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Finite Control Volume Analysis

Applications of Reynolds Transport Theorem a) Conservation of Fluid Mass (Continuity Equation) b) Newtons 2nd law of fluid motion (Fluid dynamics) c) 1st and 2nd laws of T ermodynamics Note! "n assum#tion t rou$ entire c a#ter% Flow #ro#erties Uniform over cross-sectional areas (C&) "##lication 1' Conservation of Mass The Continuity Equation! $ependent to choice of B


B " mass

b"# i'e'
DM sys Dt =)

Mass of a system! Must be conserved

Consider a system and a fi*ed% nondeformin$ control volume as s own (Coincident at an instant of time t)

Control +olume

t + t

t - t

T en% ,eynolds trans#ort t eorem!

DM sys Dt = D dV Dt sys

dV t cv

/ dA . CS V n

" %& 'ecause of mass conservation of ()(


Time rate of c an$e of Fluid Mass in CV

*et flo+rate of mass t rou$ C&

Finally% Fluid Mass in a control volume

/ dA = ) ! The continuity equation t CV dV +CS V n

e'$' For a steady flow% Mass in C+% T en%

/ dA CS V n
dV =) t CV

CV dV - Constant


Meanin$! Mass flow leavin$ (.) C+ - Mass flow enterin$ () C+

i'e' "cross Control surface%

out m in = ) m
dm / dA = Q = AV % V n = A dt

w ere

= m

for uniform flow over a #ro0ected area A% ( V ) 1seful analysis ti#s for Mass Conservation

/ over t e C&! 1'V n

Ne$ative () for flow entering the CV 2ositive (.) for flow leaving the CV
dV CV t

2' For a steady flow%


out m in = out Qout inQin = ) and t us% m

3' For a steady flow of incompressible fluid ( - constant)

Qout Qin = AoutVout AinVin = )

4' For a non-uniform velocity distribution over t e C&%


= AV (V ! avera$e value)

5' For more t an one steady non-uniform stream%

out = out AoutVout = in AinVin = m in m

E-. # Fi ed and !on-deforming Control +olume "ir flows steadily between two sections in a lon$% strai$ t

#ortion of 46in' inside diameter #i#e as indicated in fi$ure' T e uniformly distributed tem#erature and #ressure at eac section are $iven' 7f t e avera$e air velocity (nonuniform velocity distribution) at section (2) is 1))) ft8s% calculate t e average air velocity at section (1)' (ol') Necessary Eq'! T e continuity equation%
dV CV t

/ dA - ) V n . CS

(&teady flow

dV =) t CV

/dA = m out at ( 2) m in at (1) = ) T en% CS V n

!onuniform velocity distribution at (1) and (2) E*#ress t e Equation usin$ t e "verage velocity

out at ( 2) m in at (1) = 2 A2V2 1 A1V1 = 2V2 1V m


V1 =

2 V 1 2

(Com#ressible "ir
p2T1 V2 p1T2

p = RT

&ince we 9now t e #ressure and tem#erature at &ections (1) and (2) V1 = 2 V2 =


(1sin$ t e ideal $as law%

E-. . Moving and !on-deforming Control +olume "n air#lane moves forward at a s#eed of :;1 9m8 as s own' T e frontal inta9e area of t e 0et en$ine is )'<) m 2 and t e enterin$ air density is )';3= 9$8m3' " stationary observer determines t at relative to t e eart % t e 0et en$ine e* aust $ases move away from t e en$ine wit a s#eed of 1)5) 9m8 ' T e en$ine e* aust area is )'55< m 2% and t e e* aust $as density is )'515 9$8m3' Estimate t e mass flo+rate of fuel into t e en$ine in 9$8 '

7n case of moving CV%

DM sys Dt

dV CV t

/ dA W n . CS

w ere W

= V Vcv

! ,elative velocity

T en% t e continuity equation for a movin$% nondeformin$ C+ / dA - ) W n dV . CS t CV

/ dA - ) dV . W n &ol) Necessary Equation! CS CV t (&ince t e air flow relative to movin$ C+ (En$ine) is steady% if t e air surroundin$ t e en$ine! "ssumed to be stationary') / dA - ) or out m in = ) m T en% CS W n
/ dA = 2W2 A2 n a) >utflow of mass of C+! ( 2) W / dA . (Fuel su##ly) b) 7nflow of mass of C+! (1) W n
fuel = 1W1 A 1 +m

fuel = ) T us% 2W2 A2 1W1 A1 m

fuel = 2W2 A2 m 1W1 A 1

Note! W1 - (+elocity of t e air - )) ? (+elocity of #lane - :;1 9m8 )

- :;1 9m8 (From left to ri$ t)


- (+elocity of t e e* aust air - 1)5) 9m8 ) ? (+elocity of #lane - ? :;1 9m8 ) - 2)21 9m8 (From left to ri$ t)

C.f. /#eforming0 and movin1 Control Volume ! C an$e in volume si@e A Control surface movement
dV CV t

. CS

/ dA W n

)! &till a##licable


dV ) t CV

! Boundary of inte$ration c an$es ! Cetermined wit


b) CS

/ dA W n

"##lication 2' *e+ton2s (econd 3a+ (et B " momentum b"V

The Force Equation!

T en% ,eynolds trans#ort t eorem!

D Dt V dV
V dV CV t



/ dA V V n


Time rate of c an$e of linear momentum of the system


Time rate of c an$e of linear momentum in CV

Net flowrate of linear momentum through the C$

Newtons 2nd law of linear motion of a system (No rotation)

d ( mV ) dt O d ( mV ) dt O


= FE*ternal



D Dt


V dV


D Dt


V dV

F sys


(inear momentum of Fluid (Mass D +elocity) Consider a system and a fi*ed% nondeformin$ control volume

"t t e instant of coincidence (7nitial instant)%

Fsys - F Contents of coincident C+

By combinin$ Eqs' (1) and (2)%

V dV CV t

/ dA - F V V n . Contents of coincident C+ CS

! %inear momentum equation CV must 'e in inertial system!

Control +olume analysis for 3inear Momentum Conservation &te# 1' C oose t e a##ro#riate C+'

&te# 2' Craw a free6body dia$ram' i'e' Find all forces actin$ on t e c osen C+

&te# 3' "##ly t e force equation for eac "# y# $ com#onents'

F" Fy F" = = = dV u t CV dV v t CV

/ dA ! "6com#onent . CS uV n / dA ! "6com#onent . CS vV n / dA ! "6com#onent . CS %V n

dV % t CV

w ere

/ / +v/ V = ui ! + %&

&te# 4' C ec9 t e steadiness of flow' i'e' 7n case of a steady flow%

V dV =) CV t

&te# 5' 1se t e boundary conditions to determine t e velocity on C& (inlets and outlets% etc') E-. # Fi ed and non-deforming control volume! "s s own in Fi$ure% a ori@ontal 0et of water e*its a no@@le wit a uniform s#eed of V1 1) ft8s% stri9es a vane% and is turned t rou$ an an$le . Cetermine t e anchorin1 force needed to old t e vane stationary' Ne$lect $ravity and viscous effects $




FA$ !

" and $ com#onents of t e anc orin$ force

T en linear momentum equations% / u V n dA u d V F " - com#'! . " = FA" CS t CV $ - com#' !

dV % t CV

/ dA - F$ . CS %V n

= FA$

(i) Boundary conditions%

/ = V1 V n "t section (1)% u =V1 % % = ) A / = V2 "t section (2)% u = V2 cos % % = V2 sin A V n (ii) 7n addition% Bernoulli eq' between sections (1) A (2)
1 1 p1 + V12 + $1 = p2 + V2 2 + $2 2 2

w ere T en%
V1 =V2

p1 = p2 = )

$1 = $ 2

! "tmos# eric #ressure ! Ne$lect t e $ravity effect (Speci'l c'se)

7nsertin$ all values to t e linear momentum equations%

/ dA + ( 2) uV n / dA =V1( V1 ) A1 +V1 cos V1 A2 = FA" (1) uV n / dA + ( 2) uV n / dA = ()) ( V1 ) A1 +V1 sin V1 A2 = FA$ (1) uV n

(iii) From t e continuity equation%

A1V1 = A2V2 A1 = A2 %

since V1 =V2


FA" - V12 A1 + cos V12 A1 = (cos 1) V12 A1

FA$ - sin V12 A1

FA" = FA$ = ) (No anc orin$ force) Note' a) 7f = ) (Flat vane)% FA" = FA$ ! Ne$ative b) 7f =:) (Eet!)% c) 7f =1<) (+ertical vane)% FA" ! Ne$ative A FA$ - )

E-. .. &nertially moving' nondeforming control volume! " vane on w eels moves wit constant velocity V) w en a stream of water avin$ a no@@le e*it velocity of V1 is turned by t e vane as indicated in fi$ure' Cetermine t e ma$nitude and direction of t e force% F % e*erted by t e stream of water on t e vane surface' T e s#eed of t e water 0et leavin$ t e no@@le is 1)) ft8s% and t e vane is movin$ to t e ri$ t wit a constant s#eed of 2) ft8s'

Case of an Finertial0& /moving0% nondeformin$ control volume 6 Coincident at an initial time ,eynolds trans#ort t eorem (C a#' 4)% D / dA V W n V d V V d V . CS CV sys t Dt w ere W
= V Vcv

! ,elative velocity

T en% linear momentum equationG / dA W n V dV . V F Contents of coincident C+ - CS t CV / dA ( W +VCV ) dV . (W +VCV ) W n - t CS CV (since 7nertial C+ Constant VCV &teady flow) 7n addition%
/ dA - W / dA . VCV / dA W n W n CS (W +VCV )W n CS CS

since t e continuity equation for a steady flow% / dA - ) W n d V . CS CV t

Finally% for an inertial' moving' nondeforming control volume CS

/ dA W W n

- F Contents of coincident C+

Bac9 to t e #roblem% ( R$ )! ,eaction of vane (E*ertin$ on t e C+) alon$ " and $ ( E*ertin$ force by 0et% F = R ) %% ! Fluid Hei$ t wit in C+

T en linear momentum equations% / dA n CS W" W " 6 com#'! / dA CS W$ W n $ 6 com#'! (i) Boundary conditions% "t section (1)% "t section (2)
W" =W1 % W$ = )

R" R$ %%

W" = W2 cos % W = W2 sin

/ = W1 n A W / = W2 A V n

(ii) For sim#licity% ne$lect viscous effect and elevation ($ravity) effect% t en Bernoulli eq' between sections (1) A (2)
W1 = W2

w ere

W1 =V1 V)

(ee E-. #!

7nsertin$ all values to t e linear momentum equations%

/ dA + ( 2) W" W n / dA =W1( W1 ) A1 +W1 cos W1 A2 - R" (1) W" W n / dA + ( 2) W$ W n / dA = ) +W1 sin W1 A2 = R$ %% (1) W$ W n

(iii) From t e continuity equation% R" = W12 A1 (1 cos )

R$ = W12 A1 sin + %%

A1 = A2

(ee E-. #!

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