihor deine 61 de rezervaii naturale de importan naional i rezervaia natural Parcul Natural al Munilor Apuseni, fiind al doilea jude din ar ca i capital al ariilor naturale protejate.

Rul Criul Repede la uncuiu / The River Criul Repede at uncuiu

Petera Urilor / The Bears Cave

Cetile Ponorului / Ponorului Cave

Populaia judeului pe sexe

Populaia judeului (conform recensmntului din 2002) era de 600.246 de persoane.

Femei 51% Brbai 49%

Populaia judeului n funcie de mediul de trai Populaia activ a judeului se cifreaz n prezent la 272,6 mii de persoane, reprezentnd aproape 80% din resursele de munc ale judeului.

Rural 52%

Urban 48%

Populaia activ n funcie de domeniul de activitate

Numrul salariailor este de 162,5 mii i reprezint aproape 62% din ntreaga for de munc ocupat. Existena unui sector privat dezvoltat i diversificat a determinat ca rata omajului din judeul Bihor s fie n prezent de printre cele mai reduse din toate judeele rii.



Industrie i construcii 38,4% Agricultur i silvicultur Servicii

n judeul Bihor exist un numr de 4 municipii i 6 orae cu populaie de 287,6 mii de locuitori

MUNICIPIUL ORADEA , centrul administrativ, social i cultural al judeului, are o populaie de 206.614 locuitori, ceea ce reprezint 34,4% din populaia ntregului jude. n acest municipiu se realizeaz 63% din producia industrial a judeului cu ramuri industriale tradiionale cum ar fi industria uoar (confecii, nclminte, pielrie, textile, blnuri), alimentar, chimic, construcii de maini, metalurgie neferoas i a mobilei . Atestat pentru prima oar n anul 1113, municipiul Oradea, aflat la circa 10 km de frontiera romano-ungar, este situat pe valea Criului Repede, la contactul dealurilor Oradiei cu Cmpia de Vest, fiind unul din cele mai semnificative centre economice, sociale i culturale din nordvestul Romniei. Dezvoltarea municipiului a fost favorizat de existenta unui nod de circulaie cu cinci direcii de trafic: Cluj-Napoca (cca 150 km), Satu Mare (cca 120 km), Deva (cca 190 km), Timioara (cca 180 km), Bor-Budapesta (cca 250 km). Putem meniona, de asemenea, distanele fa de cteva capitale europene: Amsterdam Atena Belgrad Berlin Bratislava Bruxelles Bucureti Budapesta Copenhaga Dublin Helsinki Istanbul Kiev Lisabona Luxemburg Madrid Minsk Moscova Oslo Paris Praga Roma Sofia Stockholm Varovia Viena Zagreb Zurich 1.645 km 1.329 km 326 km 1.155 km 411 km 1.751 km 614 km 251 km 1.892 km 1.846 km 2.600 km 1.135 km 966 km 3.564 km 1.404 km 2.925 km 1.043 km 1.744 km 2.169 km 1.770 km 830 km 1.550 km 1.028 km 2.220 km 950 km 507 km 598 km 1.186 km

Primria municipiului Oradea (1903)/ The Town Hall of Oradea

Reedin a judeului Bihor, prin aezarea sa geografic, municipiul Oradea poate fi considerat poarta de intrare dinspre vest n Romnia.

Bor este cel mai mare punct de frontier rutier de la grania de vest a Romniei situat la doar 10 kilometri de Oradea. De asemenea punctul feroviar de frontier Episcopia Bihor de pe linia ClujOradea-Budapesta se afla la aproximativ 12 km de Oradea. Oradea dispune si de aeroport care ofer faciliti pentru traficul comercial internaional i curse zilnice spre Bucureti. Municipiului Oradea i revine o importanta funcie de deservire socio-cultural i comercial, cu caracter local i teritorial, caracterizat prin unitile sale de nvmnt i cultur, uniti sanitare i printr-o reea comercial aflat ntr-un amplu proces de dezvoltare i modernizare. Ora cu o via cultural foarte bogat (muzee, teatru, filarmonic, coal popular de arte), municipiul Oradea se bucur de un numr impresionant de monumente arhitectonice cum ar fi: Cetatea Oradiei, ridicat ntre anii 1114-1131 i reconstruit n forma actual ncepnd cu 1589; Palatul Baroc i irul Canonicilor (1773), oper a arhitectului austriac Hillebrandt; Catedrala romano-catolic, cel mai mare monument baroc din Romnia (17521780); Biserica Ortodox cu Lun (17841790); Sinagoga neolog (1878); Teatrul de stat (1899-1900); Ansamblul Vulturul Negru (1908) Biserica baptist Emanuel (1996), a doua ca mrime din Europa.

Catedrala Romano-catolic (1752-1780)/ The Roman-catholic Cathedral

Sinagoga Neolog (1878) / The Neologue Synagogue

Palatul Baroc (1773) / The Baroque Palace

Teatrul de Stat (1899-1900) / The State Theatre

Vizitatorii i turitii beneficiaz n Oradea i mprejurimi de serviciile a numeroase hoteluri (vezi tabelul de la pag. 80 ).

Biserica baptist Emanuel(1996)/ The Emanuel Baptist Church


Reedin a judeului Bihor, prin aezarea sa geografic, municipiul Oradea poate fi considerat poarta de intrare dinspre vest n Romnia. Deschiderea economica a Romniei precum i vecintatea cu grania romanoungar au fcut ca n perioada 1990-2000 s apar tot mai multe nvestiii att autohtone ct i strine. Acest fenomen nu s-a limitat doar la municipiul Oradea, ci s-a extins i la nivelul comunelor limitrofe unde preul terenului era mai sczut. Aa se face ca n perioada 1990-2000, n judeul Bihor, au fost nregistrai investitori din 65 de ri, iar capitalul investit este de aproape 400 milioane USD, din care 70% n zona metropolitan Oradea. Aceasta a determinat apariia treptat a unor tendine de dezvoltare a municipiului Oradea nspre limitele sale externe administrative, ct i a unor tendine reciproce de expansiune a comunelor limitrofe nspre municipiul Oradea. innd seama de aceste aspecte i pentru evitarea disfuncionalitilor de transport, de utiliti, de protecia mediului, Primria Oradea a considerat util demararea unor forme de colaborare cu cele apte comune limitrofe: Bor, Cetariu, Paleu, Nojorid, Oorhei, Snmartin i Sntandrei, al cror scop l constituie asigurarea unei dezvoltri durabile a zonei. Forma de cooperare propus este cea de zon metropolitan . Prin constituirea zonei metropolitane Oradea, cu o suprafata de 61.910 ha i o populaie de peste 250.000 de locuitori, se urmrete asigurarea unei dezvoltri durabile a zonei i transformarea ei ntr-o poart de acces dinspre i nspre Comunitatea Europeana ct i o posibil zon de tranzit. Zona metropolitan Oradea, compus din municipiul Oradea i comunele limitrofe menionate, ofer numeroase oportuniti de investiii att n domeniul economic ct i turistic i imobiliar.

Populaie: 18.074 locuitori Suprafaa: 17.004 ha Situarea: la 38 km sud de Oradea, pe DN 79 si la circa 15 km de punctul de frontiera Salonta Kotegyan (Ungaria). Face parte din grupa vechilor aezri ale Romniei care integreaz reeaua de orae din vestul rii. Aprut la o veche rspntie de drumuri, Salonta are i n prezent condiii favorabile de acces, oraul fiind strbtut de drumul naional care unete Oradea de Arad i Timioara. Perpendicular pe acesta se afla drumul judeean ce deschide accesul spre Tinca i mai departe spre Depresiunea Beiuului. Oraul dispune i de ci de acces feroviar, Salonta fiind racordat la calea ferat extracarpatic prin care se realizeaz legtura cu principalele centre urbane din Cmpia de Vest (Satu Mare, Oradea, Arad, Timioara). Centru administrativ cu rol coordonator pentru activiti economice i socio-culturale, cu rol de deservire local i teritorial din zona de sud-vest a judeului, Salonta se caracterizeaz ca un ora agro-industrial, cu o industrie aflat n plin dezvoltare. Dintre monumentele istorice pot fi amintite: turnul Ciunt, Pusta Pata i Dealul Trupului, aezare din epoca bronzului. Mai multe informaii despre municipiul Salonta putei obine accesnd pagina de web:

Este strbtut de un drum judeean i de calea ferat Oradea - imleul Silvaniei. Este un ora industrial-agrar, cele mai reprezentative ramuri industriale fiind industria uoar i industria petrolului. La nceputul secolului XX, Marghita cunoate o intens dezvoltare a meteugurilor, iar n perioada 1949-1960 se nfiineaz primele ntreprinderi de confecii, construcii metalice, nclminte. Din centru meteugresc, localitatea devine centru industrial i comercial. n ora i desfoar activitatea cca. 200 societi active n care lucreaz 11.000 salariai. Ramura de baz a economiei locale este industria uoar, care ofer locuri de munc pentru aproximativ 5.500 de oameni din localitate i din mprejurimi. Industria de extracie i prelucrare a petrolului este reprezentat prin Schela de petrol i gaze i Petroserv Marghita, uniti care absorb fora de munc masculin. Industria mai este reprezentat de uniti de prelucrare a lemnului, uniti de panificaie i de construcii civile. Principalele puncte turistice din Marghita sunt: Biserica romanocatolica Sf. Maria (1772), Biserica Reformat (sec. XVI - XVIII) i Castelul Csaky (sec. XVIII), trandul cu ap geotermal, care atrage anual sute de turiti din zon. Apele termale de 64C au efecte curative i sunt utilizate pentru tratament n cadrul trandului, care are toate dotrile necesare unei baze de tratament. Mai multe informaii despre oraul Marghita vei putea obine accesnd pagina web:

Populaie: 10.996 locuitori Suprafaa: 2.446 ha Situarea: la 57 km S E fa de Oradea, pe DN 76 . Municipiul Beiu, menionat pentru prima oar n anul 1270, este localizat n sudestul judeului Bihor, la poalele Munilor Apuseni, fiind una din cele mai vechi localiti din jude. Traversat de rul Criul Negru, este uor accesibil att pe osea ct i pe calea ferat. Beneficiar al unei vechi tradiii ca i centru administrativ, cu rol de coordonare n plan economic i socio-cultural local, Beiuul

Populaie: 17.291 locuitori Suprafaa: 8.373 ha Situarea: la 57 km N E fa de Oradea, pe DN 19 i la 30 km de frontiera dintre Romnia i Ungaria. Marghita se afl situat n nordul judeului, pe malul drept al Barcului. Dei are o vechime impresionant, fiind atestat documentar n anul 1216, Marghita este unul dintre cele mai tinere municipii din ar.

este principalul ora agro-industrial din partea de sud-est a judeului. Dac n trecut profilul oraului era preponderent agrar, n zilele noastre rolul su a nceput s se schimbe datorit dezvoltrii unor ramuri industriale ca: prelucrarea lemnului, construcii de maini, industrie uoar. n localitate sunt nregistrate un numr de 420 de societi comerciale, din care 22 activeaz n domeniul industrial. n Beiu funcioneaz, de asemenea, filialele mai multor instituii financiare. Producia agroalimentar, ca i n alte pri ale judeului, este concentrat n mprejurimile oraului. Turismul este foarte dezvoltat n zona Beiuului i, n special, n zona staiunii Stna de Vale, aflat la circa 20 km. Aflat la o altitudine de 1.100 metri, staiunea dispune de hoteluri, vile i cabane pentru cazarea turitilor i o prtie cu teleschi ce asigur condiii foarte bune pentru practicarea sporturilor de iarn. Pe timpul verii, staiunea este punctul de plecare spre obiectivele turistice din mprejurimi, cum ar fi: cascada Moara Dracului, Sritoarea Ieduului, Vrful Poieni sau spre faimoasa peter Meziad. Printre monumentele arhitecturale ale oraului se numr: Casa Forgach (1753), Biserica ortodox Sfinii Arhangheli Mihai i Gavril (1738) i Biserica Ortodox Sfntul Dimitrie (1921). Mai multe informaii despre oraul Beiu, vei putea gsi accesnd

Principalele activiti economice sunt: industria alimentar , industria minier, textil, constructoare de maini, etc. Din punct de vedere al turismului, oraul este amplasat ntr-o zon din care se ajunge uor n zonele turistice cu potenial ridicat : peterile Chicu, Meziad si Scrioara, platoul Padi, staiunile montane Stna de Vale i Arieeni. Informatii suplimentare pot fi gasite pe site-ul

Populaie: 10.376 locuitori Suprafaa: 71,95 km2 Situarea: la cca 40 km de Oradea i la 120 km de Cluj, pe drumul european E60 Aezat n depresiunea Vad-Borod, Aledul este pentru prima oar atestat n 1291, iar localitatea Pdurea Neagr ia fiin la jumtatea secolului XIX, odat cu construirea fabricii de sticl. n 1968, Aledul devine ora, n zon dezvoltndu-se puternic industria materialelor de construcii ciment, var i produse refractare. In anul 1998, dup obinerea statutului de zona defavorizata, n ora s-au stabilit o serie de investitori care au creat noi locuri de munc n domeniul industriei uoare (peste 1500 locuri de munc nou create n perioada 1998-2002). Reeaua de cale ferat se afla la 3 km. de ora (linia Oradea Cluj Bucureti). Resurse naturale: izvor ape minerale Pdurea Neagr ap termal - Aled Principalele obiective turistice: Biserica Ortodox Tinud sec XVII Cetatea Piatra oimului Peti sec.XIII Castelul Poiana Florilor sec.XIX Punctele tari ale zonei sunt potenialul turistic i de agrement, precum i disponibilitile pentru orice fel de investiii. Mai multe informaii i fotografii despre oraul Aled putei obine accesnd:

Populaie: 9.351 locuitori Suprafaa: 657 ha Situarea: n sudul judeului Este traversat de DN 76 Oradea Deva i de calea ferat Oradea Vacu. Oraul este situat la 80 km S-E de municipiul Oradea i la 18 km de oraul Beiu. teiul este un important centru economic cu un numr nsemnat de locuri de munc, dotri i servicii diversificate, fiind o zon de atracie a populaiei active, cu un numr semnificativ de uniti comerciale.

Situarea favorabil pe grania de vest, dezvoltarea industrial a zonei, o infrastructur bine dezvoltat precum si fora de munc disponibil i calificat n ramuri foarte diverse sunt atribute determinante pentru alegerea Bihorului ca baz de afaceri n Romnia. Structura produciei industriale 9,8%

Situaia firmelor din jude n funcie de domeniul de activitate 3157 6649 1918 18 530 96 9825 Agricultura i silvicultura


Industrie i construcii Comer i servicii 78,0% Alte ramuri Transport, pota i comunicaii

Ind. energiei electrice i termice Ind. extractiv Ind. prelucrtoare

Hoteluri i restaurante Financiar, bancar i asigurri

Cifra de afaceri realizat n anul 2003 de ntreprinderile cu activitate industrial a fost superioar celei din anul precedent cu 1,4%, cu creteri mai mari n industria de pielrie i nclminte, industria altor produse din minerale nemetalice, maini i aparate electrice, industria textil i industria mijloacelor de transport. Principalele produse realizate n industria bihorean sunt cunoscute att pe piaa intern ct i pe cea extern. Dintre cele mai importante produse putem meniona urmtoarele: alumin, ciment, marmur, confecii textile i blnrie, nclminte, lacuri i vopsele, pigmeni, maini unelte, mobilier din lemn, uleiuri vegetale, produse agroalimentare, produse de uz casnic i gospodresc.

Exist aproximativ 2.400 de societi cu capital strin cu o cifr a investiiilor de aprox. 400 milioane USD. Principalele ri de origine ale firmelor cu participare strin la capitalul social subscris, la nivel judeean, sunt: Germania (349 de societi), Suedia (45 de firme), Italia (696 firme) , Ungaria (767 firme), Marea Britanie (19 firme). Situaia statistic complet a acestor firme se poate consulta la Camera de Comer i Industrie Bihor. n anul 2003 peste 82% din producia industrial a judeului a fost realizat de ctre sectorul privat. n judeul Bihor, la 31.12.2003 erau nregistrate 22.193 societi comerciale.

rile de origine a firmelor n funcie de capitalul subscris 19,44% 22,73% 10,24%

Structura terenurilor agricole pe clase de pretabilitate la 31.12.2000 Clasa V 6% Clasa I 32% Clasa IV 31%

20,22% 13,54% 13,83% Altele Germania Suedia Italia Ungaria Marea Britanie 6% 7% Situaia culturilor agricole n anul 2003 1% 1%
Suprafaa arabil a judeului Bihor totalizeaz 304.072 ha.

ClasaIII 22%

Clasa II 9%

Agricultura judeului, prin condiiile naturale existente i prin tradiie, reprezint unul dintre sectoarele de baz ale economiei judeului, aceasta contribuind cu 22% la produsul intern brut al judeului. Sunt dezvoltate ambele sectoare ale agriculturii, att cel vegetal ct i cel zootehnic. n sectorul vegetal, preponderente sunt culturile cerealiere, floarea soarelui, sfecla de zahr, cartofii i legumele, precum i pomicultura. n zootehnie eptelul existent i produsele animaliere realizate asigur i disponibiliti pentru alte judee i pentru export. Acelai excedent se nregistreaz i n cadrul sectorului vegetal, ndeosebi n ce privete producia cerealier.




Porumb Gru Floarea Soarelui Ovz Orz Sfecl de zahr Orzoaic

Situaia actual a suprafeelor plantate cu pomi fructiferi i vi de vie este urmtoarea : pomi fructiferi 3.775 ha - 98% particular, vie 1.881 ha - particular. Structura suprafeei agricole la 31.12.2000 Fnee 8,8% Livezi Vii 1,8% 0,83%

Fondul silvic n funcie de proprietate ( mii hectare)

13,3 13

60,6 120

Puni 27,6%

Proprietate public a statului Proprietate public a comunelor Arabil 60,9% Proprietateaprivat a persoanelor fizice Proprietate privat comun: asociaii urbariale i biserici n anul 2004 se are n vedere regenerarea unei suprafee de 351 ha respectiv 254 ha regenerri naturale i 97 ha mpduriri. Direcia silvic Oradea este subordonat Regiei Naionale a Pdurilor Romsilva i administreaz 142.951ha fond forestier n judeul Bihor , avnd n principal urmtoarele atribuii: asigurarea integritii, gospodririi i gestionrii pdurilor statului; programarea i executarea lucrrilor de amplasare i punere n valoare a masei lemnoase; producerea puieilor forestieri; asigurarea strii de sntate a pdurilor, gospodrirea parcurilor naionale, a rezervaiilor naturale i a ariilor protejate; gospodrirea raional a fondurilor de vntoare i pescuit; asigurnd condiii optime pentru dezvoltarea principalelor specii de vnat i pescuit (capra neagr, cerbul carpatin, ursul, cocoul de munte, mistreul, cpriorul, loptarul, iepurele, fazanul, potrnichea, raa slbatic, pstrvul, etc.)

Direcia pentru Agricultura i Dezvoltare Rural Bihor ofer celor interesai detalii i informaii de specialitate n domeniu. Contact: Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 24 Telefon:004-0259-416 722 sau 004-0259-416 723 Fax: 004-0259-417 976 E-mail: sau

Silvicultura i pomicultura

Suprafaa mpdurit a judeului Bihor msoar 195,6 mii ha din care 32,7 mii ha rinoase i 159,6 ha foioase. n anul precedent au fost mpdurite i rempdurite 178 ha, iar volumul de mas lemnoas pus n circuitul economic s-a ridicat la 270,4 mii metri cubi. Judeul Bihor dispune de un patrimoniu forestier estimat la 189.800 ha pdure, ocupnd locul al XI-lea pe ar din acest punct de vedere.

Renumit prin frumuseea i armonia peisajului ct i prin calitatea cu totul excepional a vnatului, pdurea bihorean ofer clipe de ncntare, de linite, cu momente de satisfacie deosebite. Informaii suplimentare putei obine la Direcia Silvic Oradea. Contact: str. M. Eminescu, nr.15. Telefon: 004-0259-413 001, 004-0259-414 206; Fax: 004-0259-430 967

Adresa Centrului Comercial si de Divertisment Lotus Market: Oradea, Str. Nufarului, Nr. 30 Telefon: 004-0259-436.022, 004-0745-106.773; Fax: 004-0259-479.140 E-mail: Web:

Centrul Comercial Criul Magazinul Crisul este amplasat ntr-un important vad comercial la rscrucea principalelor artere de circulaie care leag centrul oraului de obiectivele turistice pentru tratament - Bile Felix, Bile 1 Mai i de poarta de intrare-ieire spre occident - Vama Bor. Magazinul se constituie ntr-o construcie unicat, independent, cu mari suprafee vitrate i dispune de o suprafa comercial util de 11.400 mp din care 9.200 mp - spaii comerciale i 2.200 mp - depozite i anexe. Aceast suprafa se desfoar pe subsol, parter i patru nivele. Magazinul ofer o gam variat de produse i servicii celor 17.000 de poteniali cumprtori/zi. Magazinul dispune de dotrile specifice necesare: lifturi pentru marf, lift de persoane, scri rulante, staie de radioficare i central telefonic cu 96 linii interioare, instalaii pentru paza contra incendiilor, etc. Adresa Magazinului Criul, Oradea, str. Republicii nr. 30, cod 410159 Tel: 004-0259-414.521; 004-0259-414.522, 004-0259-414.523, 004-0259-414524; Fax: 004-0259-418572 E-mail:, Web: www.crisul .ro

Cele dou ramuri au cunoscut o dezvoltare considerabil n ultimii ani, circa 70% din societile comerciale active desfurndu-i activitatea n aceste domenii. Cifra de afaceri realizat n sectorul comerului i al serviciilor se ridic la 31.388,7 miliarde lei. Contribuia acestor ramuri la produsul intern brut al judeului este de peste 26%. Cele mai semnificative obiective n acest domeniu le reprezint Centrul comercial Lotus Market i Complexul de magazine Criul. Centrul comercial i de divertisment Lotus Market Este situat pe strada Nufrului, nr. 30, municipiul Oradea, judeul Bihor, pe o suprafa de 50.000 mp din care suprafaa construit reprezint 22.140 mp. , iar parcarea aferent este de 12.500 mp. avnd n totalitate peste 600 locuri. Cldirea este o infrastructur nou, modern, cu sistem de ventilaie i aer condiionat, msuri de protecie mpotriva incendiilor. Complexul cuprinde un ansamblu de 67 de uniti deschise pn n prezent dup cum urmeaz: 1 supermarket, Hollywood Multiplex Oradea ce cuprinde 5 sli de cinema cu o capacitate total de 732 locuri, Casino, centru de ntreinere corporal.

Contribuia acestei ramuri la produsul intern brut al judeului este de 4%. Aproximativ 50 firme din judeul Bihor desfoar activiti preponderent n acest domeniu, realiznd construcii civile si industriale. Baza tehnico-material a acestor firme asigur resursele tehnice i umane necesare stadiului actual de dezvoltare a acestei ramuri, care nregistreaz un ritm anual susinut de cretere de circa 7-8%. Instituiile cu competene n domeniu care pot oferi informaii detaliate sunt:

modern retea de drumuri de talie european. La acest or, judetul dispune de o reea de drumuri publice n lungime de 2.515 km, din care modernizate 610 km, iar drumuri naionale 436 km. oseaua E 60, recent modernizat, traverseaz judeul de la vest la est pe o lungime de 81 de kilometri, asigurnd accesul spre Cluj-Napoca, Trgu-Mure, Braov i Bucureti. Menionm c pe frontiera romno-ungar exist 4 puncte vamale rutiere (Bor, Salonta, Scuieni i Vale lui Mihai) ct i 2 puncte frontiere (Cmpina Bihor i Valea lui Mihai).

Inspectoratul n construcii al judeului Bihor i Inspectoratul teritorial in construcii Oradea/ Constructions Inspectorate of Bihor County and the Territorial Inspectorate for Constructions Oradea Adresa: Oradea, str. V. Alecsandri nr.21-23 Telefon: 004-0259 418577 ; Fax: 004-0259 418576 ; E-mail:

Judeul Bihor dispune de o infrastructur de transport i comunicaii modern i bine dezvoltat, fapt ce se constituie n garania dezvoltrii economice viitoare. Avnd n vedere faptul c viitoarea autostrad Budapesta-Bucureti va intra n Romnia prin Bihor, iar municipiul Oradea se afl n faza a doua a realizrii oselei de centur, putem spune c exist premise serioase ca Bihorul s aib n curnd o

Reeaua de drumuri naionale, judeene i ci ferate/ Railway and national, county roads network Lungimea cilor ferate pe teritoriul judeului este de 474 km, judeul fiind traversat de linia Viena-Budapesta-Bucureti, precum i de linia Baia Mare-Timioara.

n cadrul Strategiei de dezvoltare turistic a judeului Bihor au fost identificate un numr de 7 prioriti de dezvoltare: Turismul curativ; Ecoturismul i speoturismul; Turismul cultural i de patrimoniu; Turismul rural i agroturismul; Turismul de afaceri; Turismul cu mijloace neconvenionale (cu bicicleta, pe ap, clare, cu atelaje);

Turismul rural poate fi definit ca o form particular de turism bazat pe o anumit art a primirii turistului i a unui comportament diferit de cel practicat n mod obinuit n cadrul altor tipuri de turism.
Turistul nu este un client anonim, ci un oaspete primit ca un prieten, att de ctre persoanele care l gzduiesc, ct i de ctre ntreaga comunitate rural a satului respectiv. Primirea tradiional de bun calitate este o caracteristic indispensabil a turismului rural i reprezint totodat unul dintre principalele atuuri ale acestei forme de activitate. Primirea n mediul rural este n mare parte autentic i ancorat ntr-un mediu cultural. Fie c se afl la gazdele sale, fie c se afl n sat sau n spaiile aferente, turistul trebuie s perceap cldura, personalitatea i fora unei anumite tradiii. Agroturismul reprezint o tendin n cretere la nivel mondial, neexploatat din pcate nc suficient la nivelul judeului. Redescoperirea modului de viata tradiional este ns strns legat de educarea populaiei pentru cunoaterea i conservarea obiceiurilor i culturii locale, a meteugurilor i a gastronomiei autentice. Din acest punct de vedere, judeul Bihor prezint o ofert foarte bogat, indiferent de zona rural. Oferta agroturismului ( Vacana n gospodria rneasc) se deosebete de cea a turismului rural deoarece produsul trebuie s reflecte trsturile caracteristice ale gospodriei rneti (produse proprii, specialiti regionale, animale mici i pentru traciune, contact personal cu gazda, atmosfer tipic gospodriei rneti). Cele mai multe pensiuni turistice i agroturistice sunt concentrate n zona montan. Judeul Bihor deine 16,8% din suprafaa total a Munilor Apuseni i se nscrie n categoria judeelor cu potenial turistic ridicat. n prezent, n zona montan a judeului sunt amplasate cca 30 pensiuni Antrec. Persoane de contact: Maria TTAR, preedinte filiala ANTREC Bihor Parcul Traian nr. 1, ap. 4, Telefon: 004-0259- 406.313

Turismul curativ este legat n principal de turismul termal i n zonele nalte cu ionizare i ape minerale, pentru care exist deja o baz natural i material dezvoltat. Principalele puncte de atracie n Bihor sunt reprezentate de staiunile termale Felix, 1 Mai, Tinca i staiunea montan Stna de Vale. Ecoturismul este dezvoltat n judeul Bihor prin promovarea ariilor protejate i a Parcului natural Munii Apuseni. Bazat pe dezvoltarea durabil, acesta utilizeaz surse regenerabile ntr-o gama diversificat de activiti economice, favoriznd economisirea acestora. Arii protejate: Cetile Ponorului, Sritoarea Bohodeiului, Cheile Galbenei, Groapa Ruginoasa, Ghearul Focul Viu, Defileul Criului Repede, Colonia de psri de la Pdurea Rdvani, Dealul Pcu, Poiana cu narcise de la Goronite, Pdurea cu narcise Oorhei, Valea Iadului, Lacul Cico Speoturismul beneficiaz n judeul Bihor de un patrimoniu impresionant datorit multitudinii zonelor carstice. Parcul natural al Munilor Apuseni i arealele carstice protejate din jude sunt un paradis al practicanilor speologiei, parcursului de canioane i alpinismului. Turismul cultural i de patrimoniu este generat de interesul crescnd pentru cunoaterea diversitii culturale, istorice, arhitecturale i religioase a altor regiuni. n aceasta direcie, municipiul Oradea ct i alte localiti din jude dein un patrimoniu remarcabil, care pus n valoare i restaurat poate constitui puncte de atracie pentru vizitatori.

Mai multe informaii referitoare la acest domeniu vei putea gsi accesnd

Turismul cu mijloace neconvenionale -cu bicicleta, pe ap, clare sau cu atelajecunoate o cretere semnificativ, n special n rndul tineretului occidental. Dezvoltarea unor rute i trasee specifice n jude, asociate cu un marketing corespunztor, sunt factori determinani pentru atragerea acestor poteniali turiti. Turismul pentru afaceri poate fi dezvoltat prin organizarea de congrese, seminarii, simpozioane, conferine, ntruniri de afaceri, trguri i expoziii. n momentul de fa, condiiile adecvate de infrastructur pot fi asigurate ntr-o anumit msur n municipiul Oradea i staiunea Felix.
Dintre prioritile identificate, n momentul actual, sunt valorificate n special urmtoarele oportuniti turistice:

Staiunea Bile Felix/ Bile Felix Spa

Stna de Vale Stna de Vale (1.102 m. altitudine) este una din cele mai plcute staiuni de odihn din ar i totodat o important baz de turism, punct de plecare pentru drumurile care duc n inima Munilor Apuseni. Ci de acces: DN 76 Oradea Beiu Stna de Vale (86 km); cu trenul pn n Beiu iar de aici circul zilnic autobus (24 km). Aspectul depresionar al staiunii condiioneaz acumularea unei cantiti nsemnate de zpad n timpul iernii. Stratul de zpda, depind uneori 2 m., dureaz pn n mijlocul lunii aprilie i face din staiune un loc favorabil pentru practicarea schiului. Prtii de schi: prtia principal Mgarul (baby schi-lift) i cele secundare i fr tractare: Nina, Mariana, Moului. Actualmente turitii pot gsi adpost la hotelul Iadolina (104 locuri n camere cu 2 i 4 paturi, restaurant, bar de zi) sau la cabanele Romsilva, Gaudeamus, Sinteza, Meteo, Militar, Drumuri sau IREC, aparinnd de diverse firme sau societi comerciale. n timpul verii (iunie - septembrie) funcioneaz i un camping cu 69 locuri (22 csue a 2 4 locuri, lumin electric, instalaii sanitare, locuri de pregtit mncarea i spaii pentru rulote i corturi).

Turismul curativ/balnear
Bile Felix Faimos centru balnear, staiunea Bile Felix ofer n apropierea oraului Oradea (la numai 8 km) excelente condiii de cazare i tratament cu ape geotermale a cror temperatur variaz ntre 45 i 112 C. Staiunea Bile Felix dispune de 20 de hoteluri i de 6 baze de tratament moderne, legate de hoteluri direct prin culoare acoperite, nclzite, permind tratamentul balnear n condiii optime i n sezonul rece. Indicaii terapeutice: afeciuni reumatismale, afeciuni posttraumatice, afeciuni neurologice centrale i periferice, reabilitarea poliartritei cronice evolutive n stadiul inactiv, tratamentul strilor posttraumatice ale articulaiilor muchilor scheletului, etc. Pentru timpul liber staiunea dispune de piscine acoperite i descoperite, sli de jocuri mecanice, terenuri de sport, cinematograf, discotec, etc.

Stna de Vale

Speoturismul Petera Urilor

Ci de acces: cale ferat gara Beiu sau Sudrigiu, de aici autobus; DN 76 Oradea Comuna Sudrigiu (86 km) + DJ 763 Satul Chicu 14 km, drum asfaltat. Petera Urilor adpostete o extraordinar gam de formaiuni stalagmitice i stalactitice variate ca mrime i forme, precum i un mare numr de urme de via i resturi fosile ale ursului de cavern - Ursus Spelaeus disprut cu mai bine de 15.000 de ani n urm. Intrarea n peter care se afl la 482 m altitudine - se face prin pavilionul de exploatare turistic, unde sunt amenajate i o sal de ateptare, un bar i un stand cu produse de artizanat specifice zonei. Petera Urilor are o lungime de peste 1 km. Se desfoar pe doua nivele suprapuse: unul superior fosil cu o lungime de 488 m, amenajat pentru circulaia turistic i unul inferior, temporar activ, lung de 521 m declarat rezervaie tiinific. Vizitarea peterii ncepe cu galeria urilor n care se gsesc resturi scheletice i vetre de Ursus Spelaeus, continu cu galeria Emil Racovi, bogat n masive stalagmitice i stalactitice de tipul macaroanelor i sfrete cu galeria lumnrilor. Vizitarea peterii dureaz circa 1 ora. De la intrarea n pavilionul turistic vei fi nsotii de ghizi autorizai de administraia peterii.

Petera Urilor/ The Bears Cave


Camera de Comer i Industrie Bihor
Adresa: 410009 Oradea Roman Ciorogariu st. 65 P.O. Box 211 Tel./Fax: 004-0259 -470.015; Tel 004-0259-417.807; 004-0259-415.411; E-mail : Web : CCI Bihor este o organizaie nonguvernamental, de utilitate public, care are ca scop dezvoltarea comerului i industriei bihorene. n acest sens, ofer membrilor si ct i celor interesai s-i nfiineze o firm sau s efectueze modificri la actele constitutive servicii de informare, documentare comercial i asisten.

oportuniti de afaceri din ara i strintate. eliberarea certificatelor de origine. furnizarea de informaii privind manifestrile expoziionale interne i externe. publicarea n Monitorul Oficial al Romniei, partea a III-a, a documentelor privind nregistrarea firmei, precum i a actelor adiionale i altor acte.
n cadrul CCI Bihor funcioneaz Centrul Teritorial de Promovare a Proteciei Proprietii Industriei Bihor, precum i reprezentana OSIM - Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenii i Mrci.

Camera de Comer i Industrie Bihor/ Bihor Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Federaia Patronilor Bihor

Adresa: Str. Piaa Unirii nr. 2 - 4, Oradea 410072 Tel./Fax: 004-0259-418335; 004-0259-418202 E-mail: Web: Federaia Patronilor Bihor este o organizaie nonguvernamental, apolitic, non profit, nfiinat n anul 1991, cu statut i personalitate juridic proprie. Scopul ei este s sprijine iniiativa particular n judeul Bihor i s reprezinte interesele firmelor private din jude. n vederea sprijinirii dezvoltrii sectorului de afaceri, Federaia Patronilor Bihor colaboreaz cu organizaii similare din ar i din strintate, precum i cu un numr nsemnat de instituii i organizaii finanatoare. Federaia reprezint n acest moment interesele a peste 500 de ageni economici structurai pe domenii de activitate. n cadrul organizaiei funcioneaz 7 departamente de specialitate structurate pe comisii. Federaia Patronilor Bihor ofer urmtoarele servicii: Promovarea serviciilor i produselor pe care firma le ofer Consultan n domeniul financiar

Alte servicii
Prezentri de firm, servicii i / sau produse: C.C.I.Bihor asigur sal cu dotrile tehnice necesare (retroproiector, videoproiector, ecran), popularizarea aciunii n mass media local i n Buletinul Informativ al camerei, prezena mass-media la prezentarea de firm. participarea la reuniuni, simpozioane, prezentri de nouti legislative i economice. organizare de misiuni economice, ntlniri de afaceri, manifestri comerciale, att n ar ct i n strintate. servicii de publicitate a ofertelor att n ar ct i n strintate prin intermediul Buletinului Informativ al Camerei de Comer i Industrie Bihor. servicii de reprezentare a intereselor unei societi comerciale la diverse manifestri comerciale, misiuni i ntlniri de afaceri. organizarea de cursuri de iniiere, calificare sau perfecionare. furnizarea de liste de firme romneti structurate pe diferite criterii, domenii de activitate (nume firma, adresa, telefon). furnizarea de informaii punctuale despre firme.

Consultana juridic primar gratuit Oportuniti de afaceri n ar i n strintate Participarea la diferite trguri, expoziii, simpozioane att n ar, ct i n strintate Participarea la cursuri organizate n colaborare cu alte instituii Obinerea de credite avantajoase prin programul CHF Reprezentare la nivel naional prin organizaia UGIR-1903

Federaia judeean UGIR-Bihor

Adresa: Oradea Parcul Traian nr. 1, ap. 17A, et. II Telefon: 004-0259-406.837 004-0259-406.838 E-mail: Servicii oferite agenilor economici: Consultan economico-financiar i juridic gratuit. Consiliere cu privire la relaiile de munc (angajat angajator) gratuit. Asisten i obinere de microcredite avantajoase, leasing operaional (echipamente si utilaje) pentru IMM-uri. gratuit. Acordarea urmtoarelor servicii in vederea obinerii de finanri: Selecia dosarelor de finanare , Evaluarea economico-financiar, Evaluarea managerial/ administrativ, Evaluarea propunerilor investiionale, Evaluarea calitativ standard a obiectului investiional, Elaborarea documentelor de finanare (cererea de finanare, planul de afaceri, studiul de fezabilitate) Urmrirea implementrii proiectului n conformitate cu metodologia de finanare. Acces gratuit* la publicaii de informaie financiar-economic (informaii legislative, finanri, oportuniti de afaceri). Facilitarea participrii la diferite misiuni oficiale, trguri, expoziii i congrese de specialitate, licitaii de produse i servicii organizate pe plan naional i internaional.

Consiliul Local al Intreprinderilor Private Mici i Mijlocii ORADEA Adresa: Str.Jean Calvin nr.5, Tel/Fax: 004-0259-431.735; 004-0259-437.606; 004-0259-417.312; 004-0259-433.003 E-mail : Web: Conducerea filialei Oradea a CNIPMMR a hotrt nfiinarea Consiliului Local al Intreprinderilor Private Mici i Mijlocii Oradea (CLIPMM Oradea), cu personalitate juridic. Acesta a preluat i prerogativele CNIPMMR privind reprezentarea patronal a IMM-urilor, CLIPMM Oradea devenind astfel unul din principalele patronate din judeul Bihor Membrilor CLIPMM Oradea li se ofer:
Reprezentare patronal la nivel de jude i la nivel de ar; Informare permanent direct, scris prin mass-media, e-mail, fax, telefon; Consultan privind nfiinare firm, realizare contracte interne-externe, intermedieri de afaceri, probleme juridice, realizri proiecte finanri, studii fezabilitate, credite; Organizarea de misiuni economice, participare la trguri i expoziii, cursuri n toate domeniile, simpozioane, ntlniri ntre oameni de afaceri.


Perioada de Deasfurare 25 - 28 martie 8-11 mai 8-11 mai 8-11 mai 26 - 29 mai 23 - 26 septembrie

Domeniul Expoziie internaional de materiale de construcii, instalaii, accesorii, ambient i mobil IT, telecomunicaii, birotic, advertising Turism, sport-agrement Edituri i publicaii nvmnt Expoziie tehnic auto Trg general internaional de bunuri de larg consum Trg cu vnzare n domeniul produselor alimentare i agricole, alimentaie Festival gastronomic Trg cu vnzare de cadouri de iarn

23 - 26 septembrie

4 - 24 decembrie

Pentru mai multe informaii putei contacta Consiliul Judeean Bihor Romnia, Oradea 410033 Parcul Traian nr. 5 E-mail: Web:

Cadrul de promovare a investiiilor n Romnia Baza de date legislative a Ministerului Justiiei poate fi accesat pe site-ul Guvernului Romniei,


Administratorul parcului: Consiliul Local Bor Adres: 417075 Bor, 200. Judeul Bihor Romnia Telefon: 0040-259-316155 Fax: 0040-259-417291 E-mail: Suprafaa parcului: 25 hectare Form de mobilare: concesiune, chirie Locuri de munc poteniale: 2.000 pers. Profil: fabricarea pieselor electronice, logistic, transport, comer, activiti vamale, industrie prelucrtoare de alimente i alte activiti

Aezarea Parcului Industrial Bor este foarte favorabil investitorilor prin amplasamentul sau. Parcul industrial, n afara activitilor industriale i industriei alimentare tradiionale, va prelua i tehnologii moderne. Pregtirea profesional a forei de munc, asigurarea infrastructurii la nivel european, serviciile, dezvoltarea transporturilor, cu programe bine corelate, toate deservesc interesele viitorilor investitori ai Parcului industrial. Parcul Industrial Bor asigur condiii favorabile pentru dezvoltarea iniiativelor investitorilor care doresc s beneficieze de avantajele ce decurg din situarea sa pe drumul european i la grania de vest a rii.

Parcul Industrial Bor este situat pe teritoriul comunei Bor, care este aezat n partea de vest a municipiului Oradea, fiind traversat de oseaua internaional E60, dea lungul creia este amplasat i Parcul Industrial. Pe teritoriul comunei, la circa 2 km de Parcul Industrial se afl punctul vamal Bor, cel mai important punct de trecere a frontierei romno-ungare. De asemenea, datorit trecerii n imediata apropiere a cii ferate Cluj Napoca Oradea Biharkeresztes - Budapesta, transportul pe calea ferat este uor accesibil.


Proiectul urmrete dezvoltarea economica a zonei limitrofe i atragerea de investitori romni i strini. Proiectul se ncadreaz n Planul de dezvoltare regional i n Planul naional de dezvoltare, n concordan cu obiectivele programului PHARE de coeziune economic i social al UE. Se estimeaz c proiectul va crea, direct i indirect, un numr sporit de noi locuri de munc (numrul de locuri de munc direct create este estimat la 2000), oferind infrastructura i utilitile necesare funcionrii diverselor tipuri de uniti industriale ct i servicii administrative generale. Se preconizeaz c proiectul va determina instalarea de noi afaceri n zon, ct i relocarea unor uniti industriale locale ncadrndu-se strict n standardele de mediu.

Plan urbanistic Parc Industrial Bor


logistic, transfer de tehnologie servicii vamale servicii n domeniul: bancar, comer, pota, altele proiectare i autorizare rapid consultan n domeniul tehnic, juridic, economic faciliti n cazul impozitelor locale

n Romnia, regimul parcurilor industriale este reglementat de O.G. 65/2001, oferind avantaje deosebite pentru investitori. Aprobrile necesare pentru construirea parcului industrial se elibereaz de Ministerul Integrrii Europene. Pentru constituirea i dezvoltarea unui parc industrial se acord o serie de faciliti, aa cum sunt prevzute n legislaia respectiv. Detaliile pot fi oferite de administratorul parcului.

Romnia are n construcie 225 de km de autostrad, iar pentru realizarea a 554 km se desfoar negocieri, proiectele aferente fiind n diferite stadii n ce privete finanarea lor. n plus, nca 415 km de autostrad vor fi construii, conform contractului pentru autostrada Braov - Bor, cu firma american Bechtel. Proiectul autostrzii exista nc din 1996 cnd s-au ntocmit primele studii i documentaii. Tronsonul Bor-Oradea-Cluj Napoca a devenit proiect prioritar n 2002 deoarece face parte din reeaua TEN (Reeaua Europeana de Transport). Lucrrile sunt planificate s demareze la data de 4 iulie 2004.


Adresa: Oradea, Calea Aradului, km.6 Tel.: 004-0259-416082, 004-0259-413951; Fax: 004-0259-413085; Judeul Bihor dispune de un aeroport situat la 5 kilometri de Oradea, existnd astfel posibilitatea dezvoltrii legturilor aeriene interne i internaionale.

Traseu autostrad n judeul Bihor

Serviciile cargo pentru transport marf sunt asigurate pe aeroport de compania TAROM. Pentru Aeroportul Oradea a fost ntocmit un studiu de fezabilitate de ctre compania aerian Post Buckley International inc. i a fost finanat de ctre USAID n urma unui acord cu Ministerul Transporturilor din Romnia. Studiul a identificat principalele direcii i oportuniti de dezvoltare a Aeroportului ct i investiiile necesare. Principalele destinaii actuale ale curselor aeriene din Oradea sunt: Bucureti, Florena, Bergamo, Roma, Treviso, Bologna, Ancona, Verona, Mnchen, Stuttgart, Torino, Dsseldorf.

Cea mai mare parte a locuinelor din Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord -Vest (95,5%), din care face parte i judeul Bihor, se afl n proprietate privat. Se poate constata o tendin de cretere a confortului locuirii la construciile noi, n perioada ce sa scurs de dup 1992. Dac ne raportm la nivelul anului 1992, constatm i o cretere a suprafeei locuibile pe locuin ct i pe camere.

Zona metropolitan Oradea, compus din municipiul Oradea i comunele limitrofe ofer numeroase oportuniti de investiii att n domeniul economic ct i turistic i imobiliar, determinate de existena unei infrastructuri urbane bine dezvoltate ct i de imediata vecintate a punctului de frontier Bor(mai multe detalii la pag. 14). Cartier din Oradea/ District from Oradea

Se cifreaz n prezent la aproximativ 236.200 locuine cu o suprafa locuibil de 7.970 mii metri ptrai. Din totalul fondului de locuine, 91,5% se afl n proprietate privat. n privina dotrilor comunale, n jude exist 120 de localiti cu reea de distribuire a apei i 23 de localiti cu canalizare de 535 km. De asemenea n cele 12 localiti care dispun de reea de distribuie a gazelor, lungimea reelei msoar 66 km. Din lungimea total a strzilor oreneti de 660 km, 52% sunt modernizate. Municipiul Oradea i oraele judeului dispun de 320 hectare spaii verzi, ceea ce nseamn 10 metri ptrai pe locuitor.

Cartier din Oradea/ District from Oradea

n anul 2003 au revenit 371 locuitori la un medic i 9,3 paturi spitaliceti la 1.000 de locuitori.

R esurse materiale 11 spitale -3.511 paturi 452 uniti medicale 15 policlinici 3 centre de santate - 117 paturi 7 policlinici 209 uniti medicale 152 cabinete stomatologice 10 laboratoare medicale 68 laboratoare dentare

A sisten medical

Sectorul public

917 medici 148 stomatologi 2.471 asistenti medicali 17 farmacisti

Sectorul privat

118 medici 152 stomatologi 250 farmaciti

Scurta descriere a sistemului de nvmnt romnesc pe niveluri de instruire

nvmntul precolar se organizeaz n grdinie cu program normal, nvmnt prelungit sau sptmnal. Ultimele doua forme implic anumite costuri din partea familiei - cele legate de hrana zilnic. n instituiile de nvmnt precolar sunt nscrii copii ntre 3 - 6/7 ani cuprini n: grupa mic, grupa mijlocie i grupa mare pregtitoare. O grup este compus din 20 de copii. De regul se lucreaz cu grupe omogene, dar n mediul rural se lucreaz i cu grupe combinate.

de 4 ani, se ofer o pregtire general conform unui curriculum naional unic. Activitatea instructiv-educativ este prestat de profesori, absolveni ai nvmntului superior. n gimnaziu ncepe studiul unei a doua limbi strine i n judeul Bihor exist uniti de nvmnt care ofer studiul unei limbi strine n regim intensiv, precum i ore opionale de folosire a TIC.

nvmntul liceal se organizeaz prin cursuri de zi, cu durata de 4 ani (clasele IX - XII) i seral sau fr frecven, cu durata de 5 ani. nvmntul liceal se organizeaz pe trei filiere: teoretic (uman, real), tehnologic (tehnic, servicii) i vocaional (artistic, pedagogic, sportiv, teologic). n nvmntul secundar superior se continu studiul a cel puin unei limbi strine, obligatorii, indiferent de filier. Unele uniti de nvmnt ofer studiul unei limbi strine n regim intensiv sau bilingv. Absolvenii nvmntului bilingv pot primi un atestat de competen lingvistic, iar absolvenii nvmntului liceal tehnologic primesc calificare de nivelul 3 recunoscut n UE.

nvmntul primar este de 4 ani, fiind prima treapt de colarizare obligatorie. Aceasta cuprinde copii cu vrsta ntre 6-10 sau 7 - 11 ani. Activitatea este organizat pe clase, constituite n funcie de vrst, cu efective de maximum 25, respectiv minimum 10 elevi, media pe clas fiind 20. Un singur cadru didactic, nvtor institutor (absolvent de liceu pedagogic sau colegiu universitar de scurt durat) are n responsabilitate o clas, iar anumite discipline sunt predate de un profesor de specialitate. Studiul limbilor strine debuteaz n nvmntul primar n clasa a II-a.

nvmntul secundar inferior gimnazial - ncepe la vrsta de 10/11 ani i este finalizat la 14/15 ani. n cadrul nvmntului gimnazial, care are o durat Colegiul Naional Emanuil Gojdu / Emanuil Gojdu National College


SAM organizeaz cursuri de zi i funcioneaz n cadrul colegiilor tehnice, grupurilor colare i a gimnaziilor. Elevii din SAM primesc dup 2 ani de colarizare o calificare de nivel 1 recunoscu1t n UE. ; cei care mai continu nc un an , primesc nivelul 2 de calificare recunoscut n UE.

Adresa: str. Armatei Romne nr. 5, 410087 Oradea, Tel.: 004-0259-408111; 004-0259-408105 (Rectorat) Fax: 004-0259-432 789 E-mail: Web:

nvmntul postliceal este organizat de M.E.C. din proprie iniiativ sau la cererea agenilor economici. Durata pregtirii este de 1-3 ani, n funcie de complexitatea profesiei. colile de maitri sunt coli postliceale. Principalele specializri postliceale sunt: asistent de gestiune, tehnician electromecanic auto, analist programator, agent de turism, asistent medical sau de farmacie, tehnician silvic.

n anul 2003 s-au mplinit 223 de ani de la nfiinarea nvmntului academic ordean i 40 de ani de nvmnt universitar continuu la Oradea. Universitatea din Oradea este o instituie de nvmnt superior complet, care integreaz 18 faculti i 4 colegii universitare, cu peste 35.000 de studeni.


455 kindergartens 497 primary and gymnasium schools 45 secondary schools 2 professional schools 2 colleges 2 public universities 3 private universities 4.032 classrooms 467school laboratories 142 gym hall 18.235 in kindergartens 62.265 in primary and gymnasium schools 21.985 in secondary schools 5.410 in professional schools 2.784 in colleges 39.090 students 1.177 in kindergartens 7.224 in primary, gymnasium, secondary and professional units 2.846 in universities

1.006 teaching units

Rectorat/ The Rectors Office


149.769 persons registered in the educational system

Activitile didactice i de cercetare dispun de o baz material corespunztoare, n continu extindere i modernizare. Se afl n construcie o nou bibliotec cu faciliti moderne, complet computerizat, iar baza sportiv st la dispoziia tuturor studenilor n timpul lor liber. Pentru agrement i odihn se folosete baza proprie de la Stna de Vale.

Teachers staff

Universitatea Oradea / Oradea University

Departamentul de Relaii Internaionale administreaz peste 150 de contacte externe. Prioritare n acest ansamblu sunt relaiile cu universitile europene, care se traduc prin mobiliti studeneti menite s asigure conectarea universitii la circuitul european al resurselor umane. Domenii de specializare: Arhitectur i Construcii, Muzic, Arte Vizuale, Educaie Fizic i Sport, Electrotehnic, Informatic, Energetic, Inginerie Managerial i Tehnologic, Istorie - Geografie, Litere, Medicin i Farmacie, Protecia Mediului i Silvicultur, tiine (Matematic, Fizic, Chimie), tiine Economice, tiine Juridice, tiine Politice i tiinele Comunicrii, tiine Socio - Umane, Teologie Ortodox, Textile i Pielrie.

Adresa: Oradea, Parcul 1 Decembrie nr. 1, 410068 Tel: 004-0259-472.513; Fax: 004-0259-434.925 E-mail: Web: Universitatea Agora este o instituie particular de nvmnt superior i cercetare tiinific, nfiinat n anul 2000, organizat n cadrul FUNDAIEI AGORA, n conformitate cu Legea nvmntului nr. 84/1995 i cu legea privind acreditarea instituiilor de nvmnt superior.

Sediul Universitii AGORA

Specializrile care funcioneaz n cadrul Universitii Agora sunt aprobate de ctre Consiliul de administraie al Fundaiei Agora i autorizate de ctre Consiliul Naional de Evaluare Academic i Acreditare. n cadrul Universitii Agora funcioneaz patru specializri autorizate:

Contabilitate i Informatic Economic Management Informatic Economic Drept

Campusul Universitii Emanuel

Sediul propriu, situat n Piaa Tineretului, Universitatea Emanuel este locul cel nr. 8, va cuprinde un campus universitar mai potrivit n care studenii i pot urma proiectat conform standardelor europene, cu chemarea, locul unde se pot dezvolta att sli de curs, laboratoare, bibliotec modern, profesional ct i spiritual. computerizat, club studenesc, club sportiv, cmine i cantin restaurant, precum i o Universitatea Emanuel pune la esplanad pentru spectacolele n aer liber. dispoziia studenilor: - profesori din ar i strintate: Anglia, Statele Unite Univeritatea Agora n colaborare cu sli de clas i studiu individual Universitatea San Pio V din Roma i - o bibliotec cu peste 50.000 de Universitatea din Malta organizeaz un master volume, sli de audiie internaional. - laboratoare de computere - studio de nregistrri audio-video Primul centru de testare ECDL din Bihor - dormitoare cu sli de studiu - Permisul European de Conducere a - cantin Calculatorului care este valabil n peste 80 de - teren de fotbal, baschet i volei ri, cuprinznd toate statele europene. Certificatul ECDL atest faptul c posesorul lui deine cunotinele de baz despre Facultatea de Teologie Tehnologia Informaiei (IT). Specializarea: Teologie Baptist Pastoral - 4 UNIVERSITATEA ani /zi i FR Pedagogie Muzical - 4 ani /zi EMANUEL Teologie baptist didactic Asisten social - 4 ani /zi Adresa: Oradea, Str. Nufrului Nr. 87, Teologie Litere - 4 ani /zi 410597 Tel: 004-0259-428.024 Facultatea de Management Griffiths Fax: 004-0259-426.692 Email: Specializarea: Internet: Management - 4 ani /zi Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea , nfiinat n 1990, a primit acreditarea instituional prin Legea 486/2002. Universitatea pregtete slujitori pentru nevoile Bisericilor Baptiste din Romnia precum i pentru Bisericile din cadrul cultelor care fac parte din Aliana Evanghelic

Comunicarea cu cetenii


Adresa: Oradea, str. General Magheru nr. 21 - 410057 Tel./Fax: 004-0259-406.180 E-mail:


Administratia Sociala Comunitara Oradea este o institutie publica de interes local, cu personalitate juridica care functioneaza sub autoritatea Consiliului Local al Municipiului Oradea si a fost infiintata in decembrie 2001. Servicii Sociale comunitare oferite de ctre ASCO: Centre de zi, educative pentru copii provenii din familii srace, pentru persoane majore cu handicap, pentru persoane vrstnice Adposturi temporare Adposturi permanente tip azil de noapte - pentru aduli lipsii de locuin Servicii de ngrijire la domiciliu Servicii tip Cantin Social pentru persoane care se ncadreaz n prevederile Legii 416/2001 Locuine sociale Servicii n domeniul promovrii sntii, planificare familial; educaie pentru sntate n diverse domenii importante pentru starea de sntate a comunitii Centre comunitare de reintegrare social a tinerilor aflai n situaii de risc, orientare profesional, sprijin n gsirea unui loc de munc, servicii de integrare profesional pentru persoane cu handicap uor, persoane care au svrit infraciuni (terapie de grup, sprijin psihologic) Centre de informare i consiliere

Biroul de Consiliere pentru Ceteni Oradea a debutat pe piaa serviciilor sociale locale n luna octombrie a anului 2002. Biroul de Consiliere pentru Ceteni (BCC) este un serviciu de interes public care rspunde nevoii de informare i consiliere a cetenilor, astfel nct acetia s aib acces sporit la informaii privind drepturile i ndatoririle lor, s beneficieze de consiliere n identificarea posibilelor ci de rezolvare a unor probleme cu care se confrunt i de ghidare n utilizarea serviciilor publice. Realizat pe baza unui parteneriat ntre autoriti locale i o organizaie neguvernamental, Biroul de Consiliere pentru Ceteni (BCC) este independent de acestea, oferind informare i consiliere n 12 domenii de larg interes public. Acestea au fost determinate n urma unui sondaj de opinie realizat de Centrul de Sociologie Urban CURS, sondaj care a identificat att nevoile cetenilor, ct i serviciile oferite n acest moment. Respondenii din eantionul considerat reprezentativ la nivel naional au indicat urmtoarele domenii de larg interes cetenesc: sntate public, asisten social, asigurri sociale, raporturi de munc, protecia consumatorului, drepturi i obligaii civile, regimul proprietii, impozite i taxe, nvmnt, procedur notarial, protecia copilului, servicii publice.

In judeul Bihor exist numeroase organizaii neguvernamentale ce activeaz n domenii diverse de activitate precum: mediu, tineret, drepturile omului, mediu de afaceri, social (vezi tabelul cu ONG-uri de la pag. 82).

Cultura a fost i rmne una dintre componentele fundamentale cu care Bihorul, n pofida poziiei lui geografice periferice, a fost racordat n permanen la circuitul spiritual al ntregii naiuni. Vectorii culturali ce au asigurat nu doar perpetuarea valorilor tradiionale, ci i deschiderea unor noi orizonturi de simire i cunoatere sunt:


La nivelul judeului exist un numr de 78 de cluburi i asociaii sportive cu aproape 7.800 de sportivi legitimai. n toate localitile importante ale judeului exist stadioane, cel mai important aflndu-se n Oradea i avnd o capacitate de 12.000 de locuri. Sala polivalent din Oradea poate gzdui 3.500 de spectatori iar bazinul acoperit 250 de spectatori. Modalitile de petrecere a timpului liber pot fi dintre cele mai diverse, opiunea putnd fi fcuta ntre: centre de nfrumuseare i divertisment, cluburi de noapte, cluburi de internet, cinema , restaurante, etc. Informaii suplimentare vei putea obine accesnd

Teatrul de stat cu dou secii, n limbile romn i maghiar Filarmonica de stat Muzeul rii Criurilor, cu dou muzee memoriale n municipiul Oradea (Iosif Vulcan i Ady Endre) i cu filiale judeene n Beiu, Salonta i Scueni Teatrul de copii i tineret Arcadia cu secii n limbile romn i maghiar Biblioteca judeean Gheorghe incai cu un numr de 611.836 de volume, 8 biblioteci oreneti i 90 de biblioteci comunale Revista Familia, cea mai veche revist de cultur care apare n ar (fondat n 1865 de Iosif Vulcan i n care a debutat Mihai Eminescu, poetul naional al romnilor) Uniunea Artitilor Plastici, filiala Oradea Societatea Scriitorilor i Oamenilor de tiin din Bihor Tradiia culturii i artei populare, bine conservat n arealul Bihorului, este dus mai departe de meterii populari, de orchestra popular Criana i de cele dou ansambluri folclorice, Bihorul i Nuntaii Bihorului.


Acoperirea judeului Bihor din punct de vedere al numrului de mijloace massmedia este asigurat de: 12 ziare locale, 5 posturi locale de radio, 4 posturi locale de televiziune.

Judeul Bihor are o mare varietate de meteri populari. Dintre meteugurile populare specifice Bihorului se disting:


olritul - Critior, Leheceni, Vadu

lzi de zestre - Budureasa prelucrarea marmurii - Vacu realizarea de viori cu goarn Depresiunea Beiu costume populare - Crndeni, uncuiu

NumelePublicaiei: Jurnalul Bihorean Jurnalul de Dimineata Telefon: 0259-410.115 Fax: 0259-410.115 E-mail:

0259-136.106 0259-417.421 0259-411.590 0259-413.606 0259-418.878 0259-160.400 0259-164.616 0259-164.463 0259-412.581 0259-412.727 0259-413.420 0259-418.933 0259-210.041 0259-414.102 0259-416.102 0259-414.123 0259-431.488 0259-441.459 0259-447.149 0259-447.150 0259-472.888 0259-476.810 0259-411.222 0259-436.111 0259-437.537 0259-467.860 0259-467.861 0259-428.044




Realitatea Bihorean


Bihari Naplo


Gazeta de Oradea

Bihoreanul Zi de zi

Informatia de Vest Radio Transilvania Radio Vocea Evangheliei Radio Contact Radio Sonvest Radio Romania Actualiti Radio Special Radio Naional FM Pro TV Oradea TVS Oradea 0259-447.149 0259-447.150 0259-476.810 0259-411.222

0259-476.226 0259-467.441

0259-476.226 0259-467.440

Dear reader, The present Guidebook wants to be an invitation for you and is meant to reveal you only several things among those through which we can truly know what BIHOR is. Bihor County is Romanias western gate. The region can charm you, to the same extent, with plains, hills and mountains, rivers and lakes, wonderful landscapes and natural riches, but, most of anything else, with industrious and hospitable people. That is probably one of the reasons for which a lot of foreign investors have chosen Bihor as location for developing business in different fields. Thanks to the opportunities and conditions offered to the visitors, their number is in a continuous growth and the role of this guide book is to put at their disposal useful and necessary information. One cannot say that You was in Bihor unless You discovered the historical centre of Oradea, the thermal water at Felix or the karstic formations in the Bears Cave, unless You wandered through the mountains area around Stana de Vale, or You angled at Cefa, participated at least one day in the Oradea Fall event, in the Blown Acacia festivity, or in the Fair at Vama Srii. However, beyond everything else, one cannot say that You was in Bihor unless You did not have the opportunity to meet the inhabitants of the region. That is why, dear friend, on behalf of all the Bihor Countys inhabitants and on behalf of the Bihor County Council, I take this opportunity to invite you to come and get to know us, here, where our home is!


location: on Romanias western border economic structure - diversified industry, agricultural potential, financial - banking services resources: natural, material and human patrimony: touristic and cultural network of well developed roads and rails access: easy and fast from and to abroad infrastructure for business well developed education: dynamic and performant a high qualification level of labour force in different branches opportunities for investment in the Industrial Park of Bors and other areas

The first traces of human existence in Bihor county date back to the Palaeolithic (ca 50000-35000 BC) and they were discovered in several caves in the Crisul Repede Valley, at Vad. Some Neolithic settlements were also discovered on the territory of Bihor county, the oldest copper and gold artifacts discovered dating back to that same historical period. During the Bronze Age, a considerable growth of population was registered in the area showing not only in the ever greater number of settlements, but also in the remarkable progress and development of the material culture in these establishments. During the early Iron Age, the art of pottery knows a considerable evolution and improvement of technique, the pottery decorated by grooving standing proof thereto. As anywhere else in north-west Dacia, archaeological discoveries prove the Dacian people living in the Bihor territories actually made the history of free Dacia during the reigns of Burebista and Decebal. After the Romans conquered Dacia, present-day Bihor territories included the free Dacians living along the Cris rivers and the Barcau enhance and brace their economic and cultural relations with the

Roman world, with the Dacian-Roman people of Roman Dacia. The rich discoveries of coins attest to the free Dacians participation in the economic and cultural life of the Roman settlements along the Danube, in the Carpathians and along the Black Sea coast, as well as to their Romanisation within the larger framework of the Dacian-Roman rural world. On the Bihor territories, the Romanian communities of the 7th-11th centuries, despite the migration of several groups of Slavs, preserve their identity and build a state-like structure, the principality of Menumorut with its seat in the Biharea fortress, a strong bastion of the Romanians living in Crisana region. This is a period when the Romanian settlements and the Romanian material culture resume and continue the Dacian-Roman material and spiritual civilization. Despite the opposition of the Romanian population, the territories of present-day Bihor become a county within the territories conquered by the feudal Hungarian kingdom, the first suchlike county being attested at 1111. The Tartar invasion of 1241 strikes a blow at and breaks the feudalization process in Bihor, weakening the Hungarian rule and favoring, thus, the consolidation of the autochthonous dimension in the area.

The cultural life of Oradea and other settlements flourishes in Bihor county during the Enlightenment (1790-1830), the cultural effervescence materializing in the set-up, at the court of Samuil Vulcan, of the first Romanian Academy of Sciences (17801788), as it was named by Nicolae Iorga. Samuil Vulcan harbored, in Oradea, the leaders of Scoala Ardeleana (Transilvanian School) and printed in 1825 the RomanianLatin-Hungarian-German Lexicon. The famous libraries in Oradea still have in their book stocks important writes, books, literary manuscripts and political documents of that time.

After the 1821 Revolution, capitalist elements are ever more evident in the economy of the Romanian Principalities. The constitution of the Romanian national state and its joining the free European nations is, undoubtedly, essential and has a great influence on the national movement of the Romanians living under the foreign rules of the neighboring countries. The set-up of a famous gymnasium at Beius in 1828 an educational institution playing an essential role in training the Romanian intellectuals who were to become fighters for freedom is a very important cultural and political event of that time. The institution was masterminded by the scholar Samuil Vulcan, a supporter of the Enlightenment.

Geographical position. Bihor County is located in the northwestern part of the country, at the intersection of the 46th North parallel with the 22nd East meridian. It neighbors the Satu Mare, Salaj Counties, and Cluj Counties to the east, Arad and Alba Counties to its south and southeast, and Hungary to its west.

Peisaj de iarn / Winter Landscape

Ghearul Focul Viu / The Focul Viu Glacier

Peisaj din Apuseni / Apuseni Landscape

Riches in the subsoil: Natural hayfields and pastures: 181.5 thousand hectares (24.1% from the area of the county) Woods and forest vegetation: 194.9 thousand hectares (25.8% from the area of the county) Arable land: 304.1 thousand hectares (40.3% from the area of the county) Others 10%. The soil, according to the specific features of the relief, represents the forest soils in the mountainous area, forest and podzol in the hilly and pre-mountainous area, which is the widest in the county, and the chernozem, which is located only on one strip to the western part of the county. The countys flora has a wide range of trees, plants, and flowers, with 16 protected species, among which: the lotus flower, edelweiss, motley tulip, and other flowers.

The fauna includes species that are of interest for hunters, such as: stag, chamois, bear, wild boar, hare, roebuck, wolf, fox, pheasant, grouse, wild duck, and partridge. Riches in the subsoil: bauxite, ores that contain several metals, refractory clay, marble, limestone for the iron and steel and cement industry, lignite, crude oil and natural gas, geothermal waters, mineral waters. The relief is arranged in three steps: high peaks in the Bihor and Vladeasa massifs (with Cucurbata peak, 1849 m and Buteasa 1790 high), mountain chains and the lower hills of the massifs Codru Moma, Pdurea Craiului and Plopi, with altitudes ranging from 500 to 900 m, and the Tisa rivers plain. The climate is continental- moderate; the predominant feature is the incoming humid air from the west and northwest. The aeolian regime is dominated by the winds coming from the same directions, and the annual rainfall quantities range from 500 to 900 mm, with high oscillations. The average multi-annual isotherm ranges from 6 to 10,5C, with the absolute minimum value of - 29.2 C registered on 24 January 1942 and the absolute maximum value of 40.0 C on 21 August 2000. The hydrographic network includes rivers, natural lakes and storage dams. Among the most important ones we may list: Criul Repede river, 101 km long on the countys territory, Criul Negru river, -136 km long, and Barcu - 68 km long, Tul Mare natural lake, lakes for fisheries in the Inand - Tamada area and the Leu storage pond on the Iadului Valley, alongside the hydrographic planning on the Criul Repede River. The surface water resources in the Cri basin amount to 397 million sq m/ year.

Nymphaea Lotus

Nymphaea Lotus Thermalis

The Apuseni Natural Park is located in Alba, Bihor and Cluj counties, and covers 75.8 thousand hectares, from which 37.9 thousand hectares are located on Bihor Countys territory. Bihor County has an impressive number of natural monuments and reservations for the conservation of nature. The mountain area is rich in famous karstic phenomena, such as: the Bears and Meziad Caves, the Vantului (Winds) Cave.

Iarna n Apuseni / Winter in Apuseni

Ponorului Gorges are among the most famous natural reservations in Bihor County. This is an impressive karstic phenomenon, with three aven and an underground spring. We must also mention Radesei Fortress and the spring of Warm Somes (Somesul Cald) - this is a system of caves that benefit from light through the avens in their ceilings; Galbena Valley with the karstic intermittent spring of Galbena: they are wild gorges with spectacular waterfalls and other karstic phenomena, one of the highest waterfalls in Europe, Saritoarea Bohodei; Pietrele Boghii is a steep limestone, offering a wide panoramic view to the Beius Depression; Cris Repede Gorges, which is a karstic area with caves and mediterranean vegetation; the lakes with water lilies (Nymphaea Lotus var. Thermalis) of 1 Mai Spa, and the thermal springs of the Pea river.

Petera Scrioara/ Scrioara Cave

Bihor County has 61 natural reservations of national importance and the natural reservation The Natural Park of Apuseni Mountains. It is the second county in the country from the numerical standpoint of the protected natural areas.

Petera Altarului / Altarului Cave

Countys population by gender

18.03.2002- Bihor Countys population 600,246 inhabitants.

Women 51% Men 49%

Countys population by residence The active population of the county amounts now to 272.6 thousand persons, and represents almost 80 % of the countys labour resources.

Rural 52%

Urban 48%

Active population over activity area

The number of employees is 162.5 thousand and represents almost 62% from the entire employed labour force. The existence of a more powerful and diversified private sector has made the unemployment rate in Bihor County to be one of the lowest levels in all counties in Romnia.



Industry and construction 38,4% Agriculture Services

Four municipalities and six towns have more than 287.6 thousands inhabitants.

Oradea Municipality is the administrative, social, and cultural center of the county and has a population of 206,614 inhabitants, which represents 34.4% of the entire countys population. The municipality accomplishes 63% of the countys industrial production, with traditional industrial branches, such as the light industry (ready made clothes, footwear, leather, textiles, furs), food, chemical, machine constructions industry, nonferrous iron and steel industry, and furniture manufacturing industry. Oradea Municipality was mentioned in 1113 for the first time, in the documents of the time. Oradea, located on the Crisul Repede Valley, at the connection point of the Oradea hills with the Western plain, is one of the most significant economic, social, and cultural centers in northwestern Romania. The development of the town was encouraged by the existence of a traffic key point, with five traffic directions: ClujNapoca (~150 km), Satu Mare (~120 km), Deva (~185 km), Timisoara (~180 km), Bors-Budapesta (~250 km). We can mention also the distances until some european capitals: Amsterdam Atena Belgrad Berlin Bratislava Bruxelles Bucureti Budapesta Copenhaga Dublin Helsinki Istanbul Kiev Lisabona Luxemburg Madrid Minsk Moscova Oslo Paris Praga Roma Sofia Stockholm Varovia Viena Zagreb Zurich 1.645 km 1.329 km 326 km 1.155 km 411 km 1.751 km 614 km 251 km 1.892 km 1.846 km 2.600 km 1.135 km 966 km 3.564 km 1.404 km 2.925 km 1.043 km 1.744 km 2.169 km 1.770 km 830 km 1.550 km 1.028 km 2.220 km 950 km 507 km 598 km 1.186 km

Primria municipiului Oradea (1903)/ Oradea Town Hall

Bor Commune is the biggest cross border check point for road traffic at Romanias western border, which is only 10 kilometers away from Oradea. Episcopia Bihor railroad cross border checkpoint is also located 10 kilometers Oradea. Oradea has an airport that also can offer facilities for the international commercial traffic and has daily flights to Bucharest. Oradea Municipality has yet another important function, that dealing in social, cultural, and commercial problems, with local and territorial character. Its main feature is represented through its education and cultural units, healthcare units and through a commercial network, characterized through a wide process of development and modernization. City having a very rich cultural life, Oradea Municipality enjoys and impressive number of architectonic monuments, such as: Oradea fortress, built over 11141131 and rebuilt in its incumbent form, starting with 1589; The Baroque Palace and the Monks Corridor (1773), a masterpiece signed by the Austrian architect Hillebrandt; The Roman Catholic Cathedral, the biggest baroque monument of Romania; The Neologue Synagogue (1878); The State Theater (1899-1900); The Greek-Catholic Bishopric (1903); The Orthodox Church with Moon (1784-1790); The Emanuel Baptist Church, which is the second biggest one in Europe (1996); The Black Eagle Palace (1908).

Catedrala Romano-catolic (1752-1780)/ Roman-catholic Cathedral

Sinagoga Neolog (1878) / Neologue Synagogue

Palatul Baroc (1773) / Baroque Palace

Teatrul de Stat (1899-1900) / State Theatre

The visitors and the tourists may benefit in Oradea and Bihor County by the services of the follows hotels: see page 80.

Biserica baptist Emanuel (1996) / Emanuel Baptist Church


Through its geographical location, the capital city of the Bihor County, Oradea Municipality is considered the entrance gate city. It connects the countrys west, center, east, and north on onehand, and on the other hand, it connects the western European countries to the eastern part of the continent and even to the countries in the Middle East. Romanias economic openness and its neighborhood with the Romanian Hungarian border, have led to the emergence of an increased number of domestic and foreign investments over 1990-2000. The phenomenon did not limit itself only to the Municipality of Oradea, but it also expanded itself at the level of its neighboring communes, where the price paid for land plots was lower. That is why investors from 65 countries were registered over 1990 2000 in Bihor County and the invested capital amounts to almost $400 million, from which 70% only in the Oradea Metropolitan area. This led to the step by step emergence of both development trends in Oradea Municipality toward its outer administrative boundaries and to the emergence of some expansion trends on behalf of the neighboring communes, toward the Oradea Municipality. Taking these aspects into account, and because it wanted to avoid any malfunctions of a functional, transport, networks, environment protection nature, or in the social, healthcare, education, and culture fields, the Oradea Mayoralty has considered it useful and even necessary to start a form of collaboration with the seven neighboring communes: Bor, Cetariu, Paleu, , Nojorid Oorhei, Snmartin and Sntandrei. The goal is to ensure a sustainable development of the area. The proposed cooperation form is that of a metropolitan area. The setting up of the Oradea metropolitan area aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the area and at transforming it into an access gate from and toward the European Community, and into a possible area of transit and guidance of the European Community, Russia, and Orients economic interests. The Oradea metropolitan area, made up of Oradea Municipality and the communes: Bor, Cetariu, Paleu, Oorhei, Snmartin, Nojorid and Sntandrei has an area of 61,910 ha and a population of more than 250,000 inhabitants. The area offers many opportunities for investments both in the economic and in the tourism and real estate fields.

Population: 18074 inhabitants Surface: 17004 ha Location: at 38 km south from Oradea, on DN 79 and almost 15 km from the crossborder point Salonta Kotegyan (Hungary). It is part of the group of Romanias former localities that tie the networks of towns in the western part of the country. Emerged at an old crossroads, it has favorable conditions of access now, too. The national road that ties Oradea to Arad and to Timisoara passes through the town. The county road that opens access to Tinca and farther to Beiu Depression is perpendicular on the national road. The town can also be accessed by railway. Salonta is tied to the extra Carpathian railway network, which ties the main urban centers in the western plain (Satu Mare, Oradea, Arad, Timioara). It has a westward branch toward Kotegyan, Hungary. Administrative center with a coordinating role for economic and social cultural activities and offering local and territorial services to the countys southwestern area, Salonta characterizes itself as a farming and industrial town, with an expanding industry. The list of its most important monuments includes: the Ciunt (Blunt) Tower, Pusta Pata and Body Hill, dwelling from the Bronze Age. More information about Salonta Municipality on:

Population: 1729 inhabitants Surface: 8.373 ha Location: at 57 km north-east from Oradea, on DN 19 and 30 km from the RomaniaHungary crossborder Marghita is located north of the county, on the right bank of the Barcau River. Although its age is impressive, because the first documents that mention it is dated 1216, Marghita is one of the youngest municipalities in the county.

The county road that joins Oradea to Satu Mare passes through it, alongside the Oradea-imleul Silvaniei railroad. It is a farming and industrial town. The light and oil industry are the most representative industrial branches. At the first onset of the XX-th century, Marghita intensely develops artisanship. Workshops for footwear, dressmaking, carpentry, and so on, start being set up. Over 1949-1960, the first companies for ready made clothes, metallic constructions and footwear start being set up. The locality becomes an industrial center from an artisanship center. The economy of the town has diversified itself starting with 1989. It combines industrial activities with commercial activities. Approximately 200 active companies carry out their activity in the town, which have 11 000 employees. The light industry is the basic branch of the local economy and it offers jobs to approximately 5,500 persons in the locality and in the neighboring areas.The oil drilling and processing industry is represented through the Marghita Petroserv and the Oil and Gas Drilling Well. These units absorb the male labor force. The industry is also represented by wood processing units, bakery companies, and civilian constructions companies. The main touristic points from Marghita are: the Catholic Church St. Mary (1772), the Protestant Church (sec. XVI-XVIII) and Csaky Castle (sec. XVIII), the swimming pool with geo-thermal water which attracts every year hundreds of tourists in the area. The thermal waters, whose temperature is of 64C, have curative effects and are used for medical treatment within the swimming pool area, which has all the necessary equipment. More information about Marghita Municipality on:

Population: 10996 inhabitants Surface: 2446 ha Location: at 57 km south-east from Oradea, on DN 76 Beiu Municipality, mentioned for the first time in 1270, is located in the southwestern part of Bihor County, down the valleys of the Apuseni Mountains. It is one of

the oldest localities in the county. Crossed by the Crisul Negru (Black Cri) River, the town is easily accessible, both on the road and on the railway. Beiu is the beneficiary of an old tradition as an administrative center, with a coordination role at local economic and social cultural level. It is the most important farming and industrial town in the southwestern part of the county. If the towns profile was mainly tied to agriculture in the past, its role has started changing these days, due to the development of the following industrial branches: wood processing, machine building, and light industry. A number of 420 commercial companies are registered in the locality, out of which 22 are carrying out their activity in the industrial field. In Beiu more branches of financial institutions are located. Similarly to other parts of the county, the food industry is mainly located in the areas neighboring the town. Tourism is extremely developed in the area around Beiu and around the Stana de Vale resort, situated at almost 20 km. Located at a 1,100 m altitude, the resort has hotels, villas, and chalets for accommodating tourists and a sky slope with cable sky, which ensures very good conditions for practicing winter sports. In summer time, the resort is the departure point toward the touristic objectives in the neighborhood, such as Moara Dracului (Devils Mill) waterfalls, Iedutului jumping point, Poieni peak, or toward the famous cave Meziad. The list of the monuments of architecture in the town includes: Forgach House (1753), The Christian Orthodox Church Saints Archangels Michel and Gavril (1738) and the Saint Dimitrie Christian Orthodox Church (1921). More information about Beiu Municipality on:

crossed by the national road 76 Oradea Deva and by the railway Oradea Vacu. The inhabitants number is about 8465. tei is an important economic centre with a significant number of jobs, equipment and diversified services, representing an attraction area for the active people with an important number of commercial units. The main economical activities are: food industry, mining industry, textile industry, engineering, etc. From touristic point of view, the town is placed in such an area from which high touristic potential places are easily accessible as: the caves Chicu, Meziad and Scrioara, Padi Plateau, the mountain stations Stna de Vale and Arieeni. More information on:

Population: 10 376 locuitori Surface: 71,95 km 2 Situation: at almost 40 km from Oradea and 120 km from Cluj, on the european road E60 Placed in the Vad Borod Valley, Aled town is certified for the first time in 1291 and Pdurea Neagr is created at the middle of the 20th century together with the building of the glass factory. In 1968, Aled becomes town and construction materialslime, cement and refractory products are strongly developping. In 1998, after obtaining the status of disadvantageous area, some investors settled in town and created jobs in light industry (more than 1500 new jobs created between 1998-2002). The railway is situated at 3 km from the town (line Oradea Cluj - Bucureti). Natural resources:mineral water source in Pdurea Neagr and thermal water in Aled. Main touristic objectives: the Orthodox Church from Tinud the XVIIth century the wood Orthodox Church from Peti the XVIIIth century Piatra oimului Fortress Peti the XIIIth century Poiana Florilor Castle the XIXth century The strong points of the area are the touristic and pleasure potential and the availability for all kind of investment. More information and photos about Aled town you can obtain accessing:

Population: 9351 inhabitants Surface: 657 ha Location: in the south of the county, at 80 km south-east from Oradea and 18 km Beiu town. tei is situated in the south-eastern part of the Bihor county, in the Valley of Beiu, at the meeting point of Criul Negru River with the Sighitelului Valley. The town is

Its favorable location on the countrys western border, the industrial development of the area, a well developed infrastructure, alongside the available labour force and skilled in very many branches, are significant features, which lead to choosing Bihor as a basis for running businesses in Romania. Industrial productions structure

Companies distribution over profile 3157 6649 1918 18 530 96 9825 Agriculture

9,8% 12,2%

Industry and constructions Trade and services Other branches Transport and comunications 78,0% Hotels and restaurants Finance, banks and insurance companies

Energy industry Mining industry Processing industry

The turnover of the industrial activity units in 2003 was higher with 1,4% than from 2002, with important increasing in the leather and footwear industry, non-ferrous mineral products industry, machine and electric equipment industry, textile industry and spare parts industry. The main products manufactured in Bihor Countys industry are known both on the domestic and on the foreign market. Among the most important products manufactured in Bihor Countys industry we can list the following: aluminum, cement, marble, textiles and furs, footwear, lakes and dies, pigments, machines and equipment, wood furniture, vegetable oils, farming and industrial products, household appliances.

In 2003, the private sector accomplished more than 82% of the industrial production of the county. On 31.12.2003, 22193 commercial companies belonging to the following fields of activity existed in Bihor county: agriculture, silviculture - 3157; industry and constructions - 1918; commerce and services - 9.825; hotels and restaurants - 96; transport, postal and communication services - 530; financial, banking, insurance- 18; real estate transactions, other branches - 3935. Besides the commercial companies, 10,676 natural persons and family associations also carried out various activities. There are almost 2400 companies with foreign capital also exist, with a figure of invested capital amounting to $400 million. About the foreign participation in the joint companies at the county level, the investors in the following countries have the most significant participation: Germany (349 companies with 22,73% foreign capital), Sweden (45 companies with 20,22%), Italy (696 companies with 13,83%), Hungary (767 companies with 13,54%), Great Britain (19 companies with 10,24%). The complet statistic situation of these companies can be consulted at Bihor Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Participation of foreign capital

Agricultural lands structure by fruitfulness at 31.12.2000 Class V 6% Class I 32% Class IV 31%

19,44% 22,73% 10,24%

20,22% 13,54% 13,83% Others Germany Sweden Italy Crops structure in 2003 Hungary United Kingdom 6% 7% 10% 1% 1% The arable area of Bihor County totals 304 072 ha. ClassIII 22% Class II 9%


Due to the existing natural conditions and to tradition, the countys farming activity represents one of the basic sectors of its economy. It contributes by 22% to the countys gross domestic product. Both agriculture sectors are developed, namely land cultivation and livestock activities. The main crops are cereals, sunflower, sugar beet, potatoes, and vegetables, alongside fruit tree growing. The existing livestock and the animal by-products that are being obtained provide produce to other counties and for export. The same exceeding value is being registered in the land cultivation sector, mainly at the production of cereals.


Maize Wheat Sunflower Oat Barley Sugar beet Two-row-barley

The current situation of the areas covered by vineyards and by fruit trees is the following: fruit trees 3775 ha - 98% - private property; Vineyard 1881 ha - private property. Lands structure at 31.12.2000 Fruit trees Vineyards 1,8% 0,8%

The Forestry Patrimony over property (thousands ha) 13,3 13

Hay fields 8,8%



Grass-lands 27,6%

States Public property Communal public property Private property Arable 60,9% Associations provate property From the standpoint of its ownership, the situation of the Bihor County forest fund is the following: 120 000 ha woods are in the states public property; 60600 ha woods are the communes property; 13300 ha woods are administered by natural persons; 13000 ha woods belong to the urban and churches associations. Plans have been made for the revival of a 351 ha respectively 254 ha natural regeneration and 97 ha forestation in 2004. Oradea Forestry Department falls under the subordination of the Romsilva Public Corporation of Woods. It administers 142 951 ha forests fund in Bihor County. Its main duties include the following: ensure the integrity, administration and management of the state woods, to turn to good account the wood and timber resources and of the other products of the wood; planning and carrying out works for placing and turning the quantities of wood to value, for reviving the woods located in forest land plots and in other plots, administering and protecting the brush; ensuring forest sapling for its own needs and for other beneficiaries;

More information you can obtain at the Direction for Agriculture and Rural Development. Address: Oradea, Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 24 Tel.: +004-0259-416 722 or 0259-416 723; Fax: +004-0259-417 976 E-mail: or

Forestry and Fruit Tree Growing

The area covered with woods in the Bihor County amounts to 195.6 thousand ha, from which 32.7 thousand ha are covered by resinous vegetation and 159.6 thousands ha by deciduous trees. Almost 178 ha were covered again with forests in the previous year and the volume of wood and timber introduced into the commercial circuit amounted to 270.4 thousand square meters. Bihor County has a wood patrimony estimated at 189 800 ha woods. It is on the XI-th position in the country from this standpoint.

ensuring the health condition of woods, and administering the national parks, natural reservations, and the protected areas; reasonable administration of the game and fishing funds, providing optimum conditions for breeding and developing the main species of game and fishing (Chamois, Carpathians stag, roebuck, wild boar, hare, pheasant, partridge, wild duck, grouse, trout, etc.). The Bihor woods are famous for their beauty, harmony of the landscape, and for the exceptional quality of its game. They offer you moments of pleasure, of peace, moments of a very special satisfaction. More information you can obtain from Oradea Forestry Department Address: Oradea, str. M. Eminescu, no. 15, Telephone: 004-0259-413 001, 004-0259-414 206; Fax: 004-0259-430 967

The compound has a group of 67 units, which have become operational as follows: 1 supermarket; Hollywood Multiplex Oradea, which has 5 cinema halls with a total number of 732 seats; 1 Casino; 1 Body healthcare center. Address: Lotus Market Center: Str. Nufarului, No. 30, Oradea Telephone: 004-0259 436.022, 0745 106.773 Fax: 004-0259 479.140 Email: Web: www.lotusmarket.roe

Commercial Center Criul It is located in a frequented place where main road thoroughfares which connect the center of the town, the touristic points for care from Bile Felix and 1st May and the entrance-exit door towards West Bor custom house are crossing. The shop represents a unique, independent construction, with large glass surfaces and has a commercial useful surface of 11400 mp from which 9200 mpcommercial spaces and 2200 mp-storehouses and annexes. This surface is developed on basement, ground floor and four floors. The shop offers various goods and services to its 17000 potential buyers daily. The center has all the necessary specific equipment: lifts for wares, for persons, escalator, radio station, telephone exchange with 96 internal lines, fire guard installation, etc. Address: Oradea, str. Republicii nr. 30, cod 410159 Tel.: 004-0259-414521, 004-0259-414522, 414523, 414524 Fax: 004-0259-418.572 E-mail: or centrul Web:


They cover a relatively wide range of activities and have known considerable development over the past years. Approximately 70% of the active commercial companies carry out their activity within this field. The turnover accomplished in the field of commerce and services amounts to 31,388.7 billion lei. These branches have a more than 26 % contribution to the countys gross domestic product. The most representative objectives in the field are the Commercial Centre Lotus Market and Crisul Market. Lotus Market Commercial and Entertainment Center It is located at no. 30, Nufarului Str., in Oradea, Bihor County, and it covers a 50,000 square meters area. The built area represents 22,140 square meters and the parking lot next to it covers 12,500 square meters and has a total number of 600 parking places. The building is a new, modern infrastructure with ventilation and air conditioning systems, protected against fire, and it benefits from other security measures.

The contribution of this field to the gross domestic product amounts to 4%. Approximately 50 companies have prevalent activites in this field, building civil and industrial constructions. The technical basis of these companies provides the technical and human resources necessary to the present phase of development of the branch which registers a constant yearly groth rate of 7-8%. The institutions having competences in the field which can offer detailed information are:

Now, the county has a 2,515 km long public roads network, from which 620 km were revamped. It has 436 km of national roads. The E 60 road, which has been recently modernized, crosses the county from west to east, on an 81 km area in length and ensures the access to Cluj-Napoca, Targu Mure, Braov and Bucharest. Has to be mentioned that there are four road customs points (Bor, Salonta, Scuieni and Valea lui Mihai)

Inspectoratul n construcii al judeului Bihor i Inspectoratul teritorial in construcii Oradea/ Constructions Inspectorate of Bihor County and the Territorial Inspectorate for Constructions Oradea Address:Oradea, Str. V. Alecsandri no. 21-23 Telephone: +004-0259-418577 ; Fax: +004-0259-418576 ; E-mail:


Bihor County has a modern and well developed infrastructure for transport and communications. This is in itself a guarantee for its future economic development. If we take into account the fact that the future Budapest Bucharest highway will enter Romania through Bihor, that the Municipality of Oradea is currently in the second stage of building the beltway that will surround the city, we can say that serious premises exist that make Bihor soon have a modern, European network of roads.

Reeaua de drumuri naionale, judeene i ci ferate/ Railway and national, county roads network

The length of the railway network on the countys territory amounts to 474 km. The county is crossed by the Vienna - Budapest Bucharest railroad, and by the Baia Mare Timioara railway.

In the framework of the county touristic development strategy there were identified 7 development priorities:

healthcare tourism; tourism for business; ecotourism; rural tourism; cultural and patrimony tourism; unconventional tourism (with bike, on water, on horseback, with carriages) cave tourism. The healthcare tourism is mainly related to the thermal tourism and to the high areas with ionization and mineral waters for which already exists a developed natural and material basis. The main attraction points in Bihor are the thermal spas Felix, 1st May, Tinca and the mountain station Stana de Vale. The tourism for business can be developed through organizing seminars, congresses, symposiums, conferences, business meetings, fairs and exhibitions. At the moment, the adequate infrastructure conditions can be provided to a certain extent by the Oradea municipality and Felix Spa. The ecotourism is developed in Bihor County through promoting the protected areas and the Apuseni Natural Park. Based on sustainable development, it uses regenerative sources coming from diversified economical activities, being favorable to their saving. The rural tourism represents an increasing tendency at the world level, unfortunately insufficiently exploited at the county level. But rediscovering the traditional way of life is closely related to the population education for being familiar and preserving the local culture and customs, the craftsmanship and the authentic gastronomy. From this point of view, Bihor county presents a very rich offer, regardless of the rural area. The cultural and patrimony tourism is generated by the increasing interest for discovering the other regions cultural, historical, architectural and religious diversity. In this direction, the Oradea municipality and also some other localities from the county have a remarkable patrimony, which capitalized and restored can be attraction points for visitors.

Unconventional tourism -by bike, on water, on horseback, with carriagesregisters an important growth, especially among the young western people. Developing specific lines and routes in the county, associated with an adequate marketing, represent decisive elements for the attraction of these potential tourists. Cave tourism benefits in Bihor of an impressive patrimony thanks to the multitude of the karstic areas. The Apuseni Natural Park and the protected carstic areas from the county represent a paradise for the practicants of speleology, canyon running and mountaineering. The ecotourism- protected areas: Cetile Ponorului, Sritoarea Bohodeiului, Cheile galbenei, Groapa Ruginoasa, Ghearul focul viu, Defileul Criului Repede, Colonia de psri de la Pdurea Rdvani, Dealul Pcu, Poiana cu narcise de la Goronite, Pdurea cu narcise Oorhei, Valea Iadului, Lacul Cico Rural tourism can be defined as a peculiar form of tourism, based on a certain art of welcoming the tourist and on a different behavior from that usually in practice in other forms of tourism. The tourist is not an anonymous client, but a guest received as a friend, both by the persons who host him/ her and by the entire rural community of the respective village. The traditional welcoming, of a good quality, is an indispensable feature of rural tourism. At the same time, it is one of the main trumps of this form of activity. Most part of the welcoming in the rural area is genuine and is part of a cultural environment. No matter where he/ she is, at his/ her hosts, or in the surrounding areas, the tourist must perceive the warmth, personality, and force of a certain tradition. Agrotourism offer (Holiday in a Peasants Household) is different from that of the rural tourism because the product must also reflect the peculiar features of the peasants household (its own products, regional special products, small animals and traction animals, personal contact with the host, atmosphere typical to a peasant household).

Starting with 1994, when ANTREC was established (The National Association for Rural, Ecological, and Cultural Tourism of Romania, a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit association, a member of the European Federation of Rural Tourism Eurogites), the development of rural tourism has expanded. Now, Antrec has many branches in the country, among which we can also list the Bihor County branch. The greatest part of the tourism and agri-tourism pensions is to be found in the mountain area. Bihor County holds 16.8% from the total area of the Apuseni Mountains and falls within the category of the counties with a high potential for tourism. Now, almost 30 Antrec pensions are in the mountain area of the county. Address: ANTREC Bihor, Oradea, Parcul Traian no. 1, ap. 4, tel.: 004-0259406.313 More information on From the identified priorities at present the next touristic opportunities can be especially exploited: THE HEALTHCARE TOURISM Baile Felix Spa Famous bathing spa, Baile Felix Spa, situated nearby (only 8 km from Oradea), offers excellent accommodation conditions and treatment with geothermal water with temperatures between 45-112 C degrees. Baile Felix Spa has 20 hotels, 6 modern treatment bases linked directly to hotels by covered and heated passages, allowing the balneary treatment to be done at best condition even in the cold season. Therapeutically indications: rheumatic conditions, posttraumatic disorders, central and prophetical neurological problems, the rehabilitation of the chronic evolutionary polyarthritis in its inactive stage, the treatment of the posttraumatic conditions of the skeleton muscles articulations. For spare time activities, the spa has covered and uncovered pools, rooms for electronic games, sport grounds, cinema, discotheque, etc.

Staiunea Bile Felix/ Bile Felix Spa

Stna de Vale (mountain resort) Stna deVale (situated at 1102 m. altitude) is one of the most pleasant resorts in the country and at the same time an important tourism center, a departure point for the roads that lead to the heart of the Apuseni Mountains. Access Ways: DN76 Oradea -Beius - Stna de Vale (86km); by train to Beius and from here by bus (24km). The depressional aspect of the resort is a condition for the accumulation of an important amount of snow during winter. The snow layer, being sometimes higher than 2 m, lasts until the midst of April and changes the resort into a favorable place for practicing ski. Ski tracks: the main track The Donkey (baby ski lift) and the secondary ones without ski lift: Nina, Mariana, Mosului. At present, the tourists can find accommodation at Iadolina hotel (104 places in rooms of 2 or 4 beds, restaurant, a day bar) or at Romsilva, Gaudeamus, Sinteza Meteo, Militara, Roods or IREC chalets, belonging to various firms or commercial companies. During summer time (from June to September), a 69 places camping is open (22 little houses each of them having 2 to 4 places , electric light, sanitation, places for food preparation and spaces for trailers and tents).

Stna de Vale


Bears cave
Bears cave - Chicu (Bears Cave Chiscau). Access ways: railway - Beiu or Sudrigiu railway station and from here by bus; DN 76 Oradea - Sudrigiu village (86 km) + DJ 763 Chicu village 14 km, asphalt road. Bears Cave dwells an extraordinary range of stalagmite and stalactite formations varying in size and forms as well as a lot of like marks and fossils of cave bear - Ursus Spelaeus - which disappeared more than 15,000 years ago. The cave entrance - which is situated at 482 m altitude - is by the tourist pavilion comprising a waiting room, a bar and a stand with handicraft products specific to this region. The Bears Cave is 1 km in length. It is disposed on two-overlapped levels: one which is superior having 488 m in length, fitted out for tourist reasons and an interior one, temporarily active, having 521 m in length, being considered scientific reservation. The visiting of the Bears Cave starts with the Bears Gallery where skeleton fossils of Ursus Spelaeus are found and continues with Emil Racovita Gallery, rich in stalagmites and stalactites massive and ends with the Candles Gallery. The visiting takes about an hour. Authorized guides will accompany you.

Petera Urilor / The Bears Cave


Bihor Chamber of Commerce and Industry Address: Oradea Roman Ciorogariu st. 65 P.O. Box 211 Tel./Fax: 004-0259/470015; Tel: 004-0259/417807; 004-0259/415411; E-mail : Web : Those who want to set up a company or to amend the constitutive deeds on associations, the Bihor Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers you the service for commercial information and documentation.

Providing lists with Romanian firms, based on different criteria, branch (name of the firm, address, telephone number). Providing precise informations about firms. Providing informations about foreign firms from the data basis. Business opportunities in the country and abroad. Making out the origin certificates. Providing informations regarding the internal and external exhibitions. The Territorial Center for Promoting the Protection of Property of Bihor County Industry The State Office for Inventions and Trademarks Bucharest OSIM are also functioning in the same institution
Camera de Comer i Industrie Bihor/ Bihor Chamber of Commerce and Industry

OWNERS FEDERATION OF BIHOR COUNTY Address: Oradea, Str. Piaa Unirii nr. 2 - 4, 410072 Tel./Fax: 004-0259-418.335; 004-0259-418.202; E-mail: web: The Owners Federation of Bihor is a non-governmental, non political, and non profit organization, set up in 1991. It has its own rules, regulations, and legal representation. Its goal is to grant support to the private initiative in Bihor County and to represent the interests of the companies in the county. To back the development of the business sector the Federation of the Owners in Bihor collaborates with similar organizations at home and abroad, and with a significant number of financing institutions and organizations. The Owners Federation of Bihor represents now the interests of more than 500 commercial companies, structured on various fields of activity. Seven specialized departments, structured on commissions, function within our organization. The Employers Federation offers the following services: Promoting the services and products that a firm offers

Other services
Presentation of companies, services and/ or products -For this service, the C.C.I. Bihor can provide the necessary technical equipment to the venue (overhead projector, video projector, screen), it can make publicity to the event in the local mass media and in the Chambers Information Bulletin; it can also convene mass medias representative to the presentation of the company. Participating at reunions, symposiums, presentations of legislative and economic news. Organizing economic missions, business meetings, trade activities in the country and abroad. Promoting the offers in the country and abroad through the house organ of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bihor. Representing the interests of a corporation at different trade activities, missions and business meetings. Organizing initiatory, qualifying, or refresher courses.

Consulting in the financial field Prime judicial consulting for free Business opportunities in the country and abroad Participating at different fairs, expositions, symposiums in the country, as well as abroad Participating at training courses organized in collaboration with other institutions Obtaining profitable credits through the CHF program Representation on a national level through the UGIR-1903 organization. Local Council of the Private Small and Medium, Companies of Oradea Address: Oradea,Str.Jean Calvin nr.5, Tel/Fax: 004-0259-431735; 004-0259-437606; 004-0259-417.312; 004-0259-433.003. E-mail : Web: The leadership of the Oradea branch has decided to set up the Local Council of the Private Small and Medium sized Enterprises of Oradea (CLIPMM Oradea), a legal entity. CLIPMM Oradea took over the CNIPMMR prerogatives on the SMEs representation from their owners standpoint. Thus, CLIPMM Oradea will become one of the main owners associations in Bihor County the SMEs need. To the members it offers: Patronal representation at the county and the country level ; Permanent direct informing , transmitted through the media, e-mail, fax, phone ; Consulting regarding establishing the firm, sealing internal-external contracts, business intermediation, judicial problems, projects, financing, feasibility study, credits ; Organizing economic missions, taking part in fairs and exhibitions, courses in all fields, symposiums, meetings between business people.

County Federation UGIR-Bihor

Address: Parcul Traian nr. 1, ap. 17A, et. II, Oradea Tel.: +004-0259/406837 +004-0259/406838 E-mail:

Services for the economic factors:

Economic, financial and judicial consulting. Counseling regarding work relationships (employee employer) Assistance and obtaining micro-credits, operational leasing (hardware and facilities) for the SMEs. Granting the following services in order to obtain financing: Selecting the financing files, Economic-financial evaluation, Managing /administrative evaluation, Evaluating the investment proposals, Qualitative standard evaluation of the investment object, Elaborating the financing documents (financing proposal, business plan, feasibility study), Following the project implementation according to the financing methodology. Free access to financial-economic information publications (legislative information, financing, business opportunities). Facilitating the participation to different official missions, fairs, exhibitions and conferences, product and service auctions organized on a national and international level.


Display period 25 - 28 march 8-11 may 8-11 may 8-11 may

Field International fair for technologies, construction materials, furniture , architecture Exhibition of IT communication and advertising Fair of tourism, sport-entertainment publishing houses and publications Education International Auto Moto Show Oradea International Fair for Consumer Goods National fair of foodstuff industry Culinary festival General fair for Christmas : Gifts & Souvenirs

26 - 29 may 23 - 26 septembre 23 - 26 septembre

4 - 24 decembre

DETAILS: Bihor County Council Address: Oradea, Parcul Traian nr 5 Tel: 004-0259-437.484

Legislative framework for investments in Romania

It is possible to access the legislative database of the Justice Ministry on the Romanian governments Web site or on


The Industrial Park Bor has a setting that favors investments because of its emplacement. The Industrial Park, besides the industrial activities and the traditional food industry, will also take over modern technologies. The professional competence of the work force, assuring a European level infrastructure, services, the development of the transportation sector with wellcorrelated programs, all these serve the interests of the future investors of the Industrial Park. The Industrial Park Bor offers proper conditions for developing the initiatives of the investors who want to profit of the advantages that result from its placement near the European highway and at the Western border of the country.

Park administrator: Bor Local Council Address: 417075 Bor, 200. Bihor County Romania Telephone: 004-059-316 155 Fax: 004-059-417 291 E-mail: Park area: 25 hectares Utilization form: lease, rent Necessary labor force: ~2,000 persons Profile: manufacturing electronic spare parts, logistic, transport, commerce, customs activities, food processing industry, services, and other activities

The Industrial Park Bor is placed on the territory of Bor village, which is set in the Western part of Oradea, being crossed by the international highway E-60, along which is placed the Industrial Park. At about 2 km away from the Industrial Park one can find the Bors customs, the most important frontier station of the Romanian-Hungarian border. Also, because of the immediate proximity of the Cluj-OradeaBiharkeresztes-Budapesta railway, the transportation on the railway is easily accessible. .


The project aims is the development of the limitary border zone and the involvement of Romanian and foreign investors. The project is framed in The Regional Development Plan and in The National Development Plan, according to the objectives of the PHARE program of economic and social cohesion in the EU. It is estimated that the project will create, directly and indirectly, an important number of new jobs offering the infrastructure and the necessary utilities for the efficiency of the different types of industrial units, as well as general administrative services, by setting in new business in the area and by relocating some local industrial units, being framed in the environmental standards.

Urbanistic Plan / Industrial Park Bor


Logistics, technology transfer Customs services Services in the fields of: banking, trade, postal etc. Projection and quick licensing Consultance in the technical, judicial, economic field Facilities regarding the local taxes


Today in Romania are in construction 225 km. of motorways, and other 554 km. are in the project phase, the designs being already approved and their financing are subject of negotiations. Another project concerning the Brasov Bor (Oradea) motorway of 415 km. long will be realized by the American company Bechtel, for which the works starts in July 2004. The project for this motorway was born in 1996, when the first studies and designs were realized. The segment Bors Oradea Cluj became a priority in 2002 when the road was defined as part of the TransEuropeanNetwork (TEN).

In Romania, the industrial parks policy is settled by the O.G. 65/2001, offering particular advantages for the investors. The necessary approvals for building up the industrial park are issued by the Minister of European Integration. For the construction and the development of an industrial park a series of facilities are granted, as mentioned in the legislation. The details can be offered by the park administrator. ROUTE OF THE FUTURE BRAOV - ORADEA BOR MOTORWAY IN BIHOR COUNTY

Motorway route LEGEND Bor-Braov Motorway

Address: Calea Aradului, km. 6 Tel.: +004-0259-416082, +004-0259-413951; Fax: +004-0259-413085 E-mail:; Bihor County has an airport, located 5 kilometers away from Oradea. Hence, there is the possibility to develop the domestic and international air connections. TAROM Company provides the cargo services for transport of commodities on the airports area. The Post Buckley International Inc. aircraft company drafted a feasibility study for the Oradea Airport, financed by the US Development Agency, following an accord signed with the Transport Ministry of Romania. The study established the main directions and opportunities for the Airports development as well the needed investments. The main destinations of the flights are: Florence, Bergamo, Rome, Treviso, Bologna, Ancona, Verona, Munchen, Stuttgart, Torino, Dusseldorf, and Bucharest.

with sewerage systems 535 km long. The length of the network is of 66 km in the 12 localities that have natural gas distribution networks. The city road network is 660 km long, from which 52% are modernized roads. The Oradea Municipality and the countys cities have 320 hectares of green areas, which means 10 square meters per inhabitant. The biggest part of the North-West Region residences (95,5%), to which Bihor county belongs, are private property. We can observe a tendency of an increasing living comfort at the new buildings after 1992. If we take into consideration the same year, we can also see a growth of the inhabited surface both on dwellings and on rooms.


The metropolitan area Oradea, made up by the Oradea City and the seven limitary communes mentioned already (see page 52), offers a lot of opportunities for investments, in the economic field as well as touristic and real estate infrastructure , due to the good developed urban infrastructure and also to the close neighborhood to the cross-border point Bors.

Cartier din Oradea/ District from Oradea

The present value is of approximately 236,200 residences with an inhabitable area of 7,970 thousand square meters. From the total figure of the housing fund, 91.5% is private property. As for the community utilities, the county has 120 localities with water supply networks, and 23 localities

Cartier din Oradea/ District from Oradea

In 2003, there was a physician for 371 inhabitants and 9.3 hospital beds for 1000 inhabitants.

Material Resources 11 hospitals 3.511 beds 452 medical units 15 polyclinics 3 health centers - 117 beds 7 polyclinics 209 medical units 152 dentist surgeries 10 medical laboratories 68 dental laboratories

Medical assistance

Public sector

917 doctors 148 dentists 2.471 nurses 17 chemists

Private sector

118 doctors 152 dentists 250 chemists

The pre-school education is being organized in kindergartens with normal functioning hours, extended education units, or units with weekly program. The last two forms imply certain costs on behalf of the family those tied to the daily necessary food. The preschool education units include children aged from 3 to 6/7 years old, divided into three groups: little, middle, and the advanced childrens group, which prepares them for school. A group is made up of 20 children. Teachers usually work with homogenous groups. They work with mixed groups in the rural areas.

Teachers who graduated from higher education units carry out the teaching and education activity. The study of a second foreign language starts in gymnasium. Education units that offer the possibility to attend intensive study courses for foreign languages, and optional classes of TIC utilization exist in Bihor County.

The high school education is organized through day courses, which last 4 years (grades IX XII), night courses or through distance learning courses, which last 5 years. The high school education is organized on three branches: theoretical knowledge (humanistic and science sections), technologic (technical, services), and vocational (artistic, pedagogical, sports, religion). The study of at least one foreign language continues during secondary education, which is mandatory, irrespective of the branch. Some education units offer the possibility to study a foreign language in intensive or bilingual regime. The graduates of the bilingual regime can be given a linguistic competence diploma, and the graduates from the technological secondary education units are given diplomas for the 3-rd degree of training, acknowledged in the EU.

Elementary education lasts 4 years. It is the first stage of mandatory education. This stage includes children aged from 6 to 10 or from 7 to 11 years old. The activity is organized on grades, set up in accordance with the childrens age. The number of children is of maximum 25 pupils, and of minimum 10 pupils; the average number of pupils per grade is 20. Only one teaching staff member, master teacher primary school teacher (who graduated from a pedagogical institute or from a short term university college) is responsible for one grade. A specialized teacher teaches certain curriculum objects. Foreign languages study starts in the second grade in the elementary school.

The lower secondary education system gymnasium starts at the age of 10/ 11 years old and ends at 14/ 15 years old. The gymnasium education system takes 4 years and offers general training, according to the provisions in the only one national curriculum.

Colegiul Naional Emanuil Gojdu / Emanuil Gojdu National College

SAM (schools of arts and trades) organizes day courses and functions within the technical college, school groups, and even within gymnasium schools. The pupils within SAM who stop attending school after 2 years of education, receive a graduation diploma for the first level, acknowledged in EU; those who attend school for yet another year, receive a diploma for the second degree of training, acknowledged in EU.

Address: Oradea, str. Armatei Romne no. 5, 410087 Phone: 004-0259-408111 004-0259-408105(Rectorate) Fax: 004-0259-432789 Web: In 2003 there were 223 years since the inauguration of higher education in Oradea and 40 years of continuous higher education in Oradea. The University of Oradea is an integrated institution of higher education of this kind, comprising 18 faculties and 4 colleges with more than 35,000 students.


The post high school education system is organized by MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) through its own initiative or at the commercial companies or natural persons request. The duration of training ranges from 1 to 3 years, according to the complexity of the profession. The schools for supervisors are post high school units.
455 kindergartens 497 primary and gymnasium schools 45 secondary schools 2 professional schools 2 colleges 2 public universities 3 private universities 4.032 classrooms 467school laboratories 142 gym hall 18.235 in kindergartens 62.265 in primary and gymnasium schools 21.985 in secondary schools 5.410 in professional schools 2.784 in colleges 39.090 students 1.177 in kindergartens 7.224 in primary, gymnasium, secondary and professional units 2.846 in universities

1.006 teaching units


Rectorat / The Rectors Office The research and teaching activities benefit from an appropriate material endowment in a permanent process of enlargement and modernization. A new library is also being built and it is intended to be completely equipped with computers. All students may use the sports grounds in their spare time. The University has its own rest facilities in the mountain resort Stna de Vale.

149.769 persons registered in the educational system

Teachers staff

Universitatea Oradea / Oradea University

The International Relations Department is managing more than 150 external contacts. The most important relations are those with European universities, which are represented by student exchanges meant to assure a good connection of our university with the European circuit of human resources. Fields of specialization: Architecture and Constructions, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Electrotechnics and Informatics, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Protection, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of History - Geography, Faculty of Law and Jurisprudence, Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Management and Technological Engineering, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Music, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Political Sciences and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Humanistic Science, Faculty of Textiles and Leatherworks. More information on


Address: Oradea, Park 1 Decembrie no. 1, 410068 Tel: 004-0259-472.513; Fax: 004-0259-434.925 E-mail: Web:

AGORA University is a private higher education and scientific research institution, set up in 2000, organized within the AGORA foundation, according to the provisions in the Education Law no. 84/ 1995 and in the law on the accreditation of the higher education institutions.

Sediul Universitii AGORA / AGORA University

The specialized sections that function within the Agora University are endorsed by the Management Board of Agora Foundation and authorized by the National Council for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation. Four licenses specialized sections function within the Agora University: Accountancy and Economic Computer Science Management Computer Science for Economics Law The headquarters of the University, located in Tineretului Square at no. 8, will include a university campus, designed in accordance with the European standards, which will include classrooms, laboratories, a modern library, a club for students, sports club, hostels, and a canteen - restaurant, together with an esplanade for open air shows. The collaboration relationships with famous universities in Italy, France, Malta, the Netherlands, California. The international relationships with San Marino, Lithuania, and so on, are an important issue on the Universitys business card. Agora University, in collaboration with San Pio V University of Rome and with the University of Malta, organizes courses for an international masters degree. The first ECDL testing center in Bihor County: ECDL means European License for Computer Utilization and is valid in more than 80 countries, which include all European states. The ECDL certificate proves the fact that its owner holds basic knowledge about Information Technology (IT).

Campusul Universitii Emanuel / Campus of the Emanuel University

prepared as clericals for the baptist churches from Romania as well as for the other churches of the cults members of Evangelic Alliance. The Emanuel University is a right place where the students can follow their vocation and where they can develop themselves professionally and spiritually. The Emanuel University provides for its students: professors from Romania and abroad: Great Britain, U.S.A. a.s.o. classrooms and individually rooms a library with more than 50.000 tomes, audition rooms computer laboratories audio-video recording studio student hostels refectory sports ground. The Theology University Specialization Baptist Pastoral Theology - 4 years Musical Pedagogy 4 years Baptist Didactic Theology Social Assistance- 4 years Theology Letters - 4 years

Address: str. Nufrului Nr. 87, 410597 Tel: +004-0259-428.024 Fax: +004-0259-426.692 Email: Web: The Emanuel University of Oradea, founded in 1990, was accredited by the Law 486/2002. The students of the University are

Griffiths Management University Specialization Management - 4 years

Counseling Office for the Citizens Oradea

Address: Oradea, str. General Magheru nr. 21 - 410057 Tel./Fax: + 004-0259-406.180 E-mail:

Oradea Social Community Administration

The Oradea Social Community Administration is a public institution of local interest, of a legal nature, which functions under the Oradea Municipality Local Councils authority and it was set up in December 2001.
Community Social Services offered by ASCO: Day centers, to provide education services for the children coming from poor families, for persons with major physical disabilities, for the elderly; Temporary shelters Permanent night shelters - for the homeless adults Home care services Social canteen type of services for persons that fall under the provisions in the Law 416/2001 Social houses. Services in the field of promoting health, family planning; education for health in fields that are important for the communitys health condition Community centers for the social reintegration of the young people in situations of risk, professional guidance, support in helping them find jobs, professional integration services for persons with light disabilities, for persons who committed crimes (group therapy, psychological counseling and support). Information and counseling centers

The Oradea Counseling Office for the Citizens started its activity on the local services market in October 2002. It is the concrete aspect of the main goal of the, financed within the PHARE program for the Development of the Civil Society 2000. The Counseling Office for the Citizens (BCC) is a service of public interest, which answers the citizens need for information and counseling, so that they have increased access to information on their rights and liabilities. They must benefit from counseling in identifying the possible ways for settling the problems they are currently facing and from guidance in the utilization of public services. The Counseling Office for the Citizens was accomplished on the basis of a partnership between the local governments and a non-governmental institution; it is independent from them and offers two types of services, in accordance with the applicants requirements: information legal rules and regulations, where the applicant must file his petition, useful information about office hours and specific forms; counseling the applicant is helped to make a decision on the manner in which he/ she can solve his/ her problem, because he/ she is briefed on all possibilities to be used for approaching the respective problem and their possible consequences.

Civil Society
Many non governmental organizations exist in Bihor County, which carry out their activity in various fields of activity, such as: environment, youth, human rights, business environment, and social problems. The most active are mentioned at page 82.

It was and remains one of the fundamental component parts with which Bihor, despite its peripherical geographic location, was permanently tied to the spiritual circuit of the entire nation. The culture vectors that have ensured not only the perpetuation of the traditional values but also the opening of new horizons of feeling and knowledge are:
State Theatre with two sections, in Romanian and Hungarian State Symphonic Orchestra Museum of the Cris Region, with two memorial museums in the Municipality of Oradea (Iosif Vulcan and Ady Endre) and with county branches in Beius, Salonta and Sacuieni Arcadia Theatre for Children and Youth with sections in Romanian and Hungarian Gheorghe Sincai County Library with 611,836 volumes, 8 town libraries, and 90 commune libraries Familia Magazine, the oldest cultural weekly that is published in the country (established in 1865 by Iosif Vulcan, where the Romanians national poet Mihai Eminescu made his literary debut) Union of Plastic Artists, Oradea branch Society of Writers and Scientists in Bihor The craftsmen continue and carry out the tradition of popular culture and art, alongside the Crisana Folklore Band and the two folklore groups, Bihorul and the Nuntaii Bihorului (Wedding Guests of Bihor)

78 sport clubs and associations exist at the countys level, with almost 7,800 registered sports people. Sports arenas exist in all the important localities in the county. The most important one is in Oradea and has 12000 seats. The Polyvalent Hall in Oradea can host 3500 spectators and the indoor swimming pool 250 de spectators. The manners to spend the spare time are extremely diversified. One can choose between beauty and recreational centers, night and Internet clubs, movie halls, restaurants, etc. You can get additional information about it by accessing


From this point of view, the area of Bihor county is covered by 12 local newspapers, 5 local radio stations and 4 local TV stations.

The most significant cultural events are mentioned at page 44

Bihor County has a great variety of artisans. Among the popular crafts specific to Bihor we can list: pottery - Cristior, Leheceni, Vadu Crisului dowry trunks Budureasa marble processing - Vascau building bugle violins - Beius Depression folk costumes - Carandeni, Suncuius

Publication Name : Jurnalul Bihorean Jurnalul de Diminea Te le phone : 0259-410.115 Fax: 0259-410.115 E-mail:

0259-136.106 0259-417.421 0259-411.590 0259-413.606 0259-418.878 0259-160.400 0259-164.616 0259-164.463 0259-412.581 0259-412.727 0259-413.420 0259-418.933 0259-210.041 0259-414.102 0259-416.102 0259-414.123 0259-431.488 0259-441.459 0259-447.149 0259-447.150 0259-472.888 0259-476.810 0259-411.222 0259-436.111 0259-437.537 0259-467.860 0259-467.861 0259-428.044




Realitatea Bihorean


Bihari Naplo


Gazeta de Oradea

Bihoreanul Zi de zi

Informatia de Vest Radio Transilvania Radio Vocea Evangheliei Radio Contact Radio Sonvest Radio Romania Actualiti Radio Special Radio Naional FM Pro TV Oradea TVS Oradea 0259-447.149 0259-447.150 0259-476.810 0259-411.222

0259-476.226 0259-467.441

0259-476.226 0259-467.440





ultima decad a lunii septembrie/ Last decade of September anual, a doua decad a lunii mai/ yearly, the second decade of May 21 septembrie -12 octombrie

Valea lui Mihai Oradea

Oradea Oradea Oradea Vadu Criului Oradea, Beiu, Aled Bile Felix

15-20 iulie 10-15 mai 16-18 mai prima duminica a lunii iunie/ first Sunday of June decembrie mai prima duminica a lunii august /first Sunday of August 26 februarie - 8 martie aprilie

Critioru de Jos

Oradea zona Beiu-Vacu


14-16 decembrie

Sinteu Palota Scueni

octombrie iunie septembrie

Pentru detalii suplimentare vezi: Muzeul rii Criurilor Direcia de Cultur, Culte i Patrimoniu Cultural Naional Oradea. For more details see The rii Criurilor Museum and the County Direction of Culture, Cults and National Cultural Patrimony.


Poliia/ Police Poliia de frontier/ Custom police Pompierii/ Fire brigade Ambulana/ Ambulance SMURD (Serviciul Mobil de Urgen)/Emergency 955; 412.472 959 981; 411.212 961; 411.313 981; 411.212 int. 222 sau/ or 0722/600.001; 0722/600.009


Sanifarm - Calea Republicii nr. 33 Sanifarm - Str Progresului, bl. 30-31 Farmipex - Str Republicii 26 Fontana - Str Transilvaniei nr 6 Concordia - Piaa Bucureti, nr 4 Procardia - Str Libertii, nr 4 412.622 472.604 430.820 243.779 449.318 418.242; 437.814

A CR Gara-Informaii/ Railway station Agenia CFR/ Rail Agency Agenia TAROM / TAROM Agency Aeroport/ Airport Autogar/ Bus station 412.345 952 230.578 231.918 416.082; 413.951 418.998

Start VIP Miss City Hello 940 444.444 469.469 237.394 231.314

Mai multe informaii i imagini despre municipiul Oradea putei obine accesnd pagina de web:; ; You can find more information about Oradea Municipality by accessing the Internet address:, ,

Numele instituiei/Name of the institution Consiliul Judeean Bihor/ Bihor County Council Prefectura Bihor/ Bihor County Prefecture Camera de Comer i Industrie Bihor/ Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bihor Primria Oradea/ Oradea Town Hall Direcia pentru Agricultur i Dezvoltare Rural General Directorate for Agriculture and Rural Development Oficiul Judeean de Cadastru, Geodezie i Cartografie Bihor/ Agricultural land Office and the Structure of the Agricultural Land Bihor Brigada de pompieri Criana/ Fire brigade Crisana Inspectoratul de Poliie/ Police inspectorate Direcia pentru Cultur, Culte i Patrimoniul Cultural Naional/ Bihor County Inspectorate for Culture, Cults and National Cultural Patrimony Centrul Judeean de Creaie Popular / Bihor County Center of Folk Art Inspectoratul colar Judeean / Bihor County School Inspectorate Agenia de Protecie a Mediului/ Environmental Protection Agency Direcia General a Finanelor Publice i a Controlului Financiar de Stat/ General Directorate for Public Finance and Financial State Control Bihor Direcia Regional Vamal / Regional Customs Directorate Direcia pentru Dialog, Familie i Solidaritate Social Bihor/ Dialogue, Family and Social Solidarity Directorate Bihor Agenia Judeean de Ocupare a Forei de Munc / County Agency for Labor Force Tribunalul Bihor/ Bihor County Court of Justice Direcia de Santate Public Bihor/ Public Health Directorate Bihor Serviciul Judeean de Ambulant/ Bihor County Ambulance Service Oradea Direcia Judeean de statistic / Bihor County statistics directorate Direcia Ape Criuri Oradea/ Crisuri Water Directorate Oradea Oficiul Judeean pentru Protecia Consumatorilor/ Costumer Protection County Office Direcia Silvic Bihor/ Forestry Directorate Bihor Adresa/ Address In Oradea Parcul Traian, nr.5 Parcul Traian, nr. 5 Str. Roman Ciorogariu, nr. 65 Piaa Unirii 1-3 Str. Dimitrie Cantemir, nr. 26-30 Gen. Magheru, nr. 7 Telefon-fax/ Telephone-Fax Tel.:004-0259-437 484 Fax: 004-0259-441326 Tel:004-0259-411907, 418028 Fax:004-0259-411550 Tel.:004-0259417807, 235017 Tel.:004-0259-473 000, Fax:004-0259-437 544 Tel: 004-0259-416.722 Fax:004-0259-417976 Tel/fax:004-0259-476327, 476 328 Tel: 004-0259-411212, Fax:004-0259-134817 Tel:004-0259-412472, 412121 Tel:004-0259-416899, Fax:004-0259-418512 Tel./Fax.:004-0259-413922 Tel: 004-0259-416454, Fax: 004-0259-418016 Tel: 004-0259-244.590

Avram Iancu nr. 9 Parcul Traian, nr. 4 Aleea Gojdu, nr. 3

Aleea Emanuil Gojdu nr. 3 Mihai Eminescu nr. 11 B-dul Dacia nr. 25 A

Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 2A

Tel 004-0259-235002, Fax: 004-0259-235070 Tel/Fax.:004-0259-414520, 417558 Tel: 004-0259-237.662 Tel:004-0259-233346, Tel/Fax.:004-0259-436821 Tel:004-0259-7414484, 412742 Tel: 004-0259-434565, Fax:004-0259-418654 Tel:961, 004-0259-411313, Fax: 004-0259-412897 Tel/Fax.:004-0259-418831 Tel:004-0259-242033, 243892 Fax: 004-0259-444237 Tel: 004-0259-415089, Fax :004-0259-431817 Tel: 004-0259-414206, Fax: 004-0259-430967

Armatei Romane nr. 4 Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 2 Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 2 Parcul Traian nr. 10 Republicii nr. 33 Snagovului nr. 2 Andrei aguna nr.4 Ion Bogdan nr. 35 Sucevei nr. 4A Mihai Eminescu nr. 15

Denumirea/ Name Hotel Atlantic**** Adresa/ Address str. Iosif Vulcan nr. 9 Telefon/ Telephone 0259/426911 0259/414 421,410 875 0259/418 655 0259/479 799, 433 222 0259/414 924 , 476 251 0259/467 177 467 176 0259/401 200 E-mail/web

Hotel Atrium***

str.Republicii nr.38

Hotel Continental*** Hotel Eden*** Hotel Elite**** Hotel Gala***

Aleea trandului nr.1 str. Cantacuzino nr. 4 str. I .C. Brtianu nr. 26 str. B.P. Hadeu nr. 20 Calea Borului nr. 400

Hotel Iris***

Hotel Melody*** Hotel Parc*

str. Transilvaniei nr. 5 str. Republicii nr. 5

0259/266 647 0259/411 699 0259/470 910 414 681

Hotel Scorilo***

Parcul Petofi nr. 16


Denumirea / Name Hotel Termal*** Telefon/ Telephone 0259/318 214 0259/318 491; 318 492, 318 493; 318 494 0259/318 054 E-mail/web

Hotel Criana**

Hotel Internaional***


Nr. crt 1 2 Adresa profesional/ Professional address str. Gen. Magheru 23 str. Gh.Dima, Nr. 6 Telefon / Telephone 0259-415350 0259-416044 412780 0259-426018 0259-428919 0259-418600 0259-412549 Ap. 6 0259-232741 0259-411012 0259-413071 0259-414798 0259-210070 0259-435102 0259-416022 studio_design_ag Maximumro Dtivadar 0259-446170; 413741 0259-467132 vagil2001

Firma / Company SC Proiect Bihor SA SC Birou de Arhitectur Dan Costa SRL SC Creativ Arh SRL SC Colonna Proiect Sc Atrium Project SR L SC Nova Proiect SA SC Alfa Control SRL SC Proarh SRL SC Expresiv Arh SR L S.C.Art Gotic SRL SC Loggia Grafix SR L


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

P-a Nucetului 2, Bl. PB3, Ap. 13 P-a Bucuresti nr.4/A, sc.B, Ap. 22 str. M. Eminescu 25 str. Schubert 13 P-a 1 Decembrie, Nr. 15A, str. Delavrancea 17 str. A. Lazr 6, ap. 12 str. D.Cantemir nr. 23 str. Antonescu nr.18

creativ@ letea_dorin@

SC Tehnoproiect SRL str. Republicii 6 ap 5 SC Maximum SRL SC Poliart SRL SC Metopa SRL SC Polypack SRL str. Bucegi 3 str. Leonardo da Vinci 19, Bl. PB 93, Ap. 12 str. Berzei, Nr. 4 str. Gen. Magheru 21, Ap. 130

Organizaii non-guvernamentale / Non-Governamental organization

Nr. 1 Denumire/ Name Fundaia Carpatica / Carpathian Foundation Organizaia Naional Cercetaii Romniei (ONCR), Centrul Local Oradea / The National Association of the Romanian Scouts Fundaia RUHAMA Foundation AIESEC Oradea / Oradea Economic Sciences Students International Association Asociaia Tineretului Romn-Unit Oradea (ASTRU)/ Oradea Greek-Catholic Youth Association Asociaia Transilvana "Disputa" Erdelyi Disputa Egyesulet / The Transylvanian "Disputa" Association Asociaia DOWN Oradea-Romnia/ DOWN Association Centrul de zi "Iedera"/ Daily Centre "Iedera" Fundaia Romna pentru Copii, Comunitate i Familie (FRCCF) /the Romanian / Foundation for Children, Community and Family Fundaia cretina de asistent social "CASA"/ the Christian Foundation for Social Assistance ELSA- Asociatia European a Studenilor n Drept / The European Association of Law Students Fundaia LIFE Foundation Fundaia ALBIN Foundation Web site / E-mail

3 4,


11 12

Nr. crt 13

Denumire/ name Forumul de Tineret pentru Integrare European(FTIE) / the Youth's Forum for European Integration Clubul de Speologie "Crysis"/ the Speology Club

Web site / E-mail



Fundaia Alternative Romnia Foundation "Pro Polis"-Asociaia profesional a studenilor i absolvenilor de tiine Politice din Oradea /The professional Association of the Political Sciences Students & Graduates Asociaia Studenilor Mediciniti din Oradea (ASMO) /The Association of the Medicine Students from Oradea Societatea "Umbrela" a Persoanelor cu Handicap Asociate Regional - Bihor/ The Regional Associated Handicaped Persons Society-Bihor Fundaia pentru Cultur i Educaie Ecologist Ecotop Foundation for Environmental Culture and Education Fundaia Nymphaea Foundation Micarea Tinerilor pentru Pace Oradea / the Oradea Youth's Movement for Peace Uniunea Studenilor Maghiari din Bihor (Nagyvradi Magyar Dikszvetsg -NMD) / Bihor Hungarian Students Association Clubul de Speologie "Cristal" Oradea - Speology Club Fundaia "Sfinii Trei Ierarhi" Oradea / "Sfintii Trei Ierarhi" Foundation Centrul Regional de Supraveghere Ecologic / the Regional Centre for Environmental Surveillance Asociaia Studenilor din Universitatea Oradea/ ASUO / the Oradea University Students Association








23 24 25 26

Link-uri utile / Useful Addresses: Consiliul Judeean-Bihor County Council Site Prefectura-Bihor Prefecture Primria-Oradea City Hall Direcia de Statistic-County Direction of Statistics Site despre Oradea-Site about Oradea Camera de Comer i Industrie-Bihor Chamber of Commerce and Industry Guvernul Romniei-Romanian Government Agenia Naional pentru IMM-uri i CooperaieNational Agency for SMEs and cooperation Ministerul Integrrii Europene-Ministry of European Integration Agenia Romn pentru Investiii Strine-Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments Delegaia Comisiei Europene n Romnia-Delegation of the European Comission in Romania Ministerul Turismului-The Romanian Tourism Ministry Tourism in Romania Zona turistic -Padis Turistic Area Pensiuni agroturistice-Agrotouristic pensions in Romania, Agenii de turismRomanian travel agencies Agenii de turism i pensiuni agroturistice din Bihor-Travel agencies, agrotouristic pensions in Bihor County Informaii turistice generale-General touristical information Programul-Apuseni Experience Program Agenia Internaional de Dezvoltare a USA-The U.S. Agency for International Development Oportuniti de finanare-Financing opportunities


Produs de / Produced by: Bihor County Council and GRASP

Staful editorial / Editorial staff: Dumitru Cardo Florin Florea Anca Laslo Elena Marcu Theodor Petroni Dan Poinar Traian Abrudan Fotografii / Pictures: Database of Bihor County Council, Bihor Prefecture,Nufrul Photo Club and The Center for Protected Areas and Sustainable Development - Bihor (Andrei Pomoanu)

Tiprit de / Printed by: Hypogrammos Book design by: Multimedia CD-rom by:

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