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University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan RESEARCH PROPOSAL TE PLATE !

OR ASTERS THES"S RESEARCH PROPOSAL # PRESE$TAT"O$ A$% !OR AT &U"%EL"$ES Congratulations on fulfilling your requirements for the application of your research proposal, this phase should be completed in a timely manner to ensure that you can get on with your research and thesis writing. The research proposal is your opportunity to plan your research and present this plan to your departments Project Research E aluation Committee !PREC" to con ince the PREC and the uni ersity that the research has merit and should be supported. #n order to ha e clear understanding of your research proposal it is essential that the proposal be written in plain language, brief, defining technical terms and not assuming any prior $nowledge of the research committee. The proposal will proceed to the faculty postgraduate research committee for consideration and appro al. %ometimes re isions will be requested before the proposal can be finally appro ed. &o not be discouraged by this. Critical peer re iew is a normal part of the academic process and does not imply that you do not ha e the ability or your research will not be successful. #t is simply a way of ensuring that the foundations for your research are as sound and strong as possible. Comments recei ed from the committee needs to be reflected in amendments or redrafting as agreed with them. 'e aim to ensure that you complete your thesis with the minimum of amendments and the most positi e assessment by e(aminers. )ppro al of your research proposal is the first step on the journey to achie ing an e(cellent outcome from your research leading towards the award of degree in the rele ant field.

Student Name: Noorullah

Thesis Title: Moment Curvature Analysis Of Beam-Column Connection

U$"'ERS"T( O! E$&"$EER"$& %$A TECH$OLO&(, PESHA)AR, PA*"STA$ P*%T+R)&,)TE RE%E)RC- PR*P*%).


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MSc Structural Engineering in civil engineering department UET Peshawar NOORULLAH 0 P!"#$%0&'


PREC Mem er

PREC Mem er

PREC mem er

Student Name: Noorullah

Thesis Title: Moment Curvature Analysis Of Beam-Column Connection


"$TRO%UCT"O$ !This could be up to 1 page in length."

!-ere, gi e a brief conte(tual bac$ground to your study. %et the stage for your study. 2riefly tell us why this study should be done. ,se the proper referencing techniques. #n the introduction, you should use e idence !facts, figures, and wor$s by other authors" to con ince us that your chosen research topic is3 Rele ant 4ot already o er0researched 5easible !in terms of scope, resources and a time frame"" 0/0 The research :ro;le<

!'hat is the problem arising from your bac$ground gi en abo e6 The research problem is your compass for the rest of the steps to follow. 5or e(ample3 The research problem is to in estigate the causes and consequences of care0gi er burnout. This should be one or two paragraphs." 0/1 The :=r:ose of the st=dy

!'hy is this study being underta$en6 'hat is the possible contribution of this study 0scientific, policy, a program, practical contribution6 #s this study feasible6 7ou should be able to reach a reasoned and defensible position 0 if not, start again8 5or e(ample3 The purpose of the study is to understand the causes of caregi er burnout with the aim to de elop a support system for caregi ers".This should be one or two paragraphs. 0/2 The o;>ectives of the st=dy

!#f your study is predominantly quantitati e, you will suggest hypotheses here. #f your study is qualitati e or more e(ploratory and descripti e, you will formulate broad objecti es." .ist a few objecti es. 0/3 The research ?=estions !,se your objecti es to formulate research questions." 5or each objecti e there should be a corresponding question.

SECT"O$ 1@ S"&$"!"CA$CE


Maximum one page

PREC Mem er PREC Mem er PREC mem er

Student Name: Noorullah

Thesis Title: Moment Curvature Analysis Of Beam-Column Connection

9.1 Contri;=tion to *nowledge -Acade<ic Contri;=tion. E(plain the benefits of the research in terms of generating new $nowledge that can be disseminated to the academic community and more broadly. E(plain the benefits of the research for the community or a particular section of the community, such as industry. 9.9 State<ent of Significance -Practical Contri;=tion. &escribe how the research is significant and whether the research addresses an important problem in the field of $nowledge, and the relationship of the proposal to wor$ in the field generally. SECT"O$ 2@ L"TERATURE RE'"E) A$% CO$CEPTUAL !RA E)OR*

Maximum five pages The purpose of the literature re iew is to identify what past research has been carried out and how it bears on your research problem. The literature re iew also introduces the theoretical framewor$ for the study. 7ou will need to3

#dentify theoretical:bac$ground literature rele ant to the proposed area of )nalyse critically the major literature items you ha e identified. #ndicate any gap!s" within the literature, in the $nowledge or approaches to the #ndicate how your research relates to and e(tends the e(isting literature, showing that your research topic has not been underta$en. 7ou should be specific in your selection of literature to include.



5inish this section with a one0paragraph summary of the ;$nowledge< gap you ha e identified.

%O $OT include literature to support the methodology of your study here. This should be discussed in )pproach and /ethodology. -a ing critically summarised the literature, the conte(tual framewor$ will identify the specific theoretical propositions behind your research, identify constructs to be in estigated and possible relationships between them.

PREC Mem er

PREC Mem er

PREC mem er

Student Name: Noorullah

Thesis Title: Moment Curvature Analysis Of Beam-Column Connection

)t /asters le el, the tas$ is to conduct original research. The problem being addressed is often the prime focus and the study may be e(ploratory or descripti e. The research question!s" address the aims in your study. 7ou should ensure that there is a lin$ here between the aims set out SECT"O$ 3@ APPROACH A$% ETHO%OLO&(

The research methodology co ers the design of the research and the methodology for collecting and analysing information. The methodology section should identify what data is intended to be collected, how it is to be gathered and how it is to be analysed. The proposed method!s" to be used for the study should be e(plained. )ny sampling techniques and justification of sample si=e should be described and justified where appropriate. #t is not necessary to include specific howe er, you may do so if you belie e it better describes your method. The methodology should be justified in the conte(t of the study. That is, you need to e(plain how and why the method is appropriate for the study> for e(ample if it has been used before in similar studies, or if not, how a new or different methodology illuminates the study. The method of analysis chosen should also be justified as appropriate for the study and the data collected. 7ou need to e(plain why the study is achie able> it should not be too broad or too narrow. This section should ta$e into account the following3

&escribe the research design in a manner that enables disciplinary e(perts to ?ustify your methodology e.g. you may describe how the study will be framed and

assess its appropriateness, the scale of the research and its feasibility.

then discuss your method in this conte(t. %how how the method you ha e chosen matches the research questions and propositions or hypotheses you ha e generated in your conceptual framewor$.

&ata Collection3

#dentify what data is to be collected and what data collection techniques are being used6 'hat are their ad antages: disad antages6 #f there are possible alternati e techniques that are not being used indicate why !for instance, why use a sur ey for a particular section of the study instead of inter iews6".
PREC Mem er PREC Mem er PREC mem er

Student Name: Noorullah

Thesis Title: Moment Curvature Analysis Of Beam-Column Connection

-ow will the data be analysed 5e clear a;o=t how the data will ;e =sed to address research ?=estions, #f possible, outline different phases of your study and how the completion of one #ndicate how your study will address the aims of the project that you ha e E(press how your findings can be generali=ed. 5U%&ET A$% !EAS"5"L"T(

:ro:ositions or hy:otheses/

phase leads logically into the ne(t. This should match with your timeline in %ection @.

identified pre ious sections.

SECT"O$ 4@

%how e(pected costs rele ant to the proposed research. 7ou may budget up to Rs3AB,BBB for the research project from 2oard of )d anced %tudies and Research !2*)%)R". a/ Pro:osed starting date ;/ EB:ected date of co<:letion c/ Are facilities availa;le for the workC d/ Additional facilities re?=ired give details/ -Print details here. Print date here Print date here (es or $oC

"te<iDed EB:ences@ -details of eB:endit=re./ #tem Cost

Total Rs3

SECT"O$ 6@SCE%ULE #nclude a plan of e(pected progress in +antt chart form. ) sample is pro ided below3 )cti ity 9B16 *ctobe r
PREC Mem er

4o embe r
PREC Mem er


9B16 ?anuary C.


PREC mem er

Student Name: Noorullah

Thesis Title: Moment Curvature Analysis Of Beam-Column Connection

.iterature Re iew Phase 1 Phase 9 Phase A Thesis 'rite up %ubmission

SECT"O$ 7@


*nly include references here that are mentioned in this document. The committee understands that there are many accepted methods of referencing. Please ensure that whiche er method you choose to use that you are consistent throughout the document. 1. /unson, Denneth, !(rld Unmanned Aircra)t, ?anes Publishing Company .imited, .ondon, 1EFF. 9. R*an+s unmanned ,sp* planes+, )rmed 5orces ?ournal #nternational, 5allbroo$, California, 1EF9 A. 7an Ghang, 5enfen Hiong and %hu(ing 7ang, Numerical Simulati(n )(r "(mp(site !ing Structure -esign Optimi.ati(n () a Mini/t*pe Unmanned Aerial $ehicle0 The *pen /echanical Engineering ?ournal, 9B11, I, 1101F

PREC Mem er

PREC Mem er

PREC mem er

Student Name: Noorullah

Thesis Title: Moment Curvature Analysis Of Beam-Column Connection

Print yo=r $a<e here and date !Candidate" Reco<<endation of the S=:ervisor Remar$s3 Print yo=r S=:ervisorEAdvisor $a<e Here

%ignature and &ate

Reco<<endation of the Co# S=:ervisor -"f Any. Remar$s3

Print yo=r S=:ervisorEAdvisor $a<e Here

Reco<<endation of the Post#&rad=ate Advisor Remar$s3

Print Advisor P& St=dies $a<e Here

Reco<<endation and Signat=re of Pro>ect Research Eval=ation Co<<ittee -PREC.@ Remar$s3

Print member 1. 4ame here Print member 1. 4ame here Print member 1. 4ame here

A::roval ;y Chair<an %e:art<ent of echanical Engineering Remar$s3

Print %e:art<entsF Chair<an $a<e here and the %e:art<entsF $a<e here

PREC Mem er

PREC Mem er

PREC mem er

Student Name: Noorullah

Thesis Title: Moment Curvature Analysis Of Beam-Column Connection

Reco<<endation of Secretary 5OASAR Reco<<endation of The %ean !ac=lty A::roval ;y the 'ice Chancellor

Print Advisor Secretary 5OASAR $a<e Here Print %eanFs $a<e here

PREC Mem er

PREC Mem er

PREC mem er

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