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Report on Leadership Style|

Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Course Title: rgani!ational Behavior Course No. : "#$%&'(

Submitted to:
Farhana Islam Lecturer Department of Management Bangladesh University of Business & echnology !BUB "

Submitted by:
Student #ame Student ID No.

Md$ Sohanul %a&ue Md$ #a,rul Islam Md$ ./dus Salam Md$ #a,mul %asan
Md$ Sanaullah

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Section Inta3e 4rogram

1 1 1

2 *)st BB.
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Report on Leadership Style|



Submission Date: Decem/er *67 *'))

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Report on Leadership Style|

)rou* Name: S+y

)rou* $embers

Serial No.

Student Name

Student ID No.

',. '(. '&. '-.

Md$ Sohanul %a&ue Md$ #a,rul Islam Md$ #a,mul %asan Md$ Sanaullah

'()'*)')*)+ '()'*)')*)'()'*)')**) '()'*)')*)0


Md$ ./dus Salam


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Report on Leadership Style|

/etter of Transmittal

Decem/er *67 *')) Farhana Islam Lecturer Department of Management Bangladesh University of Business & echnology !BUB "

Su/9ect1 Su/mission of report on Leadership Style of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation$

Dear Madam7 %ere is the report you as3ed to su/mit report on :rgani,ational Behavior !:B"$ ;e are very happy to su/mit this report on this time$ In this report7 <e have tried to provide as much information as <e can a/out 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4DBF"$ ;e hope this report <ill meet your satisfaction and <ill please you$ ;e are very much grateful to you for your 3ind assistance$ your valua/le time and cordial consideration$ han3 you for

Sincerely yours Md$ Sohanul %a&ue :n /ehalf of my group

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his report reflects inspiration and efforts of some people$ he people <ho never appear in the picture /ut al<ays provide support /ehind the screen$ First of all I <ould li3e to ac3no<ledge the almighty =od <ithout <hom I do not e>ist$

=enerally <e li3e to than3s to our pro9ect Supervisor Farnana Islam to give us the opportunity to prepare the report on Leadership Style of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4DBF"$ Under his supervision7 of course7 he?s supervision and support made us a/le to prepare the constructive report$ :ur friend Md$ Sanaullah7 Md$ #a,mul %asan7 Md$ #a,rul Islam7 Md$ ./dus Salam <e also li3e to give than3s to <ho helped us to prepare the report7 to Sahidul %a&ue @han7 Financial .nalyst of 4allidaridro Bimochon Foundation <ho helped us a/out much information$

;e also than3 to each and every officials of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation <ho helped us a lot$

a/le of Aontents

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Introduction Cha*ter T1o


T 2ICS 20)3S

Duestions of leadership <ith .ns<ers

Cha*ter Three

Leadership Style of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation Cha*ter 4our Findings and .nalyses


Cha*ter 4ive


Cha*ter Si5

References Bi/liography


*0 *(


C>ecutive summary
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Report is an important part for the completion of a theoretical su/9ect of BB. program$ It mainly made according to practical 3no<ledge$ It?s the result of practical o/servation of reporter$ :ur report prepare on the si> chapter5 Ahapter ) <e have prepared introduction of the report and overvie< of the palli Daridro Bimochan Foundation$ ;e have also mentioned activities7 mission and vision of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation$ Ahapter * <e have prepared &uestion of the leadership style$ Ahapter 8 <e sho< the Leadership style of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation$ Ahapter + <e have maintained findings and analysis of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation$ %ere <e /asically tried to provide outcomes of the report$ Ahapter - it covers conclusion of the report$ Ahapter 6 it covers recommendations here <e /asically tried to provide some suggestion$ hese suggestions are the outcomes of the report$ .ll the suggestions are made according to our o/servation$ Finally7 <e mentioned all the helping factors to the Bi/liography and Reference$

Cha*ter ,

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4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4DBF"

Source of the re*ort
;e are authori,ed to prepare a report on Leadership Style of the organi,ation7 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4BDF" for partial fulfillment of our course re&uirement$ ;e <ent to the head office of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4BDF" <here <e found necessary information regarding our report$

b6ective of the #e*ort

o re&uire the pattern of leadership that practices /y 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation$ %ave sufficient 3no<ledge a/out leadership and its types7 /ehavioral7 path5goal7 and trait theories of leadership$ o find out the position of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation in managerial grid$

,., vervie1 of the organi!ation

4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4DBF"

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4alli Daridro Bimochan Foundation !4DBF" is one of the emerging large organi,ations <or3ing in the micro finance sector in Bangladesh$ It <as esta/lished in #ovem/er )((( through passing a la<7 la< no$ *8 of )(((7 in the 4arliament$ he creation of 4DBF is the result of an initiative to transfer a micro credit and poverty alleviation program of Bangladesh Rural Development Board !BRDB"7 RD5)*7 to an independent autonomous organi,ation$ his initiative is the first of its 3ind7 that is7 transfer of a pu/lic sector poverty alleviation program to an autonomous organi,ation7 in Bangladesh$ BRDB started this program <ith the o/9ective of improving socio5economic condition7 and thus7 alleviating poverty of rural poor$ b6ective of 2DB4 he o/9ective of the 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation 4DBF !Foundation for the Climination of 4overty" is to alleviate poverty and promote the socio5 economic development of the poor and the disadvantaged$ his is accomplished /y assisting mem/ers /y1 4roviding training to strengthen their capacity for self5help and ac&uiring various s3ill for income generation 4roviding economic opportunity through collecting regular savings and dis/ursing credit7 and

4roviding training on social development issues to empo<er mem/ers and increase a<areness$ o promote the gender e&uity involved <ith 4DBF 4DBF is a/le to help mem/ers improve the &uality of their o<n lives as <ell as the lives of their families through local mo/ili,ation efforts$ 4DBF emphasi,es inclusive holistic development to ensure that mem/ers achieve economic and social mo/ili,ation simultaneously$ his translates into a sustaina/le development that is even and one that strives not 9ust to increase the economic capacity of the individual /ut also to esta/lish a legacy for social a<areness and community /uilding amongst the mem/ers$ 7ision of 2DB4 Socio5economic development of the rural poor and disadvantage people /y training7 credit lin3age and upliftment of <omen empo<erment and gender e&uity$

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$ission of 2DB4 he primary instrument of 4alli Daridro Biomochon foundation !4DBF" is to achieve the mission /y mo/ili,ing the poor into solidarity groups7 providing effective financial support and s3ill training to develop and empo<er socially and economically and also promoting gender e&uity$ )$* 0ctivities of the organi!ation

)$ The 2DB4 $icro 4inance $odel

4DBF has deviated itself from the credit delivery model follo<ed /y BRDB$ It doesn?t follo< any more the cooperative system$ he potential /orro<ers are re&uired to form a society for receiving loans from 4DBF$ Unli3e the BRDB system7 the registration of these societies <ith the registrar of cooperative societies is not necessary$ Before formation of a society7 the /aseline surveys are conducted to understand the socio5economic conditions of the target area and to identify target people in the locality$ Cach society has +' to 6' mem/ers and is su/divided into groups of five mem/ers$ he main criterion of forming a group is the socio5economic homogeneity of mem/ers$ . group7 <hich has non5target mem/ers7 dis&ualifies from receiving loans7 training7 and other services from 4DBF$ .fter a pro/ationary period of 8 <ee3s7 mem/ers of the ne<ly esta/lished society are eligi/le for receiving loans$ During this pro/ationary period7 the ne<ly formed society is monitored and evaluated /y the officials of 4DBF$ .ll mem/ers of the society meet once in a <ee3$ It is mandatory for all societies to 3eep an up5to5date minute and a resolution /oo3$ =roup meetings have /een used as the primary screening mechanism for loan applications$ .ll loan applications are discussed in the presence of all mem/ers and a field organi,er in the <ee3ly group meetings$ If a loan application is approved in the meeting7 then the loan application is sent to the /ranch office$ .part from the approval of loan applications7 the responsi/ility of regular timely repayment of installments lies <ith the group$ .ll mem/ers in the group have the e&ual responsi/ility in
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this regard$ .ll activities of the society are conducted according to the la<s of 4DBF$ Mem/ers are re&uired to save and deposit at least 3 )' per <ee3$ Mem/ers are also re&uired to elect a Secretary for the group and a chairperson for the society$ he secretaries and the chairperson of the society ensure regular attendance of all mem/ers during the <ee3ly meeting <ith the help of group leaders$ (. Small 3nter*rise /oan 8S3/9 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4DBF"7 one of the leading Microfinance Institutions !MFIs" of government sector in Bangladesh$ 4DBF has /een <or3ing relentlessly to reduce poverty since its inception in *'''$ 4DBF operates microfinance loan along <ith Small Cnterprise Loan !SCL" to enhance economic capacity of the rural disadvantaged peoples$ he o/9ective of SCL program is to provide a short and a medium to long5 term policy frame<or3 <ith an implementation mechanism for achieving higher economic gro<th /ased on SMC led private sector development$

&. Solar 8#ene1able 3nergy9 2rogram for 2DB4 Beneficiaries he shortage of electrical po<er in Bangladesh is revealed /y the fact that only 8'E of the total population is served /y the po<er generation authorities$ he chances of reaching conventional po<er to the remaining B'E of the people may not li3ely to happen in the ne>t )- years$ In this conte>t7 it <ould /e of great /enefit for the rural people to adopt the rene<a/le energy to /ridge the gap of energy need of the B'E people <ith clean7 safe and environment friendly energy <ithout depleting our precious natural gas reserve resources$ he po<er system in Bangladesh almost entirely depends upon fossil fuels7 <hich are depleting fast In this conte>t it
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<ould /e useful and popular to provide solar photovoltaic !42" systems in houses7 /usiness centers and offices$ In addition7 for remote rural areas <here there e>ists no infrastructure for conventional energy supply7 these forms of decentrali,ed alternative energy system <ill /e far more adapta/le and <ell suited$ he o/9ective of the 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4DBF" is to alleviate poverty and promote the social and economic development of the poor and the disadvantaged$ In this conte>t 4DBF could provide credit to rural poor people !4DBF /eneficiaries" for purchasing solar 42 system for their home and for income generating activities$ Objective of Solar Program: he general o/9ectives of the program are to meet the demand of alternative po<er supply for rural poor people for their domestic and commercial purpose for income generating activities$ he specific o/9ectives are1 Bring considera/le improvement in rural life through income generation and thus alleviating povertyF

Bring multiple positive results in terms of /etter household facilities7 <omenGs <elfare7 childrenGs education7 employment7 fertility reduction7 and cur/ing the ur/an migrationF 4rovide clean7 safe and environment friendly energy <ithout depleting our precious natural gas reserve resources$

The ,( aths of 2DB4 84or the $embers of the Societies9 ;e shall not remain illiterate5shall not remain illiterate$

;e shall motivate <omen to participate in all economic and social activities$ ;e shall 3eep our family small7 reduce the e>penses and increase the income$ ;e shall use sanitary latrines7 drin3 safe <ater and 3eep ourselves healthy$ ;e shall arrange education for all the children of the society$ ;e shall ta3e all re&uired initiatives to empo<er <omen and to /ring e&uality /et<een men and <omen$ ;e shall stand against multi5marriage7 do<ry and violation against <omen$ ;e shall cultivate vegeta/lesF <e shall eat and increase our income /y selling them$

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;e shall ta3e collective initiatives and training for underta3ing larger income generating activities$

;e shall accumulate capital through savings7 increase <ealth7 introduce ne< I=.s and <e shall timely repay the loan money ta3en from the society$ If there is any indiscipline in the society <e shall /ring discipline /ac3 through our collective efforts and <ill <or3 together$

;e shall help each other$ If any mem/er of the society is in pro/lem7 <e all shall help him or her to overcome the pro/lem$ ;e shall /ring prosperity of our society and family$

Cha*ter (
Duestion of Leadership <ith ans<er
:. ;hat is leadershi*<
HLeadership is the process of influencing the individual /ehavior as <ell as group /ehavior to achieve a common goal$I

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HLeadership is the a/ility to influence the group /ehavior to<ards the achievement of the goal$I HLeadership is an interpersonal process in <hich influence is e>ercised in a social system for the achievement of organi,ational goals /y others$I

.ccording to 4eter Druc3er

HLeadership is the lifting of man?s visions of higher sights7 the ringing

of man?s performance to higher standard7 the /uilding of man?s personality /eyond its limitation$I

.ccording to .fford and Beaty

HLeadership as the a/ility to secure desira/le actions from a group of

follo<ers voluntarily7 <ithout the use of coercion$I

.ccording to Stoner1
HLeadership is the process of directing and influencing the tas3

related activities of group mem/ersI$

Finally7 <e can say that Leadership is a influencing the /ehavior of other to achieve group goal$

:. Discuss the different ty*es of leadershi*.

:n the /asis of the formalities there are t<o types of leader1
4ormal leader: ;hen the leadership is created /y the designation

according to the formal organogram of the organi,ation7 is called formal leadership$ By the rules of organi,ation here superiors are counted as the leaders of the su/ordinates and the su/ordinates are /ound to o/ey the command of the superiors$

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Informal leader: ;hile people <or3ing together in an organi,ationF

their class7 race7 attitude7 perception7 personal li3ing and disli3ing etc create informal leadership$ Under this leadership leaders have no formal po<er /ut they affect a lot on others$

4icture1 Formal Leader

4icture1 Informal Leader

:n the /asis of the people there are t<o types of leader1

4ositive Leader1 4ositive leaders try to influence the employees giving

more emphasis on re<ards$

#egative Leader1 #egative leader try to influence the employees /y

giving more emphasis on penalties$ 4enalties are cut from pay <ages7 fe< days off <ithout pay or termination of 9o/$

4icture1 4ositive Leader Leader

4icture1 #egative

:n the /asis of using the po<er there are three types of leader as follo<s1
.utocratic Leader1

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.utocratic leader centrali,ed authority po<er and decision in

their o<n hands$ Leader ma3es decisions <ithout reference to anyone else$ Aan create de5motivation and alienation of staff$ . leader ta3es the full authority and also they assume the full responsi/ility$
DemocraticJ4articipative Leaders1 Democratic leader decentrali,ed the po<er7 authority and

decision ma3ing$ May help motivation and involvement$ Cmployees are ma3ing familiar <ith rules7 regulation and formulation of policies$ Improves the sharing of ideas and e>periences <ithin the /usiness$ Aan delay decision ma3ing$

Laisse,5FaireJFree5Rain1 he leader avoids the po<er7 authority and responsi/ility and

decision5ma3ing$ hey are interested only to the effective result$ hey allo< ma>imum freedom to su/ordinates$ hey are given a free hand in deciding their o<n policies$ he employees are self5motivated7 self5controlled

4icture1 .utocratic Leader Free5rain Leaders

4icture1 participative Leaders


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:. Discuss the behavioral theory of leadershi*.

Behavioral theories of leadership proposing that specific /ehaviors differentiate leaders from non leaders$ If the /ehavioral approach to leadership <ere successful$ It <ould have implications &uite different from those of the trait approach$ rait research provides a /asis for selecting the rightly persons to assume formal positions in groups and organi,ation re&uiring leadership$ If /ehavioral studies <ere to turn up critical /ehavioral determinates of leadership7 <e could train people to /e leaders$ he difference /et<een trait and /ehavioral theories in terms of application7 lies in their underlying assumptions7 $trait theories assume that leaders are /orn rather than made7 ho<ever it there <ere specific /ehaviors that identified leaders$ hen <e could teach leadership$ he three /road types of s3ills leaders use are technical7 human7 and conceptual$ Technical S+ill refers to a person?s 3no<ledge of and a/ility in any type of process or techni&ue$ C>amples are the s3ills learned /y accountants7 engineers7 <ord processing operators7 and toolma3ers$ echnical s3ills are the distinguishing feature of 9o/ performance at the operating and professional levels7 /ut as employees are promoted to leadership responsi/ilities7 their technical s3ills /ecome proportionately less important$ .s managers7 they increasingly depend on the technical s3ills of their su/ordinatesF in many cases they have never practiced some of the technical s3ills that they supervise$ "uman S+ills is the a/ility to <or3 effective <ith people and to /uild team<or3$ It involves a <ide range of /ehaviors5 energi,ing individuals7 giving feed/ac37 coaching7 care5giving7 demonstrating empathy and sensitivity7 and sho<ing compassion and support for people <ho need it$ #o leader at any organi,ational level escapes the re&uirement for effective human s3ill$ It is a ma9or part of leadership /ehavior$ Conce*tual S+ill is the a/ility to thin3 in terms of models7 frame5 <or3s7 and /road relationships7 such as long5range plans$ It /ecomes increasingly important in higher managerial 9o/s$ Aonceptual s3ills deal <ith ideas7 <hereas human s3ill concerns people and technical s3ill involves things$ Behavioral theories of leadership are classified as such /ecause they focus on the study of specific /ehaviors of a leader$ For /ehavioral theorists7 a

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leader /ehavior is the /est predictor of his leadership influences and as a result7 is the /est determinant of his or her leadership success$ his /ehavior5focused approach provides real mar3eting potential7 as /ehaviors can /e conditioned in a manner that one can have a specific response to specific stimuli$ .s a result7 <e have gone from the supposition that leaders are /orn !=reat Man heory" through to the possi/ility that <e can measure your leadership potential ! rait heory" via psychometrics measurements and then to the point that anyone can /e made a leader !Behavioral heories" /y teaching them the most appropriate /ehavioral response for any given situation$ ;hen a fe< of those situations are com/inedF you have a program that you can trademar3 and mar3etK There are t1o im*ortant Behavioral studies

hio State University: he :hio studies7 conducted at a/out the same time as those in Michigan under the direction of Ralph Stogdill7 referred to these t<o <ays of leading as1 ,. Initiating structure 5 <here managers define and tightly structure the <or3 of staff$ (. Consideration 5 <here managers nurture a feeling of mutual trust and strong interpersonal relations$ %o<ever7 these studies uni&ue in that they did not see the t<o dimensions of leadership to /e mutually e>clusive styles7 <here a manager <as either tas3 or relationship focused$ Rather7 they sa< each of these * factors as /eing independent of the other7 meaning that it <as possi/le for leaders to sho< /ehavior that <as1 %igh in providing structure to the <or3 of staff7 and high in its focus on relationships$ %igh in providing structure to the <or3 of staff7 yet lo< in its focus on relationships$ Lo< in providing structure to the <or3 of staff7 yet high in its focus on relationships$ Lo< in providing structure to the <or3 of staff7 and lo< in its focus on relationships$ Some studies have confirmed that the high5high leaders fre&uently outperform those <ho provide lo< tas3 structure7 have a lo< people focus or /oth$ %o<ever7 other studies point out that there are al<ays do<nsides to a manager /eing high in either their people or their tas3 focus7 and that there may <ell /e situations <here it is more is /eneficial to favor one over the other$
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University of $ichigan: Behavioral leadership theories really came to the for in )(+'s and )(-'s7 <hen t<o separate groups of researchers from the University of Michigan7 and :hio State University /egan to systematically loo3 at the /ehaviors e>hi/ited /y effective leaders$ he <or3 conducted /y the University of Michigan7 under the supervision of Rensis Li3ert7 referred to a managerGs leadership style as /eing either1 ,. 2roduction orientated 5 <ith a let?s 9ust get the 9o/ done and done <ell attitude$ (. 3m*loyee orientated 5 ta3ing a personal interest in their staff and actively see3ing to nurture strong camaraderie$ he conclusion of the original researchers <as that em*loyee orientated leaders achieved higher levels of <or3place productivity7 and had more satisfied staff than did *roduction orientated leaders$ %o<ever7 others argue that research efforts to identify one universally /est style7 have /een <ea3 at /est 5 leading researchers to discover the importance of the situation in determining <hich style <ill <or3 /est$

:. The $anagerial )rid.

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Let another /ehavioral approach to leadership the managerial grid $ he managerial grid provides means for evaluating leadership style and then training managers to move to<ard an ideal style of /ehavior$ In the managerial grid hori,ontal a>is represents concern for production !similar to 9o/5centered and initiating structure /ehavior" and /oth vertical a>is represents concerns for people !similar to employee centered and consideration /ehavior"$ The )rid Dimensions: he grid has t<o dimensions1 concern for people and concern for production$ .s Bla3e and Mouton emphasi,e7 their use of the phrase concern for is meant to convey ho< managers are concern a/out production or ho< they are concerned a/out people and not such things as ho< much production they are concerned a/out getting out of a group$ Aoncern for production includes the attitude of a supervisor to<ard a <ide variety of things7 such as the &uality of the policy decisions7 procedures and processes7 creativeness of research7 &uality of service7 <or3 efficiency7 and volume of output$ Aoncern for people is li3e<ise interpreted in a /road <ay$ It includes such elements as the degree of personal commitment to<ard goal achievement7 maintenance of the self5esteem of <or3ers7 placement of responsi/ility or the /asis of trust rather than o/edience7 provision of good <or3ing conditions7 and maintenance of satisfying interpersonal relations$

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Im*overished $anagement 8,.,9 <hen the poverty of the poor is

increased then it is called impoverished management$ Managers concern themselves very little <ith either people or production and have minimum involvement in their 9o/s$ he indifferent leaders are ineffective and are sorely lac3ing in any of the traits that can /e attri/uted to successful and effective leaders$
The Country Club management 8,.=9 Aountry clu/ manager have

to concern for people and production is minimum or ma>imum$ In managers have little or no concern for production /ut are concerned only for people$ hese leaders <ill have /ehaviors that <ill yield and comply <ith the needs of their staff$ he productivity of the group ho<ever7 can suffer from the lac3 of attention on tas3s$

$anagement 8=.,9 managers have to concern so that production is ma>imum$ Managers <ho are concerned only <ith developing an efficient operation <ho have little or no concern for people and <ho are &uite autocratic in their style of leadership$ hese leaders <ill direct and dominate <hile holding the /elief that efficiency gains can only /e achieved through rigid disciplines especially those that donGt re&uire human interaction$

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Team $anagement 8=.=9 manager have to concern for people and

production is ma>imum$ Managers <ho display in their actions the highest possi/le dedication /oth to people and to production$ hey are the real team managers$
$iddle%of%the%#oad $anagement 8...9 this is the point <hich

indicates the e&uity /alance of <or3 a/out the total managerial grid$ .de&uate organi,ation performance is possi/le through /alancing the necessity to get out <or3 <ith maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level$ hat means it is the indicator e&uity /alance of <or3 among the others management$

:.- Discuss the *ath%goal theory of leadershi*.

. theory of leadership suggesting that the primary functions of a leader are to ma3e valued or desired re<ards availa/le in the <or3 place and to clarify for the su/ordinate the 3inds of /ehavior that <ill lead to goal accomplishment and valued re<ards$ 4ath goal theory proposes t<o classes of contingency varia/les that moderate the leadership /ehavior outcome relationship$ hose in the environment that are outside the control of the employee !tas3 structure the formal authority system and the <or3 group" and those that are part of the personal characteristics of the employee !locus of control e>periences and perceived a/ility"$

4ath5goal leadership or theory states that the leader?s 9o/ is to use structure7 support7 and re<ards to create a <or3 environment that helps employees reach the organi,ation?s goals$ he t<o ma9or roles involved are to create a goal orientation and to improve the path to<ard the goals so that they <ill /e attained$
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Leaders identify employee needs7 provide appropriate goals7 and then connect goals accomplishment to re<ards /y clarifying e>pectancy and instrumentality relationships$ Barriers to performance are removed7 and guidance is provided to the employee$ he e>pected results of the process include 9o/ satisfaction7 acceptance of the leader7 and greater motivation$ hese should pay off further in effective performance and goal attainment$

he follo<ing points are important of path5goal model of leadership$


he path5goal theory suggests that the main function of the leader is to clarify and set goals <ith follo<ers7 help them find the /est path for achieving the goals7 and removes o/stacles$ :ther factors considered$ contri/uting to effective leadership should /e

hese situational factors include5


Aharacteristics of follo<ers7 such as their needs7 self confidence and a/ilities$ he <or3 environment7 including such components as the tas37 the re<ard system and the relationship <ith co5<or3ers$


Leader Behavior is categori,ed into four groups1

Su**ortive leadershi*: It gives consideration to the needs of su/ordinates and sho<s a concern for their <ell5/eing and creates a pleasant organi,ational climate$ It has the greatest impact on su/ordinate?s performance <hen they are frustrated and dissatisfied$

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2artici*ative leadershi*: It allo<s su/ordinates to influence the decisions of their superiors and can result in increased motivation$

Instrumental leadershi*: It gives su/ordinates rather specific guidance and clarifies <hat is e>pected of them$ his includes aspects of planning7 organi,ing7 coordinating and controlling /y the leader$

0chievement > oriented leadershi*: It involves setting challenging goals7 see3ing improvement of performance and having confidence that su/ordinates <ill achieve high goals$

:.. Discuss the Trait Theory of leadershi*.

heories that consider personal &ualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from non leaders$ his leaders and descri/ed in terms such as charismatic7 4age | *+

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enthusiastic and courageous$ he /each for personality social physical or intellectual attri/utes that <ould descri/e leaders and differentiate them from non leaders goes Bach to the earliest stages of leadership research$ Research efforts at isolating leadership traits resulted in a num/er of dead ends$ Leaders are not li3e other people /ut the particulars traits that <ere isolated varied a great deal from revie< to revie<$

. comprehensive revie< of the leadership literature $<hen has found that e>tra version is the most important trait of effective leaders$ But results sho< that e>tra version is more strongly related to leader emergence them leader effectiveness$

he trait approach see3s to determine the personal characteristics or trait of a successful leader$ Result from nearly 8'' studies suggested that the follo<ing traits have the strongest relationship to effective leadership1 Intelligence as35relevant 3no<ledge Dominance Self5confidence .ctivity levels olerance for stress Integrity and honesty Si> trait theories on <hich tend to differ from non5leader are1 .m/ition and energy Desire to lead honesty and Integrity
Self5confidence Intelligence Mo/5relevant 3no<ledge

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Cha*ter &
Leadership style of 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation
his report is intended to help you e>plore and e>pand your understanding of the leadership style use in organi,ation$ 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation !4DBF"7 one of the leading Microfinance Institutions !MFIs" of government sector in Bangladesh$ he information in this report is /ased on your responses to1 the 4alli Dariro Bimochon Foundation !4DBF" assessments$ So the leadership style or model they practice is &uite satisfactory or fairly accepta/le for the employees of the organi,ation$
)$ *$ 8$ +$ -$

he /asis of leadership model is concentrated on partnership$ Management orientation to<ard performing specific tas3 /oth individual and team<or3$ Cmployee orientation to<ard /oth individual and group responsi/ility$ Management orientation to<ard achieving goal /oth production and people oriented$ Cmployee orientation to<ard achieving goal either individual or group responsi/ility$

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Findings and .nalysis

Base of leadershi* style:
)$ :n the /asis of the formalities 2alli Daridro Bimochon 4oundation

follo<s Formal leadership$ Because it is /y top authority of the organi,ation7 this provides a se&uential authority of leadership$
*$ :n the /asis of use of authority the organi,ation follo<s participative

leadership$ Because employees are ma3ing familiar <ith rules7 regulation and formulation of policies$
8$ :n the /asis of nature of people the organi,ation follo<s positive

leadership$ Because management provide employee motivation through training or give a chance to solve <hile they do mista3e7 they also provide re<ards if they achieve specific goal perfectly$

he organi,ations try to lead a leadership /y <hich people are not dissatisfied and maintain moral of people at a satisfactory level$ From the e>planation of the managerial grid this types of leadership under the Middle of the Road Management at the !-$-"$ Because of the point !-$-" manages maintain an ade&uate concern for /oth people and production$ hey do not set goals to high and a li3ely to have rather /enevolently autocratic attitude to<ard people$

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Cha*ter .
4DBF has three5tier operating system$ he ape> /ody is %ead :ffice$ Managing Director heads this$ he lo<est tier is NBranch?$ .s a matter of structure7 4DBF has only one or more /ranch in an upa,ila$ %o<ever7 4DBF is yet to operate in all the upa,ilas$ .t present it has /een operating <ith a net<or3 of *+B /ranches$ %o<ever7 li3e most of the non5government micro finance programs7 it has an intermediate structure7 <hich is 3no<n7 as NRegion?$ he regional office oversees operations of the 4DBF /ranches$ here are at present fifteen regional offices7 <hich oversee *+B /ranches$ his means7 a regional office supervises and monitors around )6 /ranches on an average$ Regional manager is the head of the office and operates <ith around )-su/ordinatingstaffs$ Li3e other micro finance programs7 4DBF has a high density of employees at the /ranch level$ .lmost ninety percent of the *+'' employees of the 4DBF are employed at the /ranch level$ his is consistent <ith the program design of 4DBF$ 4DBF7 in order to recreate ne< environment and culture7 adopted t<o strategies in relation to human resource development$ It imparted training of more than 'B person days <ith an annual average training of around si> days per employee$ 4DBF is a /ottom5heavy organi,ation7 as e>pected$ :nly three percent of the staff is stationed at the head office$ here are three ma9or divisions1 field operations7 finance and administration7 human resource O that steer the development of 4DBF <ithin a set frame<or3$ %o<ever7 three important departments under the stated divisions O .ccounts7 human resource and MIS O monitors financial and operating performance as <ell as human resource performance$ he MIS department produces reports to the management$ he accounts section prepares different financial statements for the management as <ell as the donor$ he human resource development department is &uite activeOtraining7 evaluation and promotion$ .ny success of an organi,ation li3e 4DBF hinges upon the effectiveness of the clientele group$ raining of the mem/ers in micro finance program is a critical condition7 for lac3 of s3ill ma3es them poor and poorer$ Li3e any other micro finance programs7 4DBF stresses upon training and it is perhaps more comprehensive$ It provides four ma9or types of training for the clients O leadership and group development7 adult literacy7 s3ill development and <ee3ly training forum$ More than )$8 million clients too3 training in monthly training forum7 and more than 68 thousand in s3ill development$ =roup
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leadership training <as provided to around *+ thousand mem/ers$ hese organi,ational policies for employees and mem/ers are li3ely to have positive impact on the outcomes of 4DBF$

Ahapter 6
he 4alli Daridro Bimochon Foundation follo<s the 2artici*ative leadershi* style and the Managerial grid is $iddle%of%the%#oad $anagement 8...9. Under the leadership style employees are Satisfied on the organi,ation$ So our recommendations of 4DBF Ps leadership style are7 Implement and improve training practices on the employees7 Improve employee satisfaction7 Implement a multi5source feed/ac3 system7 hey should hold their leadership practices7 hey should more concentrate on their productionF /ut they should not concentrate on people$ o hey should hold their positive attitude to<ard their employees7 o hey should practice informal leadership sometimes /ecause it provides /etter feed/ac3 than formal leadership$
o o o o o

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)$ <<<$ ;i3idipidiaJleadershipstyle$com *$ <<<$ ;i3idipidiaJmanagerialgrid$com 8$ <<<$pd/f$org$com

:rgani,ational Behavior /y Stephen 4$ Ro//ins :rgani,ational Behavior /y @eith Davis & Mohn ;$ #e<strom Management /y Ric3y ;$ =riffin <<<$<i3ipedia$com <<<$pd/f5/d$org

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