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5 million 4 Philippine resuscitation 160 million a day for banksters snuffin I dont get it and obviously neither do you

In the name of God of for !ith the People "#$

"hat goes around comes around but never the mind %n!ard &hristian 'oldiers http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,-.c&"a/001I http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,r2y3lm45s"6 I72. #% '68 6' and 69 %:87 ;8P/8#8; 672<I6= destroying all life in the region 2s long as not chemical !eapons eh+ 7emembrance ;ay 0mas 8aster and the rest to forget "hat+ 2t least cant forget !hat is intended to be unkno!n in &2 coherency absentia >istorical perpetual reforms to thy kingdom not a human achievement ?et !ere there at the onset 7ound and round to !hence they come not a!are can@t get there from here 'enate reform !ithout an informed populace that is 'ubstantive #hick '# 'anctimonious #heology 2re you a!are they are doing a senate reform !ithout the citiAens adeBuately informed don@t even kno! reform in process !ithin as they are traditionally left !ithout+ 6ltimate Potential 'ociety !!!*6P'1C*com ;emocracy is a form of government in !hich all citiAens have an eBual say in the decisions that affect their lives* Ideally this includes eBual Dand more or less directE participation in the proposal development and passage of legislation into la!* It can also encompass social economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and eBual practice of political selfFdetermination* #he term comes from the Greek( GHIJKLMNOM P DdQmokratRaE Srule of the peopleS T1U !hich !as coined from GIJV DdWmosE SpeopleS and KLXNJV D9ratosE Spo!erS in the middle of the 5thF4th century Y& to denote the political systems then e-isting in some Greek cityFstates notably 2thens follo!ing a popular uprising in 505 Y&*TZU 2ccording to some theories of democracy popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system*TCU >o!ever the democratic principle has also been e-pressed as Sthe freedom to call something into being !hich did not e-ist before !hich !as not given[ and !hich therefore strictly speaking could not be kno!n*ST4U #his type of freedom !hich is connected to human Snatality S or the capacity to begin ane! sees democracy as Snot only a political system[ TbutU an ideal an aspiration really intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of !hat it is to be human\of !hat it is a human should be to be fully human*ST5U "hile there is no specific universally accepted definition of @democracy@ T6U eBuality and freedom have both been identified as important characteristics of democracy since ancient times*T4U #hese principles are reflected in all citiAens being 1

eBual before the la!

and having eBual access to legislative processes* $or e-ample in a representative democracy every vote has eBual !eight no unreasonable restrictions can apply to anyone seeking to become a representative and the freedom of its citiAens is secured by legitimiAed rights and liberties !hich are generally protected by a constitution*T5UT]U


=a^ority rule is often listed as a characteristic of democracy* >o!ever it is also possible for a minority to be oppressed by a Styranny of the ma^orityS in the absence of governmental or constitutional protections of individual and)or group rights* 2n essential part of an SidealS representative democracy is competitive elections that are fair both substantively T15U and procedurally*T16U $urthermore freedom of political e-pression freedom of speech and

freedom of the press

are considered to be essential

so that citiAens are adeBuately informed

and able to vote according to their o!n best interests as they see them*T14UT15U It has also been suggested that a basic feature of democracy is the capacity of individuals to participate freely and fully in the life of their society*T1]U

In lieu of citi en! that a"e a#equately info"me# we have

!!!*%1task*com %bstruct 1ustice truth and source kill freedom of the press

P7I&9 mi $IYIY
Political 7eligious Intellectual &harlatan 9leptocracy media inciting $ickle Inherent Yias Ignorant Yliss 'tuffed ripe !ith beliefs for the pickings #a-onomical =oney #ree of many branches of a

$"ampant #ive"%ence of un#e"!tan#in%!$*T4U

Z* 8veryone has the follo!ing fundamental freedoms( DaE freedom of conscience and religion_ DbE freedom of thought belief opinion and e-pression including f"ee#om of the p"e!! and other media of communication_ DcE freedom of peaceful assembly_ and DdE freedom of association*

"ar is =oney 'anctity of 'ustainable Gro!th eh+ Z

Satanism is a broad term referring to a group of Western religions comprising diverse ideological and philosophical

Their shared features include symbolic association with, or admiration for the character of, Satan, or similar rebellious, promethean, and, in their view, liberating figures. There were an estimated 50,000 members in 1990. There may be as few as a few thousand in the world. 1!

http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)>umans >umans Dkno!n ta-onomically as >omo sapiens TCUT4U /atin for S!ise manS or Skno!ing manSET5U are the only living species in the >omogenus* 2natomically modern humans originated in 2frica about Z00 000 years ago reaching full behavioral modernity around 50 000 years ago*T6U >umans have a highly developed brain and are capable of abstract reasoning language introspection and problem solving* #his mental capability combined !ith an erect body carriage that frees the hands for manipulating ob^ects has allo!ed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other living species on 8arth* %ther higherFlevel thought processes of humans such as selfFa!areness rationality and sapience T4UT5UT]U are considered to be defining features of !hat constitutes a SpersonS*Tcitation neededU http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)15Z505415)78<%F1C "hat they say ```` "hat is fact Proclaim 7ule of /a! separation of po!ers legal certainty ;e ^ure administer 2ntithesis 7ule of /a! elusivity no clear separation of po!ers chain from &ro!n guaranteed legal uncertainty debated endlessly at the e-pense of humans It is no! an accepted and important constitutional principle that the 2ttorney General must carry out the =inister@s criminal prosecution responsibilities independent of &abinet and of any partisan political pressures* #he 2ttorney General@s responsibility for individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken F and seen to be undertaken F on strictly ob^ective and legal criteria free of any political considerations* "hether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy* #his responsibility has been characteriAed as a matter of the 2ttorney General

acting as the .ueen@s 2ttorney F

not as a =inister of the government of the day* C

http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)11C55Z]44)'piritFIntentFPrecedenceFdeF1ureF&onstitutionForF7omansF1CFGamingF theF'ystemFdeF$acto 'hoot the bull runs rampant #radition 2ttorney General

&opula" !ove"ei%nty or the !ove"ei%nty of the people is

the belief
that the legitimacy of the state is created by the !ill or consent of its people !ho are the source of all political po!er* It is closely associated to the social contract philosophers among !hom are #homas >obbes 1ohn /ocke and 1eanF1acBues 7ousseau* Popular sovereignty e-presses a concept and does not necessarily reflect or describe a political reality*T1U 4

It i! often cont"a!te# with the concept

of parliamentary sovereignty and !ith individual sovereignty*


Sovereignty is the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a geographic area, such as a territory.

It can be found in a power to rule and make law that rests

on a political fact for which

no purely legal explanation can be provided.
In theoretical terms, the idea of "sovereignty", historically, from Socrates to Thomas Hobbes, has always necessitated a moral imperative on the entity exercising it.
7ule of /a! #he rule of la! is a legal ma-im !hich provides that no person is above the la! that no one can be punished by the state e-cept for a breach of the la! and that no one can be convicted of breaching the la! e-cept in the manner set forth by the la! itself* 'he "ule of law !tan#! in cont"a!t to the i#ea that the lea#e" i! above the law a featu"e of an# ce"tain othe" le%al !y!tem!. #he phrase has been used since the 14th century but the concept is older* $or e-ample the Greek philosopher 2ristotle said S/a! should governS*TZU %ne !ay to be free from the rule of la! is by denying that an enactment has the necessary attributes of la!* #he rule of la! has therefore been described as

(oman )aw* +a i law*

$an e,cee#in%ly elu!ive notion$TCU giving rise to a $"ampant #ive"%ence of un#e"!tan#in%!$*T4U

2t least t!o principal conceptions of the rule of la! can be identified( a formalist or SthinS and a

!ub!tantive o" $thic-$ definition of the rule of la!*

$ormalist definitions of the rule of la!

#o not ma-e a .u#%ment about the $.u!tne!!$ of law it!elf*

but define specific procedural attributes that a legal frame!ork must have in order to be in compliance !ith the rule of la!* /ub!tantive conception! of the rule of la! %o beyon# thi! an# inclu#e certain substantive rights that a"e

!ai# to be ba!e# on* or derived from

the rule of la!*T5U

a$ine !ords and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated !ith true virtueb &/IP'87' &ommon /a! Insinuated Precedence 'tatutes 8videncing 7ighteous 'anctimonious "atch &P2& struggle 'enator 7eform maintaining complicit tradition !!!*'olarGhost1C*com
" #igher $all When bad is good good is bad % am either down or up with that "men &&& 'ema((( http)***watch+v,-./c5o101"" See more on 2The 'ational3 Than.s 'ational #oly shitland 4atman 5 yes 5 -obin soon the way of the 0' e corn 6a can lead a horse to water, but ya can7t ma.e it drin. 6a can lead a religious sect to beliefs and we all end up over the brin.

"e are !hat !e Y8; P Yreathe 8at ;rink due !hat they are fed and lie in it I8 Interactive 8lusivity

0own to ea"th 1111111111. /now 2ob 6

6nited <ations 2lien cionist Insidious Puppets #he 'tar of ;avid in the /eningrad &ode- 1005 &8
6pon independence in 1]45 the ne! 1e!ish state !as formally named Medinat Yisrael or the 'tate of Israel after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel DSthe /and of IsraelSE cion and 1udea !ere considered and re^ected*TZ5U In the early !eeks of independence the government chose the term SIsraeliS to denote a citiAen of Israel !ith the formal announcement made by =inister of $oreign 2ffairs =oshe 'harett*TZ6U #he name Israel has historically been used in common and religious usage to refer to the biblical 9ingdom of Israel or the entire 1e!ish nation*TZ4U 2ccording to the >ebre! Yible the name SIsraelS !as given to the patriarch 1acob D'tandard Yisrael Isrl_ 'eptuagint Greek( dLMefIsral_

Sstruggle !ith GodS



afte" he !ucce!!fully w"e!tle# with the an%el of the )o"#.

1acob@s t!elve sons became the ancestors of the Israelites also kno!n as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel* 1acob and his sons had lived in &anaan but !ere forced by famine to go into 8gypt for four generations until =oses a greatFgreat grandson of 1acob TC0U led the Israelites back into &anaan during the S8-odusS* #he earliest archaeological artifact to mention the !ord SIsraelS is the =erneptah 'tele of ancient 8gypt Ddated to the late 1Cth century Y&8E*TC1U

'he a"ea i! al!o -nown a! the

3oly )an#*
bein% holy fo" all Ab"ahamic

"eli%ion! inclu#in%

2u#ai!m* Ch"i!tianity* I!lam

an# the 4ah567


;ear /ord through the smoke mirror mirror on the "all 't !ho the greater sanctimonious !!!*2men1C*com

I understand /ord afraid to say eh+

"hats it all about 2lfie+

Genocide scholars such as Gregory 'tanton have postulated that conditions and acts that often occur before during and after genocide\ such as dehumaniAation of victim groups strong organiAation of genocidal groups and denial of genocide by its perpetrators\

can be i#entifie# an# action! ta-en to !top %enoci#e! befo"e they happen. &ritics of this approach such as ;irk 9o!e! assert that this is unrealistic and that for e-ample S;arfur !ill end !hen it suits the great po!ers that have a stake in the regionS*
=oses http())ups1C*com)about5*html 5

http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,I1-dI0g=G2I #he other Israel Pharisees killed 1esus [ #almud [%9 to kill indirectly cionists !ill have no other Gods before them caused 7omans to carry out their deeds keeping hands filthy clean http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,4C6k=?5%$<.gfeature,related ;ark #ruth of 7eligion http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,et02mF%yl.. 2n honest 1e! tells the #ruth about Israel
2013 years ago had another "struggle with God" and upon success called it

Goo# 8"i#ay
Francis of Assisi Meager Universal Laboring Equals

1181/1182 - 1226
't* $rancis of 2ssisi DItalian( 'an $rancesco d@2ssisi baptiAed Giovanni born $rancesco di Pietro di Yernardone_TZU 1151)115Z P %ctober C 1ZZ6ETCU !as an Italian &atholic friar and preacher* >e founded the men@s $ranciscan %rder the !omens %rder of 't* &lare and the #hird %rder of 'aint $rancis for men and !omen not able to live the lives of itinerant preachers follo!ed by the early members of the %rder of $riars =inor or the monastic lives of the Poor &lares*T4U #hough he !as never ordained to the &atholic priesthood $rancis is one of the most venerated religious figures in history*T4U In 1Z1] he !ent to 8gypt in an attempt to convert the 'ultan to put an end to the conflict of the &rusades*T6U Yy this point the $ranciscan %rder had gro!n to such an e-tent that

its primitive organiAational structure !as no longer sufficient*

>e returned to Italy to organiAe the %rder*

:nce hi! community wa! autho"i e# by the &ope*

he !ithdre! increasingly from e-ternal affairs*

In 1ZZC $rancis arranged for the first &hristmas manger scene*T5U In 1ZZ4 he received the stigmata T5U making him the first recorded person to bear the !ounds of &hrist@s ]

>e died during the evening hours of %ctober C 1ZZ6 !hile listening to a reading he had reBuested of Psalm 140*

In order to organiAe the %rder must have the Pope@s blessing <8"' <ever 8nding "ar 'tory >ellion order continues to this very ;2? ;ark 2byss ?oke #hough I !alk through the valley of death [


ne! S^esuit popeS francis* controlled by black pope

%n search of a humanity loop hole ostrich thing a fallacy 8osen speech very effect but loss of 9ob pension and benefits wor.s swell for the ma9ority realist idealist not needing further inducement

Reichsfhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler.

%n 4 %ctober 1]4C >immler referred e-plicitly to the e-termination of the 1e!ish people during a secret '' meeting in the city of PoAnahDPosenE* #he follo!ing is a translation of an e-cerpt from a transcription of an audio recordingT44U that e-ists of the speech( I also !ant to refer here very frankly to a very difficult matter* "e can no! very openly talk about this among ourselves and yet !e !ill never discuss this publicly* 1ust as !e did not hesitate on C0 1une 1]C4 to perform our duty as ordered and put comrades !ho had failed up against the !all and e-ecute them !e also never spoke about it nor !ill !e ever speak about it*

/et us thank God

that !e had !ithin us enough selfFevident fortitude never to discuss it among us and !e never talked about it* 8very one of us !as horrified and yet every one clearly understood that !e !ould do it ne-t time !hen the order is given and !hen it becomes necessary* I am no! referring to the evacuation of the 1e!s to the e-termination of the 1e!ish People* #his is something that is easily said( @#he 1e!ish People !ill be e-terminated@ says every Party member @this is very obvious it is in our program \ elimination of the 1e!s e-termination a small matter*@ 2nd then they turn up the upstanding 50 million Germans and each one has his decent 1e!* #hey say the others are all s!ine but this particular one is a splendid 1e!* Yut none has observed it endured it* =ost of you here kno! !hat it means !hen 100 corpses lie ne-t to each other !hen there are 500 or !hen there are 1 000* #o have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person \ !ith e-ceptions due to human !eaknesses \ has made us tough and is a glorious chapter that has not and !ill not be spoken of* Yecause !e kno! ho! difficult it !ould be for us if !e still had 1e!s as secret saboteurs agitators and rabble rousers in every city !hat !ith the bombings !ith the burden and !ith the hardships of the !ar* If the 1e!s !ere still part of the German nation !e !ould most likely arrive no! at the state !e !ere at in 1]16 and @14 * * * * \>einrich >immler 4 %ctober 1]4C


5. % shall fear evil :id ;antino get offer couldn7t refuse from #arper+ To shut him up So many silencing means and we all pay the 8-%$< for the certainty of the rule of law elusive certainty http)***watch+v,;1=:0-%/>yw

1ulian $antino reappears from hiding to attack the &harter of 7ights and $reedoms on &Y& &harter administration absent 'pirit of /a! Protects criminals
"s % documented ?c;rauds in personal case scenario %s #arper doing a ?ulroney+

=ovin on 6p 8-cerpt from ;amage &ontrol !!!*;amage&ontrol1C*com =ulroney steals the 7&=P making &ommissioner a ;eputy =inister Prime =inister appoints the 2ttorney General !ho is over the &hief 1ustice perhaps %kayed by the Governor General Instead of Z court 2ttorney General induces an inBuiry by their appointed senators 'enators find bribe receiver from armaments dealer ta- evader =ulroney naughty getting caught acting misappropriate !ith a nasty slap on the !rist headed off to bigger and better not a human achievements

What if you name it and we lived happily ever after Within the spirit please %magine the 8-%$< getting Scrooged "nd Tiny Tim getting mended and 6es /irginia still virgin when finds out no Satanic $lause %magine 1mas miracle bringing people together A4 ;ran. with me %7m the .ind that would bring 1mas AB*C eternal What if we used science for peace religiously -eligion the antithesis of science you do the math Dill the bastard ... let us pray this means war , nun eh+ Ta>es and death as certain as beliefs and faith #0'E<#umanity 0nderground 'atality Erows <galitarian -eferendum

!!!*$it1C*com Ye!are the Ides I dunno [ an epiphany+ 11

2s recollect on a clear day head stumped for the trees the 7ule of /a! the magnificent God given user friendly brain akin to a chainsa! meaningless until a mind put to fire up and then P%8 peace on earth no more 8t #u =e fallings of friendly fire $abric 2te 7oll &all
$reedom asserting belief rights imperative consecrated 2mbiguity truth elusivity 7ule of la! legal &ertainty appropriators liBuidity logistics

http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)11C55Z]44)'piritFIntentFPrecedenceFdeF1ureF&onstitutionForF7omansF1CFGamingF theF'ystemFdeF$acto ">I='I&2/

"ar >igh In =onetary 'overeignty Imperialist &apitalist 2uthentic /uciferian

7eligion >igh 8lusive #ruth %rientation 7ighteous Imperialist &apitalism Z* 8veryone has the follo!ing fundamental freedoms( DaE freedom of conscience and religion_ DbE freedom of thought belief opinion and e-pression including freedom of the press and other media of communication_ DcE freedom of peaceful assembly_ and DdE freedom of association* Political 7eligious Insidious &harlatan 9leptocracy media inciting $ickle Inherent Yias Ignorant Yliss P7I&9 mi $IYIY

'atanism is a broad term referring to a group of "estern religions comprising diverse ideological and philosophical beliefs* #heir shared features include symbolic association !ith or admiration for the character of 'atan or similar rebellious promethean and in their vie! liberating figures* #here !ere an estimated 50 000 members in 1]]0* #here may be as fe! as a fe! thousand in the !orld*T1U

2s chief la! officer the 2ttorney General has

a !pecial "e!pon!ibility
to be the guardian of

that most elusive concept

F the rule of la!* #he rule of la! is a !ell established legal principle but hard to easily define* It is the rule of la!

that p"otect! in#ivi#ual!* an# !ociety a! a whole*

from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties* 1Z

2ttorney General has the 76<' 7esponsibly 6naccountable <uances 'ystemic 2ttorney General guardian of the public interest
;<. D1E #he 2ttorney General for %ntario shall serve as the guardian of the public interest in all matters !ithin

the scope of this 2ct or having to do in any !ay !ith the practice of la! in %ntario or the provision of legal services in %ntario and for this purpose he or she may at any time reBuire the production of any document or thing pertaining to the affairs of the 'ociety* 7*'*%* 1]]0 c* /*5 s* 1C D1E_ 1]]5 c* Z1 s* 4 D1E_ Z006 c* Z1 'ched* & s* 1C* 2dmissions DZE <o admission of any person in any document or thing produced under subsection D1E is admissible in evidence against that person in any proceedings other than proceedings under this 2ct* 7*'*%* 1]]0 c* /*5 s* 1C DZE_ 1]]5 c* Z1 s* 4 DZE* Protection of =inister DCE <o person !ho is or has been the 2ttorney General for %ntario is sub^ect to any proceedings of the 'ociety or to any penalty imposed under this 2ct for anything done by him or her !hile e-ercising the functions of such office* 7*'*%* 1]]0 c* /*5 s* 1C DCE_ 1]]5 c* Z1 s* 4 DCE* #he &ro!n has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available*


7ule of /a! http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)7ule3of3la! #he 7ule of la! in its most basic form is no one is above the la!* Perhaps the most important application of the rule of la! is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately e-ercised only in accordance !ith publicly disclosed la!s adopted and enforced in accordance !ith established procedural steps that are referred to as due process* #he rule of la! is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy* 2ccording to modern 2ngloF2merican thinking hallmarks of adherence to the rule of la! commonly include

a clea" !epa"ation of powe"!*

le%al ce"tainty*
the principle of legitimate e-pectation and eBuality of all before the la!* #he concept is not !ithout controversy and it has been said that Sthe phrase the rule of la! has become meanin%le!! thanks to ideological abuse and general overF useS G% P%8
General %verFuse Proclamations %nly 8lusivity publicly disclosed la!s 5Z* D1E #he &onstitution of &anada is the supreme la! of &anada and any la! that is inconsistent !ith the provisions of the &onstitution is to the e-tent of the inconsistency

of no force or effect*
#he 2ttorney General does not ho!ever direct or cause charges to be laid* "hile the 2ttorney General and the 2ttorney General@s agents may provide legal advice to the police the ultimate decision


!hether or not to lay charges is for the police* %nce the charge is laid

the #eci!ion
as to !hether the prosecution should proceed and in !hat manner is for the 2ttorney General and the &ro!n 2ttorney* It is no! an accepted and important constitutional principle that the 2ttorney General must carry out the =inister@s criminal prosecution responsibilities independent of &abinet and of any partisan political pressures* #he 2ttorney General@s responsibility for individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken F and seen to be undertaken F on strictly ob^ective and legal criteria free of any political considerations* "hether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy* #his responsibility has been characteriAed as a matter of the

Atto"ney Gene"al actin% a! the =ueen6! Atto"ney

F not as a =inister of the government of the day*

Z4* D1E 2nyone !hose rights or freedoms as guaranteed by this &harter have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent ^urisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and ^ust in the circumstances* DZE "here in proceedings under subsection D1E a court concludes that evidence !as obtained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed by this &harter

the evi#ence !hall be e,clu#e#

if it is established that having regard to all the circumstances the admission of it in the proceedings

woul# b"in% the a#mini!t"ation of .u!tice into #i!"epute*

#he &ro!n has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available*


&lear separation of po!ers legal certainty

1* #he &anadian &harter of 7ights and $reedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it sub^ect only to such reasonable limits prescribed by la! as can be demonstrably ^ustified in a free and democratic society*



4* 8veryone has the right to life liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof e-cept in accordance !ith the principles of fundamental ^ustice* &ritical thinking P7% Political religious optimist 2 flea backstroking !ith reserved erection calls for the dra! bridge to be raised Polls see sanity bottoms !hile let us pray tops Priorities eh+

<8"' $2Y7I& 2#8

<ever 8nding "ar 'tory $iduciary 2ccountable Yenevolence 7ighteous Imperialist &apitalist 2spiring #ruth 8vaders >o! much truth can one be e-pected to s!allo!+ >oly >eadline Yatman yep 7g7 7obbings 7obin =ein 9ampf =edia essential intellectual neuter 9leptocratic authenticity manifests proficient fools $ree po!er 4 humanic of thin air like banksters money 4 satanic #6# #radition 6nsinkable #itanic #ut irrefutable proof ya cant take it !ith you

Political 7eligious %ppress /ights 8-ponential #ranBuility 2ccountable 7esponsible Illuminate #yranny

2nd the /ord sayeth unto me ?ou are God and set out !ith the cutting edge to slice through the shit segregating the human family from #hy 9ingdom &ome 6nkno!n Genius of <ikola #esla http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,;pnCC8unG'=

http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,vuI<hm#C:5? <ikola #esla F #he secrets hidden in the pyramids of 8gypt =oses stole the 2rk from 7amesses II turning the lights out on 8gypt 14

7eality is the #ruth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception #ruth that !hich God !ould observe !hether or not >e e-isted or !hether or not one believes >e e-ists I;82/ 'imply 7eality 'anely ;ealt "ith 6nited Perception 'olidarity !!!*ups1C*com 6ltimate Potential 'ociety 8pitaph 8dison Profit Intellectual #esla authentic Prophet >umanity =8 P =oses 8dison 16'#I&8 P 1esus 6niversal 'ocrates #esla Intellect &onfucius 8lectromagnetism ?es ya better !atch out :irginia no 'atanic &lause 'anta &lause is coming around !ith ^udges go!n ?es !e got no bananas at &;$1I F &onstitution ;iligence $iduciary 1udiciary Independentsiii

!!!*1ustice1C*com &an !e afford not to ask $ord+ "hat caused him to go crackers+ "ould $ord be crackers to divulge !hat induced his crackers and perhaps more important "ould Polly !ant a cracker+ 15

#6# #radition 6nsinkable #itanic #ut irrefutable proof ya cant take it !ith you !!!*'apYoat1C*com 'anity a popular Yelief of artificial truths !!!*%1task*com %bstruct 1ustice truth and source kill

http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)1Z65440C0)%nlyFtheF8ccentricF9no!FtheF<ightmare Yias %smosis 'morgasbord of kaleidoscopic ricochet #2Y/8#' #ruths antithesis Yeliefs /iBuid 8-ponential #ranscendental http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,4C6k=?5%$<.gfeature,related In the name of God and forgive its ^ust politics P78''678' Political 7eligious 8galitarian 'egregated 'olidarity 6biBuitous 7ighteous 8-plosive 'anctimonious S#hy kingdom comeS =c Pig =usical &hairs Puppets in glomming Puppets in Governance =edia 8lusives

PIG =8
#he reBuest for God@s kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief common at the time that a =essiah figure !ould bring about a 9ingdom of God* #raditionally the coming of God@s 9ingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for

not a human achievement.

#his idea is freBuently challenged by groups !ho believe that the 9ingdom !ill come by the hands of those faithful to !ork for a better !orld* It is believed by these individuals that 1esus@ commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the 9ingdom to !hich he !as referring*

PIG =8%"
Puppets in Governance =edia 8lusives %pposition "eb


$orthright $orth!ith $orthcoming $$$

In the name of God of for !ith the People "#$

$ickle $ate $inger ]0j #ithe Political 7eligious Implicit &omplicit 8-plicit P7I&8 Political 7eligious Insidious &apitalist 8mperors /ike other financial empires in history 'mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control !ealth as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperialFcentersFofFcapital*T1U Yelloc estimated that during the Yritish 8nclosures Sperhaps half of the !hole population !as proletarianS !hile roughly the other ShalfS o!ned and controlled the means of production* <o! under modern &apitalism 1*"* 'mith claims fe!er than 500 people possess more !ealth than half of the earths population as the !ealth of 1)Z of 1Fpercent of the 6nited 'tates population roughly eBual that of the lo!er ]0Fpercent*


ne! S^esuit popeS francis* controlled by black pope


'I< Y2; 'ane Insanity <ormalcy Yeliefs 2ggressed ;emocratically


$acts must have root Z take root God coherency S&atch ZZS must have semblance Z catch doG chase tail

I kno! I !ill never see a poem as lovely as a tree nor a brighter life form

#hey !ail banging heads against !all and !e get the 8-cedrin headaches ?a gotta kno! Y4 /est !e $orget taking on different animal
1udaism #>I7; #8=P/8 Y8I<G Y6I/# demolish =I P =uslim Islam


"" III + >6>+ >oly unorthodo- >olocaust <8"' <ever 8nding "ar 'tory

%n!ard &hristian 'oldiers http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,e463a00?0u4

6nited <ations 2lien cionist Insidious Puppets #he 'tar of ;avid in the /eningrad &ode- 1005 &8 6pon independence in 1]45 the ne! 1e!ish state !as formally named Medinat Yisrael or the 'tate of Israel after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel DSthe /and of IsraelSE cion and 1udea !ere considered and re^ected*TZ5U In the early !eeks of independence the government chose the term SIsraeliS to denote a citiAen of Israel !ith the formal announcement made by =inister of $oreign 2ffairs =oshe 'harett*TZ6U #he name Israel has historically been used in common and religious usage to refer to the biblical 9ingdom of Israel or the entire 1e!ish nation*TZ4U 2ccording to the >ebre! Yible the name SIsraelS !as given to the patriarch 1acob D'tandard Yisrael Isrl_ 'eptuagint Greek( dLMefIsral_

Sstruggle !ith GodS



afte" he !ucce!!fully w"e!tle# with the an%el of the )o"#.

1acob@s t!elve sons became the ancestors of the Israelites also kno!n as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel* 1acob and his sons had lived in &anaan but !ere forced by famine to go into 8gypt for four generations until =oses a greatFgreat grandson of 1acob TC0U led the Israelites back into &anaan during the S8-odusS* #he earliest archaeological artifact to mention the !ord SIsraelS is the =erneptah 'tele of ancient 8gypt Ddated to the late 1Cth century Y&8E*TC1U

'he a"ea i! al!o -nown a! the

3oly )an#*
bein% holy fo" all Ab"ahamic

"eli%ion! inclu#in%

2u#ai!m* Ch"i!tianity* I!lam

an# the 4ah567 8aith.
>oly 2be Yatman harped 7obin yep no ]11 looks like a ^ob 4 >*2*2*7*P

http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,4!8AyZkA75=gfeature,related 6' caused 1apan 5*] 8arthBuake [ 2lter !eather #esla mad science alive and !ell >omer 2laska


http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+ annotation3id,annotation315CZ1]gfeature,ivgsrc3vid,s65C4f4bn$=gv,1="1^=BY$;? ;epopulate to 1 Yillion Interactive 7eciprocity and then there !ere none finally P%8 Peace on 8arth 4 come 11 2n e-asperating shot in antiBuity an e-acerbating peacekeeping volley then all hell broke loose
2 cry a lie a defy husha husha g !e all paid the Price from dusk Z dust !e r a changing blo!ing in the !ind

/est !e forget #errorist makers %9 if you are the good guy %r is it if you are perceived as the good guy the other a God damn terrorists


http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,#1gn13"35A6 &<< Its %9 "ikileaks evil

#ruth 2ll Pay Price

http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,t^s$'r'<4Fk 6'* !ar crimes in IraB TPart 1U http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,%mo=uy0vc^c 6'* !ar crimes in IraB TPart ZU http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,?6=Z2Ima]5k 6'* !ar crimes in IraB TPart CU http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,Zi0dC<dtIe= 6'* !ar crimes in IraB TPart 4U http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,yo!B0Zng>l4 #he !hole truth about the IraB !ar
The War on %raF, -obert Ereenwald chronicles the 4ush "dministrationGs determined Fuest to invade %raF following the events of September 11, A001. The film deconstructs the administrationGs case for war through interviews with 0.S intelligence and defense officials, foreign service e>perts, and 0.'. weapons inspectors HH including a former $%" director, a former ambassador to Saudi "rabia and even 8resident 4ushGs Secretary of the "rmy. Their analyses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of oneGs political affiliations.

!!!*%1task*com %bstruct 1ustice truth and source kill #ruth kills truth saves 'ave yourself and the !orld :ideo Gone http())video*google*com)videoplay+docid,C114CC5Z1C4C]Z]Z4]0k :ideo 7eplaced http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,sPIfgmu<4ns
%n this lecture by ?ichel $hossudovs.y, he blows away the smo.escreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9*11 was an attac. on "merica by I%slamic terroristsI. Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a militaryHintelligence ploy behind the September 11 attac.s, and the coverHup and complicity of .ey members of the 4ush "dministration. "ccording to $hossudovs.y, the Iwar on terrorismI is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Jsama bin Kaden, outwitted the LB0 billionHaHyear "merican intelligence apparatus. The Iwar on terrorismI is a war of conFuest. Elobalisation is the final march to the I'ew World JrderI, dominated by Wall Street and the 0.S. militaryHindustrial comple>. September 11, A001 provides a 9ustification for waging a war without borders. WashingtonGs agenda consists in e>tending the frontiers of the "merican <mpire to facilitate complete 0.S. corporate control, while installing within "merica the institutions of the #omeland Security State.


http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,bvayZ5lci>6 #ruth 9ills

http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,"0-Asb'b:68 2fter overcoming the !illing suspension of disbelief >igh 7anking 6' =a^or General 8-poses 'eptember 11 http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,65/6>a3F%l2 &I2 "histleblo!er 'usan /indauer 80P%'8' 8verythingi S8-treme Pre^udiceS s!"#do$w%rs
=ilitary corruption 6'2 Yillions if not trillions 1)Z])0Z http())!!!*!anttokno!*info)corruptiongovernmentmilitary IraB "ar http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,19hut5-b095gfeature,related 4u!h b"o-e eve"y "ule in the boo-! of U/ Con!titution an# U+ Cha"te" pa"t an# pa"cel http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,59]dgB9m150gfeature $ema ;etention &amps =arshall /a! http())!!!*info!ars*com)obamaFimplementingFmartialFla!Fcoup) http())!!!*fireflyfans*net)mthread*asp-+bid,15gtid,5Z1]0 $YI guy flees stating all insane and died http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,;4y;%0Gmtro Its al!ays the enemy premeditated instilled !ithin self once the Posen 'peech takes caught in crossfire

10 ?ears if you think Government corrupt 6'2

Posen speech
Main article: Posen speeches
SDie Ausrottung des j dis!hen "ol#esS

2n e-cerpt from the Posen speeches !here >immler discusses the onFgoing e-termination of the 1e!s*

$roble%s listening to this file& 'ee %edia hel()


%n 4 %ctober 1]4C >immler referred e-plicitly to the e-termination of the 1e!ish people during a secret '' meeting in the city of PoAnahDPosenE* #he follo!ing is a translation of an e-cerpt from a transcription of an audio recordingT44U that e-ists of the speech( I also !ant to refer here very frankly to a very difficult matter* "e can no! very openly talk about this among ourselves and yet !e !ill never discuss this publicly* 1ust as !e did not hesitate on C0 1une 1]C4 to perform our duty as ordered and put comrades !ho had failed up against the !all and e-ecute them !e also never spoke about it nor !ill !e ever speak about it*

)et u! than- Go#

that !e had !ithin us enough selfFevident fortitude never to discuss it among us and !e never talked about it* 8very one of us !as horrified and yet every one clearly understood that !e !ould do it ne-t time !hen the order is given and !hen it becomes necessary* I am no! referring to the evacuation of the 1e!s to the e-termination of the 1e!ish People* #his is something that is easily said( @#he 1e!ish People !ill be e-terminated@ says every Party member @this is very obvious it is in our program \ elimination of the 1e!s e-termination a small matter*@ 2nd then they turn up the upstanding 50 million Germans and each one has his decent 1e!* #hey say the others are all s!ine but this particular one is a splendid 1e!* Yut none has observed it endured it* =ost of you here kno! !hat it means !hen 100 corpses lie ne-t to each other !hen there are 500 or !hen there are 1 000* #o have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person \ !ith e-ceptions due to human !eaknesses \ has made us tough and is a glorious chapter that has not and !ill not be spoken of* Yecause !e kno! ho! difficult it !ould be for us if !e still had 1e!s as secret saboteurs agitators and rabble rousers in every city !hat !ith the bombings !ith the burden and !ith the hardships of the !ar* If the 1e!s !ere still part of the German nation !e !ould most likely arrive no! at the state !e !ere at in 1]16 and @14 * * * * \>einrich >immler 4 %ctober 1]4C

http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,/u0!oscyb56 Pope $rancis and the ;irty "ar F =ichel &hossudovsky on G7#: 2rrest !arrants for the Pope and .ueen e-pire =arch 1Z Z01C oops Z014 !ith innumerable riled up no! !ithout legal paper purpose =arch ZZ Z01C oops Z014 =arshall /a! !ipe out $ema camps the !hole shebang [ all she !rote as 1esuit planned* =akes one !onder !hy only a year provided to arrest such deadly criminals eh+ "arrant includes >arper too eh+ Perhaps that e-plains his senator actions* >arper appoints the senators and it !as a senator that threatened me* Perhaps a prorogue in order to get settled into an underground sabbatical+ 2ppears I ^ust !oke up or the =arch ZZ Z01C =arshall /a! delayed due to 7ev 9evin actions or [* <ever mind go back to sleep [ Im gonna try ;o you suppose they have sped up the agenda maybe 8# go home for 0mas [ ever !onder ? [ 0 for &hris http())e-opolitics*blogs*com)e-opolitics)Z01C)0C)myFentry*html Getting !ith the Italian &rusade of the essence http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)1500C6Z56)ItalianFpoliticiansFagreeFtoFaidFagainstFlastF7atAFPope "ell I cant believe that says them that kno! and the 7%/%;80 F 7ealist %smosis /earned %ppressed ;im!it 8nslaved =ark Z4

"ill the 7&=P determine sufficient evidence to make charges "e !ill have to !ait for their consultation !ith the 2ttorney General through to the Prime =inister through the Governor General through to the &ro!n through $rancis to the Ylack Pope and inevitably and invariably !e !ill pay the Price &learly a conflict of interest but !ho@s gonna say as the matter before the highest material court


ne! S^esuit popeS francis* controlled by black pope

http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,%;P1t'tC;2g U>#?@ 'I9A I/ U&BBB--<CC= 9A(C3 CC CD;<--- 0A&:&U)A'I:+--9A('IA) )AE--GU+ G(A4-CIFI) EA( <8"' <ever 8nding "ar 'tory

/ove of "ar Yusiness Political 7eligious Implicit &omplicit 8-plicit P7I&8 Political 7eligious Insidious &apitalist 8mperors /ike other financial empires in history 'mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control !ealth as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperialFcentersFofFcapital*T1U Yelloc estimated that during the Yritish 8nclosures Sperhaps half of the !hole population !as proletarianS !hile roughly the other ShalfS o!ned and controlled the means of production* <o! under modern &apitalism 1*"* 'mith claims fe!er than 500 people possess more !ealth than half of the earths population as the !ealth of 1)Z of 1Fpercent of the 6nited 'tates population roughly eBual that of the lo!er ]0Fpercent* "" III inevitable if the #ruth does not viral eating a!ay at the virus eating a!ay our minds #rue peacekeepers barrage the !orld !ith truths !!!*8uchrestrions*com Im thinking CC billion something to do !ith CC degree mason CCrd parallel Z5

"hen they say spent CC Yillion for climate control #hey mean in effort to prevent being run over by the >ome 7ace rising !!!*ups1C*com <o! e-periencing %7YI# 7%P F %utside 7outine Yo- Intrinsic #ruths 7everse %smosis Psychosis humanity rises on their hot air =%/8'#2#I%< =useum of /iars 8lusivity 'ubstantive #hick 2lteration #ruth Incinerators oppressed <e!s "I# "hat is #ruth+ 'I< 'ane Insanity <ormalcy

http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)144Z5555])$rankFYestFYetF>o!everF'uperfluousFtoFYetF%n If ya gonna stand froAen staring into the headlights #ry your damnest to make it coherently through to the last page In the &I7&2 7 !hatever they say &ircular logistics bites ass '88 'elf 8vident 8-posing 6p the do!n river of no returns &I7&2 7 + &oherent Irate 7esponsibly &omplicit 2ccountable 7ecompense #ruths Interest !orth ones !eight in Gold 'ticks I dunno but stones and glass houses [ mind shattering eh+ $acts must have root Z take root God coherency S&atch ZZS must have semblance Z catch doG chase tail $ree medical for senators alleged and the incarcerated Yut !hat of me sBueaks the ta- paying silent ma^ority [ no oil for you [ someone must pay for indiscretions at our discretions* 'ome say a medical conspiracy theory transparency !!!*IyffyI*com In your face for your Information >ate to harp >arper !heres the cash+ Perhaps opposition care to !eigh in [ maybe the media [ anybody+ Z]

=ulroney+ In the name of God of for !ith the People "#$

http://www.!c";@DGDDC;;/9a-in%-/wi!!-chee!e-of-&ope-!-/wi!!-Gua"#-by-=:(-of-C #hin air confetti invisible trickle do!n &an you believe them on &P2& do not suspect they are !atched %h they kno! of ;emocracy "atch but a!are one of them [ time 4 a break got the time+ "hoooos !atching !hooooo don@t give a hoot hooting their epitaph videos to be vetoed ^ust a !ee bit too late PPP Purely Political Purposes >umanity ;oublethink I PPP P: %9 Impure PPP Partial :acuum %kay 9leptocratically http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)41CCCC41)"hoF"ouldFYeF$oolishF8noughFtoF/eaveFaFPaperF#rail

a#here !ere no dates in this history but scra!led this !ay and that across every page !ere the !ords Yenevolence 7ighteousness and =orality [ finally I began to make out !hat !as !ritten bet!een the lines* #he !hole volume !as but a single phrase 8at Peopleb

SIt is only the !isest and the stupidest that cannot changeS a#hey must often change !ho !ould be constant in happiness or !isdomb

#hought my pants !ould never dry pretty much use to the stink &riminal la!yers need criminals for sustainable gro!th &riminal la!yers need sustainable impoverished gro!th


7espects glad hand premier step to 28I%6 2ppropriation 8-ponential Impoverishment %rienting 6 ;ont let them fool you as if 4u !hen promoting ^obs promote self in >8 >uman 8nslavement <ever ? ask

/ike a thief in the knight 7emember !hen in trouble ;o not !ait for 7emembrance ;ay /est they allo! their sanity to override their bias ZY respected "ho selects the independent senate conundrum state+ #he 2bominable sno!man and the Iceman cometh "e all pay the P7 I ce P &hristian 8ra as the 7ule of /a! melts before our eyes &rystal meth and &ritical thinking myth

;iscarding the Yiblical Yabble on 4 thy kingdom come

;ust Z ;ust ;uff 6sury 'nuff #ransitive logic describes a given relation bet!een terms such that if it e-ists bet!een SaS and SbS and bet!een SbS and Sc S then it also e-ists bet!een SaS and Sc*S #ypical transitive relationships include Sis greater than S Sis eBual to S and Sis similar to*S http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)&7?'#2/=8#> ;uffys criticiAing of teaching &ritical thinking found his !ay to >arpers heart 2nti antiF!ar activist too eh+ &lear case of P7I&9 Political 7eligious Insidious &harlatan 9leptocracy self e-posure http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)=ike3;uffy
%n ;ecember ZZ Z005 ;uffy !as named a Prince 8d!ard Island representative to the 'enate of &anada on the advice of Prime =inister 'tephen >arper sitting as a &onservative*T5UT]U >e subseBuently retired as a #: ^ournalist at the end of Z005* In =arch Z010 ;uffy criticiAed the 6niversity of 9ing@s &ollege and other ^ournalism schools in &anada for teaching <oam &homsky and critical thinking* >e !ent on to say that ^ournalism schools in &anada !ere churning out leftists !ho thought private enterprise !as bad* #he head of 9ing@s 'chool of 1ournalism reacted !ith surprise to ;uffy@s criticism saying that =anufacturing &onsent !as not part of the curriculum* 'he also said she !ould not apologiAe for teaching critical thinking to ^ournalism students*T10U 2 number of editorial comments !ere !ritten in response to ;uffy@s criticism*T11UT1ZUT1CU


&ritical thinking is a !ay of deciding !hether a claim is true partially true or false* &ritical thinking is a process that leads to skills that can be learned mastered and used* &ritical thinking is a tool by !hich one can come about reasoned conclusions based on a reasoned process* #his process incorporates passion and creativity but guides it !ith discipline practicality and common sense* It can be traced in the "est to ancient Greece !ith its 'ocratic method and in the 8ast to ancient India !ith the Yuddhist kalama sutta and abhidharma literature* &ritical thinking is an important component of many fields such as education politics business and science*

!!!*%1task*com %bstruct 1ustice truth and source kill !!!*'olarGhost1C*com &onstitution de ^ure vs 7omans 1C de facto http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)11C55Z]44)'piritFIntentFPrecedenceFdeF1ureF&onstitutionForF7omansF1CFGamingF theF'ystemFdeF$acto

http())!!!*linkedin*com)pub)dir)1onathan)'!ainger) $acts must have root Z take root God coherency S&atch ZZS must have semblance Z catch doG chase tail CZ

<o complaints from !ithin e-cept from them e-communicated from the Ps Political science Ys bastard science Ys Ys Yull shitter Yack stabbers #oga Party

'uspended !ith =edical coverage approved by the =edical conspirators !!!*IyffyI*com #he 2ttorney General is the chief la! officer of the 8-ecutive &ouncil* #he responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other &abinet member* #he role has been referred to as $.u#icial-li-e$ and as the

Sguardian of the public interestS*

2s chief la! officer the 2ttorney General has

a !pecial "e!pon!ibility
to be the guardian of

that most elusive concept

F the rule of la!* F #he rule of la! is a !ell established legal principle

but ha"# to ea!ily #efine.

It is the rule of la!

that p"otect!
individuals and society as a !hole from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties*

>as the 2ttorney General been briefed+ or !ould that be meaningless in a partial vacuum #he 2ttorney General does not ho!ever direct or cause charges to be laid* "hile the 2ttorney General and the 2ttorney General@s agents may provide legal advice to the police

the ultimate #eci!ion


!hether or not to lay charges is for the police* %nce the charge is laid

the #eci!ion
as to !hether the prosecution should proceed and in !hat manner

for the 2ttorney General and the &ro!n 2ttorney* It is no! an accepted and important constitutional principle that the 2ttorney General must carry out the =inister@s criminal prosecution responsibilities

in#epen#ent of Cabinet an# of any pa"ti!an political p"e!!u"e!.

#he 2ttorney General@s responsibility for individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken F

an# !een to be un#e"ta-en on strictly ob^ective and legal criteria free of any political considerations* "hether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy* #his responsibility has been characteriAed as

a matte" of the Atto"ney Gene"al

acting as the .ueen@s 2ttorney F not as a =inister of the government of the day* #his is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a complete vacuum*
2 !ide range of policy considerations may be !eighed in e-ecuting this responsibility and the 2ttorney General may choose to consult the &abinet on some of these considerations* >o!ever any decisions relating to the conduct of individual prosecutions must be the 2ttorney General@s alone and independent of the traditional &abinet decision making process* In practice in the vast ma^ority of cases these decisions are made by the 2ttorney General@s agents the &ro!n 2ttorneys* 6ltimately the 2ttorney General is accountable to the people of the province through the /egislature for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions* 'uch accountability can only occur of course once the prosecution is completed or !hen a final decision has been made not to prosecute* #he sub ^udicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the matter* #he sub ^udicae rule strictly prohibits the 2ttorney General from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts* Given the stature of the 2ttorney General@s position any public comment coming from the office

woul# be !een a! an attempt to influence the ca!e.

2lthough the 2ttorney general can become involved in decisionFmaking in relation to individual criminal cases

!uch a p"actice woul# leave the 9ini!te" vulne"able to accu!ation! of political inte"fe"ence.
2ccordingly it is traditional to leave the dayFtoFday decisionFmaking in the hands of the 2ttorney General@s agents the &ro!n 2ttorneys e-cept in cases of e-ceptional importance !here the public !ould e-pect the 2ttorney General to be briefed 'oon maybe on &P2& !ill observe the !rap up of G% P%8 due process =eaningless /egal &ertainty C4

7ule of /a! http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)7ule3of3la! #he 7ule of la! in its most basic form is no one is above the la!* Perhaps the most important application of the rule of la! is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately e-ercised only in accordance !ith

publicly #i!clo!e# law!

adopted and enforced in accordance !ith established procedural steps that are referred to as

#ue p"oce!!.
#he rule of la! is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy* 2ccording to modern 2ngloF2merican thinking hallmarks of adherence to the rule of la! commonly include a clear separation of po!ers

le%al ce"tainty*
the principle of legitimate e-pectation and eBuality of all before the la!* #he concept is not !ithout controversy and it has been said that Sthe phrase the "ule of law has become

thanks to ideological abuse and general overF useS G% P%8 General %verFuse Proclamations %nly 8lusivity

publicly #i!clo!e# law!

5Z* D1E #he &onstitution of &anada is the supreme la! of &anada and any la! that is inconsistent !ith the provisions of the &onstitution is to the e-tent of the inconsistency

of no fo"ce o" effect.

C1* <othing in this &harter e-tends the legislative po!ers of any body or authority CZ* D1E #his &harter applies DaE to the Parliament and government of &anada in respect of all matters !ithin the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the ?ukon #erritory and <orth!est #erritories_ and DbE to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters !ithin the authority of the legislature of each province*


7esurrection only !ith reciprocity in lieu "" III purgatory

<either political nor religious be but believe I understand perhaps because neither political nor religious be* http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)1500C6Z56)ItalianFpoliticiansFagreeFtoFaidFagainstFlastF7atAFPope 7everend 9evin 2nnett e-communicated from the church indicative of understanding !ithin In the name of God of for !ith the People "#$

#esla $ree 8nergy a no no http())!!!*youtube*com)results+ search3Buery,teslalfreelenergygoB,teslaggs3l,youtube*1*0*C5iC]lZ^0l4^0iC^0^0iC^0*11*14C5*0*4]5Z*4*4*0*0*0 *0*Z55*441*C^0^1*4*0***0*0***1ac*1*11*youtube*mP-rPhn?a:g http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+v,?C-F6^4y2=? &ancer cured in &anada but !ont produce it Political 7eligious Implicit &omplicit 8-plicit P7 I&8 Political 7eligious Insidious &apitalist 8mperors
/ike other financial empires in history 'mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control !ealth as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperialFcentersFofFcapital*T1U Yelloc estimated that during the Yritish 8nclosures Sperhaps half of the !hole population !as proletarianS !hile roughly the other ShalfS o!ned and controlled the means of production* <o! under modern &apitalism 1*"* 'mith claims fe!er than 500 people possess more !ealth than half of the earths population as the !ealth of 1)Z of 1Fpercent of the 6nited 'tates population roughly eBual that of the lo!er ]0Fpercent* !!!*>ome7ace1C*com #ime for the >uman 7ace to Party P%"87 Possible %nly "hen 8galitarian 7eciprocity

http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)>umpty3dumpty >umpty ;umpty sat on a !all >umpty ;umpty had a great fall* 2ll the king@s horses and all the king@s men &ouldn@t put >umpty together again*T1U >umpty appears in /e!is &arroll@s #hrough the /ookingFGlass D154ZE !here he discusses semantics and pragmatics !ith 2lice* C6

aI dont kno! !hat you mean by mglory b 2lice said* >umpty ;umpty smiled contemptuously* a%f course you dont\till I tell you* I meant mtheres a nice knockF do!n argument for youi b aYut mglory doesnt mean ma nice knockFdo!n argument b 2lice ob^ected* a"hen I use a !ord b >umpty ;umpty said in rather a scornful tone ait means ^ust !hat I choose it to mean\ neither more nor less*b a#he Buestion is b said 2lice a!hether you can make !ords mean so many different things*b a#he Buestion is b said >umpty ;umpty a!hich is to be master thats all*b 2lice !as too much puAAled to say anything so after a minute >umpty ;umpty began again* a#heyve a temper some of them\particularly verbs theyre the proudest\ad^ectives you can do anything !ith but not verbs\ho!ever I can manage the !hole loti Impenetrabilityi #hats !hat I sayibT15U #his passage !as used in Yritain by /ord 2tkin and in his dissenting ^udgement in the seminal case /iversidge v* 2nderson D1]4ZE !here he protested about the distortion of a statute by the ma^ority of the >ouse of /ords* T16U It also became a popular citation in 6nited 'tates legal opinions appearing in Z50 ^udicial decisions in the "estla! database as of 2pril 1] Z005 including t!o 'upreme &ourt cases D#:2 v* >ill and cschernig v* =illerE*T14U
/ordy /ordy






Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

#he 2ttorney General has a uniBue role to play as a =inister* %ne part of the 2ttorney General@s role is that of a &abinet =inister* In this capacity the =inister is responsible for representing the interests and perspectives of the =inistry at &abinet !hile simultaneously representing the interests and perspectives of &abinet and conseBuently the Government to the =inistry and the =inistry@s communities of interest* #he 2ttorney General is the chief la! officer of the 8-ecutive &ouncil* #he responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other &abinet member* #he role has been referred to as S^udicialFlikeS and as the Sguardian of the public interestS* =uch has been !ritten on the sub^ect of ministerial responsibilities and the uniBue role of the 2ttorney General* #here are various components of the 2ttorney General@s role* #he 2ttorney General has uniBue responsibilities to the &ro!n the courts the /egislature and the e-ecutive branch of government* "hile there are different emphases and nuances attached to these there is a general theme throughout all the various aspects of the 2ttorney General@s responsibilities that the office has a constitutional and traditional responsibility beyond that of a political minister* #he statutory responsibilities of the office are found in section 5 of the Ministr* of the Attorne* +eneral A!t* 'ection 5 states( #he 2ttorney General DaE is the /a! %fficer of the 8-ecutive &ouncil_ DbE shall see that the administration of public affairs is in accordance !ith the la!_ DcE shall superintend all matters connected !ith the administration of ^ustice in %ntario_ DdE shall perform the duties and have the po!ers that belong to the 2ttorney General and 'olicitor General of 8ngland by la! and usage so far as those po!ers and duties are applicable to %ntario and also shall perform the duties and po!ers that until the Constitution A!t, -./0 came into effect belonged to the offices of the 2ttorney General and 'olicitor General in the provinces of &anada and 6pper &anada and !hich under the provisions of that 2ct are !ithin the scope of the po!ers of the /egislature_ C]

DeE shall advise the Government upon all matters of la! connected !ith legislative enactments and upon all matters of la! referred to him or her by the Government_ DfE shall advise the Government upon all matters of a legislative nature and superintend all Government measures of a legislative nature_ DgE shall advise the heads of ministries and agencies of Government upon all matters of la! connected !ith such ministries and agency_ DhE shall conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the &ro!n or any ministry or agency of government in respect of any sub^ect !ithin the authority or ^urisdiction of the /egislature_ DiE shall superintend all matters connected !ith ^udicial offices_ D^E shall perform such other functions as are assigned to him or her by the /egislature or by the /ieutenant Governor in &ouncil* S "hat follo!s is an overvie! of the various components of the 2ttorney General@s roles and responsibilities primarily as outlined in the 2ct*

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

#he role of chief la! officer might be referred to as the 2ttorney General@s overall responsibility as the independent legal advisor to the &abinet F and some have even suggested that the role possibly e-tends to the /egislature as !ell* #he importance of the independence of the role is fundamental to the position and !ell established in common la! statutes and tradition* 2s chief la! officer the 2ttorney General has a special responsibility to be the guardian of that most elusive concept F the rule of la!* #he rule of la! is a !ell established legal principle but hard to easily define* It is the rule of la! that protects individuals and society as a !hole from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties* #he 2ttorney General has a special role to play in advising &abinet to ensure the rule of la! is maintained and that &abinet actions are legally and constitutionally valid* In providing such advice it is important to keep in mind the distinction bet!een the 2ttorney General@s policy advice and preference and the legal advice being presented to &abinet* #he 2ttorney General@s legal advice or constitutional advice should not be lightly disregarded* #he 2ttorney General@s policy advice has the same !eight as that of other ministers*

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

%ne of the most publicly scrutiniAed aspects of the 2ttorney General@s role is the responsibility for criminal prosecutions encompassed in section 5 DdE and s* ]Z of the &onstitution 2ct 1564* 'ection ]Z gives the provinces authority to legislate in matters related to the administration of criminal ^ustice and thereby gives the provincial 2ttorney General authority to prosecute offences under the &riminal &ode* #he 2ttorney General does not ho!ever direct or cause charges to be laid* "hile the 2ttorney General and the 2ttorney General@s agents may provide legal advice to the police the ultimate decision !hether or not to lay charges is for the police* %nce the charge is laid the decision as to !hether the prosecution should proceed and in !hat manner is for the 2ttorney General and the &ro!n 2ttorney* It is no! an accepted and important constitutional principle that the 2ttorney General must carry out the =inister@s criminal prosecution responsibilities independent of &abinet and of any partisan political pressures* #he 2ttorney General@s responsibility for individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken F and seen to be undertaken F on strictly ob^ective and legal criteria free of any political considerations* "hether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy* #his responsibility has been characteriAed as a matter of the 2ttorney General acting as the .ueen@s 2ttorney F not as a =inister of the government of the day* 40

#his is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a complete vacuum* 2 !ide range of policy considerations may be !eighed in e-ecuting this responsibility and the 2ttorney General may choose to consult the &abinet on some of these considerations* >o!ever any decisions relating to the conduct of individual prosecutions must be the 2ttorney General@s alone and independent of the traditional &abinet decision making process* In practice in the vast ma^ority of cases these decisions are made by the 2ttorney General@s agents the &ro!n 2ttorneys* 2n important part of the &ro!n@s F and thus the 2ttorney General@s F responsibility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated !ith the responsibility to represent the public interest F !hich includes not only the community as a !hole and the victim but also the accused* #he &ro!n has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available*

#he responsibility is to present the case fairly F not necessarily to convict* #his is a fundamental precept of criminal la! even if it is not a particularly !ellFunderstood concept among the general public* %ne of the 2ttorney General@s responsibilities in fostering public respect for the rule of la! is to assist the public in understanding the nature and limits of the prosecutorial function* 6ltimately the 2ttorney General is accountable to the people of the province through the /egislature for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions* 'uch accountability can only occur of course once the prosecution is completed or !hen a final decision has been made not to prosecute* #he sub ^udicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the matter* #he sub ^udicae rule strictly prohibits the 2ttorney General from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts* Given the stature of the 2ttorney General@s position any public comment coming from the office !ould be seen as an attempt to influence the case* 2lthough the 2ttorney general can become involved in decisionFmaking in relation to individual criminal cases such a practice !ould leave the =inister vulnerable to accusations of political interference* 2ccordingly it is traditional to leave the dayFtoFday decisionFmaking in the hands of the 2ttorney General@s agents the &ro!n 2ttorneys e-cept in cases of e-ceptional importance !here the public !ould e-pect the 2ttorney General to be briefed*

Legislative Responsi ilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

#he 2ttorney General has broad responsibilities associated !ith Government legislation* #hese responsibilities have been described as t!ofold* %ne is to oversee that all legislative enactments are in accordance !ith principles of natural ^ustice and civil rights Dsee also s* 5DbE aboveE* #his is obviously an important and broad area of responsibility* #he second aspect of this responsibility is to advise on the constitutionality and legality of legislation* #he 2ttorney General@s legislative responsibilities are played out in a variety roles* #he %ffice of /egislative &ounsel reports to the 2ttorney General* /egislative &ounsel plays a key role in ensuring the legal integrity of Government legislation* 2lthough the /egislative &ounsel@s reporting relationship to the 2ttorney General does allo! the 2ttorney General to provide guidance and set standards individual pieces of legislation are drafted on instructions from client ministries and are not !ithin the sole control of /egislative &ounsel or the 2ttorney General* It should also be noted that /egislative &ounsel also has a direct responsibility to the /egislature as the %ffice also drafts all private member@s bills* 41

#he 2ttorney General has a further role to play as part of !hatever &abinet &ommittee is formed to revie! legislation and regulations* >ere the =inister has an opportunity to comment on the technical issues related to legislation and regulations prior to &abinet consideration* #he 2ttorney General@s role on legislative matters is as an adviser to the &abinet* 2lthough unlikely &abinet could in theory receive the 2ttorney General@s legal opinion on legislation and choose to disregard it* #he 2ttorney General@s role is not independent of &abinet decision making as in the area of criminal prosecutions* 2s !as noted earlier the 2ttorney General must make careful distinctions about the legal opinions and policy or political preferences being offered about legislation*

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

In addition to the specific responsibilities to conduct civil litigation on behalf of the Government and its agencies Ds* 5DhEE the 2ttorney General has broader litigation responsibilities flo!ing from the historical po!ers of the 2ttorney General referred to in s* 5DdE of the 2ct* #hese po!ers are based on the &ro!n@s parens patriae DparentalE authority* #he 2ttorney General@s authority therefore is not only to conduct litigation in cases directly affecting the government or its agencies but also to litigate cases !here there is a clear matter of public interest or public rights at stake* #his has been characteriAed as a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the public interest is !ell and independently represented* It may involve interventions in private litigation or &harter challenges to legislation even if the arguments conclude that the legislation does contravene constitutionally protected rights*

Responsi ilit! for Court "dministration (s. 5(c))

2 key component of the 2ttorney General@s responsibilities to ensure the administration of ^ustice in the province is the administration of the courts and as a result the responsibility for maintaining liaison !ith the ^udiciary* Given the fundamental importance of the independence of the ^udiciary the responsibility for courts administration is often a very sensitive and delicate issue* Great care and respect for the principles of ^udicial independence must be e-ercised in this area*

#he 2ttorney General is the chief la! officer of the 8-ecutive &ouncil* #he responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other &abinet member* #he role has been referred to as S^udicialFlikeS and as the Sguardian of the public interestS*



=arch Z] Z004 %n several occasions I have reBuested Yruce >erridge inform me as to !hat efforts he has made to this promise !ith no response*


http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C616Z6)/a!yerF$ileF1 http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C614Z0)/a!yerF$ileFZ http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C61510)/a!yerF$ileFC http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C61541)/a!yerF$ileF4 http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C61]C1)/a!yerF$ileF5 http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C61]55)/a!yerF$ileF6 http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C6Z004)/a!yerF$ileF4 http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C6Z044)/a!yerF$ileF5 http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C6Z0]4)/a!yerF$ileF] http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C6Z1C0)/a!yerF$ileF10 http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C6ZZ05)/a!yerF$ileF1Z http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C6ZZC6)/a!yerF$ileF1C http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C6ZCZ4)/a!yerF$ileF1C2 http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)151C6ZC45)/a!yerF$ileF14 /a!yer $ile 11 https())docs*google*com)file)d)0Y5i<c':6:G2P#AkA"8?1c&1I%:8)edit 'cribd !ould not publish due the frauds reBuest due copy right issues ;ocument contains his prospectus that has been proven fraudulent /a!yer $ile k 1 %7>#F7ick >ennessey /a!yer $ile k Z I86 F ;ave Grech /a!yer $ile k C =inister =unicipal 2ffairs and >ousing F2ohn Ge""et!en /a!yer $ile k 4 %mbudsmanFGerry &arlino /a!yer $ile k 5 =? =PP 1ulia =unro /a!yer $ile k6 Premier ;alton =cguinty /a!yer $ile k 4 2ttorney General =ichael Yryant /a!yer $ile k 5 %PP F ;et 'gt* 7andy &raig /a!yer $ile k ] ?7P F ;eputy &hief Yruce >erridge /a!yer $ile k 10 %ntario &ivilian &ommission on Police services /a!yer $ile k 11 %ffice %ntario 2ttorney General /a!yer $ile k 1Z ?7P F Phil =oreauF'tandards /a!yer $ile k 1C &ro!n 2ttorneyF7obert =c&rearyF<e! =arket /a!yer $ile k 1C2 &ro!n 2ttorney F Paul &ulverF#oronto /a!yer $ile k 14 7&=P F 'gt* =ichael #hompson



http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)14C51Z650)YeingF=arriedF>appyFandFGayFisFasF<aturalFasF#a-ingFandF;ying #he Pope and his merry men hate the common gay as they do not produce slaves http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)1500C6Z56)ItalianFpoliticiansFagreeFtoFaidFagainstFlastF7atAFPope 7everend 9evin 2nnett e-communicated from the church indicative of understanding !ithin 'ane Insanity <ormalcy 'I< 'uicide Illegal <uances !!!*%1task*com %bstruct 1ustice truth and source kill 2ny more help from them and I !ill be dead making the 'enator that threatened me a prophet maintaining their e-ploited profit e-ponentially secure 'enators ^udged by their peers ensures the last nail in my coffin !!!*'apYoat1C*com 'anity a popular Yelief of artificial truths

!!!*IyffyI*com In your face for your Information

$orgive me /ord for I kne! !hat they !ould do


Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell


Blessed be the Lord Alive today and tomorrow Found He lost sorrow Tranquility in persistent quarrel Survival despite absent morals The way of nuts and squirrels The winter of life Once believed a strife A gun a sword and a knife To head heart and throat A frog a prince a kiss and a miss Glory part and parcel ancient storey Feet on ground heads above 12th perhaps 14th floor A see a hear a speak not May be floor of the first 13th a verse a curse a hearst Say again whose on first Diary of a sad man glad man mad man A point of view a point of order A smorgasbord of perspectives 1st 2nd 3rd class Plane boat or terrain A suit a smirk a shirt a quirk land lubber eat dirt Peaceful disarray month of May or manta ray A thought chanced, but what ... a "difference" ... the hell you say When in thereof all is without Do not allow the science breed utter you nonsense A quill a pen most anything can kill A pill a still enhances the swill In go ahead backup excel reach happy medium No gas no oil needed in neutral vehicle RPM - Religious Political Media all a buzz about nothing Someone shit in their grass A Catholic a Protestant a Moron ... omitted an M? ok Am Catholic am Protestant am Moron A gun a sword a knife..... a circle of life


45 RPM Religious Political Media

Monkey Business

http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)'ee3no3evil 3hear3no3evil 3speak3no3evil #he three !ise monkeys D1apanese( san@en or sanAaru or sanbiki no saru literally Sthree monkeysSE sometimes called the th"ee

my!tic ape!*T1U are a pictorial ma-im*

=iA 9ik I "aA 'hiA If a 'hiA bares truth of the forest no mind to see hear to speak of the 'hiA killing >o! much !ould a !ood chuck get for their minds *** presumably !hy the !ood chuck chucks !ood #ogether they embody the proverbial principle to Ssee no evil hear no evil speak no evilS* #he three monkeys are =iAaru covering his eyes !ho sees no evil_ 9ikaAaru covering his ears !ho hears no evil_ and I!aAaru covering his mouth !ho speaks no evil* 'ometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted !ith the three others_ the last one 'hiAaru symboliAes the principle of Sdo no evilS* >e may be sho!n crossing his arms* %7I >2; %r 7aising in >opelessness and ;espair http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)>umans >umans are one of only nine species kno!n to pass the

mirror test
\!hich tests !hether an animal recogniAes its reflection as an image of itself\along !ith all the great apes Dgorillas chimpanAees orangutans bonobosE Yottlenose dolphins 2sian elephants 8uropean =agpies and %rcas*T100U =ost human children !ill pass the mirror test at 15 months old*T101U >o!ever the usefulness of this test as a true test of consciousness

ha! been #i!pute#*

and this may be a matter of degree rather than a sharp divide* 4]

9on-ey! have been t"aine# to apply ab!t"act "ule! in ta!-!.H;DCI

http)***wi.i*#umanMrights Human rights are Icommonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being.I 1! #uman rights are thus conceived as universal Napplicable everywhereO and egalitarian Nthe same for everyoneO. These rights may e>ist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law. A! The doctrine of human rights in international practice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the policies of states and in the activities of nonHgovernmental organiPations, has been a cornerstone of public policy around the world. %n The idea of human rights @! it says) Iif the public discourse of peacetime global society can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights. '<"- $#"JS 'o <vidence "chieved -eality $oherence "rtificial Jrientation Satanic I :espite this, the strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,

nature and 9ustifications of human rights to this day. %ndeed, the Fuestion of what is meant by a IrightI is itself controversial and the sub9ect of continued philosophical debate.

http)***wi.i*?on.eyMsee,Mmon.eyMdo ?on.ey see, mon.ey do is a saying that originated in Qamaica in the early 1Rth century and popped up in "merican culture in the early 19A0s.

The saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it wor.s.
"nother definition implies the act of mimicry, usually with limited .nowledge of the conseFuences. 1!

#he gradual often unconscious absorption of kno!ledge or ideas through continual e-posure

"athe" than #elibe"ate lea"nin%

Confuciu! JJ; 4C - KGL 4C

$'he people 9on-ey may be ma#e to follow a cou"!e of action* but may not be ma#e to un#e"!tan# $I'$
%smosis set in like rigger mortise making self useless for self some !hat Buadraplegic http())en*!ikipedia*org)!iki)=onkey 'ome organiAations for e-ample >elping >ands( =onkey >elpers for the ;isabled T]U train capuchin monkeys as monkey helpers to assist Buadriplegics and other people !ith severe spinal cord in^uries or mobility impairments* 2fter being socialiAed in a human home as infants the monkeys undergo e-tensive training before being placed !ith a Buadriplegic* 2round the house the monkeys help out by doing tasks including micro!aving food !ashing the Buadriplegic@s 50

face and

openin% #"in- bottle!.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

a&onfucius thought that the !ay to reform society !as to cultivate ethical behaviour in individuals

e!pecially in "ule"! an# thei" mini!te"!

because leaders serve as important role models for their peopleb 8&&8<#7I& 8Buality &onscious &onscience 8-trapolate <aivety #ruths 7elativity Inalienable &oherence "%#%9' "iAard of the outhouse kno!s shit !!!*$rank1C*com $iduciary 7esponsibly 2ccountable <efarious 9ink #ruths >olistic Interactive 7etrospect #ranscendental 8lectromagnetism 8nslavers <emesis


'% 'eek %ut #hese pros that have a !ay !ith monkeys to see if I# is possible to convert the 6< 6ltimate <eanderthal =8 4 >8 =onkey 8volve 4 >umanity 8levation

"e endeavor to have <

9y!tic Ape! 2> F 2pe >umanity 4

ZY or <ot ZY

>2 >uman 2chievement

%ne !ay or the other Z01C !ill be recorded as the 5Z

4):' Yright /ight %f #ruth

Trans is a Katin noun or prefi>, meaning IacrossI, IbeyondI or Ion the opposite sideI. Transcendental 1. 'ot e>perienced but .nowable 8hilosophy independent of human e>perience of phenomena but within the range of .nowledge A. ?ystical -elating to mystical or supernatural e>perience and therefore beyond the material world

7emaining blotto is ZY Y% F Ylotted %ut

$ord !ants to be crystal clear

=eth or =yth
+ 'anctimonious adFhoc demonstrable 'ad 'ac F 'orry as caught

#hey say $ord needs to get help http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)14Z05ZCC1);earF/ordF"hichF/ifeF$ormsFYeliefFisFtheFGreaterF'anctimonious %9 then http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)14551C5]]);earF/ordF!hoFshouldFbeFfired Yless em 2ll 72&8 7eality 2lmighty &onsecrated 8lement 8-ists !ith or !ithout =8 =other 8arth


!!!*>ome7ace1C*com >umanity one mother earth 7eality almighty consecrated element http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)1500C6Z56)ItalianFpoliticiansFagreeFtoFaidFagainstFlastF7atAFPope Good /ord stop them in the name of the 'anctity of the <8"' <ever 8nding "ar 'tory $or inevitably traditionally !e must all pay the Political 7eligious Implicit &omplicit 8-plicit P7I&8 Political 7eligious Insidious &apitalist 8mperors /ike other financial empires in history 'mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control !ealth as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperialFcentersFofFcapital*T1U Yelloc estimated that during the Yritish 8nclosures Sperhaps half of the !hole population !as proletarianS !hile roughly the other ShalfS o!ned and controlled the means of production* <o! under modern &apitalism 1*"* 'mith claims fe!er than 500 people possess more !ealth than half of the earths population as the !ealth of 1)Z of 1Fpercent of the 6nited 'tates population roughly eBual that of the lo!er ]0Fpercent* !!!*2men1C*com

Z* 8veryone has the follo!ing fundamental freedoms( DaE freedom of conscience and religion_ DbE freedom of thought belief opinion and e-pression including freedom of the press and other media of communication_ DcE freedom of peaceful assembly_ and DdE freedom of association*

"ar is =oney 'anctity of 'ustainable Gro!th eh+


Satanism is a broad term referring to a group of Western religions comprising diverse ideological and philosophical

Their shared features include symbolic association with, or admiration for the character of, Satan, or similar rebellious, promethean, and, in their view, liberating figures. There were an estimated 50,000 members in 1990. There may be as few as a few thousand in the world. 1!

http())!!!*youtube*com)!atch+ feature,ivgannotation3id,annotation315CZ1]gv,1="1^=BY$;?gsrc3vid,s65C4f4bn$= 7educe population to 1 Yillion Yreak out the Z 4 ehii 4 the sanctity of DZE 55

Z4* D1E 2nyone !hose rights or freedoms as guaranteed by this &harter have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent ^urisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and ^ust in the circumstances* DZE "here in proceedings under subsection D1E a court concludes that evidence !as obtained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed by this &harter the evidence shall be e-cluded if it is established that having regard to all the circumstances the admission of it in the proceedings !ould bring the administration of ^ustice into disrepute* &reatures of habit Yabble on through the night before 0mas not a creature !as discerned stirring 4I71 Permit me to ^udge lest I be ^udged

Yut "ait http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)14]545ZC4)#heyFofFtheF=aterialF"orldF&annotF#ouchFtheF'piritFofFtheF/a!FasFItF Is "" III "orldly "ise Invisible Invincible Inalienable


http())!!!*scribd*com)doc)1Z55C5445)1I>2;F1CF<o!F2ctivated >olians >omeFgro!n original local indigenous aboriginal native sovereigns 56

>ome 7ace >olians one mother earth 7eality almighty consecrated element 7eality is the #ruth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception #ruth that !hich God !ould observe !hether or not >e e-ists or !hether or not one believes >e e-ists I;82/ 'imply reality sanely dealt !ith 6nited Perception 'olidarity !!!*ups1C*com 6ltimate Potential 'ociety



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