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Student Page 5.

1: Cells and Hereditary Material

Chromosome Nucleus


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Student Page 5.2: Building Construction

Student Page 5.3: The Central Dogma

The Central Dogma of Biology




In 1958 Francis Cric !escri"e! #hat "ecame no#n as the Central Dogma of "iology$ Accor!ing to this i!ea% genetic information in li&ing cells flo#s in '(st one !irection$ The genetic information rests #ith DNA in the n(cle(s of the cell$ To "egin% an en)yme calle! RNA polymerase ma es an RNA copy of the DNA information$ The RNA copy is calle! a messenger RNA molec(le$ It ta es the information from the n(cle(s to the cytoplasm #here proteins are ma!e$ The process of ma ing an RNA copy of the information in DNA is calle! transcri tion. The messenger RNA molec(le enters the cytoplasm #here it "in!s to an organelle calle! a ri"osome$ The ri"osome is the str(ct(re that rea!s the information in the mRNA an! (ses it to ma e a protein$ The process of rea!ing the mRNA an! assem"ling the protein is calle! translation.

Student Page 5.!: Ma"ing Sense o# the Central Dogma

$eature o# the %uilding construction diagram The architect*s office "(il!ing The "l(eprint The copy machine Copying the "l(eprint +a process, The copy of the "l(eprint -en!ing the "l(eprint copy to the #or site The #or site Constr(cting the "(il!ing +a process,

&s li"e ' is li e is li e is li e is li e is li e is li e is li e is li e

$eature o# the Central Dogma

Student Page 5.5: D() and *()

Characteristics o# D() and *() D() Is !o("le! stran!e! Is a polymer ma!e from monomers calle! n(cleoti!es A n(cleoti!e consists of A !eo.yri"ose s(gar A phosphate gro(p /ne of fo(r nitrogen "ases The nitrogen "ases are A!enine Cytosine 0(anine Thymine The t#o stran!s are hel! together "y chemical "on!s "et#een the "ases$ A!enine "on!s #ith thymine Cytosine "on!s #ith g(anine

*() Is single stran!e! Is a polymer ma!e from monomers calle! n(cleoti!es A n(cleoti!e consists of A ri"ose s(gar A phosphate gro(p /ne of fo(r nitrogen "ases The nitrogen "ases are A!enine Cytosine 0(anine 1racil 1racil is similar in str(ct(re to thymine an! can also form "ase pairs #ith a!enine$

Student Page 5.+: Modeling Transcri tion

Color "ey #or modeling transcri tion 0(anine +0, 2 Cytosine +C, 2 A!enine +A, 2 Thymine +T, 2 1racil +1, 2 1$ Constr(ct the first stran! of DNA "y lin ing the colore! pop3it "ea!s to represent the follo#ing se4(ence of n(cleoti!e "ases5 )))T)CCTCCTCT))TT,,TCTCCTT))CT 6$ 8$ 9$ 5$ Attach a tag la"ele! 7template7 to the AAA en! of the DNA stran!$ Constr(ct the complementary stran! of DNA that #o(l! pair #ith stran! 1$ Attach a tag la"ele! 7non3template7 to the TTT en! of the complementary stran!$ Place the template stran! "esi!e the non3template stran! 1 an! chec to ma e certain that yo( ha&e constr(cte! the proper se4(ence in the non3 template stran!$ Remem"er that :A; sho(l! "e opposite :T; an! :0; sho(l! "e opposite :C;$ Position the stran!s on yo(r #or s(rface so that the AAA en! of the template stran! is on yo(r left$ 1se one piece of string to tie together the stran!s at the left en! of the !o("le stran!s an! a secon! piece of string to tie together the right en! of the !o("le stran!s$ Ass(me that a molec(le of RNA polymerase has '(st attache! to the DNA molec(le an! ca(se! the DNA to (n#in! in the area of a gene$ P(ll the t#o stran!s apart to ma e a circ(lar3li e str(ct(re$ Beginning at the AAA en! of the template stran!% (se "ase3pairing r(les to constr(ct an mRNA molec(le complementary to the template stran! of DNA$ Remem"er that RNA has the nitrogen "ase (racil +1, an! !oes not ha&e thymine +T,$ >hen yo( ha&e finishe!% attache! a tag la"ele! 7mRNA? to the pro!(ct of transcription$




Student Page 5.-: Possi%le ,enetic Codes

Procedure 1$ Relate the si)e of the RNA co!e #or! +in "ases, to the n(m"er of possi"le com"inations a&aila"le to co!e for the 6@ !ifferent amino aci!s (se! to "(il! proteins$

Si.e o# *() code /ord 1 %ase long 1 2 %ases long 11 3 %ases long 111 ! %ases long 1111

(um%er o# ossi%le com%inations using the letters ) 0 , C


If yo( #ere to ma e an e!(cate! g(ess as to the si)e of the RNA co!e #or!% #hat #o(l! it "eA B.plain yo(r reasoning$

Student Page 5.2: Cell3$ree 45tract 0sing the cell3#ree e5tract The cell free e.tract #as ma!e "y "rea ing open "illions of "acterial cells an! isolating the en)ymes% ri"osomes% an! "(il!ing "loc s nee!e! to ma e proteins$ If mRNA #as a!!e! to the cell3free e.tract% the e.tract ha! the a"ility to rea! the mRNA an! (se the information to ma e the correspon!ing proteins$ To crac the genetic co!e% scientists (se! chemicals off the shelf to ma e simple RNA molec(les$ They a!!e! these RNA molec(les to the cell3free e.tract% allo#e! it to rea! the RNA% an! "(il! the correspon!ing chain of amino aci!s$ In the first e.periment% an RNA ma!e of all (racil "ases #as a!!e! to the e.tract The e.tract containing the RNA #as inc("ate! in #arm #ater so that the protein co(l! "e assem"le!$

After the inc("ation% a protein ma!e of '(st one amino aci! calle! phenylalanine +Phe, #as pro!(ce!$ >hat !oes this e.periment tell yo( a"o(t the genetic co!eA >hat !oesn*t it tell yo(A Synthetic RNA Resulting protein UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...

Phe Phe Phe Phe Phe Phe

Student Page 5.6): Crac"ing the Code After sho#ing that an mRNA stran! compose! of all (racil "ases #as in!ee! the template for the amino aci! phenylalanine% scientists (se! a similar metho! #ith !ifferent se4(ences of mRNA$ -ome of the se4(ences an! res(lting polypepti!es are sho#n "elo#$ >hat can #e !e!(ce a"o(t the genetic co!e from these e.perimentsA mRNA is a!!e! to a cell free e.tract an! a polypepti!e res(lts$ Synthetic RNA Resulting protein Synthetic RNA Resulting protein Synthetic RNA Resulting protein AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... >hat can #e learn a"o(t the genetic co!eA

"ys "ys "ys "ys "ys "ys


Pro Pro


Pro Pro




"eu Ser

"eu Ser


Synthetic CUA CUA CUA CUA CUA CUA ... RNA Resulting protein "eu Al# Ser "eu Al# Ser

Student Page 5.6B: The ,enetic Code Ta%le 1se the information from #hat yo( learne! from the e&i!ence presente! in 5.2): Crac"ing the Code to complete as many of the sections of the 0enetic Co!e Ta"le as possi"le$


Student Page 5.17: Translating *() to Protein Procedure 1$ 6$ 1se the genetic co!e ta"le to translate the RNA se4(ence "elo# to its correspon!ing amino aci! se4(ence$ >rite the amino aci! se4(ence on the line "elo# the RNA se4(ence ))))0,,,0C0CC0)C))00,,0C0CC0)),,0 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


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