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1. concepts of state, government and constitution 2.

overview meaning, elements and characteristics of a state forms, types and classifications of government meaning purpose and kinds of constitutions

3. what is a state ? a state is an entity that enjoys a monopoly over the legitimate use of violence over its territory (Max Weber) elements: population, territory, government and sovereignty

4. people answers the question, who governs whom? no specific number requirement the state shall neither be too small nor yet one that seems great but has no unity. (Plato)

5. territory answers the question, where? demarcated area that rightly belongs to the population terrestrial, fluvial, maritime and aerial should be permanent and large enough to be self-sufficing

6. government the agency or instrumentality through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and realized. (Pointdexter v. Greenhow)

7. sovereignty the supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in a state by which the state is governed the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience to its will within its jurisdiction necessitates freedom from external control

8. plenary powers of government police power the power to establish and enforce laws eminent domain the power to appropriate property for public use taxation the power to collect revenue from citizens

9. classifications of governments forms of government refer to the basic rules by which a nation carries out its policies there is no standard for the classification of governments actual arrangements differ from theoretical ones

10. governments: Aristotelian typology Mob Rule Democracy Many Oligarchy Aristocracy Few Tyranny Monarchy One Perverted Ideal Number of Rulers

11. governments: distribution of power unitary policy emanates from the center and is absolute federal plenary powers of government are divided between central and local governments

12. governments: structure parliamentary fusion between executive and legislative branches of government the legislature selects the executive presidential characterized by separation of powers directly elected executive

13. constitution that body of rules and principles in accordance with which the powers of sovereignty are regularly exercised that written instrument by which the powers of government are established, limited, defined and distributed.

14. why study the constitution it is the supreme law of the land it is the framework within which government power can be understood

15. constitutions are enacted or evolved written or unwritten rigid or flexible. 2. POLITICAL SCIENCE 3. MEANING OF POLITICAL SCIENCEThe term political science is the systematic study of the state and the governmentPolitical Science is a social science regarding the practice and theory of politics, the analysis of political systems, and the study of political behavior. 4. Political science is the study of politics. Some particular areas that political scientists study include public policy, national politics, political theory, and international relations.

5. ETYMOLOGICAL DEFINITIONLatinPoliticus was an adjective that was used to describe anything of the state.

6. Politics is a fascinating game, because politics is governme nt. It is the art of government.Harry Truman

7. I have never regarded politics as the arena of morals. It is the arena of interest.JOSEPH ESTRADA

8. Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.OSCAR AMERINGER

9. SCOPE OF POLITICAL SCIENCEPolitical Theory-entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form, behavior and purposes of the state.Public Administration-methods and techniques used in actual management of state affairs.Public Law-limitations upon government authority.

10. FUNCTION AND IMPORTANCE OF POLITICAL SCIENCEThe function of political science is to discover the principles that should be adhered to in public affairs that eventually would serve as a model that can be applied to matters of urgent concern to public officials and to private citizens.

11. GOALS IN THE STUDY OF POLITICAL SCIENCEEducation for citizenship- the primary objective of the political science curriculum is to equip students to discharge the obligations of democratic citizenship

12. GOALS IN THE STUDY OF POLITICAL SCIENCEEssential parts of liberal education - Intelligent, responsible citizenship can save democracy; ignorance and negligence can lose it

13. B. Concepts of State and Government

14. MEANING OF STATEA state is a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control. The Philippines is a state.

15. ELEMENTS OF A STATEPeople - The mass of the population living within the state.

16. ELEMENTS OF A STATETerritory - demarcated area that rightly belongs to the population

17. territoryterrestrial, fluvial, maritime and aerialshould be permanent and large enough to be self-sufficing

18. ELEMENTS OF A STATEGovernment - Refers to the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out.

19. ELEMENTS OF A STATESovereignty- May be defined as the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience to its will from the people within its jurisdiction and corollary to have freedom from foreign control.

20. sovereigntyInternal power of the state to rule within its territoryExternal the freedom of the state to carry out its activities without subjection to or control by other states.

21. ORIGIN OF STATESDivine right theory-the state is of divine creation and the ruler is ordained by God to govern the people.Necessity or force theory-states must have been created through force by some great warriors.

22. ORIGIN OF STATES3. Paternalistic theory-under the authority of the father or mother.(stages., next slide)4. Social contract

theory-theory justifies the right of the people to revolt against bad ruler. 23. NATURAL STAGESFAMILYCLANTRIBENATIONSTATE 24. STATE DISTINGUISHED FROM NATION The state is a political concept while a nation is an ethnic concept. 25. STATE DISTINGUISHED FROM NATION A state is not subject to external control while a nation may or may not be independent of external control. 26. STATE DISTINGUISHED FROM NATION A single state may consist of one or more nations or people and conversely, a single nation may be made up of several states. 27. STATE DISTINGUISHED FROM GOVERNMENTthey are usually regarded as identical. As ordinarily, the acts of the government are the acts of the state. 28. STATE DISTINGUISHED FROM GOVERNMENTA state cannot exist without a government, but it is possible to have a government without a state. 29. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT 30. forms of government refer to the basic rules by which a nation carries out its policiesthere is no standard for the classification of governmentsactual arrangements differ from theoretical ones 31. AS TO NUMBER OF PERSONS EXERCISING SOVERIEGN POWERSMONARCHY supreme and final authority is in the hands of a single person.b. ARISTOCRACY-which political power is exercised by privileged class.c. DEMOCRACY-which political power is exercised by a majority of the people

32. CLASSIFICATIONS OF MONARCHYa. Absolute monarchywhich the ruler rules by divine right.b. Limited monarchy- which the ruler rules in accordance with the constitution.

33. CLASSIFICATIONS OF DEMOCRACYa. Pure democracythrough people in a mass meeting.b. Indirect democracy-select body of persons chosen by the people to act as their representatives.

34. AS TO EXTENT OF POWERS EXERCISED BY THE CENTRAL OR NATIONAL GOVERNMENTUnitary - control of national and local affairs is exercised by the central or national governmentFederal powers of the government are divided between to sets of organs, one of the national and the other for local affairs

35. AS TO THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE BETWEEN THE EXECUTIVE AND THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENTParliamentary legislative and executive bodies are fused togetherPresidential the executive is constitutionally independent of the legislature

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