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Portland Public Schools Middle Level S.

llabus Template
School &ear /03/-/034


School: Superman Middle School


Chris Heckman Subject: Course Title: CMP Grade Level(s): Math !s hi"h school credit an option #or this course$ %o &es Prere'uisites: Students have completed (th Grade level math)

Course description: This math class is desi"ned to prepare students #or *th "rade math) The topics include #actors+ multiples+ statistics+ t,o-dimensional "eometr.+ rational numbers+ t,o-dimensional measurement+ al"ebraic thinkin"+ and probabilit.) Priorit. Standards (optional in /001):
MTH.06.01 Use and understand meaning and relative size of fractions, decimals, and percents and equivalent forms MTH.06.02 Reason proportionall using equivalent fractions and equal ratios MTH.06.0! "stimate and solve pro#lems using fractions, decimals, and percents, in particular in multiplication and division pro#lems MTH.06.0$ %dentif , classif and compare pol gons and circles, including measures of angles MTH.06.0& 'etermine area of pol gons on t(e coordinate grid MTH.06.06 Use perimeter and area formulas for quadrilaterals, triangles, circles and recognize (o) c(anges in linear measurements affects area MTH.06.0* +rap( linear relations(ips, connecting ta#les )it( t(eir grap(ical representation MTH.06.0, Represent patterns )it( grap(s, ta#les, and descriptions of t(e relations(ip MTH.06.0- 'etermine t(eoretical pro#a#ilit of an event and t(e effect of t(e num#er of trials on t(e dependa#ilit of t(e prediction MTH.06.10 %nterpret a variet of representations of one and t)o varia#le data Schedule o# topics2units covered:

September 8 October 8 November 5

Prime Time Data About Us Shapes and Designs



December 4 anuar! "# %ebruar! "8 'arch "( 'a! "(

Bits and Pieces I $overing and Surrounding PPS A&gebra Unit Bits and Pieces II )o* +i,e&! Is It-

7cademic 9ocabular. (optional in /001): 6e#er to the CMP teacher:s "uide #or each unit 5istrict adopted materials: Connected Mathematics Pro"ram Supplemental resources: PPS 7l"ebra ;nit+ Lane Count. Problem Solvin" in Mathematics+ Scott 8oresman Practice Masters+ calculators 5i##erentiation2 accessibilit. strate"ies and support (T7G+ <LL+ Sp<d+ other): Ma. include: "roup ,ork+ modi#ied assi"nments+ modi#ied tests+ preassessments+ "raphic or"ani=ers+ templates+ use o# manipulatives+ visual models+ checklists+ previe, o# vocabular.+ and readin" aloud) 8inal pro#iciencies:
Prime Time (Number) ;nderstand relationships amon" #actors+ multiples+ divisors+ and products 6eco"ni=e and use properties o# prime and composite numbers+ even and odd numbers+ and s'uare numbers ;se rectan"les to represent the #actor pairs o# numbers 5evelop strate"ies #or #indin" #actors and multiples+ least common multiples+ and "reatest common #actors 6eco"ni=e and use the #act that ever. ,hole number "reater than 3 can be ,ritten in e>actl. one ,a. as a product o# prime numbers ;se #actors and multiples to solve problems and to e>plain some numerical #acts o#


ever.da. li#e 5evelop a variet. o# strate"ies #or solvin" problems?buildin" models+ makin" lists and tables+ dra,in" dia"rams+ and solvin" simpler problems Bits and Pieces I (Number) @uild an understandin" o# #ractions+ decimals+ and percents and the relationships bet,een and amon" these concepts and their representations 5evelop ,a.s to model situations involvin" #ractions+ decimals+ and percents ;nderstand and use e'uivalent #ractions to reason about situations Compare and order #ractions Move #le>ibl. amon" #raction+ decimal+ and percent representations ;se benchmarks such as 0+ 32/ and 3 to help estimate the si=e o# a number or sum 5evelop and use benchmarks that relate di##erent #orms o# representations o# rational numbers (#or e>ample+ (0A can be represented as 0)() ;se ph.sical models and dra,in"s to help reason about a situation Look #or patterns and describe ho, to continue the pattern ;se conte>t to help reason about a situation ;se estimation to understand a situation Shapes and Designs (Geometry) ;nderstand some important properties o# pol."ons and reco"ni=e pol."onal shapes both in and out o# the classroom !nvesti"ate the s.mmetries o# a shape? rotational or re#lectional <stimate the si=e o# an. an"le usin" re#erence to a ri"ht an"le and other benchmark an"les ;se an an"le ruler #or makin" more accurate an"le measurements <>plore parallel lines and an"les created b. lines intersectin" parallel lines 8ind patterns that help determine an"le sums o# pol."ons 5etermine ,hich pol."ons #it to"ether to cover a #lat sur#ace and ,h. 8ind that the sum o# an. t,o side len"ths o# a trian"le is "reater than the third side len"th


8ind that the sum o# an. three side len"ths o# a

'uadrilateral is "reater than the #ourth side len"th 6eason about and solve problems involvin" shapes Bits and Pieces II (Number) ;se benchmarks and other strate"ies to estimate the reasonableness o# results o# operations ,ith #ractions 5evelop ,a.s to model sums+ di##erences+ products+ and 'uotients ,ith areas+ strips+ and number lines ;se estimates and e>act solutions to make decisions Look #or and "enerali=e patterns in numbers ;se kno,led"e o# #ractions and e'uivalence o# #ractions to develop al"orithms #or addin"+ subtractin"+" and dividin" #ractions 6eco"ni=e ,hen addition+ subtraction+ multiplication+ or division is the appropriate operation to solve a problem Brite #act #amilies to sho, the inverse relationship bet,een addition and subtraction+ and bet,een multiplication and division Solve problems usin" arithmetic operations on #ractions Covering and Surrounding (Geometry) ;nderstand area and relate area to coverin" a #i"ure ;nderstand perimeter and relate perimeter to surroundin" a #i"ure 5evelop strate"ies #or #indin" areas and perimeters o# rectan"ular shapes and nonrectan"ular shapes 5iscover relationships bet,een perimeter and area) includin" that each can var. ,hile the other sta.s #i>ed ;nderstand ho, the areas o# simple "eometric #i"ures relate to each other (e)") the area o# a parallelo"ram is t,ice the area o# a trian"le ,ith the same base and hei"ht) C 5evelop #ormulas and procedures?stated in ,ords and2or s.mbols?#or #indin" areas and perimeters o# rectan"les+ parallelo"rams+ trian"les+ and circles 5evelop techni'ues #or estimatin" the area and perimeter o# an irre"ular #i"ure


6eco"ni=e situations in ,hich measurin"

perimeter or area ,ill help ans,er practical 'uestions Bits and Pieces III (Number) @uild on kno,led"e o# operations on #ractions and ,hole numbers 5evelop and use benchmarks and other strate"ies to estimate the ans,ers to computations ,ith decimals 5evelop meanin" o# and al"orithms #or operations ,ith decimals ;se the relationship bet,een decimals and #ractions to develop and understand ,h. decimal al"orithms ,ork ;se the place value interpretation o# decimals to make sense o# short-cut al"orithms #or operations Generali=e number patterns to help make sense o# decimal operations Choose bet,een addition+ subtraction+ multiplication or division as an appropriate operation to use to solve a problem ;nderstand that decimals are o#ten associated ,ith measurements in real ,orld situations Solve problems usin" operations on decimals ;se understandin" o# operations and the meanin" o# percents to solve percent problems o# the #orm aA o# b e'uals c #or an. one o# the variables a, b, or c How Likely Is It? (Probability) ;nderstand that probabilities are use#ul #or predictin" ,hat ,ill happen over the lon" run ;nderstand the concepts o# e'uall. likel. and not-e'uall. likel. ;nderstand that #airness implies e'uall. likel. outcomesMATHEMATICS CONTENT ;nderstand that there are t,o ,a.s to build probabilit. models: b. "atherin" data #rom e>periments (e>perimental probabilit.) and b. anal.=in" the possible e'uall. likel. outcomes (theoretical probabilit.) ;nderstand that e>perimental probabilities are better estimates o# theoretical probabilities ,hen the. are based on lar"er numbers o# trials 5evelop strate"ies #or #indin" both e>perimental and theoretical probabilities Criticall. interpret statements o# probabilit. to


make decisions or ans,er 'uestions Data !out "s (Data Analysis) ;nderstand and use the process o# data investi"ation b. posin" 'uestions+ collectin" data+ anal.=in" data distributions+ and makin" interpretations to ans,er 'uestions 6epresent data distributions usin" line plots+ bar "raphs+ stem-and-lea# plots+ and coordinate "raphs Compute the mean+ median+ or mode and the ran"e o# the data 5istin"uish bet,een cate"orical data and numerical data and identi#. ,hich "raphs and statistics ma. be used to represent each kind o# data Make in#ormed decisions about ,hich "raph or "raphs and ,hich o# the measures o# center (mean+ median+ or mode) and ran"e ma. be used to describe a data distribution 5evelop strate"ies #or comparin" data distributions PPS lge!ra "nit (Algebra)

Use variables in a variety of different ways. Tell the difference between an algebraic expression and an equation. Create tables, graphs (4-quadrant and equations that describe patterns of change
(!ultiple representations . Use variables and constants to write for!ulas, general rules or equations (turn "people tal#$ into "!ath tal#$ . %olve one- and two-step equations. (&xa!ple' (x ) 4*, x )+, -x . * ) /0, x )+ Use order of operations. 1ind the value of algebraic expressions. (&xa!ple' 2f x ) ( and y ) 3, then 4x . y )+ Use inverse operations to solve proble!s. Use rate tables to build proportional thin#ing. <ssential skills to be tau"ht or assessed: > 6ead and comprehend > Brite clearl. and accuratel. > Listen activel. and speak clearl. > > 7ppl. mathematics > > Think criticall. > > Personal mana"ement and team,ork > > ;se technolo". Civic and Communit. <n"a"ement


Global Literac.

7ssessment2evaluation2"radin" polic.: Students must demonstrate pro#icienc.

on learnin" objectives throu"h completion o# home,ork+ class,ork+ projects and scores on 'ui==es and tests)

@ehavioral e>pectations: Students ,ill be e>pected to ,ork both independentl.

and collaborativel.) Home,ork is re'uired in this class)

Sa#et. issues and re'uirements: %one) Si"nature o# instructor completin" this #orm: 7dministrator 7pproval:
By approving this syllabus the administrator verifies that a. the course code written on this form is accurate and that this code has been correctly placed into eSIS by the schools data clerk. b. the teacher listed on the syllabus meets the endorsement requirements as set forth by O ! and "#$B. c. the course meets the requirements of the istrict required core curriculum including standards. d. the teacher is using istrict adopted materials or has been approved to use other resources.



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