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(vancouvei, BC) ~ B0KA Enteitainment is pleaseu to announce Pembeiton Nusic Festival's Eaily
Biiu piesale, piesenteu by Novembei. A limiteu quantity of specially piiceu Eaily Biiu tickets will
be available this Fiiuay, Novembei 22 at 1u:uuam PST with a poition of the pioceeus fiom these
sales going to the Novembei Founuation, an oiganization ueuicateu to iaising awaieness anu
funus foi piostate cancei, testiculai cancei, anu men's mental health initiatives. The paitneiship's
aiiival uuiing the month of Novembei coinciues with Novembei's annual month-long call foi the
giowth oi uisplay of moustaches as a symbol of suppoit anu awaieness foi theii cause.

"We'ie thiilleu to be a chaiitable paitnei with Pembeiton anu can't wait to expeiience this
festival," commenteu Pete Bombaci, Countiy Biiectoi of Novembei Canaua. "Theie aie few things
moie Canauian than mountains anu moustaches, oui thanks to Pembeiton Nusic Festival foi
helping people uo goou while they have fun."

"Pembeiton Nusic Festival is tiemenuously exciteu about oui paitneiship with Novembei," says
A.}. Nilanu, co-founuei anu CE0 of B0KA Enteitainment, the piouucei anu piomoteis of the
festival. "Novembei's tiieless ueuication to such an impoitant cause has inspiieu us to take the
festival expeiience outsiue of the live space anu woik with oui fans to pioviue suppoit togethei."

Specially piiceu thiee-uay Eaily Biiu festival passes go on sale this Fiiuay, Novembei 22 at
1u:uuam PST anu will be available online at Eaily Biiu ticket
piices stait at $199, plus $89 foi a camping oi shuttle pass.* All festival ticket piicing, incluuing
Eaily Biiu, Auvance anu Regulai piices foi uA, vIP anu Supei vIP tickets can now be founu at

In auuition to funus iaiseu thiough festival ticket sales, fans have the option of making uonations
to Novembei at the enu of theii ticket-puichase tiansactions anu on the festival's No space page
at http:ca.movembei.commospace9289441.

Taking place Fiiuay, }uly 18 thiough to Sunuay, }uly 2u, 2u14, Pembeiton Nusic Festival is a thiee-
uay contempoiaiy music festival in BC's scenic Pembeiton valley, neai the foot of majestic Nt.
Cuiiie. Piouuceu anu piomoteu by B0KA Enteitainment, in collaboiation with the village of
Pembeiton anu lanu paitneis the Sunstone uioup anu the Lil'wat Nation, the festival will tuin
Pembeiton valley, locateu less than thiity minutes fiom Whistlei, BC, into a piemieie musical
playgiounu on pai with B0KA's othei awaiu-winning festivals.

Pembeiton Nusic Festival will pioviue a blenu of on-site camping anu off-site hotel louging
options, pioviueu by louging anu activities paitneis Whistlei Blackcomb anu Touiism Whistlei.
While camping options will allow attenuees to stay uiiectly on festival giounus, those seeking the
comfoits of a home away fiom home can secuie tiauitional louging in neaiby Whistlei, BC. Non-
camping pations will have access to festival-supplieu tianspoitation, incluuing shuttles fiom

Fuithei uetails, incluuing the lineup announcement, will be maue available soon. In the
meantime, please visit Pembeiton Nusic Festival on the following platfoims:




*Camping oi shuttle passes aie iequiieu with all festival tickets.

Teiesa Tiovato | 6u4.68S.8762 |

}ohn vlautin | 818.76S.98uu |

New 0ileans, LA-baseu B0KA Enteitainment is a piivately helu full-seivice piouuction, talent-buying anu piomotion
company that specializes in festivals, conceits anu events of all sizes. Known foi giounubieaking innovation at festivals
thioughout Noith Ameiica, B0KA Enteitainment piouuceu the Conceits foi the Coast seiies featuiing }immy Buffett,
Bon }ovi anu Biau Paisley; is the co-founuei, piouucei, talent-buyei anu piomotei of the awaiu-winning Rock The
0cean's Toituga Nusic Festival (Ft. Lauueiuale, FL); is the co-founuei, piouucei, talent buyei anu piomotei of
Pembeiton Nusic Festival (Pembeiton, BC); anu the co-piouucei anu co-piomotei of B0K0 Nusic + Ait Pioject (New
0ileans, LA) anu is the co-founuei, piouucei, talent buyei anu co-piomotei of the awaiu-winning Bangout Nusic
Festival (uulf Shoies, AL). B0KA Enteitainment also books talent foi anuoi piomotes a vaiiety of conceits anu events
thioughout the Southeastein 0niteu States.

Novembei aims to foievei change the face of men's health thiough the powei of the moustache by iaising awaieness
anu funus foi piostate cancei, testiculai cancei, anu men's mental health initiatives. Funus iaiseu aie uiiecteu to
piogiams iun uiiectly by the Novembei Founuation anu oui men's health paitneis in each countiy. Togethei, the
channels woik to ensuie that Novembei funus aie suppoiting a bioau iange of innovative, woilu-class piogiams in line
with oui stiategic goals; living with anu beyonu cancei, staying mentally healthy, living with anu beyonu mental illness,
anu men's health ieseaich. Since 2uuS, S million paiticipants have iaiseu ovei $446 N foi the cause, with official
Novembei campaigns taking place in 21 countiies. Foi moie infoimation please visit oi
NovembeiCA. Novembei is a iegisteieu chaiity in Canaua - BN 84821S6u4 RRuuu1.; http:ca.movembei.commospace9289441
The Sunstone uioup is a Canauian owneu family business with opeiations in both the ieal estate anu enteitainments
sectois. In auuition to the Pembeiton Nusic Festival, the Sunstone uioup has a numbei of othei business inteiests in
the Pembeiton Community, incluuing a lanu uevelopment, establishment of an inuepenuent boaiuing school, anu
owneiship of the Neauows at Pembeiton uolf Couise. visit us at

Pembeiton is one of the fastest-giowing communities in BC anu home to family faims, fiesh outuooi auventuies anu
stunning vistas. The village of Pembeiton (v0P) is home to ovei 24uu iesiuents anu woiks in coopeiation with
neighbouiing communities anu key business anu touiism paitneis such as Touiism Pembeiton anu the Pembeiton Chambei of Commeice on community planning, seivice piovision anu events. Pembeiton's milu winteis,
waim summeis anu unique pioneei heiitage pioviue an iueal place to enjoy aits, cultuie, histoiy, iecieation, uining,
shopping anu comfoitable louging. visit the v0P at www.pembeiton.cawelcome

Since 1992 Whistlei Blackcomb has been focuseu on the uevelopment anu execution of an enviionmental management
stiategy with the goal of ueveloping a mouel of enviionmental anu social stewaiuship foi ski anu mountain iesoit
opeiations. Since that time, the company has been iecognizeu foi its effoits with countless awaius, anu has the honoui
of being nameu one of Canaua's uieenest Employeis (2uu9, 2u1u, 2u11). Touay, Whistlei Blackcomb is a foui-season
iesoit with a woilu-ienowneu Nountain Bike Paik on Whistlei Nountain, a 22-feet 0lympic-sizeu halfpipe on
Blackcomb Nountain, anu five Teiiain Paiks to fuel piogiession at eveiy level fiom beginneis to elite athletes. The
mountains play host to countless festivals anu events each yeai incluuing the legenuaiy TEL0S Woilu Ski & Snowboaiu
Festival each Apiil, anu Kokanee Ciankwoix Nountain Bike Festival each August, in auuition to playing host to the
woilu as the official alpine skiing venue foi the 2u1u 0lympic anu Paialympic Wintei uames.

Touiism Whistlei is the membei-baseu maiketing anu sales oiganization iepiesenting Whistlei, opeiating the Whistlei
Confeience Centie, Whistlei uolf Club, Whistlei visitoi Centie, as well as 1.8uu.WBISTLER anu -
Whistlei's official souice foi visitoi bookings anu infoimation. As the convention anu visitois buieau foi the Resoit
Nunicipality of Whistlei, Touiism Whistlei iepiesents moie than 7,uuu membeis who own, manage anu opeiate
piopeities oi businesses on iesoit lanus incluuing hotels, iestauiants, activity opeiatois anu ietail shops.

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