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Universit at Stuttgart Dr.

Axel Griesmaier

WS 12/13

Exercises on classical linear optics Problem set 1

Problem 1: Snells law (1 Point) Please derive Snells law using Fermats principle. Problem 2: Spherical lens and rainbow a) (1 Point) Small glass spheres are sometimes used as a lens for coupling into an optical ber. Please determine the distance f between the ber and the sphere, so that the beam is precisely focused onto the ber end (Fig.1.). The refractive index of glass is n=1.8, b=0.07mm and r=1mm.


b) (1 Point) The emergence of a rainbow is a very similar situation a). However, in the case of a rainbow a part of the light is reected back into the raindrop at the point of transmission from water to air (Fig.2.). Please calculate the angle as a function of the impact parameter b for a drop of radius r and a refractive index n=1.33. Plot this result for reasonable parameters with a computer program of your choice (Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, ...)


c) (1 Point) The refractive index is usually a function of wavelength. An approximation for water in the optical range is n = 1.33 + 0.012 706 300 , where is in nm. Please estimate divergence of a rainbow in the visible range. Can you say something about drops sizes by observing the rainbow? d) (1 Point) Why is it sometimes possible to see two rainbows on top of each other? e) (1 Point) Please nd, read and summarize the following publication: Alexander B. Kostinski & Raymond A. Shaw, Droplet dynamics: Raindrops large and small. Nature Physics 5, 624 - 625 (2009)

Problem 3: Microscopic model of dispersion and propagation of signals In the simplest model the atom can be introduced as a system, where the electron is attached to the nucleus with a spring. Such a system is characterized by eigenfrequency 0 und damping rate (Fig.3.).

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a) (1 Point) What are the relations in the electrostatic case between the electric eld E , the dielectric displacement D, the dielectric constant , the dielectric susceptibility e , the polarization P and the polarizability . b) (1 Point) The ordinary dierential equation (ODE) for a bound electron in the electromagnetic eld is given by + 2 p) = e2 E , where p = er. Why can we neglect the B eld? Please show that in the electrostatic m( p + p 0 e2 case the polarizability is = m 2.

c) (1 Point) Another limiting case is the one of the unbound, undamped electron (, 0 = 0). Please derive the plasma 2 = ne2 /m for this case. (n is the density of the polarizable charge carriers) frequency p d) (1 Point) For an alternating eld E = E0 exp(it) the polarizability is frequency dependent. Please solve this inhomogeneous ODE with the with a spring ansatz p = p0 exp(it). Give a result for ( )? The complete solution of the ODE is a linear combination of the solutions of the inhomogeneous and the homogeneous ODE. What is the meaning of the solution of the homogeneous dierential equation?

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