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================= # TRUE OR FALSE # ================= Directions: Each item is 1 point. Write True if the statement is true and write False if the statement is false. Write your answer on the space provided. This exam of 3 items should !e finished within 3 minutes only

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10 ) 11 ) 12 ) 13 ) 14 ) 15 ) 16 ) 17 ) 18 ) 19 )

" di#ital $uantity has a discrete set of values. "n inverter performs a %&T operation. Truth Ta!le is the same with Function Ta!le. 3 inputs can have 1' possi!le com!inations. The sym!ol shown !elow is for a ()input %"%* #ate is +*). The output of an "%* #ate is ,&W when any input is ,&W. The -oolean expression for a 3)input "%* #ate is . + "-c. /elay is a di#ital switch that controls current flow in a circuit. " %&/ #ate0s truth ta!le is the opposite of that of an &/ #ate. 1reater accuracy and precision are possi!le with di#ital techni$ues. This "- 2 3* expressions is in the products)of)sum 45&67 form. *i#ital systems re$uire that volta#e levels chan#e !etween hi#h and low 8n a positive lo#ic system9 the lo#ic ,&W could !e !etween : and .; :.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10 ) 11 ) 12 ) 13 ) 14 ) 15 ) 16 ) 17 ) 18 ) 19 )

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Truth ta!le shows the desired output from various com!inations of inputs. The methods in !rea<in# down =>"5 are rollover and overlap methods. " =arnau#h map is a systematic way of reducin# sum)of)products expression. The systematic reduction of lo#ic circuits is accomplished !y usin# a truth ta!le. The output of a %"%* #ate is the same as the inverted output of an "%* #ate. " small circle on the output of a lo#ic #ate is used to represent the %&T operation.

20 )

&ne advanta#e of analo# circuits over di#ital circuits is that it0s easier to store data.

20 )


================= # MATCHING T !E # =================

Directions: &n the line next to each item in 3olumn "9 place the letter of the sym!ol found in 3olumn - that !est descri!e item in column ". "nswers in 3olumn - must !e used only once.

COLUMN A LOGIC GATES / RELAY ________ 1. SPST ________ 2. DPDT ________ 3. SPDT ________ 4. DPST ________ 5. NOT ________ 6. OR ________ 7.NAND ________ 8. XNOR A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.


________ 9. AND


________ 10. NOR


=================== # MULTI!LE CHOICE # =================== Directions: Each item is 1 point. From the #iven choices a9!9c and d? Encircle the letter that !est descri!es the statements or the $uestion. This exam of 3 items should !e finished within 3 minutes only. 1. 8f a si#nal passin# throu#h a #ate is inhi!ited !y sendin# a ,&W into one of the inputs9 and the output is @81@9 the #ate is a4n7: "7 "%* -7 %"%* 37 %&/ *7 &/ (. &utput will !e a ,&W for any case when one or more inputs are Aero for a4n7: "7 &/ #ate -7 %&T #ate 37 "%* #ate *7 %&/ #ate 3. What does the small !u!!le on the output of the %"%* #ate lo#ic sym!ol meanB "7 open collector output -7 tristate 37 The output is inverted7 *7 none of the a!ove C. 8f the output of a three)input "%* #ate must !e a lo#ic ,&W9 what must the condition of the inputs !eB "7 "ll inputs must !e ,&W. -7 "ll inputs must !e @81@. 37 "t least one input must !e ,&W. *7 "t least one input must !e @81@. D. ,o#ically9 the output of a %&/ #ate would have the same -oolean expression as a4n7: "7 %"%* #ate immediately followed !y an inverter -7 &/ #ate immediately followed !y an inverter 37 "%* #ate immediately followed !y an inverter *7 %&/ #ate immediately followed !y an inverter '. With re#ard to an "%* #ate9 which statement is trueB "7 "n "%* #ate has two inputs and one output. -7 "n "%* #ate has two or more inputs and two outputs. 37 " ()input "%* #ate has ei#ht input possi!ilities.


8f one input to a ()input "%* #ate is @81@9 the output reflects the other input.

E. The lo#ic #ate that will have @81@ or F1F at its output when any one 4or more7 of its inputs is @81@ is a4n7: "7 &/ #ate -7 "%* #ate 37 %&/ #ate *7 %&T operation ;. The lo#ic #ate that will have a ,&W output when any one of its inputs is @81@ is the: "7 &/ #ate -7 "%* #ate 37 %&/ #ate *7 %&T operation ". " ta!le used to present in ta!ular form for the functions of a lo#ic #ates. "7 >appin# Ta!le -7 Function Ta!le 37 3ircuit Ta!le *7 Truth Ta!le 1 . @ow many truth ta!le entries are necessary for a four)input circuitB "7 C -7 ; 37 1( *7 1' 11. @ow many possi!le com!ination of inputs for a three)input circuitB "7 C -7 ; 37 1( *7 1' #$. Which statement !elow !est descri!es a =arnau#h mapB "7 8t is simply a rearran#ed truth ta!le. -7 " =arnau#h map can !e used to replace -oolean rules. 37 :aria!le complements can !e eliminated !y usin# =arnau#h maps. *7 The =arnau#h map eliminates the need for usin# %"%* and %&/ #ates. 13. When #roupin# cells within a =)map9 the cells must !e com!ined in #roups of : "7 (s -7 19 (9 C9 ;9 et37 37 Cs *7 3s 1C. Which of the followin# lo#ical operations is represented !y the 2 si#n in -oolean al#e!raB "7 inversion -7 "%* 37&/ *7 complementation 1D. When readin# a -oolean expression9 what does the word F%&TF indicateB "7 the same as -7 inversion 37 hi#h *7 1'. Which of the followin# is not a !asic -oolean operationB "7 &/ -7 %&T 37





1E. Which of the followin# #ates is descri!ed !y the expression .+"-3B









1;. What is the -oolean expression for a four)input &/ #ateB "7 G+"2-232* -7 G + "H - H 3 H * 37 G+"I-I3I* *7 G+"J-J3J* 1K. *etermine the values of "9 -9 39 and * that ma<e the sum term e$ual to Aero. "7 " + 19 - + 9 3 + 9 * + -7 " + 19 - + 9 3 + 19 * + 37 " + 9 - + 19 3 + 9 * + *7 " + 19 - + 9 3 + 19 * + 1 ( . @ow many #ates would !e re$uired to implement the followin# -oolean expression !efore simplificationB .G 2 .4. 2 L7 2 G4. 2 L7 "7 1 -7 ( 37 C *7 D (1. What is the primary motivation for usin# -oolean al#e!ra to simplify lo#ic expressionsB "7 8t may reduce the num!er of #ates. -7 8t may reduce the num!er of inputs re$uired 37 8t may ma<e it easier to understand the overall function of the circuit. *7 all of the a!ove $$. This is an electromechanical switch that activates when its coil is ener#iAed "7 To##le switch -7 push !utton 37 transistor (3. " type of contact that connects the circuit when the relay is activated "7 %& 4%ormally &pen7 -7 %3 4%ormally 3losed7 37 3& 43han#e &ver7 *7 *T 4*ou!le Throw7 (C. " type of contact that disconnects the circuit when the relay is activated "7 %& 4%ormally &pen7 -7 %3 4%ormally 3losed7 37 3& 43han#e &ver7 *7 *T 4*ou!le Throw7 (D. What electronic components that can suppress the electrical spi<es produced !y a relayB "7 Transistor -7 3apacitor 37 /esistor *7 *iode



======================= # IDENTIFICATION T !E# =======================

Directions: 6upply the ri#ht name of each parts for the relay switch sym!ol in the !ox provided.

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