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Franois Dosse

Franois Dosse (born 22 September 1950)[1] is a French historian and philosopher who specializes in intellectual history.[2]

1 Biography 2 Publications 3 Notes 4 External links

After devoting his doctoral thesis (1983) to the Annales School, Dosse turned his research interests to structuralism, the philosopher Paul Ricur (his biography,Paul Ricur. Les sens d'une vie (published in 1997), has become the standard authority) and the historian Michel de Certeau. Franois Dosse is one of the founders of the journal EspacesTemps. In 2007, he published Gilles Deleuze et Flix Guattari, biographie croise (English trans. Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari: Intersecting Lives [2010]), where he advocated the rehabilitation of Guattari in an intellectual history that had made place only for Deleuze.[3] Franois Dosse is currently Professor of Contemporary History at the Institut Universitaire de Formation des Matres at Crteil.[4]

L'Histoire en miettes. Des "Annales" la "nouvelle histoire", Paris, La Dcouverte, 1987 (2nd edition : Presses Pocket, "Agora", 1997). Histoire du structuralisme. Tome 1 : Le champ du signe, Paris, La Dcouverte, 1991. [English translation: "History of Structuralism; The Rising Sign 1945-1966"] Histoire du structuralisme. Tome 2 : Le chant du cygne, Paris, La Dcouverte, 1992. [English translation: "History of Structuralism; The Sign Sets 1967-Present"] L'Instant clat. Entretien avec Pierre Chaunu, Paris, Aubier, 1994. L'Empire du sens. L'humanisation des sciences humaines, Paris, La Dcouverte, 1995. Paul Ricur. Les sens d'une vie, Paris, La Dcouverte, 1997. L'Histoire, Paris, Armand Colin, 2000. Michel de Certeau. Le marcheur bless, Paris, La Dcouverte, 2002. La Marche des ides. Histoire des intellectuels, histoire intellectuelle, Paris, La Dcouverte, 2003. Le Pari biographique. crire une vie, Paris, La Dcouverte, 2005, 2011. Paul Ricur, Michel de Certeau. Entre le dire et le faire, Paris, Cahiers de l'Herne, 2006. Paul Ricur et les sciences humaines, Paris, La Dcouverte, 2007. Gilles Deleuze et Flix Guattari, biographie croise, Paris, La Dcouverte, 2007. [English translation: "Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari: Intersecting Lives"] Historicits , co-edited by Christian Delacroix and Patrick Garcia, Paris, La Dcouverte, 2009. Renaissance de l'vnement, Paris, PUF, coll. Le nud gordien , 2010. Pierre Nora. Homo Historicus, Paris, Perrin, 2011.

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