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CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IN THE FOUNDATIONS OF OCCULT KNOWLEDGE First Course Copyri ht C !"#$ %y E&'(r& C) Pe(*h All ri hts reser+e&) No p(rt o, this *ourse o, lesso-s. i- p(rt or i- 'hole. /(y %e repro&u*e& or utili0e& i- (-y ,or/ or %y (-y /e(-s. ele*tro-i* or /e*h(-i*(l. i-*lu&i- photo*opyi- . re*or&i- . or %y (-y other i-,or/(tio- stor( e (-& retrie+(l syste/ 'ithout per/issio- i- 'riti- ,ro/ the hol&er o, these ri hts. e1*ept ,or %rie, 2uot(tio-s e/%o&ie& i- *riti*(l (rti*les (-& re+ie's) For i-,or/(tio- (&&ress the pu%lisher) Lesso- Si1 333333333333333333333 END OF PAGE 333333333333333333333 De(r Stu&e-t. Here is Lesso- Si1 i- your First Correspo-&e-*e Course i- the Fou-&(tio-s o, O**ult K-o'le& e) With this lesso- you %e i- your stu&y o, the 4(%(l(h (-& the 5Tree o, Li,e5) 6ou 'ill ,i-& th(t your stu&y o, the Tree o, Li,e is so/ethi- th(t is oi- to *o-ti-ue ,or (s lo- (s you (re i-tereste& i- the O**ult. so it is pro%(%ly oi- to *o-ti-ue the rest o, your li,e7 Not o-ly (re you oi- to stu&y the Tree o, Li,e. %ut (lso you (re oi- to le(r- to use it (s ( /e(-s o, stu&y) Sooyou 'ill %e i- to thi-8 o, it (s ( 5,ili- syste/5 9or e+e- (s ( 5*o/puter pro r(/5: %y 'hi*h you *l(ssi,y your 8-o'le& e (-& o%ser+(tio-s i-to (- i-ter;rel(te& 'hole) I- your stu&ies o, the Tree o, Li,e (-& the 4(%(l(h you 'ill le(r- ho' to loo8 %ehi-& thi- s to see ho' they (re to %e *l(ssi,ie& i-to this ,ili- syste/ or pro r(/. (-& (s you stu&y 5thi- s5 you 'ill le(r- to thi-8 i- ter/s o, their i-terrel(te&-ess) Also. (s your stu&ies o, the O**ult *o-ti-ue. you (re oi- to see /ore (-& /ore ho' the O**ult %e*o/es p(rt o, your e-tire li,e ; -ot <ust ( spe*i(l *o/p(rt/e-t ; -ot <ust ( 5Su-&(y reli io-5 ; -ot <ust ( 5p(rty &ress5 ; (-& e+erythi- i- li,e is oi- to h(+e -e' /e(-i- s ,or you) 6ou 'ill ,i-& th(t you *(- loo8 upo- other ,iel&s o, stu&y (s r(ther spe*i(li0e& stu&ies i- +(rious (spe*ts o, the O**ult) I- your -e1t lesso- (,ter this. ,or e1(/ple. you 'ill re(& so/ethi- th(t *oul& i+e you ( -e' i-si ht i-to th(t i-teresti- s*hool o, /o&er- philosophy 8-o'- (s 5phe-o/e-olo y5. or ( -e' u-&erst(-&i- o, 'h(t h(ppe-s i- *(ses o, h(llu*i-(tio-s. or ( %etter (ppre*i(tio- o, the &i,,ere-t 8i-&s o, re(lities prese-te& %y &i,,ere-t (rtists) I- l(ter lesso-s you (re oi- to &e+elop ( -e' *o-*ept o, the /(teri(l *os/os. (-& o, your rel(tio-ship to it) So. &o-'t -e le*t your stu&y (-& 'or8 o- the Tree o, Li,e) The e,,ort you put i-to your stu&y -o' 'ill %e re,le*te& i- your l(ter 'or8) Si-*erely. THE GNOSTIC INSTITUTE)

This lesso- is the i-tro&u*tio- to the O**ult K-o'le& e &(t( *(lle& the 5TREE OF LIFE)5 The TREE OF LIFE is ( p(rt o, the syste/ o, the C(%(ll() 9The -(/e 5C(%(ll(5 is spelle& se+er(l &i,,ere-t '(ys ; 4u(%(ll(. 4(%(l(h. 4u%(ll(h. K(%%(l(h. C(%(l(h. et*) I 'ill use +(rious &i,,ere-t spelli- s i- these lesso-s %e*(use I '(-t you to re*o -i0e the ol&er spelli- s i, (-& 'he- you ru(*ross the/ i- your re(&i- s): I- the sphere o, the O**ult there (re t'o re(t syste/s= The WESTERN S6STE> (-& the EASTERN S6STE>) These t'o (re ,urther su%&i+i&e& i- /(-y &i,,ere-t '(ys. (-& this is espe*i(lly true o, the E(ster- Syste/) I, I h(& the sp(*e to i+e you <ust ( list o, these &i+isio-s you 'oul& %e (stou-&e& (t their &i+ersity (-& *o/ple1ity) This %(si*;%(si* syste/ o, the West. or the O**i&e-t. is the Syste/ *(lle& the C(%(ll(5) The 'or& 5C(%(ll(5 /e(-s to re*ei+e 9rou hly: i- He%re') The e1(*t ori i-s o, this syste/ (re lost ithe /(0es o, (-ti2uity. %ut I'& s(y th(t it ori i-(te& %y %e*o/i- *o/pose& o, ,r( /e-ts o, &e/o-str(%le /et(physi*(l truths 'hi*h (&+(-*e& perso-s o, (ll -(tio-(lities (-& -(tio-s e1*h(- e& 'ith e(*h other (s they pro resse& e-ou h to re*o -ise the &eep %(si* Truths o, the Physi*(l Cos/os) Thus. the C(%(ll( syste/ re' ,ro/ %e i--i- s o, si/ple N(tur(l >( i* ; 'ith /(-y (&&itio-s ,ro/ E ypt. Gree*e. ?(%ylo-. Persi(. A,ri*(. (-& /(-y other /ystery syste/s o, pl(*es this si&e o, the Orie-t) There is o-ly o-e Truth. (-& 'he- you re(*h the top ; %y (-y reli ious syste/ ; you ,i-& the s(/e thi- @truth (t the top) The Truth you (rri+e (t. (-& 'hi*h you (re see8i- ,or i- this *ourse o, lesso-s. is ( thiyou (i- throu h %ei- ui&e& 5there5 %y /e(-s o, ( Syste/ o, thi-8i- (-& *orrespo-&i- (*ti- ) A-& *ert(i-ly this syste/ &oes -ot *o-sist o, (-y 8i-& o, /erely 5%elie+i- 5 i- so/ethi- 7 No7 It *o-sists o, (ll 8i-&s o, ; WORK ; (i-i- 8-o'le& e o, 'h(t h(s to %e &o-e. ho' to &o it. (-& the&oi- it) I- poi-t o, Ate1t.B this lesso- /(y see/ ( %it short) ?ut you shoul& h(+e ple-ty to &o i/(8i- up the &i( r(/) P(rt o, the &i( r(/ is /(&e 'ith your *o/p(ss (-& ruler i- pe-*il. (-& l(ter p(rts 'ill %e 'ritte- i- ,ree h(-&) Copy this &i( r(/ -o'. (-& the- ,ill it i- 'ith the -(/es. sy/%ols. (-& other /(teri(l (s it is i+e- to you) 6ou 'ill /(8e ( -u/%er o, these &i( r(/s (-& %e (&&i- -e' /(teri(l ,ro/ ti/e to ti/e. so you &o-'t h(+e to %e o+er /eti*ulous 'ith this ,irst o-e. %ut still. &o ( oo& <o%) Also i- this ,irst &i( r(/ you *(- ,eel ,ree to /(8e ( ,e' (rr(- e/e-ts o, your o'-) ItBs ( oo& i&e( to /(8e se+er(l o, these &i( r(/s u-til you ,eel you u-&erst(-& the l(yout) I- ti/e your thi-8i- *(- %e*o/e +ery 5POWERFUL5 i- th(t it *(- %ri- (%out *h(- es i- your physi*(l pl(-e surrou-&i- s 2ui*8ly) I- ,(*t 'e (ll &o it (ll the ti/e. %ut -o' the thou hts o, po'er &o -ot (l'(ys 'or8 ,(st e-ou h %e*(use o, the Astrolo i*(l 5%lo*8s5 9see Lesso- O-e: set up i- our li,e p(ths) I &o -ot 8-o' the re(so- ,or these %lo*8s) All I 8-o' is they (re there. (-& so/e people h(+e the/ /ore th(- others. (-& so/e people le(r- to (+oi& the/ (-& to 'or8 rou-& the/. (-& others -e+er le(r- (t (ll ho' to li+e ( li,e %y 'or8i- (rou-& their (strolo i*(l %lo*8s) I *(- i+e ( hi-t here) These Astrolo i*(l %lo*8s (re -ot 5soli& set5 thi- s) They (re /o+(%le. (-& they shi,t (%out) Let us i/( i-e so/e pi*ture li8e this ; Let us s(y th(t 'e (re ,(*es 'ith ( series o, &oors throu h 'hi*h 'e /ust p(ss. throu h (ll the &oors -ot <ust (-y o-e o, the/. to et 'here 'e '(-t to o) Let us s(y th(t these si1 &oors (re ope-i- (-& *losi- (ll the ti/e so th(t (t so/e ti/es /ore &oors 'ill %e ope-. or *lose&. (t the s(/e ti/e th(- (t other ti/es) There (re e+e- ti/e 'he- (ll si1 &oors (re ope- (t o-*e (-& you *(- et throu h the/ 2ui*8ly (-& e(sily) Well -o'. -(tur(lly i, you (re (- ( ressi+e perso- you 'ill (l'(ys %e o- the (lert (-& (l'(ys pressi- ( (i-st the (strolo i*(l &oors ; (-& 'he- su&&e-ly they &o ,ly ope- you &(rt o- throu h e+e- thou h you /(y h(+e %ee'(iti- ( see/i- ly e-&less ti/e ,or the/ to ope-) So you see your p(rt i- (-& o, li,e is +ery i/port(-t ; ho' you o (%out li+i- your li,e is ( %i ,(*tor i- ( su**ess,ul li,e's li+i- . (-& these thi- s o ,or -o-;%usi-ess types o, li,e. too) For li+i- ( spiritu(l li,e too. i, you (re -ot i-tereste& i- Physi*(l Su**ess) A>ore (%out this l(ter)B C

No' 'ith re (r& to the &i( r(/ you (re oi- to 'or8 o- ,or this lesso-) Follo' the s(/ple illustr(tio- o- the -e1t p( e pretty *losely this ,irst ti/e. (-& &o your ,irst 'or8 o- this &i( r(/ i- pe-*il so th(t you *(- *o-ti-ue to (&& -e' /(teri(l (s it *o/es to you) Ne1t. &i+i&e the &r('i- i-to ,our se*tio-s (s i-&i*(te& (-& l(%el the/ ! ; C ; D ; E) These 'ill %e rou h (ppro1i/(tio-s o, the i&e( o, the ,our pl(-es 'e h(+e stu&ies so ,(r) As I /e-tio-e& %e,ore. you h(+e pro%(%ly he(r& or re(& o, 5se+e- pl(-es5. 5te- pl(-es5 (-& e+e- other -u/%ers o, pl(-es) These -u/%er &i+isio-s (re. (ll true. (-& (re i-. these A,our pl(-es.B 'e (re *o-*er-e& 'ith here) The other -u/%ers (re (ll (rri+e& (t. %y /(8i- other 8i-&s o, &i+isio-s o, these ,our pl(-es) For e1(/ple. e(*h o, the. ATe- Cir*les.B i- the &i( r(/ *(- %e *o-si&ere& (. APl(-e.B %y itsel, (lo-e) Also. (s /e-tio-e& %e,ore. the (str(l Pl(-e *(- %e &i+i&e& i-to t'o p(rts (-& e(*h p(rt liste& (s ( sep(r(te pl(-e) Also the >e-t(l Pl(-e *(- %e &i+i&e& i-to ( hi her (-& lo'er. (-& e(*h o, these se*tio-s *o-si&ere& (s ( sep(r(te pl(-e) So i, you h(+e he(rt (%out these other syste/s o, &i+isio- ,or et (%out the/ -o'. (-& 'or8 'ith the Four u-til you (re /ore (&+(-*e& (-& *(- 'or8 the others out ,or yoursel, >(8e your &r('i- o, the &i( r(/ o- the le,t si&e o, your p(per (s per the s(/ple o- the -e1t p( e) Dr(' three pe-*il li-es *o--e*ti- the three *olu/-s o, the *ir*les (s i-&i*(te&) The- ,ill i- the i-,or/(tio- o- the -e1t p( e (,ter th(t) 333333333333333333333 END OF PAGE 333333333333333333333 4UESTIONS !) Wh(t is the %(si* syste/ o, Wester- O**ultis/F I, 5there is o-ly o-e Truth5. theho' is it th(t there (re i- the O**ult 5t'o re(t syste/s= The Wester- Syste/ (-& the E(sterSyste/F5

C) D)

Wh(t &o you u-&erst(-& to %e /e(-t %y the 'or& 5syste/5 i- this *o-te1tF Do you ,eel th(t you (re ( perso- 'ho h(s /ore 5(strolo i*(l %lo*8s5 th(- /ost other people you 8-o'F Or &o you ,eel th(t you h(+e le(r-e& to 'or8 (rou-& these %lo*8sF Ho' &o you thi-8 these %lo*8s e-er(lly 'or8 i- your li,eF Ho' &o you thi-8 th(t you *(- *h(- e your (ppro(*h to li,e to li+e your li,e /ore su**ess,ullyF


S(+e your (-s'ers u-til (s8e& ,or the/ PRACTICES !) C) >(8e the &r('i- o, the TREE OF LIFE (s i-stru*te&) Thi-8 (%out this /(tter o, le(r-i- to li+e (rou-& the (strolo i*(l %lo*8s. (-& /(8e ( pl(- ,or &oi- this i- your o'- li,e) SUGGESTED READING !) THE KA??ALAH. %y W) G) Col+ille) This is ( oo& i-tro&u*tory %oo8 to the stu&y o, the K(%%(l(h) Its history. its liter(ture (-& its +ie's o, the Soul (-& its rel(tio-ship to ?i%li*(l tr(&itio-s. 9A&&itio-(l %oo8s o- the K(%%(l(h 'ill %e su este& i- su%se2ue-t lesso-s): This stu&y is so ,u-&(/e-t(l to your %uil&i- o, (. ,ou-&(tio- 8-o'le& e. o, O**ultis/ th(t you 'ill pro%(%ly %uil& (- e1te-si+e li%r(ry o, %oo8s o- the K(%%(l(h) The (%o+e %oo8 is -ot the 5%est5 %oo8 o- the su%<e*t. %ut it is ( oo& 5st(rter5. (-& ; (s the su%<e*t is ( *o/ple1 o-e ; 'e re*o//e-& this o-e to prep(re you ,or l(ter %oo8s): D

333333333333333333333 END OF PAGE 333333333333333333333

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