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To prepare a sample of cuprammonium rayon threads from filter paper.

Apparatus Required
a) b) c) d) e) f) Conical flask (preferably 250 ml) Funnel Glass rod Beaker (preferably 250 ml) Water bath Filter paper (Whatman paper or ordinary filter paper sheets. referably! Whatman)

Chemicals Required
a) b) c) d) e) f) Cu"#$ %a#& solution 'i(uor ammonia solution )ilute &2"#$ Whatman aper )istilled &2#

*ayon is a synthetic fiber produced from cellulose. )e+eloped in an attempt to produce silk chemically! it ,as ori-inally called artificial silk or wood silk. *ayon is a regenerated fiber! because cellulose is con+erted to a li(uid compound and then back to cellulose in the form of fiber. For e.ample! cuprammonium rayon is made by dissol+incellulose in an ammoniacal copper sulphate solution. /he characteristics of rayon fibers are0 /hey are hi-hly absorbent! "oft and comfortable! 1asy to dye 2 )rape ,ell.

Cellulose is nature3s o,n -iant molecule. 4t is the fibrous material that e+ery plant from sea,eed to the se(uoia makes by bakin- -lucose molecules in lon- chains5 the chains are bound to-ether in the fibers that -i+e plants their shape and stren-th. Wood has no, become the main source of cellulose. "ince it contains only $06 to 506 cellulose! the substance must be e.tracted by 7pulping3. /he lo-s are flaked! and then simmered in chemicals that dissol+e the tarry li-nin! resins and minerals. /he remainin- pulp! about 896 cellulose! is dried and rolled into sheets:ra, material for paper! rayon and other products. 4t can be obtained in 2 ,ays0 ;. Viscose Process: Cellulose is soaked in 906 caustic soda solution for about 9 hrs. /he alkali solution is remo+ed and the product is treated ,ith C"2. /his -i+es cellulose .anthate! ,hich is dissol+ed in %a#& solution to -i+e +iscous solution. /his is filtered and forced throu-h a spinneret into a dilute & 2"#$ solution! both of ,hich harden the -um:like thread into rayon fibers. /he process of makin- +iscose ,as disco+ered by C.F.Cross and 1.<.Be+an in ;=8;. 2. Cuprammonium Rayon: Cuprammonium rayon is obtained by dissol+in- pieces of filter paper in a deep blue solution containintetra:ammine cupric hydro.ide. /he latter is obtained from a solution of copper sulphate. /o it! %&$#& solution is added to precipitate cupric hydro.ide! ,hich is then dissol+ed in e.cess of %&9. Reactions: Cu"#$ > 2%&$#& Cu(#&)2 > (%&$)2"#$
ale blue ppt

Cu(#&) 2 > $%&$#& ?Cu(%&9) $@(#&) 2 > $&2# ?Cu(%&9) $@(#&) 2 > pieces of filter paper left for ;0:;5 days -i+e a +iscous solution called VISCOSE.

A Preparation of Sc!weit"er#s Solution: a) Way 20- of Cu"#$.5&20. b) /ransfer this to a beaker ha+in- ;00ml distilled ,ater and add ;5ml of dilute &2"#$ to pre+ent hydrolysis of Cu"#$. c) "tir it ,ith a -lass rod till a clear solution is obtained. Add ;;ml of li(uor ammonia drop by drop ,ith slo, stirrin-. /he precipitate of cupric hydro.ide is separated out. d) Filter the solution containin- cupric hydro.ide throu-h a funnel ,ith filter paper. e) Wash the precipitate of cupric hydro.ide ,ith ,ater until the filtrate fails to -i+e a positi+e test for sulphate ions ,ith barium chloride solution. f) /ransfer the precipitate to a beaker that contains 50ml of li(uor ammonia or ,ash it do,n the funnel. /he precipitate ,hen dissol+ed in li(uor ammonia -i+es a deep blue solution of tetra:ammine cupric hydro.ide. /his is kno,n as "C&W14/B1*3" "#'C/4#%. $ Preparation of Cellulose material a) After ,ei-hin- 2- of filter paper di+ide it into +ery fine pieces and then transfer these pieces to the tetra:ammine cupric hydro.ide solution in the beaker. b) "eal the flask and keep for ;0 to ;5 days! durin- this period the filter paper is dissol+ed completely. C %ormation of Rayon &!read a) /ake 50ml of distilled ,ater in a -lass container. /o this add 20ml of conc &2"#$ drop by drop. Cool the solution under tap ,ater. 4n a bi- -lass container pour some of the solution. b) Fill the syrin-e ,ith cellulose solution prepared before.


lace the bi- -lass container containin- &2"#$ solution produced before in ice (the reaction bein- spontaneous results in e.cess release of ener-y in the form of heat ,hich makes the fibers ,eak and breaks them). d) 4mmerse the tip of the syrin-e in the solution and press -ently. %otice the fibers -ettin- formed in the acid bath. Continue to mo+e your hand and keep pressin- the syrin-e to e.trude more fibers into the bath. e) 'ea+e the fibers in solution till they decoloriDe and become stron- enou-h. f) Filter and ,ash ,ith distilled ,ater.

a) Addition of e.cess %&9 should be a+oided. b) Before takin- the +iscose in the syrin-e make sure that it does not contain any particles of paper! other,ise! it ,ould clo- the needle of the syrin-e.

c) Addition of %&9 should be done in a fume cupboard and ,ith e.treme care. /he fumes if inhaled may cause -iddiness. d) Cse a thick needle other,ise the fibers ,on3t come out.

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