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Explicit Vocabulary Instruction

What does EXPLICIT mean?

fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied; unequivocal.

Spoon eedin! in the lon! run teaches us nothin! but the shape o the spoon"#
$ E"%" &orster

What 'o I (eed To )no*?

Why 'o We (eed To Teach Vocabulary?

If students are taught new words at a rate of eight to ten per week for 37 to 5 weeks! a"out 3 #5 words per year can "e taught through instruction.$ %&ohnson! ' () *oesn+t sound impressive, -or children on the lower end of voca"ulary range that could mean an increase of a"out 3 ..

+eady"""Set""",o Where to Start?

-/0123/4532 -rontloading a process that precedes any effort to act


The teacher introduces the new topic/book. The teacher pulls from experience and background information. Don't worry about formal definitions. Teachers want to establish reasons for reading the text before students pick up the book. THIN !"#$D% &! ' (')*#N!" +#NN'+TI#N*%
Nice *egues,

-Ha.e you felt//////////0 Ha.e you experienced/////////////0 1hat if this//////////////// happened to you0

#n a spelling test gi.e a few bonus words 2new unit words3 This helps the teacher assess students4 but more importantly after the test it the teacher an entry way to the new topic. *tart a con.ersation.

Pre.ious Wee/s Words

Current Wee/s Words

&rontloadin! 0onus Words1 (ext 2nits Words

- )no*led!e +atin! Chec/list

So What 3appens (ext?

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the process that occurs during learning efforts

+ollin! 4our 2p and ,ettin! To Wor/

6rovides definitional and contextual information for words. Involves students in deep processing of words. /ffers multiple exposures to words in different contexts. <uilds strategies for independence.
53arris6 7889:; and Sha/in;

word sorts word questioning word spiders pu==les word walls alpha "oxes games reading aloud and silently
<Ima!e courtesy o Paul ,ooddy 1 &ree'i!italPhotos"net< "

- ixes Chart
/nly ' prefixes make up >7. of words in printed school 1nglish.$ %&ohnson! ' ()

5=ohnson6 788>:

Word ?uestionin!

Word Spiders

Lau!hter is the 0est %edicine Teacher


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<Ima!e courtesy o -mbro 1 &ree'i!italPhotos"net< "

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Last6 but (ot Least

process occurring after learning or a performance

Last6 but (ot Least

process occurring after learning or a performance

0eflection is indicative of deep learning! and where teaching and learning activities such as reflection are missingA only surface learning can result.B
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+e lection helps@

students better understand their stren!ths and *ea/nesses students identi y any additional Auestions" students ac/no*led!e and challen!e any assumptions they had" students indin! alternati.e *ays o expressin!

3o* Can We ,et Students To +e lect?

5ive students time to reflect! even 5 minutes at the end of a lesson to get them to Dot down what they learned! what they feel is important! and any connections they made. 8sk the students the right questions! what worked! what failed and how their learning was pushed.

<Ima!e courtesy o nuchylee 1 &ree'i!italPhotos"net<"

Erite it down. 8sk students to keep a Dournal and to write down their reflections and to date them. 7ake this a place where they can go "ack and make connections! use and explore voca"ulary even more

It never hurts to review. /ccasionally go "ack! take a new look at old words and old especially when in a new context. :onnect! 1xtend! and :hallenge. .

%a/e eedbac/ meanin! ul to students and %C'EL VISI0LE T3I()I(,

<Ima!e courtesy o arturB> 1 &ree'i!italPhotos"net<"

Vocabulary Success

Har.ard 5raduate *chool of 'ducation4 267893. (ro:ect ;ero. (ro:ect ;ero, <isible Thinking. )etrie.ed No.ember 8=4 67894 from http,//www.p> Donald 4 ?.4>>i4 &.4 Templeton4 *.4 @ Aohnston4 B. 267863. 1ords Their 1ay 2Cth ed.3. New Aersey, (earson 'ducation. ?int>4 1. 267883. Teaching !cross the +urriculum. &iddle *chool Aournal4 &arch4 ==DC=. ?lachowic>4 +amille4 (eter Bisher and Aune (rets>ler. E *trategies to ?uild *tudent <ocabularies.E #n Target. 2677F3, 8D96. (rint *tambor4 ;. 2677F3. How laughing leads to learning. &onitor/!merican (sychologocal !ssociation4 9G2F34 F6. Aohnson4 +ynthia4 and Drew Aohnson. E1hy Teach <ocabulary.E 2n.d.3, 8D8F. 1eb. 7= No.. 6789. Hhttp,// Harris4 ". 267893. Impro.ed <ocabulary #utcomes through *tudent )eflection. Aournal for +lassroom )esearch in "iteracy4 4 8=D69. Isabel 4 ?.4 &c eown4 &.4 @ ucan4 ". 267763. ?ringing 1ords To "ife. New Jork, The 5uilford (ress. 'dna4 *. 267884 883. 1hat 'd *aid K ! blog about learning. 87 ways to encourage student reflectionL K 1hat 'd *aid. )etrie.ed No.ember 8=4 67894 from http,// Image courtesy of nokhoog/buchachon4 / BreeDigital( Image courtesy of arturM= / BreeDigital( Image courtesy of nuchylee / BreeDigital( Image courtesy of !mbro / BreeDigital( EImage courtesy of (aul 5ooddy / BreeDigital(hotos.netE. (earson 'ducation 267763 (refix !ssimilation4 Day 6 2<ideo3 http,//

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