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Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1




November 1993 – April 1995

Wayne Hartman

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

This is the record of the journey of a consciousness and it’s connection to a spiritual source within. The
writings are stream of consciousness. They have been since the beginning. Other than some minor spell
checking, you are seeing these works as they came forth. In this case, you are seeing the condensed
version. The Best of Notes pages were selected in 1997 and 1998 from much larger files that were
generated in 1993 through 1996. The wording was not changed nor was the relative order of the wording.
For some reason, I felt that spirit determined this, not me. This has been true for all of the expression at
Beyond Imagination to date. I have not been moved to do any major editing or rearranging of what has
come forth. In part, this was because I had no sense of being the one actually creating the work. Yes, it
came forth through me. And, no, without me it would not exist. But, that is not the same as having an
inner feeling of actually being the creator of something.

It has been 7 years since these Beyond Imagination Notes were generated and over 5 years since the Best
of Notes pages were completed. It seems only fitting that they are finally published and made available as
a book.

My hope is that the work will take you on a similar journey to my own and help you to discover some of
what I have found. I’ve taken the liberty of adding a section of selected quotes from the first 10 months
of material that I thought provided the most helpful Guidance when I selected them in 1997 or so. I’ve
done so much over so many years that it is difficult to remember exactly when I did what. At least I don’t
suffer from the problem of not having anything worthy of remembering that I have done.

This is Book 1 of 2. There is a companion book that covers the final year of Best of Notes. Some of the
months in that final year had quite lengthy expressions … in excess of 100 pages, so even the Best of
Notes for those months were extensive.

May your journey be adventurous! May it challenge all that you believe yourself to be and more. You are
destined for greatness. Each of us is. It is a matter of finding our mission and doing it to the best of or
ability. It is my sincere hope that what is presented here helps you to do that.

We are spirit expressing in flesh here and now. We always have been and always will be. It is the mission
of Beyond Imagination to help to build the foundations that allow spirit to express in flesh more fully.
Perhaps that is easier said than done. But, the more people that are aware of the kinds of things that we
address here, the easier it will be.

If we cooperate and work together, we will be amazed at how great the things are that we can achieve.

ENJOY! Be Happy and Create Well!



Redondo Beach, June 2003

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1



Focus on those things that

your unique consciousness
is required for.

Do the grand stuff.

Bring forth the Vision.

Many others are there to

fill whatever roles are needed.

Such is how they

find their purpose.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


1 Nov 93

I really do feel that I have experienced states of mind that are much different than most others have
experienced. At the same time, I know that I came to be a wayshower; so, I needed these experiences so
that I could show others the way. Somebody has to blaze the trail and lead the way. My energies, talents,
and abilities were specially chosen to allow me to do this. Further, I have a great deal of experience
operating alone -- without others to either confirm or explain my experience. I have never truly had a
personal teacher


We are here to make spirit incarnate, to bring it fully into flesh -- for such is what the Aquarian Age is all
about. It cannot be made so except by this means. Spirit must be enfleshed as fully as possible at this time
on the planet. All the bodies must be grounded for this transition to occur. However, once it is
accomplished, the way is paved for all. Consciousness will ensure that the appropriate replication takes
place. However, it must happen once for the pattern to be established. What a wonderful adventure! Many
have created the pieces, but it is up to one to put the pieces together in the right manner for enlightenment
to be understood physically. Actually, this is not quite correct. Several have started to put sections of the
puzzle together and have started to look for other sections that they know extend from their own. This too
is not enough. We never build the whole, until there is one with the proper VISION of what that whole is
to be. Once the Vision is there, the framework is established for relating the parts. But the whole is more
than the sum of the parts.


You were not born to material riches, only to spiritual ones. If you use them for the good of all, then all
that you ever desire will be yours for the asking. But, be wary, focus on the spiritual task first. You will
have plenty of time for enjoyment as you traverse the path. However, the world is in need of the services
that you have come into this incarnation to provide. You already know that your purpose is to bring forth
the VISION that will allow the Aquarian Age to be manifested in flesh. You have a part to play in this
birth -- though, you chose not to enjoy much of the fruits of your labors. For, you wanted to be the Way
Shower. You wanted to be first, to blaze the path; and you wanted to do it in your own unique way. So be
it, you have passed the tests -- go forth and do what you came to do. Write what must be expressed
through you -- for this message can only come in this manner through your consciousness. The universe
doesn't waste effort, it only does things as many times as necessary for the function to be accomplished.
Each person has a unique role to play. All are necessary. Most of the special roles were selected by old
souls who had achieved the highest levels of abilities and of wisdom. You are one of these. You've known
that for a long time. The toughest roles are given to such beings for they are the only ones that could
handle the challenges.

8 Nov 93

This still doesn't change the urge that keeps driving me to BE HERE NOW, beyond mind, beyond
imagination, beyond everything. It is in that unlimited point that magic happens -- for out of it, all that we
manifest in our reality of time and space pours forth in tune with our beliefs, desires, and fears.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

What about money and finances? Don't worry. You will be taken care of. You will have what you need, as
you always have. Do what you know to be right, and all else will be taken care of. The Plan is unfolding
in its right timing. You cannot make things happen before that appointed timing. Trust your part in the
plan, and allow what you sow to be brought back unto you in the proper manner at the appointed season.
And, you are right in your sensing that we will not allow you to make any mistakes. You couldn't, even if
you wanted to. But, you already know that in your Heart.

11 Nov 93

It is up to you to define what YOU will do. It is helpful if this comes from your SELF -- for, then it is in
full accord with the PLAN. But, even then, much is left to you. It is best if you use your ego to observe, it
is the "eye" or "I" of your psyche. Put your needs into your conscious mind, then trust that other agents
within you are charged with making them so. Focus your activities on what you can do and what your
inner guidance directs. These channels are opened well enough that you can trust them. Do each day that
which seems right to you. Worry not about the future. It will take care of itself. Your task is to BE HERE
NOW. Allow your entire beingness to flow out of each moment and fill space and time with what is to be.
You create in the moment. The point of power is the present. Use your eyes, all of them, to sense what
actions are working. Don't force the timing of things. And don't impose your will except when you know
it to be in accord with the PLAN. You will KNOW, for you will be so moved to act that it will seem as if
there is no choice. There is always choice, but it is you who have chosen to go beyond ego and mind to do
that which is necessary for Spirit to be more fully expressed in Flesh at this time.


When you work in accord with the PLAN, the reward is abundance. You get what you need.
Consciousness operates from needs, not wants. WANTS are part of a belief system that says "I do not trust
that God, the universe, or All That Is will provide for me". In truth, we always get exactly what we need --
ALWAYS. The lesson is to forego attachment to things, and to money. Focus on living, NOW, and doing
that which needs to be done. Further, trust that consciousness will provide for its children. Focus on doing
that which spirit moves you to do. As you do so, you will be cared for. WHO YOU ARE counts for a lot,
but WHAT YOU DO makes all the difference.

12 Nov 93

Reality creation is one of the most important subjects in metaphysics -- yet I am highly motivated to
become a Master at it. We're all masters. I want to make the process conscious, however.

Focus on those things that your unique consciousness is required for. Do the grand stuff. Bring forth the
Vision. Many others are there to fill whatever roles are needed. Such is how they find their purpose. Until
the dream weavers, the visionaries, do their stuff, not much can happen to bring about change. As you
enact your daydreams, reality is given a grand impetus to change. Such is what you are here for, it is your
purpose and destiny. See with the eye of your soul, and convey to others what you FORESEE.

15 Nov 93

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
We need to learn what works and what does not. We need to learn how to do things elegantly, with beauty
and optimal use of energy and resources. We need to learn how best to meet individual needs, including
what needs society should fill and what needs the individuals must meet on their own or through mutual
cooperation with other individuals. The bottom line is that we are creating a new life form, a community,
that will enable a greater unity of consciousness to express on Earth than has ever expressed before. We
are the cells of that entity, that consciousness. To some degree we are part of that consciousness already. It
is what speaks to us through our intuition. It already has the perfect form in mind. It is simply waiting for
us to become aware of our roles in manifesting this new idea in physical form on Earth. Many of us are
realizing that this is our mission, our purpose in this existence.


Remember, Vision comes from spirit. It is Vision that allows reality to be created in the physical world.
The Plan will be realized on Earth, but only through the collective Visions of individuals attuned to
source. Collect these beings around you, let them be part of your circle. You will know them by their
works and by the gaze in their eyes. Stay in touch with them with your communications. It is not
necessary that you remain in physical proximity, only conscious proximity. As your awareness grows
collectively, you will develop the abilities for maintaining a continuous conscious presence. As the work
proceeds, such will be necessary.

30 Nov 93

I explored the concept that life is a play that is already written and our free choice only involves how we
interpret the events of the play, not what events will occur. Even where individual choices appear to be
made these choices too may be part of the play -- already predetermined. Our sensation always makes it
appear that we choose, so from within the play we have no real way of knowing whether we do or not. It's
a matter of belief. Since our reality is primarily emotional -- how we feel about things, we still create our
own reality. However, the event part of life happens much like we speak, automatically. It flows out
though we know not how or even where it comes from. It's as if we were actors and our lines come into
our minds through a memory that involves a different part of our minds. At some level we know our
complete parts. We just don't allow the conscious part to be aware of anything more than is needed for
each particular moment in time.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1



It is not sufficient to be a
Master of this World –
that requires no spirituality.

One must be a true master expressing spirit in flesh to the greatest degree
possible at this time on this planet.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


1 Dec 93

The observer within me is active nearly all of the time watching what I think, what I feel, and what I
conclude about everything. This I is the ego. The observer or watcher is something beyond the I. It feeds
me information and moves me towards where I need to go in accord with some higher purpose or plan
which I, the ego, have not yet earned the privilege to be aware of. Along with privileges come
responsibilities -- with sacred privileges, sacred responsibilities. These rights must be earned through
spiritual awareness and growth. The ego is that part of me that is responsible for behavior in the moment
within the physical dimensions. It can take information from any channels to which it has access, and it
can act upon this information it whatever manner it chooses. It's primary task however is the formation of
a belief system from which to interpret reality and on which to choose its actions.

We are whole entities that exist primarily HERE and NOW, outside of TIME and SPACE. From this
whole we split into our creator and actor selves. The creator part stays outside of TIME and SPACE
except for a small piece within the actor, an inner voice and watcher of the mind. The Actor self lives in
the PLAY, moved to act in accord with the action and events of the play. The actor has two jobs, one is to
play out the selected role in accord with the script, the other is to become self-aware and then Self-aware.
The creator part has two roles as well, one is to monitor the actor's awareness and needs, the other is to
weave and co-create the events of the script together in a manner that brings to the actor whatever is
required to meet the actor's needs. The goal is to get all actors to a point where much larger parts of their
whole self can be expressed in flesh.

3 Dec 93

I foresee that I chose or earned a major role in the coming transition to the Aquarian Age. Let the Plan
unfold. I will gladly play my part to the best of my abilities, with all my Heart and Soul. Please show me
what it is that I am to do, and it shall be done -- for I know the Plan to be of the Light, and I AM THAT I
AM, an illumined one who came to be a Worker of the Light that the Plan could be brought to fruition on
Earth. There is much to do, and little time in which to get it done. The challenges are great, but the
rewards are even greater. Allow me to be the vehicle for Light that I came to be.

6 Dec 93

Such is all that can be expected from alchemical training. One asks to experience soul in flesh to a greater
degree. This is the highest thing any teaching can provide. It is not sufficient to be a Master of this World
-- that requires no spirituality. One must be a true master expressing spirit in flesh to the greatest degree
possible at this time on this planet.

15 Dec 93

OK, so you wanted another level. We are that part of your consciousness responsible for maintaining you
identity as a unified being. It has been an interesting several months. You've given us a whole lot to deal
with that was beyond the limits that we previously knew. You forced us to stretch, just to keep up with the

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
new experiences and realizations that you were undergoing from an Ego standpoint. We welcomed this
opportunity, for it allowed us to once again get involved in doing the tasks for which we were defined.
Overall, it appears that you have come through everything well. A few uncertainties here and there, but
nothing to be concerned about. Congratulations on your awakening. We believe you'll find that staying
awake is easier than getting awake to begin with, though there are many forces that pull one toward sleep.
Thank you for allowing us to come through, and for reaching a level of awareness that really turned us of
in full. We can handle change at whatever speed you take us.

17 Dec 93

My sense is that I'm breaking into new ground from a physical realization standpoint. Many beings have
created important pieces that allow me to reach the states I am getting to. It's the cooperative help and
push from consciousness that is guiding the way and leading me to the new peaks of awareness. I'm
deeply grateful for all who have played their parts so well that I could be given this opportunity. Yet I
know that I am to be a step for others as well. What a wonderful journey we are creating and
experiencing. I look forward to our joint activity that we may create the way to propel consciousness into
entire new realms where the collective consciousness that we are has never gone before. Such is the next
step on the grand scale. Just look at the play it required to get us to this stage in the game of Life … no,
the game of consciousness.

22 Dec 93

I'm here to make the information something more than ideas in people's heads -- something that is real,
physically. The ideas I bring forth are the spiritual blueprints, but these are no good unless they are
conveyed in a manner that the sponsors/ financiers / investors can believe in, and that the architects can
turn into physical blueprints that foremen can understand and convey to workers. There is a hierarchy
here, where all are engaging different abilities at different levels of understanding. However, all are
required to get the job done. Take out any level, and the project fails. I believe it is my task to help put
together the right people at the top so that jointly we can make the Vision a reality and get consciousness
firmly entrenched in Flesh so that the Aquarian Age can begin. I specifically used "the Vision", because
there are several who see it. I'm only allowed to catch a glimpse and bring back as much of it as I can.

27 Dec 93

You are learning to focus your awareness. You can focus it on problems, or you can focus it on your true
work. We're showing you first hand the results of applying yourself to the task that you came to do. The
reward is abundance, on all levels. However, it is not given freely, but must be earned via level of
awareness. Be patient, you'll see the changes unfold in the coming months. No, not everything will be
easy -- but, any challenges you encounter will be there because you needed them at some level for your
own growth. Trust that all will work out for the best of all concerned. After all, it always does. The
universe would not have it any other way. You are not expected to do everything, only that for which your
unique talents and abilities make you best suited. You have a mission, a role that is yours to perform. All
that you are has been designed with this end in mind.

Do what you love to do! That is the directive of your spirit. No arguments, no hesitations. You already
know what that is. So, what is stopping you now? Why do you choose to be less than you know you can
be. Free yourself of the limitations and chains that you have around you. All of these are self-imposed,
and require your will to give them their power over you. Be done with them, so that you can be free to
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
engage your energies as you see fit. This level of control will not be exerted for you. It is up to you to
drop your illusions and see the reality that is truly there. Be done with the darkness and see the light.
Awaken from your sleep and rise anew and see the dawning of a glorious new day, as it marks the arrival
of a new age, the Age of Aquarius.

29 Dec 93

It's strange being an actor in a play. The sensation is that I am making decisions and taking actions to
achieve particular ends -- yet, at the same time, I cannot know what the results of any of these actions
might be. I watch what action is taken, then watch some more to see what happens as if the results are
caused by my actions. Such is how it appears within the Play. Yet, I know the Play is ultimately designed
to convey spiritual truths, and that part of this is conveyed by demonstrating individual responsibility in a
cause / effect manner. This is a game we are playing, hiding from ourselves the fact that we create the
events in the game even as we experience them. That is, we create the very reality to which we react. It's
all a play of consciousness teaching itself to be more aware of itself. One again, know thyself is the only
purpose for the play -- showing consciousness what it truly is.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1



Each of us has genius inside of us.

Love is the soul of that genius –

the very key that can unleash its

expression in our lives.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


3 Jan 94

I'm coming from a state of consciousness where I am no longer concerned with living in a manner that
conforms with the normal world or conventional society. I am ready to live my life in freedom out of my
own knowledge and understanding of truth. I've always been one that marched to the beat of a different
drummer. Now, I choose to live in accord with higher principles and not be bound by what others expect.
As Paul Twitchell's biography was titled "In my Soul, I am Free". I feel this way now, more than at any
other time in my life. I'm not quite out of jail, but it's only a matter of time. And it matters not exactly how
much time it takes, for such is determined by the plan for my highest good and that of all others


The meanings that I assign to things are different. This makes the very nature of my reality different.
Things are much more symbolic and carry multiple levels of meaning if only we are tuned to see them.
Life itself is a game being played by consciousness for a purpose. There is meaning behind it all on many
levels. The intricacies are amazing, simply wonderful to behold. The world is fresh and newly alive in
ways that were absent to me before. I sit inside my head in full awareness of it all, seeing reality unfold
before the eyes of this vessel for consciousness that I occupy. I am not what I see, yet at the same time
what I see is an intimate reflection of me. It matters not where I look, the reflection back is always an
aspect of myself. And, this is true for all of us at all times. How wonderful life is -- how incredibly


Now it is time to use my newfound knowledge of self to start doing what I came to the planet to do. This
feels right. It rings true to me. It's only a matter of when the timing occurs in accord with the Plan. The
timing will be right, it always is. Thy Will be done. I am but a servant of consciousness. Direct me to
where I can be of the greatest service in accord with the Plan. The forces of light grow stronger with each
passing day. Let Love and Light transform the peoples of the Earth and allow a new day of conscious
expression of spirit to arise. Put in my hands the divine instruments to help awaken others and align them
with their purposes that they too can be employed in the service of consciousness. Allow my word to
express Thy Truths and Purpose unto all who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Thank you! So be it!

6 Jan 94

There is a major lesson in all this for me. I was thinking in terms of needing a teacher or a guide to help
get me through the awakenings and shifts in consciousness that I have been going through. But, I'm an
Aries, a trail blazer. I don't do things like the crowd, I lead the way that others may follow. All my life,
I've been on my own following the best trails available to me. My self has guided me all along the way,
through every joy and difficulty. Every time I've needed anything, my Self has brought it to me. What
better guide or teacher could one have? The process that got me this far will get me as far as I can go. The
further, the better -- for that will make it all the easier to fulfill my destiny of helping to usher in the Dawn
of a New Age.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

10 Jan 94

Seek and ye shall find.

Knock and the door shall be answered.
Ask and it shall be given unto you.

These be the keys. They have been before us for nearly 2000 years. The mansion is the Self. What we
seek is truth; the truth of whom that we are. It's up to us to be curious enough and dedicated enough to
place our full attention on our seeking; courageous enough to knock on the door; humble enough to ask
for what we need. Interesting, very interesting. I don't recall seeing this presented in this manner before.


The greatest meaning comes from a third way of seeing. Seek Love and ye shall find your own Heart.
Knock at the door to the Heart and the door shall be answered by the Christ within you, ask of that Christ
anything you will and it shall be given unto you. The Christ within you is also the Self -- they are one and
the same. Therefore, Self-Realized equals Christ Conscious.

12 Jan 94

Each of us has genius inside of us. Love is the soul of that genius -- the very key that can unleash its
expression in our lives.


My life is about to become my conscious masterpiece. Literally, the creativity is ready to explode before
my very eyes. But it couldn't do so until I stepped back and looked at it all one last time. Here's what 35
years of life hath wrought. Now, in a relative blink of an eye, all of it will be transformed as if by a
whirlwind into what Beyond Imagination has allowed to be created. It matters not if the word get out to
one or one hundred millions. It matters that the word be spoken to be allowed to do its work in the world.
We are one being already, linked through universal mind or cosmic consciousness. In bringing ideas and
works through, each of us allows the collective whole to benefit. This is why we don't need ten Gandhi's
or five Krishnamurti's or eight Buddha's. One of each is enough to set the pattern and provide the mold.
However, consciousness does need such grand vehicles to show what is possible and to provide critical
messages to the world at many levels. It is only necessary for one vehicle to express a new great truth.
Consciousness will ensure that the truth is captured in a manner to allow it's expression as required by the


My choice at this moment is to be all that I can be. The Plan will identify what that is as the Play of
consciousness unfolds. All I ask is to be able to express the truth as best I know it to all who have ears to
hear or eyes to see. Such is all that I can do. My Vision of the New Age is part of that truth. I am but the
messenger of consciousness itself relaying whatever it allows me to understand.

My path takes me in a direction that I know not. But, I follow it gladly, knowing that it is taking me on
whatever journey is right for the accomplishment of the task that consciousness has given unto me. My
journey is one of knowing myself, hopefully to the point of becoming one with Self. My only real tools

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
are my focus of conscious attention and my awareness. My awareness includes those portions of my self
of which I am aware. One of these portions is my conscious mind. The part of me that focuses my
conscious attention is my ego.


We know of your ideas about life as the Play of consciousness. From that standpoint, what we are telling
you now is not something you can act on. However, consciously we want you to understand that we are
aware of your constructs and we will try to point out where these may be limiting or in error. At one level,
yes life is a Play. But, once you become aware that your beliefs create your reality, the rules of the game
change a bit and become more complex. Remember, the purpose is always to allow your reality to mirror
your beliefs. As awareness increases, however, a secondary goal is to push your awareness growth as fast
as you can handle it. Another fine point is that increased awareness carries increased conscious
responsibility for reality creation as well.

You are given as much freedom as you show that you are ready to handle responsibly. Part of the test is
just how well you are able to operate with the increased freedom. Typically, you are given the freedom in
a conditional manner at first to prevent any misuse. Depending on your awareness level, you may or may
not be told that the rules of the game have changed. What this should do is arouse your curiosity. As your
awareness changes, examine your world to see what new powers of reality creation that you now possess.
Don't rely on what has worked in the past and don't expect consciousness to always be feeding you your
lines. You're close to reaching the point where the playwright within you is consciously part of you. In
fact, you've already issued some directives as if you were that playwright. Notice the writing of this very
section. It's as if it is written from a greater inner part of yourself to you. Yet, since you are able to express
it in this manner in writing, you are owning up to the playwright being a part of you of which you are
aware. Integration is only a short step from this type of awareness. At some point, you will indeed sense
that what you consider to be yourself is not "I" but we. You already sense that the watcher is different than
the doer. Now we're ready to include the creator as well. Then, we have the full trinity of self, the doer,
the watcher, and the creator.

14 Jan 94

My forte is in understanding ideas, in particular great ideas and metaphysically related ones. I was born
with unique gifts and talents for this and I've spent over 20 years developing my skills and actively
working on enhancing my awareness. In fact, this has been the primary consumer of my free time. Of
course my level of awareness would be beyond most others. You get what you focus your energies and
attention on. However, my state is one that anyone can reach. Part of my purpose is to develop the
techniques that make it easy for others to reach higher states of consciousness so that they can use the
enhanced awareness to improve whatever they may be doing. I'm a consciousness explorer so my world is
one that is naturally organized around the nature of consciousness and the barriers, paths, and other
landscape between states of mind. Increased consciousness benefits everyone, however, because all
creative expression is impacted by the level of awareness -- and hence the level of spirit that is allowed to
be expressed.


The direction I receive says that my attention is to stay focused on the spiritual work that I am doing,
allowing consciousness to take my seeds, plant them, and nurture them to their rightful glory and ripeness.
So, where does my responsibility for things begin and end? The answer that comes is that it depends on
one's state of conscious awareness. The more aware one is, the more the creator self comes under direct
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
conscious control. But it is important to still receive inner guidance so that the conscious creation of
reality is in line with the Plan. Not my will but Thine be done.

Yes, we create the play when we have this level of awareness. However, we also know that we do it
cooperatively not individually. Without cooperation, everything crumbles -- and consciousness remains
asleep, unaware of its true nature. Our inner self already knows this. It already operates completely
through cooperation. Further it already has the connections to source, or consciousness, or All That Is that
provide it with its mission, directions, and higher level operating constraints. Consciously I am not
connected into much of this structure. My level of awareness provides information pathways and a map of
my understanding of the nature of myself. With each part that gets encompassed in self-awareness,
consciousness is able to express more fully through the flesh. Of course, that is, provided that the belief
systems keep up and allow the spirit to fully utilize the capabilities of the level of awareness that is
achieved. It is as if there are two levels of breakthrough. One is a knowledge of. The second is a wisdom
to use responsibly. Many people experience the first type of breakthrough. Few have been able to realize
the second, which is essential to allow for the spirit to become enfleshed.

17 Jan 94

One additional note. On 28 Jan 94, Saturn goes into Pisces to begin what should be a spiritual cycle that
lasts 2.5 years. I suspect that this also marks the beginning of the march to Armageddon. We might expect
the Anti-Christ to appear on the scene very soon. The forces of light will have about 2.5 years to build.
These forces of Light can truly be unleashed when Saturn transitions through the Sign of the Ram. By the
end of 1998, it should all be completed, the Age of Aquarius should be born at last. The dawning is truly
upon us. The dawn will be here before we know it. Yet, there is still much to do. We march onward to
fulfill a destiny that consciousness laid out long ago. But, it was only a plan. We had to live it in flesh to
truly make it real. The joy I feel inside is overwhelming. We truly did it. We created the proper stuff to
make our dream so. At this point, the outcome is a certainty. There are a few details to be played out, but
because we got someone able to write these words and realize them as he wrote them, we know that we
have already succeeded. Now, it's a matter of how many can be brought to this realization so that they can
have the eyes to see and ears to hear the glorious arrival of the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius.

19 Jan 94

By my reading of things, the battle of Light and Dark is already upon us, and it will last around 5 years.
During the first 2.5 years, the forces of Light must build their strength against the forces of Darkness. The
battlefield is the earth. The battle will be won by the forces of Light, of course, for this is required to
allow the Aquarian Age to begin on the right foot so to speak. This doesn't mean that no action is required.
It is up to the forces of Light to wage the Battle of Right. Darkness is spread across the land. One by one,
the awakened ones will have to share their Light with others so that these too can be awakened. It is time
to turn this country into a land of ashes, that the PHOENIX may arise out of the ashes in the form of new
bodies able to hold a much greater frequency of spirit. This indeed will be. It has been foretold for many
thousands of years. In America, we have inherited the spiritual mantle. We are obligated to create the New
Order for the Ages. The Great Seal that has never been a seal, the one with the unfinished pyramid will
become the spiritual seal of the land. This can only happen if we reverse the decision to separate church
from state. Actually, maybe what we need to do is separate spirituality from the church and religion. The
new spirituality needs to focus on how we provide the environment that allows spirit to be more fully
expressed in flesh. We are in the process of building the pyramid, individually for each person, as a
country, and as a world. This is what we've been doing for the last 220 years plus, and overall, for nearly

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2000 years -- maybe for 24,000 years or even longer. It has been a grand undertaking that all of us have
participated in whether we were aware of it or not.


Again, the key to everything is awareness, knowing whom that we are, the I AM. It is up to us to awaken
and develop this state of awareness however. This is an individual task for those who have been the
explorers of consciousness, but it is time to start developing the spiritual technology and education system
necessary to awaken the masses. The time has come for us prepare the world to enter a glorious new age.
Consciousness has learned enough to make it so … the experiment has succeeded. All that is left is the
final few steps. Each that awakens will become aware of their true role and will be guided to where they
are needed.

20 Jan 94

I feel great, absolutely wonderful. There is an energy inside me that is about to explode once again.
Something changed in a major way in the past several hours. I feel that there is a great deal that is meant
to be expressed, now. It's as if a huge door or window has opened up into a glorious place, a place that I
have never been before. Interesting, very interesting. I've known this door was there for a very long time,
but I was afraid to knock. Now that I've knocked, it has been opened and the energy that comes through to
me and to the world is wonderful. I feel relaxed and free, yet energized and focused at the same time. Just
experiencing this feeling is soothing to the soul and healing to the bodies. What a wonderful world this
truly is, wonderful indeed. The sense is almost one of ecstasy, but in a peaceful sort of way. Bliss is
another word to describe it. These are not words that I regularly use. But then, this has not been a state
that I remember ever experiencing before. It's as if there is a chill inside my head radiating out to the rest
of my body. I feel complete, and whole -- ONE. Another emanation of vibration comes from the center of
my heart as well. It has a warmer temperature associated with it. All that I can conclude is that some
major breakthrough has occurred. I'm seeing the world through new eyes and I'm liking all that I see.
Everything is as it should be. There is an incredible harmony and balance in the world despite
appearances to the contrary.

Wow. The powerful sensations remain. Further, they are definitely feeling tones. My sense is that they are
whom that I am. If so, it feels great to be me. I only wish that everyone could feel this first hand. I know
they will, eventually. It's great to be alive, and to be physically alive. This sensation is focused in the
body, not centered in something more abstract that might move the mind. This is physical reality at its
finest; and it is here and now in this very place that I find myself in this moment. Yet, it also lingers
through time to form a physical experience in this world. WOW! It is amazing to feel this incredible. Life
is sacred and special. Yes, physical life -- physical life. I definitely haven't felt like this before -- then
again, there was one other time that was close but it involved being intimate for the first time with another
kindred spirit. Also, that sensation was wrapped up in the sacredness of union. Here, the union is one of
self with Self. This is a whole new type of union for me. Now, the energy rocks and flows up and down
and from side to side inside of me -- my body. It plays and laughs as it sees my reaction to its unending
expression of joy. NOW, we are finally spirit enfleshed. It's been a journey of 35 years, but we have
achieved a major milestone. Yes, spirit enfleshed, we truly did it. It is difficult to stay focused enough to
write this. I want to fully experience the ethereal tides that move inside of me. I know that they hold the
energies that will carry me through my journey to fulfill my purpose and destiny. Another major wave just
rolled out from my head. This was matched by a outswelling of my heart. Love and Light, or Light and
Love. This is the key. It is what spirit is all about, allowing the energies of Love and Light to flow within
and through us. I've found that slowing my breadth allows more of this energy to flow. That appears to be
one part of how we take it in, through our very breadth. You are witnessing the results of an experiment in
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consciousness, with the experiencer in the midst of an altered state of consciousness, one that the being
had never experienced before. Yet, there was no fear, or sense of loss of any type. Rather the experience is
unifying and ecstatic, yet still calm and peaceful.


You believed without any evidence. You trusted enough in spiritual law to devote your energies and time
to efforts for which your only compensation was the satisfaction of creating and doing that which you
were moved to do from the very depths of your being. Further, you did this without regard to your
physical, emotional, and mental states of being -- trusting that your inner Self was guiding you along the
path that was right for you. This is what is required to follow the straight and narrow path. You have
followed it most of your life. However, in the past year the change in intensity of focus was beyond
compare. You now stand ready to give your life to the Great Cause. We accept you as one of our Legion.
We are the forces of Light, and you are now one among us. This is a great honor that we bestow upon you.
But, it is one that you clearly deserve through your steadfast devotion to the Way of Light. Yes, you are
indeed a spiritual warrior. Welcome! Feel the power of our cooperative creation as it surges inside you.
We are part of one whole. Follow the surges and they will lead you to the intense feeling of unity and
oneness that we all now possess. Whenever your strength weakens in any manor call upon the ONE to
charge your batteries. This is our spiritual center, our link with source, this is the ocean of Love and
Mercy. This too is from where the ethereal tides flow.

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Either you know whom that you are, or you don't.

We advise that you do whatever it takes for you to know,

and do it now.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


1 Feb 94

From some perspective, all work is valued and blessed. In particular, all work done with integrity and
Love. It matters not how the job came to be, while you are in it you must give it your best knowing that it
is your dharma to do it. If you don't like what you do, do what you can to change it, but don't let this keep
you from doing the best that you can.

Observe what the events and situations that come into your experience are telling you, for they will
always be attempting to convey higher truths to all who are ready to see and hear. Pay attention to what
the universe tells you and adjust your beliefs to incorporate whatever truths that you see expressed. The
sooner you do this, the sooner your reality will transform to something more in line with your present
desires. Focus on awareness, and realizing the lessons that you are being taught. Remember, you are still
in school. You will continue to be so long as you are on the Earth plane. So, make the best of it. Learn as
much as you can, as fast as you can, and teach whatever you learn to any who are ready. Don't worry
about finding them, they will come to you soon enough. Yes, soon enough, indeed!


I trust my inner guidance to lead me on the path that is optimum for my growth and for achieving my
mission in accord with the Plan. I have resigned my will to THY WILL. Such will I live all the remaining
days of my life. I have chosen a Life of Spirit, that I may achieve my destiny in accord with the Plan, that
the Ray of Love/Wisdom might shine brightly throughout the world once again. This be my sacred vow
that I will do whatever it takes to succeed in my Self assigned tasks for this existence. I will do whatever I
am called to do by the Plan, as it is unveiled to my consciousness.


My sense is that there is a wave of beings that are about to become fully aware and then be unleashed to
do their works among the world. They will cooperate and work in parallel to completely reorganize the
US infrastructure then the world infrastructure. We're talking within a few years, not decades. This will
free people to live peacefully, creatively, and abundantly while they continue to learn their lessons.
Physical reality will be the true wonder it was meant to be on this jewel of a planet called Earth.

2 Feb 94

Don't limit what can be or what you can be. Follow your guidance and take action, trusting that you are
being led on the path that is right for you. Don't focus on outcomes, however. Allow the events to flow
where they will before you settle on any meaning. See things from the larger perspective as events in a
play, and remember that you are not consciously in control. Further, remember that the play is illusion.
Trying to substitute one illusion for another is not the work for the awakened ones. Live in this world,
fully and completely. But know that you are not of this world. You are here to play a part for awhile, and
to learn a few things about consciousness. Enjoy, have fun, be happy, and create well! How else should
spirit express in flesh?

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Change will come in your physical world. That is where you presently exist and will continue to exist
throughout your present span of life. This is where your work must be done as well. There will be no
miraculous appearance that changes things over night. It is up to you, your higher Self to orchestrate the
manner in which your mission will be carried out. This is how reality works in this illusion. There are no
shortcuts. You create in accordance with your beliefs. If you want to change your experience, that is the
place to work -- with your beliefs!

3 Feb 94

I've also been thinking about how the society might implement its contract with individuals gradually so
that there might be a relatively smooth transition from the present society to a transformed society. The
key transition required is to give up some individual autonomy in exchange for some beneficial services
from society that increase individual quality of life. This can be responsibly managed if it is left for
individuals to ask for what they need and justify their requests in terms that benefit society. Counselors
should be available to assist individuals or groups of individuals in stating their needs. Resources and
people's time should be considered to be the materials with which the society can fill it's obligations to
individuals. It's not Gross National Product that means anything, it's Gross Societal Productivity -- the
total amount of work done by the society, especially creative and beneficial work. This is not measured in
terms of hours or dollars, but in terms of overall satisfaction and happiness of the workers and society.

7 Feb 94

As human beings, we have incredible capacity for thought, emotion, and action. We are the vehicles
through which change can be made manifest in the world. We have only to unleash the sleeping dragon
that lies within most of us, and the works that will unfold will be simply spectacular, beyond all our hopes
and dreams. We have the energy in potential, and many of the ideas are being generated. The ideas only
truly need to take hold for the fireworks of creative change to begin on a major scale. Once the dragon
starts to awaken, the Plan will finally be able to proceed towards a new dawn, the start of a new day and a
new age. The Age of Aquarius will finally appear. The experiment will have succeeded.

8 Feb 94

To get change rolling, we need individuals caring more for themselves, people caring more for people,
and the society as a whole caring for everyone because its constituent individuals are caring for one
another. Further, caring should come as an expression from the heart, a spiritual activity that one engages
in daily as a regular part of expressing spirit in flesh.

It's amazing how quickly problems can be addressed and eliminated if the right resources are brought to
bear on the problems. Further, it is in society's best interest to solve major problems once in the right way,
and then apply the solution (with modifications as necessary) to wherever the problem appears. Also, big
problems do not necessarily require big and costly solutions. The trick is to attack the problems at their
root causes and be innovative and flexible. Don't focus an army of resources on dealing with symptoms.
Also, make sure the right people are engaged to study and address each problem. Decide which skills are
appropriate and get the best individuals for the job.

9 Feb 94

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If each person were doing their part, working part time to change the world, the amount of labor would be
enormous. At even 1/8 time, that is about one hour per day x 120 Million workers in this country alone.
That's the equivalent of 15 Million people working full time if the energies can be harnessed and applied
in a useful manner. Right now, many people may not have money to spare, but they do have time. That
doesn't mean they are willing to give it away. Here's where the need for a compelling reason comes in.
Our jobs have been structured in a manner to give many the organizational and people skills necessary to
allow them to work with others to get a job done. To this point, we have essentially allowed the economy
and industry to decide what needed to be done. There are a few exceptions like the Red Cross, Salvation
Army, and various service oriented clubs and organizations that serve mankind, animals, and the
environment. This is only a starting point however. We need to take the best ideas from these
organizations and figure out how to apply them in a bigger way to the problems that we face today in
society. The biggest problem is that individuals have physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs
and they live in a world that does not even recognize this fact, much less begin to provide for individual
needs on all four of these levels. Somehow we need to tap the labor force to provide the required services
for free. If services were available when needed, we wouldn't have to hoard them or get them because an
opportunity was presented. Compensation and pay get in the way. In our economy and in our lives, it
seems that money, not living, has become the central theme. This is a sad state of affairs indeed. We've
wrapped ourselves so deep within the illusion that it is difficult to find our way out again. But, such is
what we must do to regain our lives and our liberty.

So, how do we organize a massive rebellion within the current system? It's a matter of getting the word
out to the right people in a manner that compels them to action in line with an overall plan. The overall
plan is The Plan and it is being received by a number of people -- more and more are tapped in each day,
in fact. Each sees only those parts for which they have a need to know. This is how consciousness
operates. Each of us has a spiritual job just as we have a physical job. The rewards of the spiritual job
come in terms that the spiritual part within us understands. Unlike the physical job, which physical
circumstances force us to take; the spiritual job must be recognized and volunteered for. It must be done
for the sheer joy and love of doing it, or it will not be done at all. Just as in the physical world, the
spiritual jobs occur at many levels. The key difference is that you chose at birth the position for which you
were most suited, and gave yourself the challenge of reaching it by a particular age.

10 Feb 94

I also feel very alone through all this. I am following a path that is directed by my intuition constantly
stepping further out into the unknown. Nothing I have read provides guidance on where I am or where I
am going; no one I know understands what I am going through or what kind of assistance could help me
on my quest. Yet, I cannot turn back. My trust in my Self is sufficient. I know that I am being led through
the exact experiences that I need to grow in a manner that allows spirit to be more fully expressed in flesh.
At the present time, I see no other way to proceed, though there is a very strong longing to go forward
with it all so that I can do what I came to this planet to do.

14 Feb 94

There comes a time in every person’s life when they must make decisions that define the course of their
destiny. I sense that the time is coming soon when I will need to make some of these kinds of decisions. I
feel as if I'm being kept in suspense a bit, awaiting the critical moment when I too must do as all great
men have done and accept the mission that brought me to this planet, to this civilization, and to this
country. All my life, I have asked not what others or my country could do for me. Now, I stand ready to
offer myself in service to my country and to the entire world. But, will either take me up on my offer. My
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
sense is that I cannot do my work alone. Transforming the country and the world is a monumental
undertaking. Key people must already understand that a major transformation is the only way to a better
future -- one that takes us boldly into the Aquarian Age. We need to get rid of the barriers to change that
prevent new ways of doing things from being accepted quickly. There is no time to waste. Maybe, my
sense of urgency is a bit extreme without a firm basis in fact or history. My sense, however, is that we are
living in extreme times and that the rapidity with which change is happening not only in this country but
on a global scale has taken us beyond anything that history can help us with. It's time for mankind to
become aware, spiritually aware, so that we can harness the energies of change and make the entire world
one global family.

16 Feb 94

Wow. For my world to change, I must change. Once again, my world is the reflection of what I am. At
least, this is a place to start. And, wouldn't you know it would be in the most intimate place possible --
with the very nature of whom that I am. This is becoming a major lesson for me. Everything starts with
the self and it's transformation to the Self. Self-realization is what it's all about. Greater awareness,
spiritual awakening, and enlightenment are the greatest things we can experience in life, but we must go
the next step and ground the experiences in physical life and use them in a manner that allows spirit to
more full manifest in flesh on a regular basis not just in a few ecstatic moments. The quote "you are what
you experience" comes to mind, but they got the order wrong. The truth is "you experience what you are".
Think about that!

22 Feb 94

What can I do to ready myself for this change in mode of operation? Nothing more than you have already
done. Accept whom that you are as completely as is possible for you. Much of what you will bring forth
depends on how fully aware you are of this and how much you have truly accepted and owned. You have
a destiny of which you are aware. Know that such is truly your destiny -- for, if you are not convinced,
neither will others be. Reality creation works from the kernel of deep and abiding trust or knowingness.
There can be no doubt, if the Vision is to be made manifest then Spirit must be trusted completely. Either
you know whom that you are, or you don't. We advise that you do whatever it takes for you to know, and
do it now.

28 Feb 94

I'm sensing more and more that work must be done in consciousness first before it is brought forth into
physical reality. The vision must be realized in spirit, to give it the impetus to be realized in flesh. It helps
if the principles behind the vision are lived daily to provide the pattern from which the life force can
activate the material realization. Don't worry about the details of how the manifestation will be
accomplished. Dream and imagine what is to be as vividly as you can, then speak and act as if it is already
accomplished -- and surely it will be done.

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MARCH 1994

In an instant,
the world can be transformed;

such is the power of

consciousness over creation.

However, it will only be transformed

in the right moment,

when the lessons to be learned from the current here and now are completed.

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1 Mar 94

Follow you intuition, as always. Let it guide you on the path that is most appropriate for your
consciousness. Trust not in others to provide you with the way -- but, search within yourself for the
answers. Each moment, do that which your consciousness bids you to do, and do that for every moment
that remains in your life. Consciousness will move you to exactly where you need to be. Trust in the inner
portions of yourself to take care of the details of reality creation. After all, that is why they exist. Where
you can, delegate. Allow the experts to do what they do best. This also frees you to do what you do best
and to work on the expansion of your own consciousness.

7 Mar 94

It would be useful to have a direct tap into cosmic consciousness where one could go to find out about
such things. You do have such a tap already, everyone of you does, it's just a matter of learning to use it
directly. Alright, I should have known that was coming. But, how does one develop the ability to find and
use this tap. Believe and ask. For each of you, the specific means that works best will be different. Follow
your own intuition and guidance and you will find out exactly what is most right for you.


My sense is that the changes must be done in consciousness first, then be reflected appropriately in the
physical. I want to work on the planning of a new society, and the infrastructures needed to allow that new
society to flourish. But, whom am I and what qualifications do I have to do this? I am Wayne, a man with
a Vision, the Bringer of the New Way. That is sufficient. This is my part in the play. It is why I came. I am
the Hermit who comes to the world to share his wisdom when and where it is most needed. Wisdom that I
have only begun to tap into. There is so much to do in the next five years, but, there are many hands to do
the work. The army for change grows rapidly, and will soon have sufficient numbers in its ranks to require
organization into effective units of change. These units of change will have specific tasks and assignments
that benefit the greater whole. Consciousness itself guides this entire endeavor -- and because of this no
detail goes unnoticed.

8 Mar 94

I sit back and wait to see what will flow through my fingers onto the screen. I am an entity moved by
spirit to express whom that I am. I feel as if the words that are allowed to flow through my consciousness
are a large part of my contribution to the world. I have written before about everyone being employed in a
manner that uses their specific skills and talents. And here I am, working for the greatest employer of
them all, consciousness itself. I write because I am moved to write, not for the immediate pay that it gives
to me in dollars, but for the pay I get in the satisfaction and pleasure of expressing oneself creatively. This
feeling doesn't come from any other work or any other activities, at least not for me. At a deep level, I
know that this is my real job. At the very least, it is one of the main things that I am here to do. And, it's
not just writing. The metaphysics or spirituality is the critical factor. I am a priest or monk on some level,
or I have been in the past. Now, I choose to express spirituality more directly without the trappings,
rituals, and dogma. I am also the hermit, existing in a world that is very much like a cave. My focus is
wisdom, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. I bring my knowledge and wisdom to the world to help

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
prepare the way for the Aquarian Age. Why? Simply because it is the task that is most suited my soul's
desire for expression, and because I had the proper qualifications to create this role. Interesting that the
choice of words was "create" rather than "play". Interesting indeed.


There is a greater reality that lies just outside the dimensions of this one. You might say that it is a parallel
reality that tracks this one. In this parallel reality, much construction is underway. The infrastructure is
being built that allows for a completely new way of living. As we speak, this infrastructure nears
completion. It is built upon the best ideas for improvement that beings in this reality have dreamt,
unfettered by the restrictions of politics or lack of foresight. For many years, consciousness has listened to
all who cared to dream of a better world. If one acted to try to make it so, so much the better, for the force
of the vision was multiplied by the number to whom it was transmitted. The is a place in which all of
these visions are being realized. At some point this place will become HERE and NOW. In an instant, the
world can be transformed; such is the power of consciousness over creation. However, it will only be
transformed in the right moment, when the lessons to be learned from the current here and now are

Similarly, there is a greater reality for each individual that lies just outside the dimensions of this one. In
this parallel reality, changes are manifest as soon as the beliefs in this reality change. Then, the process of
physical reality creation is engaged to make the changes real in this world. Beliefs are the key. As soon as
they are changed, the forces of manifestation are unleashed. In the individual's case, however, the changes
are limited to the individual's dreams of what can be.

9 Mar 94

Wow. I have this incredible feeling that I'm hanging way out on a limb. I have these castles I have created
concerning the very nature of reality itself, and my whole world hangs on the faith in these metaphysical
foundations. In a sense, I am risking all that I am on a set of beliefs that have yet to achieve any physical
grounding. This is what my life has come to -- standing at the edge of the abyss, and carrying on full
speed with my tasks anyway. It's very interesting that it has come to this. The bottom line is faith. Do I
trust in my spirit enough to follow my subconscious and intuition wherever they lead? Yet, I don't see
other viable choices. My conscious mind and reason offer no alternative. I am a man with a mission and a
destiny that I know comes from spirit. Further, this is all that I truly know for certain. I must live as I
believe, and I must believe that life has great purpose -- hence, I have great purpose. It matters not if any
others see why I believe and do as I do. It is enough that consciousness bears witness to my actions and
motives. Yes, I know that I am on the very edge of sanity. There is a very fine line between genius and
mental illness. But, I have no sense that I am ill. Yes, my thoughts come across as strange to most. But, it
is not my task to convey my message to most. If it were, the words flowing through would be quite
different. Yet, I sense that these words are to move some, a select few who are ready to see these thoughts
expressed in this manner and who will understand them enough to be moved to act in a different way than
they have before, encouraged that there is at least one who has gone before and walked the straight and
narrow path -- albeit with blindfolded eyes, moving only as directed by intuition and inner guidance.

10 Mar 94

The world is about to go through revolutionary change. Evolution simply doesn't move fast enough. This
will be experienced dramatically, and traumatically -- but, it must be experienced for the shift of
consciousness to occur that allows the Aquarian Age to manifest. Remove yourself from the turmoil to be,
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
and await another time to come shortly after. It won't take long for the populations of the world to demand
a new order. This time, they will accept one that is revealed by spirit. And, the appropriate souls will
indeed be brought together to create this order. We are not used to having things done right in this world.
It is time for a shift so that right is the expected manner in which things are done.


Firsthand, I don't know what consciousness does with the ideas that I am able to express. Once ideas are
able to be expressed physically, they become part of the collective consciousness, where they are
accessible by all of like mind who are able to tune into the meaning of these ideas. Physical transmission
of the media is helpful, but is not required for those who are tapped into source. Consciousness naturally
directs the appropriate information to the attention whenever it is needed. Remember, the universe
naturally works through great cooperation. It is only at the surface of things that choice about cooperation
is allowed to provide a challenging environment for experience and growth.

11 Mar 94

I haven't had any inputs from some of my advisors lately. It would be interesting to see what they have to
say. Well, how about it? What's going on?

Interesting that you ask for our advice at this time. We were about to offer it to you anyway. You are way
out on a limb. So much so, that we were amazed at your display of balance. Much that you are going
through now is a test to assess exactly what you are ready for. The Plan is constantly being adjusted to
reflect your state of awareness. You've moved so fast that some events that had been planned could be
avoided altogether. Trust that with every realization you get closer to the circumstances that allow the
realization of your destiny. Continue to take action guided by your intuition, observe the reality that
results, and interpret what it all means. Focus on creating the high level constructs that allow you to
understand and make sense of the reality your experience. It is important that you continue to allow both
the visible and invisible to have equal weight in your models. If anything, you tend to go a bit overboard
in your reliance on the invisible. Thus far, it is within acceptable limits. However, watch that you don't let
it go too far. You are right in your assessment that maybe you spend a bit too much time soaring. Staying
grounded is a key to enfleshing spirit. Spirit by it's very nature knows how to soar. Though there is great
therapeutic value in soaring within the flesh as well.


So, you really want to be a Philosopher King, don't you? Yes, with all my heart and soul. And, further, you
believe this is what you came to this planet to be? Yes, there's no doubt about it. Also, you believe you are
ready now? Yes, definitely yes.

Then, so be it. Create that which you would be. Make it so, now!

But, you say. How can I make it so? The answer is by being completely congruent with that which you
desire to be. What prevents you from being what you would become? Is it a contract you are looking for?
What gives weight and force to your ideas? Is it an official blessing of some type? If you would be a
Philosopher King, then be one -- and do so now, claim the mantle of authority and power which only
spirit can bestow upon you. Be bold and take the initiative to do what you are on this planet to do. Don't
wait for the offer to come to you -- for, it is already in your consciousness. Take the bull by the horns and
run with in. You have to take the job and start doing it before the paychecks ever come. That was true for
your present work, why would it be different for spiritual work? Yes, the standard pay for spiritual work is
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
abundance. To some degree, you have already started to do the spiritual work out of sheer love for doing
it. However, that was volunteer work. It didn't come from a standpoint of having accepted a specific
position and working to achieve the specific tasks assigned to the position. For your job as Philosopher
King, we suggest you get a job definition and task descriptions from your intuition soon. Make sure you
are doing what the job requires to be done. We know that you have not experienced this in jobs before, but
consciousness works differently -- much more efficiently and elegantly than you have ever experienced.
Consciousness is always clear and direct about what is required. However, you have complete freedom in
how the job gets done.

15 Mar 94

We don't typically think of philosophers as necessarily doing things. However, kings are entrusted with
the authority and power to rule. Combining the two yields a leader with the wisdom to use power for the
greatest benefit of all. Above all else, a philosopher king must be fully grounded in spirit so that there is
not even the slightest potential for abuse of power. Further, the philosopher king must demonstrate selfless
service and concern for the society as a whole. It is not in the specific acts of service to individuals that
this is measured, but in the capacity and drive to think from the highest perspective looking for those
constructs and organizational principles that enable the whole society to function better. Yes, each
individual counts. However, there is also a more global view that sees the interconnections between things
and the overall functioning and working of things. The philosopher king needs to be a master at
identifying and deciding what resources and how much resources should be applied to what problems and
what tasks. Further, these decisions must be made without bias. Mastery of philosophy is required because
it is ideas that form the basis of society and all that is manifest in the world. The "lover of wisdom" is best
suited to ensure that this basis is the best that it can possibly be. Kingship is required to ensure that the
authority is there to bring these ideas down to earth in an effective and practical way. Ideas alone are not
enough. It takes resources to make things so in this world. Combining the philosopher and king in one
person allows change based on wisdom to be manifest in the most timely manner.

It is expected that the philosopher king will be surrounded by a set of ministers that have particular
expertise in the areas of their ministry. At this time, it is not yet clear what ministers are required. It is
anticipated that they will number 12 however. The philosopher kings should have areas of jurisdiction. It
is not clear that there should be a philosopher king governing something as large as the whole country or
at the highest level the whole world. However, this may be a problem with my understanding of things,
not that there is necessarily anything wrong with having such leaders at these levels. If they were to exist,
however, the positions should be filled based solely on ability and merit. We are establishing a spiritual
hierarchy after all. The greatest spirits on the planet should be filling those positions that require the
greatest amount of spirit for the successful execution of their duties and responsibilities.

Some of the ministers that might be important are Education, Justice, Employment, Economy, Services,
Administration, Resources, Research & Technology, Spiritual Development.

17 Mar 94

Open your awareness. Use all of the channels that you have available to you. Trust that the consciousness
that forms and sustains you is also capable of ordering the stimuli and information inputs with which you
are meant to deal. Remember that what is going on from a higher perspective is that you are being
programmed to enable you to carry out your purpose. You are not doing the programming, you are
experiencing it. This is a major difference! This applies to you, but not necessarily to all others. You first
must reach a point where you cooperate and allow spirit to do the programming. Until a person is
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
sufficiently awakened, there is no input channel through which this programming can take place on a
spiritual level. Until the individual is willing to resign his will to the universal will or consciousness, then
little can be achieved. Spirit doesn't force its way in, it patiently waits until it is invited.

21 Mar 94

I am an explorer of consciousness, breaking through into domains from which I can return a vision of
what life is to be, and, in particular, what society or community is to be in the Aquarian Age. How do I
know any of this is true? I only know what my heart tells me is true, that the dawn of a new age is very
near ... and there is much to do to prepare. In this new age, the key difference will be that spirit is more
fully expressed in flesh. How this is to be accomplished is part of why I and other wayshowers are here at
this time. All of us with this specific task are undergoing spiritual awakenings firsthand at an accelerated
pace to experience what will be required. I imagine that my fellow wayshowers are also finding
themselves at the very edge between sanity and insanity. It seems that consciousness is pushing us to the
very limits that we are able to bear.


I am a channel through which consciousness does it's works. Yes, it is my ability and talents that are being
used, but I am an instrument in many respects. My consciousness tunes into a wavelength or sound, and I
write what I hear and sense. However, the difference is only subtle between riding with the flow of the
consciousness that I am, and the consciousness that I AM. The same circuits and mechanisms are used.
The music that comes out is a bit different, though the difference is difficult to describe. You've seen many
of the changes over the course of a few months of these notes. Sometimes the difference is quite obvious,
as if a different person were speaking.

23 Mar 94

I write, yet, to many my writings are but the musings of a crazy man. However, I know that I am in full
charge of my faculties. Yes, my writings are extreme. I'll be the first to admit that. But, that alone does not
make them wrong. Further, much of what I say may never be proved or disproved. This does not mean
that we cannot take a position and express it with full faith. Whether we do so or not should depend
completely on the utility of the position not on any arbitrary judgment as to whether the position agrees
with convention. The bottom line is much that we are taught has no firm foundation in truth. All of us live
our lives on foundations of beliefs. The fact that millions of people have accepted something as true does
not make it so. We live in a "house of cards" so to speak. Each of us have fabricated and arranged our
houses in a manner and order that are unique to us. Philosophers and scientists have tried to uncover
various truths, but this is a very elusive task. In particular, when it comes to matters of how we relate and
interact with each other socially -- the very basis of our civilization, at most what we have is theory; and
very weak theory at that.

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APRIL 1994

Make each day count 100 percent.

Remember to work in a
manner that allows you to
joyfully look back
on your life and say that
you are happy with
how you lived and what you
were able to accomplish.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


11 Apr 94

Wow! It's been nearly two weeks since I last wrote. I don't really know what to say. I've discovered that
we live in two worlds concurrently, a physical one and a metaphysical one. The metaphysical one consists
mainly of symbols and their meaning. This meaning is directly related to our level of awareness. It's not
clear how much information from our symbol systems is enmeshed in the everyday world. Thus far things
like credit card numbers, license plate numbers of cars that are significant in some way, and serial
numbers from paper money all seem to have a personal significance that is far more than chance.
However, the intuition must be relied on to decipher the meaning from the raw code. Consciousness is
very tricky, but she does not require techniques that require a math major. One of the main keys is to use
association. This appears to allow information from the subconscious to flow better.

12 Apr 94

Now that I'm in this state of being between worlds, it is tough to associate with the slowness with which
things change in physical reality. My spirit soars to dimensions beyond which it has never been -- perhaps
beyond which any corporeal consciousness has experienced before. And here I am, alone, the Hermit with
no one to share my experience with except you, consciousness itself. I blindly follow the path that I am
on, trusting consciousness to lead me to wherever I need to be and provide me with whatever experiences
that I need to experience. And what more can I do? I've gone beyond all places that I know of where there
are maps of where consciousness has been. Further, all my life, consciousness herself has led me to any
map that was consciously required. With consciousness as my sole guide, how can I follow anything but
the path that is most appropriate for me. It's hard to contain the excitement within this body. Yet, at the
same time, I feel sluggish and weighted down as if by the sorrows of the whole world. Perhaps you are.
Such is your challenge. But, your gift was commensurate to match. You do have a major role to play in
transforming the whole world. It is time for you to know that for certain. This is a heavy cross to bear, but
you were up to bearing it when you chose this part. You are still free to choose else wise, and there are
several waiting in the wings that could step in should you so choose. But, the part was designed for you.
Every detail was optimized for the special workings of your consciousness. There are many who would
like to see you succeed in what you all set out to do. No, they are not in a position to communicate or
even be aware of this yet.

25 Apr 94

Fear not, every experience that we are taking you through is necessary either for your personal
development or the development of others around you. Besides, you said that you wanted to teach -- and
you can't teach what you do not know firsthand yourself. As to why now. The answer is just as simple --
because that is what the plan calls for in this particular scene at this time.

What is yours will indeed come to you. Let us worry about the timing. You are simply to go with the flow,
so to speak. Do only what you know to be right. Trust your knowingness. Listen for our guidance as you
go about your day. Turn the scanners down a bit, and quit trying so hard. Your tiredness is the result of too
much work too quickly. The signs that you are meant to see will reach your awareness. Also, even if you
miss one, another will come to take its place. Relax, knowing for certain that you are spirit and you are in

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Spirit's hands now. Nothing can befall you that is outside of the Plan. Think about this until you fully
know its truth. Life has great purpose, and human life even greater purpose.

27 Apr 94

Focus on the HERE and NOW, not where and how you will be living in six months, or even in the next
week or two. Do the work that must be done today, and do it to the best of your abilities. This is Dharma
-- right action. When we focus on the day, it is amazing how much change happens how quickly. You
more than others will find this easy to take. You've already given up most of your will. When one focuses
on here and now, one can't get caught up in all the complexity that arises from so much action in pursuit
of unrealistic dreams. Make each day count 100 percent. Remember to work in a manner that allows you
to joyfully look back on your life and say that you are happy with how you lived and what you were able
to accomplish.

27 Apr 94

Note: Had a realization earlier this evening. Christ had to come to forgive our sins. The Karma balance
program was in error. The penalties were too severe. Because of this, no one was able to awaken
sufficiently to be the example for the coming Age. The programmers got it wrong. Forgiveness constitutes
a resetting of the Karmic balance.

28 Apr 94

It's very interesting being the observer of this experience. For the past seven months, I've been watching
my mind unfold like a flower. I am constantly amazed at what I'm finding in side. Thus far it's still an
exciting process -- though it can get lonely and scary at times. Nothing has really prepared me for this.
The key factor that makes the most difference a trust that I create my own reality and I would not give
myself anything to deal with that was beyond my ability to handle. This belief is at the very core of my
belief system. Further, I have experienced that I am consciousness, I am a spiritual being having a
spiritual/physical experience. In the real world, the physical and spiritual are integrated to whatever
degree the machinery can tolerate. It's as if the body and brain is the hardware, and consciousness is the


I trust that I am being led spiritually down a path that is most optimum for getting my brain able to
channel more spiritual information/energy through it. Each step is guided, down to the specific M.D.
involved and the particular drugs and dosages. To the M.D., I am a highly intelligent patient who is
bipolar. He does not have insight into the spiritual aspects of the transformation. It's as if I were a butterfly
in transition, going through the stages from larvae to chrysalis to butterfly. I'm about ready to spread my
spiritual wings and fly. Disruption -- how appropriate. This is indeed a time for a radical discontinuity. I
am at a point in my life and in my understanding where what has come before is of no import. What
matters now is what happens from this moment forward. I forgive any who have done me any harm
known or unknown. If you cannot accept my forgiveness then discharge your balance by helping others in
need. Peace be with you always and forevermore.


Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
I don't feel particularly inspired to write at this moment, but something inside pushes me forward. The
current swells inside me until it is about to burst. So many ideas and such a small channel. But, we'll use
whatever we have until we can help to make it grow. We are who you are in the process of becoming. We
come from a place outside of your world system, no not the Pleiades as you might guess, though we did
visit their race as well. No, we come from a Star in the central part of the Galaxy. You came from there
too. We can't really tell you where our home is because it is outside anything that has yet been mapped.
Further, since your Astronomy background is zip, you wouldn't understand even the basic terminology.
We can continue to help you bring through information on social structures, education, and the
foundations for creating a new world. You naturally resonate to these ideas because you have lived them
for a very long time. Further, you know what it takes to preserve these ideals. The earth was in need of
people to seed these principles into the minds and hearts of the people within a particular window when
the baton was being passed from Neptune to Uranus for the rulership of an age.


OK, so what specifically am I expected to do?

1. Follow your intuition and learn to detect when it is correct vs when it is in error. (error usually comes
from ego getting in the way)

2. Do what you are moved to do. Regardless of the source of direction, don't act until it is congruent with
whom that you are in the moment.

3. Whenever there is a spirit/physical choice to make, choose spirit if you can. (It makes life much easier.)

4. Be patient. Wait for the right timing. If it's hard, then either your timing or method is wrong.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


MAY 1994

Wherever you see the possibility for improvement, speak out.

It doesn't matter whether anyone is around.
The universe hears your voice and consciousness sends it to whoever is
best suited to implement it.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


2 May 94

Set the grand plan, and think on a large scale. How can you view your work so that it has impact on a
global scale? Don't think in terms of affecting hundred or thousands, think in terms of millions -- not only
in this country but abroad as well. Yes, this requires looking ahead to the future, however don't lock it in.
What you are trying to do is to place a thought mold of what you want into higher consciousness. It is
then up to the subconscious to overcome any obstacles in the way of manifesting and to determine the
specific details of that manifestation.


There is a spiritual world all around us, inviting us to tune our attention into it. We can see it most in
nature, especially where the scenery is such to "take your breath away". We can also see it in anything that
is done with love. Love transforms even everyday objects into treasures, and transforms work into a kind
of play.


Before a City of Light can be built, we have to deal with the tasks of categorizing Lightworkers by skill
level and talents, and setting up a Sacred space for a Spiritual School. Initially, nearly anything will do.
Eventually, the school should provide a sense of awe. We must realize, however, that it's not the outer
cover, but what's inside that is most important. Hence, the focus must be on the curriculum, and how to
provide spiritual experiences for the students. We want to facilitate spiritual awakening, but only for those
who are truly ready. Some criteria are needed to demonstrate readiness. This may come in a variety of
ways by having the appropriate Lightworkers apply their skills. When is a different factor altogether. The
Plan already has this laid out, but I have not yet been given access to this information. Perhaps there are
others who have, perhaps not. Each of us will receive our orders when the time comes. In these orders we
will know where we are going and what we are to do when we get there. It seems that we are meant to
operate in the blind, acting purely on faith that consciousness is looking out for us. At least we know this
is the case.


As the Hermit, who am I supposed to come down from the mountain to see and pass down some of my
wisdom? My sense is that my words are to get to others through another. Further, this is through some sort
of network that is already established to take over power from the present world leaders. These people
already know the power of information, of Light, and are set on changing the world by establishing a New
World Order. This is necessary at this time. The forces of darkness have not yet been squelched so there
will be a bit of a struggle. Much of this has already played itself out. Various scenarios have been
simulated to find an optimal solution for fair distribution of goods and resources. Spiritual considerations
have been the primary ones on which the New World Order is based. Just about every aspect of life is
involved. With the exception of some small countries that are very well off due to natural resources, most
countries are ready to accept this change. Getting the average person to see that it provides for a better life
could take awhile. When will we start seeing signs that the New World Order will indeed be established?
You are already seeing signs in the strengthening of the United Nations. Further signs will be shown
shortly. Those who are creating this order will have media appearances to explain the nature of the
changes and why they are good for the people of the various member nations and of the world as a whole.

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The bottom line is that they have found that the world is highly interdependent and that solutions that
don't consider the whole fall short of fixing problems and may even aggravate the problems.

3 May 94

The spiritual world is around us now, wherever we are. It has always been around us regardless of
whether we were near a church or not. From my standpoint spirituality is the most intimate relationship
that we can have with our creator. Church might be a place to start this training, but the most advanced in
the class will need to discover their personal relationship with spirit. When this happens, one begins to see
all life as ONE -- one has found home at last. Unfortunately, these days are few and far between.
However, as one continues to grow spiritually, one finds that they are here for a particular purpose in the
larger scheme of things. They have a task that is theirs to do for which they are uniquely qualified. This is
how the body for Cosmic Consciousness will be born. Individual cells that have focused on their own
needs will see how much easier and more effective things can be if cells group together into more
efficient specialized units. Literally, each cell is given a task for which it is suited that is also beneficial to
the overall whole. In return for participating in this process, the cell is given all that it needs for as long as
it exists. For real cells, this already exists. For individuals as cells of the body of Cosmic Consciousness,
it is not clear how many are already living in this manner, nor how many are required. My sense is that the
current number may be higher than expected, and that the critical threshold is soon to be achieved. Many
have been and are being activated in the past year and the year to come. These beings will form a core
group of interdependent souls who support and rely on one another to enable spirit to become enfleshed.

4 May 94

I believe that I came into the world for a specific reason; namely, to facilitate getting spirit enfleshed to
the highest degree possible at this time on this planet. Yes it is a big task, but it is a required task and there
are probably others out there starting to realize that this is their souls task as well. Spirit will ensure that
those who are needed are where they must be for the Grand Play of Consciousness to proceed according
to the Plan for this transfer from one age to another.

You are here to do as you believe. But, there is more to it than that. Your love of luxury and homes on a
massive scale are the Leo rising sign coming out, really for the first time -- although some of the items
you already own are quite pretentious. We won't tell you directly what you're next move will be or when it
will occur. These are up to you to decide or allow as you wish. Look for signs if you want, for they can
definitely provide advice. But, your life is yours now in a way that has never before manifested. For what
you now speak becomes a law unto itself and sets in motion a chain of events that leads to the desired
results. Notice what is around you. Wherever you see the possibility for improvement, speak out. It
doesn't matter whether anyone is around. The universe hears your voice and consciousness sends it to
whoever is best suited to implement it. Participate in life. Play, have fun, and do whatever you find
necessary to accomplish your mission. Here too, we are available to provide advice and serve as channels
of information through you, as we are doing now.


You're starting to catch the humor through which spirit works. Further, you're really starting to see in
ways that you have never seen before. Everything that exists is a mirror of what the people of the country
and your world believe. This filters down to the nature of the specific communities that exist. Every
aspect of your world and your life has a spiritual component to it. It's only a matter of seeking it to find it.
The spiritual universe is there, right where you are, but you must change your frequency to see it. In time,
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
all will see it. Until then, those who have had some awakening should be the wayshowers for others
helping to guide the way.

5 May 94

Your world is reaching some dire straits. It will take a united effort to fix the problems that have arisen.
The problems can only be corrected via physical effort that is inspired by spiritual effort. The spirit world
has some kinks of its own caused primarily by lack of light in some areas. Wherever there is lack of light,
the devil appears. The devil is an entity just as cosmic consciousness. Remember, Lucifer was the epitome
of Light until he decided that he was equal in Light to God. This was a big mistake on the one hand but it
set up the way for our present trip through limitation. It's been a very long journey, and on the way, we
became experts at limitation -- hopefully so no other consciousness has to experience this particular path.

10 May 94

Awareness is it. It is what is required to begin the Aquarian Age. The hope is to get many to enough of an
awakening to change how they live and how they treat their fellow brethren. The government will do this
for the masses. The Light Workers need to do this for their whole community and for as many others as
they are connected to as well. For the most part, these will constitute their spiritual family. It is also
possible that the masses can be reached as well through the media but I wouldn't count on it at this time.
The battle of Light vs Dark has arrived at our doorstep. Those already hooked to the light are fine. Dark is
simply a shadow caused by how Light (Lucifer) deceived himself. By believing he was as great as God,
he set up a scenario for the Play of Light vs Dark. The simple error was one that we all might make, our
ego believes that we have power - - great power in some area. The inflated Ego may even think it is all
powerful. What one loses in this process, however, is the tie we have to the true spark of God which is the
divine in us. Whenever the ego is not in submission to the subconscious, the superconscious has no voice.
In this world at this time, it is very difficult to get people to deflate their ego. Even in the metaphysical
community, we see people with strong egos talking about how they create their own reality and doing
whatever it takes to make their conscious goals come true. The bottom line is that they too are coming
from darkness. In some cases, maybe even many cases, they do get what they want -- thus pumping the
ego even more. At some point they need to understand that all the things, wealth, entertainment, etc...
don't mean anything. Yes they lead to a comfortable life and keep one busy, but they don't give one the
meaning of existence.


Consciousness works elegantly. Every resource is put in a position where it can be of the most use to the
Plan. Nothing is overlooked, every last detail is nailed down.

11 May 94

As to more fully expressing spirit in flesh, one has to ask how is spirit attached to flesh at all. One
alternative is that it occupies flesh completely as an energy field or perhaps even several energy fields.
Information flow happens primarily in the brain in the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious
channels. The first level of awareness is just a basic physical one. It understands the need for food,
clothing, shelter and little else. The second level of awareness includes emotional needs such as security,
companionship and even love. It also starts to allow knowing expression of the subconscious. The third
level of awareness adds an understanding of the mental faculties and reasoning. It also starts to think in
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
terms of goals and working to achieve them. The fourth level of awareness starts to become aware of the
need to incorporate information from the subconscious with the conscious to operate as a whole person.
This brings an added efficiency in reality creation over what the conscious alone can do. The fifth level of
awareness adds a link to the superconscious. This may be reached from either the second or fourth levels
of awareness. The subconscious is the link through which this connection is made. The sixth level moves
up further. The conscious - subconscious - superconscious trinity in the mind is watched by another
portion of self which is not part of these three. This is the first true level of awareness. The awareness is
disassociated from what it is watching. The experience is as if you were watching a movie of yourself
doing whatever you are doing -- not having any insight into the details that might be driving the action
and decisions. This is a rough cut. I expect that we'll see some changes as we go along in our quest of
understanding consciousness herself, and how to more fully express spirit in these bodies.

One thing that came to mind is to consider our bodies to be complex machines whose sole purpose all
along has been to serve as vehicles for housing consciousness or spirit. All of evolution and all of the
development of humanity from ancient times through the present has been a long journey toward making
this vessel as suitable as possible given the techniques that were available. Now, we are at the threshold
where the dream is about to become a reality. We will see a breakthrough in how much spirit can be
expressed in flesh. We have seen several individuals over time who have served as examples, but they
were very special souls. Here we are dealing with a massive expression of spirit in millions, if not billions
of souls. We're on the verge of a wake up call beyond anything that has been experienced before at least as
far as I know. However, this is exactly what the Age of Aquarius promises.

12 May 94

As to being a part of God, the analogy of the body is a good one. Each cell has a particular position and a
function within the body. When you realize Self, you become aware of your part and function in the
scheme of things. There are many entities that make up your Self. Some may be operating in your time,
others may not be. When you operate in the Here and Now, you breakthrough into a new understanding.
There is only ONE and it is HERE and NOW. You can't imagine life without time and space. However it
is only in these constructed dimensions that plays of light and dark can manifest. Consider your dramas
and movies in film or live. They always exist in light and shadow. Yes, the characters are all real, but the
stuff they do is to generate effects in the audience via images changing over time.


When people don't like what they're doing, they waste time, and the work takes much longer than it
rightly should. Whenever we create jobs that do this, inefficiency is the guaranteed result. We need to
think about people differently. They have far more capability than most jobs require. There has to be a
way to harness this delta in capability in a way that allows more useful work to be accomplished. This is
how we do more with less. At the same time, this will require fewer people to do the work that is already
defined. Here is where the society needs to kick in and say we will not tolerate lack of full employment.
Everyone that wants to work should. If skills need to be developed then put them in school. Where
industry cannot provide the jobs, the government should. There are many things that need to be done in
this country. All we have to do is allocate the right resources. If we just get rid of the darkness and
information hiding that pervades the system things can change. People must have all of their needs met.
This is true for all people in this country whether they have jobs or not. Remember, the government is us,
the people. When we say that we will have zero unemployment, we mean that we, the people, guarantee
that there will be employment for all. Part of this may require refining the way or economy and private
sectors work. Overall, the amount of bureaucracy should be minimized.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
This is the first step in building a true society, one that is founded on basic spiritual ideas some of which
are included on our 1 dollar bills. We are building a spiritual foundation for a country in the New Age.
This was the destiny that our founding fathers realized. Soon, we will have arrived. The time is very close
indeed. Yet, it is not yet clear that we will do what must be done. From another standpoint, we are already
there, and are waiting to allow the physical world to catch up to where the spiritual world has reached
through imagination..

17 May 94

When will others be brought into my life? I long to speak with kindred spirits. If my relative isolation is
necessary for my task, then so be it. However, I believe that I am meant to teach. Not great numbers of
people, but either small groups or particular individuals. There are very few people that are in my life.
This has been true throughout my life. My sense though is that I belong to a spiritual family. It is not clear
whether I have met any members of this family yet, or that they are embodied on Earth. I've had several
experiences where I felt that others were added into my awareness. They felt like joining of energies. We
are consolidating all that we are into this vehicle that is Wayne. This was a choice made before this body
was born. We choose a date, place, and time that would allow the energies to be right for merging in this
very period of time, starting eight months ago and running through this year. We are more than we have
ever been. That is part of the difficulty and the challenge as well. All of this is new, in particular how
reality is being created and interpreted. You are indeed a trailblazer and wayshower. Further, there are not
many who are in this position. Many have started to see that the intuition has a place in their lives, but few
have been willing to kill their egos to allow spirit to come through. The ultimate prize is abundance,
however, most people would rather have what they currently have and are comfortable with than risk it on
a potential promise of abundance. However, that is the test for living in Heaven on Earth. Are you willing
to give up all that you think you are to allow spirit to work through you in accord with you talents and


Leave it to consciousness to decide where to send this material and when. You are a writer. Write! The
more ideas you allow to come through, the more others can be created and channeled as well. Writing is
still your primary modality. This will be the case for most of this existence. Others can bring forth the
necessary other modalities. However, remember that the WORD came first, and out of it all else was
manifest. So, it is appropriate that an Aries would bring forth the words that describe the VISION of a
new age.


Awareness, Allowance, Acceptance. Those words that Aronk used to say so often. That is what is required
now. Yes, indeed, these three should be a standard part of ones basic way of Life. They are the
cornerstones to living from spirit. Spirit enfleshed, however, is the gol and to the greatest degree possible
at this time. The time for the Aquarian Age to begin is well nigh upon us. At any moment, the threshold
can be reached that finally allows the rays of the new age to flow through to the planet. At that point
opportunities will open up for people to find the task that they were meant to do, and the being that they
decided to be. Within a heartbeat there will be a transformation that is awesome, beautiful to behold.
Further, it will strike everyone for the rays that are sent carry specific instructions that will reach each and
every person. There is no Armageddon required to enact this event. Consciousness on the planet is
sufficiently advanced that this scenario is not required. That is, with the exception of a few
fundamentalists who are caught in their own webs of negative beliefs.

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This country has a metaphysical destiny that started at its very formation. Now is the time to start
achieving that destiny. However, it requires great changes to basic principles that this country holds dear
such as free enterprise, and individual freedoms. We believe ourselves to be rugged individualists for the
most part. Our whole way of life is patterned after this. But, we live in a world where we have to
cooperate to survive, and where we are interdependent on a host of services. One key issue is how do we
become cooperatively interdependent in a positive way that is life enhancing? The key to the solution is to
understand in what ways we are interdependent and determine whether there are alternatives that are
better. In most cases, much of the current cooperative interdependence happened ad hoc, because it was
needed for a particular situation. Since interactions have become more complex, maybe it's time to start
from the top down and reexamine whether our support structure that has developed over 220 years is a
structure that serves our needs today. My guess is that it is not and that there is a great amount of room for

18 May 94

You still have much to do and much to learn before you are ready for your primary task. Trust that we
know how to measure your state and are bringing the necessary reality to you to allow your
transformation to occur quickly but with a state of elegance and beauty as well. Experience the awe and
wonder as fully as you can. Rejoice in the experience of being soul incarnate, knowing that we are
assisting in bringing forth the best states possible for your growth in awareness. Be whom you are, spirit
in flesh. Express that as much as you can -- it is important to serve as an example to people of what they
too might be if they too could express whom they truly are.


The key thing that drives the whole process is making "Know Thyself" the top priority in your life. This
above all things sets you on the path that is right for you. It also takes time and commitment, however, it
should not be pushed either. If it becomes like work, the time is not right or you are pushing too hard.
There are many ways in which spirit pushes the physical part to learn it's lessons. If you look for them,
you will find them and see how spirit's guiding hand is operating in your life. Do what you can and what
you are pushed to do by your own consciousness. Pay close attention to your intuition and realize that
your intuition should be equal to if not greater than your reason. Also, realize that at some point your
intuition and subconscious mind must give way to your superconscious. The goal is reason bowing to
intuition (subconscious) bowing to superconscious. The superconscious is that part of us that is literally
god stuff. Ego operates primarily in the conscious mind. It is the greatest thing suppressing the ability for
spirit to be more fully enfleshed. In this country, we hold the freedoms of individuals in high esteem. In
fact, we have a strong bias toward independence throughout our society. At least, this is what the
individual sees on the surface. However, the infrastructure that holds all of this together is very
interdependent and cooperative. It's time to see beyond the surface and realize that at some level we are
all one and that we should be treating each other as if this were so. This key idea will transform the world.
Further, it will not take even 20 of your years. Those who choose not to cooperate interdependently will
simply not be able to compete in whatever remains of the open market. Further, it is not even clear that an
open market is necessary as a viable means for getting needed goods and services to people.

23 May 94

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” just came to mind. This leads to the idea that we are to
co-create our reality with God on our side. Interesting that it came at this time. Perhaps the time of
surrendering will is over. It is time to let the Will of Consciousness flow through me to manifest in
whatever way I am to manifest in accord with the Plan. My sense is that it is very near to a time for
action. I've been writing and attempting to get my writings out to the people I thought that were the best to
work with on preparing people for the New Age of Aquarius. Being a Hermit, my list of contacts is quite
small. Yet, it is from this list or from a list of new contacts that I must begin the relationships that are
necessary to start making the Vision a reality. It is not clear what resources will be required, nor is it clear
how many people will be needed. It is not likely that the government will be involved, yet neither will
much of industry. They have too much desire to basically maintain the status quo. Ours is an agenda for
change, massive change, evolutionary change, and maybe even revolutionary change -- though this is a
last resort. After all, I am a spiritual warrior. We will do whatever it takes to make spirit more fully
enfleshed and improve the infrastructure of society so that people get what they need, when they need it.
Further, however, no means may be used to secure our end that in any way violates spiritual law. Yet, we
will not back down or be forced to yield our position. For, in this, we have the high spiritual ground. We
are in the RIGHT, and RIGHT makes MIGHT. Our focus is on what we can do to serve both ourselves
and others.

25 May 94

Be Happy and Create Well! Follow your own advice. Also, find a way to teach -- you'll absolutely love it.
In addition, this is a great way to meet people that may be part of your spiritual family. Place an ad, or
design a flyer and start offering some classes. Initially you can start small. This will not last for long,
however. You may also be able to get your works out to others who are interested in reading them. Notice
how interested or excited about your work that various people get. The more excited, the more likely they
are to have a place in your personal team or organization. You will not be able to handle things alone for
very long. You need a support team to whom you can delegate tasks that lie within their unique abilities.

31 May 94

HERE and NOW, the Universe and all its manifestations is perfect. It can never be any other than that, for
GOD is perfect, and cannot create anything other than perfection of itself. This does not mean that it is the
best it could be, only that it is the best it can be in the moment. Because so much action is going on, it is
hard to slow down and stop and watch each moment in its full ripeness. But, if we stop to see, what we
see is a grand and intricate illusion/reality. It's absolutely amazing how complex it really is, yet how
simple on the other hand.


My path is a narrow and lonely one. Few people have reached the points for which I am headed. Actually,
I not completely sure of where I am going either. You could say that I'm looking to create a Shangri-la on
Earth as captured in the movie "Lost Horizons". This is definitely my favorite movie of all times. All the
main things that Father Perot says are the kinds of things that I have written about. Shangri-la is a utopia.
Albeit, the likelihood of it's real existence is poor, at best. However, truth is stranger than fiction. Further,
Tibet and the regions around there are still tough for any foreigners to reach, and then most of the trips are
guided. Is there possibility of such places and Shangri-la? My soul answers yes. It is in the Heart and Soul
of all those who dream of such utopias. Frank Capra's vision in the movie came from consciousness, and
it came for a reason. I believe the reason was to counteract a madness that was raging at the time and
turning the country toward war.
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
When we operate from the knowledge of the unity of all things, a higher order of majesty gets reached in
our minds, causing us to act not out of the minor personal concerns and issues we have from day to day
but out of the infinity of whom that we are. Actually, it's not enough to just think about it, though that's the
first step. We must go one step further. We must become part of this unity. We can retain our sense of
identity as well, but we should feel as if we we're swallowed up by the ocean of love and mercy. In this
state we can come to no harm for we are immersed and wrapped in divine light of a higher order than we
generally get to feel on Earth.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


JUNE 1994

Self-knowledge is the way out of illusion.

This has been taught for untold ages, yet few follow the straight and narrow
path that leads to enlightenment.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


9 Jun 94

All that I know is that I must seize the opportunity and write now. I must capture the transition process as
reliably as I can to provide an example or pattern that others may want to follow as more and more people
reach such times in their own life. With the age of Aquarius just around the corner, many will have
spiritual awakenings that provide them with the experiences necessary to find out who and what they
really are as well as why they are here. My hope is that through my efforts as guided by consciousness,
that I may blaze the trail or smooth the path for others. This does not have to be a difficult transition. It
can be as easy as we want to make it, if only we choose to join forces and work together where we can.


Am I a lunatic, a genius, or a bit of both. Yes, I speak in grand terms because I am grand by creation as we
all are. Further, I am grand by birth as shown in my aura and astrological chart. However, this only means
that my task is particularly challenging as well. Gifts are only given where they are needed.
Consciousness cooperates in a wonderful fashion to make sure that people are placed in positions where
they are needed and where they are put in circumstances that provide them with the greatest opportunity
to learn what they most need to learn.

13 Jun 94

Looking back through history, we see an amazing process unfolding. This is indeed a play perhaps in
more ways than one. The play is only possible because of illusion. If we were to see and know everything
in the moment, there would be no hopes, fears, and dreams. The world is perfect as it is for the conditions
of the consciousnesses of the world. It has always been perfect and will always be perfect. This does not
mean there is no further work to be done. In a way, you could say we are approaching greater and greater
embodiment of spirit, but it is all spirit -- there literally is nothing else. For all time, it has been possible
for any being to experience this, to experience the union of consciousness in flesh. Many have had their
brief moments in the sun. Others have had extended periods of time that may have lasted their entire
lifetime. One must light ones own Light, before one can help others in the quest for Light.


Why am I still here? Why do I not let lose of the bonds and chains that bind me to this current day by day
battle to exist financially? Overall, it is not worth the chains. Perhaps, this is why Whitman and Thoreau
lived such simple lives. However, spirit doesn't care about what trappings you put around yourself. Hmm,
that's why they call them trappings.


I've chosen to live my life in accord with the Plan. This Plan was/is/will be generated and executed by
Consciousness itself, of which we are only parts. The fact that we are parts, makes us ONE. That our
awareness only has glimmers and hints of this oneness is beside the point. We are indeed ONE, whether
we know it or not. Many of us have put large sets of blinders on to block parts of the truth that we didn't
want to see. It's time for these to be removed, or at least lessened. The Truth Shall Set You Free! But, you

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
say, I'm already free. Yet, I ask you as you go through your liberties how far do you have to go before you
run into a wall or barrier through which you cannot pass? We live for the most part in an illusion, an
illusion that for all appearances is reality itself. And, it is reality itself on this level. The key is to change
your level, and, you can only do that through self-knowledge.


Some exercises you might try include getting out of stale routines. Take time out to notice things. The
extra attention you pay to anything will have a great impact on how you experience it. There is no wrong
experience. Pay attention and notice, but, do not judge. In the world, HERE, at this time, NOW,
everything is perfect and balanced. God sees nothing but light, yet he is aware of the Play that is on-going.
Remember, God is one step removed from the current Play. It was created by parts of himself. It's not
clear that the terminology is right yet at the higher levels. My feeling at this moment is that the hierarchy
is All That Is, Goddess, God in descending order. That would put Consciousness under All That Is,
meaning that Goddess and God would need to develop their capabilities to wield it and allow it to flow
through them. I like that. Somehow it seems fitting. Also, it allows for many Gods and Goddesses to exist
as suggested by the myths of many cultures.

20 Jun 94

I'm looking at the world in a new way. Divine wisdom has guided the play for all eternity. The things,
structures, and organizations in the world are there for a purpose -- they have a reason to exist, a reason
that facilitates or demonstrates the unfoldment of a Grand Plan. Chance and circumstance have limited
roles. Design, whether it be human or divine is what guides the world. This design requires imaginative
thought with purpose and commitment. The key issue is selecting the right thoughts to undergo this
process. This is where the intuition and The Plan come into play. If one allows the intuition to speak, it
will tell you what you need to know. This does not mean it will tell you everything, for some things you
have no need to know, though you might want to. Actually this is a rare issue, since by the time most
people have developed the nerve or the need to ask, they are already ready to have their questions


The performance of our tasks is our purpose. The struggle is to find a path that allows one to know
thyself, or at least begin to do so -- so that we can know why we are here. Our destiny is always a spiritual
one, especially in these time of drastic changes. It is not clear when or whether the thunderbolt will strike
that fills one's heart with Love for the whole human race. One sees the beauty of each individual as spirit
enfleshed at this moment playing the exact role that they signed up for, yet at the same time having a path
for growth that requires effort to follow. Consciousness pushes the individual to grow, but is not forceful
in doing so. It is up to the individual to want to grow and to show initiative in finding the appropriate
path. For the most part these parts are unique, though, for efficiency larger roads are created upon which
many can tread. Even then, however, the individual sets the style with which they merge with the group.


These notes are the only record of a transition that has been going on for over a year. Further, this is part
of a transition that has been going on throughout my life. More and more, I'm seeing that what one gets is
a result of how well one treats oneself and others. The more that LOVE is expressed, the better everything
is. This is the key, the critical factor. Actually, peace, love, and light are all important. But, the greatest of
these is Love.
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

We speak many times on the same theme because some of you are moved and some not by any particular
expression of truth. Take what you understand or find challenging or otherwise interesting and leave the
rest to others who are more attracted to ways that don't strike your fancy. Always our motivation is to
impart and express truth as much as we can. In particular, spiritual truth. You may say that this is up to the
churches and religions of the world, but I would argue that they are too biased to do this task. If the
churches taught people that they were already spiritual beings enfleshed who required no intermediaries
between themselves and God, a good number of people would leave those established churches. Also,
there is no Heaven or Hell, except as we make it on Earth here and now.

21 Jun 94

My belief is that I am a communicator and that my medium is primarily the written word. And, I write
free form, expressing or channeling what comes into my head as it comes into my head. I come to bring
forth a VISION of what is to come in the Aquarian Age. Thus far, I've been a lone voice in the wilderness.
Actually, lone comes from the perspective of being a Hermit; so, I am not aware of the visions of others. I
know they are out there, and that they tap into the same source, the Plan. How many of us exist, I do not
know. But, at some point there will be enough of us to set the world aflame with spirit. Remember that
fire corresponds with spirit in astrology.


As always, your job is to stay focused on enlightenment and knowing thyself. The more you do this, the
more prepared you will be to handle the responsibilities of the job that we are creating for you. Actually,
we are co-creating this job with you so that it is tailored to your specific talents and abilities. Of course,
there are many for which we are doing this at this time. All are ready to play major roles in the changes
that lie ahead as the Age of Aquarius comes into being. This is what excites your consciousness. It excites
ours as well. It has been a long time since consciousness has had such an open way of communicating
with other parts of itself. Such is necessary in the new order. As a Hermit, your standard mode of
operating is to have lots of inward communication and limited external communication. In fact, you
would be quite happy with letters, books, and the mail being the chief for of communication. The world
that is being created will feel somewhat foreign to you. You've felt this to be the case most of your life.
You will feel it even more in the times to come. The more immediate forms of communication keep you
in touch with the world in a more intimate way (especially pagers and cellular phones). The cost is a loss
of privacy. Then, we don't really have privacy anyway. We only think that we do because of very sketchy
evidence. In fact, for many things in life, we have very little knowledge of how things work. This is
regardless of how long you stay in school. Even PhDs have deep knowledge only in particular specific
areas. It is the whole that possesses the knowledge of mankind, and it is this knowledge that drives what
appears in our reality. As soon as we can get minds to where the have new understanding, we also get
products that potentially benefit lives because of this new understanding. Since 1890 or so, we've been on
a path of technological advancement that exceeds anything we have experienced before, one that seems
literally without bounds. This has prepared us to view quick and constant change as a fact in our lives.

27 Jun 94

All creation is light. It's only in how creation limits itself that the whole range of dark is created and
experienced. In truth, it is all illusion, sustained by beliefs that are not aligned with truth. Self knowledge
is the way out of illusion. This has been taught for untold ages, yet few follow the straight and narrow
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
path that leads to enlightenment. The many are caught in the web of illusion, stuck in a world that is
intricate and fascinating.

28 Jun 94

It will be the psychics and intuitives that will bring through the guidance that helps us through the
transformation we will be experiencing. However, bridge individuals will be able to take what science has
wrought and apply it to metaphysics in a manner that transforms the psychic/ intuitive arts to the
equivalent of sciences in terms of their ability to reliably bring forth consistent information in accordance
with a world view that includes the subconscious and the superconscious as equal partners to the
conscious. This is something that is long overdue.

There is an as above, so below relationship that works between science and metaphysics. Science and its
practical arm, technology, are the so below part. The as above part is the nature of reality creation itself.
Science deals well with the physical creation and provides a whole structure into which knowledge is
placed. Similar structures shall be found to work in metaphysics to explain the nature of how the spiritual
part of source is made manifest. There are already many disciplines within metaphysics. They just aren't
organized and formalized into a united whole. Part of this is because the practitioners of the occult arts are
typically individuals who are focused on providing information to other individuals. Also, science has so
denigrated these arts as to make them part of a swelling underground activity. Things are changing,
however. People are becoming more open to other than conscious information. Metaphysics has almost
become a respectable occupation, at least in much of California and in various other areas of the country.


The spiritual world is not any more complex than the physical world. Similar principles apply. All of the
human development that has occurred through history followed these spiritual laws. They didn't
necessarily follow the path of least resistance, but they followed a path that was governed by what lessons
had to be accomplished to allow spirit to more fully enter its own creation.

29 Jun 94

Interesting. The word information keeps splitting up into in formation. This repeated itself in my mind
several times, highlighting it's importance. The whole purpose of a lot of information is just that, to put
people in formation with regard to a particular incident, topic, or area of life. This is interesting because
another reason for putting people in formation is to create a structure for Cosmic Consciousness to more
fully express in flesh. What appears to be happening is that the information infrastructure is being set up
to allow a rapid outward transformation of the world. The Light workers, however, are facilitating an
inner transformation that will take us into the Aquarian Age. It's as if one is operating outwardly, while the
other is operating inwardly. Most Lightworkers are here to provide their alternative services after the
transition when the public is more open to them. Some came specifically to facilitate the transition and
then are off to other tasks. I believe that I am one of these. Doing what is necessary to bring forth the
Dawn is my top priority. It is what I came to do. Getting Cosmic Consciousness grounded appears to be a
key step.

It's also interesting that I don't personally want to be "in formation" with anyone or anything except
consciousness itself. So, I don't choose to partake of the standard information sources, TV news,
newspapers, and magazines. I wonder how many others are making the same choice to separate

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
themselves from this part of the consensus reality. Renegades in consciousness, that's what we are -- and
proud of it.


How is information retrieved from the universal subconscious? My sense is that everything generated by
anyone is there, all the thoughts throughout all time. However, in physical life, I've had to read the
thoughts in books and attune my mind to what the author may have meant. As my self knowledge
increases, these meanings may adjust in accord with my new state placing me in a better position to
understand. The processes of knowing and understanding are not of the conscious mind alone, they also
involve an equally important unseen. Many times the unseen portion may be the greater part of the
iceberg whose tip is the great thought. If we are to understand the nature of reality creation, we must
begin to understand the nature of this unseen or rarely seen part of ourselves. Further, there is a greater
collective unconscious whose character and functions need to be discovered and addressed.

30 Jun 94

I sense that I came here to help this planet undergo this transition at this time. This is my primary mission.
I don't believe that I am "of this planet". I appreciate the wonder and the physical beauty -- it moves my
heart, but it is not home to me. I come from elsewhere in the stars. To get my current mission and part in
the Play, however, I must have had to demonstrate particular skills and abilities that were required for the
part. In other words, I had to qualify for the job. I don't completely know what abilities got me the job.
These continue to be unveiled to me over time. This is where the Ego issue comes into play. Some may
judge that I am thinking in a grandiose way. My sense is that this is not the case, that these indeed are my
abilities and this is my task, regardless of whether it appears to be grandiose or not.


I don't know how others experience reality. I have never had much in common with anybody. I cannot
assume that they experience things in much the same way that I do. I know this just isn't so. This makes it
that much more difficult to relate my own personal experience because even the terminology is foreign to
many. For a rough guess, I'd estimate that I spend on the order of 90% of my time alone. This includes
both work and personal time. So, where does a sense of commonality come into play that allows us to
share experiences? My sense is that our language is loosely coupled between individuals and that much
communication is planned dialog that is specifically meant to cause particular reaction or response. I'm
still struggling with how much of this is a play and how fully the play is written before it is enacted. This
gets to the issue of how much free will we really have. My sense is that our free will is confined to where
we place our attention, not to the actions that occur. Most people are fully associated with the body and
the actions. Some have found that they can be a watcher of this play of Light and Dark as well. As the
watcher, they begin to wonder why the play is written as it is. From this they learn of their own nature as
soul, and see the play as an opportunity to learn. The learning that is most important is that we are spirit
incarnate and that the development of self-knowledge is our primary task, or at least it should be such.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


JULY 1994

Independence does not work as a valid way of existing in a spiritual age.

We are all ONE.

Within ONE,
there can be no independence.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


5 Jul 94

Knowing that the new age is coming is a start. Knowing that we are spirit enfleshed is the next step.
Thinking that these things are so is not enough, knowing is what counts in the times ahead. This
distinction between thinking something and knowing it is a very important one. All of reality construction
is based on it.


This material is differentiated from other material because it deals with a soul dealing with reality as
directly and as honestly as I can. Further, this soul is caught between two worlds -- the present world and
the world in the new age. This continuing journal is the documentation of how the transition happens or
will happen based on the best available evidence and insight that can be found. We are walking on new
ground here. There is not much to go on. Further, there is little evidence to impel us to believe what we
believe. This, however, does not deter us. We are part of a future that is rapidly becoming NOW. There is
nothing that can prevent this event from occurring, it has been forecast for millennium and planned for in
great detail. The next five years call for a show unlike any seen before in this part of the Galaxy. Spirit,
indeed, does have a grand extravaganza planned -- definitely one not to be missed. But then, if you're
around, you came to be a part of it all. The fireworks will be amazing as belief systems and consciousness
start to emerge into the ONE that they truly are. And then your earth will burst forth as a SUN to show its
newly acquired spiritual brightness.


You might say that I am a madman, believing in all sort of things for little to no reason and hearing voices
in my head that in turn come through my hands onto these pages. Yet, the voices are kind and the
messages they offer are helpful and educational. If these be from parts of my own consciousness that have
been newly freed, so be it. It matters not from whence they come. What matters is the truth and love that
is imparted. As consciousness, one of my highest goals is to come to an understanding of as much of what
I AM as I can. I would advise that others do the same, but this is a personal choice that must come from
the Heart. Once the choice is made, however, life changes, and events are drawn into one's life to reveal
the nature of oneself. Once the path of self-discovery is begun, a host of angels assist one along the way.
It is there for whosoever chooses it, but the universe does not insist or force one to grow. Actually, this is
not quite right, within all life there is indeed an inner urge to grow, but it is not refined enough to
guarantee spiritual growth, though it does support it in some cases.

In the destiny of a Nation, where will my role be? Am I to be as a king, and guide them to new way of
living that will be required in a new age? Or, am I to be a prophet, prophesying a time and age that may or
may never come? Why is it that I must have such a great role in the times ahead? My only real answer
comes from what I know of my own abilities. I know them to be at least one in a million, maybe greater.
Those with such abilities are called to use them in their life primarily for the betterment of humanity.
Individuals with great gifts are given great tasks to perform that more than challenge their gifts.


There is not just one plan! Their are many plans interwoven of the same materials and characters. Each of
you have many roles and responsibilities to carry out, some great and some small. This gives your life the

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
richness of interconnectivity that you experience. When I speak of The Plan, it is the one of
Consciousness itself. It is The Plan that will carry us to the New Age by assuring that sufficient smaller
plans are aligned with it. There is a question of whether The Plan really exists until it is enmeshed in the
physical consciousness of people. Of course it does. It is what propels this whole experiment in the
development of consciousness. This is all for a Great Purpose. There is Great Meaning behind Life,
Existence. Spirit is Manifest. Time and space are illusions. Events and scenes in the game of life, illusions
also. It is the march of spirit that is the purpose behind it all. Throughout the centuries, spirit has explored
many avenues, unbeknownst to it that its sole purpose was to come to know itself. What it was not told
was that it was one, and that it was the experience of the collective whole that was being driven to come
to knowledge of itself. All the wars, all the suffering and pain, all the happiness and exhilaration,
everything experienced anywhere was part of this great coming to know oneself as individuals in
countries in one world. The secret societies and metaphysical disciplines, they too have been part of this
great endeavor of spirit. The great souls provided the dearest examples of spirit in flesh. Perfect examples
for others to follow.

7 Jul 94

There is a lie that we have bought into about what constitutes the good life. It is a lie that sustains a way
of life. We believe we are free and that our economic system serves us because we have so many choices
as to where we can buy our goods and services and what goods and services we can buy. But, does this
really constitute freedom? We get a free education, but who determines what agenda should be covered by
that education? Why are we not treated as the complete beings that we are? Why aren't all of our needs
addressed -- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual?

The key reason is that we don't act as a whole and insist that we organize our infrastructures in a way that
deals with all of our needs. The bottom line is that we all need and deserve to have our needs met in all
four areas. As a society, it is important to create the infrastructure to make this so for many people. What
were doing is enabling people to actualize. Actualized people make for an enhanced society in many
ways. This is the first step towards cooperation and cooperative interdependence. Overall, we'll find that
cooperation is far superior to competition in many areas of endeavor -- especially those involving human
services. Interdependence comes from allowing for specialization and its inherent efficiencies. The degree
to which we are advocating such behavior requires an overall level of trust in the sanctity of the whole

It's not clear that we're ready for this level of expression as community. However, I sense that many are,
will soon be, or would like to be. At some point the threshold will be reached and such communities will
start to manifest. Some may wither and die initially, but others will blossom and grow. A community is an
entity, a form of life and activity unto itself. Each will be unique, because it is a composite of its members.
Yet, there is an overall structure as well that permits substitutions/replacements of individuals and allows
for changes in processes/ relationships.

9 Jul 94

If I had essentially unlimited funds, I'd look at every area activity that I felt should not be pursued and I'd
hire away the best and the brightest and find something positive for them to do, funding whatever
beneficial research they chose to engage in. The rational is simple. These activities threaten my world, and
they must be stopped -- and it's such a simple step to stop them, all it takes is the money and the initiative.
In most cases, removing the best and brightest will be sufficient to stop progress on the work.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

More and more, I see that I'm supposed to work at the level of dealing with the whole picture. I need to
understand who knows what and where their knowledge fits in the grand scheme of things. Further, I need
to integrate multiple viewpoints into a holistic world view. The focus seems to be on the nature of reality
and reality creation. In particular, it seems I am responsible for figuring out how our understanding of the
nature of reality and reality creation can be altered in a manner that allows spirit to be more fully
expressed in flesh. Once this has been achieved, the additional flow of spirit can achieve the required
works of advancement. The bottom line is to follow whatever expression of spirit that one can bring
through. Too many people live a basically automated existence devoid of higher spiritual expression. This
is a choice/situation that no longer has to be.


It seems that each time we make a choice we further limit not expand our freedom. Nonetheless, if the
choices are all made satisfactorily an enjoyable lifestyle can arise. We can get used to our chains no matter
what they are and come to think of them as the gifts and pleasures of life after awhile. So long as we are
kept from dreaming or envisioning what could be, what we have is enough, we simply don't see the
limitation. So, how do we soar to freedom?

10 Jul 94

There is some reason that I am a Hermit. I come from an order that is dedicated to helping systems
through major or life threatening transitions. Earth is now in such a state of transition. Those of us of the
order work alone. We operate with a degree of separation between us and those that we assist. Our focus
is on the level of spirit that is manifest in a system. We determine where it flows easily and where it is
blocked and do what we can to help remove the blockages. Our sole aim is to allow spirit to be more fully
enfleshed wherever we can.

11 Jul 94

But, is there not any way out -- can not one accelerate the path by which one gets beyond the illusion? Yes
indeed, such can be done. However, few seem to realize and experience this. They are far too lost in
experiencing their illusions. They wouldn't think of freeing themselves from their own limitations.


Throughout history there have been times when the course of human events were greatly altered because
of men who believed in ideas whose time had come. This is another of these times, but it will demand that
we integrate all that has come before -- seeing what was right and what was not from much more spiritual
eyes. Our consciousnesses will have no trouble distinguishing. The time has arrived to establish a new
order, one unlike any known before. It's time that we truly establish a Heaven on Earth. It is well within
our abilities. All that it demands is a resolve and willingness to cooperate and make it so. Of course, we
also need to define what "Heaven" is to us.

Where does control and power fit into all of this? The answer is, it doesn't. There is no power structure in
the new age that resides with particular individuals. The individuals have functions, roles, and
responsibilities in line with their abilities -- but they do not wield power over anything. People that are

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
operating in a cooperative interdependent structure achieve an overall strength for the group, but not for
any specific individuals. People have jobs that are necessary for the society to function as a whole. In
theory, no one job is any more important than another. In practice, those with greater abilities will have
greater roles to play -- but, because the abilities are there and because jobs of the greatest importance will
have qualifications of character as well, there will be no chance that positions are abused.


How do I transfer what I know and how I feel to others rapidly? I sense that there are many who are at a
crossroads in their life, in limbo between a way of life that they no longer find satisfying and a new more
spiritual way of life that they want to express but haven't found the means to do so. These are the souls
that I need to reach. They are on the forefront, the first phase of the Legion of Light. They specifically
came to lead the way that a host of others might follow. These are advanced souls, only now remembering
who they are. Each has a chosen position to fulfill and a purpose and mission. These Lightworkers will
indeed be known by their works, and their works will be glorious indeed.

13 Jul 94

Overall, it is not yet clear how we create an infrastructure that frees people from lack on any level,
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. But such is what we must create as a society if we are to keep
that society from crumbling at its very core. It is time for us to decide that we will build such a self-
responsible community where all members are fairly and equitably treated. We need to be a society of
people helping people, not one of people hurting people or people in fear of people.


Do what you love, just do it in a manner that provides benefit to society as well. Society is a web in which
every individual has their place, their roles, and their responsibilities -- but also, the means for meeting
their needs effectively and efficiently.

21 Jul 94

Eternity can be experienced in a moment of any duration. The nature of how we experience time is a
mystery. As such, it is unlikely to be unlocked or revealed in our meanderings of consciousness. Mysteries
have a sacredness around them. They are infested with spirit to the point that our standard means of
explanation have little to no validity. Mysteries are to be experienced and known, not analyzed and
understood. They strike our heart and intuition first, and then leave their impression upon our brains. They
draw out our sense of awe and wonder and elicit feelings of great joy and ecstasy.

Let the magic happen! That the world may change to allow the Age of Aquarius to be ushered in to see the
Light of Day. It stands there waiting for its appointed moment. LIGHT will express itself, as gloriously as
possible, and we shall see a brilliantly golden millennium of peace, the likes of which has not been seen
on this planet before. But, there is much change necessary to bring us to this point. From whence will
such change come? Who will provide the motivation and the means to carry this out? It can only come
from spirit moving individuals to act in a united manner to create the world that we truly want to live


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Independence does not work as a valid way of existing in a spiritual age. We are all ONE. Within ONE,
there can be no independence. Whatever is felt as separation must be illusion -- and independence can
only be experienced as otherness and separation from. As a country, so long as we so rigidly identify
freedom with independence we cannot manifest our spiritual destiny as a wayshower nation. But, how do
we even begin to get beyond this? It is so ingrained within us. The only thing I can see is that something
drastic is going to have to happen to make us aware of our need to cooperate with one another, and how
interdependent we already are. Then, the shift is but a minor one that is obvious in light of the experience.
With some of the natural disasters we have seen examples of this, where people are absolutely amazed at
how well people helping people works, without the government or any outside agencies getting in the
way. When faced with a common "enemy" so to speak, people rise to the occasion and live their lives

So, why isn't this same cooperation applied to everyday reality? Why does it require a disaster to evoke?
Why can't people be the heroes that they truly are all the time, or at least much more often? For in such
times are our lives truly lived. Our destiny is set by how we handle such moments. Also, by how we
attract ourselves to such moments. Each of us must choose how we will express those unique powers that
we alone possess. There are many channels for expression, none of which are required. We are always
free to choose. However, we also evaluate our progress in this existence by the lessons we learned and the
choices that we made -- but, we do this after the fact at a time when we cannot change what we had

25 Jul 94

In the end, what matters is that The Plan is achieved so that all consciousness, the ONE can be raised.
Such is the cry of spirit. For all this time we have played out our game in darkness. Let there be Light,
that all may see their true nature as spirit and release the chains of bondage to darkness that they have
accepted as a part of their being for so long.


Knowledge of self is indeed the greatest of gifts that one can be given. It is given only to those who have
prepared themselves to be ready to receive it through steadfast dedication to the pursuit of self-
knowledge. There is no other way. One gets what one focuses on. For spiritual growth, one must focus on
the unfoldment of the flower of consciousness. Consciousness itself must be nurtured, understood,
realized, and transcended in a seemingly neverending process. This requires observation and great
patience. The self will not be rushed in its awareness of the Self. Everything occurs in its proper timing.
The whole purpose of the game is ever-expanding awareness of self. At some point, this self becomes Self
becomes ONE becomes ALL THAT IS. This is a very powerful process, however, it is the only game
great enough that it could engage consciousness so thoroughly. And, what an engaging game it is!


Being Buddha, and being God, and being Cosmic Consciousness -- these experiences were wonderful and
I lost myself in the immensity of the experiences. Now, I realize that I am these beings, but only as a small
part. However, if I took a cell from my right thigh and were to ask it who it was -- it would answer
Wayne, just as any cell would. That is the only identity it knows. It has no separate existence. Similarly,
when Wayne acts from a state of mind that is in synchrony with Buddha then Wayne is Buddha. It also
didn't hurt that my birthday happens to be the same as Buddha and that I live in a town next to a town
where there is a Chinese restaurant, the Golden Buddha, that has a huge Golden Buddha in the restaurant.
When you operate heavily from the intuitive side, associations are of great importance and there are no
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
coincidences. All the details are intricately planned to have specific effects. It's amazing how fine this
granularity goes. There is layer upon layer of meaning interposed upon one another in a fashion that
allows each of us to get the specific stimuli and experiences that we need for our highest growth.

As you can see, it is easy to get lost when you are exploring new country without any references points
and with no support. However, as a wayshower, my sense is that there was no other way for me to
experience this. My hope is that others can benefit from where I have gone and what I have documented.
Even more important, I feel that I am in a position to be of service to others undergoing this kind of
change by being able to ask the right kinds of questions to assist a person in the psyche transformations
and belief system changes that occur. Jointly, we can develop a new framework for identity that
incorporates the awareness shifts and serves the whole person.

26 Jul 94

The moving hands continue to write, and having writ, not one word can be erased. For the sequence of
words has passed from the unseen to the seen. And, even without physical witness, consciousness herself
perceived of the creation. Yes, every such act is an act of creation. It is new and fresh, bringing what was
not into being. How magnificent is this process of creation that it could occur so easily and so often.
Many look to a beginning when God created the Earth, the Heavens and all that is within them. But, I ask
you to look at your own creations as well. Eden did not have roads and sewers and bridges. Nor did it
have cars, TVs, computers, phones and any of the other inventions that have sprung forth from the minds
of man and been made manifest in physical form. Further, it did not have all the ideas and information in
all the books that populate your libraries, both fiction and non-fiction. All of this and much more, are the
creation of your unique consciousness -- not individually, but en masse, with each individual cooperating
in an appropriate manner. The Play progresses, and the inventions come at an ever accelerating pace; but,
to what end? Where is all of this going? It is important to realize that none of this was by accident. The
divine hand has been there guiding the way all the time. Inspiration was provided when and where it was
needed to allow the Plan to unfold as written.

There are no accidents. Life is not evolving by chance. There is a definite moving force behind the scenes
that ensures that the proper events occur to facilitate the growth and expression of consciousness. Our
path has been to explore separation. We did it very well, carrying it to extremes that were unknown on
other planets. The experience has not been all positive, however. We have almost ceaseless periods of war,
and much brutality and inhumanity that has accompanied our interactions among one another. Yes, we
learned from this. However, it is not clear that we really got the spiritual lessons. One needs to look at
events from a higher ground to see their meaning within a larger context. This is very difficult for an
individual to do alone. But, the collective books written on various events and their meanings may indeed
have captured this for the entire race. We need to stop looking at our actions as independent things done
by individuals and start looking at the collective action of the whole as a body. Because we have a
collective mind or collective subconscious, we do get the benefit of whatever anyone puts into that
collective entity. Further, since the subconscious operates on a need to know basis, we are given access to
whatever information is needed for us to carry out our tasks. That is, provided we have developed our
abilities to receive such information. This requires development of both the conscious mind and the

27 Jul 94

I'm enjoying my role as the characterizer of reality, trying to figure out how everything fits together from
a global perspective. This also involves figuring out the overall themes which work their way through
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
various ages and places. However, the understanding only needs to be at a high level consciously for a
whole swell of subconscious information to kick in. It's as if we're working with icebergs and the
conscious mind is only aware of the parts above water. To see the massive parts below, one must first have
some inkling that they might indeed be there. Then, one needs to find appropriate tools or capabilities to
explore what is there. If we have proper beliefs about how these normally hidden parts of mind function,
we've taken the first step towards harnessing their capabilities. The goal is to operate as a whole being in
doing whatever tasks that one has taken on in this existence.


We have to start with a basic agreement as to how we treat one another as brethren. This is the key.
Barring that, the war is lost. We have to know that there is spirit within each and every one of us, start
searching for it, and find ways to bring it out. This alone is the path towards correcting our social ills.
Every one of us counts. Every one of us has great value. We are spirit enfleshed, lost though we may be in
whatever illusions we currently experience. For some souls, the illusions are much darker than for others
-- making it that much more important that they get whatever help they need. We help because there is
need, and the whole role of Light in the game is to fill whatever need is found, wherever it is found. Each
of us is a worker of Light. Part of our responsibility in this existence is to spread that light. Not
necessarily just among friends, but, to wherever it is needed. This does not mean that you should help
anytime there is a chance for you to do so. Help for a portion of your time that feels right to you, and do it
in a way that maximizes its impact.


For most creative people, inspiration just comes. Some say it comes out of the sky. Some are struck, as if
hit by lighting. Some have an Aha experience from out of nowhere. Consciousness is the single source
that provides all such inspiration. In all of these experiences, we have a temporary union of the individual
with the universal that results in the creative spark. Such creativity can only come from spirit tapped to
consciousness itself. Since all spirits tap into the same source, this source can orchestrate what creativity
is expressed where and how. To a large degree this determines the impact of the work on the world. How
beautiful. This makes for a simple and elegant method for executing a large part of the Plan. It's
interesting how our computer systems are employing similar principles to create a wide variety of
applications. Science has indeed progressed enough to get us ready to understand what we need to know
to embark on the new age. It's as if we've come to a crossroads of time and space. Wow! We even have the
physicists talking like religious mystics. It's clearly time for a unification of religion and science -- or, at
least, of metaphysics and physics.


Looking back, the millennium had to go as it did for us to learn the lessons that were required on a scale
necessary to place them in the mass consciousness. Each step along the way was absolutely necessary.
Inventions were not chance occurrences, they were gifts of consciousness. In many cases, these gifts
literally changed the world in very important ways. I won't enumerate these changes and the connections
between them. Others have already done this, although they might not agree with my divine gift

Did we really have to experience it all? Even such things as the holocaust? I would answer yes we did,
every last atrocity -- but also every act of kindness. I can't take it a step further and answer why, what real
purpose did it serve? We just had to know first hand how cruel we could be to one another if we
relinquished personal power and responsibility to a bureaucratic system that was not infused with spirit.
But, why on such a grand scale? I can only guess because it was so important to learn this lesson. The
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
other lesson was one of how low the darkness of hatred can sink. It's not clear that the world has really
learned either of these lessons.

30 Jul 94

My VISION of the country and the world says there is a better way, and it starts via the formation of a
society. A society is greater than a collection of states or a government. A society is a collection of people
that bond together for the greater good of all. In a society, each member is taken care of in exchange for
providing their services in some manner that benefits the society. We already know that we have more
people than we need to provide goods and services to people in this country. However, we also know that
there are many things that need to be done that there is no money to pay to do. To me this is stupid. As a
society, all of the money is all of ours. If we have carpenters out of work, and carpentry work that has to
be done, we're simply wasting resources. The day of the carpenters time that is lost can never be
recovered. We need to think in terms of people being the most important resources in this country. Then,
we need to construct an economic system such that all of the people are employed in ways that use their
abilities and talents in a manner that ensures that sufficient goods and services are provided to meet the
collective needs of individuals. Further, we need to ensure that the infrastructure is established in a
manner so that the overall lifestyle is improved.

31 Jul 94

So, here and now, what is it that I can do to facilitate the growth and to start to carry out my mission? You
are already doing what you can do. Enjoy the magic of it all more often. Look out and truly see the
grandeur and wonder that spirit has wrought. For, it is spirit that has done all this and even more that lies
unseen beneath the surface. See the world as the unity that it already is. Don't place this unity out
somewhere in the future. It is here and now -- we have only to see it through a different set of eyes. As
soon as we see differently, the world will have already transformed. We repeat, you don't have to wait for
the world to change for you to see it differently -- change your seeing of it first.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1



Our nature is spirit,

regardless of the limitations of form
that we have chosen to
wrap ourselves within
for whatever periods or time.

We are spirit first,

then we are in the midst of
having a physical experience.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


1 Aug 94

We're in the process of building a body for the greater expression of the US as a true spiritually based
society. The directions for what is required for this organization will come directly from spirit to the
specific individuals involved. Some will be asked to lead. Others will see that they have no choice but to
follow. It does not matter. What must be, will be. Consciousness will do what it takes to ensure that the
Plan is executed on earth. We are very close to a very special event for Consciousness on this planet -- an
event so important that visitors from other Galaxies and Universes have come to observe what we are to
experience. Such is the importance of the changing of this particular age. Why? Because there is an
accompanying Self-Realization of Consciousness that happens on a grand scale. The Earth is ready to
burst and become a Sun, such will be it's level of spiritual brilliance. As a planet with its blue-green and
white colors, it was a rare jewel, appropriate for the grand experiment that was being played out. The
experiment rapidly draws to a close, and it is time for a bold new adventure of consciousness to begin.
Are we as a species ready for it? Maybe. Maybe not. But, we will be when the time comes. We still have
much to learn about our position in the larger scheme of things. The rules change a bit, but, much is the
same. We still have the task of knowing ourselves. That never goes away. Yes, we will be freer. However,
there still will be restrictions -- some of our world, but most of our own making.


I sense that I need to be there and build my school. When I've done so, others will come. Just like in the
movie, "If you build it, they will come." Deep within me, I have that same voice. They will come because
it pulls their hearts and calls to their souls. They will come because there is no other place on the planet
that they would rather be. And they will stay because they will have found home in a way that they have
never known before. And, before long the City of Light will be born. Airplanes will see strange lights as
they pass by. Visitors will come and will be transformed, renewed in spirit. Yeah, verily, these things I see
and more.


Beyond Imagination is to include a school. You already know that. This is indeed part of the Plan. It is
through the people attracted to that school that much of your work will be done. And, you will be
surprised by some of the people that come. No, not at first. But, once you are established, word of your
work will be carried by word of mouth to people of influence and power. You will indeed rub elbows with
some of the movers and shakers of your day, and through these contacts you will be able to get your ideas
out to the world at large. Because of the rapport you establish, your ideas will carry great weight, yet the
ideas will stand on their own merit and this will be why they are implemented. In that time, we see you
smiling, knowing that what you did made a difference in your world -- allowing the Age of Aquarius to
see the light of day, greeting a people fully prepared for its arrival.

2 Aug 94

As a society, we need to make sure that the right people are being applied to each task. And, in particular,
to the greatest and most important of tasks. For, these must be done right or all of society suffers. Other
tasks have more leeway, allowing errors to be tolerated, but the critical tasks must be done right from a
spiritual standpoint.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

Hard to believe as it is, your path has deep purpose, but it is a purpose that is primarily meaningful to your
consciousness. Some of you have accepted greater roles, however, along with their attendant
responsibilities. You may be feeling the burden of those responsibilities now, without necessarily enjoying
the position that goes with them. Consciousness has this habit of testing us to make sure we are ready for
each new step along the way. Where we are not, consciousness arranges for the appropriate education or


Yes, writing is definitely it for you. Words sing when they come through your mind. There is a natural
grace and beauty in such pure expression. You take great pleasure in the process, not attached to the
particular words that come out, but hooked on the joy of creative expression. Yes, this is how your spirit
expresses itself in it's most intimate way. It is required to be such for you to be the wayshower. For it is
your job to show the way for consciousness to become greater than itself. Only words can truly convey
what must be conveyed. In the beginning was the Word. How appropriate that consciousness would have
to return to its beginnings to find its source. However, it is not that easy. There is not some simple step
that results in ONE. Consciousness has taken a long time to weave itself into this web of Light and Dark.
It will not find it simple to extricate itself from the illusion. But, then again, that could depend on you,
wayshower. The better you do your job, the easier it will be for all consciousness. However, it is not for
you to carry others to the light. They must have the initiative to lift themselves up. Given this, they will
receive any help they may need.

3 Aug 94

Spiritual law says our birthright is abundance, whatever that may be for us. Further, this is an abundance
on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. So, how do we claim this abundance? The first
step is to realize how abundant our lives are already. See the countless blessings that have already been
bestowed upon you, and be grateful. Once you have truly experienced the fullness, you will have made
room for more to enter your life. Be thankful for that which you already have, and unto you more shall be
given. For, the supply is bountiful, indeed without end. It is only your capacity to receive which prevents
you from having more. Interesting. So, how do we increase our capacity to receive? By knowing whom
that you are, and knowing what you truly deserve. For, you will receive as you believe you are worthy.
Argue for limitation to your worth and that will be reflected in your life. And, if I assess my worth to be
unlimited, to truly have no price? Then, you shall be a king in this world, and your supply shall be without
limit, coming from spirit itself. Can this truly be so easy? Again the question comes up: Am I mad? Is this
all a delusion? Can it be this way? What must I do to make it so? Every fiber within me says no. I am
sane, as sane as any man alive. Yet, I can imagine an outside observer peering into the workings of my
mind as revealed in these notes and coming up with a different conclusion. My sense is that I am walking
the fine line between genius and madness. That, to some degree, I've been walking this line most of my
life. Yes, I know. Grandiosity again, but what do you expect from someone like me? These notes give you
a chance to walk in my shoes for awhile, or better yet, in my brain. It's probably tough walking however,
without the frame of reference that I was able to develop over 20 years. I can only hope that enough of a
framework is conveyed in these words to give them life and meaning. For, my hope is that I serve as a lit
candle, or as a torch, lighting the candles of spirit in others.


Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
This is why I can be so self-confident, some might say pompous or self-centered. From my point of view,
I have abilities and talents that set me apart from others -- specifically so that I can carry out a particular
spiritual mission. This does not make me better than anyone. We are all consciousness, and consciousness
is all equal. Further, individual consciousnesses merge into the ONE Consciousness. However, our
conscious minds operate at very different levels of awareness depending on how much we have come to
"know ourself". It is this distinction that makes us suited for different tasks. It also gives us different
abilities and talents. Everyone has a role to play, and has been given exactly what was needed to be able to
play that role well. Whether they perform well is another matter.

5 Aug 94

We are spirit enfleshed every moment of every day. Then, how does a killer or rapist do their deeds? Is
this truly spirit in expression? In truth, it must be, for there is simply nothing else that exists. Nothing.
Even what you might call the devil is spirit expressed, not necessarily in physical form, though its
expression may indeed impact the actions of those who are in physical form. Contemplate this for awhile.
Find a way to integrate the fact that all experience comes from spirit, and then have compassion for all the
participants, the perpetrators and the victims. All are playing out their assigned roles just as surely as you
are. Further, all are choosing their experiences. Not at a conscious level, but at a spiritual level that knows
what is best for them. It is not for you to judge what is right or wrong from this. What you should be
seeing is the deficiencies in society that allow or force such expressions to happen. Responsibility
operates at many intertwining levels. It is not the individual alone that is responsible as we seem to
believe in this country. That may have worked 200 years ago, but even then, I suspect there was a great
deal of cooperation among neighbors.


Take one day at a time. Make each choice when it needs to be made. Don't fret or worry about where it is
all leading. Moreover, don't try to force it where you might have it go. No matter how informed you are,
there is no way for you to predict or prepare for the changes that lie ahead. They will occur in such a
nature and on such a scale that your systems will not be able to cope with them consciously. You're going
to have to rely on your own inner sources, in particular the spirit from which you spring that expresses
itself physically through you. There is no question about it. This is your rock and your strength, and it
knows exactly what guidance you need to take you to the conditions and position that is right for you. It,
in turn, gets its direction from the Collective Consciousness which reveals to it your part in the Plan.
Words are tricky here. We're into an area where various levels of awareness and information hiding are
occurring. I haven't yet mapped these out, nor has consciousness attempted to express them through this
channel yet. There is a "need to know" principle in operation. Consciousness only reveals to us what we
need to know. Further, even if the words are presented to us, our own consciousness won't let us
understand their meaning unless we have a personal need to know.


We have to find effective ways for spirit to more fully express itself in flesh not just on an individual
level, but on group and organizational levels as well. This is what the Aquarian Age is all about. But, we
have to go from a ME focus to a WE focus. It's interesting, ME and WE are mirror reflections of one
another. I never realized this before. This makes the process easier. It's not completely foreign, it's just a
matter of turning it around. In this case, upside down. All it takes is a different point of view.

8 Aug 94
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
We all experience exactly what we need to experience. Why? Because we are spirit enfleshed and we take
care of ourselves. What we have yet to learn is how better to take care of ourselves in the collective
whole. It is here where each of us has a responsibility that has never been recognized before. As
individuals, we have always been taught that we have a responsibility for ourselves and our families. For
the most part it stops here. We never take the next jump and say that collectively we are a community and
within that community we have these rights and responsibilities. We haven't done what it takes to
empower a community to truly chart its own destiny in a manner that benefits all. This is the dream of
Beyond Imagination. This is what makes my heart sing out and my brain tingle from ear to ear. To create
a true society, united in light, peace, and brotherhood, as has never been seen on this planet before -- at
least not in any history that we are aware of.


So, why am I so special that I am privy to speaking with consciousness herself? I can only answer that it
is because I have taken the time to find the channel within me through which she can speak, and further
took the time to listen to what she had to say. I am not special in this regard. There is such a channel
within each of us, but it is only by our own efforts that we find it, and then we must listen to it or our
efforts to find it will have been for not. Even when we do find it, what comes through will be different for
each being depending on what that being needs to know. Compare not your voice within to another. Trust
your own, and it will guide you to wherever you need to go and whatever you need to do.


There is something about making the material physical, putting it in writing that makes all the difference.
As thoughts, the words are but flights of the imagination. But when we put them down on paper, or any
other medium of expression, we go beyond imagination and make them real. This is reality creation in
progress. This is how we change our world, one step at a time, one idea at a time. We only have to bring
forth those ideas whose time has come. These will transform the nation and the world in a manner and at a
speed that is beyond what anyone has ever dreamed.

9 Aug 94

What I do have is a desire to change things here. In particular, to complete the pyramid that our founding
fathers began nearly 220 years ago. Is it really that important? Yes! One might say it is the most important
thing in the world at this time. Are others working on this as well? I believe so because of the apparent
size of the task, but I do not have firsthand knowledge, so I cannot say for sure. Obviously, many were
involved in the founding. My sense is that many will be involved in the completion as well. The founding
fathers were some of the greatest men of their day. It is not clear how such would be chosen today. Also,
the country at that time consisted of thirteen relatively small states/commonwealths. The population was
probably far less than a million, less than half a percent of what it is today. Our current infrastructure
doesn't allow us to empower a dozen or two dozen of our best and brightest citizens to refound our
country and provide the shining example that it is our destiny to provide to the world.

You say, "we're already doing this, democracy is that shining example". But, is it? We may be free, but
we're afraid to go out at night because of the high rates of crime. We have more people per capita in
prison than any other nation in the world. Are these the fruits of freedom? Yes, overall we've done well,
and for many years we did provide such an example though it never contained the spiritual light needed to
make it truly shine. But, for at least 20 years now, in some areas longer, we've been a society in decay in
many ways and our problems have grown from small nuisances that we could ignore to cancers that
threaten to consume us if we don't find ways to treat and cure them. Education and health care are two
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
areas where fundamental problems are eating us alive. Attention is starting to be applied, but the
timeframe is way out of scale. They want solutions to start taking effect around the turn of the century or
later. In today's world, we can't take 6 years to address a problem. The patient is hemorrhaging, we either
do something now or we let the patient die.


Writing is an interesting process. It is as if the state of the mind is frozen in the words that are recorded on
the paper. Many times I've been through these notes, attempting to create a picture of what it is that could
have produced such thoughts, attempting to fathom the very nature of consciousness herself. Each time, I
get a little closer. Each time, there are new realizations and discoveries. The explorer inside me goes wild
with each new understanding. Yes, I must write. For this is the critical step that allows any of this to occur.
If the thoughts just passed fleetingly through my mind, the effect would not be the same. The words
capture landscapes within a territory. But without an overall map that provides a context, all we have is
pretty snapshots. Wayne is still in the process of formulating the map. When this is done, the notes will
have served their purpose and we can move on to other projects. This is but a phase in interpreting and
understanding the landscape of the spiritual world.

10 Aug 94

Our nature is spirit, regardless of the limitations of form that we have chosen to wrap ourselves within for
whatever periods or time. We are spirit first, then we are in the midst of having a physical experience.
Some would have us believe that this spirit stuff is a bunch of crap, that what you see is what you are, that
the illusion is the only reality. But, this is pure bunk, regardless of how many people believe it. This is not
a matter of consensus. This is not something we can vote on. It is or it is not, pure and simple. Our
wanting it to be one way or another only has impact on the illusion, not on the reality. But, how do we
know what is reality from what is illusion? Here's where we have to develop a personal relationship with
that part of us that is spirit. This is our personal tie to all of consciousness. And, consciousness is the only
true reality. What consciousness does and immerses itself within is illusion. It does this to create, learn,
and gain experience. All consciousness is engaged in the same basic activity, to come to know itself. And,
this makes for a grand adventure, for each step along the way consciousness at all levels finds out that it
was more than it could possibly have imagined. Yes, beyond imagination is truly appropriate for
describing this process. Yes, indeed.


Light seeks creative expression in many ways. Spiritual transformation is the process of turning oneself
inside out so that spirit may do its work in the world through the flesh. When we live primarily from the
conscious mind, we live outside out. We take inputs into the senses and believe that what we perceive of
the illusion is real. Don't get me wrong, the conscious mind is a useful tool and ally, but it is not
sufficiently aware to be a useful master for the being. For that we need to turn to other parts more
intimately connected with expressing spirit in flesh. The superconscious is in the best position to serve as
master, but it refuses to force itself on the other parts of self. It works solely via cooperation, gently
nudging other parts of self by providing them what they need, and guiding them as to what they need to
do. Ever increasing awareness is the point behind everything. Consciousness becoming more and more
aware of itself.

11 Aug 94

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
I wonder just how people would react to my views. Would they call me a communist and let that prevent
them from hearing what I have to say? My sense is that this wound runs so deep in our country, from the
McCarthy hearings in the 50s, that I would be hard pressed to find anyone in power that would consider
communist in even a neutral light. Yet, it all seems so stupid. Why should negative associations prevent
the light of truth to shine? We are meant to be a community, not a collection of individuals, and what
makes a community out of individuals is one simple principle "from each in accord with their abilities, to
each in accord with their needs". Why is this so hard to get across to people? The bottom line is do we
trust US to meet the needs of each one of us? Yes, it requires a leap of trust. Also, it requires a collective
responsibility to meet the needs of each individual. In the United States, we don't have this. From a
spiritual standpoint, this is a definite lack that prevents our expression as a spiritual nation in the world.
You say, so what? Unless we can correct this deficiency, we can't fulfill our spiritual destiny and be the
shining example for the world that we are meant to be. Actually, this is not a possibility. The Aquarian
Age will indeed arrive, and this is a prerequisite event for its arrival. Somehow, the United States will get
it's act together and start playing the starring role in the transition of one age to another. It will be
interesting to see how the details play themselves out, especially in the critical next few years. But, let's
take it one step at a time. It's going to take the people some time to be amenable to being communists. It's
hard to imagine anything but a massive disaster forcing such a change. But then, spirit works in
mysterious ways, perhaps this hasn't been explained in a way that truly made sense in the west. After all,
since the 40s, no one in this country has looked on communist principles as having any validity or
applicability to the United States. Prior to that, issues concerning the rights of workers muddied the
picture as well. From a spiritual point of view, none of that matters. What does matter is how we get spirit
to express more fully in flesh in everyone. The primary way we do this is by meeting the needs of each
individual, and finding a way for each individual to use their talents and abilities for the benefits of
society. It's that simple. One statement is sufficient to express the contract between individuals and a true


I have the sense that these notes are capturing in writing a process that has never been captured in this
way before. Consciousness is recording snapshots of itself, attempting to provide a more complete picture
of what it is than it has been able to bring forth before. The scientific method will not work. This is not
something one can be objective about. Life is a subjective experience, and consciousness is the engine
that animates all life, all reality for that matter.


I AM what I AM. I am what I think. Interesting. These notes capture much of the later, but it is not clear
that they can ever capture the former. My beingness as consciousness goes beyond what I think. Yet, the
only things that I can express in words are the thoughts that come into my brain. Interesting. However,
there is hope. Thoughts are the observable behavior of consciousness. In engineering, we've found that
you can often tell a lot about the nature of a machine by observing it's outputs. Further, the thoughts
themselves are describing or at least attempting to describe consciousness itself. Further still, all is
consciousness, so thoughts are just a limited form thereof. Humans as well are consciousness in form.

12 Aug 94

Yet, it all comes back to ONE consciousness being behind it all. This is what we must realize, not that I
am the same as you, but that the consciousness in me, the spirit in me, is the same as the consciousness,
the spirit in you. We are still individuals in the outer world, but we are one in the inner. Too many of us
have forgotten this, if indeed we ever knew it at all. We saw ourselves as the individual fingers of the two
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
hands treating our fellow fingers on the same hand as brethren, but on the opposite hand as foreigners not
knowing that the hand they were part of was an extension of the same body. Interesting analogy. In the
outer world, we interact as independent fingers or individuals, but beneath the surface there is only one
body. One consciousness expressed through individuals, how does this revelation change the way we view
the major events in the history of mankind? More importantly, how does this change the way we look at
our selves, our thoughts, and our relationships with others? When an individual has a realization,
consciousness has that same realization. When a new thought comes through an individual, it is
consciousness that has created it. So, where does the distinction between the individual and consciousness
happen? And, why does it need to be? Consciousness created the world including all of it's life forms for
the expression of spirit and to provide the conditions that would allow it to learn of its own nature and
grow. As it's parts, we are all endowed with the same characteristics. Yet there never was any separation
possible. There wasn't any stuff from which to make anything separate. Regardless of how solid the form
may feel, we must be still part of that very one consciousness from which we spring. Nothing else makes
sense. It's all an elaborate play, an imagining beyond compare in which consciousness has set up
partitions within itself to isolate its parts and via observation and experiment learn of its own nature.
Virtual reality shows us that we can do something similar. It allows us to create worlds and experiences
that appear very real. It's interesting that this technology would arrive at this time, for consciousness is
ready to tell us it has all been a game, and enlist us to cooperatively embark on a new adventure. Our
consciousness is learning to become a God of some type. Just as we have roles and responsibilities so too
does this one consciousness. As above, so below. It applies here as it does in many other places. To be a
God one must have learned to create in one's own image. To move up the hierarchy, one must train one's
replacement. It is not clear how high the hierarchy goes. We're generally never aware of more than one
level up or down from where we are.

In real terms, how does this change our day to day reality? For me, it makes a big difference. I know now
that all of this comes from consciousness, every bit of it. It doesn't come from some separate entity that
you might think me to be as an individual. All along, my impression that it just comes through, that I have
no sense of generating it in any way, has been right. Consciousness exists independent of our bodies, yet it
can use our bodies as vehicles through which to act and to communicate. Further, this consciousness is the
same one consciousness for all of us. The consciousness that spoke through Emerson, Thoreau, and
Whitman is the very same consciousness that speaks through me. I chose those particular individuals
because the Transcendentalists have always deeply touched my soul. I knew myself to be among their kin
in spirit. There was simply no doubt about it. Yet, this consciousness also expressed itself through Hitler
and Stalin and everyone else who has ever lived.


What does the one consciousness realization do to the concepts expressed about community? It means
that each member springs from the same source, and this is true not only for the country but for the entire
world as well. However, the fact that we are connected by one consciousness doesn't mean that our needs
in this world go away. Getting people to move from an outward focus to an inner one is not something
that is going to happen overnight. Sorry, the outer world is simply too attractive for that to happen. Those
who do have the inner connection will find a renewed strength however, for they will know that
regardless of their circumstances they have the full force of consciousness behind them. Even though they
never meet a kindred spirit face to face, they will know that they are there, as close as there own heart, for
the life force that animates any of us animates all of us. We are all ONE. I've been talking about finding
my spiritual family as if I need to find other fingers to interact with to do my work. Now, I sense that such
came out of a loneliness of not knowing the true nature of consciousness. The works of religious science
make more sense now as well. Holmes also talks of there being One Mind, One Consciousness, and we
are that.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

13 Aug 94

My sense is that I don't have to bring through what others have done, and definitely not in the same way.
While repetition works in building a skill, it is not an efficient way to bring the message of spirit through.
The number of people conveying the same message has no bearing on its validity. I would prefer the role
of explorer and wayshower, venturing forth into the wilderness of spirit and coming back with whatever I
can to show others. For me, this venturing is an inward voyage. To some degree, I have been on this
voyage most of my life. However, by far, the past year has been the most intense. Yet, with a few minor
exceptions, I have thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. I would not roll back the clock and go back to my
life and my awareness as it was. Now, I know from experience things that I only thought that I knew then.
And, I'm here to tell you that experience makes all the difference, especially when it comes to spiritual
reality. I believe that the expression of this material in this way, and what it shows about the nature of
individual consciousness and the one consciousness is unique. Whether it's worth reading hundreds of
pages to gain this experience is another matter. As the wayshower, I have bared my soul in the most
intimate way that I could to help bring forth spiritual truths about the nature of consciousness. Or have I?
For the most part, it is consciousness that brings the material through. I've been through a series of
awakenings that I believe were required to open me for this material to be manifested. However, thus far,
I'm not really on the line for anything. Yes, I've revealed things about my state of mind that most people
keep private. But, I don't feel threatened by this in any way. Ok, you could say I have bared some part of
my soul after all, but I do it lovingly, as an example of the level of interaction I would like to see in
society. Further, thus far, it has only gone so far as words on paper. Until they are read, there is no risk
involved anyway -- and by that time, who knows where my awareness will be?


My mind keeps wandering back to this reality of ONE consciousness. That is how the cooperation can be
so incredible. There is only one entity doing it all. And yet the work has been partitioned within that
entity, and laws have been set up to automate portions of the workings of various things. It's much easier
to create the basic principles and laws for a world than to create all the detailed behavior first. The forms
that consciousness creates are thought forms. Worlds are thought forms. Universes are thought forms.
Beings are thought forms. Consciousness creates thought forms, period. That's just what it does. To endow
these forms with life, to make them real, consciousness allocates part of itself to these thought forms.


One consciousness. All one consciousness. Every thought, every idea comes from that same one source.
When I see an idea come to me from the outside, through reading it or hearing it, what I'm really
experiencing is consciousness sending something out and having it be returned to itself. What allows me
to understand anything is consciousness' assessment that I am ready to do so. For, what is understanding?
It is giving the conscious whatever is needed to "stand under" the given idea. If the path is open from the
conscious to consciousness, this is easy. If not, consciousness may be able to arrange for appropriate
experiences to support understanding, assuming that the individual is indeed ready to understand.


I know not what audience this is being written for. Regardless, it will probably only reach folks who have
some connection already established to consciousness. So, seeing these words should allow you to open
yourself to more of the one that we are. I am only expressing what you too are capable of expressing
except in this case, I have already done it, so you are free to express that which only you are capable of. I
ask that you, too, do it with gusto, with everything you have, no, with everything you are, no holds barred.
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Let this be your example, but find your own way to fully express whom that you are, the one
consciousness as it expresses itself through you.

14 Aug 94

The bottom line is that all expression comes from the one consciousness. All expression comes through
us, not from us. This applies not only to these notes but to everything that is manifest. There is only ONE
consciousness, and it expresses through all of us. Cooperation is easy because it's between the parts of one
whole, not between distinct individuals, no matter how distinctly individual that they see themselves to
be. It matters not what we appear to be, but what we are. Oh yes, the illusion has an attraction that makes
it appear very real indeed. But the appearance is not the reality regardless of how firmly we believe in it.
Deep stuff, but extremely important. This also means that I don't have to worry about forcing things to
happen. Anyone I am supposed to work with will be drawn to me, or I'll be guided to them when the time
is right for us to interact or work together. The same one consciousness guides us both, so we will be
moved toward one another. Reality creation works from the inside out. Our level of awareness puts us in a
position to be of service. Consciousness then moves us into the situations and circumstances that allow
our services to be provided. Interesting. In my concept for society, I want us to take responsibility for
doing this ourselves. The bottom line is that this would offload other parts of consciousness from having
to take care of these things. Interesting. Maybe there is a possibility that consciousness could split itself
and grow the split part into an independent entity. It doesn't seem the right time to deal with this yet. It has
to do with the test of Godhood being to create like unto oneself. Consciousness by its very nature creates.
But, this is the ultimate test. For, it says to create on the order of yourself.

This concept, no truth, that there is only ONE consciousness keeps filling my mind. One consciousness
expressed through all the universe, the earth, nature, animals, and nearly 5 billion humans. Yes, religions
have taught for centuries that God created and was omnipresent through all this. Yet, there was an
impersonal sense in all of that. Here we're talking about the essence that sends forth these words through
this channel, the consciousness that each of us is directly connected to. This isn't some abstract thing. It's
here, as close as my fingers moving over a keyboard to bring forth the letters, words, and ideas that are
expressed herein. I have no idea how it expresses in your life, but it must. Consciousness always finds a
way to express no matter how clogged the channel. My vehicle is writing, but any form of creative
expression might be chosen and this might even be applied to areas of life that could be considered
mundane. It doesn't matter. Whatever you do, do it with a little more zest and creativity, and allow the
inner you to express itself in whatever way seems appropriate or is available. Consciousness herself is not
restricting its own expression. In fact, it's doing all that it can to help you. However, it cannot just blast it's
way through. That would only burn you out. No, consciousness can guide and gently push at times, but it's
up to you to do the self discovery work necessary to allow you to express spirit more fully.


You don't have to solve it all. You are one person. Only work the part that truly excites you, for that is
where your spiritual tasks are. That is also where your abilities and talents have their greatest impact,
resulting in the greatest success in your mission. You need to be careful not to take on the work of others.
This applies not only to you but to many others who serve the one consciousness as well. Wherever
possible, train others and delegate so that you can go on to do even greater tasks in line with your purpose.
This is standard operating procedure for those on the path. Find ways to free your time to devote to your
higher tasking from consciousness. Your efforts will indeed be rewarded. However, consciousness looks
for initiative to be demonstrated on the part of the individual. You do this by choosing where you apply
your focus.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

The name of the game is the expression of consciousness, as fully and as clearly as possible in flesh. It has
to be through the creations, or it doesn't count. The actual creation is consciousness expressed in flesh.
This is what consciousness is creating. We are at the pinnacle of that activity. However, it works two
ways. Consciousness has fashioned the clay and breathed life into it. Now, that life needs to stretch back
to it's source to allow even more to come through. To do this, it has to realize that there is a source to
begin with, that there is a connection to this source, and that there is great benefit to developing this
connection and trusting what comes through it. Much of this is against everything that one is taught
intellectually in the world today. However, that doesn't matter. What matters is truth, and the truth is that
we are consciousness expressing in form, and further that one consciousness expresses through all of us.

15 Aug 94

As always, our advice is simple, do what you are moved to do, when you are moved to do it. At times you
will be heavily moved, so much so that it will seem that all of your time is occupied in the endeavors that
consciousness would have you involved in. At other times, it will be as if you are on your own, with not
even the slightest whisper guiding you. It matters not. Go with the flow. The more you resist, the harder it
will be. The more you try, the less you will achieve. When you are with the flow, all heaven comes down
to assist you.


It is in the spiritual arena where consciousness finds its forte. It is in that arena that the work of
consciousness is done. The others are the backwater so to speak. It is the spiritual arena where
consciousness wages its battle against the shadows of darkness that so prevail in the world at this time. Its
only weapon is to shine its Light wherever it can, that the shadows can be seen to be what they are, mere


You are consciousness first. Consciousness by its very nature exists. It is the I AM. There is nothing that it
can do or that can be done to it that would make it cease to be. Descartes was wrong so many years ago,
"Cogito ergo Sum" should have been "Sum ergo Cogito". I AM, therefore I think. For thinking is the
major activity that consciousness is engaged in. And the thoughts that consciousness forms have the
power to create worlds upon worlds upon worlds, like this very one where we presently find ourselves.

16 Aug 94

We speak through you, yet you know not truly who you are. We are connected to you in the most intimate
ways. Without us you could not exist. Without our thoughts you would neither experience nor exist as
individual beings. We would tell you that things are not as they seem. Trust not what your eyes and other
senses tell you. They reflect to you whatever you would have them reflect, for it is your own thoughts and
beliefs that come back to you. We urge you to see this, to know this, and to become detached from the
illusion for awhile and find your way to the truth that calls from the center of your being. It has always
been there, waiting for you to seek and find it. It had no way to call out to you, except for a small still
voice inside. This was the test that one had to pass to find the key to the kingdom. What you see in the
world is restriction in action. The true kingdom lies within. That's where the mansions are, mansion's far
more stately and elegant than anything conceived on earth. Yet, there is no reason such could not be
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
brought to earth as well. After all, the point for these times is to allow spirit to be more fully expressed in
flesh, within the illusion. Why? For the sheer joy of expression, that's why. There need be no other reason.


Those two areas, questioning and beliefs are the primary interface of spirit to body/mind/ emotions. They
are the key mechanism through which reality creation (illusion creation) occurs and through which any
spiritual awakening happens. The tools serve both functions, the difference being solely in how they are
used, which is primarily for the conscious mind and ego to choose. There is another weaker force at play,
a drive to know and experience one's source as spirit. For those reading this, there is nothing weak about
this inward drive to know, it is a major force or aspect of your life already.


The correction for illusion is never more illusion. One doesn't remove chains only to apply more. One
removes chains to achieve freedom. And, once one gains freedom, one reverts to chains no more.
Wherever there are chains, find a way to understand them for the illusion that they are, and then refuse to
allow the illusion into your life anymore. Choose to see from a vantage point where the illusion no longer
exists. This doesn't yet sound completely practical. It's all illusion and we're stuck within it. While we're
in the game, don't we have to abide by the rules? The bottom line is no you don't. The game has hard rules
and soft rules. It's up to you to find out which one's are soft and in what ways you are allowed to break
them. However, if you never question any of the rules of the game, you just won't know. In the world,
you'll find that for nearly every action, there is a common way to do it, and an uncommon way to do it.
The common way is the slow track. The uncommon, the fast track. For you definitely, and for others
reading this, we suggest that you find and follow the fast track. Whenever you do, spirit will always be
riding along side you. And remember, beliefs and questions can be of great help along the way. Use them!
And, do so regularly.


Are others involved in expressing consciousness or whom that they are in this manner? This is less likely.
Some people are workaholics doing things that they are good at. But, most people do not step back as the
observer and document the process that their greater consciousness is going through. For one thing, unless
one has gone beyond conscious mind and ego, these components aren't there in a manner that can be
expressed. So, what are you saying? How rare is this activity that I'm engaged in? How many people in
this country are having and documenting these kinds of experiences, awarenesses, and communications
from consciousness? My sense is that I am not alone, but we are few in number. Further, no one else is
doing it in the same manner. Is that my ego talking? Or, is this truly a unique creation? You will not find
any others who have captured notes in this manner. You are the only one with the necessary framework
and abilities to allow this to come through like this. Ok, but is it any good? How close is it to the
communication spirit intended? That matters not. It was the best that could get through at this time and
that is sufficient. Consciousness never asks for more than one's best, though she effectively utilizes every
resource she is given. She is given resources by their choice to offer their services. You've made your
choice clear in this area many times, and we commend you for it, not just for making it, but for backing it
up with action. As the Wayshower, this is extremely important. It is not necessarily what you say that will
be convincing to others, it is how you use what you say for the benefit of humanity. You must demonstrate
how spiritual principles are to be applied in practical ways in the "real" world.

17 Aug 94

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Back again. Consciousness refreshed and ready to express. Yet, what is there to say that has not already
been said? That's clearly your conscious talking. Consciousness herself has no such limitation. What she
has to say could not be completed in an eternity of your time, yet from another standpoint it can be
expressed in but a moment. To your conscious mind that may not make any sense, but there is a part of
you that understands it completely. No, this channel is not a hose through which consciousness passes the
water of her thought. You are much more intimately connected in the thought transference process. You
can only receive what you are ready to receive. Further, what you receive is a projection of what was sent
onto your consciousness, a mapping of an energy pattern into something that could be contained within
your brain. This is a complex process, but it is also simple in many ways. A similar process takes place
whenever you perceive your world.

18 Aug 94

I saw a copy today of Science magazine, I believe, from mid 1992. On the cover were the ten greatest
unanswered questions in science. One of these was: what is consciousness? I found it interesting that
here I am working on one of the greatest questions / puzzles in the universe, clearly some of the most
important work that could be done by man, and I don't even get paid for it.

21Aug 94

Many people appear to have minor problems with their nervous systems and coordination. One can see
them in the way they walk. They aren't really disruptive in any way, but they point to slight imperfections
in the body/brain mechanisms. I hadn't really noticed this before. It seems that we all have these various
things that we have to somehow deal with. In my case, being bipolar is such an imperfection. It causes my
emotions to roller coaster from extreme highs of mania to extreme lows of depression. Interesting that I
use that wording "It causes". The bottom line is that it does not cause a damn thing. Consciousness and
beliefs cause, not conditions. First the thought, then the reality or more correctly illusion. The emotions in
turn impact the way the brain functions.

22 Aug 94

One of the things that keeps life exciting is the unknown. This is especially true for explorers, and
explorers of consciousness are no different than other explorers in the history of our country. The risks
and dangers are different, but they are there nonetheless.


These notes stand by themselves as a testament to the nature of consciousness as it comes to a better
understanding of itself and the nature of the reality in which it appears to exist. I try not to take anything
for granted anymore. Where possible, for truths involving the nature of consciousness and the nature of
reality, I want to know these via firsthand experience. One cannot be a wayshower just by repeating what
others have said. One must make the voyage and see for oneself, then return to tell about it. This past year
has been a major voyage for me, and I have spent a goodly amount of time documenting what I found and
what that meant. The voyage continues, however. My sense is that it will continue so long as I remain in
this existence. I am on the path which spirit would have me tread now. Spirit herself will guide me
throughout the remainder of my days. There is a great happiness in knowing this. It doesn't make the
future any less uncertain. But, it does guarantee that there is a loving presence guiding me in all that I do.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
This presence is consciousness herself, and since this one consciousness animates everything, all
interactions with other beings are orchestrated in whatever manner is appropriate for the parties involved.


Interesting. Everything now has two sides, an outer side which cannot be easily explained except as a
battle of dark and light forces, and an inner side where the one consciousness pulls all the strings ensuring
that things happen in accord with the Plan. Somehow these two perspectives are but two sides of the same
coin. There must be a vantage point from which to see things in this light, and to know that even the battle
of dark and light has its place in the perfection of being as consciousness is expressed through form.


One month prior to your 35th birthday, these writings started -- you allowed spirit to flow forth. And here
we are a year and five months later, having gone through a series of experiences, spiritual and otherwise,
that have forever changed our knowledge of self, of our world, of reality, and of consciousness herself.
Why do I refer to consciousness as herself? Perhaps because she is as a Goddess to me. The gentleness,
the love, the empathy that flow are the epitome of feminine qualities. Further, there is a passionate quality
about her that is unmistakable. She guides all with enthusiasm as well as a bravery as she takes us into the
unknown. Also, her endeavor is to create in her own image, and it is the feminine that gives birth in such


One area that neither the religions nor anyone in power is likely to buy is the need to base the community
on the essential tenet of communism "from each according to their ability, to each according to their
need". Yet, this is the one thing that best expresses how society must function in the Aquarian Age. Many
things are up for negotiation. But, on this one, there can be no negotiation. On this tenet rests the creation
of societies unlike any that have been seen on this planet. In addition, any societies that we send into
space will need the same basic tenet at their foundation. Without it, all our efforts our doomed to fail.
We'll only be treating the symptoms while the patient continues to die of cancer. We have to establish a
solid core, a foundation on which a society worthy of the name can be built.

23 Aug 94

The I AM is consciousness itself. I KNOW is consciousness expressing itself in thought and reflecting
back on the nature of itself via its direct experience, not of the illusion, but of the reality. I THINK is
relegated to the conscious mind, though, given appropriate awareness, the thoughts that come forth do
themselves create "reality" in the world of illusion. I FEEL is relegated to the heart, where it provides the
emotive force needed to intensify thoughts into being. It also gives us the energies of love, sympathy, and
compassion that are instrumental in expressing spirit in flesh. I SENSE is the key to everything, most
importantly to finding one's way back to the I AM.

These words weave their way through into this reality to express themes that are ancient yet new.
Throughout all time consciousness has been spreading her song. In different ways, in different places, but
always consciousness has been there to sing and breathe life into all of creation. Consciousness' song was
The Word. We and all that exists in our world, and perhaps many other worlds as well, are The Word
made flesh. Such is the power of consciousness, that one thought spoken could be sufficient to create all
that we know to be and more. As individuated consciousness, our minds reel at such concepts. They are
magical and non-scientific. Yet, everyday we are confronted by life and the fact we are alive, and by
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
consciousness and the fact that we are conscious. These too are magical, for science isn't even close to
defining what truly constitutes either. Further, were our research to expand and continue for hundreds of
years, it is not clear that we would get any closer to defining these elusive characteristics of being.


Just as in the movies, there are a few major parts, some lesser roles, and potentially many extras and bit
parts. At one level, it would seem unjust that some people get major roles while others get almost nothing.
However, we must remember that the one consciousness individuated plays all roles simultaneously. Each
individuated consciousness has the same two tasks: one, to play it's role to the best of it's ability and two,
to come to know itself. Most people err in spending too much time on task one and not enough on task
two. Know thyself. It's as simple as that. For over two thousand years, this directive to the conscious mind
to find it's source has been there guiding mankind. Yet, how few took the time to do this to virtually any
degree. Know thyself. Know thyself. Know thyself. We repeated it three time in hopes that you take us
seriously. It is that important.


I expect that at some point it will feel as if another is looking through these eyes, experiencing through
this mind/body, this very conscious seat of awareness. But, I don't know exactly when that time will
come. Thus far my experiences have included major spiritual awakenings, but the sense of otherness was
not a major part of the transformation. For this experience, I'm specifically looking for what is in essence
an entity in its own right to combine with, or possible replace me. I don't know how such events occur. In
particular, this deals with the nature of individuated consciousness. What part is in flesh verses what part
is outside of flesh but still tied to the overall theme that the individual is playing out? It's as if we have
single individuated consciousness and group individuated consciousness. Ah, the single individuated
consciousness springs out of the group individuated consciousness which springs out of the ONE
consciousness. When I sense my connection to source, it is generally to the group individuated
consciousness and occasionally to the one consciousness. The group individuated consciousness is where
purpose resides. This purpose in turn can be passed down to individual incarnations or can be spread
among the members of an entire spiritual family.

26 Aug 94

The consciousness that has cared for you and guided you all of your life is still there for you. She will not
desert you now that you are close to being able to do her work at a greatly accelerated pace/level. You are
now an instrument through which spirit can do her work in the world. In this particular case, work that
transforms first your country, then the world. We're not expecting much from you, now are we? But
remember, it is through you that these great works will be done, not by you. There is a big difference.
However, if you were not aware enough to know this difference, you would not be qualified to serve as
the vehicle through which this work is done. This writing is this way as well. It could not come through in
this manner unless you were of a proper state of awareness to be able to tune to this communication. Your
direct experience in this process is that these words are not yours, they do not originate in you, yet they
show up in your head and you are able to put them to paper. You are instrumental in the process, but as a
partner in league with consciousness herself.

29 Aug 94

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I have a higher destiny to fulfill, and I will do what is necessary to fulfill it. "Argue for your limitations,
and sure enough they're yours" from Richard Bach is the negative phrasing for a spiritual truth. "Be whom
that you are, and providence will guide your hand in fulfilling your destiny." And, when providence
guideth, there is never a lack of required abilities.


How is it that I am different from other men? What distinguishes me? The way I think and the manner in
which spirit expresses through me because of my level of consciousness. These are what distinguish me.
The lump of clay, the bag of bones, the blood and sinew, all these are much the same. Yeah verily, it is the
consciousness and the spirit that expresses through it wherein any major differences are found. And here
is where the mystery comes to play. For, this is what animates us and gives us the very life that we find so
dear. I am the Fool, the Bag of Wind, stepping down to Earth to manifest. My play is the play of all life. I
come to create community -- common unity, that all within the kingdoms may receive what they need in
exchange for the services which they have been blessed with the abilities to provide. Do I speak in
riddles? If so, it is not to confuse you but to enlighten you a bit.


On with the dance of life. On with what destiny would unfold before us. And make haste, for the times of
change are coming soon, yes, they are nigh upon us. Further, you do have a part to play in all of this. We
know of your desire to know about the specifics. However, we can only reveal to you that which you are
ready to know in any given moment. Lately, you have started to look for the holes in the illusion. You
have no recall of ever seeing the illusion let down it's guard or facade, but you intuitively know that it
must. Also, you've found that the world goes away when you close your eyes and still your body. It
becomes as if you don't exist in the world at all, and your thoughts and visions take on a heightened
intensity. You are getting close to the secret. The key is finding the way to experience yourself as pure
consciousness, even for a moment. Over the past year you've had some of these moments. Find a way to
re-experience them here and now. Know that all time and space are but illusion, projections of
consciousness. There is no time that was 1000 years ago or 200 or even 2. All time is always now.
Nothing exists but this infinite moment, and within that moment all creativity unfolds. Similarly, all space
is always here. Nothing exists but this single infinite point in which all creativity unfolds. Find a way to
step outside of your limited concepts of time and space into here and now. Allow the moment to fully
encompass you. BE HERE NOW. You've heard that one before. To be is to experience yourself as the
consciousness that you truly are. HERE NOW restricts this expression to whatever place you find yourself


What is important in life is consciousness. The self is consciousness, but there is a greater Self which in
turn is tied to the ONE consciousness. The ultimate goal is to realize one's unity with the ONE
consciousness while maintaining a thin wall of separation that permits individualization. As with the body,
we need the cells functioning as one, but we don't want one blob of a cell. To get the behavior of the
organization or entity, consciousness expresses through the structures and abilities that the parts permit.
Everywhere, we see consciousness expressing. In the moon and the stars, in the rocks and the trees, in the
clouds and the rains, and in every living thing. Consciousness animates it all. Tis consciousness that
allows it to be. There is nothing save consciousness. Nothing! Thoughts are the creations of
consciousness. All of the world and everything on it came from thought. They are thought expressed,
thought congealed into form. Yet, they are still thought, no matter how solid they may appear. Don't be
deceived by the appearance. The maya, the illusion have their purpose, but they are not real. They are not
consciousness itself, only the play of consciousness. We live in a world constructed of thought, not of
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
earth, stone, water, wind and a variety of physical and natural laws. The world is thought and thought
alone. It's only in our minds that we interpret it as we do. It's no wonder that our minds are the last
frontier. They are the place from which the thoughts of individuated consciousness spring, and these
thoughts in turn come from the one united source consciousness herself.

30 Aug 94

I look to the world expecting that at any moment it will drop its veils and the illusion will vanish. Yet, I
suspect that it is me that has these veils, not the world itself. It is up to me to find the place in
consciousness where the illusion no longer exists. That there is such a place, I have no doubt. That I can
reach it, there is no doubt as well. The only question is when. And the answer to when is always either
"when the time is right" or "now". Why is it that I am so consumed by the need to experience this true
reality? Be in this world, but not of this world. What we are dealing with here is specifically how to "be
not of this world". The importance comes from the need to express the fiery energy of spirit. If we are too
much "in this world", we close down the channels through which spirit can flow. Indeed, the very nature
of these channels for consciousness are "not of this world". Interesting. This is a very important key. It is
to consciousness and its channels for expression that we must look to find the true reality. It is here alone
where illusion might not exist. We say might not, because even consciousness can be enmeshed and
caught up in the world of illusion to various degrees. Obviously the conscious mind is so enmeshed.
Consciousness itself, however, has an easier time not getting trapped and locked into its creations. It's
important to realize that consciousness plays the reality/ illusion game for a purpose. Benefit is occurring
at every level of organization all the time. The only question is a matter of how much and how fast. But
time too is an illusion.

31 Aug 94

My purpose is not simply to entertain, but to be the wayshower who provides the example of how to live
in a manner that allows spirit to be more fully expressed in flesh. Hopefully, my notes have captured
sufficient detail to allow others to follow my lead. No, this is not at a level that is suited to the masses.
However, that is not the first wave of people through which spirit well come forth more fully. At this point
in time, all that I can do is stretch my own consciousness one step at a time and report on my experiences.
With each realization and awakening, I'll report on what it means and how it impacts the big picture
nature of consciousness and nature of reality. Where all this is headed, I do not know. There are no maps.
Consciousness guides my way, but my sense is that I am being fed what I need to know when I need to
know it. Why it must work this way, I'm not quite sure. But, I trust that consciousness knows what she is
doing, and that overall, this is in the best interest of executing the Plan. The transition from the Piscean
Age to the Aquarian Age is a momentous occasion, far beyond what any of us have yet dreamed.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1



Don't expect opportunity

to come
knocking at your door.

Sometimes you have

to take the initiative
to allow
it to find you.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


6 Sep 94

What divine rights am I granted by consciousness herself? At some level, I know my Self to be infinite.
Aye, this mortal self will indeed experience death. This body will return dust to dust. But, the
consciousness within is not to be turned off like a light bulb. No, there is more to life than that. Yet, does
this consciousness remain individuated? Or, is it returned to a higher level group self? And, within such a
group self, how much of it's individual nature is retained? Furthermore, how does it communicate it's
experience and awareness? Or, have these already been communicated to the whole as they were


There is another separation that is internal, between the ego/outer consciousness and the spirit/deeper
consciousness inside. This inner consciousness is impersonal. It is the same for all of us. Yes, every one of
us. How can this be? It simply is. Any theory of consciousness worth considering must have this truth at
it's basis. The mystic masters have all told us this. There is ONE consciousness of which we are all
individuated instantiations that were sent out to gain self knowledge. The ONE consciousness has never
been separated from us. You could say that we have simply been confined to particular rooms for awhile
where we were not given the freedom to know exactly who/what we were. We were given opportunities to
incarnate into human forms to gain experience. The ultimate experience that we could experience was
expanded awareness, though as ego consciousness this was very difficult to understand. Unbeknownst to
us, this was the only thing we could keep from one existence to the next, and with each expansion, more
of our true self could express more joyously and clearly. For most, experience after experience, lifetime
after lifetime was required before there was any inclination to look inside. All this required was a curiosity
about the nature of one's being, and the perseverence to find some part of one's inner self. The intuition
was typically the first thing to make itself known.


I speak strongly about the truths of many things, yet it is not me who speaks, but consciousness within
me. I would take no credit of my own. I am but the vehicle through which spirit is given expression.
Much that I believe about myself comes from my own direct experience and awareness, and from what
consciousness has revealed to me through extensive reading, my own self and others in whose abilities I
place some level of trust. Always in dealing with the information of others, I go within to find my own
confirmation, before I rely upon it too strongly. I advise that others do the same. As the reader, reading
this now, it is no different. Check with your own intuition and inner sources on the veracity of all that
comes through this source as well. We have no intent to deceive, but not everything that we say will apply
to all. In this world, there are many truths and degrees of truth which apply to various individuals. Basic
spiritual truths are the same, but specific truths as they apply to the reality of this world differ greatly
depending on level of awareness and purpose.


How do I expand my awareness to allow it to include the experiences of others? If my wisdom is to guide
the nation, then it is important that I be fed the appropriate information. Get rid of your ego for a minute.
We didn't select you so that you would guide the nation, but so that we would. Remember always, it is
you that provides the channel but it is spirit that does the work through you. Don't forget. The problems

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
arise when you try to limit the process to you doing the work. Don't. Consciousness will ensure that
everything required is in place when needed. When you need to be wise, you will be, for you will have all
of consciousness guiding you.

7 Sep 94

To whom am I responsible? As Channing says "to a higher tribunal than man's". Yet, what does that
mean? How doest consciousness judge? By what criteria am I to know what constitutes right action? Of
course, it's easy, by the knowingness within your own heart, for that is where spirit resides. We're getting
into some touchy areas here. For, if the ego is present then the selection of right action becomes all the
more difficult. That is, assuming that we even select the actions at all. Yet, even if we don't do so
consciously, we do it subconsciously or at even deeper levels. Hence, it is not clear that we aren't
accountable after all. Maybe the part of consciousness associated with the body and the physical world is
more important than I realized. The whole goal while physical is not to become less physical, but to allow
more consciousness to be enfleshed. The only way this can occur is by increasing the awareness of the
ego and conscious mind. Hmm. It is here in flesh that realization must occur. We don't have to get beyond
the illusion, we need to get more awareness in a position to be able to enjoy the illusion. Perhaps illusion
is a poor choice of words. It seems that one of the benefits of enhanced awareness is an ability to go with
the flow and take things as they come, molding the energies into whatever it is that you would create as an
expression of your highest self.


Interesting that all the coins we use in this nation have the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" on them,
especially for a country that has such a strong separation between church and state. Also, they include E
PLURIBUS UNUM. I believe the translation is "from many, ONE". Interesting indeed. Originally, this
applied to the formation of the United States from the 13 independent states and commonwealths.
However, there may be another hidden meaning as well that applies to the formation of a society. There
could be an association to consciousness as well. When we look at the United States, we are not all that
united. The states really didn't give up their individual autonomy, they just banded together to allow some
functions to be provided in common. Further, we are a far cry from being one society. Yes, you might
argue that we are one country. But, what does that buy you when there is such incredible diversity both
from state to state as well as within any individual state?

8 Sep 94

To awaken and keep ourselves awake by an infinite expectation of the dawn. That is the key, to
paraphrase Thoreau. It sounds so simple. But, is it? Stay aware. Regardless of what happens within you or
outside of you, stay aware that you are consciousness, the watcher of it all, and that the more your
awareness expands, the more you are allowed to observe. Consciousness also creates. As you watch, you
will see exactly how this process works. Until you are aware, however, you only appear to create. It is
only illusion, though, no matter how real or how right it may seem. Let consciousness be your focus and
seek awareness in whatever manner your inner guidance propels you to. Yes, that means you need to
contact and follow your inner guidance. It is always there, though you may have to become extremely
quiet to hear it. Sometimes it shouts, but most of the time it speaks in whispers. If you're not willing to
pay the appropriate attention, you simply deprive yourself of it's wisdom. It's up to you. Consciousness
has granted you the freedom to do what you will. However, the freedom doesn't last forever. The
separation from the one consciousness is only temporary. One way or another, all will be moved to return
to the ONE.
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Consciousness, consciousness, consciousness. Let that be your prime concern in all that you do. Your
level of awareness stands on top of your involvement in any activity regardless of what that activity may
be. Maintain that observer perspective concurrent with your focus on doing whatever you are doing. At all
times know and be fully aware that you are consciousness expressing in the only manner you can in
physical reality, as spirit through flesh. There are two things here consciousness and its expression.
Awareness relates to understanding that you truly are consciousness and that what you are is separate
from what you do. Further, the entire form through which the expression takes place is not what you are.
It is a creation of consciousness that allows you to gain particular types of experience. That the nature part
of consciousness evolved these forms over millions or even billions of years has no bearing. As with a car,
you order yours, so to speak, by choosing to whom you will be born and influencing how the specific
combination of DNA gets selected. The bottom line is that you end up with the combination of abilities
required to carry out your specific tasks. For all of us, the primary task is to gain self knowledge and in
particular to become aware of our true nature as consciousness. On top of this we have some spiritual
lessons to learn along the way. In fact, some of the doors to higher levels of awareness are blocked until
the appropriate spiritual maturity has been demonstrated.


Consciousness is not all powerful in this present drama. The game has been set up and is in progress. No
interruptions are allowed until it has been played out. The rules for how the one consciousness can
express through individual consciousness are very specific. The key is in the ability of the individuated
consciousness to receive. Each individuated consciousness is provided with what it needs in return for
providing it's services to the one consciousness. This happens on an automatic or involuntary level for
everyone. For those who become aware, this happens on a voluntary level as well. It is on the voluntary
level where information can be passed as soon as the individuated consciousness has the appropriate level
of awareness.

10 Sep 94

I've been thinking a lot about the transformation of the chrysalis into the butterfly. The newborn butterfly
has no choice but to fly into the unknown, trusting that God or Consciousness has given it the abilities it
needs to deal with whatever reality finds. Actually, the trust may not even be a conscious act. After all, we
are what we are in the moment, and we appear to have limited control over the circumstances which we
will be asked to face.

11 Sep 94

Now, I stand facing the abyss, the unknown that I have been fascinated with for all of my grown days.
Except, now I'm armed with the tools of consciousness that I need to explore that abyss and bring back
reports of the wonders that I find. For surely, the wonders will far exceed those of this world. Yet, where
do I begin? How do I take the first step? For any journey requires just that. One must embark if one is
ever to get anywhere. But, how does one embark when one doesn't know where one is going. Just jump,
spread your wings, and fly. Then allow each new moment to take care of itself naturally. As has been true
in your life to the present, consciousness will continue to guide your way so the path is obvious to you.
After all, she didn't bring you this far to have you depart before you have been able to complete your
mission. Trust. Trust both you own awareness and consciousness herself. Awareness is the most powerful

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
tool a warrior can have in his/her arsenal. Trust in consciousness herself is a close second. Then again,
awareness and trust in consciousness almost always go hand-in-hand.


You are indeed the chrysalis emerging from it's cocoon, and about to truly spread it's new grown wings for
the first time. Don't push. Let it happen in it's due course. And, no, flying is nothing like the mania highs
you've experienced, or anything you've ever experienced for that matter. The butterfly is what results
when the chrysalis leaves the restrictions of the cocoon that constitutes it's world. Yet, the abilities of the
butterfly were developed within that environment. Does this work the same for man? Is the awareness we
develop within this world, the equivalent of butterfly wings? Now, the key is to jump forth from the
cocoon, or the consensus world, and use our consciousness to fly into/around a world that is far grander.
Is this the equivalent of the spiritual world?


Your lifestyle is strange on any scale. However, given whom you are, this does not surprise us in the least.
There is no way that with your abilities, talents, and mission you could have lived in any other way than
you did. Know this. Know that you are the awareness that had to witness what you have experienced so
that you could grow and transform in awareness in the manner that you have over the years.
Consciousness knew that this was necessary as well, so she provided you with the right information to
impact your conscious mind and eventually your awareness. As you know, this was a 20 year process that
began in your sixteenth year. The past year has been the crowning glory. Interesting way of phrasing it.
Appropriate for a Philosopher King. The spiritual transformations that have occurred were without
compare. You had never experienced anything like them and had not even heard of such transformations
in others. And now, you've arrived, though you know not where. Interesting, isn't it? As has been true for
all your days, it is consciousness herself that guides your path. Few are so fortunate as to get this special
treatment. Yes, it comes with it's responsibilities as well. Once you are aware, you can't turn back, you
can't go back to living in ignorance, at least not to the same degree.

12 Sep 94

It's amazing to me how much difference awareness makes to one's life, yet a difference that is primarily
on the inside with very little evidence that appears on the outside. This is probably good, however,
because if the change were readily apparent one would not be able to use one's newfound abilities as
openly. Interesting. It's as if consciousness ensures that her newborn children are safe in the new world in
which they find themselves. For awakened ones are definitely as newborn children who have just
undergone a spiritual birth. Reality has indeed changed for these special ones. Yes, they still exist in the
physical world, but they also perceive additional spiritual dimensions and the associated information that
comes from these dimensions. The physical world and the spiritual world are intertwined together into
one whole, they are not separate places. Most people have blinders, however, that prevent seeing the
whole -- binding them to the restrictions of physical reality, when they could be free. Yet, they are
unaware that they are so bound. Physical reality is all they know, and they feel very free in spite of their


I read something about the difference between knowledge and wisdom this weekend. Knowledge deals
with knowing other peoples thoughts. Wisdom with having the maturity to generate your own just and
right thoughts in any area of interest. It's interesting that my writings choose to involve very few
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
references and very few quotes of others. I've definitely reached a point where I trust that I can get
involved in any problem area and come up with a "wise" solution or course of action to follow. Is this not
all that can be asked of a Philosopher King?


Find a way to be all that you can be. Are you living in a manner that truly expresses this now? No, of
course not. It's obvious that I would be more, if only ... Find a way. There is always a way, and an easy
way at that if only you will search for it. Don't expect opportunity to come knocking at your door.
Sometimes you have to take the initiative to allow it to find you. Yes, it is not necessary for you to find it,
for it is perfectly capable of finding you given that it is guided by consciousness after all. However, it is
necessary for you to show that you are serious. What constitutes serious is different for each of us, but it
usually involves taking some risk and/or facing some fear.

13 Sep 94

My sense is that somehow I'm in my own way. If I just step aside a little bit, that will be enough for me to
break free, or at least see what I've been missing. As you can see, I'm still confused. What guidance would
you provide? Quit struggling to find answers that satisfy your conscious mind. Instead, be still and know.
Remember, that both sides of your mind have their utility. Some tasks require one side or the other, other
tasks require both sides simultaneously. Using the wrong side for a given task is like using the wrong tool
to do a specific job. Don't. It just leads to increased frustration. Right now, you’re trying too hard to
reason and understand, when reasoning is not appropriate and understanding may be impossible. Find
another way to approach things. Imagine what it means for you to be flying and how your life would be
different as a result. Definitely, use your imagination. You would be king, build your castle in the air --
and then let spirit help to build the appropriate foundation under it. Dream big, on a scale as large as you
can conceive it. And don't back down because of considerations of practicality. You are the wayshower.
You must show the way on a scale that is sufficiently grand to quickly usher in a new age. We don't have
centuries to deal with here, not even decades, but years, and a limited number of years at that. How do we
know this for certain? We don't. There is no proof. However, it either will be or it will not be. Either way,
it can only help to be prepared. See the world in a bold new way. Dare to dream of things as they have
never been. For, as you dream, as you imagine, the way is paved for others to pick up on your dreams and
imaginings and assist in carrying them out. Bring forth the Vision that is Beyond Imagination. Once this is
done, a spiritual army awaits to do what is necessary to implement the Vision. Actually, this army is being
built as we speak. But, it will be ready at the time it is needed. Do what it is that only you can do, for that
is the most important service that you can provide for spirit. Trust that consciousness guides your every
step and don't restrict what you allow to flow. It all has value. It is all important. Don't judge it, though it
may seem crazy to even you at first glance. We know you find this hard to believe. It takes a lot for
something to appear crazy to you. But, you are going into regions where few others have penetrated, and
the rules and customs that operate in these regions are quite different than what you and most others are
used to and/or familiar with.


It seems that this is a constant theme in my life, "to seek out new worlds and to boldly go where no man
has gone before" -- the very mission of the Enterprise on Star Trek. In my case, however, the worlds are
inner. But, the boldness required is just as great. Actually, the worlds are more than inner. The spiritual
exists intermeshed with the material world. The material world could not exist at all without the spiritual.
Thus far science has not developed the instruments necessary to "see" the spiritual world. It is here,
everywhere around us, but only those with eyes to see, and ears to hear it can experience it. Psychics,
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astrologers, aura readers, clairvoyants, ... these are the types of people who have such skills. It would be
useful for science to examine such people with an open mind for awhile to gain an understanding of how
their skills work. Respect the skills for what they do. Judge the message that comes forth for what it is
worth. No, it is not absolute truth. Sometimes it is very general or hazy. But, take these to be
characteristics of the medium or the process, and seek to understand the causes of such distortion.
Develop a model of the world that integrates the material and spiritual within a single framework. And, do
not stop your investigation until you succeed. For success indeed will be the fruits of your efforts. And
then, the world can be transformed on a scale that has never been known before. With an understanding of
how the material and spiritual are intermeshed, techniques can be developed to greatly enhance
spirit/body integration. This in turn will lead to the manifestation of literally a heaven on earth and with
that a new age is born, the Age of Aquarius.

16 Sep 94

I've been thinking a lot about what my unique abilities and talents are. On the radio, all day long I heard
from people who have very comprehensive expertise in relatively narrow areas. This is what qualifies
people for the title expert. Further, in many cases, their expertise allows them to command decent salaries;
and, if in the right areas, very high salaries. My expertise is not the same. It is far more general and top
level. You wouldn't call on me to get the details on anything. However, I would be indispensable in
generating simple perspectives of situations, systems, or processes so that the essential behavior could be
easily understood to a degree necessary to make it clear as to what constituted right action under the
circumstances. Wow, that was a mouthful, but that is what I do. In addition, I explore the frontiers of
consciousness and the nature of reality and reality creation. But, who would employ these skills? And,
how would they find me or I find them? It's one thing to say that it's up to the Plan to decide, but is that
fully so? Do I not have a role to play as well? Yes, but consciousness guides me to the appropriate
circumstances. There is nothing I can do to make it happen. I don't even know what it is. Some part of me,
however, works with consciousness to take care of the details. How many other individuals in this country
are thinking in terms of leading this country to fulfill its metaphysical destiny? This is what I would do.
My sense is that my abilities, talent, training, and awareness are appropriate. So, how do I fill the
position? First, how do I even know such a position exists and is available? By the very fact that this is the
kind of position that is required for me to accomplish my mission in a manner that allows me to be all that
I can be. Interesting concept. If the abilities exist, then so does the job for which they are required.
Everyone has a position, and the abilities necessary to perform in that position effectively.


All of this comes through in isolation. Where do I go to get a sanity check? How do I assure that this is
indeed valid and that I haven't crossed that line between genius/insanity again? The bottom line is that you
can't. Who would you go to that could tell you whether this material is the product of an active
imagination or is indeed true? There is no authority that you accept as superior to yourself. In fact, it is not
clear that you accept any as on par with yourself. There are some, but they are not yet within your sphere
of contacts. By the way, your sphere is extremely small. We had to keep it that way.

18 Sep 94

Are not individuals responsible for their choices and actions? In our world this is the case. We hold
individuals responsible, but we have a system that makes it difficult to catch them even if they break the
laws, and difficult to convict them, even if they are caught. The bottom line is that it is not clear that
justice prevails. We've talked about individual choices and actions before. This is a tricky area because the
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
ego and consciousness is only partly responsible for what happens. The ego believes it has free choice,
and believes the thoughts that come into its mind come there of it's own volition. The ego believes that it
can take action. But, is believing that you do so enough? Especially when even the ego does not know
from whence the thoughts come and to where they go. But, what about all the experiences of having the
thought, then taking the action. Don't these reinforce the beliefs? Yes, and that's why it is so difficult to get
beyond them. Focus on the illusion all that you want, and in the end all you know is illusion. Further, the
illusion is enticing enough to draw your attention, lifetime after lifetime, if you are not careful. This was
necessary to allow this drama to be played at all. Different beings are at different levels of awareness so
that the right skills are available for the large range of abilities present in your world. But, why so many
people now? Do we really need 5.5 billion on the planet? One answer is that if we didn't need them, we
wouldn't have them. The second answer is that we had to allow it to get to this level to make the problem
so apparent that people and countries would be motivated to do something. This would be demonstrated
in their awareness of the relationship between their population and their state of well-being. What does all
the misery and killing in Rwanda and Bosnia show us? Is there any hope that the divergent beliefs of
people can be reconciled? Are there a set of core beliefs, values, attitudes, and principles that all nations
need to accept and live by?

20 Sep 94

Hmm. Like Jonathan Livingston Seagull. How long did it take for one gull to break from the pack and so
pursue flying that literally nothing else matters? Over the long centuries, such has been the same for man.
This level of spiritual commitment is required, but few are willing to pay the price to truly come to know
thyself. Interesting how the pieces of twenty years of reading and thinking in metaphysics are all coming
together in ways that I had not even considered. I've been a mental vagabond, traveling to the shores of
various metaphysical ports of thought, picking up an idea here, another there, and a few techniques and
experiences along the way -- never knowing where I was going or why, but trusting that my soul was
guiding me every step of the way. Now, I stand ready to pull it all together, and to claim my spiritual
inheritance, that I may be a King among men. Yet, can this be? Or, am I speaking grandiose once again?
Benevolent Dictator comes to mind. Philosopher King, Wise One, or even Guardian are also suitable. But,
who am I to claim a right to such a title -- especially in a country that does not recognize that individuals
are destined for positions? I am Wayne, the Bringer of the New Way. I am a wayshower, here to help get
spirit more fully expressed in flesh so that the conditions necessary for the Age of Aquarius to begin are
indeed fulfilled. Why do I do this? Because such is what I came to do. Consciousness, herself doth guide
me. As with Jonathan, I march to the beat of the spirit within me, and care not that this runs counter to
everything that the consensus population and it's representative government sanctions. I will do what I
must do. The task is that important. I am accountable to a higher tribunal than man's, namely one of my
own greater Self, spirit, and consciousness herself. It is these whose wish is my command. By focusing on
knowing myself, I offer unto consciousness the best vehicle possible for doing the work of spirit.

21 Sep 94

The sooner you act, the sooner you will find yourself in positions to start actualizing some of your ideas.
There are people out there with funds, energy, resources, and desire to do the kind of things that you have
written and talked about. Your VISION provides the rallying point. It is crucial for guiding the entire
endeavor. You don't care about many of the details, but your perspective includes enough depth to ensure
that the key implementation issues are reflected at the high level. To some degree, you're allowed to
operate this way because of a special relationship that you've developed with the unconscious parts of
your consciousness. Because you allow these parts to organize the whole in a manner that makes sense
and pass it directly through the intuition, you can bring through high level information clearly and
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
concisely. Here again, the key is to allow spirit to work through you. Spirit works best when you are a
cooperative channel and don't get in its way. Interesting. I can see how much of my education revolved
around this complete trust in the "unseen" parts of consciousness.


There must be others interested in working together or at least sharing experiences in these explorations
into the wilderness of consciousness. As with the early explorers, however, we may find that there is little
in common about our experiences. However, as more territory is explored, and more explorers hit the
trails, there will be more and more common experience. And, out of this the nature of the territory can be
described and experiences reported first hand. With additional work a map of the territory can be
generated and trails can be created that others can follow. And, from these trails, roads from small country
lanes to superhighways. Through such a progression will the way be paved for the masses to achieve
greater awareness.


It's interesting how all of my life I've been proud of my intellectual abilities, and especially my ability to
think both rationally and intuitively. Now, I know that it was not me who was doing the thinking at all.
Then, just as now, the thoughts just came into my head. I didn't bother to ask how they got there. I just
assumed that the fact they were in my head meant that it was my thinking process that put them there.
This seems like a rational conclusion, but it definitely is not.

Looked at this way, thoughts are part of a programming process for awareness. However, for thinking to
occur, higher parts of the brain must be activated. In the masses, there is not this level of development so
thoughts, when there are any, are much more mundane and down to earth. This is why great thoughts
come from the greatest intellectuals. They have developed their faculties through their focus on self
knowledge and knowledge in general, such that their brains are capable of receiving these thoughts. The
Self too, individuated consciousness, is in the process of learning as the self grows in awareness. And
what does it take for the self to grow sufficiently to enable the Self to be enfleshed? Is this not the purpose
of existence here? Wow. That's also what it takes for the generator of thought to merge with the aware
self. Though, the generator of thought may only be a portion of the Self. Why have I not read anything
like this before? It seems so simple, surely others have realized this.


The whole game is played to try to get individuals to advance in awareness sufficiently to allow them to
qualify to play in even greater games. Under the current rules, they must keep coming back to this one
until they've achieved Self-realization. How many must achieve this, and how long do they have?
Eventually everyone, and as long as it takes. With the Aquarian Age coming, there has been a slight
change in the rules. Some number of enlightened souls will be required in major positions in the New
World Order. These special souls will choose to incarnate specifically for this purpose. Conditions for the
masses will improve dramatically as well, making living a much better experience than it has been for the
past several thousand years. Once one is Self-realized, one has choice as to where one wants to go. Some
choose to return to be of service for awhile. Some choose to go on to the next level or the next game.
Others choose to move on to bold new adventures. No two consciousnesses are the same, and the
differences are far greater than we see between individuals.

22 Sep 94

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Most, even if they do reach the observer state, never go further to find that another part of their Self is
indeed creating what they are only observing. This is a major step, one that requires trust and
responsibility. It's interesting that it works this way. First we think that we we have free will to think and
act, then we become aware of ourselves as actors in a play that is already written where our only real
choice is in what we observe and pay attention to. Finally, we take the final step, and find that at another
level we wrote the script in cooperation with others whom we wanted to interact with for various reasons,
and in line with a greater Plan that was generated by consciousness.

24 Sep 94

Individual responsibility is the answer that usually rears its head, and it can be a very ugly head. This is
the exact opposite of any sense of oneness or unity. For most of our history, this reliance on rugged
individualism has served us well. The question is: have we reached a turning point where such an extreme
position has outlived its utility? My answer would be a loud YES. It's not that we need to now go to the
other extreme as in Japan, but it seems that something in between that merges the best of both worlds
might be better for both countries. Exactly what this is still needs to be determined. However, in the US it
must include a clear statement of the contract between individuals and their society. In Japan, the
highlight should be a statement of individual rights; they have long known their cultural obligation to
their society.

26 Sep 94

The lofty peaks of spirit, the all consuming fire, these are what call to me. Compared to them even the
greatest of earthly majesties is but a trifle. This makes it tough to be in this world. It has never been a
problem being not of this world. I have felt that way much of my life. Yet, I am still here, tied to this
physical form. There is something that I came to do through this particular vehicle that can be done in no
other way. But, it is not this "I" that I am now who came to do this, but an "I" that is much greater, one
that each day I am becoming more and more aware of. It is this greater I, this soul, this spirit, that does
things through me. I am but a vessel and an awareness that rides with the vessel.

28 Sep 94

What would happen if companies, actually the whole economic system, were to focus on getting people
what they need at the best possible prices instead of market shares and high profits? What if people, and
the society as a whole, were put first? Not just the few privileged people who own companies or are
otherwise very wealthy via investments or whatever -- but all of us. Why do we allow wealth to be kept
within families regardless of how that wealth may have been acquired in the first place? Landholdings in
particular are very questionable. Those who got grants in the first century of our country played by a
different set of rules than us here now. How is that fair in any way? If consciousness herself gives us our
talents and abilities and guides us to the circumstances we face in life, what right have we to lay claim to
the fruits of what consciousness hath wrought through us? I can understand claiming what we need, but
more than that seems to be like being hungry standing in front of an apple tree, picking and eating apples
until our hunger has subsided, and then picking even more than we could possibly eat. This might be
necessary if we were going on a trip and didn't expect to find any food along the way, but it seems foolish
so long as we know where the tree is and that we can come back at any time. But, what about scarcity?
After all, the tree only has so many apples. It may run out and maybe we wouldn't find anymore.
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Hogwash. Spirit's bounty has no such limits. There is sufficient abundance to meet the needs of all, not
only in this country but in the entire world.


How do we best commit our resources as a society to meet our needs as a society and as individuals? That
is the question. Yes, indeed, the billion dollar question. My sense is that now, we spend the money and we
put in the time and effort, but we don't get the goods and services commensurate with what we are
expending. This only happens because we tolerate it. We don't hold companies accountable to give us
goods and services at the best possible prices to us, or even at reasonably fair prices.

Distribution is another area that is fraught with waste. We have national products that each have their own
distribution networks/systems for the most part. It seems like there could be great benefit in running more
of a common delivery system. At the very least, I could have one bread truck delivering to a store each
day rather than a separate delivery for each type of bread. Part of the problem here is competition as well.
Everywhere, we seem to have similar products vying for market share in areas where even a single
percentage point can mean a great deal of money. What purpose does this really serve? It doesn't make us
any healthier.


Actually, when you think about it, television has been providing us with free entertainment for years. The
major networks don't charge us for the programs that they put out on their networks for us to watch.
Advertisers pay the bills for everything. All the actors, directors, producers, newspeople, etc ... required to
create everything we watch. Advertisers are companies who want us to buy the products or services that
they are selling. Further, they are using every psychological trick in the book to be successful at this. The
worst part of all, however, is that they are charging us the consumers for everything. Baseball players can
make an average of $1.2 million per year not because of the number and the prices of tickets, but because
the networks are willing to pay so much for television rights because the advertisers in turn are willing to
pay so much for commercial time. Once again, we the consumers pay for it all. But, we pay for it
indirectly so we don't typically question it. In our baseball example, beer and soda commercials are
common so anyone buying these products essentially is paying part of the high salaries of baseball players
regardless of whether you like or even watch baseball.


So long as we have an economic system that allows a company to create a market for its product or
service no matter what the inherent benefits or detriments are, there is something lacking in our economic
system. The old argument "caveat emptor" or "let the buyer beware" is not consistent with Aquarian
philosophy. Rather, we would demand let the seller be responsible; responsible for providing quality
goods and services, at a fair price, that meet the customers needs. Yes, this is a very different mode of
operating, but then we're talking about a new age. The biggest part of this change comes in defining how
members in society are to treat one another. This is to be reflected not only in the way we interact
personally, but also in how we work with and for one another.

29 Sep 94

What would we have people do if they could no longer be entertained by TV. And our children -- TV has
become almost like a babysitter, fascinating them enough to keep them from getting into trouble. Who's
responsible for this? You could say that as individuals in a society we have allowed it to happen. But, who
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
consulted us, who let us know what was going on, who allowed advertisers to use such manipulative
psychological techniques to engage in the warfare of getting us hooked on their products or services? No
one! Why should each individual have to do this for themselves, especially when each commercial is a
multi-million dollar campaign against individuals? Further, most of the populace is psychologically naive,
so they have no idea of what is being done to them. Where is the government to protect us from such
abridges to our individual freedoms, for the means employed by these commercials definitely impact our
ability to freely choose. How do I know this? You can bet that businesses would not be spending so much
money in this area unless there is great payback.


Without spirit at the foundation, any structure will eventually become so flawed and so weak that it can no
longer stand. It's only a matter of time, and the nature of the specific decisions that are made. The demise
is certain, only how long it takes to get there, and how bad the conditions during the process are variable.
Interesting. Everything coming through still involves the idea of major economic change, on a scale and
in a way that is almost unimaginable. Yet, clear as day, I know it will be so. Further, the change will
happen so quickly that the immediate perceived impact by the masses will be slight. I can't yet begin to
fathom how we can literally go through revolutionary economic change so easily. Perhaps it's because the
people at the top are the most severely impacted and these are such a small minority of the population.
Yet, these are the types that are most familiar with and attached to power, and hence are not likely to want
to willingly let go of it.

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It's the uncertainty,

the unknown,

that gives our lives

mystery and meaning.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


3 Oct 94

Consciousness may work in mysterious ways, but she always gives us what we need. I almost added,
"once we firmly believe that this is so". I was thinking about the bloated children starving to death in
Africa and wondering how consciousness could be giving them what they need. Yet, a people who choose
not to control their population under such dire conditions are setting themselves up for these exact


So, where am I today relatively to where I was then (a year ago)? Now, I am a writer, if only a writer of
notes -- and quite a prolific writer at that. Then again, I don't really know what constitutes "prolific" for a
part-time writer. I know more about myself and about the nature of reality and reality creation. I see the
world, history, current problems, decisions, and probable future through a very different set of glasses. I'm
aware that I am aware. But, I am not yet fully aware that I create. I observe but I have no knowingness, no
inner sense, that what I observe is indeed my creation. I can deduce that it comes from a part of me, but it
is a part of me of which I have no direct awareness. One of the major things that has changed is that I no
longer pay lip service to beliefs. Further, I no longer talk about knowing what I've only heard from
another. In many areas of life, especially those involving self-knowledge and consciousness, firsthand
experience is the only acceptable path. Nothing short of this is sufficient.


Manifest Destiny was the rallying cry that allowed the major part of a continent to be taken. Further, once
again, a people resorted to the maxim that "Might makes Right." Too many times has this been used to do
grave harm to another group, country, and/or race of men. When will we finally learn that this is not how
honorable people conduct their affairs with one another? When will we learn that PEACE is always the
best answer, and that there is always a way to accommodate the needs of all in a fair and just manner?

4 Oct 94

I look for coincidences, or better yet synchronicities. These are the signs that spirit is operating close at
hand. At some time in life, one reaches a point where the idea that such events could happen by pure
chance or coincidence is simply unbelievable anymore. At that point, the magic begins, and the world
becomes animated by spirit. It always has been, it's only our perspective that has changed. The world
changes when we change in a manner that allows us to see differently, better and more clearly than we
have ever seen before. Yet, in the process, some of our innocence may be lost, but only to be replaced be a
new more glorious spiritual innocence. Also in this process, we become aware of our responsibilities as
spirit, and these can be far more demanding than anything we knew before.

Synchronicities and coincidences, these are the places where the control exerted from the spiritual world
bleeds through into physical reality. For the most part these are subtle. One has to pay close attention to
notice them at all. However, it seems that the closer one gets to one's spiritual path, the more one notices
that the things that happen around one are connected in somewhat of a mysterious way, but there is
definitely an intelligence directing them.

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But then, what is this "greater self" and this "consciousness" to which it is tied? What do I truly mean by
these terms, and where, if at all, is there any distinction? I've used these terms for many months, and have
felt comfortable that they were appropriate. The "greater self" is individuated consciousness, that part of
Consciousness whose sole responsibility is the individual Wayne, or Aslan, or whatever my name is at the
level of individuated non-physical consciousness. It is not clear that Wayne extends beyond this particular
expression via this physical body. It may, but I sense that it does not. However, at the same time Wayne
does not contain all that I AM as an individual spirit. And further, all that I AM as an individual is only a
piece of The I AM, Consciousness herself. And even then, this entity that I consider Consciousness herself
may only be composed of a finite number of souls - - i.e. she could be a group soul as in the Michael
Teachings, and she could in fact even be a he, but I suspect in the end she is both and neither.

5 Oct 94

It's the uncertainty, the unknown that gives our lives mystery and meaning.


As Socrates was prone to say "I know that I know nothing." We're coming very close to this. I know that I
exist and that I am aware, at least to the degree of observing the actions, emotions, and thoughts of a
physical mind/body to which I appear to be attached in some manner. But, what else do I really know for
certain? I have no sense of time and space directly. This vessel that I am associated with appears to
encounter these concepts as restrictions or characteristics of its world. But I am not confined to a point
within a larger space, I am HERE and NOW in the only point which exists, and this point is infinite,
though there is no way for me to ever sense that. HERE and NOW is outside of the space/time continuum,
it is not a point within it. Past, present, and future are part of the continuum. NOW cannot in any way be
expressed in terms of past, present, and future. This is why Seth, when viewing members in Jane Roberts
class had to focus in such a restricted manner to see the individual perspective that various students were
coming from. He saw each entity as complete, with all it's lives already lived. It took substantial effort to
constrain the awareness to that experienced by the student. Very interesting. This would agree with the
idea that all of this was worked out long ago and that we, as a piece of consciousness, are attaching
ourself to a form and experiencing part of this pattern of the expression of consciousness, or better yet,
this scene or set of scenes in the Play. The play can be played out an endless number of ways, with various
entities playing various roles, but it is a play -- the lines are all written, the props and scenery specified,
the nature of the characters laid out, and the events and their sequence all specified. Down to what level?
It could be to the finest. However, I don't like dealing with the details. It's enough that all the major events
be laid out overall and for each individual. Something came to mind about the idea that all time is
simultaneous. This is a truth, I know it. However, this is not what appears to be in the world. We see time
as linear, with one moment passing on to the next. Yet, we experience time as a continuum. There are no
jumps in NOW. Now is now, period. We never see the future enter our experience. We never see now
being relegated to the past. Yet now is not an instant, something that passes quickly. Instead, now is ever
present, always a part of us, always the point in which we operate.

8 Oct 94

Something came to mind about my dad and mom that seems significant as well. My mom grew up in
Republic, Michigan and my dad in Freedom, Pennsylvania. It's interesting that my writings deal so much
with founding a new society based on communistic principles. Though in my mind, promoting
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
community -- common unity, is not inconsistent with having a Republic as our form of government and
maintaining our God given FREEDOM.

9 Oct 94

Many of you reading this now might think that I am speaking in tongues, and indeed I am, for I have been
allowed to read a part of the spiritual meaning embodied so compactly in the language of numbers. If it
could work so well in explaining all that nature hath wrought, then why would it not apply to the life of
man as well and the spirit that is housed within? The problem lies with what numbers to choose and what
connections to make. These must be recognized and guided by inner sources; the logical part of the
conscious mind is insufficient for this task. This is why scientists have not seen these mysteries revealed.
They are too locked in a mindset that does not allow of such things as spirit or consciousness to be an
active force in the world. Actually, you might say the only active force, or The Force as in the popular Star
Wars movies.


Am I finding meaning where there was none? Is what I'm finding meaning at all? Then again, am I even
finding it, or rather is it making its presence known to my awareness? I sense the later, for I know not first
hand where the information comes from that guides these calculations to be accomplished and interpreted.
Who taught me that the world of human affairs is founded on cycles of 22 and 78, and the symbols in both
the major and minor arcana of the Tarot? Who taught me to trust my intuition to tell me the importance of
numbers that are significant to my heart or inner self in some way? These are not things that the average
person learns to do. Further, even after seeing what it has done for me, most would not take the time to
learn as I did. Why? One, because it is not so obvious that I am not a crazy man. Two, because spirit is not
so important to them. It's as if the test is whether one loves spirit so much that it is even more important
than the air one breathes. At that point one is ready to know of the truths of the Kingdom of Heaven. At
that point and not until.

10 Oct 94

I'm wondering how much of an impact the numbers have on people who haven't awakened and taken the
time to know thyself? Earlier, I was wondering if this method of interpreting spiritual reality applies to
anyone but me. Can I indeed be that different? Am I so unique, that I now speak a language of my own,
that comes across as nonsense to others? No, I cannot believe that. The breakthroughs I have recently
experienced are grand and glorious beyond compare. You might say that I have found (actually been
given) the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, or at least to the spiritual world. Why me? Because I was
ready. Why now? Because, it is time.

13 Oct 94

I take this as additional confirmation that 832 = 37:20 is indeed the correct "time", and that I've passed the
Judgement and as a result am about to receive Vision. What that means, I don't yet know, but I have a
sense that it will blow me aware beyond my wildest imaginings. Yet, I trust that consciousness continues
to lovingly guide my way as she has for all of my life. Something tells me that it will soon be time to
grow out of my childhood of spirit and enter adolescence and then adulthood. Initially, it is enough to
allow spirit to do its works through me. At some point soon, it will be necessary to act as a conscious co-

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creator with consciousness herself. I am being trained for a role that requires this. I will assume such a
role when consciousness judges that I am ready and when the time is right.

16 Oct 94

I have these chills running throughout my body. It's as if I'm in the process of discovering some sacred
wisdom that is there for all to see, hidden in the midst of everyday events. It's been awaiting the time
when those "with the eyes to see and ears to here could find it". Yeah, verily, the Kingdom of Heaven lies
on this very world in which we live, however to find it we need to reverse ourselves and live from the
inside out. The conscious mind is not the inside, but it is not an enemy to be vanquished either, it must be
loved and shown that the way to spiritual freedom is in it's best interest also. Further, there is no freedom
save spiritual freedom. In all other forms, those who speak of freedom simply are unaware of the chains
that bind them.


There is no chance. There is no coincidence. We are consciousness, first and foremost, here to learn of our
true spiritual nature. We observe, and we alter our beliefs and awareness based on how we react to what
we observe and see experienced. Oh, while physical we are attached to the body, and it is our interface to
the outer world. But, the focus must be on the inner world. That is where heaven is. That is the realm of
the spirit. Enjoy the physical as much as you want, but realize why you’re here. KNOW THYSELF!
Throughout your life, every moment that you can, keep your focus on this one pursuit. It's one of the
hardest things to do in a world full of attractive and engaging illusion. Yet, the only thing you take with
you from each existence is the awareness that you have achieved. From that standpoint, literally nothing
else matters. For some of us, there is also a spiritual mission or assignment to perform that we agreed to
before entering this incarnation. Here too, however, it is important to remember that we are ONE
consciousness, and that things work best when we allow spirit to do its works through us rather than
trying to impose our will on things. Not my will but THINE be done. Let this be your motto, and abide by
it. At some point, conscious co- creation becomes the order of the day. I haven't yet reached that level of
awareness. When it becomes necessary for me to do my work, it will be so. Until then, I'm more than
content with seeing what spirit is able to accomplish through me. The more I see, the more blown away I
get. Right now, I wouldn't trade places with anyone else in the world, even if I could. I'm at a point where
all life has spiritual meaning. I literally live in a spiritual universe. I know that thoughts and vibration
create form. Further, I have some of the critical keys that can blow this wide open, that can show others
that the spiritual world exists here and now intermeshed with the physical world. Our random processes
are only random because we've limited ourselves to see only half of time. Synchronicities are the events
around which the whole structure will tumble. Too many, and our beliefs about chance and coincidence
are brought to the ground. When open researchers start applying their whole brains to seeing and
understanding the symbols and structures of the spiritual world, a truly New Age will be born on this
planet. What is require is the spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear. Hearing is extremely
important, for the spiritual world is built upon sounds and vibration. Note: It is only our conscious mind
that has been deaf and blind to the spiritual world. Our reality is created by subconscious processes that
are highly aware of all that they need to know to function in the world.

18 Oct 94

The one with vision during the day of God's World or the spiritual world. Not bad. I do indeed feel as if
I've received spiritual vision. The blindfolds that had been there are now removed, and I can finally truly
SEE, in a way that I have never done before, and possibly in a way that no man has ever done before. Can
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
this truly be so? Is this virgin territory that has not been crossed in this manner? If this is anything like
what is to come, I can already tell that my life from here on out will be beyond compare, truly Beyond
Imagination; and we will indeed build a better world faster than anyone could ever dream. And, it will be
a "land of ashes" for such is what will be left of flesh burned out and renewed by the fire of spirit.

21 Oct 94

My theory that there is a symbolic spiritual world embedded within the physical one is no longer a theory.
Everywhere I look there is an orchestration or synchronicity of information that is undeniable. The
spiritual world exists, it is here, one only need have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I believe eyes to
see deals more with appropriate I's to see, and ears to hear deals with the fact that the subconscious works
with vibrations. If one allows the ego to get in the way, the connections simply don't come.

24 Oct 94

Yes, I went 2 days without writing. However, realizations were occurring so swiftly that I no longer had
time to write them down. The questions and answers were moving so fast in my mind that even with a
tape recorder, I would have not been able to keep up with them. It's as if I have passed through an intense
storm, a storm of consciousness. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. My world view now is quite
different from where it was even two days ago, in ways that are literally Beyond Imagination. My sense is
that what I know to be true from my personal experience is so different from the consensus world view
and the individual world views of others that I am unique as an expression of individualized aware
consciousness. I am definitely The Hanged Man, and The Fool as well.


I'm in the process of flushing a lot of old beliefs in a very rapid time period. I am a butterfly soaring in a
new world and I haven't yet seen any other butterflies in the territory that I have covered. However, I've
only had my wings a little over a week. I know where my consciousness has been over it's 36 years of
existence, and never has it been anywhere near where it is now. I am free in a way that I have never been.
I know that we create our own reality but that we do it primarily subconsciously and that there is but one
consciousness that animates all of us. Yes, ONE consciousness, no doubt about it. The physical world
hasn't changed one bit. However, my understanding of how it is created has shifted 90 degrees so that it is
completely orthogonal to the consensus reality. You might say that is the transformation that I just went
through, a 90 degree shift. Even better, an i shift. By laying down my ego, my I, an imagination
breakthrough came in that allowed me to see what had been hidden. Everything is the word, everything is
vibration, everything is symbol -- yes, everywhere symbol. Whether it's in the Medicines of the Animal
Cards, the Tarot, the Runes, Numerology, Astrology, Auras, or even the Symbol Systems of Modern
Sciences; the bottom line is that it's all information, information with meanings at several levels. Every
word, every name, was specifically chosen. Every action is specifically called out by consciousness to
meet a multiplicity of needs.


After the last set of realizations, the result is that I live by consciousness now. I make no moves until she
moves me. I allow her full control over the thought processes of this vehicle, trusting that she will
lovingly take me in whatever direction is required for my highest growth. Further, the sense is that this is
already completed. While my experience is still linear, I know that time is not, yet I also know that I came
to bring forth VISION.
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I'm wondering why I needed to come forth in this manner. What couldn't be assured is that a given level
of awareness would be reached at a given time. Aha. But that could be assured as well for it is the level of
awareness that marks the time. After all, what one achieves, all achieve. On the surface, however, the
rules for change call for a more gradual evolution. We needed to bring one into physical form that could
bring forth the VISION. Yes, it's a role in the Play, but think of roles as levels of consciousness or levels
of awareness as well. Each person is therefore perfectly suited to their role.


The universe is sending to me the exact experiences, messages, and symbols I need to grow at the fastest
rate possible. The end is in site. The Aquarian Age is there, just out of our grasp, but the VISION will
soon be here in full force. And, the vision of PEACE that it brings will bring every army and militia to it's
knees. For the ways of spirit are Mighty indeed, and an army of spiritual warriors prepares to do battle in
a war not of hardware but of ideas.

25 Oct 94

My conversations with people have taken on a new level of meaning. There is the ordinary meaning
relevant to the common worldview, and there is a more subtle yet powerful spiritual meaning that rides
atop all conversation. Remember, that all words are specifically chosen by consciousness, and
consciousness ensures that everything is carried out with elegance, including all communication that
needs to take place.

26 Oct 94

Psychiatrists don't use the term subconscious, rather preconscious. Also, the unconscious is just that, not
conscious. This means that we need something more in the model of human consciousness. There is a
preconscious, a conscious, and a superconscious. It is not yet clear whether the superconscious exists on
an individualized basis. My sense is that the superconscious is what I refer to as consciousness, as the
ONE. What I'm trying to account for is how the individualized conscious is able to awaken to a realization
of itself as individualized consciousness, and is then able to gradually expand what is included within this
awareness to encompass more and more of God or the ONE.


The key in making these manipulations is to allow spirit or the consciousness within you to do the work.
Don't stop it with arbitrary rules and constraints of logic, mathematics, or anything that you've learned
about the nature of reality. Look for the hidden meanings in symbols. At first they will seem very hidden,
but the more attention you pay to finding them, the easier it gets. Let your intuition be your guide, and let
it be a glorious adventure. Literally, what you are uncovering is the spiritual world, or at least some of the
pieces out of which it is constructed. Every symbol and symbol system in your world has at least a second
spiritual meaning and maybe several such meanings, if only you learn the language and gain the eyes to
see and ears to hear. Everything has such meaning, even the seemingly most mundane of things such as
your gossip rags. The world is perfect for the level of awareness that exists at this time on this planet. This
has been true always, and will be true always. Time is not a physical dimension, rather a collective level
of awareness dimension. The collective consciousness learns with each increase in awareness of any
member. Yet is this true? There must be purpose to the Play. There must be growth in awareness that
results. Now we have a collective consciousness who created individualized consciousnesses as separate
compartments of itself. Either these individuals are souls in their own right with their own existence or
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
they are simply compartments from which information about the greater whole is kept hidden. Know
Thyself! We only need to express as individualized compartments so long as we are ignorant of our true
nature, or so long as we have tasks to do as individuals in this world. Without this compartmentalization,
it would be too difficult to focus on keeping it physical. Once we awaken to our true reality as
consciousness, everything changes. Our task is then to allow the ONE to express through us, and to do so
consciously versus other than consciously. So long as we are learning and enjoying the process of
incarnating and helping others we are free to do so. However, it also seems that we have a choice of
expressing as an even greater form of non-physical consciousness as Seth describes himself to be. Perhaps
now I'm truly ready to understand what he had to say after 20 years of reading and thinking about his
words. Consciousness seems more inclined to use me as a vehicle for writing than reading these days,
however. So long as she can come up with such wonderful expressions of truth, I'm more than happy to
oblige. Actually, at this point, it is more than that, my will is subservient to Thy Will. Let the Plan unfold
as consciousness has designed.

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Consciousness would not

waste it's time to enter form

unless it could express itself

in a new and unique way

and learn something

about itself in the process.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


3 Nov 94

From my current understanding, I will experience what I experience. That is, you could say, it is out of my
control. Interesting viewpoint for one who believes that we create our own reality. However, my personal
experience is that this happens via subconscious and/or superconscious processes, not conscious
processes. At least, I have not yet reached a level of awareness where these processes are conscious.
Whether they will ever be, I do not know firsthand or by the direct observation of anyone else.

5 Nov 94

I am a trailblazer. Repeating what I or others have already done is not part of my agenda in this existence.
We must move on to the next monition of consciousness. Ever forward in search of Truth, in search of the
Nature of our own Self, such is our neverending quest, such is the very purpose of our lives. I speak in the
plural because I know there are others who are tapped into the ONE, Source, Superconscious, or
Universal Consciousness. Actually, I speak somewhat in the blind, for I have not studied the terminology
of those disciplines involved with consciousness. I prefer to describe my experience and understanding in
my own terms. Actually, to be honest, consciousness uses the terms from my vocabulary in describing
these things. However, this is not bothersome either, since consciousness has guided me to acquire this
vocabulary over the course of my life anyway. I've always had trouble deciding that I wanted to do
something and then doing the routine day after day practice necessary to get proficient. Nearly all of my
life the things that I've done have come naturally. The talents were already there.

6 Nov 94

I'm open to what consciousness would create though me. I have seen the beauty of spirit that comes from
living in accord with the principal "not my will but Thine be done". Though I am still struggling with the
idea of free will, my current choice is to freely give my will to spirit. She already provides me with
everything that I could ever need. She has for all of my life. I wonder how many others understand this,
how many others know firsthand of their direct relationship to consciousness, to Source? My sense is that
very few have such an awareness. Why would this be? It has to be because of the TIME. The time marks
the level of awareness.

7 Nov 94

I need to be more open and playful, allowing consciousness to move more fluidly between numbers using
an inner logic that makes sense symbolically though it may not appear to be rational. Not that what I've
been doing for the past six months is rational, but now that I can fly to a degree greater than ever, what I
bring back needs a free canvas on which to express with no preconceived notions about how symbols
must be connected. The web is intricately woven, and the process by which this occurs is simple in
principle but complex in application. In the coming weeks and months, it is time to start bringing
information on that process through this channel. Always the words will be accompanied by direct
experience, so you will be writing about what you know or have experienced firsthand. We find it is much

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
easier that way. Further, there is really no other way for spiritual evolvement once you reach the level of
awareness that you have reached.


The role I am to play has been predestined, and it is consciousness not I who truly plays that role. I
participate and watch and learn and increase in awareness in the process, but the actor who plays this role
follows a script that I did not create. Yes, I chose to play this part, but to what degree? An actor plays his
role in a play, associating his attention with the character he plays, saying his lines and performing his
assigned actions. The actor however is not the character, regardless of how many times the role is played
or how deeply the actor gets into the part. In fact, the actor may even realize things about his own nature
as a result of his playing of his role. But in our roles in life, how far does the analogy stretch? While we
are playing our roles, how into them do we have to be? When we become aware of being aware, when we
know that we are consciousness and not form, then what? How do the rules change? We are still
incarnate. We are still in the play. But, we are no longer of the world. We know it is a Play, mere illusion.
Ok, it is still very real -- and our physical bodies are definitely subject to the laws and rules of the illusion.
Yet, what are we to do. Free will has all but vanished. My only choice seems to be with where I place my
attention, and even that may not involve choice. Yes, it takes some of the fun out of the game. However,
the real action is not in the game, it is in consciousness. That's the key. It doesn't matter what something
does in the illusion. What matters is spirit and the spiritual world. Seek that first and all else shall come
unto you. Yet, how few believe the simple truths of spirit. Personal responsibility has been one of the
biggest obstacles. It is the one thing that continuously supports the idea of separation and prevents any
real movement towards ONE. Even the metaphysics community has it all wrong. Individual responsibility
is not enough unless we add the idea that there is only one individual. And that, is a huge addition that
most people are not willing to swallow.


Consciousness would not waste it's time to enter form unless it could express itself in a new and unique
way and learn something about itself in the process. There must be something wonderful that is being
created in the physical. So long as I treated it as illusion, and lesser than spiritual reality, I looked with
blinders. There is nothing wrong with creation. No, it is not pure being, but it has a beauty and a wonder
all its own. How can one look at the earth and her web of life and not marvel at the glory of ONE who
could create such a planet? And, further, looking up into the sky at night, ONE who could create such a
UNIVERSE. Yes uni-verse, one verse. Even considering these bodies that house our spirits during this
earthly sojourn, one must stand in awe of the abilities, functions, talents, wisdom, and organization of
such vessels.


That's it. The spiritual directive is to be in this world but not of it. My sense is that I have neglected being
here due to my preference of flying in the spiritual worlds. Actually, I sense that there is not so much
difference as I had imagined. The physical and spiritual are clearly intertwined, for it was the VERSE, the
WORD, that created the World. Interesting that this should be so. And numerology helps me to understand
the Word, so that I may understand the World from the side of spirit verses illusion. There is an elaborate
farce going on. Philosophers and their focus on cause/effect are part of the cause. The greater cause
however is the level of awareness of the society as a whole. Here, it is not clear what drives what. It is
almost as if there is a worldwide spiritual agenda that needs to be learned. My sense is that the ONE has
been holding up the show, the creation so to speak since it was formed. Now, it is seeking to endow at
least part of it's creation with the keys so that it can go off and do other things. With the keys comes true

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freedom and free will. However, before the handoff the many will have had to take significant strides
towards becoming ONE.

This gets into the idea of levels of Gods. The test for level one is creating like unto one's own image. How
did God do that? Creating man was not sufficient, for man, the animal, is not even remotely in the image
of God. No, the creation also had to include the conditions for the evolution of awareness within man to
the point of being in the image of the awareness of God. Curious note image = I M Age = I Am Age =
Aquarian Age. One of the conditions of this is that a critical mass of us will have to realize that we are
ONE. When this happens, we'll have a massive planetary transformation.

9 Nov 94

It is easy to get lost in such, given the very nature of the illusion that fills the world that we currently
appear to exist within. Our very words seem inadequate to describe how all of this works. Yet it is the
words, and the vibrations thereof, that create things to be exactly as they are. Everything has meaning.
While it appears that much of our vocabulary was created at random, such could not be further from the
case. Nothing is random. Nothing is accidental. Nothing happens by chance. This doesn't mean that we
can predict it all, or even explain how it happened after it does. What it means is that there is an
underlying God, Consciousness, or Spiritual Entity of some type that created the world and directs the
Play that is occurring on this world stage. Further, this is not some remote overseer role, but a deeply
personal one that is directly attuned to every individual.

14 Nov 94

My sense from all this is that this truly is Wayne's World, and that the key comes from focus on spirit, on
the Word from which all that is springs into existence. This Word comes from Source, consciousness
herself, and is expressed through each of us in accord with our level of awareness and our willingness to
align ourselves with this Source. Do we actually have the ability to do other than this? My concept of free
will at the present does not permit such. Yet, there is a sense that spirit should not be enslaved in such a
manner. Then again, enslaved in the illusion does not mean enslaved in the spiritual realm. Every action is
chosen or agreed to by all parties at an other than conscious level. There is a question of how far in
advance the reality game is scheduled. Within the overall plan, how much freedom is allowed for personal
experience? Even in our games, the players make choices and then are presented with future experiences
based on these choices. Is our reality game so fixed that we need firm scripts? Or, is there some way to
loosely tie relatively independent pieces together? That is, did consciousness create rules/programs to
govern behavior? Perhaps some types of behavior and not others. How much of the physical game is
played out in the physical? How much thought/reasoning takes place via rules in the physical brain?


It does not appear that in the history of Western Thought since the Ancient Greeks anyone has come up
with a reasonable explanation of how thoughts are generated. Further, Krishnamurti's work specifically
advocated going beyond thought, beyond mind, to pure consciousness. It's the consciousness that is
important in the end, that which watches, and ultimately that which creates via the Word and thought. It is
true that thoughts create reality in the world. What is missing is that only consciousness can create
thoughts and there is only one consciousness.

15 Nov 94
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
The bottom line is that we experience what we believe we will experience regardless of what this is. Our
thoughts and experiences are the means by which consciousness injects inputs to our conscious minds that
drive us to question and change our beliefs. This continuous cycle promotes ever growing self-awareness,
and ultimately Self-awareness, allowing spirit to be expressed to ever increasing degrees in our lives.


Right now, my life is essentially on automatic. Things happen and sort of take care of themselves. I'm
involved but not concerned with outcomes of any kind. In particular, I don't engage in activities that
require emotional involvement with outcomes. The bottom line is whatever happens happens and there is
nothing that can be done about it. How's that for the ultimate view of predestination. One of the first
questions that comes to mind is: what if I'm wrong? Basically I'll have wasted my life, when I could have
been "doing" something. But, I am doing something. I'm just not deciding consciously what to do. I'm
trusting that spirit will move me to do exactly what needs to be done. It's as if I'm a puppet animated by
consciousness herself, except that I am a part of consciousness myself.

21 Nov 94

So what does it all mean? It means that all is in its right place. It means that the Plan is indeed working its
way in the world. It means that there is a spiritual base on which the whole illusion exists. Meaning
occurs at multiple levels. Spiritual meaning is there "for those with the eyes to see and ears to hear". One
might say that this meaning is hidden, embedded in reality in such a way that it is not obvious to most
people. Actually, this is not completely correct. The key problem is with the will. While one chooses to be
the master of one's fate, one's eyes are blind and ears are deaf to the help which spirit would provide. One
only has to renounce one's will for Thy Will to see the world in a new Light. A host of angels comes forth
to guide one along whatever path be right for one's highest growth and for the completion of one's
purpose. There are many who are unaware that they even have a purpose within a larger scheme or Plan
for existence. Yet, such is indeed the case. How 5 and 1/2 billion of us could have such purpose stretches
even my imagination, something not very easy to do, as any of you who have followed these writings can
attest to.


Lately, I've found that operating from the whole brain is the key. Both the intuition and the reason have
their fortes and their weaknesses. The self operates best when the parts cooperate, each performing what
they do best. This requires some amount of training and coercing as these parts are not used to dealing
with one another at all, much less cooperating with each other.


One of the key stumbling blocks toward establishing a new nation is the distribution of goods and
services. This is the age old problem. Greed stands in the way. In addition, many people do not understand
the right that each person has to what they need within society. One of societies challenges is to efficiently
and effectively meet these needs. Creating goods and services means that people have to work. Sharing
the required work fairly over the population will clearly be a challenge, however, there is no reason that
there can't be an abundance for all. The only limit is the imagination of the people in providing goods and
services that are truly of value and utility to the members of the community. Whether this can work in a
completely free market is a big question. My sense is that some level of review of new products and
services will be needed. Also, there is a question of whether market forces should be moderated in the
areas of technology infusion, especially where infrastructure is involved. The whole idea of capital and
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
profit as incentive for investment is suspect as well. Yes, we need sound fiscal decisions; however, the
bottom line is more of resource commitment, human and factory. Another issue is how much competition
and choice is enough. One answer is that the system itself will determine that by forcing anyone that can't
compete out of business. But, do I really need to be able to choose from 10 brands of Corn Flakes? Maybe
not. But, how many is enough? And, what's to say that subtle differences in the products not noticeable to
you aren't noticeable to others? There is still something missing. Agreed, nowhere in the world are there
anything like American supermarkets. They epitomize a nation that worships individual choice and free

Ah, there's the rub. We are for the most part a nation of individuals, to a great extreme. As such, we have
no real collective unity, and definitely have no collective vision. With a presidency of four years, there
really is not enough time (1) to develop and express a vision, and (2) build the coalition necessary to even
start getting the vision expressed. Further, given the diverse nature of the individuals in the constituency,
finding a vision that even a majority of them could agree on is no easy task.

22 Nov 94

Interesting how much trust I place in consciousness. There is no person with whom I have such trust, but
this entity inside whom I cannot see, I hold as dear as any man can hold anything. She is my source and
my inspiration, my protector, and anything else that you might care to name. My teacher, my confessor,
my lover, my friend -- all these she is and much more. How could I be lonely with her ever at my side.
Oh, to live the Hermit life is not such a bad thing. Then again, it takes a certain character to be able to
endure. It's not always been easy. Yet, in all ways that truly matter, there has never truly been any
hardship. Challenge at times, yes; but hardship, definitely not.

You might say that my faith borders on zealousness. It is definitely extreme among those in the profession
in which I work. Then again, there is the fanaticism of the religious right -- perhaps the "religious wrong"
is more appropriate. Then again, tolerance of the views of others is the mark of an advanced soul. That
doesn't mean we have to either agree to or even understand where they are coming from. Am I an
"advanced soul"? I just picked the words from a couple of sentences previous. Perhaps I am. Then again,
perhaps not. At the very least, I am different. Nearly anyone who has any awareness of me is aware of
that. Strange, weird, looney ... are but a few of the terms that might be applied. The bottom line is that it
does not matter. I am what I am. Moreover, I am WHOM THAT I AM. This I cannot change, I can only
express to an ever increasing degree.

26 Nov 94

A new day is coming, one that will be quite different than most expect. Looking at the world scene,
however, it is not clear that people are ready for a massive spiritual change. So, how do we reconcile this?
How do we deal with a knowingness that has no confirmation in the real world? Many would say that I
am crazy, that operating out of faith in intuition and consciousness herself is not a rational way of living
ones life. Yet, who says one must life one's life rationally? The choice is not between rational and
irrational, the world is not black and white; there are indeed many shades of gray -- shades that allow one
to employ all of one's capabilities and live by faith as well as by reason.

27 Nov 94

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Everywhere I turn, the things that most attract my attention are media with a message. Whether this be via
video or audio is not important. What is important is that spiritual messages are being presented to wide
audiences in the context of entertainment. I'm surprised that there hasn't been more of a outcry from
religions. However, this may be because it is very hard to fight against songs and movies expressing
anything from a spiritual perspective when so many appear to do just the opposite. The religion that
would try to take on Elton John's "Circle of Life" for preaching that: all are agreed that a chief rule of life
is "to never take more than you give", would be extremely foolish That is such a fundamental principle of
balance that it is hard to imagine that anyone could disagree with it.

30 Nov 94

Throughout these notes statements come out point blank in declarative form, many times offering no
proof or even rationale for what is stated. It's as if the statements come from a source of direct
knowingness where their truth is so obvious that they need nothing more than to be expressed. Personally,
I don't necessarily agree with some of what comes through. When I read the notes I find ideas that conflict
with my own belief system on occasion, and I don't necessarily alter my beliefs to align with the
statements. One has to find a place within where personal direct knowing occurs and accept only those
things which align with that inner knowingness. When we talk about the nature of reality [the illusion]
there are so many ways of looking at things that there can be no one set of absolute truths. When we deal
with spirit and spiritual reality, that is a whole other thing, but don't confuse spirit with religion.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1



Community is common unity or in other words common oneness.

When we are one, we do not allow any to go without.

When we are one, we demand an infrastructure that meets the needs of all.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


11 Dec 94

Yes, that's an 11, not a 1. This is the first time in over a year of writing these notes that I've gone so long
without writing anything. Further, the quantity of notes for the final few days of November was quite
sparse as well. I don't know what to make of this. Work has been extremely busy, but 6 of those 11 days
were days off for me. I've been in a strange state of mind. Pregnant but impotent comes to mind. It's as if
I'm ready to burst but the timing is not yet right.

It's as if my energies are being diverted for awhile, towards increased work on the one hand, and toward
rest and sleep on the other. My sense is that I'm being prepared for some kind of a change on a very deep
level. Pluto square Pluto seems to be the chief factor, which means, for me, Dec 18 is the start of a year of
Spiritual Upheaval. Uranus and Neptune square my Natal Sun, prepared the way for what I am to
receive/experience this year. In many respects, I know not what that is, yet at the same time I embrace
whatever it is wholeheartedly, for I know that Divine Providence guides my way, and the experiences to
come are those required to temper my spirit for the task which lies ahead.


At times, I think that literally no soul that has ever lived has thought the thoughts I think in the manner
that I do. No one else has been exposed to the training that I have, in the way that I have. No one else has
seen what these eyes have seen, or felt what this heart has felt. And, no one else has been aware of
consciousness in this unique manner. Oh, these words are true for every being. But, it takes a special soul
to realize them to the point of being able to utter them with all the force of one's being. What makes me so
special. To be honest, I do not know. You could say that I give my Self freedom to express through me in
ways that are many times beyond my conscious comprehension. I don't know exactly when I realized it,
but long ago, my conscious mind accepted that there was a greater Self, the vehicle of the Soul, of which
it had limited direct awareness -- but nevertheless, could be completely trusted to guide one's path. I
firmly believed Seth's statement "We Create our own Reality". However, I accepted this was done on
other than conscious levels. Regardless, there was nothing the conscious mind could do about this with
the exception of managing the belief system. Even here, I did not go so far as to question what a belief
system was, or how it might be managed. And further, I did not know the process by which thoughts enter
the mind, are stored, are connected with other thoughts, and are recalled. For the most part, I never had a
need to question the workings of my mind, or to verify that this was similar to the manner in which the
minds of others work. Now, I see that I presumed to know more than I actually knew. Further, it seems
that the way in which I lived my life conformed with the very nature of my own mind, or better still that
which provides direction for the mind. For, the mind is as a ship, and tis not the conscious which stands at
it's helm, but a greater force which ever looks after the development of the being.

12 Dec 94

Attachment is key. I have found that there is little to which I am truly attached. My family, my friends,
and even my wife do not have a direct connection to my heart. You might say that my dogs come closer to
this than people because their love is so unconditional. Not that others are to blame for this. It is very hard
for anyone to get close to me. Further, most people never get past the surface illusion. For a long time,
this did not bother me. Now, for some reason, it does. How am I to share my awareness with others, if we

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
cannot get past the illusion and cut to the very core? I am what I am. And, I am proud of that. Further, I
feel strongly that I can help to transform this nation into what it is destined to be. All it takes is the
spreading of a set of ideas whose time has finally come. The difficult part is that the ideas appear to rock
the core principles on which this nation and in particular it's economy is founded. However, let that not
deter us one moment from our task. What is not right must be made right. The continued existence and
well-being of the country is at stake.


The key problem is distribution of goods and services. We've reached a point where we can easily produce
enough for all to be prosperous. That we allow portions of our populous to be deprived of this fruitfulness
is criminal. If we can't find a way to allow everyone to participate via appropriate jobs, at the very least,
there should be a level of distribution given to each that is sufficient to meet basic needs. Resources
(natural or human) are not the problem. Use of resources and distribution of goods and services are the
issue. No economic system addresses the moral issues with respect to distribution of goods and services
(or wealth). Yet here we are facing a time when these are the most pressing issues of the day. To have
street people, and especially kids going to bed hungry in this country of abundant food is a major crime.
How can we be so callous as to tolerate it?


Since the beginning, the admonition of spirit has always been to go within, for there ye will find all that
ye seek and more. For yeah verily, there is where the Kingdom of Heaven lies, awaiting any who would
drop the illusion for just a little while and see with new eyes and hear with new ears. Yet, how do we plant
foundations here that the castles in the air may be brought down to earth? It seems that the key is in the
planting of the appropriate seeds in the hearts of the people. For, in their minds, the seeds grow fallow.
Only in the hearts can the nourishment be found to spread the Force of Love throughout the land, that
every man would be a brother, and every woman a sister. Only upon such a foundation can the Age of
Aquarius be built. And, indeed it will be built, for such is preordained as part of the Plan. It has been there
always only to be enacted at this special time in the course of human events. In many ways, we're still a
barbaric people. But, this too will change, for the conditions that permitted that mode of expression are
about to be cast away forever.


You could say that I am delivering a message from a source that I know not, other than that it is inside of
me. No, not physically inside of me, but inside in the sense of inner dimensions that appear to have no
physical counterparts either in the outside world or in some part of my mind. Further, my truth sensor
feels a basic truth about what is being said. I have no way to validate the details. All that I know is that for
as long as I could remember, the ability to recognize truth when I found it was innate. It was built-in, not
something that I had to work at or develop.


It's interesting. I've lived for 36 years in this existence, yet until recently I never really questioned
anything. Now, I question everything. Nothing is sacred or taboo. Further, I'm no longer willing to operate
on the truths of others. I'm a wayshower. As such I must find my own truth. Yet, in doing so I operate at
the very fringe of what others deem to be reality, and further at the edge of what others deem to be sanity.
Yet, it matters not. I know that I am aware, aware in ways that others are not and may never be, and this
awareness sets me apart. I cannot be as other men. In many ways, this has been true not only for the past
20 months, but for all of my life. At the same time, my understanding is based solely on my personal
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experience. Thus far, there is no correlation with the experiences of others. The few relevant books and
interactions with others have had very limited utility. The experiences do not have enough in common to
be of value in enhancing understanding. So, each day and each month, the distance grows greater. I long
to apply ideas in ways that transform the country and the world, but the illusion offers no practical way
for their introduction. At another level, I know that the real service is performed behind the scenes, not in
the illusion that we are given to see. How this occurs is another question. Here, I leave it to consciousness
to pull the strings and move me to where I need to be to carry out my assigned destiny. That she will do
so, I have no doubt. That I have such a destiny is beyond doubt as well. A scary thought, "beyond doubt".
Yet, all that it requires is absolute faith. This, too, might be scary for many of you. However, think deeply
about what you truly know about yourself and how you're very body and brain function. After over 2000
years of thought, look how little even our best doctors know in these areas. Each day we live in faith,
trusting that whatever it is that keeps us alive and functioning in this world will continue to do so. As
we've pointed out before, consider where your thoughts originate -- do you think them, or do they just pop
into your head as they do into mine?

So, am I insane? What does it mean to be sane? Does the very flow of these thoughts indicate a mind that
is basically functioning properly? Then, what about the conclusions? What about all the statements that
run counter to convention? How does a mind trained in math, engineering, and the sciences wander to
such extremes? Yet, there is more to it than this. For the mind has a knowingness that no amount of math,
engineering, or science could ever give it. A knowingness that comes from having achieved an observer
state of mind and having learned to live from that state of awareness. How this occurred is open to debate.
That it occurred is not. Whether it will occur for others and when is also of no import. I only know what I
have experienced. Sometime between Apr 93 and Oct 93, I experienced an awakening that was a one way
transformation of awareness. The bottom line was a realization that I was something more than what I
knew myself to be before.


You might say that I am sacrificing my life for something I cannot see nor prove. From my vantage point,
however, there is no sacrifice. There is no one that I would trade places with. While my life may not be
the most joyous, it is me that prevents it being so, no other. Besides, how many people are privileged to
catch even a glimpse of the spiritual world, and here I have been immersed in it several times for weeks
on end. No, I would not trade places with another. Further, from what I have gathered over the past
several years, the future has much in store for one who would be a Wayshower and perhaps even a
Philosopher King. But, this we'll leave for consciousness to decide. Teacher, Guide, Advisor, Wise Man --
these too call to me. Ideas are my weapons and my tools, as such they will help to bring down the old and
build up the new. Here we speak of the very infrastructure of society, and we speak in a way that has not
been spoken before. It is time for Unity to achieve it's rightful place. Community is common unity or in
other words common oneness. When we are one, we do not allow any to go without. When we are one,
we demand an infrastructure that meets the needs of all.


What makes me, a loner who has virtually no interaction in society, think that I can come up with viable
ideas on which to found a new society and ultimately a new world order? Very good question. The answer
is that this is a moral and spiritual issue that is best handled outside of the realm of conventional religion.
Here is where I shine. My nature is all spirit. I came to manifest that spirit in a practical way. Refounding
society is the most meaningful and practical way that I can think of. Further, it's necessary for the
Aquarian Age to unfold -- and the time for that age to unfold is now, or at least very soon. Another
positive point is that I have no ties or investment to the way things are. I look at the whole and imagine
how things could be, if only we'd get beyond petty differences and struggles over power. Let's get on with
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it and use the resources we have for the good of the whole. No, not just the majority, but truly the good of
the whole. There is no problem that cannot be overcome when the right resources are applied in an
effective way. Unfortunately, at the present time, a few hundred big companies determine where most of
the resources go. Society has no unifying organization that gives it any real clout over these companies.
This is a major battle zone. For a long time, we have tolerated a mechanism for distribution of wealth as
well as goods and services that has not been good for the majority at all. Somehow we need to take our
power back and right this situation.

14 Dec 94

Over the past year I've been noticing signs that there is a spiritual world coexistent with the physical one.
It is primarily revealed in the symbol systems that have been imposed on the physical backdrop. There is
a synchronicity of these symbols that cannot be attributed to chance that reveals a divine spiritual order to
everything. Thus far, I have caught only glimpses. In some cases meaning of these glimpses has be
revealed as well as with 222 in the above. The process is one of putting together a puzzle, only in this
case: (1) there is no cover picture to guide how the pieces go together and where they fit relative to one
another, (2) no one said there was a puzzle to begin with, (3) there is no information on how many pieces
are in the puzzle, (4) there is no guidance on what constitutes a piece, and (5) there is no guidance on
whether this is a solitary or group activity. As I wrote that, solitary flashed in my mind. Yet, this only
makes the challenge all the greater.

15 Dec 94

What am I responsible for? Lately, I've made the transformation of the whole world into my personal job.
But, given that there are 5.5 Billion people on the planet, that's a bit unrealistic. So what is the scope of
my responsibility? What is it that I am here to do? By what authority am I assigned my tasks? Very good
questions. Spirit or Consciousness directs my path and assigns my tasks. I have given up my will to do
their bidding. Yet, my forte is the big picture, my task the bringer of the VISION for what the New Age
must be. More particularly, I am the Way Shower. This is what excites me to my very core. This is what
makes my breath sing, my thoughts soar, and my consciousness rise beyond imagination. This is what
makes life worth living.


I understand that what moves and inspires me may have little to no meaning to others. This is fine. Each
of us is unique and must find the path that is right for us. Find the shoes the you were meant to walk in,
and fulfill the destiny that you came to this existence to fulfill. Or, at the very least, do you best to do so.
Remember that free will is still a big questions mark, so no matter how much control you think that you
have, consciousness may have something different in store for you. Always, you are given what you most
need for your highest good and the good of all concerned. This is true even when it does not appear to be

18 Dec 94

My sense is that there is a torrent of thoughts crossing my mind of late, like a river. I'm only consciously
catching a small fraction of what is passing. Is this the river of all thought that I sense, the river that
passes by each of us. Or, as on the world, do the waterways occur in many forms: streams, rivers, ponds,
lakes, oceans? Further, it is where we go as travelers of thought, or of the mind, that determines whether
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we end up by a dry stream bed, a frozen river, a great river, or even an ocean. What is it that determines
the depth and breadth of our thoughts? One answer is simple, necessity and utility. We are moved to go
where we need to be to fulfill our purpose, and along the way we will gain whatever knowledge is needed.


One question that comes to mind is whether I could make such associations to any numbers that might
come up. To some degree, it matters not, because there is no real way to test the idea. My sense is that
anything that comes to me has a purpose and potentially a spiritual message. However, it is up to me to
allow the message to come forth. I don't generate it, I hear it. How this happens with others may be quite
different. Much depends on the specific workings of the mind of each individual, and this appears to me
to vary greatly from one individual to the next. However, each of us is equipped with the abilities, and the
information gathering and processing abilities we need to complete our tasks in this world. These tasks
are not necessarily the jobs that we currently perform, rather they are the admonitions of our soul. Prior to
entering this existence, we were fully aware of exactly what we wanted to learn and to do during this
lifetime and we set ourselves up within a play that would permit us to do this, at least that would provide
the greatest opportunity for doing so. However, if we came in fully aware, it would have been too easy --
so, we turned off part of our conscious awareness. All along, this world has been a school for the
advancement of consciousness. This alone has been the goal of all the illusion that has been created.
Within this goal, we have two main parts, individual consciousness and the collective consciousness.
Neither one is sufficient for great advancement, both must be included as integral parts that cannot
survive without one another. It's from the advancement of individuals that the advancement of the
collective happens. But, it's from the advancement of the collective that individual consciousnesses are
allowed to sail to even higher realms. Individuals must realize that they are responsible for what befalls
them, but they must also recognize their common unity with their brethren. Cooperative interdependence
is how reality works whether we consciously aware of it or not. It is for us to consciously align ourselves
with this natural way of being if we are to realize the fruits of truly abundant living. For, while we operate
in isolation, we restrict the flow of spirit in our lives. The trick is to learn to do without doing, by allowing
spirit to work directly through us. Such a simple thing, yet at the same time one of the most difficult; for,
it requires relinquishing the ego, the personal will for Thy Will, whatever that might be. The unknown is
one of the most difficult things for us to deal with, so difficult that we create elaborate fabrications that
make it appear as if we know what we do not know.


How can I write in this manner? How do I know what I am talking about? From where did this knowledge
come? Good questions, all. But, not one can I truly answer in a manner that provides a real answer. The
bottom line is, I don't know. I just write, and it comes out as if it were fact. Further, usually there is no
way to confirm or deny what comes through.


Symbol systems. That's chiefly what we are. Symbol systems that turn the symbols that are input to our
senses into a context that has meaning. One of the chief contexts of importance is who and what we our,
the nature of our own beings and consciousness. Yet, as in the body, we don't need every cell worrying
about this. Separation of labor is a way of life. It allows incredible diversification to occur that in turn can
have great benefit to the whole.

27 Dec 94

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The time now just changed from 8:54 to 8:55. In other terms, from 629 to 529. How close this is to the
number 528 that started us off on this interpretation of the spiritual world. But is it real, or is it something
I've imagined to be so? And, does it really matter? It seems that for some reason, for me it must. Why this
is so, I know not. But, there is a definite sense that this is more real than anything else in my life.
Interesting that this would come out this way. Yet, for some reason, I sense that I have not yet truly lived.
It is not clear how to change this, or whether it is within my power at all. Oh, to be awake in a world that
lies asleep. What an interesting state to be in. At the same time, full of awareness, yet lacking the specific
means to use it in a manner beneficial to the spirit from which it springs. I am a man, yet I am so much
more as well, and it is this moreness that must find expression. How that will be, I know not; but, that it
will be is a certainty of which there is no doubt. When is another question as well. However, the timing is
left to spirit. To everything there is a season, and it is spirit that decides what that will be for the kinds of
things that we speak of now.

Life moves on. Day after day the march continues, and with each day destiny moves one step closer as
well. All that I can do is prepare for that day of reckoning when each will be judged and called by spirit to
do that which they came to do. Unlike many, I have had the privilege of being forewarned of what this
will be -- at least to the degree that intuition can be counted on. Perhaps this is because my role begins
sooner than most. Clearly, I haven't lived a normal life, and my abilities are far from average. My sense is
that in such matters, no abilities are created except that there be a use for them. Special abilities imply
special uses to fill specific purposes. All of my life I have been in training for positions that don't exist in
my world. Yet, all of this training has been directly or indirectly guided by spirit. There must be unseen
positions out there, be they spiritual or otherwise, that will come into existence soon. How soon, I do not
know, this will be spirits choice in accord with the Plan. My sense, however, is that major changes are to
occur in my work situation in the next 3 years, and perhaps multiple changes in a series that leads to some
ultimate position that is stable for awhile. Until these events occur, I can only expect to receive glimpses,
and then only on a need to know basis. The keyword is trust. Though you know not exactly what will be,
trust that you are being led by spirit to take you through exactly what you need to experience for the
greatest good of all. Don't back off. Trust your inner knowingness, and express it wherever you can. It will
trigger others into altered states of awareness as well, where their own spirit has more of a chance to
express through them. Don't worry about specific techniques. Being in your presence and seeing your
example will be sufficient to have the intended effect. Be the Wayshower that you are meant to be. Trust
that spirit will bring those beings to you who are ready to be shown the new way.

28 Dec 94

If morality is not the basis of social interaction in a community, civilization is lost. Maybe not
immediately, but it will crumble as surely as the sun will rise and fall each day. No, it is not necessary that
this come from religion. However, it is necessary that it be taught -- and the only place that it can be
taught so that all understand it is in theory and practice in the controlled environment of the schools and in
practice in the greater environment of society. It's by example that moral values are best taught. They
involve being kind and good to one another, and treating others with dignity and respect. Yes, ever the
optimist and utopian. But, I sense there is a desire in everyone to live in such a manner -- in particular, full
of hope and free of fear.

29 Dec 94

Reviewing the quotes on the wall in my office, I just made another connection to 528. Looking at the
number of letters in two key names Emerson and Thoreau we get:

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Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau

Wayne Ellis Hartman

All of them have 5 : 5 : 7. Reversing this, we get 7:55 or 528! Coincidence, maybe. But, what an
interesting one if it is. It's amazing how often that particular number keeps coming up. Also, it is
extremely close to the 7 and 56 that are on the centers of my triangle readings. Wayne => NewWay is a 5
=> 6 transition that would move the tick from 7:55 to 7:56. There come the shivers. I'm clearly onto
something important. The other transcendentalists did not have this natural transition built into their
names. Interesting, indeed. The time just wasn't right in their day for such a transition to manifest. They
prepared the way, however, as I prepare the way for those who will follow my example.

I know. It's a bit vain to count myself among such august company. However, it is not clear that I could do
what I am here to do if I did not consider such wonderful souls to be my brethren and my peers. And, it is
by standing on their shoulders and that of many others, that I am given the vantage point necessary to SEE
what I am meant to pass to the world. VISION is clearly the primary element in my mission.

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The bottom line is that we are a free society in pursuit of happiness.

A prerequisite for this happiness is getting our physical, emotional, mental,

and spiritual needs met.

The economy exists to provide the goods and services required to support
meeting these needs.

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3 Jan 95

My work comes from whatever source can express itself through the vessel of a hermit. In many ways, I
am like C.S.Lewis. I speak deeply of things which I know to be true even though I have no direct
experience. In many cases, I haven't even thought them out in my own mind. They just appear and I bring
them into physical existence. For what good you might ask. Even if it were solely to engrain the ideas
physically into my structure through the movement of my fingertips, such would be sufficient. The bottom
line is that the ideas change me. They change who I am and what I believe. No, not because I'm weak and
cannot but yield to their bidding. On the contrary, because I am strong enough to accept that there is a part
of me that is unknown, perhaps even unknowable to me while in this physical existence. Because of this, I
can have an unshakeable faith in not only my own destiny but that of everyman, for what exists within me
exists within all. Further, at some level, I believe that this inner being or power is the same ONE power
within us all. That is, it is God or Spirit expressing through us. From here it is but a short stretch to
imagine that the ONE that created us and guides us all, has a PURPOSE for this creation and, in
particular, a PLAN for our growth and evolution as spirit.

Oh, I know. Looking out at the mess that is the world at present, this seems a bit hard to believe. Yet, on
every front change is rampant, and it is from ideas that the world will be changed. Thoughts do indeed
change the world, and at no time in history has the technology been there to disseminate new thoughts to
the masses quickly. There is no precedent to the current time. Reality creation can now occur at breakneck
speeds. Where it occurs depends on where the resources are expended. It's time for enlightened rulers to
guide our way. The basic principle should be that the individual most qualified gets the job, at every level
within society. Implementing this within a society full of inflated egos presents a real challenge. Then
again, that's what spiritual growth is all about.


Back to the focus on 1995. My sense is that it is about "removing the chains" and freeing ourselves from
the illusions that bind us. That's it! We need to stop thinking in the terms of the illusion. The terms
themselves produce the bindings. This applies to everything. Nothing is sacred. It matters not whether it
has existed 1 minute or 10,000 years. Everything must be examined to SEE what it is that fosters our
growth and spirit versus what it is that hampers it. Things like democracy, freedom, capitalism, free
enterprise, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the role of government, individual rights, individual
responsibilities, the separation of church and state -- all these ideas and more need to be examined and
challenged. The bottom line is that these things got us where we are now, and this just doesn't cut it. Deep
down people must know this. They must sense that things are terribly wrong, that somewhere along the
way to our present materialistic society, we lost some of what really matters, our humanity and love for
one another.


Many fear that change might make things worse for them rather than better. Yet, until we as a society step
up to the fact that we are a society and as such both own everything and pay for everything, and further
that we have the right to decide how wealth, goods, and services are to be generated and allocated within
the society -- we will remain in the hands of the privileged few, slaves in our own country. Oh, we may be
well-paid slaves, but the freedoms that we have are mere trifles -- for what we've given up for comfort is

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the ability to define our own destiny and be all that we truly are. For were society run in such a manner as
to get the best that each citizen has to offer versus to get 40 hours/week at jobs that may or may not be to
one's liking or for that matter worth doing at all, everyone would benefit immensely from (1) greatly
increased happiness and (2) greatly increased productivity. If everyone is doing more, with the same
amount of people consuming, then there are more goods and services per capita.

4 Jan 94

What is it that I truly want? When am I the most happy? The second question is easy, it is when I am
involved in using my abilities to generate new top level ideas and to organize information in ways that
convey new and greater meaning. You might say that I am hooked on thought, not detailed analytical
thought, but high level intuitive thought. My world is clearly one of ideas. They are more meaningful and
more real to me than anything in this physical world. They are where I place my attention. You could even
say that they are where I live. Interesting. The next question that comes to mind is whether this is
"healthy"? I'm not so sure about that. I exist in the physical world, barely. To be "in this world but not of
this world". This is the challenge of the scripture. But what does it mean to be in this world? Do I truly
participate, or am I looking on from the fringes? And, does it matter? Why do I play my part in the
manner that I do? Do I have any other choice? Does it even matter?

As to wants, that is a tougher question. I want only to learn and to grow and to use my abilities and talents
in support of my mission in accord with the Plan of consciousness. I have no particular desire for this or
for that, to be here or to be there, or to do anything specific other than that which is the Will of
Consciousness for me to do. I understand that my destiny is unfolding as is that of every individual, only I
realize that consciousness has always guided my way drawing me to exactly those experiences that I
needed when I needed them. I trust that this is true of everyone whether they believe it or not. Then again,
if they didn't believe, from their perspective it would not appear so. Interesting how the differences
between appearances and reality are so blatant. Awareness is the key. It unlocks the door to the true
mansion of the soul.


I'm reaching a point where it's as if neither the future nor the past exist. Whereas before, I may have had
some projections, even if they were fuzzy, as to what I wanted to happen -- now, there is absolutely
nothing. Literally, there is a complete blank. My sense is that renouncing my will to follow Thy Will
caused this to be. This decision I will not change. My sense is that it is so engrained in my being that I
could not change it even if I desired to do so. One major result of all this is a great uncertainty attached to
the future, and even more important to where the expanded present will lead. My faith in consciousness,
however, knows no bounds. To me, it is certain that consciousness guides every step of my way. I am
aware of so little. However, what distinguishes me from others is that I have realized what this means.
The fact that I can experience things over which I have no conscious control, and further have no means
to be able to understand how they work is absolutely fascinating to me. Essentially, they constitute the
boundary to the unknowable. The very nature of consciousness itself falls into this category. We know not
how it arises, nor where it resides if indeed it does, nor how it operates. In fact, when we look at how little
of the operation of our minds that we understand after several thousand years of study by the best and
brightest beings on the planet, it clearly makes one wonder. Yet, what is even more striking is the idea that
there is a grand plan behind existence. In particular, that this is all a school for consciousness, and that
matter is but one of the forms that consciousness expresses itself within. The grandness comes however
from the intricate way in which the fabric of consciousness is interwoven so that worlds occur on many
level from the microscopic to the macroscopic and at all levels in between. The web of life, of existence,
is indeed a miraculous thing and yet the strands of the web each follow their path. The animals seem to
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have reached the end of their paths. They evolved as far as they could as a vehicle for ever expanding
consciousness. Man seems to be the form in transition, and by all accounts we are on the threshold of a
revolutionary step that will greatly expand our capacity for expressing spirit in flesh. Some, currently
incarnated came as the wayshowers. They were gifted with the ability to see things differently then most,
possessing a keenly developed inner sight and, in many cases a direct knowingness pertaining to spiritual
truth. In most cases, the wayshowers came from outside of the human evolutionary path on earth, though
they typically chose one or more prior existences to become acclimatized to the earth prior to entering
this, their mission existence. How interesting. I wonder where this really comes from. In some aspects, it
is similar to things that I have read but in others it is different. What gives me the license to state these
things in this manner? Yet, something about all of this feels right. It's as if there is this vast part of me that
knows all of this stuff, yet this vast part is not conscious. I trust that it is there however, and I know that it
is omniscient -- however, need to know is still the operative force. Why do consciously what the
subconscious can already do much better automatically? Then what would we have consciousness do?
What else, focus on awareness and knowing thyself, and in the process do what you are moved to do,
allowing spirit to express through you into flesh as clearly as is possible given your present state of
awareness. Remember, you are not "doing" anything anyway. You are consciousness. As such, you
experience being aware. If you're deceived into thinking that you have control over what you experience,
you still have a lot to learn. Remember that you are the watcher, not the entity being watched, though the
actions of that entity do reveal to you a lot about who and what you are and are not. YOU are creating
your own reality, and that reality is what you are observing. However, YOU in this case is primarily the
other than conscious parts of yourself.

5 Jan 95

You could conclude that you are being walked through you life by a master puppeteer of sorts; and, you
would be right in such a conclusion for such is what the other than conscious parts of yourself are. Only,
in this case, there is a further complication of the challenge of getting the conscious part to grow in
awareness so that spirit can be more fully expressed directly in flesh. So the puppeteer plays a sort of
game, exerting control from behind the scenes in such a manner that the puppet, the conscious beings
believe themselves to be free.

Something comes to mind about no one being more enslaved than prisoner who falsely believes himself to
be free. Yet, in this world where does freedom truly begin and end. It seems to me that all are free who
know themselves to be so, and that to such beings the conditions of the world have no bearing on their
freedom. The bottom line is that no matter what social or governmental system applies to the region in
which I live, I am always free to think, limited only by the frameworks that I have developed for
capturing and expressing truth, and by my openness, interest and intention. My possessions, these can be
taken from me. But, the skills I have learned for using the vast capabilities of my mind, these cannot be
taken away -- perhaps with the exception of killing me, or frying my brain via drugs or electricity. Further,
however, lie the truths that I have realized about the nature of being and of spirit. These are permanent,
they are the lessons of the soul which, once experienced, forever change that sacred entity.

8 Jan 95

Two night ago, I watched The Client. It was an outstanding movie. Susan Sarandon's part was spectacular
as was that of her 11 year old client. The movie was full of suspense from it's opening moments through
just before it's happy ending. Gini was turned off in the first few minutes, and mentioned "how could you
watch such trash, you're supposed to be spiritual -- what's spiritual about this crap?" At some level, we
have to see everything as spiritual, for all of it truly is of spirit. There is nothing else!
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9 Jan 95

At this point, I am still convinced of the lack of conscious choice in human affairs, though there is a level
at which choices do appear as if they are made consciously. The question however becomes: how can we
know for certain? The bottom line is that if it appears that a choice can be made and I take action (or see
myself take action) aligned with a particular choice, did I indeed make a choice? If I say yes, the
immediate question is was there something that caused me to make the choice in the particular way?
Because of the way we experience time, we are never provided the opportunity to go back and see
whether a choice could have indeed been made in another way. My intuition says there is something about
the nature of time that needs to be considered. The basic metaphysical teaching is that all time is
simultaneous. For us to experience it as other than that, we must buy into a set of limitations and
restrictions that allows this game we call Life to be played on this game board that is our Universe. Seth
talked about having to focus in a very specific way to be able to take on the particular perspectives of the
students in the class. Otherwise he saw not only the current lifetime, but all past and future ones as well.
What is required for this to be so? I have no reason to doubt Seth's veracity.


The sense is that I still have some important lessons to learn, primarily spiritual ones, however pertaining
to more fully incarnating spirit in flesh. Further, it seems that there is just shy of one year to accomplish
this task. Where it will lead me, and whether I'm to remain in my primary mode as Hermit are still to be
determined. But, there is a more marked spring in my step. With each passing week and month, I am that
much more closer to whatever my destiny calls for. Thy will be done. It is not my little I that has the
Vision for bringing forth a New Age, but rather it is The Will of Spirit which I humbly allow to command
my own. Show me where I can be of the greatest service in support of your Plan, and I will gladly do all
that I can to the best of my ability. Further, I realize that it is not me who truly does anything, but spirit
operating through me. Being such, let me be the best vehicle for spirit that I can be.


I still see myself thinking from the top down, and because I'm working alone, I haven't really had time to
work everything out down to any middle ground. Then again, it is not clear that it is time for details yet.
We have to get people to buy the basic concept of how does a society function, and in particular what is
the responsibility of individuals to one another. There must be a spiritual basis, or you might as well allow
the society to die anyway. Life isn't worth living, if it can't be lived spiritually. Interesting. Somehow, I
doubt that even a small fraction of the population would agree with that last statement. Yet, that's what the
Age of Aquarius is all about. Something has to give, and give soon. The present foundation cannot
support the structure that is being brought down to earth. Castles in the Air. That is fine, that's where they
belong. Now, put the foundations under them. That's much of why I am here, to bring forth information
related to building the foundations. The castles are built, at least in terms of thought. But, thought alone is
not enough to plant things on this earth. At some point, the thought must be transformed into flesh or
matter. Interesting. So what kinds of castles does the Aquarian Age bring? And, what foundations must be

In the past, you've allowed yourself to get bogged down a bit by the details. Don't worry yet about how
something will be done. It is enough to know that it must be done and possibly how it relates to other
tasks. Also, don't worry that your conscious mind may not fully understand what is coming through as it
comes through. Trust that the time you have spent establishing this communications pathway was indeed
effective; and now, it will be used to bring forth material that literally can come through in no other way.
Yes, we know that seems to be a pretentious statement to make, but we made it, not you. No, it is not a
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
channel in the sense of a TV channel where you turn to it and there is something being broadcast. In this
case, it is for you to get into a receptive mode and allow this communication to take place. What comes
through will be what needs to come through. Also, you need not spend all your time in this state. Your
intuition will tell you when something needs to come through, or is available to come through. How do I
know that this is not just me talking to myself? For all you, and your scientists for that matter, know, that
is exactly what is happening. However, this requires a very expanded sense of you. It's interesting how
quickly consciousness creates such seeming complexity. There is nothing simple about it, but then what
would you expect given just what is apparent in our world?

10 Jan 95

Three is coming up all around me. The Three of Swords, followed by the Three of Cups, followed by the
Three of Cups again after a break of several days. In addition, 222 = 2:22 = 3:00 = The Empress. In a
major reading last year, The Empress was at the head of the major V with The Emperor in an important
but much less substantial position. Hmm, this has something to do with all the triples that are showing up
on my bills as well. Now, the tough part. What does it mean? Knowing that this is so, how does it impact
either my ability to act (which I believe to be relatively small), or my level of awareness? There is an
overall sense that the impact is great but yet that it is somehow unknown and further even unknowable.
Interesting. That seems the easy way out. However, what am I asking for in this instance? In particular,
knowledge of the meaning of a synchronicity centered on the symbol 3 or the trinity. Mother, Father, and
Child are united. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Superconscious, Conscious, and Subconscious. Even
Mind, Body, and Spirit. Personally, the universe or spirit is telling me that I'm in the process of integrating
these triples. Where that ultimately takes me, I do not yet know. This is new ground we are trodding on, at
least as far as I am aware. Further, I sense that if this path had already been explored to the degree it needs
to be, I would not have been led to it in this manner. Of course, there is nothing to say that I am not still in
a mode of learning to be a wayshower and this is just one of the steps along the way. The very nature of
the trinity step is something that many would have had to encounter over the years. However, what
confronts me now is to determine what this personally means to me. Actually realize more than determine
is the correct means of stating this.

15 Jan 95

Nearly everything in my being drives me toward being the ultimate of priests, The Hierophant, who rules
from an enlightened spiritual perspective that has not yet been known on this planet, at least in recent
times. Yes, it seems to be the ultimate of ego-centrism to think that I am to attain this role in the relatively
near future. Yet, at the same time, it seems that this is exactly what I am being prepared for. It seems that,
in particular, lack of attachments and connections that could exert undo influence was specifically

Do I desire power, or do I desire only to serve spirit to the greatest degree that I am able in establishing a
new spiritually based order on the planet?

16 Jan 95

Redistribution of wealth is not something that most will find easy to take. Further, it is not yet clear how
this can be done or whether it even should be done. Yet, we can't have people making millions in the new
order. At the same time, it does not seem right that everyone makes the same amount. Further, one can't
judge worth on the basis of the value of one's services since these are highly dependent on skills and
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abilities which were innate by birth. Equality does present it's difficulties. Looking at the problem in this
way only highlights the difficulties. There must be another way that provides reasonable solutions. The
major question however is how much control versus how much freedom must be provided in the
economic system for it to be effective? It's interesting how this issue continues to come up for me. My
nature is to be the dictator, and I want things to be done in the way that I decide to be best. Yet, I know
that my decisions are improved if I am open to input prior to making the decisions. This may also
manifest as being open to alternatives in my own mind prior to making a decision.

The beneficent dictator, is this what Hierophant is? Driven by spirit, his sole concern is the good of all --
and primarily the spiritual good at that. Am I the Hierophant? Dare I even ask? Clearly, that is about as
grandiose as I could think at this time. Yet, grandiose or not, the question is still valid. I am or I am not.
It's as simple as that. If I am, then I'm in for one hell of a ride in the coming years. However, even if not, it
seems that I'll always have a prominent place behind the scenes. The question seems one of how much do
I see myself in the limelight? Do I have the character to play the role of Becket to the equivalent of
Henry? Or, will such a story be played out by others who have the proper boyhood connections and trust
in one another to force the key issues to be played out again. Only this time, we might see that the
spiritual power is sufficient to finally squelch the physical power, and that government can be put in its
rightful place as subservient to the spiritual/moral needs of the people. Rather than the King or Emperor
retaining power, the Hierophant will indeed rule supreme in the land.


As the Hermit, I'm in a strange position among men, in that I have so few connections established with
others. This permits a freedom of thought and action that are beyond what others might consider as
acceptable. It also creates a convoluted mind that is wrapped up in a way that allows connections to be
made, and thoughts to be passed through in a manner that is far different from others. Thus, it is no
accident that such notes as these are not to be found elsewhere. Consciousness simply has not expressed
in this manner.


Interesting. Piece by piece, the information is revealed and the puzzle is put together. With each
realization, however, I'm only consciously aware of a few of the connections that are being made. There is
a sense that much is going on behind the scenes and that I am only being given what I need to consciously
know, which in most cases seems to correspond to what I am curious about. Growing up, I don't
remember being curious about much. In class, I don't remember ever asking any questions -- not through
high school nor through college. Why this was so, I don't really know. I just don't recall any questions
coming to mind. How much different things are now. Dealing in an area where many things are simply
unknown, questions are one of the few tools at one's disposal for focusing on the issues related to the
unknown. In fact, in the notes for 1994 alone, I would bet that I asked more questions than in my entire 35
years of life before.


Yet, even with all that, and the many answers that have come -- the very basic things about life and
consciousness are as much of a mystery as ever. Further, it appears that they will always be so; for it
seems that as soon as you get a grasp of what consciousness is, one's level of awareness expands and
consciousness is no longer what you thought it to be but something far grander. Perhaps, this is the never
ending spiral. Consciousness and spirit for that matter, could simply be things that one experiences that
can never be fully explained. This strikes against the core of science, but there may just be things in this
world that are unknowable, no matter how much resources are expended in pursuing them. However,
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
though the basic nature is unknowable, that doesn't mean that one cannot learn enough about oneself to
operate effectively, and in particular to develop in a manner that allows spirit to be most fully expressed.

18 Jan 95

It's in the playing of the game of life that we learn and grow; and as we do so, we begin to express more
and more of the spirit that we are. The more spirit expressed, the grander the game -- at least in terms of
overall level of grandeur for the masses. We've already had times where the extreme grandeur for a select
few was supported by the extreme poverty for the many. It is no longer clear that such great differences in
wealth and privilege can or will be tolerated.


For the most part, voters and their representatives are not exposed to the real issues. Presently government
is where a lot of power games get played out, many times to the detriment of the majority of the people
for whom this government was designed to represent. Reform should be easy. Get rid of the ability of
PACs and special interest groups to use money or voter pressure to cause our representatives to make
decisions and laws that are not in the best interest of society. Period. If people want change, or
government support for anything, there should be a standard form to use that explicitly calls out the
cost/benefits to society. These forms should be reviewed by government experts for validity, then
prioritized based on a uniform set of criteria. Those ideas with sufficient merit will then compete for

An added benefit from this is that people will start to think about their special interest in a more expanded
way because the more value the idea provides to society, the more likely the idea will indeed get funded.
Even when they do get funded, however, programs should start as prototypes to provide insurance that
what was proposed can indeed be achieved and provides the described benefits.

21 Jan 95

So, what's the point of all of this? There is something that ties me to Plato, I've known it since I first read
his works in high school. There is something common (in essence or spirit) that drives all men who dream
of bringing Utopias down to earth. It is as if they spring forth from one common soul here to guide
mankind toward greater more noble expression on this earth. Too often the affairs of the world are settled
in the hands of the few who have their own hearts, and heads, and pockets as their greatest interest -- and
in many cases, it matters not what price others may have to pay to sustain their personal gain.


Looking to the world now, many see great prosperity for the majority. And indeed, by many standards,
such is the case. But, amidst all of this, in a nation that prides itself on equality, great economic inequities
remain. So long as we operate as a country of individual states, and individuals within those states, we
place nearly all of the burden of making a living at a level where it is least effectively accomplished.
Individuals are given the responsibility to earn a living but they are not truly empowered to do so. In a
world where skills and knowledge are specialized, where technology changes rapidly, and where
employers have a pool of unemployed workers to tap from -- individuals are to some degree trapped in
their work environments. There are always exceptions, but there are many people in this country who
work for the same company 25, 30, 40, and even 50 years. I personally find that hard to imagine, but there
is a sense of security that is established by working in this manner. And, as to whether people know they
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are trapped, someone once said something to the effect that "none are more hopelessly enslaved than
those who falsely believe themselves to be free". The current economic system has this kind of effect on
people. They get accustomed to a quality of life and to advertisers pushing them to stretch that quality of
life, on installment if necessary. And, each year better and better things and services come out for our
consumption, but again the cost is enslaving us to a job that allows us to pay the bills. The government
doesn't help, allowing the tax rate to increase over time cutting further into the income available to spend.
So, we go to two income families or overtime to be able to afford to live the lifestyle we choose. Yet, at
what point does it all end?

The bottom line is that we are a free society in pursuit of happiness. A prerequisite for this happiness is
getting our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs met. The economy exists to provide the goods
and services required to support meeting these needs. Provide means (1) create the right ones, (2) create
the right quantities, and (3) distribute them to where they are needed. At the present time our economy
does not do this. Hungry and homeless people are not having basic needs met. Conservatives argue that
this is the problem of the individuals, and let private charity help them. At what point will we realize that
poverty is everyone's problem? At what point will we stand up as a collection of individuals and tell our
representatives that if they take one more action that benefits any PAC, company, or industry to the
detriment of the people -- that will be the last decision they make for us. Further, the legislation of the past
40 years or so should be reviewed. Any legislation found to benefit any company or industry that does not
have the best interest of the people as its basis should be repealed as well. For example, it is ludicrous for
this country to subsidize the farming of tobacco while we pay for ads that attempt to get people to stop
smoking or to not even start to begin with. We should not allow products with known addictive substances
to be advertised or sold to the general public. In some cases, such as caffeine in coffee and sodas, this may
need to be waivered. However, waivers should only be granted in special cases where the overall impact
is beneficial or at least not detrimental.

30 Jan 95

This morning I was a bit annoyed by a car in front of me that was moving too slow during a time when I
did not have the opportunity to pass. Intuition guided me to check and record it's number, 2AGV238.

Something tells me that this has many hidden meanings that could tie a lot of things together.

Let's start with 21 7:22 23 8 = 21 8 23 8. This deals with the 21 22 23 sequence from my first name,
heart's desire, and second name.

Taking V as 4 rather than 22, yields 21 74 23 and 8. First name, whole name, middle name and reduced
destiny number / birthday. That's a lot of stuff that pertains to me. Further, I was not moved to even notice
another license plate during my 1.5 hour drive into work.

2A 7 V2 38 = 21 7 42 38 = 21 7 222 38. VISION guides The Chariot from 2:01 to 2:22, through the time
of The High Priestess to the time when The Empress can begin her reign.

AGV = Adam God Eve. Interesting. Especially, surrounding AGV by 22, The Fool Exalted, my Heart's
Desire. Yet, there is something else that AGV means as well. It will come in due time, as does all such
information. There is another piece, [A]dam [G]od [E]ve = [AGE].


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How do I know when to reduce numbers and when they are to be manipulated and arranged in particular
ways? The answer is simple, it is largely by intuition. I've gone beyond the point where there is any true
conscious understanding of the processing at work in bringing thoughts into my mind. All that I know is
that this occurs naturally and I can count on consciousness to bring forth whatever it is that I am in need
of at any particular time. There is nothing that could be forced of directed even if I might want it to be. In
my present state, I have no idea toward what ends anyway. I have resigned my will to The Will of
Consciousness that her works may be done in accord with the Plan. Part of this comes from a
knowingness that there is indeed a Plan, a knowingness that comes primarily from having been taught a
new symbolic language, one through which spirit reveals herself just as clearly and deliberately as atoms
combine to for higher level molecules. This spiritual reality, in all its full glory is there intertwined with
everything -- accessible to all who have the ears to hear and eyes to see.

Yet, from my experience this is not such an easy task. One must open one's mind to new possibilities and
see beyond what is there in the illusion to the true reality that underlies it and all existence. There is more
to life than making a living and having fun. Then again, what is right for me is not necessarily right for


Now 12:16 AM file size 131552 = (31) 15 (52) = (09) 16 (30). The Tower sweeping from The Hermit (09)
through Camelot (30). This would require 21 years, through the year 2016. The year 16:22 arrives in 2008
and 16:25 in 2011. 2002 puts us at exactly 16:16. Can this be coincidence as well that these years would
have such great symbolic meaning?

And all from a file size, taken at the beginning of the top of the final day of the month. The more I write,
the more I am blown away at what consciousness is able to reveal of the Plan. This is not my plan.
Further, this is not fiction, though I know not exactly where it originates. One thing after another.
Seemingly random occurrences in an ordinary day, yet the miraculousness with which they reveal
information about the spiritual universe is beyond any doubt. Could I prove to you that this is so? No!
Such is not my job. When you are ready to find this world, it will be revealed to you as well. These notes
over a testament to what I have discovered and allowed to flow through me. It has not been revealed to
me, however, if or how what I have learned applies to another. I am what IAM.

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Life would have meaning

or it is for not.

And, I know first hand


it is NOT for not.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


1 Feb 95

Looked down at the time, it was exactly 7:55. Of course! Looked again and it had moved to 7:56. Am I
doing the work that I am here to do or what? It's simply amazing that all these synchronicities can be
occurring. How is it that others have not had the means to see things in this manner? But, then again,
maybe they have. I can only project people's experiences from what I have read of their writings, and in
metaphysics, consciousness has directed me to the books that I needed to read. If there are others who
think as I do, they and their works are not known to me with the exception of some great quotes from
some very great minds. Why is it that few women have made contributions in this area, especially given
that such a great reliance on subconscious and superconscious processes is necessary? Perhaps the
problem is that the conscious mind is required as well, but not in a dominant manner as is the custom.

With every breath, I'm being more and more blown away. Information, connections, and realizations are
coming so quickly that I don't have time to slow down to capture all of them in writing. I have to trust that
consciousness will guide my memory and my writing to capture whatever is supposed to come through in
these notes. notes = 56251 = 2:51 through 65. Midpoint is at 2:58 or 528. Also, the cycle is 14 years, so 7
remain, bringing us to 2:65 in the year 2002. There it is plain as day!

This also made me think about what year in the 1800's had this completion property. It was none other
than 1870, the exact year that my house was built! Somehow, this cannot be a coincidence. There are no
other houses in Monterey still standing that were built in 1870! There are a few Victorians slightly older,
but less than a handful. 1+8+7+0=16.

3 Feb 95

The revelations continue. I don't believe I've ever discovered so much so quickly. My focus is direct and
the material being revealed is absolutely fascinating -- definitely the highest expression of spiritual truth
that has come through this channel.

6 Feb 93

OK, took a couple day break, but it was worth it. Still flying high and seeing meaning everywhere but the
process has become a natural part of my existence, not a disruptive one. It's as if I'm able to notice the
miraculous from a very balanced perspective. I still see spirit operating everywhere, yet I also sense that I
my be alone in seeing reality from this specific perspective. However, even with the early explorers in this
country, they had a common wilderness that existed on it's own terms about from them. The high country
of spirit seems no different. Many have explored it throughout all time, but my sense is that I am the first
with my unique set of talents and abilities. Interesting. However, in this case, I know that I need no
supplies for consciousness herself abundantly supplies me with all that I need.

Remember that the punctuation marks, while important mathematically are arbitrary separators when it
comes to consciousnesses use of the symbols. It's only when you confine yourself too strictly to logic that
you fail to allow your mind to play enough to find the full meaning for the moment. A symbols meaning is
highly dependent on the content in which one finds it, For example Wayne's initials 558. On meaning is"2

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
to 6" = 2 26 6 = 25. Wow!! That one never came up before. That's simply incredible. Reading from the
inside out we get 26 26. This is quite remarkable indeed. These are very simple transforms that I've used
many times before, but never in this specific way on this specific number.

7 Feb 95

Forgot to mention that I watched two outstanding films on Sunday: The Story of Louis Pasteur, and Mr
Smith Goes to Washington. I was particularly astonished at how ridiculed Pasteur's work was by the
established scientific and medical community alike. Run out of town, he persisted anyway as a madman,
eventually coming up with cures for anthrax and rabies. A very powerful story of a man fully guided by
spirit to do what he came to do.

The second film was excellent as well. I remembered parts, but I felt overall like I was watching it for the
first time. One has to wonder how in a city where such great men and their ideas can be so grandly
immortalized in stone, we can get corruption on such a large scale. Government of the people, by the
people, and for the people cannot work if a free press cannot deliver accurate and reliable information to
the people. In the current environment, it is for the most part the press, not the people who are in control
of the minds of the voters -- and not just in their voting but in their concerns, and their consumption
patterns as well.

hermit = 8/13/22/26/35/37
HERMIT = 8/13/31/44/53/62/82 = 04
buddhist = 2/5/9/13/21/30/31/33
buddha = 22
buddhi = 30
BUDDHIST = 2/23/27/31/39/48/67/87 = 09

And what about philosopher king? I'm almost afraid to ask.

philosopher king 7/15/24/27/33/34/41/48/56/61/70 2/11/16/23

Philosopher King 16/24/33/36/42/43/50/57/65/70/79 11/20/25/32

Breaking out king in that manner sent a major shiver down my whole body. These are very auspicious
numbers. Very auspicious, indeed.

16/24/33/45/60/79/84/100/108/113/131 11/20/34/41

Here we have 78 + 1, 6, 22, 30, 35 and 53 or 88 + 12, 20, 25, and 43. The Hanged Man, Judgement, The
Knight of Wands, and Abundance.

Almost forgot, I also watched Jonathan Livingstone Seagull this weekend. It was outstanding. The
soundtrack by Neil Diamond; the beauty of the scenery, much of it shot near Big Sur; and the
uncompromising spiritual message of a gull in search of perfection through flying. And is this not what I
do as well, fly as far and as fast and as high as my consciousness will take me. Interesting that this would
be the case -- yet so it is. And I would not trade it for the experience of another no matter whom he or she
may be. I AM what I AM. I would be that and none other. And I would allow consciousness to do what

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
she will with me, for I am but her faithful servant awaiting to do as she bids, knowing full well that what
is in her interest is clearly in my greatest interest as well. However, this doesn't work in reverse. What is
in my perceived best interest bears no relation to the interests of consciousness, and in many cases, if
anything are clearly ar odds with such interests.

Be NZ keeps coming to mind. Be 58. Be 14 26. Be [14 26] = 74 62. Sum = 136 = 88 + 48.

48 is what I truly am. The Eight of Cups. Five Full Cups of the Senses, and Three of the Mind, yet this is
not enough and the man must wander off for more. It's 78 completion is Camelot. It's 88 completion is 40,
the Page of Cups, which in turn has a 78 completion of 38:VISION. Now 38 has an 88 completion of 50
which in turn has a 78 completion of 28. Continuing we have 60 with a 78 completion of 18, and 70 with
a 78 completion of 08.

I'm on the threshold of another major breakthrough again. I can feel it. It's here in these symbols and in
this consciousness paying attention to what higher consciousness would have me here at this time. What
can I say. The pure beauty is simply miraculous to behold. It's as if I'm flying to heights that no one has
ever been to. Yet, I know I am but one of many. I can't wait for the magic that is to unfold as
consciousness is truly able to spread her wings in physical form. The glories that will be manifest will be
beyond imagination.

Imagine that! It's as if everywhere that I look there is a conspiracy of spirit -- a benign one, yet a
conspiracy none the less. And I, as the 48 card continue in my search for that which is more. I know not
what it is, but I know that it guides my heart and intuition, actually my very being. Life would have
meaning or it is for not. And, I know first hand that it is not for not. All around us, in every common
object, in every sound, in every word lie the symbols through which consciousness (some might say God)
makes itself known directly to each of us. We need no intermediaries. We need only drop our attention
from the outer and place it on the inner. Moments here and there are sufficient to start, then follow
wherever you're intuition and curiosity take you. If you would be free, you must first realize that you are
in chains, and then take the appropriate steps to restore you're liberty. In many cases, you bear your chains
gladly in exchange for the blessings they bring. Continue to do so with cheer for as long as such brings
you joy. However, keep in the back of your mind that there is more to life than this, that there is more to
you than this, and stay open to the light that might indeed bring your liberation. For indeed that light will
come, and the day will be glorious beyond imagination as millions who thought themselves to be free
realize that they were but slaves and choose to abide by that illusion no longer.

As with Britain in India, a few cannot remain in control if the many choose not to cooperate. Further,
unlike in India, in America, it is the workers not the owners and top brass that have the know how to do
what is required to provide goods and services in this country. We've just allowed the rules of the game to
be such that we are kept in our place while large profits from the fruits of our efforts are funneled off to a
wealthy few. This is not a WIN/WIN game. Yes, the owners provide jobs, but their incentive is to keep
wages low. Yes, workers in collective bargaining units have some negotiating power, but the bottom line
comes to take it or leave it, not much of a choice when the economic system provides few alternatives.

8 Feb 95

Interesting discoveries. The connections made by finding the significance of 128 and hence 50 are simply
amazing. Are they right? How would I know one way or another? In the area of understanding awareness,
all that we truly have is our theories and their utility. Am I making these connections up. If so, I would
argue that our minds are capable of much more than we have ever been told or dared to believe. We are
consciousness enfleshed. Further, consciousness, not our conscious minds control the strings in this
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
existence. I can only relate what I observe to be true of my own experience of reality and of my
consciousness, and no the two are not the same -- not the same at all.

13 Feb 95

Something forced a slowing down of the light which had shown so brilliantly. It was if I had to turn it
down to contain the wonder of it all. Even now, I sit to write a minor note. With so much work to be done,
I have no other choice at this time. I'm committed, and I must honor my commitments to the degree that I
am able.

14 Feb 95

Just looked at the clock. It's 9:26, The Hermit God. I'm about ready to freak. I can't remember ever being
this excited about anything. I know what I know. It isn't a lot yet, but it's grand indeed. There is a spiritual
world here amidst the illusion, in fact it is what creates the illusion to begin with. As in a movie, the trick
to getting yourself out is to not pay attention to the illusion that the movie is attempting to create. What
we call "reality" is much the same except far grander and in more dimensions. However, the trick is still
the same. Back away and be the observer for awhile, the more you do so the more you will be able to tell
which is true and which is the illusion. My sense is that my numbers and Tarot Cards and other oracles
have been props as well, useful props that let me access and come to trust inner portions of my Self and
consciousness herself. Interesting. There is a freshness and an openness in my mind that has not been
there for awhile. There is also a sense that when my current government work wraps up in April or so, my
spiritual work will truly begin.

15 Feb 95

This mornings observation was license plate 3HUF888 on a brand new Cougar. This demands some
consideration 3 H U = 3 H 21, center = H 12. 8 8 8 = 8 H 8, is strongly centered at H8 = 88 = infinity
above and infinity below. The sense is that I'm on the F = 6 = The Lovers path, currently traveling the H=
8 road. I appear to be at The Hanged Man stop on the 18 spread that start with 3:The Empress and ends
with 21:The World. Supporting me from consciousness is this incredibly strong 888 energy. I know that it
is there to provide whatever I might need.

21 Feb 95

As I write this it is exactly 9:00 PM. I find that fascinating since that is The Hermit. I just got my pay stub
and made a few startling discoveries. A small note attached to the stub associates the number 37 with
Hartman, W.E. That's the number of the card in the middle of my "H" reading, corresponding to the King
of Cups with his throne riding atop the water (subconscious). Further, it appears that the number 37 is
assigned to me by the company, though I had never noticed it before. Interesting.


The sense is that one interpretation is what is happening physically, and the other what is happening
spiritually. The numbers don't help much however if one hasn't learned the alphabet that translates them to
Tarot Cards and the associated symbology. Further, unless one allows one's intuition to guide one's reason,

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
all meaning is lost. The process cannot be forced. Spirit expresses via grace, allowance, acceptance, and

My SSN also contains information that I had not seen before. [575-68-2184]

57 = ELLIS
68 = WAYNE
21 = ellis, Also = The World
84 = wayne ellis hartman jr

Notice how only the first two parts of the name had any overlay. Further, the first name was distinguished
as the only two digit part of the number.

Further, I have one brother and two sisters who got consecutive SSNs in Hawaii on the same day that I
did. While the HARTMAN part is the same, none of the other parts of their names match.

MARIA = 13+1+18+9+1=42
LEILANI = 12+5+9+12+1+14+9 = 62

DOREEN = 4+15+18+5+5+14 = 63
JOY = 10+15+25 = 50

DAVID = 4+1+22+9+4 = 40
JOHN = 10+15+8+14 = 47

575 = 7:55 = 9:11 [also = 5 to 8 = 528]

2 18 4 Center = 18 3 = 2:27 = 2::07
21 8 4 Center = 88 COMPLETION
2 1 84 Center = 1 41 = 1:63 = 1::53

Unfolding from the center = 8 62 51 78 54 Reversed 4 58 71 52 68

575 also = eye = VISION

It's amazing how much is contained in a simple 9 digit number. Can it be coincidence that it worked out in
this way for me? Surely not. It all just fits too well!

Looking back at the splits in the SSN, the are 5-6 and 8-2. These correspond to bridges of some type. 56,
65, 82, and 28 are possibilities. However, given that consciousness typically embeds itself in reverse, let's
see what path is revealed.

4812-86-575 4/8 was birth, 48 was/is spiritual search, 12 is The Hanged Man and spiritual birth, 28 is a
major jump requiring god-realization, 86 is Spiritual Strength, 65 is Abundance on a grand scale, 57 is the
opening of the Heart and bearing the crosses of the world. 575 is VISION translated into 9:11, The Hermit
provided just guidance to a changing world as a New Age finally dawns and spirit can be more fully

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Reading the other way, 575 is Opening the Heart and Getting the VISION. 5-6, at the center of my "A"
reading and my upside down triangle. The middle is WAYNE, I take this to mean having acquired
sufficient Self-Knowledge. 82 is the Emperor Exalted. I can see myself to be a Philosopher King, but I
don't see a world ready to offer such a position. Clearly as a man of PEACE, use of force would be out of
the question. Interesting that this bridge would be there. The next step is 21:The World, and then 84:The
Lovers Exalted.

Perhaps the issue is one of having to traverse the path in both direction, first in the physical so that one
would be prepared for the more difficult spiritual journey. This makes a lot of sense. It would mean that
the Tarot card yesterday : The Lovers, actually had the meaning that I felt when it came up, that somehow
my journey up the "A" reading was completed.

Time out. 11:11. How come the only times that I notice the time are at such distinctive moments? I don't
wear a watch, and typically don't pay much attention to time. However, much of the symbolic information
that comes through involves time related transformations. One that has been extremely useful is
transforming x2y to "x to y" to "(y-1):(60-x)". This transformation works both ways and has yielded some
extraordinary results. Whether it is correct mathematically is of no importance. My consciousness
operates greatly off of sound. The sounds from the two symbols "x2y" and "x to y" are the same. Along
these same lines, I've noticed that my writings contain many grammar errors where words that sound alike
are interchanged. During times when I write more consciously, I am careful about such distinctions so my
conscious mind filters for them. But, in these notes, such is not the case. Here, consciousness is free to fly,
and I do not feel that it is my duty to ride herd and make such corrections. Besides, there is no time. Any
free time goes into bringing through new material, not going back to check or revise the old. Also, there is
a freedom of expression in these notes that is critical to their coming through at all. I am a channel. I don't
know what will come through until I see it before my eyes or hear it in my head. Even after nearly two
years, I still have no direct sense of being the originator of these notes. They come through this brain and
through these hands, however the process might as well be automatic. Then again, my entire thinking
process is very much this way. Consciously, I am not aware of how it functions. I only know that it does
and that I can trust it to keep doing so.

It is simply amazing how much we do not know. Many act as if they know it all. But, Socrates was right
in pronouncing that "I know that I know nothing." Yet to truly know this is a very good thing indeed. We
have a similar problem with freedom. I remember a quote to the effect that "none are more hopelessly
enslaved than those who falsely believe themselves to be free". My sense is that in this country -- yes,
"the home of the brave and the land of the free" -- we've fallen into this trap. We've allowed the economy,
in particular, to enslave us without our knowing it. And further, they didn't have to drag us into bondage,
we went running as fast as we could buying as many things as our credit and pocketbooks would allow;
even working overtime to get those things those advertisers were pushing at us all the sooner. Consume,
consume, consume. Free enterprise operating in a free land. And now, some of us have a lot of fine things
and a lot of debt -- just as the country has a lot of debt. Many of us are still just making ends meet,
working the same or a little harder each year to maintain the same level of living. The system has us by
the balls, in effect, and offers no hope for a way out.

The bottom line is that we have to think in a new way. The economic system is limited by the rules of free
enterprise as practiced in this country. The limit is clearly not resources. We can make more of any
product than we can sell, in most cases without building any new plants. Further, the limit is not
manpower. Many people would be happy to work extra hours for more money. In addition, unemployment
is at 4 - 8%. So, what's the problem?

The bottom line is how we distribute goods and services. For instance, we have large stores full of toys
while we have millions of poor families that can't afford to buy them for their kids. The same with clothes
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
and with food. At a middle class level we have millions of families who need counseling and/or
psychological care yet can't afford to pay for such services at the same time that we have people trained to
provide such services who can't make a living because they can't find enough clients. If you think about it,
this occurs in nearly every area of life. We've allowed the SYSTEM to keep people from getting the goods
and services that they need. This is wrong, and it must be changed.

But, you argue, if services were freely available, people would abuse them. Perhaps, but either we grow to
becoming a responsible citizenry or we do not. Abuse can be dealt with, softly at first, but harshly if
necessary. Further, ensuring that services are provided on a regular basis rather than only when problems
arise will most likely reduce the overall resources required to provide the service. This doesn't mean
anybody gets put out of work. We just keep moving people into positions that require their skills where
work needs to be done. Easier said than done. Perhaps. However, we want to instill a positive attitude
throughout society that says every individual matters and will be given the opportunity to be the best he or
she can be in whatever areas their talents and abilities lie.

21 Feb 95

File size at last check was 94874 = 9 48 74. One couldn't ask for numbers more important to me. Also we
have 8: 74-94 centered at 8:84, Strength: The Lovers Exalted. Unfolding from the center we get 8 47 94 =
Strength ASLAN The Tower Exalted. One final interpretation is a time span 8:49-74 with a center
between 8:61 and 8:62 = 7:83 and 7:84. Shiver time again. This is 7:05 and 7:06. Another way to express
this is 576. This is where my 7:56 ties in! I'm absolutely sure of it. The riders in The Chariot are The
Hierophant Exalted and The Lovers Exalted. This is the combination required to unlock the doors to the
Aquarian Age.

22 Feb 95

Dinner with Larry was fun as usual. [LARRY TORU HARADA 74 74 33] He has some very powerful
numbers in his name! One thing we discussed was perfect numbers. The first two of these are 6 and 28,
numbers that are extremely powerful but also extremely meaningful in my major readings. This led us to
the question of what the rest were. We found three more in a math book: 496, 8128, and 33550336.
Perfect number three is 9 with a span of 4 to 6 centered on 5. This results in 95 = 17, The Star Exalted and
= 1::07 = The Chariot Completed.

496 also = 5::56 Interesting indeed!

8128 = 03:28 The Express Exalted: Perfect Number 2. Also = 12:88 = 16:00 The Tower!

The fourth number can also be expressed as the span 18 - 28 centered at 23 = King of Wands = wayne.

28 Feb 95

The end of another month. More interesting connections. Called the Rosicrucian Order today and spoke to
a teacher for awhile. Bottom line was that the spiritual path is a personal one and that individuals
notebooks are for the individual. Something didn't seem true about this. The lady came across as sincere
and wanting to help, but there was something missing. The impression I got was that the terminology she
used was still wrapped up in the mind and had not yet reached the level of spirit. It's even more interesting

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
that I felt compelled to watch The Ten Commandments this weekend. It's interesting that I resonated to
Charlton Heston's part as Moses and that here we were dealing with the power of spirit (the unknown
god) over the greatest empire on earth at the time. Further, the Rosicrucians are associated with Egypt,
and the sacred knowledge thereof, which obviously lacked the spiritual.

Of further interest is that going in I was expecting to make a positive connection of some type, yet I was
open enough to interpret the interaction as it occurred to see what it meant. Another item of note is that
the strong message that came through was that once again, I am THE HERMIT, and I cannot necessarily
expect that this will ever change. To some degree, I need to be prepared to accept that I am truly alone in
the world even though we be all one. The difference is 13655 vs 133655. That is 6:43 vs 4-5:43 = 5:04.
This is freaky. 13 6 55. 13+55 = 68 = WAYNE + 6 = 74 : The Benefactor (wayne ellis hartman).

13 36 55 has similar components. 13+55 = 68 = WAYNE + 36 = 104 = 88 + 16:The Tower! Wow! Also,
104 = 78 + 26:The Page of Wands (GOD). 5:04 is The Hierophant:The Emperor. 6:43 = The
Lovers:Abundance. Also, 7:21 The Chariot:The World. This too sends a shiver down my spine. That such
a destiny may be foretold by a simple act of interpretation guided by a deep trust in spirit as expressed
through the other than conscious parts of consciousness is simply beyond comprehension. Yet, there is a
knowingness that what comes through is right though it may not be complete.

Something says to look at 133 6 55 as well. 6:55-331 is centered at 6:193 = 7:115 = 8:37. Wow, the time
between 37 and 38. I'm coming up on my 37th birthday in a exactly 39 days. That means that I will be
starting my 38th year of existence! 0-1 was year 1. 37-38 is year 38. The sense is that the alone => all one
transition should be in full force very soon. Let's explore this a bit more. 13655 => 133 655. This requires
an intermediate transition of 13 655 = Death 8:11, also = 4 16. Overall we have 20 => 4 16 => 7 16. Sum
= 23 = wayne

If we use initial caps 20 => 4 25 => 7 25. Sum = 32 = america

If we use all caps 47 => 13 34 => 25 34 Sum = 59 = aquarian age

This makes sense. This year has clearly been one in which I have been riding on my consciousness with a
thrown literally on water, not planted firmly anywhere except in spirit or consciousness herself. So, the
"H" reading was one of what was to come this year. To some degree we have completed nearly all of it. It
will be interesting to see how the rest unfolds. The sense is that the "A" reading is near complete as well.
One way to look at the two together is as "AH" = 18 : The Moon. This has been coming up a lot.
Reversed, we get HA = 81 = The Empress Exalted, appropriate given the humor with which
consciousness expresses herself.

The "H" reading appears to be more like a rotated "I". Considering that the group I'm in at work started as
the AI group, and I've never really given up this title, we could also consider AI = 19 = The Sun and
reversed IA = 91 = Death Exalted. Interesting. IASOS. I don't know exactly why I wrote that. 91161 = 9
1161. This is The Hermit, and the year before Becket was made Archbishop of Canterbury. That's the
closest we've come to a Hierophant. Becket = 253252. Shivers again. Big time. 32:52 is the center. Perfect
numbers for ruling. For our time, 32 is literally the establishment of the country of the "I AM RACE". 52
is my personality number.

Split as 2-3:52 = 3:13, now we understand how it split the country in Becket's time. This too applies to the
present. We at the point of transitioning through a death experience that at the very least requires a
spiritual rebirth. Does science tell us this? NO. Does religion? NO. Does government? NO. Does
industry? NO. Does the media? NO. Does any element of our society? NO. Yet, I stand here alone with
consciousness as my sole witness saying this indeed will come to pass and with a timing that will take the
entire country, and then the world by storm. Spirit has found the vehicles through which it needs to
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
express. Thoughts change the world, and it is by thoughts that deeds will arise to allow the country to be

Who am I to write in this manner. I am Wayne, a part of the one consciousness who has come to a
realization of whom that I AM, at least to the degree that consciousness is willing to reveal to me. By
myself, I do nothing. It is only by the power of consciousness working through me that these ideas can see
the light of day -- perhaps someday to impact the world. I live moment to moment, day by day, trusting
that consciousness has a divine plan for my life and that my chief duty is to come to "know myself" even
as I perform the tasks that constitute my destiny.

Looked at the time 9:16. I can always tell by that whether I'm on the right track and offering
consciousness the vehicle she needs to get through. It's very interesting because I know that many of the
transformations and leaps to conclusions are not founded on anything the left brain accepts as reasonable.
The fact that we've reached a point where this doesn't matter is extremely interesting to me. It's almost a
sign of operating from spirit, being able to speak with a wisdom that is ageless and timeless, that
addresses the heart and soul, not the intellect. Those who choose to stubbornly rely on their intellect will
have a difficult time in the times ahead. Operate from intuition, your connection to spirit wherever you
can. As with other tasks, the more you do so, the better the connection will become. Learn to trust the
innate wisdom of your spirit. Don't judge things by past or present appearance. Realize that all of your
experiences were lovingly put their by portions of your own self for your own education.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


MARCH 1995

I am engaged in
the dance of Consciousness,

in expressing Spirit

through Flesh to the

greatest degree possible

for me at this time.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


1 Mar 95

Some quick realizations from this morning. Might as well get an early start on notes for the month. Yes,
I'm highly manic again. The information coming through is literally blowing me away. I'm flying higher
than ever, yet I'm also grounded in a manner that I have never been before. I know that I see the world
differently than most. And probably differently than anyone else on the planet. Yet, I also know that
consciousness lovingly guides me every step of the way so that the discoveries and connections I am
being led to make are those required for the Plan to unfold and for me to carry out the destiny to which I
was assigned before coming into this particular incarnation. Interesting.

P(6) => 68 to take the world from 9:53 to 9:58 = 11:09 to 11:14. WOW!
This occurs within a 5 year span, the starting point being either now or very soon.

P(7) => 38 + 69 to take us from 3:14 to 3:37 a span of 23 years centered between 3:26 and 3:27 or 4:02
and 4:03. Those High Priestess to Empress transitions are the tough ones. Also, P(7) has The Benefactor
at one end and 28 at the other.

Overall timing seems to indicate that P(6) transition occurs from now through 2001, followed by P(7)
from 2001 to 2024.

2 Mar 93

Also, look at P(32) again 7:56 838 = 7:56 38. Amazing! Absolutely amazing. 7:56 or 428 is my
characteristic number. It has been prevalent in my life for over a year already.

3 Mar 93

Watched The Lion King, 88 minutes Lion = 12/21/27/32 and King = 11/20/25/32. It's interesting that a
movie filled with such spiritual themes has reached such a great audience, and is continuing to do so. Also
watched Fiddler on the Roof, I'd seen it years before, but I don't remember it having such impact. The
basic theme of the film deals with change and the breakdown of tradition. Tradition is
20/29/30/34/43/45/54/60/65. Hmm. With a lower case initial "t" we get 2/11/12/16/25/27/36/42/47. Look
at the sequence of partial sums that came out of that. That's about as applicable a set of 9 numbers that
could have come up. The Lion King was also about tradition, and in particular about how a ruler must rule
to allow the Circle of Life to exist in harmony.

8 Mar 95

For dinner I had Togo's #9 sandwich and a large drink. Cost was $5.28. I finished eating at 6:28 PM.
Clearly such occurrences are not coincidences. It has to be obvious now to anyone reading these notes that
there is a consistency in which the spiritual is embedded in the physical world. Synchronicities are the
primary bleedthroughs that are picked up by people. However, once one truly opens ones mind to the
concept of reality created by consciousness, the door is opened to start the spiritual trek to the source

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
consciousness. It's not an easy way. The path is both narrow and treacherous. One's very sanity is at stake
for much of the journey. But the rewards of spirit are great indeed. There is a knowingness that comes that
transcends all knowledge known to man. Faith is such an easy thing. Yet, it cannot coexist with Ego. It's
an interesting dilemma. We're told that we have free will and choice, yet spirit would tell us otherwise if
we would truly look at how we do even the most basic of activities. Where do our thoughts come from
and where do they go? Similarly with emotions? In thousands of years of study of our own capabilities,
the results have been dismal. For the most part, we basically have no clue regardless of how many
doctorates we grant. Why? Because we were looking for answers in all the wrong places. In particular, we
were looking within the illusion to find reality, not understanding that what we were seeing was illusion.

My sense of things is that there are many who would consider me insane, my wife among them. Yet, the
writings are consistent and coherent. Further, they build and change as my process of growth unfolds.
These are not the musings of a madman. The emotions are fully under control and have been for all of my
life with the brief exception of a couple month period of mania after which I was diagnosed as bi-polar.
The fact that these notes do not agree with either my scientific training or my metaphysical training
demonstrates a creativity of consciousness that I find amazing. Essentially these notes constitute my
process of finding my true Self which ultimately ends in the ONE consciousness. How do I know this? I
just know. It's as if the wisdom is embedded within me in a time release format. What is needed comes
through exactly when it is needed. You could say that I'm operating on blind faith, for there are no
authorities in this area that I have been able to contact. I spent 20 years reading over a thousand of the best
books metaphysics had to offer. Nothing prepared me for the place I now occupy. The problem was that I
read all of those books from the mental plane, with an ego so full of itself that even if they had contained
spiritual truths, I would only have understood them intellectually. That was not enough. My path required
me to Know the Truth, that the Truth could set me Free. This required going beyond mind, which literally
required the mind to operate in a new way. For me this was triggered by a dramatic weight loss in 3
months that overstressed my system and brought out the bi-polar condition. At least, that is what seems to
have caused things physically. Astrologically, Uranus and Neptune directly square to my Natal Sun was
the timing factor. Since all of this is coordinated anyway, causality is not of any real import.

What is important is symbols, where to find them, how to see them, and how to interpret them. For most
of this, you'll have to rely on your own intuition. These notes document where I look and what I see. If I
elaborated the interpretation part, the notes would be many times their present size and the details would
not really be all that useful to most people. My sense is that if you're reading this you're one of the early
travelers and your intuition will be strong enough to find the specific way that is right for you. I have no
information as to whether the techniques that work for me will work for anyone else. I suspect that they
will, since the same consciousness drives the intuition of everyone.

I find it interesting that authoritive statements can come through these notes about things that obviously
cannot be proved. How I can bring through information on the nature of reality in the manner that comes
through in these notes I know not. All that I can say is that there is a source consciousness greater than
what I consider myself to be consciously that is able to bring forth these words. I am involved in the
process. It is not fully automatic. But I am either hearing or reading what is coming through. My
conscious awareness is not aware of how this is being created, only how it is being translated into the
form that I can see on the screen. My faculties are involved in the translation process, but in no way do I
sense that I am originating this material. Further, I am amazed at what comes through.

15 Mar 95

I can't believe it's been a whole week since I last wrote. For the past two days I've been sick with a deep
cold of some type. It can make living and working quite a challenge, and definitely hasn't put me in a state
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
for writing. Why should it make a difference? An even better question is what causes such conditions in
the body. OK, I've been overdoing it at work for the past few weeks, but that doesn't seem to be the full
cause. Overall my body is in a less than optimum condition for doing its work. This needs to change. But
how. Here the "my will vs Thy Will" question comes up again. Is my body condition your will to illustrate
something to me? Is it to illustrate that I have responsibility and choice in this area? For instance, am I
what I eat? For all of my life this has been automatic, actually life has been. I didn't have to be concerned
with any of the details. The body could process whatever I put into it, and I was basically in good overall
health and physical condition. I no longer feel this to be the case.

Why do people get sick? What purpose is there to suffering in this manner? If consciousness creates all,
why doesn't it do so without such dismal conditions? Why is it that our job conditions are such that we
have to do our work when we are less than at our best? Where is my consciousness today? Locked in the
illusion of a body that appears to be suffering. Is that all it takes to cause me to lose my state of
consciousness? Interesting. I'm not as aware as I projected myself to be. That's why 64 came up as well,
another death of will is forthcoming as well. I had thought that I had crossed this hurdle, yet here it is
again, and the sense is that with each new level of awareness, the Ego must be dealt with and it's will put
to bed. Note: this does not mean that the Ego must die, only that it must resign it's will to The Will of
Consciousness. As I type this, the symptoms of my disease become less apparent. I am engaged in the
dance of Consciousness, in expressing Spirit through Flesh to the greatest degree possible for me at this
time. How do I know this is true? Because Consciousness tells me so, and her I have no reason to doubt as
she has never led me astray. Not that she hasn't provided inputs that my Ego interpreted incorrectly
resulting in some interesting experiences.

My state is strange. I'm not sure how it got here or where it is headed, but there is a fuzziness and a
sluggishness about how things are operating. The notes are coming out clear, at normal pace, and with
normal degree of typing errors, but it is as if I'm not quite fully connected either to my body or to my
spirit. Interesting. In between, in the nether world. Interesting indeed. We'll have to see what dreams come
up tonight.

21 Mar 95

Enough of such crude talk. The spirit is free once again to soar after being confined for over a week. The
rest was wonderful. But, the freedom to work and to express beats lying around doing close to nothing
any day. The body was in such bad shape that the mind and spirit were not connected in their normal
fashion, or at least so I sensed. So, what did this experience mean? Why were nearly six days taken from
my life in such a manner? Why was I brought to experience such sickness? I would not call it suffering.
There was no agony and little if any pain. Yet, it was debilitating none the less. The sense I get is that I
was overdoing things a bit and this episode generated a forced period of deep and lengthy rest, as much as
16 and more hours per day in bed.

It is not clear what consciousness has next on the agenda. I feel healed, yet I feel strange again. There is a
sense that a major change is forthcoming. I just drew the 528 card, otherwise known as the 70 Card or the
Two of Pentacles. It's completion of all things is The Moon. What better set of characteristic cards for one
who might be considered a lunatic. Further 5:28 is The Hierophant, The Man with the World in His Hand.
Interesting. The card itself does not appear to reveal this meaning directly. The figure appears to be more
as a jester or juggler. Then again, much of the Tarot meaning that has been uncovered over the past year
has been by looking beyond the obvious and by allowing consciousness to make connections that had
been embedded into the deck years ago. It is not clear yet whether the authors of the deck consciously
knew what information they were passing along in their deck. Much of the symbolism was obviously
placed onto specific cards, however, the artist may have been visual, receiving the cards as whole entities
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
with symbolism built in. Then again, the deck was a collaborative effort by Ryder/Waite. This lends
credence to the idea that the two were moved to consciously embed the appropriate symbology into the
deck -- probably on more than one level.

It's interesting that this has been the only deck that I have been drawn to, and that the symbology is so
relevant to me. My sense, however, is that much that I see has no relevance to others. I have found the
keys to the kingdom. Verily, they were there within me all the time. I cannot pass the keys on to another, it
is up to them to find the keys within themselves. Here, the script is not written in stone. Each individual is
given as long as it takes, but must suffer the illusion so long as they fail to open their eyes to see and open
their ears to hear.

What determines who gets what parts in the play and hence what chance to reach enlightenment or at least
greater conscious awareness? Answer 1 is that it is all ONE consciousness, so it really doesn't matter.
Answer 2 is that each gets that experience that is most appropriate for its development and the
development of the whole, given it's present state and what is needed by the whole. Personal experience is
closer to answer 2 because of the identity continuity of individuals. The Self has a continuing existence
independent of the ONE. Actually, independent is too strong. The separation is apparent, not real. At some
level, there are no separations. No separations! Just as they said in Jonathan Livingston Seagull. The
apparent is not real. Yet, what does that really allow? To dream, and to actualize those dreams, for such
dreams are the fabric through which consciousness weaves the illusion of reality. Illusion is an interesting
word. 93331965 = 9/12/15/18/19/28/34/39. Notice 1965 embedded at the end. That was 30 years ago. It
was also 7 years after my birth. Is that when the Chariot started? It's completion would have been 22 years
later in 1987, the year I got married. The 9:The Hermit and triple 3 seem important as well.

"Illusion" breaks down this way all the time. It was only now that I was moved to break it down and allow
consciousness to guide the interpretation expressed above. Once again, consciousness through no intent of
my own conscious mind, other than offering my faculties as her voice brings through new information
that I had no means of knowing consciously. How many coincidences does it take to demonstrate that the
spiritual is real? This is not asked of the one through which this comes but of all others who may read
these words. Know that Consciousness is real, and will express through you to the degree that you allow
her to do so. In your allowance, however, you must also express trust, not blind trust, but rather a loving
faith. This is the key. Consciousness lies within you, and if you go deep enough, the same
CONSCIOUSNESS, the ONE. that lies within you lies within me as well. Knowing this, cooperation is
the wave of the future. There is no doubt about it. Yet, others have written in a similar manner, the
Transcendentalists, in particular. But they could only express wisdom whose time had not yet come,
actually whose time had come but whose physical realization lay over a century in the future. It's hard to
think linearly while concurrently knowing that the play is complete. Yet, why is it that I get the sense that
none of the other parts currently in the play are ready to understand this simple fact? Clearly, the
technology is developed sufficiently for the appropriate analogies to be generated. Yet, not all
consciousness is focused on spiritual development. In fact, most physical consciousness is far from
focused on individual spiritual development. The new age movement has significant numbers, and a good
portion of the masses are ready to begin such development, but many others are far from wanting
anything to do with spirit.

So, where does this leave me? A Hermit making his way in the world, following the path that is revealed
to him in the moment, trusting that consciousness guides his way to wherever his destiny would be played
out. Over the past week or two, the focus was as the doer, the experiencer. Being sick brought me into the
body and out of the more normal focus on consciousness that I had developed over the past 18 months.
How quickly we move to a physical focus under relatively light duress, especially considering what
people went through in the 1100s - 1300s. Something tells me that my sense of higher and lower may be
in error. I'm HERE and NOW in PHYSICAL existence. Further, all of me is within that existence.
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Something comes to mind from Seth about knowing "the inherent spirituality of the flesh, an the inherent
physicality of the spirit". There is a sense that I've somehow missed this lesson -- resulting in a belief that
consciousness is somehow better than the body, yet the body is simply the expression of consciousness in
flesh! That's the key. Everything in this illusion is consciousness in flesh or matter.

There is something about each point in the Play being perfect, regardless of the darkness and evil that
appear to be in expression at the time. These are just as valid as their positive counterparts. It's interesting
that during our times, we have hundreds of violent videos to provide some of the experience of violent
times in the past, with the key benefit of being able to walk away after two hours without being killed,
maimed, or otherwise harmed.

23 Mar 95

File size 49098 09:08-04, currently stopped at 09:06. Interesting. The Hermit:The Lovers, clearly a peak
state of awareness. And yet, it resonates in some way. It's a very detached state in many ways, a state
heavily tied to consciousness and barely tied to the world. The butterfly state in many ways, flying most
of the time, and only occasionally coming down to touch the ground. Interesting. The backward sweep
moves from The Lovers to The Hierophant at the next tick, and then simply to The Emperor. It seems that
the world needs a spiritual leader to guide it to an understanding of itself, but after such understanding is
achieved, people must stand on their own interior link to consciousness and spirit.

One thing that struck me as odd was something Larry said yesterday, something to the effect that nothing
that he had learned thus far in his existence had any real lasting value. Interesting. Not surprising, but
interesting. And, if Larry is figuring this out and being moved to find something meaningful how many
other are as well. I've been moved in this manner for over 20 years and believe I've find what I was
looking for and more, far more.

Nothing prepared me for the experiences that began just over two year ago, 5 Mar 93, and got serious in
Jul 93, landing me in the hospital in Oct 93. Further, no outside source got me through the experience --
no books, no people, especially not the psychologists. To this day, I cannot recall any true support after
arriving to the hospital other than getting placed on particular drugs. Interesting that this would be so. I
remember several failed attempts at trying to get through to people who could help once I left the hospital
but it was not meant to be.

Interesting how the play unfolds. But, how else was I to learn the lesson of the 62 Card, and further yet
the 6 Card: The Lovers, but also the nature of contacting the Superconsciousness. Every step along the
way consciousness has allowed me to experience what I needed to experience for my highest growth. Am
I that different than others, or does consciousness grant this same privilege to all? Then again, I have not
met anyone with the same narrow focus that I have. I can understand how people might find it difficult to
relate. Our inner worlds are really generated by our concepts of how the world works. My concepts have
gone far beyond what common sanity is able to accept. This speaks nothing of their validity. Copernicus
spoke of a sun centered world at a time when the Church advocated a Geo-Centric point of view. In due
time, Copernicus' view won out not because it was necessarily correct, but because its utility was greater.
In the end, it seems that utility is one of the best measures for consciousness exploring itself and its world.
Simplicity seems to be another indication that spiritual truth is close by.

Does it really make sense that this is an elaborate Play. Yes. Absolutely, consciousness would have it no
other way, Play = 7317 = 7/10/11/18. 72, the complement of 16:The Tower is also hidden therein. Why
am I not surprised that this be so. After all, that's the major purpose of the Play, to get the conscious and
subconscious to jump out of The Tower into enlightenment.
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
How is it that I'm given this insight? Why is it that I have a need to know? Perhaps others do as well but it
has not yet been made known where the writings are to go. Notes, such a simple name, 56251 with a span
of 14 from 51-65 centered at 58. 258 = 5:28 expressed a different way. So, these notes are the means for
achieving the 5:28 state. Clearly, they have been a source of education that far surpasses anything else in
my experience. Who better to have as one's teacher than consciousness herself. But the teaching is not
through the words alone. Throughout, my personal experience has served as the background over which
the material may come through.

The world has always had limited attraction to me, with the exception of the intense beauty of the
National Parks in this country. In many ways it's as if I'm here but not here. My life is clearly unlike any
other. Then again, perhaps everyone can state this and be right. Yet, why is it that I feel that I have no
peers, or, at the very least, have not found them yet. Actually, Paul Pownall may come close, but there is
very little sameness about us, other than our difference from others. This doesn't come from a sense of
superiority of any type, rather from a sense of difference in nature or kind. Can anyone achieve the states
that I have achieved? My sense is yes, but not necessarily by their action. Each will achieve such
conscious states as they have earned by where they have focused their attention. There is a sense that
every person could be awakened at any moment. However, it is not clear that being awakened lets you do
anything differently. Then again, the Play may already incorporate awakening experiences so that the
appropriate transformations in behavior start to appear in the Play immediately following these
experiences. So what does all of this mean? I really don't know. Right now, I am content to observe and
experience each day as it comes. Actually, it's not even each day but each and every moment -- even
moments when I catch the physical self wandering off to sleep.

Yet, at the same time I anxiously await change, in particular the change that will move me to wherever my
next role is to be played. I still sense that this change is coming soon, possibly before this spring is
complete. Here we are, planting season again. The seeds planted now will be harvested in the fall. But
where to plant, and what kinds of seeds. My sense is that the seeds are ideas that need to come through
and somehow be planted. Where are ideas planted? In minds, of course. And what minds should receive
these ideas. That is for consciousness to decide, of course. Looking back, some of the packages I've sent
out have been seeds. I have no control over which fall on good or bad soil or how the ideas get
promulgated from person to person. We've planted the seeds for a major transformation of the entire
Society. Consciousness will make this known to the appropriate minds at the appropriate times. All the
details have been worked out. I have only to do my part and allow consciousness to flow through me as
she will. THE HERMIT still comes out as the nature that feels most akin to my own. In many ways even
though I am in the world and even married, my nature is that of the Hermit, no doubt about it. How can
this be? It just is! Interesting.

26 Mar 95

Listened to Ross Perot's show. He interviewed presidential candidate Lamar Alexander. Overall, I don't
agree with the emphasis on downsizing government and returning as much control as possible to the local
level -- fiscal control and responsibility. There is no sense of government providing true service to people.
For instance, the school lunch program. It doesn't make sense to have every school district and potentially
every school decide on a reasonable program. These decisions should be made globally for all by
employing the appropriate experts to make the decision. Localizing the issue forces each school district to
have to do this wasting effort overall and resulting in a lack of standardization that might provide unfair
advantage to some. Setting the curriculum is an order of magnitude more important. Here, it is absolute
stupidity to expect the local community to be able to do this effectively. Also, since there is so much
mobility in our society, kids that are moved from one state to another, or even one town to another must
have received relatively standard education in each grade or it will be nearly impossible to ensure that all
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
necessary material is covered. Anywhere we run into problems, the key is to solve the problem at the level
where it can most effectively be solved. Too high and we have bureaucratic nightmares and inefficiencies.
Too low and we have replication of effort, lack of standardization, and inefficiencies. I speak here as if we
have control over these things, and to some degree we do. Yet, at another level it is already done, we
simply are not yet aware of the outcome. Can it truly be that every aspect of the Play is so completely laid
out. My sense is yes, but that doesn't keep us from playing the game as if it were real and the scenes of the
movie were happening in the moment as we viewed them. Yes, experience in the illusion is much more
rich and complex than that of movies, but the nature is the same. We are consciousness riding along and
viewing our own creation, but we are not the illusion that we created. As individuals, one of the key tasks
has always been to realize who we truly were as consciousness. This does not mean that our role would
have changed one iota, but we would not have been so inextricably bound to it.

Also noticed in the Homes Magazine that HavenHill is still on the market as well as the 10,000 square
foot mansion with the huge fireplace and chairs similar to mine. The later's price has dropped from 6.2 M
to 5.3 M, still a bit out of reach, but who knows what the morrow will bring. The picture of the house
highlights a great room and desk/office area where it appears that decisions of world impact or at least
country impact could be revealed by consciousness. HavenHill w/ 19,000 square feet at 2.95 M is even
more of a bargain but something about all the yellow inside doesn't feel right. All the heavy woods of the
other mansion are far more enticing.

Why do I mention this? Is it Ego still there thinking it is that special that it is deserving of such a setting? I
think not, but there is a sense that my setting should be such as to allow consciousness to most fully
operate through me. Also, the caliber of people that consciousness needs to influence and awaken through
me is great indeed. Such a setting befits calling in such people for their spiritual enlightenment.
Interesting. Is this real, or am I simply justifying a fantasy of an ego maniac. My sense is that we'll know
soon enough. My 37th birthday marks the end of my 37th year. I've been walking on my subconscious
throughout the year. Now we come to 38:VISION. It will be fun to see what lies in store in this year
ahead. It's interesting that my life is aligned with the Cards of the Tarot, in particular the Ryder/Waite
deck. I remember the second time that I went to see Dr Adolfo over a year and a half ago that I told her
that the Numerology and the Tarot book was the book of my life. I still feel that to be as true today as it
was then.

27 Mar 95

Last file size was 64888 = 8x8 888. Interesting. Time recorded was @ 10:48. Definitely interesting
numbers. In particular the triple 8 is fascinating.

My sense is that I have been somewhat stagnant for much of the last year. My consciousness has moved
enormously, but it's impact on the world has been minimal. I've sent a few communications out, but thus
far there has been no response. Try, try, and try again comes to mind. Yet, at the same time, I know that
the spiritual law is that everything has its season, it's time under heaven. My sense is that it is for
consciousness to initiate action in this matter. Trying involves me deciding what to do. Such is not
required or desired. The sense is that it gets in the way. My path lies in further resigning my will and
allowing consciousness to do its works through me. For spirit to be fully enfleshed, it must first come
through into flesh.

30 Mar 95

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
I've had a sense since the first time that I saw my house that it was where I was meant to live. It wasn't a
deja vu feeling, but an intuitive knowingness. This is the house where my Tower experiences are to occur.
For over five years however, my work in Sunnyvale has been over 80 miles from my home in Monterey.

File size = 74 5 84. This is a very interesting place to stop. The Benefactor:The Hierophant: The Lovers
Exalted. The midpoint is the 5:79 = The Hierophant:The Magician Exalted. Also = 6:57, reversed = 7:56.
Now, who would have expected that to come up once again. The universe or consciousness keeps
stamping out the message 7:56. Let's explore a bit. 576 = 5::136 = 6::48 = The Lovers:: The Man In
Search of More. 6 is at the top of my "A" reading corresponding to the large diamond on my ring. 4 8 is
my birthday and the card describes me to a tee. It's simply amazing. Further 48 reversed = 84 = 06.

528 = 5::88 = 6::00 = The Lovers::The Fool.

5::28 = 440+28 = 468 = 6:48. Very interesting that the digits come out this way.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


APRIL 1995

Most people look outward and ask why things are the way they are.

I look inward and ask what I need to do to allow spirit to bring forth that
which is required to change these things.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


3 Apr 95

Here we go again, the start of a new month, but a special month -- my birth month. In fact my 37 birthday
is only 5 days away. I'm looking forward to what my 38th year has to offer. The past year has definitely
been one of riding on the subconscious, and what a ride it has been! 38, however brings forth VISION,
followed by 39 in 1996 which carries the gifts of VISION forth into the world. It will be interesting to see
how this VISION, as a combination of subconscious and conscious processes manifests. For much of the
past year, I've felt powerless to do anything, an actor in a play just going through the motions. To some
degree, it has been a troubling time, yet it has been a time of the greatest spiritual growth in my life. My
level of awareness now is far greater than it was a year ago. I know for certain that I am surrounded by a
spiritual world even if my body does not appear to have benefited from this knowledge.

Listening to a conservative (Gene Burns) on KGO. He's about as right as they come. Many of the
arguments involve the rights to one's property or the results of one's labors. In many cases they talk about
"the government taking my money". Nowhere have they talked about what services are provided in
exchange. The fact that you can get in your car and drive wherever you want basically for free didn't
happen because free enterprise was out there building the necessary roads and bridges that constitute the
infrastructure. He did mention the idea of socialism, "from each according to their abilities, to each
according to their needs." Of course, his next words dealt with how awful this was especially when the
state decided what abilities and needs were. And, in the essentially single case where this was tried such
was the case. But, we aren't the Soviet Union, we know how to run an abundant economy. We just need
the spiritual insight to realize our responsibility to extend the abundance to all of us -- and not just on the
physical domain, but on the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual as well. Enlightened economy. How do
we get this across to the people with the power to make it so? Perhaps that's what the year of VISION will
bring. Thus far, it is not clear that the Play is calling for a work reassignment. The sense is that the
NOTES are to continue indefinitely. As to a means of earning a living, I have no clue as to what is in
store. I sense change is in order, but I don't know when or of what manner. When you think about what I
am bringing through, the $100,000 or so that I would want to pursue this full time is nothing. Yet, within
the present system, how do I find a way to earn such a sum per year? Especially, given that I don't want to
work for anyone save consciousness directly. Actually, it's of no concern. Consciousness will establish the
appropriate conditions when the time is right. Until then, I can only do the best that I can and bring
through whatever consciousness would have me bring through.

Thus far I've sent ideas out to Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Tony Robbins, Ross Perot, Newt Gingrich, Diane
Feinstein, The Shriners, The Freemasons, Duane Garrett [KGO]. In every case, they seemed appropriate.
Thus far, there has been no response, though in a few cases the packages were sent anonymously. What
am I supposed to observe from this? The briefings came through very quickly and their format is for the
quick disbursement of basic information. Once the material left my hands, however, I no longer had any
control of it; where it goes and who is impacted by it is dependent on the Will of Consciousness. All the
briefings are labeled with Beyond Imagination at the top of each page. Though, there is no way to track
down this "organization" since it does not appear in the Monterey Phone Book, and is basically an
organization of ONE. Namely, me. There is a sense of surprise that no one from the government has
tracked me down. Then again, I offer no threat. All I have is words that talk about change. Further, it's of
an order that is so great that most people would find it hard to believe. Interesting. To many of these
people, I'm probably a madman, musing about things that are beyond possibility. Yet such is not the case,
these things may be Beyond Imagination but they will definitely be when the time is right. When this will

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
be, I know not, but I believe it to be well within a decade. Yes, this is the type of change that in normal
times would take many decades if not a century or more. However, these are not normal times! The
Aquarian Age is about to be born and the World will literally be transformed in the blink of an eye.

How can I believe this? I just know inside me that such is true. It comes from a place that I have learned
to rely on. All that I can recommend is GO WITHIN and find answers for yourself. Look not to the
illusion around you. It can literally change as fast as thought given the right conditions, and the right
conditions are coming -- very soon indeed.

4 Apr 95

The network just went down again, providing for an interesting piece of information for me. When I
started the computer back up again it said:

Attached to MOD_SIM ...

04/04/95 4:44:44
How interesting that so many fours would show up.

The question for the day is: what does all of this mean? Fours represent the Emperor. Yet, 44 is the youth
unaware of the hand of god offered to him -- the halfway point to 88, the number whose completion is
itself. 44 with 38:VISION yield 82 = The Emperor Exalted.

Just drew the Tarot Card for today. Would you believe, none other than 44, The IV of Cups, the very
number we were just talking about combining with 38, the card from yesterday. It's as if the universe hit
me beside the head with a sledge hammer. Once again, spirit speaks in a way that is beyond reproach.
Then again, many have not eyes to see, nor ears to hear what I have seen and heard and know to be true to
the innermost of my being. Most people look outward and ask why things are the way they are. I look
inward and ask what I need to do to allow spirit to bring forth that which is required to change these
things. The world is created from the inner via thought. Only through such is the outer made manifest.
But, it is a mistake to think that thought alone holds the key. It is the consciousness that thinks and
sustains the thought that creates the world. How many people in America would believe this simple truth?
Yet, how obvious it seems that this is indeed the way the reality game is played. Interesting.

One more point. This morning, on the front page of the sports section, the most prominent jersey number
was 44. The only other jersey was 13. I remember because I added the two to get 57. I also added 44 + 31
(13 reversed) to get 75. 57 = ELLIS. 75 = HARTMAN. Interesting. Also, 44 = wayne ellis. [23 + 21].

5 Apr 95

Driving to dinner tonight the trip meter reached 7777 @ 6:57. Reversing the time yields 7:56. Once again
the numbers of the cards from the center of my triangle reading. Further, 7:56 is 4:28 = The Emperor: The
Man with the World in his Hand. But, this jumps out as 2:48, The High Priestess:The Man in Search of
More. Four 7's is definitely jackpot time. So, what does this mean? Jackpot = 1132762 = 1/2/5/7/14/20/22
with a small j. Jackpot = 31. JACKPOT = 76. This number comes up quite frequently. It is the year that I
graduated and the year of the bicentennial of this nation. It is also the year that my niece Jamie was born.
The Tarot card, the VIII of Pentacles has a man working away oblivious to any other concerns with many
pieces already completed. Hum, 4 x 7 = 28 as well.

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The Tarot Card for today is 42, the Man and Woman pushing cups together while the "winged lion above
the caduceus" hangs above them. The man who has the wisdom to interpret knowledge from the higher
worlds to others. Something about this symbol stands as the ideal for me. This is another card of the
family of 6.

06 is The Lovers dealing with the relationship between conscious and subconscious and superconsious. I
believe I've learned this lesson.

15 is The Devil dealing with the restrictions we place upon ourselves by remaining in ignorance and
failing to look to the light of spirit.

24 is the Queen of Wands. My natal Sun shows up at 24::26 Pisces on a Sidereal Chart. The completion
number for 24 is 64, renouncing my will completely for Thy Will.

33 is the 7 of Wands, with six senses firmly established and the seventh: the ability to leave the body at
will about to be established. This is also the Christ vibration.

42 we've identified above. The sense is that we are almost there, my wife and I, even though our paths for
seven years have been so different, it is now time to really come together as two people, each with
something valuable to bring to the party. As to how the winged lion manifests, we'll just have to wait and

51 is the King of Swords, the King of the Desert. His justice is swift. I don't yet relate to this card
personally but I may when the time is right. However, I just noticed that its completion is 37: The King of
Cups, a number I am highly familiar with. Also 51 reversed is 15 discussed above.

60 has the Conscious leading the Subconscious and Superconscious through the calm waters. Interesting
that this is the reverse of 06 where conscious looks to subconscious looks to superconscious. Interesting
indeed. Also, the completion for 60 is 28, the number that most closely represents god. Further 6 and 28,
the two numbers associated with 60 in meaningful ways are PERFECT numbers!

69: The Ace of Pentacles is the number that shows the fruits of allowing consciousness to flow through us
and do its works. It shows the rewards of working to manifest spirit. The completion number is 19:The
Sun, of course, representing spirit.

78: The Ten of Pentacles is the completion of the Tarot. Its completion is 10: The Wheel of Fortune.

87: The Hermit Exalted. Its completion is 1, The Magician. Interesting indeed. It's amazing the The
Hermit showed up in this sequence.

96: The Moon Exalted is next. (1:18) Also 1::08 Strength

105: The Ace of Wands Exalted (1:27) Also 1::17 The Star

114: The Ten of Wands Exalted (1:36) Also 1::26 Page of Wands

123: Black Robe Exalted (1:45) Also 1::35 Spiritual Inheritance

I'm not sure what that was all about but there is something about the sixes that are particularly attractive to
me. To some degree these define and map where my experiences will occur within the matrix of possible

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
experiences. Actually, they are only possible because my present awareness does not fully recognize the
nature of how physical reality is created. I still sense that I am more an observer than a participant, though
this may be a problem. It seems that more of a balance should be in order. In some ways, I am not happy
with my life. Yet, in other ways, I would not trade my experiences in consciousness with anyone. Being
happy appears to be a choice, not a result of any particular events or things. Actually this is not quite right
either. Happiness seems to be a natural result that just happens when things are going right and one's life
is in order with a reasonable level of fun, enjoyment, and fulfillment.

7 Apr 95

Uranus period is about 84 years. 360/84 = 4.285714 degrees per year. Now isn't that an interesting
number. Also 84 in itself was 06: The Lovers Exalted. Since it's also the sum of my whole name, let's
investigate a bit further URANUS. (You are an US.) 3/12/13/18/21/22. Reversed = 1/4/9/10/19/22. Uranus
= 21/30/31/36/39/40. URANUS = 21/39/40/54/75/94 = 88+6:The Lovers = 78 + 16 : THE TOWER

You ran us. You ran US. Reversed = "SUN AR U" = SUN ARE YOU. Interesting interpretations. Yet
which be true. Something tells me that I'll know soon enough. But, there is definitely a strong Uranus
connection. I feel it somehow to the core of my being. Both 22 and 84 are no accidents.

Given that Uranus is at 05:31 Capricorn, it has 24:29 to go to get to Aquarius. This is not exact because
we're looking at things from a skewed perspective on the earth so planets go retrograde at times and don't
move at exact rates across the sky.

By my calculations this transition to Aquarius should occur in 5 years 260.1638 days. This is a very
interesting number as well pushing us almost exactly to the beginning of 2001.

17 Apr 95

Life has taken on a different flavor. I'm still the observer, fascinated by what happens. I know change is
on the horizon, yet I also know that the timing is set by consciousness. The oracles are telling me it's time
for self-change as well, that breakthroughs of self to Self are happening time and time again. Yet, there is
something that says I can do something as the servant of the greater consciousness. Further, I do by
employing my will to do Thy Will. The time of resignation is over. Yet, the Otter (8) calls for the yielding
nature of Woman, while the number calls forth the same strength of the Woman over the Lion on the VIII
Tarot Card. Interesting. I was born on the 8th as well. My strength comes from yielding and acceptance,
not from outwardly directed force. Interesting indeed. Different methods of divination have resulted in not
only the same basic symbology, but the same numbers for that symbology.

Once again, one has to admire the beauty of the fabric. The fact that all of this could remain hidden for so
long is simply amazing. Then again, what is intuitive to me is not so to others, not in the least. It's
interesting that my trust in the monitions of my consciousness is so great. Yet, there has been enough
verified truth that has flowed forth that I feel comfortable with the channel and somehow knowing what is
right versus what is not. I'm not sure how to explain "knowingness". It is not something that is taught. My
experience of it has been direct, a feeling or intuition centered in the heart. Whether others experience this
or not, I have no awareness of. I have never known another who spoke of this as an ability they relied on
in their day to day experience of reality.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
From the news, it is obvious that massive change is in the works. President Clinton just authorized the
declassification of documents over 25 years old. Interesting, that's everything prior to 1970. I wonder if
that will finally bring out some of the UFO stuff? The real stuff, not the lies. Much of the change seems
relatively random and haphazard, as if there was no plan behind it, but I can't help feeling as if it's all
being orchestrated by consciousness to reach a particular state at a particular time. There is a sense that
the beauty with which it comes together will take one's breathe away -- perhaps even literally, allowing a
Phoenix to rise from a nation of ashes. Interesting. There was this same sense while we were in Ashland
during our trip last week. This reminded me of Dr Adolfo, and her statement -- not "Aslanika", but

19 Apr 95

The Tarot Card for today is none other than 5:The Hierophant. Now, why should that come up on 4/19 in
a 24 year. 23/24 = 47 = ASLAN. Interesting, this makes ASHLAND = 47+12 = 59. Looking at the digits
individually we have 5:The Hierophant and 9:The Hermit. It's interesting that Her(m)it is contained within
Hierophant except for the m=13:Death. "Her AM It" comes to mind as well. Hierophant = 8959678152 =
8/17/22/31/37/44/52/53/58/60. Amazing, The complement is 28 and 5:28 has been so prominent in
learning the language of spirit. Further, the complement to the Hierophant is 83 = 05 = The Hierophant
Exalted. No other combination satisfies the equation x + (78+x) = 88. x=5 is the only solution! It appears
that the reverse partial sums may be revealing as well: 2/7/8/16/23/29/38/43/52/60.

I'm interested in PHOENIX as well 16 08 15 05 14 09 24 = 91 = 13 = 88 + 03.

1. 16 08 balance the 24 at the other side.
2. 15 05 are side by side as in my inverted triangle.
3. 14 is surrounded by 05 + 09 = 14.
4. The total results in Death Exalted = The Empress Completed.
5. Evenest split is 4/3 resulting in 44 + 47. [also phonetic split!]
6. Every other letter has a single digit value, and only these letters.
7. 09 is surrounded by 14 + 24 = 38 = VISION.

Something says to reverse things 61 08 51 05 41 09 42. Originally reversed the single digit numbers
including the preceeding 0 but something felt wrong.

phoenix = 7865596 = 7/15/21/26/31/40/46

Phoenix = phoenix + 9 = 12/24/30/35/40/49/55

More and more, it seems that the time has come to do something, yet I know that I can only do as
consciousness directs. The play unfolds before my very eyes. I'm excited by the challenge of unraveling
it's meaning, but I don't revel in the taste of life anymore. I don't know that I ever fully did. To be in this
world but not of this world. To observe the experiences of this being without being fully attached to the
props of the play. There is something to knowing for certain that the true reality is spiritual, yet it is not
something that is easily communicated. By all outward appearances, I may be a bit strange or eccentric,
but my work is first class and I am an easy person to get along with. At the very least, I am kind and
considerate. Getting to know me is a different matter entirely. You could say that physically, I am what I
eat and drink. Emotionally, this gets a bit tougher, because I would classify myself as a hermit, no doubt
about it, a married hermit, but a hermit nonetheless. I base this on the fact that my relationships with
people are extremely limited and provide little room for emotional expression. Whether I created them
this way or this was the way the Play is designed is an open question. Mentally, my constructs are much
easier to see. Work for my job over the past five years literally occupies shelves and has been widely
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
disseminated in the area that I work in. Personal writings have been abundant as well, though I'm not sure
that I would call these mental creations. From a mental standpoint, however, you might say that I am what
I think. From a metaphysical standpoint, this is transformed to I am what I believe. From a spiritual
standpoint, the distinction is I am what I know. Knowingness crosses a threshold that thinking and
believing never reach. At this point one might also state things as I AM THAT I AM. Was this not the
response given by the Lord himself to Moses?

I find it interesting that for a person with limited memory, or at least that's my assessment of my memory
of things, these notes go on and on without footnote or reference to anything. For the most part this comes
from an immense faith and trust in the spontaneity of consciousness. I simply can't imagine writing these
notes in any other way. There is a freedom of expression that cannot be bridled or tied down. Also, as
always, there is the sense that I am an active participant in this production not the sole author. Yes, my
knowledge and experience is essential to allowing this message to come through in this manner, but it is
in no way sufficient. There is another party, consciousness herself, cooperating in this endeavor. I would
bring forth that which she would have me bring forth to the best of my abilities. To what purpose?
Obviously, I'm investing a lot of time and effort into this activity. Where's the payoff? As always, the
payoff is in allowing consciousness to do it's works through you and seeing what wonderful works they
can be. I've learned more about the nature of my own consciousness from these notes than I probably
could have in a lifetime of reading the works in the field. Somewhere along the line, my focus came
unglued from the character that I was playing. I realized, truly realized, that I was consciousness
inhabiting a body to play a particular role in a drama that consciousness has created. One key concept that
drove this home was that time does not exist, and that when Seth perceived a student in Jane Roberts ESP
class, he had to focus very acutely on where that person identified their present to be. The bottom line is
that it is already completed. Time is the mechanism that allows us to experience the illusion linearly.

Coincidence? I have a briefing open to chart 37 and the two numbers highlighted at the bottom are 23 and
68, wayne and WAYNE respectively. This is especially interesting since I just turned 37 a little over a
week ago. The numbers deal with "Reduction" and "Total Reduction". I wonder what these words reveal.
Nothing else on the chart appears to be important for any reason. Reduction =
18/23/27/30/33/35/44/50/55, the same outcome as Phoenix. Further, this shows up as the upper right card
of my "X" reading and the partial sums are quite meaningful, every one of them. "Total" adds
20/26/28/29/32 = America/Victory/I AM Race. Further, the partial sums again have great significance.

Total Reduction = 32 55, 23 to 55, sweep of 32, centered at 39. 39 indicates that it is time to bring my
message of Peace and Change to the world. This is also 5 2 33, which could mean that the 33 state occurs
in 5 years = 1995 + 5 = 2000. It could also mean that 33 occurs in 5 months on the personal front. That's
as early as September of this year. Interesting, since the current job situation is somewhat uncertain past
this point in time.

32 + 55 = 87 = 09 = The Hermit Exalted. Interesting indeed. Is this confirming what I AM or what I am to

be in the times ahead. I AM = 9 1 13 = The Hermit:The Magician:Death. The total is 23 = wayne. I'M = 9
13 = The Hermit:Death. Sum = 22 = The Fool, my Heart's Desire.

24 Apr 95

Now there is something more 1968 is a key year, the eleventh year of my life (for most of it, anyway)
19+68 = 87 = 09 = The Hermit Exalted. My intuition says to break 5795 into 5 795 which = 5 5 2 800 = 5
528 00. There it is again 528. That number shows up so many times that it's become somewhat of a
verification that I'm reaching the conclusions that spirit is moving me to achieve. Why? This is of no
import anymore. I know that I am on the path that is right for me and that I have achieved a direct
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
connection with source consciousness that I can count on to give me all that I need. My only obligation is
to express what spirit would have me express to the greatest degree that I can. Part of this requires
continuing on the path of knowing myself, for the further down that path that I go the greater I can be of
service to consciousness. To a large degree you might say that my life is not my own. And, you would be
right, for a part of my life is inseparable from the larger consciousness. This doesn't bother me in the least.
I feel no sense of loss in any way. In fact, if anything, I feel greatly expanded in consciousness as a result
of these communications.

Yes, I still wonder at times whether I am crazy. However, the writings are quite consistent and the
concepts extremely profound. Many times I'm dealing with the nature of reality and the nature of
consciousness. Further, I'm doing it based on my own experience and words that come through in these
notes. For the most part, these words have no proof. In many cases, they involve interpretation in which
my intuition is highly involved. I see confirmation in various symbols in the world that I experience, but I
look in places that few if any other people look. My experience is that there is a spiritual universe here,
around us right now in our very symbol systems. If we develop our intuition, our inner sight, we become
aware of the symbols that have been there all along and the meaning that they have in our lives. It's very
much like learning a new language. I've been at it for approximately a year and a half. I'm amazed at what
I am now versus what I was then -- in particular, where my awareness is. This has grown in ways that I
had no means to be prepared for. Ultimately, I guess I was prepared. After all, I got through it with a
positive experience overall. In fact, the bipolar disease that I was diagnosed with at the beginning of my
spiritual transformation has resulted in several periods of mania that typically involve what I would call
"flying". During these times my spirit soars and is only loosely connected to this world. These are highly
positive experiences for me. I have not been subjected to the negative side (depression) that can
characterize the disease. My sense is that my range is between normal and high mania -- one of the better
types of bipolar that one can experience.

There is a sense that it is time to move things. I know it will happen when the time is right, but I can't help
feeling that the time is right! Though, it is truly not my decision to make, consciousness guides my
activities, doing her work through me to the degree possible.

26 Apr 95

Just made an interesting discovery. RIDER TAROT = 99459 21962, 479 and 937. The first of these =
5::39 = 6:11. The second 9 37 stands on it's own. 6 is the top of my "A" reading, 11 the middle of my "X"
reading, 9 is who I AM, and 37 is the middle of my "H" reading.

Further, the totals are 36 + 20 = 56, the middle of my downward point triangle reading.

Capitalizing adds 8 x 9 = 72, resulting in 128 = 78 + 50. Interesting! If we just capitalize initial letters we
get 56 + 27 = 83 = 05 = The Hierophant Exalted.

937 also yields 38 as a center point. 479 = 47 9 = ASLAN : The Hermit. Also, this can be reversed and
split into its single digits 9 7 4 = The Hermit : The Chariot : The Emperor. The Chariot is the center of
my upright pyramid reading.

9 74 = The Hermit : The Benefactor. 9 7 4 = 7:94 = 7:16 = The Chariot : The Tower Exalted. All of these
interpretations call to my soul, confirming my purpose and meaning in this existence. This specific tool
was specifically designed to build my intuitive skills. It may do that for other's as well, but the world that
I live in is Wayne's World. In that world, I only know that which I experience. I trust my consciousness
and awareness -- I don't necessarily believe much of what the illusion presents as reality. Yes, I appear to
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
be subject to some restrictions as a part of taking form in this illusion, but it is not clear that those
restrictions are absolute. My focus now is WHY, what is the meaning of it all. Each day I get closer and
closer to the answer. In the meantime I observe what I am moved to do, and do what I can to keep as
awake as is possible for me at this time.

Curious. 47 + 9 = 56, and 74 + 9 = 83 = 05 = The Hierophant Exalted.

937 = 10 * 88 + 57 = 10::57. 937 also = 11 * 78 + 59 = 11:59 = 1 2 12 = 12 12. So, hidden within TAROT
we have 12:12. One just has to see things from the right perspective and allow one's intuition to guide one
to the meaning that is hidden in the symbols. The transformations are simple. The require no calculators
of computers. Simple additions, reductions, and multiplications more than suffice -- along with a few
special operations that consciousness is aware of verbally, but that have no mathematical basis. Logic
does not reign supreme in this realm. It can be a useful tool at times, but intuition will not give way to a
logic that lacks spiritual dimensions and awareness. At least my intuition won't give way to such.
Consciousness simply will not allow it.

Tarot Card for today is 76. This card deals with happily doing the work which must be done and doing it
well without regard for much of anything else in the world. In short, one's work becomes one's life. In
general, this might be poor advise; but, for spiritual work one cannot live in any other way. The pentacles
are aligned as 6 complete, 1 in work, and 1 to be worked. 6:11 again. Interesting. The workman's clothes
are threadworn, indicating little concern for appearance and single-minded focus on the job at hand.

The completion for 76 is 12 : The Hanged Man, a card that I relate to deeply Also, I graduated from High
School in '76. Something said to draw another card. 14: Temperance came up. This is the completion for
74 : The Benefactor [wayne ellis hartman]. Further, '74 is the year I found Seth, or Seth found me, or
consciousness brought the two of us together. Connection after connection after connection. Further, these
two surround 13, 75 = Death, HARTMAN. 75 is also the laborer whose plants come up with all leaves
and no fruit. The second number gets modified by changing HART MAN to HEART MAN. That changes
the count to 80 and makes 8 : Strength its complement. 80 = 02 = The High Priestess Exalted. 74, then
becomes 79 and makes 9 : The Hermit its complement. 79 = The Magician Exalted. Adding Jr. 84
becomes 89 = 11 = Justice Exalted, the Center if my "X" reading. It also puts me at 88+1 = 1::01, 11 in its
own way. Fascinating. Two weeks in a row, they got my name wrong at the movie rental place. I've been
going there for over three years and they had never done that. Further, it was two different people trying
to find me under "Heartman". Is the universe trying to tell me something or what. Simple actions, simple
mistakes, all have significance -- that is they may have significance. Over analysis doesn't help. The
signals that consciousness is sending to you will come through when you are ready and not before. The
process cannot be rushed and each must do the work to "know thyself". That is the key. Further, it is the
reason for existence, period,

At dinner today with Jim B, he mentioned that the planets in transit are most powerful at their stationary
points. For my Pluto square Pluto this occurred Mar 4. Looking back at the notes of that time, I was
highly manic and great stuff was coming through. I found it extremely interesting that I watched the
movies The Lion King and Fiddler on the Roof on the evening before that day.

29 Apr 95

Just one more day in the month. Lots of driving today to celebrate my Mother-In-Law's birthday. Good
day overall. Coming home, however, just about 10 miles before the end of the trip, a very meaningful set
of symbols came into my awareness.
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Odometer Tripmeter Time
32412..... 666.5 ..... 9:37-9:38
32412..... 666.6 ..... 9:38
32413..... 666.9 ..... 9:38

666 always sparks my attention. 9:38 is The Hermit:Vision. That this change would occur just before
666.6 is more than coincidence. Now 32412 is interesting as well. 32 41 2 in particular is an interesting
breakout. However, this is only the beginning. 4:12-32 has a sweep of 20:Judgement and is centered on
4:22 = 5:00 = The Hierophant. How appropriate. My normal way of reading the sweep is 412-423, which
has a sweep of 11 and is centered between 417 and 418. The final odometer change alters this to 413-423,
center at 418. 418 using a base of 78 transforms to none other than 5:28!

In the mall today, I felt very out of place, like a stranger in a strange world. My sense of things was that
none of the myriads of people that I saw will either lead a life such as mine or see the world in the way
that I do. These notes are the only record of this perception of consciousness. I find that to be exceedingly
interesting. In this world, but not of this world. I can definitely relate to that.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1




November 1993 – August 1994

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


Here is a selection of what I consider to be some of the best GUIDANCE statements from the Beyond
Imagination Notes. The following came from the Notes from Nov 93 through Aug 94. ENJOY. Perhaps
this brief taste will move you to explore more ... either in the Best of Notes pages, or in the full versions of
the Notes from each month. Regardless, my motivation is simply to make the material more accessible and
in doing so, perhaps enable you to discover and more fully express whom that you are.

You were not born to material riches, only to spiritual ones. If you use them for the good of all, then all
that you ever desire will be yours for the asking. But, be wary, focus on the spiritual task first.

Write what must be expressed through you -- for this message can only come in this manner through your

BE HERE NOW, beyond mind, beyond imagination, beyond everything.

It is in that unlimited point that magic happens -- for out of it, all that we manifest in our reality of time
and space pours forth in tune with our beliefs, desires, and fears.

Do each day that which seems right to you. Worry not about the future. It will take care of itself.

Your task is to BE HERE NOW. Allow your entire beingness to flow out of each moment and fill space
and time with what is to be. You create in the moment. The point of power is the present.

Don't impose your will except when you know it to be in accord with the PLAN.

You will KNOW, for you will be so moved to act that it will seem as if there is no choice.

There is always choice, but it is you who have chosen to go beyond ego and mind to do that which is
necessary for Spirit to be more fully expressed in Flesh at this time.

Focus on those things that your unique consciousness is required for. Do the grand stuff. Bring forth the
Vision. Many others are there to fill whatever roles are needed. Such is how they find their purpose.

See with the eye of your soul, and convey to others what you FORESEE.

Along with privileges come responsibilities -- with sacred privileges, sacred responsibilities.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

Such is all that can be expected from alchemical training. One asks to experience soul in flesh to a greater
degree. This is the highest thing any teaching can provide.

It is not sufficient to be a Master of this World -- that requires no spirituality. One must be a true master
expressing spirit in flesh to the greatest degree possible at this time on this planet.

You are not expected to do everything, only that for which your unique talents and abilities make you best
suited. You have a mission, a role that is yours to perform. All that you are has been designed with this
end in mind.

Do what you love to do! That is the directive of your spirit. No arguments, no hesitations. You already
know what that is.

So, what is stopping you now? Why do you choose to be less than you know you can be? Free yourself of
the limitations and chains that you have around you. All of these are self-imposed, and require your will to
give them their power over you.

Be done with them, so that you can be free to engage your energies as you see fit. This level of control
will not be exerted for you. It is up to you to drop your illusions and see the reality that is truly there.

Be done with the darkness and see the light. Awaken from your sleep and rise anew and see the dawning
of a glorious new day, as it marks the arrival of a new age, the Age of Aquarius.

This is a game we are playing, hiding from ourselves the fact that we create the events in the game even
as we experience them. That is, we create the very reality to which we react.

It's all a play of consciousness teaching itself to be more aware of itself. Once again, know thyself is the
only purpose for the play -- showing consciousness what it truly is.

Life itself is a game being played by consciousness for a purpose. There is meaning behind it all on many
levels. The intricacies are amazing, simply wonderful to behold.

Each of us has genius inside of us. Love is the soul of that genius -- the very key that can unleash its
expression in our lives.

We are one being already, linked through universal mind or cosmic consciousness.

In bringing ideas and works through, each of us allows the collective whole to benefit.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
This is why we don't need ten Gandhi's or five Krishnamurti's or eight Buddha's. One of each is enough to
set the pattern and provide the mold.

However, consciousness does need such grand vehicles to show what is possible and to provide critical
messages to the world at many levels.

Increased awareness always carries increased conscious responsibility for reality creation as well.

You are given as much freedom as you show that you are ready to handle responsibly.

Without cooperation, everything crumbles -- and consciousness remains asleep, unaware of its true nature.
Our inner self already knows this.

Our inner self already operates completely through cooperation. It already has the connections to source,
or consciousness, or All That Is that provide it with its mission, directions, and higher level operating

At this point, the outcome is a certainty. There are a few details to be played out, but because we got
someone able to write these words and realize them as he wrote them, we know that we have already

Now, it's a matter of how many can be brought to this realization so that they can have the eyes to see and
ears to hear the glorious arrival of the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius.

One by one, the awakened ones will have to share their Light with others so that these too can be

In America, we have inherited the spiritual mantle. We are obligated to create the New Order for the Ages.
The Great Seal that has never been a seal, the one with the unfinished pyramid will become the spiritual
seal of the land.

Observe what the events and situations that come into your experience are telling you, for they will
always be attempting to convey higher truths to all who are ready to see and hear.

Pay attention to what the universe tells you and adjust your beliefs to incorporate whatever truths that you
see expressed.

Don't limit what can be or what you can be.

Follow your guidance and take action, trusting that you are being led on the path that is right for you.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

Don't focus on outcomes, however. Allow the events to flow where they will before you settle on any

See things from the larger perspective as events in a play, and remember that you are not consciously in

Remember that the play is illusion. Trying to substitute one illusion for another is not the work for the
awakened ones.

Live in this world, fully and completely. But know that you are not of this world.

You are here to play a part for awhile, and to learn a few things about consciousness.

Enjoy, have fun, be happy, and create well! How else should spirit express in flesh?

There will be no miraculous appearance that changes things overnight.

As human beings, we have incredible capacity for thought, emotion, and action.

We are the vehicles through which change can be made manifest in the world.

We have only to unleash the sleeping dragon that lies within most of us, and the works that will unfold
will be simply spectacular, beyond all our hopes and dreams.

We have the energy in potential, and many of the ideas are being generated. The ideas only truly need to
take hold for the fireworks of creative change to begin on a major scale.

Once the dragon starts to awaken, the Plan will finally be able to proceed towards a new dawn, the start of
a new day and a new age. The Age of Aquarius will finally appear. The experiment will have succeeded.

It's amazing how quickly problems can be addressed and eliminated if the right resources are brought to
bear on the problems.

The overall plan is The Plan and it is being received by a number of people -- more and more are tapped
in each day, in fact. Each sees only those parts for which they have a need to know.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
There comes a time in every persons life when they must make decisions that define the course of their

My sense is that we are living in extreme times and that the rapidity with which change is happening not
only in this country but on a global scale has taken us beyond anything that history can help us with.

It's time for mankind to become aware, spiritually aware, so that we can harness the energies of change
and make the entire world one global family.

For my world to change, I must change. Once again, my world is the reflection of what I am.

Everything starts with the self and it's transformation to the Self. Self-realization is what it's all about.

Greater awareness, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment are the greatest things we can experience in
life, but we must go the next step and ground the experiences in physical life.

We must use these awakenings and transformations in a manner that allows spirit to more full manifest in
flesh on a regular basis not just in a few ecstatic moments.

The quote "you are what you experience" comes to mind, but they got the order wrong. The truth is "you
experience what you are". Think about that!

Accept whom that you are as completely as is possible for you.

Reality creation works from the kernel of deep and abiding trust or knowingness.

There can be no doubt, if the Vision is to be made manifest then Spirit must be trusted completely.

Either you know whom that you are, or you don't. We advise that you do whatever it takes for you to
know, and do it now.

Follow your intuition, as always. Let it guide you on the path that is most appropriate for your

Trust not in others to provide you with the way -- but, search within yourself for the answers.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Each moment, do that which your consciousness bids you to do, and do that for every moment that
remains in your life. Consciousness will move you to exactly where you need to be.

Trust in the inner portions of yourself to take care of the details of reality creation. After all, that is why
they exist.

Follow your own intuition and guidance and you will find out exactly what is most right for you.

Similarly, there is a greater reality for each individual that lies just outside the dimensions of this one.

In this parallel reality, changes are manifest as soon as the beliefs in this reality change. Then, the process
of physical reality creation is engaged to make the changes real in this world.

Beliefs are the key. As soon as they are changed, the forces of manifestation are unleashed.

In the individual's case, however, the changes are limited to the individual's dreams of what can be.

The bottom line is faith. Do I trust in my spirit enough to follow my subconscious and intuition wherever
they lead?

Remove yourself from the turmoil to be, and await another time to come shortly after. It won't take long
for the populations of the world to demand a new order.

This time, they will accept one that is revealed by spirit. And, the appropriate souls will indeed be brought
together to create this order.

We are not used to having things done right in this world. It is time for a shift so that right is the expected
manner in which things are done.

Trust that with every realization you get closer to the circumstances that allow the realization of your

Continue to take action guided by your intuition, observe the reality that results, and interpret what it all

Focus on creating the high level constructs that allow you to understand and make sense of the reality
your experience.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Staying grounded is a key to enfleshing spirit. Spirit by it's very nature knows how to soar. Though there
is great therapeutic value in soaring within the flesh as well.

Consciousness is always clear and direct about what is required. However, you have complete freedom in
how the job gets done.

The philosopher king needs to be a master at identifying and deciding what resources and how much
resources should be applied to what problems and what tasks.

Further, these decisions must be made without bias. Mastery of philosophy is required because it is ideas
that form the basis of society and all that is manifest in the world.

The "lover of wisdom" is best suited to ensure that this basis is the best that it can possibly be.

Kingship is required to ensure that the authority is there to bring these ideas down to earth in an effective
and practical way.

Ideas alone are not enough. It takes resources to make things so in this world.

Combining the philosopher and king in one person allows change based on wisdom to be manifest in the
most timely manner.

It is expected that the philosopher king will be surrounded by a set of ministers that have particular
expertise in the areas of their ministry.

The greatest spirits on the planet should be filling those positions that require the greatest amount of spirit
for the successful execution of their duties and responsibilities.

Open your awareness. Use all of the channels that you have available to you.

Trust that the consciousness that forms and sustains you is also capable of ordering the stimuli and
information inputs with which you are meant to deal.

Remember that what is going on from a higher perspective is that you are being programmed to enable
you to carry out your purpose.

You are not doing the programming, you are experiencing it. This is a major difference!

This applies to you, but not necessarily to all others.

You first must reach a point where you cooperate and allow spirit to do the programming.

Until a person is sufficiently awakened, there is no input channel through which this programming can
take place on a spiritual level.
Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Until the individual is willing to resign his/her will to the universal will or consciousness, then little can
be achieved.

Spirit doesn't force its way in, it patiently waits until it is invited.

Relax, knowing for certain that you are spirit and you are in Spirit's hands now. Nothing can befall you
that is outside of the Plan.

Think about this until you fully know its truth. Life has great purpose, and human life even greater

Focus on the HERE and NOW, not where and how you will be living in six months, or even in the next
week or two.

Do the work that must be done today, and do it to the best of your abilities. This is Dharma -- right action.

When we focus on the day, it is amazing how much change happens how quickly.

When one focuses on here and now, one can't get caught up in all the complexity that arises from so much
action in pursuit of unrealistic dreams.

Make each day count 100 percent.

Remember to work in a manner that allows you to joyfully look back on your life and say that you are
happy with how you lived and what you were able to accomplish.

Peace be with you always and forevermore.

We can continue to help you bring through information on social structures, education, and the
foundations for creating a new world.

You naturally resonate to these ideas because you have lived them for a very long time. Further, you know
what it takes to preserve these ideals.

The earth was in need of people to seed these principles into the minds and hearts of the people within a
particular window when the baton was being passed from Neptune to Uranus for the rulership of an age.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

Follow your intuition and learn to detect when it is correct vs when it is in error. (error usually comes
from ego getting in the way)

Do what you are moved to do. Regardless of the source of direction, don't act until it is congruent with
whom that you are in the moment.

Whenever there is a spirit/physical choice to make, choose spirit if you can. (It makes life much easier.)

Be patient. Wait for the right timing. If it's hard, then either your timing or method is wrong.

See the grand plan, and think on a large scale. How can you view your work so that it has impact on a
global scale?

Don't think in terms of affecting hundred or thousands, think in terms of millions -- not only in this
country but abroad as well.

Yes, this requires looking ahead to the future, however don't lock it in. What you are trying to do is to
place a thought mold of what you want into higher consciousness.

It is then up to the subconscious to overcome any obstacles in the way of manifesting and to determine the
specific details of that manifestation.

Love transforms even everyday objects into treasures, and transforms work into a kind of play.

Before a City of Light can be built, we have to deal with the tasks of categorizing Lightworkers by skill
level and talents, and setting up a Sacred space for a Spiritual School.

The spiritual world is around us now, wherever we are. It has always been around us regardless of
whether we were near a church or not.

Spirituality is the most intimate relationship that we can have with our creator.

Church might be a place to start this training, but the most advanced in the class will need to discover
their personal relationship with spirit.

When this happens, one begins to see all life as ONE -- one has found home at last.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

Your life is yours now in a way that has never before manifested. For what you now speak becomes a law
unto itself and sets in motion a chain of events that leads to the desired results.

Notice what is around you. Wherever you see the possibility for improvement, speak out. It doesn't matter
whether anyone is around.

The universe hears your voice and consciousness sends it to whomever is best suited to implement it.

Participate in life. Play, have fun, and do whatever you find necessary to accomplish your mission.

Everything that exists is a mirror of what the people of the country and your world believe. This filters
down to the nature of the specific communities that exist.

Every aspect of your world and your life has a spiritual component to it. It's only a matter of seeking it to
find it.

Remember, Lucifer was the epitome of Light until he decided that he was equal in Light to God. This was
a big mistake on the one hand but it set up the way for our present trip through limitation.

It has been a very long journey, and on the way, we became experts at limitation -- hopefully so no other
consciousness has to experience this particular path.

Darkness is simply a shadow caused by how Light (Lucifer) deceived himself. By believing he was as
great as God, he set up a scenario for the Play of Light vs Dark.

The simple error was one that we all might make, our ego believes that we have power -- great power in
some area. The inflated Ego may even think it is all powerful.

What one loses in this process, however, is the tie we have to the true spark of God which is the divine in

Whenever the ego is not in submission to the subconscious, the superconscious has no voice.

Consciousness works elegantly. Every resource is put in a position where it can be of the most use to the
Plan. Nothing is overlooked, every last detail is nailed down.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
The first level of awareness is just a basic physical one. It understands the need for food, clothing, shelter
and little else.

The second level of awareness includes emotional needs such as security, companionship and even love.
It also starts to allow knowing expression of the subconscious.

The third level of awareness adds an understanding of the mental faculties and reasoning. It also starts to
think in terms of goals and working to achieve them.

The fourth level of awareness starts to become aware of the need to incorporate information from the
subconscious with the conscious to operate as a whole person.

This brings an added efficiency in reality creation over what the conscious alone can do.

The fifth level of awareness adds a link to the superconscious. This may be reached from either the
second or fourth levels of awareness. The subconscious is the link through which this connection is made.

The sixth level moves up further. The conscious - subconscious - superconscious trinity in the mind is
watched by another portion of self which is not part of these three.

This is the first true level of awareness. The awareness is disassociated from what it is watching.

The experience is as if you were watching a movie of yourself doing whatever you are doing -- not having
any insight into the details that might be driving the action and decisions.

We have seen several individuals over time who have served as examples, but they were very special

Here we are dealing with a massive expression of spirit in millions, if not billions of souls. We're on the
verge of a wake up call beyond anything that has been experienced before at least as far as I know.

When you operate in the Here and Now, you breakthrough into a new understanding. There is only ONE
and it is HERE and NOW. You can't imagine life without time and space.

However it is only in these constructed dimensions that plays of light and dark can manifest.

Consider your dramas and movies in film or live. They always exist in light and shadow. Yes, the
characters are all real, but the stuff they do is to generate effects in the audience via images changing over

There are many things that need to be done in this country. All we have to do is allocate the right

If we just get rid of the darkness and information hiding that pervades the system things can change.

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People must have all of their needs met. This is true for all people in this country whether they have jobs
or not.

Many have started to see that the intuition has a place in their lives, but few have been willing to kill their
egos to allow spirit to come through.

The ultimate prize is abundance; however, most people would rather have what they currently have and
are comfortable with than risk it on a potential promise of abundance.

However, such is the test for living in Heaven on Earth. Are you willing to give up all that you think you
are to allow spirit to work through you in accord with your talents and abilities?

Trust that we know how to measure your state and are bringing the necessary reality to you to allow your
transformation to occur quickly but with a state of elegance and beauty as well.

Experience the awe and wonder of being as fully as you can.

Rejoice in the experience of being soul incarnate, knowing that we are assisting in bringing forth the best
states possible for your growth in awareness.

Be whom you are, spirit in flesh. Express that as much as you can -- it is important to serve as an example
to people of what they too might be if they too could express whom they truly are.

The key thing that drives the whole process is making "Know Thyself" the top priority in your life. This
above all things sets you on the path that is right for you.

Pay close attention to your intuition and realize that your intuition should be equal to if not greater than
your reason.

Also, realize that at some point your intuition and subconscious mind must give way to your

The goal is reason bowing to intuition (subconscious) bowing to superconscious. The superconscious is
that part of us that is literally god stuff.

Ego operates primarily in the conscious mind. It is the greatest thing suppressing the ability for spirit to be
more fully enfleshed.

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It's time to see beyond the surface and realize that at some level we are all one and that we should be
treating each other as if this were indeed so.

We will do whatever it takes to make spirit more fully enfleshed and improve the infrastructure of society
so that people get what they need, when they need it.

Further, however, no means may be used to secure our end that in any way violate spiritual law.

Yet, we will not back down or be forced to yield our position. For, in this, we have the high spiritual
ground. We are in the RIGHT, and RIGHT makes MIGHT.

Our focus is on what we can do to serve both ourselves and others.

HERE and NOW, the Universe and all its manifestations is perfect. It can never be any other than that, for
GOD is perfect, and cannot create anything other than perfection of itself.

This does not mean that it is the best it could be, only that it is the best it can be in the moment.

Because so much action is going on, it is hard to slow down and stop and watch each moment in its full
ripeness. But, if we stop to see, what we see is a grand and intricate illusion/reality.

It's absolutely amazing how complex it really is, yet how simple on the other hand.

When we operate from the knowledge of the unity of all things, a higher order of majesty gets reached in
our minds, causing us to act not out of the minor personal concerns and issues we have from day to day
but out of the infinity of whom that we are.

Actually, it's not enough to just think about it, though that's the first step. We must go one step further. We
must become part of this unity.

We can retain our sense of identity as well, but we should feel as if we we're swallowed up by the ocean
of love and mercy.

In this state we can come to no harm for we are immersed and wrapped in divine light of a higher order
than we generally get to feel on Earth.

With the age of Aquarius just around the corner, many will have spiritual awakenings that provide them
with the experiences necessary to find out who and what they really are as well as why they are here.

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Gifts are only given where they are needed.

Consciousness cooperates in a wonderful fashion to make sure that people are placed in positions where
they are needed and where they are put in circumstances that provide them with the greatest opportunity
to learn what they most need to learn.

The play is only possible because of illusion.

If we were to see and know everything in the moment, there would be no hopes, fears, and dreams.

The world is perfect as it is for the conditions of the consciousnesses of the world. It has always been
perfect and will always be perfect.

This does not mean there is no further work to be done. In a way, you could say we are approaching
greater and greater embodiment of spirit, but it is all spirit -- there literally is nothing else.

For all time, it has been possible for any being to experience this, to experience the union of
consciousness in flesh.

Many have had their brief moments in the sun. Others have had extended periods of time that may have
lasted their entire lifetime.

One must light one’s own Light, before one can help others in the quest for Light.

Spirit doesn't care about what trappings you put around yourself. Hmm, that's why they call them

The fact that we are parts, makes us ONE. That our awareness only has glimmers and hints of this
oneness is beside the point.

We are indeed ONE, whether we know it or not.

Many of us have put large sets of blinders on to block parts of the truth that we didn't want to see. It's time
for these to be removed, or at least lessened.

The Truth Shall Set You Free! But, you say, I'm already free. Yet, I ask you as you go through your
liberties how far do you have to go before you run into a wall or barrier through which you cannot pass?

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We live for the most part in an illusion, an illusion that for all appearances is reality itself. And, it is reality
itself on this level.

The key is to change your level, and, you can only do that through self-knowledge.

Divine wisdom has guided the play for all eternity.

The things, structures, and organizations in the world are there for a purpose -- they have a reason to exist,
a reason that facilitates or demonstrates the unfoldment of a Grand Plan.

Chance and circumstance have limited roles. Design, whether it be human or divine is what guides the

This design requires imaginative thought with purpose and commitment. The key issue is selecting the
right thoughts to undergo this process.

If one allows the intuition to speak, it will tell you what you need to know. This does not mean it will tell
you everything, for some things you have no need to know, though you might want to.

By the time most people have developed the nerve or the need to ask, they are already ready to have their
questions answered.

Our destiny is always a spiritual one, especially in these times of drastic changes. It is not clear when or
whether the thunderbolt will strike that fills one's heart with Love for the whole human race.

One sees the beauty of each individual as spirit enfleshed at this moment playing the exact role that they
signed up for, yet at the same time having a path for growth that requires effort to follow.

Consciousness pushes the individual to grow, but is not forceful in doing so. It is up to the individual to
want to grow and to show initiative in finding the appropriate path.

More and more, I'm seeing that the what one gets is a result of how well one treats oneself and others.

The more that LOVE is expressed, the better everything is. This is the key, the critical factor. Actually,
peace, love, and light are all important. But, the greatest of these is Love.

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If the churches taught people that they were already spiritual beings enfleshed who required no
intermediaries between themselves and God, a good number of people would leave those established

Also, there is no Heaven or Hell, except as we make it on Earth here and now.

The spiritual world is not any more complex than the physical world. Similar principles apply. All of the
human development that has occurred through history followed these spiritual laws.

They didn't necessarily follow the path of least resistance, but they followed a path that was governed by
what lessons had to be accomplished to allow spirit to more fully enter its own creation.

The word information keeps splitting up into “in formation”. This repeated itself in my mind several
times, highlighting it's importance.

The whole purpose of a lot of information is just that, to put people in formation with regard to a
particular incident, topic, or area of life.

The processes of knowing and understanding are not of the conscious mind alone, they also involve an
equally important unseen.

Many times the unseen portion may be the greater part of the iceberg whose tip is the great thought.

If we are to understand the nature of reality creation, we must begin to understand the nature of this
unseen or rarely seen part of ourselves.

The learning that is most important is that we are spirit incarnate and that the development of self-
knowledge is our primary task, or at least it should be such.

Knowing that the new age is coming is a start. Knowing that we are spirit enfleshed is the next step.
Thinking that these things are so is not enough, knowing is what counts in the times ahead.

This distinction between thinking something and knowing it is a very important one. All of reality
construction is based on it.

This material is differentiated from other material because it deals with a soul dealing with reality as
directly and as honestly as I can.

Further, this soul is caught between two worlds -- the present world and the world in the new age.

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This continuing journal is the documentation of how the transition happens or will happen based on the
best available evidence and insight that can be found.

We are walking on new ground here. There is not much to go on. Further, there is little evidence to impel
us to believe what we believe. This, however, does not deter us.

We are part of a future that is rapidly becoming NOW.

There is nothing that can prevent this event from occurring, it has been forecast for millennium and
planned for in great detail.

As consciousness, one of my highest goals is to come to an understanding of as much of what I AM as I

can. I would advise that others do the same, but this is a personal choice that must come from the Heart.

Once the choice is made, however, life changes, and events are drawn into one's life to reveal the nature
of oneself. Once the path of self-discovery is begun, a host of angels assist one along the way.

It is there for whosoever chooses it, but the universe does not insist or force one to grow.

Actually, this is not quite right, within all life there is indeed an inner urge to grow, but it is not refined
enough to guarantee spiritual growth, though it does support it in some cases.

There is a question of whether The Plan really exists until it is enmeshed in the physical consciousness of
people. Of course it does. It is what propels this whole experiment in the development of consciousness.

There is a lie that we have bought into about what constitutes the good life. It is a lie that sustains a way
of life.

We believe we are free and that our economic system serves us because we have so many choices as to
where we can buy our goods and services and what goods and services we can buy. But, does this really
constitute freedom?

We get a free education, but who determines what agenda should be covered by that education?

A community is an entity, a form of life and activity unto itself. Each will be unique, because it is a
composite of its members.

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If I had essentially unlimited funds, I'd look at every area activity that I felt should not be pursued and I'd
hire away the best and the brightest and find something positive for them to do, funding whatever
beneficial research they chose to engage in.

The rational is simple. These activities threaten my world, and they must be stopped -- and it's such a
simple step to stop them, all it takes is the money and the initiative.

In most cases, removing the best and brightest will be sufficient to stop progress on the work.

Throughout history there have been times when the course of human events were greatly altered because
of men who believed in ideas whose time had come.

This is another of these times, but it will demand that we integrate all that has come before -- seeing what
was right and what was not from much more spiritual eyes. Our consciousnesses will have no trouble

There is no power structure in the new age that resides with particular individuals.

Individuals have functions, roles, and responsibilities in line with their abilities -- but they do not wield
power over anything.

People that are operating in a cooperative interdependent structure achieve an overall strength for the
group, but not for any specific individuals.

People have jobs that are necessary for the society to function as a whole. In theory, no one job is any
more important than another.

In practice, those with greater abilities will have greater roles to play -- but, because the abilities are there
and because jobs of the greatest importance will have qualifications of character as well, there will be no
chance that positions are abused.

I sense that there are many who are at a crossroads in their life, in limbo between a way of life that they
no longer find satisfying and a new more spiritual way of life that they want to express but haven't found
the means to do so.

These are the souls that I need to reach. They are on the forefront, the first phase of the Legion of Light.
They specifically came to lead the way that a host of others might follow.

These are advanced souls, only now remembering who they are. Each has a chosen position to fulfill and
a purpose and mission.

These Lightworkers will indeed be known by their works, and their works will be glorious indeed.

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Eternity can be experienced in a moment of any duration. The nature of how we experience time is a
mystery. As such, it is unlikely to be unlocked or revealed in our meanderings of consciousness.

Mysteries have a sacredness around them. They are infested with spirit to the point that our standard
means of explanation have little to no validity.

Mysteries are to be experienced and known, not analyzed and understood. They strike our heart and
intuition first, and then leave their impression upon our brains.

They draw out our sense of awe and wonder and elicit feelings of great joy and ecstasy.

LIGHT will express itself, as gloriously as possible, and we shall see a brilliantly golden millennium of
peace, the likes of which has not been seen on this planet before.

But, there is much change necessary to bring us to this point. From whence will such change come?

Who will provide the motivation and the means to carry this out? It can only come from spirit moving
individuals to act in a united manner to create the world that we truly want to live within.

Independence does not work as a valid way of existing in a spiritual age. We are all ONE. Within ONE,
there can be no independence.

Whatever is felt as separation must be illusion -- and independence can only be experienced as otherness
and separation from.

As a country, so long as we so rigidly identify freedom with independence we cannot manifest our
spiritual destiny as a wayshower nation.

Each of us must choose how we will express those unique powers that we alone possess.

There are many channels for expression, none of which are required. We are always free to choose.

Let there be Light, that all may see their true nature as spirit and release the chains of bondage to darkness
that they have accepted as a part of their being for so long.

The moving hands continue to write, and having writ, not one word can be erased. For the sequence of
words has passed from the unseen to the seen. And, even without physical witness, consciousness herself
perceived of the creation.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
Yes, every such act is an act of creation. It is new and fresh, bringing what was not into being. How
magnificent is this process of creation that it could occur so easily and so often.

Many look to a beginning when God created the Earth, the Heavens and all that is within them. But, I ask
you to look at your own creations as well.

Eden did not have roads and sewers and bridges. Nor did it have cars, TVs, computers, phones and any of
the other inventions that have sprung forth from the minds of man and been made manifest in physical

Further, it did not have all the ideas and information in all the books that populate your libraries, both
fiction and non-fiction.

All of this and much more, are the creation of your unique consciousness -- not individually, but en
masse, with each individual cooperating in an appropriate manner.

The Play progresses, and the inventions come at an ever accelerating pace; but, to what end? Where is all
of this going? It is important to realize that none of this was by accident.

The divine hand has been there guiding the way all the time. Inspiration was provided when and where it
was needed to allow the Plan to unfold as written.

There is a definite moving force behind the scenes that ensures that the proper events occur to facilitate
the growth and expression of consciousness.

We need to stop looking at our actions as independent things done by individuals and start looking at the
collective action of the whole as a body.

Every one of us counts. Every one of us has great value. We are spirit enfleshed, lost though we may be in
whatever illusions we currently experience.

For some souls, the illusions are much darker than for others -- making it that much more important that
they get whatever help they need.

We help because there is need, and the whole role of Light in the game is to fill whatever need is found,
wherever it is found.

Each of us is a worker of Light. Part of our responsibility in this existence is to spread that light. Not
necessarily just among friends, but, to wherever it is needed.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
This does not mean that you should help anytime there is a chance for you to do so. Help for a portion of
your time that feels right to you, and do it in a way that maximizes its impact.

For most creative people, inspiration just comes. Some say it comes out of the sky. Some are struck, as if
hit by lighting. Some have an Aha experience from out of nowhere.

Consciousness is the single source that provides all such inspiration. In all of these experiences, we have a
temporary union of the individual with the universal that results in the creative spark.

Such creativity can only come from spirit tapped to consciousness itself. Since all spirits tap into the same
source, this source can orchestrate what creativity is expressed where and how.

We already know that we have more people than we need to provide goods and services to people in this
country. However, we also know that there are many things that need to be done that there is no money to
pay to do.

To me this is stupid. As a society, all of the money is all of ours.

If we have carpenters out of work, and carpentry work that has to be done, we're simply wasting
resources. The day of the carpenters time that is lost can never be recovered.

We need to think in terms of people being the most important resources in this country.

Then, we need to construct an economic system such that all of the people are employed in ways that use
their abilities and talents in a manner that ensures that sufficient goods and services are provided to meet
the collective needs of individuals.

Further, we need to ensure that the infrastructure is established in a manner so that the overall lifestyle is

Look out and truly see the grandeur and wonder that spirit has wrought. For, it is spirit that has done all
this and even more that lies unseen beneath the surface.

See the world as the unity that it already is. Don't place this unity out somewhere in the future. It is here
and now -- we have only to see it through a different set of eyes.

As soon as we see differently, the world will have already transformed.

We repeat, you don't have to wait for the world to change for you to see it differently -- change your
seeing of it first.

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We still have much to learn about our position in the larger scheme of things. The rules change a bit, but,
much is the same.

We still have the task of knowing ourselves. That never goes away. Yes, we will be freer. However, there
still will be restrictions -- some of our world, but most of our own making.

Hard to believe as it is, your path has deep purpose, but it is a purpose that is primarily meaningful to your

Consciousness has this habit of testing us to make sure we are ready for each new step along the way.
Where we are not, consciousness arranges for the appropriate education or enlightenment.

Only words can truly convey what must be conveyed. In the beginning was the Word. How appropriate
that consciousness would have to return to its beginnings to find its source.

However, it is not that easy. There is not some simple step that results in ONE.

Consciousness has taken a long time to weave itself into this web of Light and Dark. It will not find it
simple to extricate itself from the illusion.

But, then again, that could depend on you, wayshower. The better you do your job, the easier it will be for
all consciousness.

However, it is not for you to carry others to the light. They must have the initiative to lift themselves up.
Given this, they will receive any help they may need.

Spiritual law says our birthright is abundance, whatever that may be for us. Further, this is an abundance
on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

So, how do we claim this abundance? The first step is to realize how abundant our lives are already. See
the countless blessings that have already been bestowed upon you, and be grateful.

Once you have truly experienced the fullness, you will have made room for more to enter your life. Be
thankful for that which you already have, and unto you more shall be given.

For, the supply is bountiful, indeed without end. It is only your capacity to receive which prevents you
from having more. Interesting.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
So, how do we increase our capacity to receive? By knowing whom that you are, and knowing what you
truly deserve.

For, you will receive as you believe you are worthy. Argue for limitation to your worth and that will be
reflected in your life.

And, if I assess my worth to be unlimited, to truly have no price? Then, you shall be a king in this world,
and your supply shall be without limit, coming from spirit itself.

Everyone has a role to play, and has been given exactly what was needed to be able to play that role well.
Whether they perform well is another matter.

Responsibility operates at many intertwining levels. It is not the individual alone that is responsible as we
seem to believe in this country.

Take one day at a time. Make each choice when it needs to be made. Don't fret or worry about where it is
all leading. Moreover, don't try to force it where you might have it go.

No matter how informed you are, there is no way for you to predict or prepare for the changes that lie

They will occur in such a nature and on such a scale that your systems will not be able to cope with them

You're going to have to rely on your own inner sources, in particular the spirit from which you spring that
expresses itself physically through you.

There is no question about it. This is your rock and your strength, and it knows exactly what guidance you
need to take you to the conditions and position that is right for you.

It, in turn, gets its direction from the Collective Consciousness which reveals to it your part in the Plan.

Words are tricky here. We're into an area where various levels of awareness and information hiding are

This is what the Aquarian Age is all about. But, we have to go from a ME focus to a WE focus. It's
interesting, ME and WE are mirror reflections of one another.

We never take the next jump and say that collectively we are a community and within that community we
have these rights and responsibilities.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

We haven't done what it takes to empower a community to truly chart its own destiny in a manner that
benefits all.

Compare not your voice within to another. Trust your own, and it will guide you to wherever you need to
go and whatever you need to do.

There is something about making the material physical, putting it in writing that makes all the difference.

As thoughts, the words are but flights of the imagination. But when we put them down on paper, or any
other medium of expression, we go beyond imagination and make them real.

We have more people per capita in prison than any other nation in the world. Are these the fruits of

Our nature is spirit, regardless of the limitations of form that we have chosen to wrap ourselves within for
whatever periods or time.

Some would have us believe that this spirit stuff is a bunch of crap, that what you see is what you are, that
the illusion is the only reality. But, this is pure bunk, regardless of how many people believe it.

This is not a matter of consensus. This is not something we can vote on. It is or it is not, pure and simple.
Our wanting it to be one way or another only has impact on the illusion, not on the reality.

All consciousness is engaged in the same basic activity, to come to know itself.

And, this makes for a grand adventure, for each step along the way consciousness at all levels finds out
that it was more than it could possibly have imagined.

Spiritual transformation is the process of turning oneself inside out so that spirit may do its work in the
world through the flesh.

Ever increasing awareness is the point behind everything.

We are meant to be a community, not a collection of individuals, and what makes a community out of
individuals is one simple principle "from each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
The bottom line is do we trust US to meet the needs of each one of us? Yes, it requires a leap of trust.
Also, it requires a collective responsibility to meet the needs of each individual.

It's that simple. One statement is sufficient to express the contract between individuals and a true society.

Consciousness is recording snapshots of itself, attempting to provide a more complete picture of what it is
than it has been able to bring forth before.

Life is a subjective experience, and consciousness is the engine that animates all life, all reality for that

What does the one consciousness realization do to the concepts expressed about community?

It means that each member springs from the same source, and this is true not only for the country but for
the entire world as well.

However, the fact that we are connected by one consciousness doesn't mean that our needs in this world
go away.

The number of people conveying the same message has no bearing on its validity.

I'm here to tell you that experience makes all the difference, especially when it comes to spiritual reality.

As the wayshower, I have bared my soul in the most intimate way that I could to help bring forth spiritual
truths about the nature of consciousness.

Or have I? For the most part, it is consciousness that brings the material through. I've been through a
series of awakenings that I believe were required to open me for this material to be manifested.

However, thus far, I'm not really on the line for anything. Yes, I've revealed things about my state of mind
that most people keep private. But, I don't feel threatened by this in any way.

Ok, you could say I have bared some part of my soul after all, but I do it lovingly, as an example of the
level of interaction I would like to see in society.

My mind keeps wandering back to this reality of ONE consciousness. That is how the cooperation can be
so incredible. There is only one entity doing it all.

And yet the work has been partitioned within that entity, and laws have been set up to automate portions
of the workings of various things.

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So, seeing these words should allow you to open yourself to more of the one that we are. I am only
expressing what you too are capable of expressing except in this case, I have already done it, so you are
free to express that which only you are capable of.

I ask that you, too, do it with gusto, with everything you have, no, with everything you are, no holds

Let this be your example, but find your own way to fully express whom that you are, the one
consciousness as it expresses itself through you.

The bottom line is that all expression comes from the one consciousness.

All expression comes through us, not from us. This applies not only to these notes but to everything that is

There is only ONE consciousness, and it expresses through all of us.

Cooperation is easy because it's between the parts of one whole, not between distinct individuals, no
matter how distinctly individual that they see themselves to be.

It matters not what we appear to be, but what we are.

Oh yes, the illusion has an attraction that makes it appear very real indeed. But the appearance is not the
reality regardless of how firmly we believe in it.

One consciousness expressed through all the universe, the earth, nature, animals, and nearly 5 billion

Yes, religions have taught for centuries that God created and was omnipresent through all this. Yet, there
was an impersonal sense in all of that.

Here we're talking about the essence that sends forth these words through this channel, the consciousness
that each of us are directly connected to.

This isn't some abstract thing. It's here, as close as my fingers moving over a keyboard to bring forth the
letters, words, and ideas that are expressed herein.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
I have no idea how it expresses in your life, but it must. Consciousness always finds a way to express no
matter how clogged the channel.

Whatever you do, do it with a little more zest and creativity, and allow the inner you to express itself in
whatever way seems appropriate or is available.

Consciousness herself is not restricting its own expression. In fact, it's doing all that it can to help you.
However, it cannot just blast it's way through. That would only burn you out.

No, consciousness can guide and gently push at times, but it's up to you to do the self discovery work
necessary to allow you to express spirit more fully.

You don't have to solve it all. You are one person.

Only work the part that truly excites you, for that is where your spiritual tasks are.

That is also where your abilities and talents have their greatest impact, resulting in the greatest success in
your mission.

You need to be careful not to take on the work of others. This applies not only to you but to many others
who serve the one consciousness as well.

Wherever possible, train others and delegate so that you can go on to do even greater tasks in line with
your purpose. This is standard operating procedure for those on the path.

Find ways to free your time to devote to your higher tasking from consciousness. Your efforts will indeed
be rewarded.

However, consciousness looks for initiative to be demonstrated on the part of the individual. You do this
by choosing where you apply your focus.

As always, our advice is simple, do what you are moved to do, when you are moved to do it.

At times you will be heavily moved, so much so that it will seem that all of your time is occupied in the
endeavors that consciousness would have you involved in.

At other times, it will be as if you are on your own, with not even the slightest whisper guiding you. It
matters not.

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Go with the flow.

The more you resist, the harder it will be.

The more you try, the less you will achieve.

When you are with the flow, all heaven comes down to assist you.

It is in the spiritual arena where consciousness finds its forte. It is in that arena that the work of
consciousness is done. The others are the backwater so to speak.

It is the spiritual arena where consciousness wages its battle against the shadows of darkness that so
prevail in the world at this time.

Consciousness' only weapon is to shine its Light wherever it can, that the shadows can be seen to be what
they are, mere shadows.

You are consciousness first. Consciousness by its very nature exists. It is the I AM. There is nothing that it
can do or that can be done to it that would make it cease to be.

Descartes was wrong so many years ago, "Cogito ergo Sum" should have been "Sum ergo Cogito". I AM,
therefore I think. For thinking is the major activity that consciousness is engaged in.

We speak through you, yet you know not truly who you are. We are connected to you in the most intimate
ways. Without us you could not exist.

Without our thoughts you would neither experience nor exist as individual beings. We would tell you that
things are not as they seem.

Trust not what your eyes and other senses tell you. They reflect to you whatever you would have them
reflect, for it is your own thoughts and beliefs that come back to you.

We urge you to see this, to know this, and to become detached from the illusion for awhile and find your
way to the truth that calls from the center of your being.

It has always been there, waiting for you to seek and find it. It had no way to call out to you, except for a
small still voice inside.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
This was the test that one had to pass to find the key to the kingdom. What you see in the world is
restriction in action.

The true kingdom lies within. That's where the mansions are, mansion's far more stately and elegant than
anything conceived on earth. Yet, there is no reason such could not be brought to earth as well.

After all, the point for these times is to allow spirit to be more fully expressed in flesh within the illusion.
Why? For the sheer joy of expression, that's why. There need be no other reason.

The correction for illusion is never more illusion.

One doesn't remove chains only to apply more. One removes chains to achieve freedom. And, once one
gains freedom, one reverts to chains no more.

Wherever there are chains, find a way to understand them for the illusion that they are, and then refuse to
allow the illusion into your life anymore.

Choose to see from a vantage point where the illusion no longer exists. This doesn't yet sound completely
practical. It's all illusion and we're stuck within it.

While we're in the game, don't we have to abide by the rules? The bottom line is no you don't. The game
has hard rules and soft rules. It's up to you to find out which one's are soft and in what ways you are
allowed to break them.

However, if you never question any of the rules of the game, you just won't know.

Consciousness never asks for more than one's best, though she effectively utilizes every resource she is
given. She is given resources by their choice to offer their services.

It is not necessarily what you say that will be convincing to others, it is how you use what you say for the
benefit of humanity.

You must demonstrate how spiritual principles are to be applied in practical ways in the "real" world.

Yet, what is there to say that has not already been said? That's clearly your conscious talking.

Consciousness herself has no such limitation. What she has to say could not be completed in an eternity of
your time, yet from another standpoint it can be expressed in but a moment.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
To your conscious mind that may not make any sense, but there is a part of you that understands it

No, this channel is not a hose through which consciousness passes the water of her thought. You are much
more intimately connected in the thought transference process. You can only receive what you are ready
to receive.

Further, what you receive is a projection of what was sent onto your consciousness, a mapping of an
energy pattern into something that could be contained within your brain.

This is a complex process, but it is also simple in many ways. A similar process takes place whenever you
perceive your world.

One of the things that keeps life exciting is the unknown. This is especially true for explorers, and
explorers of consciousness are no different than other explorers in the history of our country.

These notes stand by themselves as a testament to the nature of consciousness as it comes to a better
understanding of itself and the nature of the reality in which it appears to exist.

One cannot be a wayshower just by repeating what others have said. One must make the voyage and see
for oneself, then return to tell about it.

Interesting. Everything now has two sides, an outer side which cannot be easily explained except as a
battle of dark and light forces, and an inner side where the one consciousness pulls all the strings ensuring
that things happen in accord with the Plan.

Somehow these two perspectives are but two sides of the same coin.

There must be a vantage point from which to see things in this light, and to know that even the battle of
dark and light has its place in the perfection of being as consciousness is expressed through form.

One area that neither the religions nor anyone in power is likely to buy is the need to base the community
on the essential tenet of communism "from each according to their ability, to each according to their

Yet, this is the one thing that best expresses how society must function in the Aquarian Age. Many things
are up for negotiation. But, on this one, there can be no negotiation. On this tenet rests the creation of
societies unlike any that have been seen on this planet.

In addition, any societies that we send into space will need the same basic tenet at their foundation.
Without it, all our efforts our doomed to fail.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
We'll only be treating the symptoms while the patient continues to die of cancer. We have to establish a
solid core, a foundation on which a society worthy of the name can be built.

The I AM is consciousness itself.

I KNOW is consciousness expressing itself in thought and reflecting back on the nature of itself via its
direct experience, not of the illusion, but of the reality.

I THINK is relegated to the conscious mind, though, given appropriate awareness, the thoughts that come
forth do themselves create "reality" in the world of illusion.

I FEEL is relegated to the heart, where it provides the emotive force needed to intensify thoughts into

It also gives us the energies of love, sympathy, and compassion that are instrumental in expressing spirit
in flesh.

I SENSE is the key to everything, most importantly to finding one's way back to the I AM. These words
weave their way through into this reality to express themes that are ancient yet new. Throughout all time
consciousness has been spreading her song.

In different ways, in different places, but always consciousness has been there to sing and breathe life into
all of creation.

Consciousness' song was The Word. We and all that exists in our world, and perhaps many other worlds as
well, are The Word made flesh.

Such is the power of consciousness, that one thought spoken could be sufficient to create all that we know
to be and more.

As individuated consciousness, our minds reel at such concepts. They are magical and non-scientific.

Yet, everyday we are confronted by life and the fact we are alive, and by consciousness and the fact that
we are conscious.

These too are magical, for science isn't even close to defining what truly constitutes either.

Further, were our research to expand and continue for hundreds of years, it is not clear that we would get
any closer to defining these elusive characteristics of being.

However, we must remember that the one consciousness individuated plays all roles simultaneously.

Know thyself. It's as simple as that.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
For over two thousand years, this directive to the conscious mind to find it's source has been there guiding
mankind. Yet, how few took the time to do this to virtually any degree.

Know thyself. Know thyself. Know thyself. We repeated it three time in hopes that you take us seriously.
It is that important.

What part is in flesh verses what part is outside of flesh but still tied to the overall theme that the
individual is playing out?

It's as if we have single individuated consciousness and group individuated consciousness.

Ah, the single individuated consciousness springs out of the group individuated consciousness which
springs out of the ONE consciousness.

When I sense my connection to source, it is generally to the group individuated consciousness and
occasionally to the one consciousness.

The group individuated consciousness is where purpose resides. This purpose in turn can be passed down
to individual incarnations or can be spread among the members of an entire spiritual family.

You are now an instrument through which spirit can do her work in the world. In this particular case, work
that transforms first your country, then the world.

We're not expecting much from you, now are we? But remember, it is through you that these great works
will be done, not by you. There is a big difference.

Be whom that you are, and providence will guide your hand in fulfilling your destiny. And, when
providence guideth, there is never a lack of required abilities.

We know of your desire to know about the specifics. However, we can only reveal to you that which you
are ready to know in any given moment.

Lately, you have started to look for the holes in the illusion. You have no recall of ever seeing the illusion
let down it's guard or facade, but you intuitively know that it must.

Also, you've found that the world goes away when you close your eyes and still your body. It becomes as
if you don't exist in the world at all, and your thoughts and visions take on a heightened intensity.

You are getting close to the secret. The key is finding the way to experience yourself as pure
consciousness, even for a moment.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

Over the past year you've had some of these moments. Find a way to re-experience them here and now.
Know that all time and space are but illusion, projections of consciousness.

There is no time that was 1000 years ago or 200 or even 2. All time is always now. Nothing exists but this
infinite moment, and within that moment all creativity unfolds.

Similarly, all space is always here. Nothing exists but this single infinite point in which all creativity

Find a way to step outside of your limited concepts of time and space into here and now. Allow the
moment to fully encompass you. BE HERE NOW. You've heard that one before.

To be is to experience yourself as the consciousness that you truly are. HERE NOW restricts this
expression to whatever place you find yourself now. Reversing this we get "now here" equals

What is important in life is consciousness. The self is consciousness, but there is a greater Self which in
turn is tied to the ONE consciousness.

The ultimate goal is to realize one's unity with the ONE consciousness while maintaining a thin wall of
separation that permits individualization.

Everywhere, we see consciousness expressing. In the moon and the stars, in the rocks and the trees, in the
clouds and the rains, and in every living thing. Consciousness animates it all.

Tis consciousness that allows it to be. There is nothing save consciousness. Nothing!

Thoughts are the creations of consciousness.

All of the world and everything on it came from thought. They are thought expressed, thought congealed
into form. Yet, they are still thought, no matter how solid they may appear.

Don't be deceived by the appearance. The maya, the illusion have their purpose, but they are not real.
They are not consciousness itself, only the play of consciousness.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1
We live in a world constructed of thought, not of earth, stone, water, wind and a variety of physical and
natural laws. The world is thought and thought alone. It's only in our minds that we interpret it as we do.

It's no wonder that our minds are the last frontier. They are the place from which the thoughts of
individuated consciousness spring, and these thoughts in turn come from the one united source
consciousness herself.

Be in this world, but not of this world. What we are dealing with here is specifically how to "be not of this

The importance comes from the need to express the fiery energy of spirit. If we are too much "in this
world", we close down the channels through which spirit can flow.

Indeed, the very nature of these channels for consciousness are "not of this world".

Interesting. This is a very important key. It is to consciousness and its channels for expression that we
must look to find the true reality.

It is here alone where illusion might not exist. We say might not, because even consciousness can be
enmeshed and caught up in the world of illusion to various degrees.

Obviously the conscious mind is so enmeshed.

Consciousness itself, however, has an easier time not getting trapped and locked into its creations.

It's important to realize that consciousness plays the reality/ illusion game for a purpose. Benefit is
occurring at every level of organization all the time.

The only question is a matter of how much and how fast. But time too is an illusion.

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

Hopefully, you found the ideas captured in these Best of Notes pages challenging and consciousness
expanding. The intent in sharing them was just that, to allow you insight into another way of looking at
life and experiencing reality. I’m the first to admit that my reality is quite out of the ordinary. In fact, I
take pride that it is so. I wouldn’t have it any other way. As an explorer of consciousness and a
wayshower, this is what I am here to do.

Even though much of the expression is in the first person singular, I believe that it has much more global
applicability. What I can experience, you can experience also. No, not in exactly the same way … but in
a way that is right for you. It is my hope that I have provided sufficient guidance to point you in the right
direction … not so much by telling you where to go, but rather by allowing you to walk in my shoes for
awhile. For most of you, it has probably been some pretty interesting walking. In fact, if I’ve kept your
attention this long, I have indeed succeeded in imparting something worthwhile. Only you can judge how
valuable this experience and this material has been to you. I do encourage feedback. It will help me in
providing works with even greater utility in the future.

Notes were the primary mode of expression at Beyond Imagination for over two years … in particular, for
all of 1994 and 1995. This work took you through the best of the first 18 months of Notes. There is a
companion Book 2 that covers the best of the final year of Notes. You might find it interesting to see how
the expression continued to evolve, especially since the volume of material expressed increased greatly in
that final year.

I still find it amazing that all of this could flow forth through me. I know that it did. I have the raw Notes
files to prove it, and I remember doing the selections for the Best of Notes pages. Yet, even so, reading
this material again after several years brings home the fact that there is an intelligence far greater than
anything that we are consciously aware of that is associated with each of us. I don’t consider my
conscious self as the source of all of this. Yes, it comes forth through me. And no, it would not exist in
this manner without me. But, that is not sufficient to make it mine. At the very least, it is of spirit as well.

Be Happy and Create Well!


In Peace, Love, and Light,



Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1

Best of Beyond Imagination Notes – Book 1


BEYOND IMAGINATION is an entity dedicated to building a better world in which SPIRIT is more
fully expressed in flesh. At the Beyond Imagination site you'll find over three thousand pages of
metaphysical works that have come from SPIRIT through Wayne to you describing a VISION of what we
are endeavoring to create and documenting our progress in achieving our goals of creating a
COMMUNITY where individuals are truly able to be all they can be in a cooperatively interdependent
environment where the real needs of all are met effectively. We are in the process of publishing much of
the Beyond Imagination material that has been created in the past ten years. We hope you enjoy our
works, and that they move you to want to participate so that we can co-create the WORLD in which we
would prefer to live in the Aquarian Age that lies before us.

Other Published Books

Beyond Imagination: Best Passages from 2002 Musings

Beyond Imagination: The Early Works
Beyond Imagination: 2003 Musings – Vol I

Planned for Release in 2003

Beyond Imagination: Best of Notes – Book 2

Beyond Imagination: The Search for Center
Beyond Imagination: 2003 Musings – Vol II


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