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Introduction: Density is the ratio of the mass of a sustance to its volume. In this experiment, the mass and volume of a liquid will be measured and the density calculated. After practicing your techniques using a known liquid, you will be assigned an unknown liquid to calculate its density. Volume will be measured using graduated, volumetric, and or automatic pipets of a variety of si!es. "ass will be measured using electronic balances #analytical and or top loading$. Purpose: %he student will learn to use different types of pipets and electronic balances while also calculating the density of a liquid. Equipment/M teri !s: pipets #graduated, volumetric, and automatic of varying si!es$ electronic balances #analytical and or top loading$ beaker thermometer Procedure: +. ,btain a liquid of known density. -. Allow the liquid to sit for . minutes to come to room temperature, and record the temperature of the liquid. /. ,btain a clean pipet of the type and si!e assigned. 0. 1lace an empty beaker on the assigned balance. 1ress %A2' or 2'3'2,. .. "easure the assigned amount of liquid into the beaker, and record the mass. 4e sure to wait until the mass is stable. 5. %are or re!ero the balance, and again add the assigned amount of liquid into the beaker. 2ecord the mass. 6. 2epeat step 5 until five trials have been recorded. 7. *alculate the density for each trial, and determine the average density of the liquid. *ompare to accepted value. 8. If time permits, repeat steps +&7 using a different type of pipet. If time is limited, go to step +9. +9. ,btain an unknown liquid and repeat steps -&7 using the unknown liquid. De&ioni!ed water "ethanol 'thanol (aturated )aI (aturated )a*l

De&ioni!ed water "ethanol (aturated )aI D t T "!e:

+.99g m: 9.7+-6g m: +.8+7g m:

:iquid used;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %emperature of the liquid;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Accepted density at recorded temperature;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %ype of pipet used;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(i!e of pipet used;<<<<<<<<<<m: 4alance used;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< trial = + / 0 . mass volume density

Average density <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >nknown liquid number;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %emperature of the liquid;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %ype of pipet used;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(i!e of pipet used;<<<<<<<<<<m: 4alance used;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< trial = + / 0 . mass volume density

Average density <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Questions: +. a. ?hy was it necessary to record the temperature of the liquid@ b. ?hy was it necessary to allow the liquid to sit for . minutes before recording the temperature@ -. Aow was the density of the liquid calculated@ /. ?hy were measurements taken five times instead of only once@

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