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Submitted To:
Ms.Bharti Mahajan (I.T Deptt.)

Vandana Roll.No-3105025

!e"ester I.T

!r. No.
1) 2) 3) 1) 5) .) ) 4) *) 10)

#ist o$ %ra&ti&als
Introd(&tion to )&o""er&e Introd(&tion to transa&tion. T-pes o$ transa&tion. Introd(&tion to Internet /an0in'. Introd(&tion to )le&troni& pa-"ent s-ste". Introd(&tion to se&a(rit%roto&ols. Introd(&tion to pa-roll s-ste". Introd(&tion to )-"ail se&a(rit-. Introd(&tion to !"art &ards and their t-pes. Introd(&tion to )DI. Introd(&tion to )R% and its t-pes.

2* +(', 2013 . !ep, 2013 20 !ep ,2013 3 2&t, 2013 1 2&t ,2013 31 o&t, 2013 No3, 2013 21 No3, 2013 24 No3,2013 . De&, 2013



Aim5- Introd(&tion to )&o""er&e.

Introduction To Ecommerce:Electronic commerce, &o""onl- 0no6n as e-commerce or eCommerce, is a t-pe o$ ind(str6here the /(-in' and sellin' o$ prod(&ts or ser3i&es is &ond(&ted o3er ele&troni& s-ste"s s(&h as the Internet and other &o"p(ter net6or0s. )le&troni& &o""er&e dra6s on te&hnolo'ies s(&h as "o/ile &o""er&e, ele&troni& $(nds trans$er, s(ppl- &hain "ana'e"ent, Internet "ar0etin', online transa&tion pro&essin', ele&troni& data inter&han'e ()DI), in3entor- "ana'e"ent s-ste"s, and a(to"ated data &olle&tion s-ste"s. Modern ele&troni& &o""er&e t-pi&all- (ses the 7orld 7ide 7e/ at least at one point in the transa&tion8s li$e-&-&le, altho('h it "a- en&o"pass a 6ider ran'e o$ te&hnolo'ies s(&h as e-"ail, "o/ile de3i&es so&ial "edia, and telephones as 6ell. )le&troni& &o""er&e is 'enerall- &onsidered to /e the sales aspe&t o$ e-/(siness. It also &onsists o$ the e9&han'e o$ data to $a&ilitate the $inan&in' and pa-"ent aspe&ts o$ /(siness transa&tions. This is an e$$e&ti3e and e$$i&ient 6a- o$ &o""(ni&atin' 6ithin an or'ani:ation and one o$ the "ost e$$e&ti3e and (se$(l 6a-s o$ &ond(&tin' /(siness. E-commerce c n be di!ided into:

)-tailin' or ;3irt(al store$ronts; on 6e/sites 6ith online &atalo's, so"eti"es 'athered into a ;3irt(al "all; B(-in' or !ellin' on 3ario(s 6e/sites and<or online "ar0etpla&es The 'atherin' and (se o$ de"o'raphi& data thro('h 7e/ &onta&ts and so&ial "edia )le&troni& Data Inter&han'e ()DI), the /(siness-to-/(siness e9&han'e o$ data

Ty"e# $% E-Commerce:
1. Bu#ine##-to-Bu#ine## &B'B(: B2B e-&o""er&e is si"pl- de$ined as e-&o""er&e

/et6een &o"panies. This is the t-pe o$ e-&o""er&e that deals 6ith relationships /et6een and a"on' /(sinesses. 2. Bu#ine##-to-Con#umer &B'C(: B(siness-to-&ons("er e-&o""er&e, or &o""er&e /et6een &o"panies and &ons("ers, in3ol3es &(sto"ers 'atherin' in$or"ation= p(r&hasin' ph-si&al 'oods (i.e., tan'i/les s(&h as /oo0s or &ons("er prod(&ts) . 3. Con#umer-to-Con#umer &C'C(: >ons("er-to-&ons("er e-&o""er&e or >2> is si"pl- &o""er&e /et6een pri3ate indi3id(als or &ons("ers. This t-pe o$ e-&o""er&e is &hara&teri:ed /- the 'ro6th o$ ele&troni& "ar0etpla&es and online a(&tions. 1. )obile Commerce &m-commerce(:M-&o""er&e ("o/ile &o""er&e) is the /(-in' and sellin' o$ 'oods and ser3i&es thro('h 6ireless te&hnolo'--i.e., handheld de3i&es s(&h as &ell(lar telephones and personal di'ital assistants (%D+s).

Ad! nt *e# o% Ecommerce

Faster buying/selling roce!ure" as #ell as easy to $in! ro!ucts% &uying/selling 2'/(% )ore reac* to customers" t*ere is no t*eoretical geogra *ic limitations% Lo# o erational costs an! better +uality o$ ser,ices% -o nee! o$ *ysical com any set-u s% Easy to start an! manage a business% Customers can easily select ro!ucts $rom !i$$erent ro,i!ers #it*out mo,ing aroun! *ysically%

E-Commerce ""lic tion#:

)->o""er&e is a "assi3e 'ro6th area, 6ere &olossal s("s o$ "one- are /ein' "ade and spent e3er- da-. This is lar'el- to do 6ith the h-pe o$ the Internet and on-line shoppin'. )-&o""er&e is /i' /(siness. The $a&t that people 6ant it is pro/a/l- the /i''est l(re $or &o"panies to j("p onto the /and6a'on, /(t there are other $a&tors, "a0in' e-&o""er&e a 'ood sense sol(tion. #o6er transa&tion &osts. I$ the site is i"ple"ented 6ell, the 6e/ &an si'ni$i&antl- lo6er order ta0in' &osts and &(sto"er ser3i&e &osts a$ter the sale /- a(to"ated pro&esses. The a/ilit- to /(ild an order o3er se3eral da-s The a/ilit- to &on$i'(re prod(&ts and see a&t(al pri&es The a/ilit- to &o"pare pri&es /et6een "(ltiple 3endors

+i# d! nt *e# $% Ecommerce:1, S-i""in* T .e# Time I$ -o( sell ph-si&al 'oods, shippin' it hal$6a- ro(nd the 6orld "i'ht ta0e se3eral da-s, 6ee0s or e3en "ore. It "eans sendin' &ertain prod(&ts as $resh $ood or dair- prod(&ts are not possi/le. ', S-i""in* Co#t# )ore The /asi& shippin' &ost r(le is si"ple5 the "ore the 6ei'ht, the "ore the &ost. I$ -o( sell a &o(&h to so"eone on another &ontinent, the shippin' &ost 6o(ld /e e9tre"el- hi'h. /, +oubt# nd 0e r# Man- people don?t (nderstand the /ene$its o$ shoppin' online. The- are too a$raid to /(so"ethin' on the 6e/ /e&a(se the- do(/t i$ the store is relia/le, &(rio(s i$ the prod(&t is as 'ood

as it loo0s li0e on the site, a$raid that -o( 6o(ld steal their "one-. 1, In bility to %eel t-e *ood# 2nline store doesn?t pro3ide the opport(nit- to a&t(all- to(&h, 6ear or sit on the prod(&t. There$ore sellin' s(&h prod(&ts as apparel and $(rnit(re online "i'ht /e tri&0-.

PRACTICAL N$ 0' Aim5- Introd(&tion to Transa&tion and their t-pes. Tr n# ction:

- +n a'ree"ent /et6een a /(-er and a seller to e9&han'e 'oods, ser3i&es or $inan&ial
instr("ents. - In a&&o(ntin', the e3ents that a$$e&t the $inan&es o$ a /(siness and "(st /e re&orded on the /oo0s. Transa&tions are re&orded in 6hat are 0no6n as ;jo(rnal entries.; )a&h entr- des&ri/es a sin'le transa&tion and states its date and a"o(nt. )9a"ples5
- B(-in' or sellin' a sto&0 - B(-in' a &(p o$ &o$$ee - !ellin' -o(r $reelan&e ser3i&es - B(-in' or sellin' a ho(se

Tr n# ction Ty"e#:Transa&tions in&l(de # le#2 "urc- #e#2 recei"t#2 nd " yment# m de /- an indi3id(al or or'ani:ation.

S le# - + sale is a trans$er o$ propert- $or "one- or &redit. Re3en(e is earned 6hen 'oods are deli3ered or ser3i&es are rendered. In do(/le-entr- /oo00eepin', a sale o$ "er&handise is re&orded in the 'eneral jo(rnal as a de/it to &ash or a&&o(nts re&ei3a/le and a &redit to the sales a&&o(nt. Purc- #e#- transa&tion res(lts in a de&rease in the $inan&es o$ the p(r&haser and an in&rease in the /ene$its o$ the sellers. %(r&hases &an /e "ade /- &ash or &redit. +s &redit p(r&hases are "ade, a&&o(nts pa-a/le 6ill in&rease. Recei"t#- re$er to a /(siness 'ettin' paid /- another /(siness $or deli3erin' 'oods or ser3i&es. This transa&tion res(lts in a de&rease in a&&o(nts re&ei3a/le and an in&rease in &ash< &ash or e@(i3alents. P yment# -re$er to a /(siness pa-in' to another /(siness $or re&ei3in' 'oods or ser3i&es. This transa&tions res(lts in a de&rease in a&&o(nts pa-a/le and an de&rease in &ash< &ash or e@(i3alents.

%a-%al assi'ns an sin'le alpha/eti&al &ode $or ea&h t-pe o$ transa&tion. This &ode appears on the Tr n# ction Re#ult# pa'e and indi&ates the t-pe o$ transa&tion, s(&h as sale or re$(nd, that 6as per$or"ed. The ta/le /elo6 lists the transa&tion 3al(e and des&ription $or ea&h transa&tion t-pe.

Code Tr n# ction Ty"e +e#cri"tion

S C %a-"ent < !ale < De/it >redit < Re$(nd >har'es the spe&i$ied a"o(nt a'ainst the a&&o(nt, and "ar0s the transa&tion $or i""ediate $(nds trans$er (&apt(re) d(rin' the ne9t settle"ent period. Ret(rns the spe&i$ied a"o(nt (posts a &redit) to the &ardholder?s a&&o(nt. To s(/"it a >redit transa&tion, -o( "(st in&l(de either the &redit &ard n("/er or the Transa&tion ID that 6as ret(rned $or the ori'inal transa&tion. I$ -o( s(/"it a >redit transa&tion (sin' the Transa&tion ID and do not spe&i$- an a"o(nt, then the a"o(nt o$ the ori'inal transa&tion is (sed. A +(thori:ation Re@(ests to &har'e a &ardholder. +n appro3ed +(thori:ation transa&tion red(&es the &ardholder?s open-to-/(- a"o(nt (the a"o(nt that &an &(rrentl- /e &har'ed a'ainst the a&&o(nt), /(t does not a&t(all- &apt(re the $(nds. Ao( "(st s(/"it a Dela-ed >apt(re transa&tion to &apt(re (settle) the $(nds set aside /- the appro3ed +(thori:ation. I$ an appro3ed +(thori:ation is not settled 6ithin a &ertain period (deter"ined /- the iss(in' /an0), it /e&o"es in3alid. The &ardholder?s open-to-/(- is t-pi&all- &leared in 5 to da-s.

Ao( &an pro&ess an +&&o(nt Veri$i&ation transa&tion to 3eri$- a &(sto"er8s a&&o(nt in$or"ation. Bor "ore in$or"ation, re$er to +&&o(nt Veri$i&ation.

Dela-ed >apt(re

>apt(re Mar0s the $(nds set aside /- an appro3ed +(thori:ation transa&tion $or &apt(re d(rin' the ne9t settle"ent period. Mer&hants 6ho do not ship 'oods i""ediatel- (se this transa&tion t-pe to &olle&t $(nds 6hen the 'oods ship.


%re3ents an appro3ed transa&tion $ro" /ein' settled, /(t does


not release the a(thori:ation (hold on $(nds) on the &ardholder?s a&&o(nt. Bollo6in' are so"e '(idelines5

Ao( &an 3oid Dela-ed >apt(re, !ale, >redit, +(thori:ation, and Voi&e +(thori:ation transa&tions. Ao( &annot 3oid a Void transa&tion. Void transa&tions &an onl- /e (sed on transa&tions that ha3e not -et settled. To re$(nd the &(sto"er?s "one- $or settled transa&tions, -o( "(st s(/"it a >redit transa&tion.

Voi&e +(thori:ation

!o"e transa&tions &annot /e a(thori:ed o3er the Internet ($or e9a"ple, hi'h "onetar- a"o(nts)Cpro&essin' net6or0s 'enerate Re$erral (Res(lt >ode 13) transa&tions $or s(&h re@(ests. In these sit(ations, -o( &onta&t the s(pport depart"ent o$ -o(r "er&hant /an0 and pro3ide the pa-"ent in$or"ation as re@(ested. I$ the transa&tion is appro3ed, the /an0 pro3ides -o( 6ith a Voi&e +(thori:ation >ode (+DTE>2D)) $or the transa&tion. Ao( in&l(de this +DTE>2D) as part o$ a Voi&e +(thori:ation transa&tion. 2n&e a Voi&e +(thori:ation transa&tion has /een appro3ed, it is treated li0e a !ale transa&tion and is settled 6ith no $(rther a&tion on -o(r part. #i0e !ale transa&tions, appro3ed Voi&e +(thori:ation transa&tions &an /e 3oided.


Re$ers to a %renoti$i&ation pa-"ent (6ith no "onetara"o(nt trans$erred) that -o( &an (se to 3eri$- /an0 a&&o(nt 3alidit-. Re&ei3in' /an0s are not re@(ired to respond to a %renoti$i&ation pa-"ent. %renoti$i&ations are not settlea/le pa-"ents, ho6e3er the- &an /e 3oided.

PRACTICAL N$-0/ Aim:- Introd(&tion to Internet Ban0in'.

Internet B*:$nline b* (or Internet b* or E-b*) allo6s &(sto"ers o$ a $inan&ial instit(tion to &ond(&t $inan&ial transa&tions on a se&(re 6e/site operated /- the instit(tion, 6hi&h &an /e a retail or 3irt(al /an0, &redit (nion or /(ildin' so&iet-. To a&&ess a $inan&ial instit(tion8s online /an0in' $a&ilit-, a &(sto"er ha3in' personal Internet a&&ess "(st re'ister 6ith the instit(tion $or the ser3i&e, and set (p so"e pass6ord ((nder 3ario(s na"es) $or &(sto"er 3eri$i&ation. The pass6ord $or online /an0in' is nor"all- not the sa"e as $or telephone /an0in'. Binan&ial instit(tions no6 ro(tinel- allo&ate &(sto"er n("/ers (also (nder 3ario(s na"es), 6hether or not &(sto"ers intend to a&&ess their online /an0in' $a&ilit-.. The &(sto"er 6ill lin0 to the &(sto"er n("/er an- o$ those a&&o(nts 6hi&h the &(sto"er &ontrols, 6hi&h "a- /e &he@(e, sa3in's, loan, &redit &ard and other a&&o(nts. >(sto"er n("/ers 6ill also not /e the sa"e as an- de/it or &redit &ard iss(ed /- the $inan&ial instit(tion to the &(sto"er. Ad! nt *e#: 1,Con!enience F Ban0s that o$$er internet /an0in' are open $or /(siness transa&tions an-6here a &lient "i'ht /e as lon' as there is internet &onne&tion. +part $ro" periods o$ 6e/site "aintenan&e, ser3i&es are a3aila/le 21 ho(rs a da- and 3.5 da-s ro(nd the -ear ',+t the to(&h o$ a /(tton, a&t(al ti"e a&&o(nt /alan&es and in$or"ation are a3ailed. This hastens the /an0in' pro&esses hen&e in&reasin' their e$$i&ien&- and e$$e&ti3eness. 3.2nline /an0in' allo6s $or easier (pdatin' and "aintainin' o$ dire&t a&&o(nts. The ti"e $or &han'in' "ailin' address is 'reatl- red(&ed, orderin' o$ additional &he&0s is a3ailed and pro3ision o$ a&t(al ti"e interest rates. /,0riendlier r te# F #a&0 o$ s(/stantial s(pport and o3erhead &osts res(lts to dire&t /an0s o$$erin' hi'her interest rates on sa3in's and &har'e lo6er rates on "ort'a'es and loans. !o"e /an0s o$$er hi'h -ield &erti$i&ate o$ deposits and don?t penali:e 6ithdra6als on &erti$i&ate o$ deposits, openin' o$ a&&o(nts 6itho(t "ini"(" deposits and no "ini"(" /alan&e. 1,Tr n#%er #er!ice# F 2nline /an0in' allo6s a(to"ati& $(ndin' o$ a&&o(nts $ro" lon' esta/lished /an0 a&&o(nts 3ia ele&troni& $(nds trans$ers 4,E #e o% monitorin* F + &lient &an "onitor his<her spendin' 3ia a 3irt(al 6allet thro('h &ertain /an0s and appli&ations and ena/le pa-"ents. )ase o$ transa&tion F the speed o$ transa&tion is $aster relati3e to (se o$ +TM?s or &(sto"ar- /an0in'. +i# d! nt *e# : 1,B* rel tion#-i" F >(sto"ar- /an0in' allo6s &reation o$ a personal to(&h /et6een a /an0 and its &lients. + personal to(&h 6ith a /an0 "ana'er $or e9a"ple &an ena/le the "ana'er

to &han'e ter"s in -o(r a&&o(nt sin&e he<she has so"e dis&retion in &ase o$ an- personal &ir&("stantial &han'e. It &an in&l(de re3ersal o$ an (ndeser3ed ser3i&e &har'e. ',Security m tter# F Dire&t /an0s are 'o3erned /- la6s and re'(lations si"ilar to those o$ &(sto"ar- /an0s. +&&o(nts are prote&ted /- Bederal Deposit Ins(ran&e >orporation (BDI>). 3.>o"ple9 en&r-ption so$t6are is (sed to prote&t a&&o(nt in$or"ation. Eo6e3er, there are no per$e&t s-ste"s. +&&o(nts are prone to ha&0in' atta&0s, phishin', "al6are and ille'al a&ti3ities. 1,Le rnin* F Ban0s 6ith &o"pli&ated sites &an /e &("/erso"e to na3i'ate and "a- re@(ire one to read thro('h t(torials to na3i'ate the". 4,Tr n# ction "roblem# F $a&e to $a&e "eetin' is /etter in handlin' &o"ple9 transa&tions and pro/le"s. >(sto"ar- /an0s "a- &all $or "eetin's and see0 e9pert ad3i&e to sol3e iss(es. -

PRACTICAL N$-01 Aim:-Introd(&tion to )le&troni& %a-"ent !-ste".

Electronic P yment Sy#tem:
+n e-commerce " yment #y#tem $a&ilitates the a&&eptan&e o$ ele&troni& pa-"ent $or online transa&tions. +lso 0no6n as a sa"ple o$ )le&troni& Data Inter&han'e ()DI), e-&o""er&e pa-"ent s-ste"s ha3e /e&o"e in&reasin'l- pop(lar d(e to the 6idespread (se o$ the internet/ased shoppin' and /an0in'.

23er the -ears, &redit &ards ha3e /e&o"e one o$ the "ost &o""on $or"s o$ pa-"ent $or e&o""er&e transa&tions. In North +"eri&a al"ost *0G o$ online B2> transa&tions 6ere "ade 6ith this pa-"ent t-pe. T(r/an et al. 'oes on to e9plain that it 6o(ld /e di$$i&(lt $or an online retailer to operate 6itho(t s(pportin' &redit and de/it &ards d(e to their 6idespread (se. +lso online "er&hants ha3e to &o"pl- 6ith strin'ent r(les stip(lated /- the &redit and de/it &ard iss(ers (Visa and Master>ard) this "eans that "er&hants "(st ha3e se&(rit- proto&ol and pro&ed(res in pla&e to ens(re transa&tions are "ore se&(re. This &an also in&l(de ha3in' a &erti$i&ate $ro" an a(thori:ed &erti$i&ation a(thorit- (>+)6ho pro3ides %HI(%(/li&-Hein$rastr(&t(re) $or se&(rin' &redit and de/it &ard transa&tions.

Term# 5#ed in E-P yment Sy#tem : -)ondex:)ondex is a s"art &ard ele&troni& &ash s-ste" 6hi&h 6as ori'inall- de3eloped /- National 7est"inster Ban0 in the Dnited Hin'do" and s(/se@(entl- sold to Master>ard International. Monde9 la(n&hed in a n("/er o$ "ar0ets d(rin' the 1**0s, e9pandin' $ro" an ori'inal trial in !6indon, DH to Eon' Hon', I(elph, and Ne6 Aor0.J1K It 6as also trialled on se3eral British (ni3ersit- &a"p(ses $ro" the late 1**0s, in&l(din' the Dni3ersit- o$ )din/(r'h, Dni3ersit- o$ )9eter(/et6een 1** and 2001), Dni3ersit- o$ Aor0, Dni3ersit- o$ Nottin'ha", +ston Dni3ersit- and !he$$ield Ealla" Dni3ersit-. The L notation 6as (sed to pro3e se&(rit- properties a/o(t Monde9, allo6in' it to a&hie3e IT!)> le3el )., IT!)>8s hi'hest 'ranted se&(rit--le3el &lassi$i&ation. Monde9 6as ad3ertised in )9eter 6ith the pro"otional ni'ht ;Monde9 Madness; 6hi&h o3er ti"e /e&a"e adopted /- The Mo/ $oot/all tea" 6ho 6o(ld re'(larl- enjo- ;Mi0e8s Monde9 Madness; drin0in' ni'hts.

Net Bill P y:
Net Bill %a- is li0e ha3in' -o(r o6n personal a&&o(ntant. There 6ill /e no "ore &he&0 6ritin', posta'e, or trips to the "ail /o9 or post o$$i&e. 7ith 1st Net Bill %a-, pa-in' -o(r /ills is eas- to do $ro" an- &o"p(ter 6ith Internet a&&ess.

Secure - #i0e o(r Internet /an0in' pro'ra", 1st Net >onne&tion, 1st Net Bill %a- is pass6ord prote&ted and pro3ides a sa$e, se&(re 6a- to pa- -o(r /ills. +ll in$or"ation &o"es to Birst National Ban0 Be"idji8s se&(re site. 0 #t - %a-in' -o(r /ills 6ith 1st Net Bill %a- ta0es onl- a $e6 "in(tes. Ao( enter the na"e and address o$ the pa-ee the $irst ti"e. +$ter that the s-ste" 6ill $ill in this in$or"ation at -o(r re@(est. Bills are paid dire&tl- $ro" -o(r Birst National Ban0 Be"idji &he&0in' a&&o(nt. Con%identi l - Be&a(se -o( a&&ess a&&o(nt in$or"ation (sin' First Secure - 6hi&h identi$ies -o( and "ore i"portantl- -o( 6ill identi$- -o(r /an0, Birst National Ban0 Be"idji.
12*: 0ir#t Secure - D(rin' the 1st Net >onne&tion enroll"ent pro&ess -o( 6ill &hoose a pri3ate i"a'e and a pass phrase. )a&h ti"e -o( lo' in to 1st Net >onne&tion, the pri3ate i"a'e and pass phrase &hosen d(rin' enroll"ent 6ill /e presented to -o( /e$ore -o( enter -o(r pass6ord. I$ the i"a'e and pass phrase presented "at&h 6hat -o( &hose d(rin' enroll"ent -o( are at the &orre&t 6e/site and "a- sa$el- &o"plete the lo' in pro&ess. This e9tra step 6ill ens(re -o( that it is sa$e $or -o( to &he&0 -o(r /an0in' a&&o(nt, "a0e trans$ers, and pa- -o(r /ills ele&troni&all-.

Acce##ible - 1st Net Bill %a- is a3aila/le 21 ho(rs a da- $ro" an- &o"p(ter 6ith Internet a&&ess. A%%ord ble - Bree 6ith eSt tement enroll"ent. 7itho(t eSt tement#, &har'es are M2.00 per "onth, and M.25 per ite" or M20.00 per -ear, and M.25 per ite".

T6o si"ple "i&ropa-"ent s&he"es, N%a-7ord; and NMi&roMint,; $or "a0in' s"all p(r&hases o3er the Internet. 2(r "ain 'oal is to "ini"i:e the n("/er o$ p(/li&-0e- operations re@(ired per pa-"ent, (sin' hash operations instead 6hene3er possi/le. +s a ro('h '(ide, hash $(n&tions are a/o(t 100 ti"es $aster than R!+ si'nat(re 3eriO&ation, and a/o(t 10,000 ti"es $aster than R!+ si'nat(re 'eneration5 on a t-pi&al 6or0station, one &an si'n t6o "essa'es per se&ond, 3eri$200 si'nat(res per se&ond, and &o"p(te 20,000 hash $(n&tion 3al(es per se&ond. To s(pport "i&ropa-"ents, e9&eptional eO&ien&- is re@(ired, other6ise the &ost o$ the "e&hanis" 6ill e9&eed the 3al(e o$ the pa-"ents. +s a &onse@(en&e, o(r "i&ropa-"ent s&he"es are li'ht-6ei'ht &o"pared to $(ll "a&ropa-"ent s&he"es.

-0ir#t 3iru l Sy#tem

0ir#t 3irtu l 7oldin*# 6as a &o"pan- $or"ed in earl- 1**1 to $a&ilitate Internet &o""er&e. The $irst prod(&t o$$erin' $ro" Birst Virt(al 6as an Internet pa-"ent s-ste", 6hi&h 6as de3eloped @(ietl- and p(/li&l- anno(n&ed as a $(ll- operational open Internet ser3i&e on 2&to/er 15, 1**1. Birst Virt(al pro3ided "ost o$ the $eat(res o$ /oth eBa- and %a-%al /e$ore those &o"panies e9isted. Birst Virt(al8s s-ste" di$$ered in "an- 6a-s $ro" all other proposed approa&hes to Internet &o""er&e, "ost nota/l- in the $a&t that it did not rel- on en&r-ption or an- other $or" o$ &r-pto'raph- to ens(re the sa$et- o$ its &o""er&ial transa&tions. Instead, sa$et- 6as ens(red /en$or&in' a di&hoto"- /et6een non-sensiti3e in$or"ation (6hi&h "a- tra3el o3er the Internet) and sensiti3e in$or"ation (6hi&h ne3er does), and /- a /(-er $eed/a&0 "e&hanis".


Aim:- Introd(&tion to !e&(rit- %roto&ols. Security Protocol:+ #ecurity "rotocol (cry"to*r "-ic "rotocol or encry"tion "rotocol) is an a/stra&t or &on&rete proto&ol that per$or"s a se&(rit--related $(n&tion and applies &r-pto'raphi& "ethods. + proto&ol des&ri/es ho6 the al'orith"s sho(ld /e (sed. + s($$i&ientl- detailed proto&ol in&l(des details a/o(t data str(&t(res and representations, at 6hi&h point it &an /e (sed to i"ple"ent "(ltiple, interopera/le 3ersions o$ a pro'ra". >r-pto'raphi& proto&ols are 6idel- (sed $or se&(re appli&ation-le3el data transport. + &r-pto'raphi& proto&ol (s(all- in&orporates at least so"e o$ these aspe&ts5

He- a'ree"ent or esta/lish"ent


)ntit- a(thenti&ation !-""etri& en&r-ption and "essa'e a(thenti&ation "aterial &onstr(&tion !e&(red appli&ation-le3el data transport Non-rep(diation "ethods

Bor e9a"ple, Transport #a-er !e&(rit- (T#!) is a &r-pto'raphi& proto&ol that is (sed to se&(re 6e/ (ETT%) &onne&tions. It has an entit- a(thenti&ation "e&hanis", /ased on the P.50* s-ste"= a 0e- set(p phase, 6here a s-""etri& en&r-ption 0e- is $or"ed /- e"plo-in' p(/li&-0e&r-pto'raph-= and an appli&ation-le3el data transport $(n&tion. These three aspe&ts ha3e i"portant inter&onne&tions. !tandard T#! does not ha3e non-rep(diation s(pport.

Li#t $% Security Protocol:Secure L yer &SSL(:- !!# (!e&(re !o&0ets #a-er) is a standard se&(ritte&hnolo'- $or esta/lishin' an en&r-pted lin0 /et6een a ser3er and a &lientCt-pi&all- a 6e/ ser3er (6e/site) and a /ro6ser= or a "ail ser3er and a "ail &lient (e.'., 2(tloo0). !!# allo6s sensiti3e in$or"ation s(&h as &redit &ard n("/ers, so&ial se&(rit- n("/ers, and lo'in &redentials to /e trans"itted se&(rel-. Nor"all-, data sent /et6een /ro6sers and 6e/ ser3ers is sent in plain te9tClea3in' -o( 3(lnera/le to ea3esdroppin'. I$ an atta&0er is a/le to inter&ept all data /ein' sent /et6een a /ro6ser and a 6e/ ser3er the- &an see and (se that in$or"ation. More spe&i$i&all-, !!# is a se&(rit- proto&ol. %roto&ols des&ri/e ho6 al'orith"s sho(ld /e (sed= in this &ase, the !!# proto&ol deter"ines 3aria/les o$ the en&r-ption $or /oth the lin0 and the data /ein' trans"itted.


S7TTP&Sec ure 7y"er Text Tr n#%er Protocol (

!ETT% is a se&(re proto&ol (sed to en&r-pt and host sensiti3e in$or"ation on the 6e/. This is parti&(larl- i"portant 6hen dealin' 6ith $inan&ial and &on$idential in$or"ation. !e&(re ETT% 6as de3eloped /- )nterprise Inte'ration Te&hnolo'- ()IT) as part o$ the >o""er&eNet %roje&t in !ili&on Valle- /(t has /een released as a p(/li& spe&i$i&ation. The s-ste" pro3ides se&(rit- enhan&e"ents to the 7e/ transport standard, h-perte9t trans$er proto&ol (ETT%). It allo6s &lients and ser3er to ne'otiate independentl- en&r-ption, a(thenti&ation, and di'ital si'nat(re "ethods, in an- &o"/ination, in /oth dire&tions. !ETT% &an pro3ide &on$identialit-, a(thenti&ation, inte'rit- '(arantees on an indi3id(al $ile /asis. 7e/ sites 6ith se&(rit- $eat(res are (sed 6hen displa-in' in$or"ation s(&h as >redit &ard n("/ers, %ersonal in$or"ation, pass6ords and >onta&t details. T6o 'eneral-p(rpose approa&hes that are /roadl- representati3e and pro/a/l- the "ost i"portant as 6ell5 the !e&(re !o&0et #a-er (!!#) $ro" Nets&ape and !e&(re ETT% (!-ETT%) $ro" )nterprise Inte'ration Te&hnolo'-. Bor pa-"ent s-ste"s that pro3ide stron' se&(rit- $or Internet p(r&hases o$ 'oods and ser3i&es t6o are !e&(re )le&troni& Transa&tions (!)T), proposed $or /an0&ard transa&tions /- Master>ard and Visa or a "ore sophisti&ated pa-"ent parti&(larlin anon-"it-, is )-&ash de3eloped /- Di'i>ash.

SET &Sec ure Electronic Tr n# ction(:!e&(re )le&troni& Transa&tion (!)T) 6as a &o""(ni&ations proto&ol standard $or se&(rin' &redit &ard transa&tions o3er inse&(re net6or0s, spe&i$i&all-, the Internet. !)T 6as not itsel$ apa-"ent s-ste", /(t rather a set o$ se&(rit- proto&ols and $or"ats that ena/led (sers to e"plo- the e9istin' &redit &ard pa-"ent in$rastr(&t(re on an open net6or0 in a se&(re $ashion. Eo6e3er, it $ailed to 'ain attra&tion in the "ar0et. VI!+ no6 pro"otes the 3-D !e&(re s&he"e. To "eet the /(siness re@(ire"ents, !)T in&orporates the $ollo6in' $eat(res5

>on$identialit- o$ in$or"ation Inte'rit- o$ data >ardholder a&&o(nt a(thenti&ation Mer&hant a(thenti&ation


Aim:- Introd(&tion to %a-roll !-ste".

PRACTICAL N$-09 Aim:- Introd(&tion to )-"ail se&(rit-.

E-m il Security:)"ail se&(rit- has /e&o"e a hot topi& in In$or"ation Te&hnolo'- &ir&les as ne6 e9ploits and 3(lnera/ilities a$$e&tin' the "ost pop(lar e"ail &lients and operatin' s-ste"s &ontin(e to "a0e headline ne6s on a re'(lar /asis. 7hen -o( &onsider that a re&ent M)T+ 'ro(p s(r3e- $o(nd 40G o$ s(r3e- respondents said the&onsider e-"ail "ore 3al(a/le than phone $or /(siness &o""(ni&ations, it is no 6onder that e"ail se&(rit- is a priorit- &on&ern $or "an- or'ani:ations%E-mail security means3 Relia/le, all-in&l(si3e ser3i&e 6ith so$t6are, &o"p(tin' po6er, and s(pport >ost-e$$e&ti3e &lo(d-/ased sol(tion that red(&es -o(r onsite data &enter $ootprint Dedi&ated e"ail se&(rit- instan&es in "(ltiple, resilient >is&o data &enters pro"ote e9&eptional ser3i&e a3aila/ilit- and data prote&tion 7hen sensiti3e data needs to re"ain ph-si&all- on-pre"ises, the h-/rid sol(tion deli3ers ad3an&ed &ontrol on-site 6hile ta0in' ad3anta'e o$ &ost-e$$e&ti3e &on3enien&e o$ the &lo(d

6-y do :e : nt #ecure em il;

%rote&t sensiti3e data %ro3e a(thenti&it- to re&ipients !end atta&h"ents nor"all- $iltered +3oid the j(n0 $olderQ

7o: doe# Secure Em il :or.;

#on' ans6er R That?s another tal0 entirel-. !hort ans6er R !e&(re e"ail (ses a set &r-pto'raphi& tools to en&aps(late a "essa'e into a spe&iall- $or"atted en3elope.

6- t +oe# E-)AIL Security In!ol!e;

The three "ain prin&iples o$ In$or"ation !e&(rit- in3ol3e "aintainin' the &on$identialit-, inte'rit-, and a3aila/ilit- o$ in$or"ation reso(r&es. These three prin&iples &an /e dire&tl- applied to the area o$ e"ail se&(rit- as 6ell. >on$identialit- o$ e"ail in3ol3es "a0in' s(re it is prote&ted $ro" (na(thori:ed a&&ess. Inte'rit- o$ e"ail in3ol3es a '(arantee that it has not /e "odi$ied or destro-ed /- an (na(thori:ed indi3id(al. +3aila/ilit- o$ e"ail in3ol3es ens(rin' that "ail ser3ers re"ain online and a/le to ser3i&e the (ser &o""(nit-. + 6ea0ness in an- one o$ these three 0e- areas 6ill (nder"ine the se&(ritpost(re o$ an e"ail s-ste" and open the door to e9ploitation.

6- t Are T-e T-re t# To E-)AIL Security;

3iru#e# )"ail se&(rit- is threatened /- a ran'e o$ iss(es. 2ne o$ the "ost p(/li&i:ed and hi'h ris0 o$ all the iss(es is 3ir(ses. Vir(ses are so dan'ero(s /e&a(se theo$ten deli3er e9tre"el- destr(&ti3e pa-loads, destro-in' data, and /rin'in' do6n entire "ail s-ste"s. +s a res(lt the- are a "ajor drain on &orporate IT depart"ents and (sers. P-i#-in* %hishin', also 0no6n as identi$- the$t, is a ne6er threat to e"ail se&(rit- that 6as relati3el- (nheard o$ one -ear a'o. %hishin' is the pro&ess 6here/- identitthie3es tar'et &(sto"ers o$ $inan&ial instit(tions and hi'h-pro$ile online retailers, (sin' &o""on spa""in' te&hni@(es to 'enerate lar'e n("/ers o$ e"ails 6ith the intent o$ l(rin' &(sto"ers to spoo$ed 6e/ sites and tri&0in' the" into 'i3in' (p personal in$or"ation s(&h as pass6ords and &redit &ard n("/ers.

I##ue# :it- Secure Em il

7ho sho(ld ha3e a&&ess to pri3ate 0e-sS Eo6 do 6e e9&han'e p(/li& 0e-sS Eo6 do 6e assi'n tr(stS
4*oul! grou 5eys be issue!6 1/

Ste"# to Secure Em il: Ienerate an Identit >on$i'(re !e&(re )"ail so$t6are Iet p(/li& 0e-s $or re&ipients !tart sendin' se&(red "essa'es

Secure Em il Ti"#
Ba&0(p -o(r 0e-sQ Re3o0e &erti$i&ates or %I% 0e-s i$ >o"pro"ised Tr(stin' a 0e- sho(ld onl- /e done a$ter s(ita/le 3eri$i&ation 6ith the o6ner Bollo6 the %(rd(e Data Eandlin' I(idelines )n&r-pted e"ail is a "eans o$ transport, not stora'e R Bile -o(r sensiti3e in$or"ation else6here.

PRACTICAL N$ - 0< Aim : 6hat are s"art &ards and there t-pes.
Sm rt C rd:
+ s"art &ard is an- po&0et-si:ed &ard 6ith e"/edded inte'rated &ir&(its. !"art &ards are "ade o$ plasti&, 'enerall- pol-3in-l &hloride. !in&e +pril 200*, a Tapanese &o"pan- has "an($a&t(red re(sa/le $inan&ial s"art &ards "ade $ro" paper. !"art &ards &an pro3ide identi$i&ation, a(thenti&ation, data stora'e and appli&ation pro&essin'. !"art &ards "a- pro3ide stron' se&(rit- a(thenti&ation $or sin'le si'n-on (!!2) 6ithin lar'e or'ani:ations.

c- r cteri#tic#:

Di"ensions si"ilar to those o$ a &redit &ard. >ontains a ta"per-resistant se&(rit- s-ste". Mana'ed /- an ad"inistration s-ste" 6hi&h se&(rel- inter&han'es in$or"ation and &on$i'(ration settin's 6ith the &ard, &ontrollin' &ard /la&0listin' and appli&ation-data (pdates. >o""(ni&ates 6ith e9ternal ser3i&es 3ia &ard-readin' de3i&es, s(&h as ti&0et readers, +TMs, DI% reader, et&.

C te*orie#:
17 >onta&t s"art &ards5

>onta&t s"art &ards ha3e a &onta&t area o$ appro9i"atel- 1 s@(are &enti"etre (0.1. s@ in), &o"prisin' se3eral 'old-plated &onta&t pads. These pads pro3ide ele&tri&al &onne&ti3it- 6hen inserted into a reader, 6hi&h is (sed as a &o""(ni&ations "edi(" /et6een the s"art &ard and a host (e.'., a &o"p(ter, a point o$ sale ter"inal) or a "o/ile telephone. >ards do not &ontain /atteries, po6er is s(pplied /- the &ard reader. 27 >onta&tless s"art &ards5 + se&ond &ard t-pe is the &onta&t less s"art &ards, in 6hi&h the &ard &o""(ni&ates 6ith and is po6ered /- the reader thro('h RB ind(&tion te&hnolo'- (at data rates o$ 10.F414 0/it<s). These &ards re@(ire onl- pro9i"itto an antenna to &o""(ni&ate. #i0e s"art &ards 6ith &onta&ts, &onta&tless &ards do not ha3e an internal po6er so(r&e. Instead, the- (se an ind(&tor to &apt(re so"e o$ the in&ident radio-$re@(en&- interro'ation si'nal, re&ti$- it, and (se it to po6er the &ard8s ele&troni&s. 37 7ybrid:
D(al-inter$a&e &ards i"ple"ent &onta&tless and &onta&t inter$a&es on a sin'le &ard 6ith so"e shared stora'e and pro&essin'. +n e9a"ple is Porto8s "(lti-appli&ation transport &ard, &alled And nte, 6hi&h (ses a &hip 6ith /oth &onta&t and cont ctle##.

1) 0in nci l: !"art &ards ser3e as &redit or AT) &ards, %uel c rd#, "o/ile phone SI)#, a(thori:ation &ards $or pa- tele3ision, ho(sehold (tilit- pre-pa-"ent &ards, hi'h-se&(ritidenti$i&ation and a&&ess-&ontrol &ards, and "ublic tr n#"ort and p(/li& phone pa-"ent &ards. 2) SI): The #ub#criber identity module# (sed in "o/ile-phone s-ste"s are red(&ed-si:e

s"art &ards, (sin' other6ise identi&al te&hnolo'ies.

3) Identi%ic tion: !"art-&ards &an ut-entic te identit-. Ds(all-, the- e"plo- a "ublic .ey in%r #tructure (%HI). 4) Com"uter #ecurity: !"art &ards &an /e (sed as a #ecurity to.en. 5) 7e lt-c re: !"art health &ards &an i"pro3e the se&(rit- and pri3a&- o$ patient

in$or"ation, pro3ide a se&(re &arrier $or porta/le medic l record#, red(&e health &are $ra(d, s(pport ne6 pro&esses $or porta/le "edi&al re&ords, pro3ide se&(re a&&ess to e"er'en&- "edi&al in$or"ation.


PRACTICAL N$- 0= Aim:- Introd(&tion to )DI.

Electronic + t Interc- n*e:
Electronic d t interc- n*e (E+I) is a do&("ent standard 6hi&h 6hen i"ple"ented a&ts as &o""on inter$a&e /et6een t6o or "ore &o"p(ter appli&ations in ter"s o$ (nderstandin' the do&("ent trans"itted. It is &o""onl- (sed /- /i' &o"panies $or e-&o""er&e p(rposes, s(&h as sendin' orders to 6areho(ses or tra&0in' their order. It is "ore than "ere e-"ail= $or instan&e, or'ani:ations "i'ht repla&e /ills o$ ladin' and e3en &he@(es 6ith appropriate )DI "essa'es. It also re$ers spe&i$i&all- to a $a"il- o$ standards. )DI &an /e $or"all- de$ined as the trans$er o$ str(&t(red data, /- a'reed "essa'e standards, $ro" one &o"p(ter s-ste" to another 6itho(t h("an inter3ention.

Bene%it# :
Remo!e document re-.eyin*: B- re"o3in' the "an(al 0e-in' o$ 0e- /(siness do&("ents s(&h as 2rders, In3oi&es, +&0no6led'"ents and Dispat&h Notes -o(r &o"pan- &an /ene$it si'ni$i&antl- /-55

Red(&ed la/o(r &osts )li"ination o$ h("an 0e-in' errors Baster do&("ent pro&essin' Instant do&("ent retrie3al

Re"o3e relian&e on the postal ser3i&e

Elimin te P "er : %aper-/ased tradin' relationships ha3e so"e inherent disad3anta'es 6hen &o"pared 6ith their ele&troni& tradin' e@(i3alents5

!tationer- and printer &ons("a/le &osts Do&("ent stora'e &osts #ost do&("ents %osta'e &osts

Reduce le d time# nd #toc.-oldin*: )le&troni& tradin' do&("ents &an /e deli3ered $ar "ore @(i&0l- than their paper &o(nterparts, th(s the t(rnaro(nd ti"e $ro" order to deli3er- &an /e red(&ed. B- (sin' )DI $or $ore&astin' and plannin', &o"panies are a/le to 'et $or6ard 6arnin' o$ li0el- orders and to plan their prod(&tion and sto&0 le3els a&&ordin'l-. Incre #e >u lity o% t-e tr din* rel tion#-i": )le&troni& tradin' do&("ents 6hen printed are "(&h easier to read than &opies $a9ed or 'enerated on "(lti-part stationer- /- i"pa&t printers. +&&(rate do&("ents help ens(re a&&(rate s(pplies. Com"etiti!e Ed*e : Be&a(se ele&troni& data inter&han'e ()DI) "a0es -o( attra&ti3e to deal 6ith $ro" -o(r &(sto"ers8 point o$ 3ie6, and -o( are in their e-es &heaper and "ore e$$i&ient to deal 6ith than a &o"petitor tradin' on paper, -o(r &osts 6ill /e lo6er /e&a(se -o( 6ill re@(ire less "anpo6er to pro&ess orders, deli3eries or pa-"ents. It is no a&&ident that the leadin' DH retailers all rel- on )DI $or pla&in' orders and re&ei3in' in3oi&es - the- 0no6 the /ene$its the- 'et and the &osts that &an /e sa3ed.

Ex"en#e : B(siness appli&ation s-ste"s 6ere &o"ple9 and e9pensi3e. %ri"aril- ser3in' the peripheral

$(n&tions o$ a /(siness, the- 6ere not re'arded as /ein' $(ll- inte'rated into all /(siness a&ti3ities. Net:or. Com"lexity : The need $or e9tensi3e tele&o""(ni&ations &apa/ilit- posed a se&ond "ajor /arrier to 6idespread )DI i"ple"entation $or s"all to "id-si:ed &o"panies. Be-ond the &o"p(ter itsel$, a /asi& re@(ire"ent o$ )DI is a "eans to trans"it and re&ei3e in$or"ation to and $ro" a 6ide 3ariet- o$ &(sto"ers or s(ppliers. This re@(ired a hea3- in3est"ent in &o"p(ter net6or0s.

PRACTICAL N$ - 10 Aim : Introd(&tion to )R%(enterprise reso(r&e plannin') and its appli&ations.

Enter"ri#e re#ource "l nnin* (ERP)5
It is a &ross-$(n&tional enterprise s-ste" dri3en /- an inte'rated s(ite o$ so$t6are "od(les that s(pports the /asi& internal /(siness pro&esses o$ a &o"pan-. )R% 'i3es a &o"pan- an inte'rated real-ti"e 3ie6 o$ its &ore /(siness pro&esses s(&h as prod(&tion, order pro&essin', and in3entor"ana'e"ent, tied to'ether /- )R% appli&ations so$t6are and a &o""on data/ase "aintained /a data/ase "ana'e"ent s-ste". )R% s-ste"s tra&0 /(siness reso(r&es (s(&h as &ash, ra6 "aterials, and prod(&tion &apa&it-) and the stat(s o$ &o""it"ents "ade /- the /(siness (s(&h as &(sto"er orders, p(r&hase orders, and e"plo-ee pa-roll), no "atter 6hi&h depart"ent ("an($a&t(rin', p(r&hasin', sales, a&&o(ntin', and so on) has entered the data into the s-ste". 2r'ani:ations &onsider the )R% s-ste" a 3ital or'ani:ational tool /e&a(se it inte'rates 3aried or'ani:ational s-ste"s and ena/les $la6less transa&tions and prod(&tion. Eo6e3er, an )R% s-ste" is radi&all- di$$erent $ro" traditional s-ste"s de3elop"ent.

C- r cteri#tic#:

+n inte'rated s-ste" that operates in real ti"e (or ne9t to real-ti"e), 6itho(t rel-in' on periodi& (pdate. + &o""on data/ase, 6hi&h s(pports all appli&ations. + &onsistent loo0 and $eel thro('ho(t ea&h "od(le.


Transa&tional data/ase. Mana'e"ent portal. >(sto"i:a/le reportin'. !i"ple reso(r&e plannin'. +nal-sin' the prod(&t. )9ternal a&&ess 3ia te&hnolo'- s(&h as 6e/ ser3i&e.


)R% &an 'reatl- i"pro3e the @(alit- and e$$i&ien&- o$ a /(siness. )R% pro3ides s(pport to (pper le3el "ana'e"ent to pro3ide the" 6ith &riti&al de&ision "a0in' in$or"ation. )R% also &reates a "ore a'ile &o"pan- that /etter adapts to &han'e. )R% &an i"pro3e data se&(rit-.

Ad! nt *e#:

!ales $ore&astin', 6hi&h allo6s in3entor- opti"i:ation. >hronolo'i&al histor- o$ e3er- transa&tion thro('h rele3ant data &o"pilation in e3erarea o$ operation. 2rder tra&0in', $ro" a&&eptan&e thro('h $(l$ill"ent. Re3en(e tra&0in', $ro" in3oi&e thro('h &ash re&eipt. Mat&hin' p(r&hase orders (6hat 6as ordered), in3entor- re&eipts (6hat arri3ed), and &ostin'(6hat the 3endor in3oi&ed).

+i# d! nt *e#:

>(sto"i:ation is pro/le"ati&. )R% &an &ost "ore than less inte'rated or less &o"prehensi3e sol(tions. Ei'h )R% s6it&hin' &osts &an in&rease the )R% 3endor8s ne'otiatin' po6er, 6hi&h &an in&rease s(pport, "aintenan&e, and (p'rade e9penses. Inte'ration o$ tr(l- independent /(sinesses &an &reate (nne&essar- dependen&ies. )9tensi3e trainin' re@(ire"ents ta0e reso(r&es $ro" dail- operations.

A""lic tion

re #:

Ieneral led'er, $i9ed asset, pa-a/les, re&ei3a/les, &ash "ana'e"ent,$inan&ial &onsolidation. Mana'e"ent a&&o(ntin'.

B(d'etin', &ostin', &ost "ana'e"ent, a&ti3it- /ased &ostin'. E("an reso(r&es. Re&r(itin', trainin', pa-roll, /ene$its, 101H, di3ersit- "ana'e"ent, retire"ent, separation. Man($a&t(rin'. !(ppl- &hain "ana'e"ent. %roje&t plannin', reso(r&e plannin', proje&t &ostin'. >(sto"er relationship "ana'e"ent. Data ser3i&es .


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