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Name: ________________________________ Gr. & Sec. ____________ Date: ___________ Score: ________
I. Encircle the letter of the correct plural form of noun.
1. match
a. match
b. matchs
c. matches
2. half
a. hafs
b. halvs
c. halves
2. datum
a. datums
b. data
c. datas
4. louse
a. lice
b. louses
c. louse
II. Write if the statement has a rising intonation and if the sentence has a falling intonation.
_______ 5. What can we do to help the street children?
_______ 6. Are you protecting the rights of the children?
_______ 7. Do you know about childrens right?
_______ 8. Where can abused children go for help?
III. Form a word based on the given meaning using the prefix under-, over-, ex-, or super-. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
9. did not graduate
a. overgraduate
b. undergraduate
c. supergraduate
10. had too much sleep
a. undersleep
b. oversleep
c. ex-sleep
11. former husband
a. ex-husband
b. overhusband
c. underhusband
12. man with superior strength
a. underman
b. overman
c. superman
V. Add the suffix let or ish to the root word inside the parentheses. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
13. The sky looks (blue) today.
a. bluelet
b. bluish
14. The children presented a (play) in front of their parents.
a. playlet
b. playish
15. The mans behavior is (child).
a. childlet
b. childish
16. Rene looks (boy) in the new haircut.
a. boylet
b. boyish
IV. Syllabicate the words. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
17. plantation
a. plan-ta-tion
b. pl-an-ta-tion
c. plan-tat-ion
18. valley
a. va-lley
b. val-ley
c. val-le-y
19. national
a. nation-al
b. na-ti-onal
c. na-tion-al
V. Read the sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the word that means almost the same as the italicized
20. Danilo went home because he felt ill.
a. sleepy
b. sick
c. cold
d. lonely
21. Ramon was confident that he had plenty of time to walk to school.
a. stern
b. certain
c. expecting d. worried
22. When the teacher asked the question, Maria raised her hand and responded.
a. asked
b. listened
c. looked
d. answered
23. Earthworms burrow into the soil and make it more fertile.
a. lend
b. open
c. dig
d. eat
24. Our books are cheap when we first bought them.
a. expensive b. extraordinary
c. special
d. inexpensive
VI. Read the sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the word that means the opposite of the italicized word.
25. The boat moves quietly through the water.
a. slowly
b. brightly
c. loudly
d. quickly
26. My dogs tongue is as rough as sandpaper.
a. salty
b. furry
c. dry
d. smooth
27. The brave woman chased and caught the thief.
a. small
b. cowardly c. strong
d. smart
VII. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form of the nouns in the parentheses.
28.(Children) ________ stories are fascinating.
a. Childrens
b. Childrens
c. Childrenss
29. Have you read any of (Rizal) ______ poems?
a. Rizals
b. Rizals
c. Rizalss
30. This (child) _______ favorite is fables.
a. childrens
b. childs
c. childss
31.(Bookgate) ________ anniversary sale will end this week.
a. Bookgatess
b. Bookgates
c. Bookgates
32. To the (bookworms) _______ delight, several rare books are on sale.
a. bookworms
b. bookworms
c. bookwormss

VIII. Below is a part of the table of contents of a reading book. Use it to answer the following questions.
Unit I
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Unit II
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Unit III
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10

Of Myself and Others

I am Me ...................................................................................................
My Family ..............................................................................................
My Friends ..............................................................................................
The Earth, My Home
The Air I Breath......................................................................................
Special Relationships of Man, Animal, and Nature ...............................
Oceans and Seas .....................................................................................
Mountains and Hills ...............................................................................
God and I
My Faith in God......................................................................................
I, Being Gods Child ...............................................................................
Helping Others with God ........................................................................


33. On what page does Unit III begin?

a. 40
b. 21
c. 30
b. 29
34. What lesson do you find on page 21?
a. Lesson 10
b. Lesson 2
c. Lesson 6
b. Lesson 5
35. What is the title of Lesson 9?
a. My Faith in God b. Helping Others with God c. I, Being Gods Child
36. What is the title of Unit II?
a. God and I
b. The Earth, My Home
c. Special Relationships of Man, Animals and Nature
37. On which lesson are bodies of water found?
a. Lesson 1
b. Lesson 6
c. Lesson 3
38. How many pages are there on Lesson 4, Unit II?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 2
d. 4
IX. Follow the directions given in the following number.
39. Add two letters to remind to mean its past form. Write the new word inside a box.

40. take out AL from the word NATIONAL. Write the new word besides a drawing of a tree.

X. Examine the information sheet below. Which of the following entries found below the INFORMATION
SHEET is appropriate for numbered information.
40. Name: ___________________________
Nickname: ________________________
41. Birth date: ________________________
42. Address: _________________________
Favorite hobby: ____________________
Favorite food: _____________________
43. Best friend: _______________________
Favorite Drink: ____________________
Motto: ___________________________
44. Ambition: ________________________
41. a. Valemcia Central School
42. a. No. 14 Real St. Ormoc City
43. a. No. 12, Carlos Tan St., Ormoc City
44. a. September 25, 1993
45. a. Cogon Central School

b. Julio Reyes
b. St. Peters College
b. To be a doctor
b. Carlos Tan Street
b. St. Agustin Church

XI. Write the correct spelling. (46-50)

~* Good Luck*~

c. March 3, 1993
c. April 12, 1993
c. Joy Tan
c. Alma Santos
c. To be a doctor

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