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EAC 586 Methods and Techniques of Training and Development This was a unique assignment in the Training and

d Development program and one that I enjoyed and learned from substantially. The annotated bibliography format required a thorough review of the literature surrounding the particular topic, in this instance social learning, but also allowed each individual article to stand on its own. The reader was afforded the opportunity to focus and reflect on each study individually, but also think about how it fit within the larger central theme of the bibliography. I chose to focus on social learning because its a topic that I feel plays a critical role in course development and there is a decent amount of literature, although not all of it is empirically based. For a long time, formal education was approached as a teacher lecturing students on the subject matter and then the students learning via homework, in other words through trial and error. However, the value of working in teams has fairly recently come to the forefront of training literature. The value added through collaborative efforts is even more important in light of new technologies that are moving the instruction out of the traditional classroom and creating an increasingly connected, globalized, socialized world. Todays students and trainees have grown up with social media and Web 2.0. Collaboration for them is natural even with people whom theyve never met in person. Its imperative that future training take advantage of this character trait in future generations. All of the studies in the annotated bibliography found support for social learning and modeling behaviors to varying degrees. Banduras social learning theory and Vygotskys social development theory arent completely upheld by every study, but there is strong evidence that when trainees work together deeper, more permanent learning takes place. There is greater understanding and retention among the participants both immediately and long-term. The results of these studies increased my support and furthered my interest in the use of collaboration during training course development. Numerous learning methods and instructional techniques are available when creating a training program, but as this assignment illustrates, the instructor should strive to incorporate teamwork and group activities whenever possible. This assignment distinguishes itself from others because of its unique format and the immense support it provided for the utility of teamwork in learning and knowledge retention.

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