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ADMINISTERING A CLEASING ENEMA NAME OF STUDENT:_____________________________________________________ DATE:_____________________________ Group No.:______________________ C.I.


2 Verify physicians orders, gather equipment and explain the procedure to the patient. Have a bedpan, commode or nearby bathroom ready for use. 2. Warm solution in amount ordered and chec temperature !ith a bath thermometer or inner !rist. ". #erform hand hygiene. $. %dd enema solution to container. &elease clamp and allo! fluid to progress through tube before reclamping. '. #osition !aterproof pad under patient. (. #rovide for privacy. %ssist the patient to side)lying position *+ims, -. #ut on nonsterile gloves. .. /levate solution that is no higher than $' cm *1.0, above level of anus. 1. 2ubricate end of rectal tube for ')- cm *2)"0,. 3isposable enema may have a lubricated tube. 14. 2ift buttoc to expose anus. 5ently insert the tube -)14 cm *")$0, directing tip to!ard the umbilicus. %s patient to ta e a deep breath. 11. 3o not force the tube. 6f resistance is met, permit a small amount of !ater to enter. Withdra! tube slightly and continue to insert it. 12. 5ive solution slo!ly over ')14 mins. 1". 7lamp tubing or lo!er container if patient has desire to defecate or cramping occurs. 1$. %fter solution has been given, clamp tubing and remove tube. Have a paper to!el ready for the tube. Have patient retain solution until urge to defecate becomes strong *usually ')1' mins,. 1'. &emove gloves. 1(. When patient has s strong urge to defecate, place patient in sitting position on a bedpan or assist to commode or bathroom. &emind not to flush commode. 1-. &ecord character of stool and patients reaction to enema. 1.. %ssist patient !ith cleaning of anal area. 11. 2eave patient clean and comfortable. 24. #erform hand hygiene. 21. 3ocument amount and type of enema, solution used, amount, consistency, color, pain, perineal area, tears or bleeding and patients reaction to procedure TOTAL FINAL RATING
Le e!": 2# A$%e &o per'orm 1# A$%e &o per'orm ()&* ass)s&a!+e 0# U!a$%e &o per'orm
________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF STUDENT O,ER -RINTED NAME



_______________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF RATER.C.I. O,ER -RINTED NAME

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