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IGE Writing Rubric

6 Points Response to the prompt

Addresses the prompt and its responsibilities completely.

5 Points
Addresses the prompt and its responsibilities completely but may respond to some aspects more effectively than others.

4 Points
Addresses the prompt and its responsibilities, but may neglect some aspects of the task.

3 Points
Essay addresses only some parts of the prompt and its responsibilities.

Understanding and integration of course themes and materials

Demonstrates an insightful understanding of major course themes and materials and the capacity to integrate classroom learning with lived experience.

Demonstrates a strong understanding of major course themes and materials and the capacity to integrate classroom learning with lived experience.

Demonstrates a good understanding of major course themes and materials, and connects classroom learning with lived experience.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of major course themes and materials but may misunderstand or misuse some concepts.

Originality and clarity of thought

The paper shows originality of interpretation and articulates its main ideas clearly and fluidly. May challenge accepted positions and/or generate original interpretations.

The paper shows some originality The paper articulates main ideas of interpretation and articulates its but may not fully explore their main ideas clearly. May implications. challenge accepted positions and/or generate original interpretations.

The paper has a main idea but may lack focus or clarity. Identifies examples and connections between classroom learning with lived experience but these may be weakly developed.

Presentation, development, and support

The paper is coherently organized and developed with ideas supported by well-chosen examples; independent, critical reasoning; and respect for the opinions of others.

Mostly well organized and developed with appropriate examples and respect for other points of view.

Organization and development are present but inconsistent, and may be characterized by description, summary, unsupported opinion, overgeneralization and/or weak examples. Recognizes other points of view but may treat those perspectives superficially or incompletely.

Organization in some parts of the paper may be unclear and development superficial, and characterized by few or very weak examples, incomplete description or summary, unsupported opinion and/or overgeneralization. Neglects other points of view.

IGE Writing Rubric

Syntax, grammer usage, and mechanics
Free of errors in grammar, usage, Few errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. and mechanics. Has a variety of minor errors in grammar usage and mechanics that may distract the reader but do not significantly obscure the writers meaning. Errors in grammar, usage and mechanics sometimes distort the effectiveness of the communication.

IGE Writing Rubric


IGE Writing Rubric

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