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At site Presentation On Pile foundation Conducted By:- Mr. Pramod Kumar Singh( Sr. Manager !MRC"CC:#$ %o& 'o : ()*(

+ntroduction: When it becomes impossible to provide the suitable surface foundation for a structure; the use of pile foundations becomes necessary, this situation arose from either the soil condition or the order of bottom layers, the nature of the loads transferred to the soil or the nature of the site and operational conditions. Many factors prevent the selection of surface foundation as a suitable foundation such as the nature of soil and intensity of loads, we use the piles when the soil have low bearing capacity or in building in water like bridges and dams The main components of the foundation are the pile cap and the piles.

,unction of -iles: !s other types of foundations, the purpose of pile foundations is" To transmit the buildings loads to the foundations and the ground soil layers whether these loads vertical or inclined #iles are a convenient method of foundation for works over water, such as $etties or bridge piers.

Classification of -iles Classification of pile with respect to load transmission and functional behavior &nd bearing piles 'point bearing piles( )riction piles 'cohesion piles ( *ombination of friction and cohesion piles

End bearing piles

These piles transfer their load on to a firm stratum located at a considerable depth below the base of the structure and they derive most of their carrying capacity from the penetration resistance of the soil at the toe of the pile . The pile behaves as an ordinary column and should be designed as such. &ven in weak soil a pile will not fail by buckling and this effect need only be considered if part of the pile is unsupported, i.e. if it is in either air or water. ,oad is transmitted to the soil through friction or cohesion. -ut sometimes, the soil surrounding the pile may adhere to the surface of the pile and causes ./egative 0kin )riction. on the pile. This, sometimes have considerable effect on the capacity of the pile. /egative skin friction is caused by the drainage of the ground water and consolidation of the soil. The founding depth of the pile is influenced by the results of the siteinvestigate on and soil test.

Friction or cohesion piles Carrying capacity is derived mainly from the adhesion or friction of the soil in contact with the shaft of the pile (fig 2).

Figure 1:End bearing piles

Figure 2:Friction cohesion pile


Cohesion piles These piles transmit most of their load to the soil through skin friction. This process of driving such piles close to each other in groups greatly reduces the porosity and compressibility of the soil within and around the groups. Therefore piles of this category are sometimes called compaction piles. 3uring the process of driving the pile into the ground, the soil becomes molded and, as a result loses some of its strength. Therefore the pile is not able to transfer the e4act amount of load which it is intended to immediately after it has been driven. 5sually, the soil regains some of its strength three to five months after it has been driven. Friction piles These piles also transfer their load to the ground through skin friction. The process of driving such piles does not compact the soil appreciably. These types of pile foundations are commonly known as floating pile foundations.

Combination of friction piles and cohesion piles

An extension of the end bearing pile when the bearing stratum is not hard, such as firm clay. The pile is driven far enough into the lower material to develop adequate frictional resistance. A farther variation of the end bearing pile is piles with enlarged bearing areas. This is achieved by forcing a bulb of concrete into the soft stratum immediately above the firm layer to give an enlarged base. A similar effect is produced with bored piles by forming a large cone or bell at the bottom with a special reaming tool. Bored piles which are provided with a bell have a high tensile strength and can be used as tension piles

S./0.'C. O, CO'S1R0C1+O':
1. Setting out The position of the pile location is set out with respect to the control points and checked by &ngineer8s 9epresentative by suitable pin marked on location. 1.+m deep cutting is done manually at the pile location to check for underground utilities..

# !ri2ing of 1em-orary Casing"

)irst .:m depth of the dry boring will be done before driving of temporary casing. Then the casing will be lifted and lowered in the bore hole. There after driving of casing will be done by alternate boring and pushing method to the re;uired level. ,ocation of casing<#ile will be cross=checked with reference to guide points. >erticality *heck" ?ydraulic 9ig is positioned on firm and level ground with use of inbuilt gauges. *asing driven is checked for plumb up to m from top of casing.


( !rilling "Boring:
-oring operation is done by ?ydraulic 9otary 9ig with the help of @elly and bucket. The siAe of the bucket shall not be less than 112+ mm for 12:: mm dia pile. In addition to speeding construction, Tested bentonite should pour into the bore to avoids the noise ,vibration and side soil collapse problems that influence conventional foundation. !fter completion of boring the founding level is checked with sounding chain. Bmmediately after completion of boring the reinforcement cage is lowered, which was pre=fabricated as per detailed drawing and approved bar bending schedule. Bf, due to any reason starting of reinforcement cage lowering is delayed 2 ?rs, the bore hole is cleaned by cleaning bucket and founding level is checked at four location along the inside circumference of the pile with sounding chain.


3 Reinforcement Cage 4o5ering"

The bar bending schedule prepared based on approved drawing. 9einforcement is cut and bent to re;uired siAe and shape. 9einforcement steel shall be transported to #ier location by trailer and the cage is tied using C.B. -inding wire of gauge 16=2:. ,ength of top cage will be as per the full length of reinforcement steel and the bottom piece will be fabricated as per the length of pile. -ottom cage is lowered inside the bore hole up to dowel length and the second cage is lifted and lapped as per relevant drawing. ?elical rings are tied as per drawing and main reinforcement lap is welded at three locations. To facilitate cage lowering, the cage is lowered up to re;uired level and the cage is fi4ed to pile casing with the help of reinforcement hooks for possible up lift and maintaining cover at bottom. The side cover for the reinforcement will be maintained by circular concrete cover blocks fi4ed to helical of cage three blocks per location at 1+:: mm c<c.


) ,lushing O-eration"
Bmmediately after lowering of the cage, tremmie pipes of 2::<2+: mm dia. of length 1.::m to 2.:m are $oined together and lowered in to the bore. Then the bore hole is flushed with -entonite using 1+ ?# >ertical pump. 3uring flushing contaminated bentonite will be collected in the steel tank through a fle4ible hose connected to the tremmie outlet D fresh bentonite will be replaced to maintain the bentonite at re;uired level. )lushing shall be confirmed till the density of the return mud is less than 1.2:gm<cc. -entonite will be tested as per B0 222:= #art > "176+

Testing of Bentonite"
3ensity" = The density measured by ?ydrometer. The slurry sample is taken in a 1:::cc cylinder and the hydrometer is inserted into this suspension. The calibration shown on the hydrometer directly gives the density in gm<cc which shall not e4ceed 1.:+ gm<cc. >iscosity" = The viscosity is determined by using Marsh *one apparatus, as per contract 1+:: ml of slurry sample will be poured through the Marsh *one. The time re;uired for flow of 7%1 ml of slurry will be noted in seconds as the Marsh *one value. This value shall be :=%: seconds.


* Concreting"
Tremmie pipe of 2::<2+:mm dia. of length varying from 1.:m to 2.:m are $oined together and lowered into the pile to be concreted with bottom clear by ::mm. *oncerted funnel 1.+: to 2.: cum capacity is fitted on the top of the tremmie with lid closed. The concrete with minimum slump in the range of min1+:mm=12+mm ma4 poured in to funnel and the lid is removed and concrete is allowed to flow in to the tremmie and to reach the bottom of the pile and the concrete is poured continuously such that the tremie is 2.:m embedded into the laid concrete. Then the concrete is continued. !s per theoretical volume calculation the depth of concrete is calculated and the concrete built up is checked with the help of sounding chain. With respect to built up tremmie is retrieved ensuring that the bottom of the tremmie is embedded in the concrete by :.1m to 1.:m till the concrete built up to 1.:m above the pile cut off level. 0lump shall be measured at every trip of concrete and if due to any reason the concrete slump is less than 1%:mm re=dosing of admi4ture shall be done as per site re;uirement and the mi4ed for 1.+=2.: minutes vigorously to get re;uired slump of 1+:= 12+mm.

6 .7traction of casing"
!fter the concreting is over the casing is loosened. The casing is e4tracted slowly without disturbing the pile concrete with e4tra care with the help of crane after : minutes of last pour and totally after 1 hour.


SA,.18 PR.CA0S1+O'S
Working area should be properly barricaded. !ll site personnel shall be provided with safety helmet, safety $ackets, safety shoes and other personal safety devices as re;uired. Traffic marshals shall guide the traffic during progress of work. Traffic shall be diverted as per approved scheme wherever and whenever re;uired. 0wing area of the rig should be barricaded or demarcated. Cround stability < leveling will be checked before rig marching. Everhead electric cables and wires to be checked before marching < swing of rig. !ll swing alarms and swing lights should be in working condition. #ile bore muck should not be staked too high. #ile cage < muck not to be loaded on the barricades. !ll idle pile bores should be covered with grating.






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