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What is a Security Council Resolution in the UN?

It is a resolution adopted by fifteen members of the Security Council, the resolutions of the civil wars. Its principal purpose is the maintenance of international peace and security since 1946. They consist in two parts: a preamble and an operative part. The preamble presents the considerations on the basis of which action is taken, an opinion expressed. - The operative part states the opinion of the organ or the action to be taken. There are five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly, at this moment, these countries are: Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Luxembourg, Morocco, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Rwanda and Togo What is terrorism? According to the Austin Texas government, is the use of force or violence against persons or a property to intimidate or coherence a government. Two types of terrorism are organized by: domestic and international. (TERRORISM, 2013) United Nations Organizations and Terrorism: Everybody knows that when we are talking about terrorism, we are related to think in suffering and pain. Terrorism can affect innocent people, who are just in a time that the incident is happening. These acts are part of the issues of the UN for decades. There are a lot of things that the UN have been elaborating to reduce the terrorisms conflicts. The state members are in the General Assembly, Security Council (its also very important because they think in the resolutions of the problems), and many more funds. They start thinking about strategies to prevent the terrorism. These strategies are based in a plan of action as: address the conditions of conductive expansion of terrorism; by perverting and combating terrorism; making measurements to build a capable state to fight terrorism. Everything is respecting human rights. (TERRORISM, 2013) United Nations and Poverty. The United Nation is always creating new ways to protect human rights. This declaration consist on protect society and promote recognized human rights. The United Nation, makes all these possible by making to all countries that are involve with UN to signed treats on were human rights need to be respect. If any country violets any treaty that they have they could be sanction economically and on extremely cases the army could enter to the country. (CICR, 1999) How does the UN protect Human Rights?

The United Nations has the major preoccupation of the protection of human rights. The respect for human rights is the key for the peace, freedom and justice, so the United Nations has created a global structure and systems for protecting human rights, based in legal treaties, non-binding declarations and different activities throughout the world. It also created mechanisms to ensure the primacy of human rights and o confront any violations towards these mechanisms. There are intergovernmental bodies that work for the UN to protect human rights, such as:

The General Assembly: It reviews and takes action on human rights matters
referred to it by its Third Committee and by the Economic and Social Council. The Economic and Social Council: Its work is to make recommendations to the General Assembly on human rights matters, and review reports of the Commission on Human Rights to send them to the General Assembly. The Commission on Human Rights: It deals with human rights issues. The sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of minorities: Makes recommendations to the Commission about the prevention of discrimination against racial, religious and linguistic minorities. The Commission on the Status of Women It recommends and reports to the Economic and Social Council on the promotion of women's rights in political, economic, social and educational fields. The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice The main United Nations policy-making body on criminal justice.

Also the United Nations adopted a three-pronged approach:

Establishment of international standards Protection of human rights United Nations technical assistance.
UN reforms national laws, supports democratization and advises on electoral procedures, assists in the drafting of national laws and preparation of national reports, strengths national and regional institutions and trains criminal justice personnel. (UN, 2013)

References: CICR. (12 de December de 1999). Obtenido de Sanciones economicas:limites
juridicos y politicos: TERRORISM, U. N. (2013). UNITED NATIONS ACTION TO COUNTER TERRORISM . Obtenido de UN. (2013). UN . Obtenido de United Nations: UN. (2013). United Nations . Obtenido de UN: (CICR, 1999) (CICR, 1999) (UN, 2013)

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