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European Club Cup Chess Tournament: 71 critical positions.

edited by Bill Harvey

This is a collection of 71 critical positions from games of the European Club Cup Tournament held in Rhodes, Greece from Oct. 19 to 27, 2013. Four hundred of the best players of Europe participated. The player at the bottom of the board moves first and wins. Match wits with the tournament winners and find the best move. Solutions are found at the back of the pamphlet. Bill Harvey is the webmaster of the site where you will find 10,000 chess puzzles from historic and modern games. 10,000 chess puzzles


1) Lorenz Drabke vs Alastair White, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

4) Vladislav Kovalev vs Jan Van De Griendt, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

2) Gata Kamsky vs Ornulf Stubberud, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

5) Maxim Matlakov vs Florian Grafl, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

3) Ogulcan Kanmazalp vs Gordon Freeman, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

6) David Oswald vs Bernhard Lutz, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

White mates in 5.

7) Frank Wilger vs Georg Halvax, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

10) Kiril Georgiev vs Ogulcan Kanmazalp, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

8) Sergei Zhigalko vs Merijn Van Delft, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

11) Pavel Smirnov vs Marco Codenotti, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

9) Mikael Agopov vs Ilir Seitaj, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

12) Nicolas Tripoteau vs Neil Farrell, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

White mates in 6.

13) Inna Gaponenko vs Salomeja Zaksaite, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

16) Florian Grafl vs Mert Yilmazyerli, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

White mates in 5.

White mates in 3.

14) Olga Girya vs Tea Gueci, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

17) Sigurdur Ingason vs Athanasios Alevizos, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

White mates in 4.

15) Roberto Costantini vs Petri Hokkanen, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

18) Christopher Noe vs Alan Young, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

White mates in 6.

White mates in 5.

19) Berge Ostenstad vs Iolo Jones, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

22) Gordon Freeman vs Neil Farrell, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

White mates in 5.

White mates in 2.

20) Yifan Hou vs Anna Ushenina, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

23) Vladimir Hamitevici vs Faik Shatri, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

White mates in 2.

21) Lorenz Drabke vs Colin Watson, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

24) Oissine Murchadha vs Paul Oberweis, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

25) Tamas Petenyi vs Linus Johansson, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

28) Carl Jackson vs Evaggelos Michelakis, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

26) Stamatios Rousos vs Tony Haigh, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

29) Richard Palliser vs Mathias Goldsztejn, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

White mates in 2.

27) Alberto David vs Rafal Lubczynski, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

30) Max Scherer vs Natasha Regan, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

White mates in 4.

White mates in 5.

31) Anna Muzychuk vs Irina Bulmaga, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

34) Sanan Sjugirov vs Alexey Dreev, Rhodes, 10/25/2013

White mates in 3.

32) Afrim Fejzullahu vs Alexis Harakis, Rhodes, 10/25/2013

35) Maxime Vachier-Lagrave vs Danny Raznikov, Rhodes, 10/25/2013

White mates in 3.

33) Christian Pedersen vs John Cox, Rhodes, 10/25/2013

36) Henk Vedder vs Matthew Tan, Rhodes, 10/25/2013

37) Ray Byrne vs Perikli Kollagji, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

40) Igor Schneider vs Luc Zimmerman, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

White mates in 4.

38) Attila Csonka vs Jeremie Duluc, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

41) Vincent Riff vs Mario Schachinger, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

39) Robert Philipowski vs Nicolas Duport, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

42) Bedri Sadiku vs Bjorn Ochsner, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

43) Valentina Gunina vs Julia Novkovic, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

46) Gunther Voss vs Bjorn Ochsner, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

44) Fuat Karalliu vs Joran Aulin-Jansson, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

47) Ivana Plivcevic vs Tatiana Shadrina, Rhodesm 10/20/2013

Black mates in 2.

Black mates in 3.

45) Oliver Kniest vs Daniele Vocaturo, Rhodes, 10/20/2013

48) Jonas Bjerre vs Viktor Bologan, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

49) Gordon Freeman vs Martijn Dambacher, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

52) Marcel Winkels vs Chris Sykes, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

Black mates in 3.

50) Matthew Tan vs Vugar Rasulov, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

53) Aurelien Gallant vs Dick De Graaf, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

51) Thomas Welz vs Sami Salihu, Rhodes, 10/21/2013

54) Ogulcan Kanmazalp vs Mark Ferguson, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

55) Oliver Sparwel vs Sebastian Mihajlov, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

58) Andreas Moen vs Luc Winants, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

56) Nicolas Tripoteau vs Friso Nijboer, Rhodes, 10/22/2013

59) Astrit Zymberi vs Alex Vuilleumier, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

Black mates in 5.

57) Asmund Hammerstad vs Anthony Stebbings, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

60) Jovana Eric vs Alina L'ami, Rhodes, 10/23/2013

Black mates in 4.

61) Stefan Van Blitterswijk vs Stefan Christensen, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

64) Kubra Ozturk vs Jani Ahvenjarvi, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

62) John Cox vs Andreas Heimann, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

65) Igor Schneider vs Stefan Dzierzenga, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

63) Abedin Idrizaj vs Ioannis Stathopoulos, Rhodes, 10/24/2013

66) Twan Burg vs Manuel Bosboom, Rhodes, 10/25/2013

Black mates in 3.

67) Martin Herndlbauer vs Gabor Nagy, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

70) Randal Andrews vs Alexis Harakis, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

Black mates in 2.

68) Zaur Mammadov vs Denis Khismatullin, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

71) Marina Brunello vs Anna Muzychuk, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

Black mates in 4.

69) Vitaly Meribanov vs Zbynek Hracek, Rhodes, 10/26/2013

1) 1.Qxd3

4) 1.Nh6+ Kh8 2.Rxe6 Bc8 3.Nxf5 Rxe6 4.Rxe6

2) 1.Ng6+ if 1...hxg6 2.Qh3+ Kg8 3.Qxe6+

5) 1.dxc5 if 1...Qxd2 2.Rd1

3) 1.Bc4+ if 1...Rf7 2.Qxf6 or if 1...Kh7 2.Qe7+

White mates in 5. 6) 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qxg3+

7) 1.Rc8

10) 1.Nxf6+ Qxf6 2.Rxe5 Qxe5 3.Qxd7

8) 1.Rxf5 Rxg7 2.Rf8+

11) 1.Bxd6 if 1...Rxd6 2.Qc8+ Nf8 3.Ra8

White mates in 6. 9) 1.f6 if 1...Rg8 2.Qxh7+

12) 1.Bxc6

White mates in 5. 13) 1.Be5+ Kb7 2.Rd7+

White mates in 3. 16) 1.Qf8+

White mates in 4. 14) 1.h4 if Bg7 2.Rc7

17) 1.Rxe7+

White mates in 6. 15) 1.Nh5+ if 1...gxh5 2.Qg5+ Kh8 3.Qh6

White mates in 5. 18) 1.Qh8+ Ke7 2.Rc7+

White mates in 5. 19) 1.Qxf6+ Kh6 2.Rxf7

White mates in 2. 22) 1.Bh7+

20) 1.Rxf7 Rxf7 2.Qe8+ Kg7 3.Qxf7+ Kh6 4.Qf8+

White mates in 2. 23) 1.Nf6+

21) 1.Nh4 Qh6 2.Nf5

24) 1.Bxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qd4+ Qe5 3.Qxe4

25) 1.Qxd6 if 1...Qxd6 2.c7

28) 1.Rxf7 if 1...Rxg5 2.Re7+

White mates in 2. 26) 1.Rh8+

29) 1.Bxc6 if 1...Rxc6 2.Rd8

White mates in 4. 27) 1.g3+

White mates in 5. 30) 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Be4+

White mates in 3. 31) 1.Qg8+

34) 1.Nxc6+ if 1...bxc6 2.Rb3+ mates or if 1...Kc8 2.Ne7+

White mates in 3. 32) 1.Qb5+

35) 1.Bd6

33) 1.Rd8+

36) 1.Qh2 if 1...Kd8 2.g5 Qg7 3.Nxc6+ or if 1...b4 2.Nxc6+ e5 3.Nxe7+ bxc3 4.Nxd5+

White mates in 4. 37) 1.h7

40) 1.Re4

38) 1.Bb5 if 1...Kh6 2.Bxd7 Bxd7 3.Nxe5 Be6 4.Ng4+

41) 1e7+ if 1...Kg7 2.e8/N+

39) 1.Qa4+

42) 1.f6+ if 1...Qxf6 2.Rg5+ or if 1...Kf8 2.Qb8+

43) 1.Qa7 if 1...Bxc1 2.Nxc1

46)1...Nc3 if 2.Qc4 Qxc4 or if 2.Rc4 Nxe2+

Black mates in 2. 44)1...Qd2+

Black mates in 3. 47)1...Qh2+ 2.Kxh2 Ng4+



Black mates in 3. 49)1...Qe1+

52)1...axb4 if 2.Bxb4 Nb3+ or if 2.Qxb4 Ra4 3.Qb5 Ba6

50)1...Rfxe6 if 2.fxe6 Qf3+ mates

53)1...Bd4+ 2.Kh1 Ba6





Black mates in 5. 56)1...Ng3+ 2.hxg3 Rh5+ 3.Nh2 Rxh2+

59)1...Nb3 2.Nxb3 Rxe2+ 3.Kf1 Rae8

57)1...Rc2 if 2.Qd3 Rd2

Black mates in 4. 60)1...Bd5 if 2.Nf4 Qe3+ 3.Kf1 Rfxf4+

61)1...Nc2+ if 2.Qxc2 Qxc2 3.Rxc2 Rxd1+ or if 2.Kb2 Rb7+

64)1...Qd1+ 2.Kh2 Qxh5+ 3.Kg3 Qe5+

62)1...fxg3 if 2.Qxg3 Qxg3+ 3.fxg3 f2+


Black mates in 3. 63)1...Rh3+ 2.Kxh3 Qh8+

66)1...Rxe5 if 2.Qxe5 Qd1+

Black mates in 2. 67)1...Re1+ 2.Kc2 Nb4#

70)1...Rxh2+ 2.Kxh2 Qh4+ 3.Nh3 g3+ 4.Kh1 Bxh3 mates

Black mates in 4. 68)1...Nf3+ 2.Kg3 Rg8+

71)1...Ng3+ if 2.Nxg3 hxg3 or if 2Kg1 Qc5+ 3.Rf2 Nxe2+

69)1...h5 if 2.f4 Rxf4 3.gxf4 Nxf4+ or if 2.Qh4 Rxf2+ 3.Kxf2 g5

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