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Given all the argument, the researchers believes that male are more prone in committing crimes than

females because of the different factors: media, psychological and biological differences, and upbringing of parents, affecting the two genders. Thus, the researchers agreed that the affirmative side have stronger and convincing arguments that of the arguments presented by the negative side. On the first argument presented by the affirmative side, the girls are less aggressive since they are clearly looked over by their parents while on the other hand, boys are left for themselves, or with their peers. Girls are thought, in their homes, to be gentle, benevolent and kind. While the boys are not carefully monitored and supervised since they are thought to be more independent and mature. ). ill and !tkinson"s study, as cited in #ratcoski, $. % #ratcoski, &.'. ()**+) found that: Girls were more carefully monitored and supervised than boys, with parental activity, while parental concern regarding boys" misbehavior tended to occur after the fact, when their misbehavior was discovered and punished. (p. ),-) On the second argument, it presented that peers also has a great impact on teens" behavior. .ome peers may influence each other to do some delin/uent activities. Girls and boys have different ways of choosing the people they will go with. 0ost of the males tend to go out with friends who are cool and those cool people are usually those who love to do delin/uent stuffs. .iegel and Welsh (1223) wrote that boys tend to orient themselves with deviant peers, and because of this, they seek out ways on how to display

their personality, which in return makes them easily affected by delin/uency (p. )4+). On the other hand, girls love to mingle with friends who have the same likes. 0oreover, girls only become delin/uent if they have a male friend who is known to be a delin/uent. To strengthen this, .iegel and Welsh (1223) supported this argument by saying that 5delin/uent girls are significantly more likely than non6delin/uent girls to identify males as their close friends7 and that 5for girls, hanging out with males, who are at a higher risk of delin/uency than female peers, may be a precursor to antisocial behavior choices7 (p. )32). On the third argument presented by the affirmative side, 0edia, like peers and family, also have a contribution in molding the behavior of the teens. 8t is innate for the boys to love watching violent shows like action movies, cartoons and reality show (WW9) who showed how strong and manly boys are. :ecause of this, they tend to imitate those things they see on the television. The World ;outh <eport (1224) also gave three ways on how media influences teens to do violent acts. 5=irst, movies that demonstrate violent acts e>cite spectators and the aggressive energy can then be transferred to everyday life, pushing an individual to engage in physical activity on the streets7 (p.)*+). 0edia also shows the violent reality at homes: a mother who slaps her children, a father who punches his son and a brother who always bullies her little brother and sisters. These can alter the views of the its viewers.

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