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imaginary axis maps into the unit circle of z plane. Hence it is many to one and not one to one mapping.
9. State the advantages of FFT over DFT.


1. Define Twiddle factor.

A twiddle factor, in fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms, is any of the trigonometric constant coefficients that are multiplied by the data in the course of the algorithm. Twiddle factor is given by, WNnk=e(-j2nk/N)
2. How many stages of decimation are required

Processing speed is very high compared to direct computation of DFT. ii. The complex multiplications in FFT algorithm is reduced by N/2 log2N. Reversing the bits in a binary word from left to right is called as bit reversal. Therefore the MSBs become LSBs and the LSBs become MSBs.

10. What is meant by bit-reversal?

in case of 64 point radix-2 DIT FFT algorithm? N=2n Given, N=64 So 64=2n, where n = number of stages Therefore n=6.
3. Why

11. State any two properties of Chebyshev filters.


The magnitude response of the Chebyshev filter exhibits ripple either in passband or in stop band according to its type. ii. The poles of Chebyshev filter lie on ellipse. design digital filters? Analog approximation is used mainly to design digital filters, because the design methodology for analog filter is well developed and can be easily converted into digital filters by transformation methods.

butterworth response is called as maximally flat response? Butterworth filters have monotonically changing magnitude function w and it has no ripples in its pass band. Hence the frequency response of butterworth filter is maximally flat. In bilinear transformation the relation between analog and digital frequencies is non-linear. When the s plane is mapped into z plane, this non linear relationship introduces distortion in frequency axis, which is called as frequency warping. i. ii. Periodicity : X(K+n)=X(K) Linearity: DFT[a1x1(n)+a2x2(n)]=a1X1(K)+a2X2(K).

12. Why do we go for analog approximation to

4. What is frequency warping?

13. Obtain

5. State any two properties of DFT.

the circular convolution of the following sequences x(n)={1,2,1} and h(n)={1,-2,2}. 1 2 1 1 1-4+2 -1 2 1 1 -2 = 2-2+2 = 2 1 1 2 2 1-2+4 3 Y(n)={-1,2,3} required to compute N-point DFT using radix2 FFT? Number of complex additions =Nlog2N Number of complex multiplications=(N/2) log2N.

14. How many multiplications and additions are

6. What is prewarping?

In IIR filter design using bilinear transformation, the conversion of specified digital frequencies to analog frequencies is called Pre-warping. It is used to eliminate the effect of warping. W82=-j W83=-0.707-j0.707.

15. Give

7. Find the values of WNk, for N=8 and k=2,3.

the advantage of direct form II realization. Direct form II is preferred than direct form I because it utilizes minimum number of storage elements and hence less memory locations are required. Appending zeros to a sequence in order to increase the size or length of the sequence is called as zero padding. It is needed in circular convolution, when

8. Why impulse invariant is not an one to one

mapping? In impulse invariant method, the left half portion in s plane maps into interior of unit circle in z plane, right half portion maps into exterior and the

16. What is zero padding and why it is needed?


VSAGI-ECE-V SEM- DSP two input sequences are of different size, they can be converted to equal size by zero padding.
17. Calculate

22. Mention any two procedures for digitizing the

the number of multiplications needed in the calculation of DFT and FFT with 64 point sequence. Number of multiplications in direct computation = N2=4096. Number of multiplications by FFT = N/2log2N=57.79. x(n) is X(0)=20, X(1)=5+j2, X(2)=0, X(3)=0.2+j0.4 and X(4)=0. Find the remaining coefficients. By complex conjugate property X(5)=0.2-j0.4, X(6)=0, X(7)=5-j2

transfer function of an analog filter. i. Bilinear transformation ii. Impulse invariance method.
23. State

18. The first five DFT coefficients of the sequence

the advantages of bilinear transformation. i. It avoids aliasing in frequency components. ii. The transformation of stable analog filter results in stable digital filter. The bilinear transformation is a conformal mapping that transforms the s plane to z plane. It is a one-to-one mapping and it is accomplished when s=2/T(1-Z-1/1+Z-1).

24. Define bilinear transformation method.

19. Compare DIT and DIF algorithm.

25. What is impulse invariance method? State its

DIT FFT DITFFT algorithms are based upon decomposition of the input sequence into smaller and smaller sub sequences. Splitting operation is done on time domain sequence. In DIT FFT input sequence is in bit reversed order while the output sequence is in natural order. DIF FFT.

DIF FFT DIFFFT algorithms are based upon decomposition of the output sequence into smaller and smaller sub sequences. Splitting operation is done on frequency domain sequence. In DIFFFT, input sequence is in natural order. And DFT should be read in bit reversed order.

disadvantages. The transformation of analog filter to digital filter without modifying the impulse response of the filter is called impulse invariant transformation. In this method, the impulse response of the digital filter will be the sampled version of analog filter. Disadvantage: It is not suitable to design high pass filter due to spectrum aliasing which results from sampling process.

20. Draw the basic butterfly diagram of DIT and

21. State the properties of convolution.

i. ii.


Commutative Law x(n)*h(n)= h(n)*x(n) Associative Law [ x(n)*h1(n)]*h2(n)= x(n)*[h1(n)*h2(n)] Distributive Law x(n)*[h1(n)]+h2(n)]= x(n)*h1(n)+x(n)*h2(n) Ms.V.Ezhilya

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