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topics studied during the 4th term. NAME:


The present workshop of reinforcement will have a value of 5 %; the works, folder, guides and the complete notebook with excellent presentation 5 % and the evaluation 80 % for a total of 90 %. Remember that the suitable development of the workshop will allow to reinforce the knowledge and hereby to be prepared for the Evaluation. It must be realized to hand, by excellent presentation. Before realizing the workshop, check and correct the notes, guides, quices and synthesis evaluation. 1-Can Exercises Can or cant? 1. Her dad only speaks English. He ________ speak French. 2. I ________ swim a hundred meters. 3. ________ you make a fire? 4. ________ he cook? No, he ________ . 5. What sports ________ you play? 6. Marc ________ climb trees, he is ill. 7. Theres party tonight. ________ I come? 8. Peter doesnt want to go to the pool because he ________ swim. 9. Cats ________ climb trees. 10. Rabbits ________ sing.

Should and shouldnt

1. Listen to that music! Our neighbors _____play music that loud at this hour. 2. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you _____go to the dentist's. 3. Cathy _____keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now. 4. Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you _______try and learn something of the language. You will enjoy things a lot more. 5. You _____always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office. 6. We ______bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed otherwise. 7. That model on the TV is too skinny. She ____eat more, I think! 8. Lizzie _____ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same course last year. 9. Pregnant women _____smoke as it can damage the baby. 10. We _____leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach the beach before lunch.

Must and mustnt. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words You ____forget to do your homework regularly. You ____be nice to your classmates. You ____wear warm cothes when it is cold outside. You ___chew gum in class. You ___study hard if you want to pass your exams. You ___fight with your classmates. You ___play football in the classroom. You ___listen to your teacher very carefully. You ___forget your best friend's birthday. You ___be rude to your grandparents. Have to. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words 1) He _____work in the evening.2) We ____go shopping.3) The friends ____get up early.4) Mandy ____read the instructions.5) You _____do the project.6) I ____play the guitar.7) They ___carry the buckets.8) She ___wash my T-shirt.9) Mum ___make sandwiches.10) Frank and Joel ___draw a picture. FOOD Draw the following food:
-cheese -apples -bread -flour -pepper -lettuce -grapes -eggs -carrots -cake

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