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Primordial Qigong Enlightenment QiGong

What is Chi (Qi)? Chi is vital energy. All living beings have their own vital energy, which keeps them alive. Trees, plants, animals, fishes, minerals, stars and the human beings have their own Chi. Each of us has his or her own vital energy, which allows us to be unique persons. When our Chi is balanced and harmonious, the result is a strong health. owever, if this Chi is not balanced, we would become sick and ill. !llness is a reflection of unbalanced Chi. There are different techniques which help to balance our Chi and improve our life quality. "ne of them is the #igong. What is Qigong? #igong is a work on and improvement of our vital energy based on body movements which stretch and blend the meridians. These movements are light physical e$ercises suitable to any age, from children to older people, since the primary #igong ob%ective is to reach a strong and healthy body. The early practice allows the practitioner to reach longevity in an easy way, which would be otherwise difficult to get in our western life style. What is Primordial / Enlightenment Qigong? This #igong form is e$tremely easy to learn, simple and natural to practice, which produces immediate results, normali&es all the body systems and produces a strong and deep e$perience of interior peace and calm. !t is composed by a sequence of balanced body movements that activate the energy flow. 'espite being designed for enlightenment, this form has many beneficial effects for the health. !n his famous clinic in China, 'r. (hu ui uses it to treat more than ten chronic diseases, especially for the heart, blood pressure, kidneys and lack of energy. This form dissolves all physical and psychical issues as well as karmic ones in both the physical and energetic body. )inally it opens up a place inside of you where your original spirit *what you originally were before your birth+ can stay. This place is called ,Wu%i-, the .uperior /nknown. Where does the Enlightenment Qigong come from? 011 years ago, Chang .an )eng, a Taoist !mmortal, founded the original Tai Chi Chuan 234 movement form for self defence, in order for the monks to be able to defend themselves from thieves without using aggressive or mortal techniques which would lead them far from their spiritual path. 5rand 6aster Chang .an )eng also created a second short form that was designed for Enlightenment rather than self defence. !t was secretly practiced by a lineage of Taoist masters for the last 011 years. !ts original name was Wu7i 5ong, which translates as ,skill at entering the unknown-

Enlightenment Qigong Detailed Instructions The form considers the 8 cardinal directions. !t starts facing the East and therefore it ends facing the East, too. We start standing and facing the East, feet parallel at shoulder width. We rock forward and backward, left and right until we find a balance in both movements. This is our centre. We try to put all our body weight on the heels. 9nees slightly blended. Breathe of Earth Rises and Falls :ow we bring our hands down to the hips and prepare to start the form. We slowly and softly raise our hands shoulder4high up. Then we bring the right hand down in front of the pubic bone, palm up, while we place the left hand, palm down, in front of breast bone, at heart high, creating a space between the hands to generate an energy ball.

FI !" E# "$ C%C&E 1.Yin and Yang Separates The right hand down raises laterally to offer half energy ball toward the right side; at the same time, the left hand lowers down toward the left side, near the hip, separating the energy ball previously created. We now bring our hands back to the centre, e$changing their position, which means the right hand, palm down, will be up in front of the breast bone and the left hand, palm up, will be down in front of the pubic bone. !n this movement the body torso slightly shifts and actually more deviates toward right and left according to the raised hand. There isn<t an e$cessive weight4load on the corresponding foot. Eyes look at the raising hand.

2. Circulate the Chi in Orbit :ow we bring our hands in front of the hips. We create the ,micro4orbit-, also called the ,cosmic egg-. To do that, we raise our hand palms facing each other on our sides up to the shoulders, then around and above the head and then, always with palms facing each other, coming down to the pubic bone. The hands, which are now in front of the second chakra, pick a new energy ball, which then will be raised through the central channel *through all the chakras+ up to the collar bone and is e$tended straight out to arms length.. 3. Heart Opens to the Right Future ! "oon# and the $eft %ast ! Sun# olding now this energy ball between our hands, we slightly shift our weight on the right heel raising both hands toward the right side, like if we were offering them to the 6oon. .oftly we

now bring the hands back to the centre while we balance our weight back on the two heels and then shift it to the left, to offer the same energy ball to the .un, on the left side. We finally repeat the same movement to the right once more. 'uring the whole movement sequence, our eyes are looking in between our hands. &. Rotate the Chi in the East :ow we bring our hands back toward the centre, but the right hand quickly places itself in front of the pubic bone, palm up, and the left hand, more slowly, places itself in front of the breast bone; palm down, in order to create again a big chi ball between them. :ow we turn the chi ball by bringing the right hand up and the left hand down, keeping the palms facing each other. We repeat this turn a second time, so that finally the chi ball turns 3=1> in total. :ow we bring our hands down on the sides, hip4high. '. (ather Chi fro) the *orth :ow we turn our left heel and the body counter clockwise *so toward our left+ in order to face the north and we step with the right foot and bring the right leg parallel to the left one. E$tend the right hand out to front right side and gather energy toward our chest, then we bring the right hand down while the left hand and arm repeat the same pulling movement on the left side. The right hand will repeat the same pulling movement on the right side a third time. :ow we bring both hands down the sides. +. Rotate the Chi in the ,est Again, we turn our left heel and the body counter clockwise *so toward our left+ in order to face the west and we step with the right foot and bring the right leg parallel to the left one, reaching again a balanced position. We bring our hands to the centre, the right hand, palm up, quickly in front of the pubic bone and the left hand, palm down, more slowly in front of the breast bone so that they create again a big chi ball between them. And from this position we turn the chi ball 3=1>. We bring again both hands down the sides. -. (ather Chi fro) the South Again, we turn our left heel and the body counter clockwise *so toward our left+ in order to face the south and we step with the right foot and bring the right leg parallel to the left one. . E$tend the right hand out to front right side and gather energy toward our chest, then we bring the right hand down while the left hand and arm repeat the same pulling movement on the left side. The right hand will repeat the same pulling movement on the right side a third time. :ow we bring both hands down the sides. .. (ather Chi fro) the Centre We are finishing the Earth sequence. "ur hands and arms reach now the heaven to pick a big energy ball. Then we bring together both hands in front of the crown, first the left hand facing the crown over the head and then the right hand with the palm facing the back side of the left hand. )rom this position we bring both hands aligned, keeping them few centimetres apart from the body, down to the forehead, throat, chest, stomach, navel and then resting them on the Tan4Tien. We stay few seconds in this position resting and concentrating all the generated energy in our ?eing.

FI !" $E#'E( C%C&E :ow we start the eaven .equence of the Enlightenment #igong form. And to do that, we use the Earth .equence final position, facing the .outh. We bring our hands down to the sides and turn our left heel and the body counter clockwise *so toward our left+ in order to face the original form starting direction, the East. 1. Old /ragon ,ashes 0ts Face East# We make the chi ball with the right hand down and left hand up. #uickly the right hand draws a big circle counter clockwise opening toward the right from down up, trying to reach the heaven to pick the energy and then going down through the left trusting channel, palm facing the body. And while the right hand goes down, the left one starts to raise in a clockwise direction. We will do these movements alternating the right and left hands, five times each hand. The fingers do not have to be neither too loose nor too tight. !n order not to loose the rhythm and to get lost in these movements we will slightly stretch each finger, one at each circle alternating between the two hands, starting from the little finger, then the ring finger, middle finger, forefinger and finishing with the thumb, like we were counting. .ince we started the movements with the right hand, we finish the last tenth movement with the left hand. This part of the sequence must be reali&ed gently and slowly, since we are bringing energy from the /niverse to us. When the right hand goes down, it does it through the centre but slightly toward the left side; the same way, when the left hand goes down, it does it through the centre but slightly toward the right side. !n this way, we are describing with our hands two circles that form an ellipse in the centre. 2. Old /ragon ,ashes 0ts Face *orth# :ow we bring our hands on the sides and we turn our left heel and the body counter clockwise *so toward our left+ in order to leave the East and face the :orth with the chest and left foot. We make the chi ball with the right hand down and left hand up. The right hand draws a big circle counter clockwise opening toward the right, trying to reach the heaven to pick the energy, as we did facing the East, five times with each hand. 3. Old /ragon ,ashes 0ts Face ,est# @ivot on the left foot again to face West and repeat the sequence. &. Old /ragon ,ashes 0ts Face South# @ivot on the left foot again to face .outh and repeat the sequence. '. Stir 1he Cauldron When we finish the last tenth movement with the left hand going down, we then start the belly massage. To do that, the right hand massages in a clockwise direction the e$ternal belly side, alternating with the left hand which massages in the opposite direction, the e$ternal belly side; we do nine movementsA B with the right hand and 8 with the left hand. :ow we bring our hands to the sides, close to the hip. +. (ather Chi fro) the Centre "ur hands and arms reach now the eaven to pick a big energy ball. Then we bring together both hands in front of the crown, first the left hand facing the crown over the head and then the right hand with the palm facing the back side of the left hand. )rom this position we bring both hands aligned, keeping them few centimetres apart from the body, down to the forehead, throat, chest, stomach, navel and then resting them on the Tan4Tien. We stay few seconds in this

position resting and concentrating all the generated energy in our ?eing. We have now finished Earth and eaven .equences facing the East. !EC)(D E# "$ #(D $E#'E( C%C&E! )rom finishing the first heaven cycle you are facing the .outh, you start again all the movements, beginning with an Earth Cycle followed by a eaven Cycle. .ince you start them facing the .outh, you will finish facing the West. !n this way you will have done two complete Enlightenment #iqong sequences. "$I D E# "$ #(D $E#'E( C%C&E! )orm the West you start now the ne$t Earth and eaven Cycles, finishing them facing the :orth. This will be the third complete sequence. F) "$ E# "$ #(D $E#'E( C%C&E! The last one will be started facing the :orth and will be finished facing the East. "nce you have completed the eaven sequence for the fourth time, you will be facing the East. Closing the Form "nce you have done for the fourth time the belly massage and picked the energy from the eaven with your hands you close the form by repeating the ?reathe of Earth Cises and )alls movements. )inish by placing your hands on you 'an Tien. Cela$ and en%oy the feeling of calm.

Directions of the Form !t is important to notice the direction you are facing when performing this form. .tarting from the East the Earth .equence you finish it facing the .outh; when starting the eaven .equence you turn from .outh to East again, with the tiger stroke, and finish it facing the .outh again. :ow, where do you start the ne$t Earth .equenceD Cight from where you finished the first eaven .equence, the .outh. .tarting the Earth .equence from the .outh you finish it facing the West; so starting the eaven .equence you turn from West back to .outh, with the tiger stroke, and finish the eaven .equence facing the West. Again, starting the Earth .equence for the third time, you begin from West and finish it facing north; starting the eaven .equence you turn from :orth to West and finish it facing the :orth. And when doing the forth repetition, which completes the @rimordial E Enlightenment #igong form, you start the Earth .equence from :orth, finish it facing East you turn then to the :orth again to start the eaven .equence and finish it facing the East. And notice that the fourth repetition finishes facing the East, which is the direction where we started the entire form, so that we actually turn in a counter clockwise direction while we turn clockwise too. As you could observe, the #igong has two well differentiated partsA the Earth .equence and the eaven .equence. !n the first one we are picking all the energies from the 8 cardinal directionsA East, :orth, West, and .outh. )rom the East, which symboli&es the spring, we are collecting energy toward the liver and gall bladder. )rom the :orth, which symboli&es the winter, we are collecting energy for the kidneys and bladder. )rom the West, which symboli&es the fall, lungs and large intestine will be reinforced since we would be bringing healing energy toward them. And from the .outh, which symboli&es the summer, the organs which we will work on are heart and small intestine. "n the eaven .equence, even though we are turning and facing all the different

other side, in the

cardinal directions, from East to :orth, from :orth to West and so on until returning back to East, the work is done more on the fifth direction, which is the Centre, where we work on spleen and stomach. !t does not correspond to any western season, but to the Chinese summer end and fall beginning. Additionally in the eaven .equence we are collecting energy from eaven and bringing it to the whole body through the big circles. 'uring the practice we do not put attention on the direction we are facing to and the corresponding organ which we are working on. Fet the e$ercise acting and spreading as a balsam inside of you and simply en%oy the beneficial global feeling you get, since this vision of the form will allow you to make its understanding and learning easier. "he *or+ on the internal organs through the Qigong When we practice the #igong it is advisable to do it in a clean and airy place. !t is also important to know which cardinal direction we are facing by doing our e$ercises. This form we are learning is doing this all the time. When we start working and facing the East we are working on the liver and gall bladder, when we turn to the .outh we are strengthening our heart and small intestine, to the West we work the lungs and the large intestine and finally to the :orth we work the kidneys and bladder. ?y the way in the Taoism there is a fifth direction, which is the centre, where we work stomach and spleen.

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