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Bibliografia recomenada ANDERSON, G. (ed) Reinventig the Museum. The Paradigm Shift.

Washington: American Association of Museums, 2004 AAVV. Current Trends in Audience Research and Evaluation. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums, 2001 AYUSTE, A.; FLECHA, R.; LPEZ, F. Presentacin. A: Planteamientos de la pedagoga crtica. Barcelona: Gra, pg. 7-, 1998 BALLART, J. El patrimonio histrico y arqueolgico: valor y uso. Barcelona: Ariel, 1997 BAHABA, H. The Location of Culture. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, 1994 BARKER, C.Cultural Studies. Theory and Practice. London, Thousand Oaks, New Dehli: Sage Publications, 2000 BENNETT, T. The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics. London: Routledge, 1994. BONET, L.; CASTAER, X.; FONT, J. Gestin de proyectos culturales. Barcelona: Ariel, 2001

CURRAN, D.; MORLEY, D.; WALKERDINE, V.(eds) Estudios culturales y

comunicacin. Anlisis, produccin y consumo cultural de las polticas de identidad y el

postmodernismo. Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Mxico: Piados, 1996

DUNCAN, C. Civilizing Rituals. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, 1995 FALK, J.; DIERKING, L. (eds) Public Institution for Personal Learning: Establishing a Research Agenda, Washington, DC: American Association of Museums, 1995 FEATHERSTONE, M. Cultura de consumo y postmodernismo. Buenos Aires: Amorrurtu Editores, 1995 FISHER, P. Artful Itineraries. European Art and American Carreers in High Culture. Londres: Routledge, 2001 FROSTICK, E.; KAVANAGH, G.(eds.) Making Citiy Histories in Museums. Londres: Leicester University Press, 2001 GARCA CANCLINI, N. Culturas hbridas. Barcelona: Paids. Estado y Sociedad, 2001 GREENBERG, R.; FERGUSON, B.W.; NAIRNE, S. Thinking about Exhibitions. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, 1996

HALL, S. Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London, Thousand Oaks, New Dehli: Sage Publications, 1997 HALL, S.; DU GAY, P. Questions of Cultural Identity. Londres: Routledge, 1996 IBERMN, F. (ed.). 3a ed. La Educacin en el siglo XXI. Los retos del futuro inmediato. Barcelona: Gra, 2002 HOOKS, B. Theory as Liberatory Practice. En: Teaching to Transgress. Education and the Practice of Freedom. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, pg. 59-75.,1994 HOOPER-GREENHILL, E. Museums, Media, Message. London i Nova York: Routledge, 1997 HOOPER-GREENHILL, E. Museums and their Visitors. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, 1994. HEIN, G.E. Learning in the Museum. Londres i Nova York: Routledge., 1998 INIESTA, M. Els Gabinets del mn. Lleida: Pags, 1994 KURIN, R. Reflections of a Cultural Broker. Washington, DC i Londres: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997 LULL, J. (ed.) Culture in the Communication Age. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, 2001 LOOMIS, R. Museum Visitor Evaluation. Nashville, Tennesse: American Association for State and Local History, 1987 MACDONALD, S. (ed.) The Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture. Londres i Nova York: Routled, 1998 McLEAN, K. Planning for People in Museums. Washington, DC: American Association of Technology, 1993 MASS TARRUELLA, R. La Cultura light. El xito de personajes famosos, los anuncios y las noticias. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2001 MUKERJI, C.; SCHUDSON, M. (eds.) Rethinking Pop Culture. Londres: Routledge, 1991 NICOL, G.; PLANT, A. (comps.) Collaboration: Communication: Contemporary Art: 14 Projects Working with Galleries and Audiences . Londres: Engage Review., 2001 OLIV, L. Multiculturalismo y Pluralismo. Paids: Biblioteca Iberoamericana de Ensayo, 2000 PEARCE, S. Antigedades contempladas desde un nuevo ngulo. Museum

International (51:2), pg. 12-17., 1999 PEARCE, S. Museums, Objects, Collections: A Cultural Study. Leicester University Press, 1992 PEARCE, S. Art in Museums. Londres: The Athlone Press, 1995 PEARCE, S. Collecting in Contemporary Practice. Londres i Nova York: Routledge, 1998 SAID, E. Representaciones del intelectual. Paids. Coleccin Studio, 1996 SCREVEN, C. G. Visitor Studies Bibliography and Abstracts. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums., 1999 STOREY, J . Culturalismo. En: Teora Cultural y Cultura Popular. Barcelona: Octaedro , pg. 69-102, 2002 ROBERTS, L. From Knowledge to Narrative. Educators and the Changing Museum. Washington i Londres: Smithsonian Institution., 1997 WALLACH, A. Exhibiting Contradiction. Amherst: The University of Massachussetts Press., 1998 WEIL, S Making Museums Matter. Washington: Smithsonian Institution., 2002 WEIL, S. Rehtinking the Museum. Washington, DC: Smithsonian University Press, 1990 WEIL, S. A Cabinet of Curiosities. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995 WEST, R. The Changing Presentation of The American Indian Museums and Native Cultures. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums, 2000 WU, C, T. Privatizing Culture. Corporate Art Interventions since the 1980s. Londres I Nova York: Verso, 2002

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