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Bilingual text spanish - english Beatriz Tarancn lvaro es licenciada en Traduccin e Interpretacin por la Universidad de Mlaga.

Es traductora profesional de ingls, y profesora asociada de este idioma en la Escuela de Educacin de Soria (Universidad de Valladolid). Asimismo, es examinadora oficial de DELE en la Escuela Internacional de Soria, centro en el que ha impartido clases de espaol para extranjeros desde el ao 2000. Pertenece a varios grupos de investigacin oficiales de la Universidad de Valladolid en temas relacionados con la docencia y los sistemas de enseanza-aprendizaje. Su unidad didctica Me voy de Erasmus a Espaa consigui el tercer premio internacional en la III Premios Redele (2009). Asimismo acaba de publicar junto con Reyes Roldn el libro Exprsate: actividades de expresin oral para la clase de ELE de la editorial SGEL. Beatriz Tarancn lvaro is qualified in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Mlaga (Spain). She is a professional English translator and works as an associate teacher at the Teacher Training School in Soria (University of Valladolid). She is also an official examiner for the DELE exams offered by the Instituto Cervantes at the Escuela Internacional de Soria. She has also given Spanish courses for Foreigners since the year 2000. She belongs to several recognized research groups at the University of Valladolid where she works on subjects related to education and teaching/learning processes. In 2009, her didactic unit Me voy de Erasmus a Espaa obtained the third international prize in the competition III Premios Redele (2009) granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education. She has just published, in cooperation with Reyes Roldn, the book Exprsate: actividades de expresin oral para la clase de ELE ( SGEL). REYES ROLDN MELGOS Reyes Roldn Melgosa es licenciada en Filologa Hispnica por la Universidad de Valladolid. Trabaja desde 1996 en la enseanza del espaol como lengua extranjera en la Escuela Internacional de Soria. All, adems de las labores docentes, ha realizado tareas organizativas y acadmicas de los cursos que la institucin promueve. Es adems examinadora oficial de DELE en este centro. Tambin ha trabajado como coordinadora en uno de los Centros de Integracin para Inmigrantes que tiene la Fundacin de la Lengua Espaola. Su unidad didctica Me voy de Erasmus a Espaa consigui el tercer premio internacional en la III Premios Redele (2009). Asimismo acaba de publicar junto con Beatriz Tarancn el libro Exprsate: actividades de expresin oral para la clase de ELE de la editorial SGEL. Reyes Roldn Melgosa is qualified in Hispanic Philology from the University of Valladolid (Spain). She has been teaching Spanish as a foreign language at the Escuela Internacional de Soria since 1996. At this school, apart from her teaching tasks, she has performed organization and academic tasks related to the courses provided by this institution. She is also an official examiner for the DELE exams offered by the Instituto Cervantes. She has worked as a coordinator for one of the centres of integration for immigrants belonging to the Fundacin de la Lengua Espaola. In 2009, Her didactic unit Me voy de Erasmus a Espaa obtained the third international prize in the competition III Premios Redele (2009) granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education. She has just published, in cooperation with Beatriz Tarancn, the book Exprsate: actividades de expresin oral para la clase de ELE ( SGEL).

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