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Researcher ID (C-3031-2011)

Disciplined, sincere and dedicated towards every kind of professional assignments and committed to deadlines Strong researc! "ackgro#nd wit! e$cellent comm#nication skills at all levels %ell versed in comp#ter software and !ardware applications Hig!ly passionate towards !ealt! ed#cation and comm#nity development services &#rrent H'inde$ of p#"lication is eig!t

+ppointed as Senior ,ect#rer of &omm#nity -edicine .(#"lic Healt!/ at 0nternational -edical *niversity of -alaysia +ppointed as a &oc!rane Reviewer for Systematic Reviews "y several review gro#ps #nder t!e &oc!rane &olla"oration

(1) (2) (3) (,) (-) (0) (4) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (1,) (1-) (10) (14) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2,) (2-) Pers !a" De#a$"s Career %&''ar( E)&ca#$ !a" *&a"$+$ca#$ !s La!g&ages Teach$!g a!) Research E./er$e!ces C '/&#er K! 1"e)ge 2 E./er$e!ce $! 3$!e Ar#s Ac#$5$#$es6 (Tra$!$!g7 Teach$!g7 %er5$ce7 %&// r#$5e7 Research E./er$e!ce) E./er$e!ces as a U!$5ers$#( E.a'$!er Research E./er$e!ces :rga!$;a#$ ! 2 Par#$c$/a#$ ! $! <ea"#h /r gra''es Tra$!$!g = r>sh /s ? %('/ s$&'s :rga!$;e) r A##e!)e) C !+ere!ces A##e!)e) 2 Research Pa/ers Prese!#e) a# %e'$!ars M )era#$ ! ? @&es# Lec#&res De"$5ere) P&A"$ca#$ !s 2 C$#a#$ !s E)$# r ? Re5$e1er + I!#er!a#$ !a" ? I!)e.e) B &r!a"s :++$ce-Bearer + a! I!#er!a#$ !a" N@: :#her A)'$!$s#ra#$5e E./er$e!ces Me'Aersh$/s + Re! 1!e) Pr +ess$ !a" ? B&))h$s# :rga!$;a#$ !s A1ar)s (Aca)e'$c ? 3$!e Ar#s) %/ec$+$c s&ACec#s + $!#eres# + r %c$e!#$+$c Research 3 re$g! C &!#r$es V$s$#e) I!#eres#s ? < AA$es Pass/ r# De#a$"s Dr$5$!g L$ce!se De#a$"s L$s# + Re+erees

Page N .
2 3 , 0 4 8 9 12 1, 10 14 18 28 28 28 29 30 32 32 33 33 33 3,

Date2 3333333333333

Signat#re2 3333333333333333

N me Researcher ID Se% Hei&'t ( )ei&'t Identi,ic tion M 45" D te o, Bi4t' P! ce o, Bi4t' N tion !ity Re!i&ion M 4it ! St tu" 3a#herDs Na'e M #herDs Na'e =$+eDs Na'e $ 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6 6 6 61 t' Au&u"t 078. Ko!5 t , )e"t Ben& !, Indi INDIAN Budd'i"m Dr. ANKUR BARUA C-3031-2011 M !e Hei&'t * +(,t-) ( .(inc'e")/ 012cm"- nd )ei&'t * 13K&"-

P4e"ent / M i!in& Add4e"" $


Pe4m nent Add4e""

B!oc5 @ EE, No- @ A2, F! t No- @ 6A S !t 9 5e City, Secto4 @ 6, KO9KATA @ 822 270 )e"t Ben& ! INDIA Te!eB'one No?70 = 33 @ 6360++A1 Mo>i!e No?70 = 77232213.2

Em i!


.c '

Career %&''ar( + Dr. A!>&r Bar&a

&areer +spects
4#alifications 5ellow 6 ,ife -em"er 6 -em"er of 0nternational 7rgani8ations 5ellow 6 ,ife -em"er 6 -em"er of National 7rgani8ations

Me)$ca" Re"a#e)

IT 2 Ma!age'e!# Re"a#e)

B&))h$s' Re"a#e)

= =

Teac!ing 9 Researc! E$periences

Be,o4e comB!etion o, Po"t #4 du tion A,te4 comB!etion o, Po"t #4 du tion Total Duration of Teaching & Research Experiences

T #a" D&ra#$ ! $! M !#hs (C '/"e#e) Fears) IT 2 Ma!age'e!# B&))h$s' Me)$ca" Re"a#e) Re"a#e) Re"a#e)
.0 (3y4", +mt'") 02+ (Ay4", 7mt'") 146 (12yrs, 2mths) = = = =

Total N#m"er of Researc! (ro:ects *ndertaken 7rgani8ation 9 (articipation in Healt! (rogrammes %orks!ops &ond#cted 6 +ttended
Tot ! )o45"'oB" / SymBo"ium" conducted " Re"ou4ce Pe4"on Tot ! )o45"'oB" / SymBo"ium" On!y Attended (Not " Re"ou4ce Pe4"on) Total !or"shops #on$ucte$ % &tten$e$

Me)$ca" Re"a#e)

IT 2 Ma!age'e!# Re"a#e)

B&))h$s' Re"a#e)




Me)$ca" Re"a#e)
08 6+ 42

IT 2 Ma!age'e!# Re"a#e)
3 + '

B&))h$s' Re"a#e)
= =

&onference (aper (resentations

Tot ! Num>e4 o, Re"e 4c' P Be4" B4e"ented t Inte4n tion ! Con,e4ence" Tot ! Num>e4 o, Re"e 4c' P Be4" B4e"ented t N tion ! / Re&ion ! Con,e4ence"

Me)$ca" Re"a#e)
0+ 32

IT 2 Ma!age'e!# Re"a#e)
= =

B&))h$s' Re"a#e)
02 0

Inte4n tion ! Inde%ed Pu>!ic tion" N tion ! Inde%ed <ou4n !" Tit!e Pu>!ic tion"/C' Bte4 Cont4i>ution" Ot'e4 Pu>!ic tion" Total N#m"er of (#"lications Total N#m"er of &ited (#"lications Total N#m"er of &itations

Me)$ca" Re"a#e)
.1 07 00 33 ;<= ?@ ;;>

IT 2 Ma!age'e!# Re"a#e)
= = 0 = ;

B&))h$s' Re"a#e)
8 7 0A 8 >;



Editor 6 Reviewer of 0nternational 0nde$ed Ao#rnals

Inc!uded in ReDieCe4 / Edito4i ! Bo 4d

Me)$ca" Re"a#e)

IT 2 Ma!age'e!# Re"a#e)

B&))h$s' Re"a#e)

4#alification Second 4y E% min tion (02 t' "tnd @ "c'oo! !e Din& ce4ti,ic te) Hi&'e4 Second 4y E% min tion (06 t' "tnd @ B4e=uniDe4"ity cou4"e) MBBSE (B c'e!o4 o, Medicine B c'e!o4 o, Su4&e4y) Year 0770 0773 0nstit#te Sout' Point Hi&' Sc'oo! Sout' Point Hi&' Sc'oo! K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e (lace Ko!5 t Ko!5 t *niversity6 +ssociation = =
M niB ! Ac demy o, Hi&'e4 Educ tion (MAHE) B4e"ent!y 4en med " (Ma!$/a" U!$5ers$#() M niB ! Ac demy o, Hi&'e4 Educ tion (MAHE) B4e"ent!y 4en med " (Ma!$/a" U!$5ers$#() M niB ! Ac demy o, Hi&'e4 Educ tion (MAHE) B4e"ent!y 4en med " (Ma!$/a" U!$5ers$#()

Governing Body )e"t Ben& ! Bo 4d o, Second 4y Educ tion, Indi )e"t Ben& ! Bo 4d o, Hi&'e4 Second 4y Educ tion, Indi
Kar!a#a>a Me)$ca" C &!c$"


M n& !o4e

(Reg. N . --0837 D te$ 6+/2./6222 ) nd

%$>>$' Me)$ca" C &!c$"

ComB!etion o, one ye 4 o, inte4n"'iB


K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e

M n& !o4e

(Reg. N . %MC?00907 D te$ 07/27/6228) F do F A!! Indi M n &ement A""oci tion (AIMA), NeC De!'i, Indi UniDe4"ity #4 nt" Commi""ion (U#C), Indi Ame4ic n He 4t A""oci tion (US) UniDe4"ity #4 nt" Commi""ion (U#C), Indi Ame4ic n He 4t A""oci tion (US) F cu!ty o, Soci ! Science", Hon& Kon& No4Ce&i n Medic ! A""oci tion

MD (Docto4 o, Medicine) (SBeci !ty in Community Medicine) DFERM (DiB!om in Fo4ei&n E%c' n&e Ri"5 M n &ement) U#C=NET ( N tion ! E!i&i>i!ity Te"t) (Soci ! Med- ( Community He !t') Acc4edited T4 ine4 ,o4 B "ic 9i,e SuBBo4t (B9S) MBA IT (M "te4 o, Bu"ine"" Admini"t4 tion on In,o4m tion Tec'no!o&y) Acc4edited T4 ine4 ,o4 Pedi t4ic AdD nced 9i,e SuBBo4t (PA9S) M>uddStud (M "te4 o, Budd'i"t Studie") )it' Di"tinction Fund ment !" o, Medic ! Et'ic"


K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M niB ! Indi n In"titute o, E%Bo4t M n &ement (IIEM) N tion ! Educ tion ! Te"tin& (NET) Bu4e u St- <o'nG" Medic ! Co!!e&e Ho"Bit ! Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Tec'no!o&y (SMIT) T'e Indi n Ac demy o, P edi t4ic" Cent4e o, Budd'i"t Studie" Po"t&4 du te nd Continuin& Medic ! Educ tion

M niB !


B n& !o4e

622+ 622+ =6228 622+ =6228 6228 =6202 622A= 6227

NeC De!'i

= 9i,e S De4" A""oci tion, NeC De!'i Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" (SMU) =

B n& !o4e


NeC De!'i

Hon& Kon&

T'e UniDe4"ity o, Hon& Kon&



EMedic ! Re&i"t4 tion o, MBBS i" Cit' GKar!a#a>a Me)$ca" C &!c$"H (Re&i"t4 tion num>e4 i" --083) nd Si55im Medic ! Counci! (Re&i"t4 tion num>e4 i" SMC/2271)- Medic ! Re&i"t4 tion o, MD Community Medicine i" !"o done Cit' Medic ! Counci! o, Indi , NeC De!'i nd Si55im Medic ! Counci!, # n&to5, Si55im, Indi -

Sl No 063.+18A702000603,ang#ages for &omm#nication Inte4n tion ! ! n&u &e=0 Inte4n tion ! ! n&u &e=6 Inte4n tion ! ! n&u &e=3 Inte4n tion ! ! n&u &e=. Inte4n tion ! ! n&u &e=+ C! ""ic ! 9 n&u &e=0 C! ""ic ! 9 n&u &e=6 Mot'e4 ton&ue Ot'e4 Indi n ! n&u &e=0 Ot'e4 Indi n ! n&u &e=6 Ot'e4 Indi n ! n&u &e=3 )o45in& KnoC!ed&e )o45in& KnoC!ed&e S(E+K E!g"$sh Ba!g"a Ne/a"$ Ur)& Tha$ %a!s>r$# Pa"$ Be!ga"$ <$!)$ Assa'ese Bh C/&r$ Ka!!a)a P&!CaA$ RE+D E!g"$sh Ba!g"a Ne/a"$ %a!s>r$# Pa"$ Be!ga"$ <$!)$ Assa'ese Bh C/&r$ = = %R0TE E!g"$sh Ba!g"a Ne/a"$ %a!s>r$# Pa"$ Be!ga"$ <$!)$ Assa'ese Bh C/&r$ = =


.&omm#nity -edicine/





Total e$perience .in mont!s/ NC;>D 2+ 31 28 +3

(0) Tuto4E (6) Tuto4E (3) A""i"t nt P4o,e""o4EE (.) A""i"t nt P4o,e""o4EE (+) A""oci te P4o,e""o4EE (1) Senio4 9ectu4e4EE

K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M niB ! K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M niB ! Si55im= M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS) Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) Inte4n tion ! Medic ! UniDe4"ity (IMU)

M n& !o4e M niB ! M niB ! T don&, Si55im Me! 5 , M ! y"i Ku ! 9 mBu4, M ! y"i

0/2./6222 30/2A/6222 62/2A/6223 32/23/622.

61/2A/6222 07/2A/6223 67/23/622. 30/2A/622A

32/00/6227 6/23/6206

67/00/6200 On &oin&

6. 60

Tot ! 1,0 ' !#hs (12(ears7 2' !#hs) o, te c'in& ( 4e"e 4c' e%Be4ience (+&""-#$'e) , C'ic' inc!ude" 02+ mont'" (Aye 4", 7mont'") o, te c'in& ( 4e"e 4c' e%Be4ience ,te4 comB!etion o, Bo"t=&4 du tion-

EAo" description of T#tor2 Conductin& d i!y 4u4 ! out4e c' c!inic" t Ru4 ! M te4nity nd C'i!d )e!, 4e (RMC)) Home" t "u>=cent4e !eDe!, PHC" nd An& nC di", o4& ni"in& 4u4 ! 'e !t' c mB", t4i> ! 'e !t' c mB", &uidin& inte4n" ,o4 eBidemio!o&ic ! 4e"e 4c', deDe!oBin& B4o,o4m ,o4 d t co!!ection nd B4ete"tin& t'em nd t4 inin& t'em on comBute4 "5i!!" 4e& 4din& t >u! tion nd n !y"i" >y u"in& "o,tC 4e B c5 &e" nd B4e"ent tion o, 4e"u!t"- ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted nd "uBe4Di"ed D 4iou" 4e"e 4c' B4oHect" o, t'e DeB 4tment nd N tion ! He !t' P4o&4 mme" !i5e U!$5ersa" I''&!$;a#$ ! Pr gra''e (UIP)7 I )$!e De+$c$e!c( D$s r)ers (IDD)7 Re/r )&c#$5e 2 Ch$") <ea"#h (RC<) Pr gra''e nd I!#e!s$5e P&"se P "$ I''&!$;a#$ ! (IPPI) Pr gra''e EE Ao" description of +ssistant 6 +ssociate (rofessor 6 Senior ,ect#rer2 Ac demic ctiDitie" @ Add4e""in& m Ho4 i""ue" o, Bu>!ic 'e !t' imBo4t nce, conductin& !ectu4e c! ""e" nd t4 inin& unde4&4 du te" nd Bo"t&4 du te" in D 4iou" "Bect" o, community medicine- O4& niIin& Co45"'oB" on EBidemio!o&y nd ctiDe!y B 4ticiB tin& ( "uBe4Di"in& D 4iou" 4e"e 4c' B4oHect" o, t'e DeB 4tment nd N tion ! He !t' P4o&4 mme" !i5e U!$5ersa" I''&!$;a#$ ! Pr gra''e (UIP)7 I )$!e De+$c$e!c( D$s r)ers (IDD)7 Re/r )&c#$5e 2 Ch$") <ea"#h (RC<) Pr gra''e nd I!#e!s$5e P&"se P "$ I''&!$;a#$ ! (IPPI) Pr gra''e Conductin& d i!y 4u4 ! out4e c' c!inic" t Ru4 ! M te4nity nd C'i!d )e!, 4e (RMC)) Home" t "u>=cent4e !eDe!, PHC" nd An& nC di", o4& ni"in& 4u4 ! 'e !t' c mB" nd t4i> ! 'e !t' c mB"- A!"o, &uidin& Bo"t&4 du te" nd inte4n" ,o4 eBidemio!o&ic ! 4e"e 4c', deDe!oBin& B4o,o4m ,o4 d t co!!ection nd B4e=te"tin& t'em nd t4 inin& t'em on comBute4 "5i!!" 4e& 4din& t >u! tion nd n !y"i" >y u"in& "o,tC 4e B c5 &e" nd B4e"ent tion o, 4e"u!t"-

(a) Bas$c % +#1are a//"$ca#$ !s6 )INDO)S G7A, )INDO)S 6222 nd )IN JP INTERNET, HTM9 .-2, FRONTPA#E EJPRESS MICROSOFT )ORD, MICROSOFT PO)ER POINT, MICROSOFT EJCE9, MICROSOFT ACCESS DATABASE, ADOBE ACROBAT READER ( )RITER TA99:, D=BASE FOR )INDO)S +-2 EPI=INFO 6222 FOR )INDO)S +-2 SPSS 08-2 FOR )INDO)S ARCUS, SI#MASTAT, STAT ;IE), STATA, COMPREHENSI;E META=ANA9:SIS 6-2 ;ISUA9 BASICS, C?? nd O4 c!e P 4titionin& ( Fo4m ttin& o, H 4d Di"c", )indoC", 9INUJ ( Ot'e4 So,tC 4e/H 4dC 4e In"t !! tion", netCo45in& Cit' 9AN, )AN ( Settin& uB "e4De4 con,i&u4 tion" P &eM 5e4 8-2, Ado>e P'oto"'oB 8-2, Co4e! D4 C 7-2

(A) %#a#$s#$ca" Pac>ages6

(c) C '/&#er Pr gra''$!g6 ()) <ar)1are 2 Ne#1 r>$!g6

(e) Des># / P&A"$sh$!g (DTP)6

DIT (DiB- In In,o4m tion Tec'no!o&y)


M niB ! In"titute o, ComBute4 Educ tion (MICE)


*niversity6 +ssociation
M niB ! Ac demy o, Hi&'e4 Educ tion (MAHE) B4e"ent!y 4en med " (Ma!$/a" U!$5ers$#() =

Governing Body


M niB !

DHN (DiB- In H 4dC 4e ( NetCo45in&) DCA (DiB- In ComBute4 ABB!ic tion") DTP ( De"5toB Pu>!i"'in&) P#DIA (Hon- DiB- In Inte4net ABB!ic tion") MBA IT (M "te4 o, Bu"ine"" Admini"t4 tion on In,o4m tion Tec'no!o&y)


N yum In,o"y"


#oDe4nment o, Si55im, Indi #oDe4nment o, Si55im, Indi Mini"t4y o, Sm !! Sc !e Indu"t4ie", Si55im, Indi S"i (Mum> i)

622+ 622+ 6221

N yum In,o"y" S"i ( N yum In,o"y" S"i ( N yum In,o"y"

Si55im Si55im Si55im

= = = Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" (SMU)

622+ =6228

Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Tec'no!o&y (SMIT)


UniDe4"ity #4 nt" Commi""ion (U#C), Indi


D4- An5u4 B 4u C " >on ,ide "tudent o, t'e FCHITRA:ANK @ Sc'oo! o, A4t" du4in& t'e Be4iod ,4om A t' Au&u"t 0788 to 30 "t Au&u"t 077. "tudent o, t'i" in"titution, 'e ' d deDe!oBed e%ce!!ent "5i!!" in >ot' FFine A4t"K nd FComme4ci ! ("eDenteen ye 4")- Du4in& 'i" c 4ee4 "

A4t"K, unde4 t'e "uBe4Di"ion o, 4enoCned 4t te c'e4" o, Indi - He ' d oBted ,o4 F)o45 Educ tionK, Cit' FFine A4t"K " "Beci !ty, " one o, t'e comBu!"o4y "u>Hect" in 'i" B4im 4y ( "econd 4y "c'oo! cu44icu!umHe i" Ce!!= cLu inted Cit' Penci! S5etc'in&, C' 4co ! S5etc'in&, P intin& Cit' ) te4 Co!ou4", T'4ee=Dimen"ion ! P intin& Cit' C'ine"e In5, SB4 y P intin&, F >4ic P intin& ( Em>4oide4y, #! "" P intin&, Oi! P intin& on oi! B Be4 ( c nD ", Potte4y De"i&nin&, 9inocut, )oodcut, H ndic4 ,t", Scu!Btu4e M 5in& Cit' P! "te4 o, P 4i" nd C! y Mode!!in&He ' d Con "eDe4 ! n tion ! nd inte4n tion ! C 4d" eDen du4in& 'i" "tudent"'iB- Hi" B intin&" nd c4 ,t Co45" ' d Ce!! >een 4eco&niIed >y t'e 4t "Beci !i"t" nd c4itic" o, Indi nd >4o d- Some o, 'i" imBo4t nt C 4d" 4e !i"ted in t'e t >!e >e!oC ,o4 4e,e4ence-

&cti(ities from )1 st &ugust 2*** to )* th +uly 2**) as ,ostgra$uate -tu$ent cum Tutor in the Department of #ommunity .e$icine, /astur0a .e$ical #ollege, .anipal 1


TR+0N0NG2 T4 inin& Medic ! inte4n" in B4im 4y c 4e medicine $ To 'a>e #he ( &!g 'e)$ca" gra)&a#es a1are + #he c '' ! hea"#h /r A"e's as #he( e.$s# $! #he c ''&!$#( a!) 'a>e #he' aA"e # )$ag! se7 #rea# ' s# + #he a$"'e!#s $!)e/e!)e!#"( a!) re+er cases 1he! !ecessar(. T4 inin& t'e medic ! "tudent" nd inte4n" in 4e"e 4c' met'odo!o&y T4 inin& nd Ret4 inin& t'e P4im 4y He !t' C 4e P4o,e""ion !" nd &4 ""=4oot !eDe! Co45e4" in nten t !, int4 n t !, Bo"tn t ! >4e "t=,eedin& nd common 'e !t' B4o>!em" in t'e community-


TE+&H0NG2 De!iDe4in& !ectu4e" to t'e Unde4&4 du te ( Po"t=#4 du te Medic ! Student" 4e& 4din& 'e !t' c 4e 4e! ted i""ue", conductin& B4 ctic ! demon"t4 tion", ,ie!d Di"it", 8!inic="oci ! c "e B4e"ent tion", "tudent "emin 4", nd B4o>!em "o!Din& e%e4ci"e" in EBidemio!o&y, Nut4ition, M te4n ! ( C'i!d He !t' nd EnDi4onment ! He !t'9ectu4e" on community 'e !t' to Unde4&4 du te P'y"iot'e4 By Student" 9ectu4e" on community 'e !t' to Unde4&4 du te Nu4"in& Student" Ro!e in t4 inin& Co45"'oB"$ # t'e4in& !ite4 tu4e, B4eB 4 tion nd ""em>!y o, t'e cou4"e m te4i !", ""i"tin& t'e B 4ticiB nt" du4in& t'e Co45"'oB" in B4o>!em "o!Din&, co!!ectin& ,eed> c5 in,o4m tion-

(') SER)0&E2
9e din& t'e medic ! te m" ,o4 t'e ,o!!oCin&$ SBeci !ty c!inic" in M te4nity nd C'i!d He !t'#e4i t4ic c!inic"#ene4 ! out=B tient c!inic"#4oCt' monito4in& c mB" ,o4 B4e="c'oo! c'i!d4enSc'oo! 'e !t' "e4Dice"-

.D/ S*((7RT0)E2 Pu!"e Po!io ImmuniI tion$ monito4in&, eD !u tion nd B 4ticiB to4y 4 Bid BB4 i" !Pu!"e Po!io ImmuniI tion$ )HO u4> n monito4in& nd eD !u tion ActiDe!y #uidin& 4e"e 4c' B4oHect" o, inte4n" ( Bo"t=&4 du te "tudent"


ABBointed " n eD !u to4 o, Bio!o&y t'eo4y B Be4 o, SMU Medic ! Ent4 nce Te"t ,o4 Si55im C te&o4y, conducted >y #oDe4nment o, Si55im in co!! >o4 tion Cit' Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& <u!y 622. ABBointed ABBointed " " n e%te4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FNu4"in& Re"e 4c' ( St ti"tic"K t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BSc Fin ! :e 4 UniDe4"ity n inte4n ! e% mine4 o, M te4n ! ( C'i!d He !t' (MCH) P4 ctic ! ( ;iD e% min tion " B 4t o, BSc Fin ! :e 4 E% min tion o, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& Au&u"t 622+ UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& 06 t' (03 t' Au&u"t 622+ ABBointed " n inte4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FCommunity MedicineK t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BPT Fin ! :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, DeB 4tment o, P'y"iot'e4 By, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& Decem>e4 622+ ABBointed " n inte4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FSocio!o&yK t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BPT Fi4"t :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, UniDe4"ity ReB4e"ent tiDe ,o4 conduction o, U#ET 6221 t S-;- #oDt- Po!ytec'nic Co!!e&e, B'oB ! ,o4 Si55im=M niB ! DeB 4tment o, P'y"iot'e4 By, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& Decem>e4 622+ ABBointed " UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) on 8 t' M y 6221 ABBointed " n e%te4n ! B Be4 "ette4 nd eD !u to4 o, FSocio!o&yK t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BSc Fi4"t :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& SeBtem>e4 6221 ABBointed " n inte4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FSocio!o&yK t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BSc Fi4"t :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& M 4c' 6228 ABBointed " n inte4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FSocio!o&yK t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BSc Fi4"t :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& SeBtem>e4 6228 ABBointed " n inte4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FCommunity MedicineK t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BPT Fin ! :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, DeB 4tment o, P'y"iot'e4 By, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& Oct- 6228 ABBointed " n inte4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FCommunity MedicineK t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 MBBS Fin ! :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& M 4c' 622A ABBointed " n inte4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FCommunity He !t' Nu4"in&K t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BSc T'i4d :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& M y 622A ABBointed " n inte4n ! B Be4 eD !u to4 o, FCommunity MedicineK t'eo4y e% min tion ,o4 BPT Fin ! :e 4 UniDe4"ity E% min tion o, DeB 4tment o, P'y"iot'e4 By, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! "cience" (SMU) du4in& M y 622A ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e II UniDe4"ity E% min tion conducted >y t'e M niB ! UniDe4"ity nd Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& 0A t' Fe>4u 4y @ 06 t' M 4c' 6202 ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e I C!inic ! ComBetency E% min tion conducted >y t'e Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& 66 nd M 4c' @ 8 t' AB4i! 6202 ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e II UniDe4"ity E% min tion conducted >y t'e Me! 5 = M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& 68 t' Au&u"t @ 6. t' SeBtem>e4 6202 ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e I C!inic ! ComBetency E% min tion conducted >y t'e Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& 6A t' SeBtem>e4 @ 8 t' Octo>e4 6202 ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e I C!inic ! ComBetency E% min tion (SuBB!ement 4y E% min tion) conducted >y t'e Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& A t'=02t' NoDem>e4 6202 ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e II UniDe4"ity E% min tion conducted >y t'e Me! 5 = M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& 08 t' Fe>4u 4y @ . t' M 4c' 6200 ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e I C!inic ! ComBetency E% min tion conducted >y t'e Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& 66 nd @ 30"t M 4c' 6200 ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e II UniDe4"ity E% min tion conducted >y t'e Me! 5 = M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& 0A t' Au&u"t @ 01 t' SeBtem>e4 6200 ABBointed " Inte4n ! E% mine4 ,o4 Community Medicine o, t'e P' "e II St &e I C!inic ! ComBetency E% min tion conducted >y t'e Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) du4in& 62 t' SeBtem>e4 @ 67 t' SeBtem>e4 6200-

RE%EARC< EIPERIENCE% J Research ID (C-3031-2011)

ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in DeB 4tment ! B! nnin& 4e"e 4c' B4oHect" unde4t 5en$
(1) Assess'e!# + $!Cec#$ ! /rac#$ces $! I!)$a (2002-2003) 6 A! I!)$a-CLEN Pr gra' E5a"&a#$ ! Ne#1 r> %#&)(. 5#nding agency2 I!)$a J CLEN Duration2 6 mont'" (AB4i! @M y 6223) My 4o!e C " to conduct "Beci,ic o>"e4D tion nd c!ient e%it inte4DieC(2) A s#&)( ! Pre5a"e!ce + De/ress$5e D$s r)ers $! ger$a#r$c / /&"a#$ ! + U)&/$ Ta"&>7 Kar!a#a>a (INDIA)6
(MD )$sser#a#$ ! s&A'$##e) # Ma!$/a" U!$5ers$#(7 /re5$ &s"( >! 1! as Ma!$/a" Aca)e'( + <$gher E)&ca#$ ! (MA<E)

nd e%te4n !!y ,unded 4e"e 4c' B4oHect"- InDo!Ded in conceBtu !iI tion o, t'e toBic, co!!ection, n !y"i" nd inte4B4et tion- T'e ,o!!oCin& 4e t'e toBic" o,

nd de"i&nin&, o4& niI tion o, Co45, d t

Duration2 0 ye 4 (Decem>e4 6226= Decem>e4 6223) My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e t'e 4e"e 4c' B! n nd det i!ed !ite4 tu4e 4eDieC, Se!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& t'e Lue"tionn i4e", O4& niI tion o, ,ie!dCo45, D t co!!ection, t >u! tion nd n !y"i" ( )4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(3) Dou>!e B!ind R ndomiIed P' "e I; C!inic ! t4i ! to ""e"" t'e immuno&enicity nd 4e cto&enicity o, t'4ee comme4ci !!y D i! >!e DNA 4ecom>in nt HeB titi" B ; ccine in du!t"$ 5#nding agency2 %er&' I!s#$#&#e + I!)$a7 P&!e. D#ration2 9 ' !#hs. Ba!&ar( 2003-%e/#e'Aer 2003 My 4o!e C " to immuniIe t'e B 4ticiB nt" nd co!!ection o, >!ood " mB!e" ,o4 Anti>ody tit4e" nd 4e&u! 4 ,o!!oC=uB o, t'e B 4ticiB nt"(,) =<: %EAR: s/ !s re) /r Cec# # e5a"&a#e #he Dra+# 3$e") @&$)e + r <ea"#h = r>ers ! Pr$ r$#( C ''&!$caA"e D$seases $! #he C ''&!$#(6 T'i" B4oHect inDo!Ded t4 n"! tion o, t'e m nu ! into K nn d , t4 inin& 6. He !t' )o45e4" u"in& t'e t4 n"! ted De4"ion o, t'e m nu ! nd eD !u tion o, t'e K nn d De4"ion o, t'e m nu !- T'e B4oHect comB4i"ed o, t4 inin& Be4iod o, tCo Cee5" nd eD !u tion Be4iod o, ,ou4 Cee5"5#nding agency2 = r") <ea"#h :rga!$;a#$ !7 %EAR: D#ration2 Au&u"t 6226 @Decem>e4 6226 My 4o!e C " to eD !u te t'e t4 inin& o, t'e 'e !t' Co45e4" in t'e ,ie!d "ettin&(-) Pre5a"e!ce + @ $#re a' !g sch " ch$")re! a!) ge!era" / /&"a#$ ! a!) es#$'a#$ ! + $ )$!e c !#e!# + c '' ! sa"# $! Da>sh$!a Ka!!a)a a!) Be"ga&' D$s#r$c#s + Kar!a#a>a7 INDIA 5#nding agency2 %#a#e @ $#re Ce"" + Kar!a#a>a7 I!)$a D#ration2 NoDem>e4 6223 @Fe>4u 4y 622. My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e t'e 4e"e 4c' B! n nd det i!ed !ite4 tu4e 4eDieC, Se!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& t'e Lue"tionn i4e", O4& niI tion o, ,ie!dCo45, D t co!!ection, t >u! tion nd n !y"i" ( )4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(0) MA<E-I%KC:N %ch 5#nding agency2 " <ea"#h Pr gra''e7 Kar!a#a>a7 INDIA Ma!$/a" Aca)e'( + <$gher E)&ca#$ ! (MA<E)7 Kar!a#a>a7 I!)$a a!) G T!e +ks!aya (atra 5o#ndationF of 0SK&7N, Bangalore, 0ndia D#ration2 Initi ted in NoD- 6220 (on&oin& B4oHect = 3 4d ye 4 ,o!!oC uB comB!eted in NoD- 6223) My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e t'e 4e"e 4c' B! n nd det i!ed !ite4 tu4e 4eDieC, Se!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& t'e Lue"tionn i4e", O4& niI tion o, ,ie!dCo45, D t co!!ection, t >u! tion nd n !y"i" ( )4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t-

(4) A!a"(s$s + Pa##er! + /rese!#a#$ ! 2 &#c 'e $! :5ar$a! T&' &rs J A case ser$es a!a"(s$s + ca!cer /a#$e!#s a)'$##e) # Kas#&rAa Me)$ca" C ""ege < s/$#a"7 A##a5ar7 Ma!ga" re +r ' 1993 # 1999 D#ration2 ;<t! A#ly ?<<< to ?D t! +#g#st ?<<< My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e t'e 4e"e 4c' B! n nd det i!ed !ite4 tu4e 4eDieC, Se!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& t'e Lue"tionn i4e", D t co!!ection, t >u! tion nd n !y"i"(8) < s/$#a" J Base) Ca!cer Reg$s#r( $! Kas#&rAa Me)$ca" C ""ege < s/$#a"7 A##a5ar7 Ma!ga" re 0nitiating "ody2 Department of 7ncology, Kast#r"a -edical &ollege Hospital, +ttavar, -angalore D#ration2 ;<t! A#ly ?<<< to ?D t! +#g#st ?<<< My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e t'e 4e"e 4c' B! n nd det i!ed !ite4 tu4e 4eDieC, In"t4ument ! in ,o4mu! tin& B4o,o4m ,o4 d t co!!ection, "ettin& uB comBute4 d t > "e ,o4 c nce4 4e&i"t4y nd eBidemio!o&ic ! d t n !y"i", D t co!!ection, t >u! tion nd n !y"i"(9) E5a"&a#$ ! + a !e )a( GD$aAe#$c A1are!ess a!) %cree!$!g Ca'/H a# Ce!#ra" Re+erra" < s/$#a"7 %$>>$'7 INDIA 5#nding agency2 Rotary &l#" of Tadong, Rotaract &l#" of Sikkim'-anipal *niversity 9 &entral Referral Hospital, Sikkim D#ration2 ;=t! Septem"er ?<<> . one $ay acti(ity) My 4o!e" Ce4e to &et ctiDe!y inDo!Ded in o4& niI tion, coo4din tion nd "uBe4Di"ion o, C mB ctiDitie", B4eB 4e t'e 4e"e 4c' B! n nd det i!ed !ite4 tu4e 4eDieC, Se!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& t'e Lue"tionn i4e", O4& niI tion o, ,ie!dCo45, D t co!!ection, t >u! tion nd n !y"i" ( )4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(10) %ch " <ea"#h Pr gra''e $! %$>>$'-Ma!$/a" I!s#$#&#e + Me)$ca" %c$e!ces (%MIM%)7 %$>>$'7 INDIA D#ration2 AB4i! 622. to <une 622. ActiDe!y inDo!Ded in o4& niI tion, coo4din tion nd "uBe4Di"ion o, C mB ctiDitie" My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e 4e"e 4c' B! n, Se!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& o, t'e Lue"tionn i4e", O4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( coo4din tion Cit' t'e DeBt- O, Medicine, Su4&e4y, Dent ! Su4&e4y, OB't' !mo!o&y ( ENT, T >u! tion o, d t nd n !y"i" ( )4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t-

(11) A s#&)( # assess K! 1"e)ge7 A##$#&)e 2 Prac#$ce (KAP) regar)$!g P&"se P "$ I''&!$;a#$ ! + /are!#s (a!) !ear re"a#$5es) + &!)er +$5e ch$")re! a##e!)$!g P&"se P "$ I''&!$;a#$ ! $! +$e") /rac#$ce areas + Ra!g/ 7 P<C7 Eas# %$>>$'7 I!)$a D#ration2 ;<t! 7cto"er ?<<> .one day activity/ My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e 4e"e 4c' B! n, "e!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& o, t'e Lue"tionn i4e", SuBe4Di"ion o, o4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( T >u! tion o, d t nd n !y"i" ( C4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(12) A s#&)( ! $'/ac# assess'e!# + hea"#h e)&ca#$ ! $!#er5e!#$ ! ! R a) %a+e#( a!) Acc$)e!# /re5e!#$ ! a' !g /r$'ar( sch " ch$")re! + Ta) !g @ 5er!'e!# %ch "7 Eas# %$>>$'7 I!)$a D#ration2 -arc!'+pril ?<<G My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e 4e"e 4c' B! n, "e!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& o, t'e Lue"tionn i4e", SuBe4Di"ion o, o4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( T >u! tion o, d t nd n !y"i" ( C4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(13) A s#&)( ! scree!$!g + r De/ress$5e D$s r)ers $! #he @er$a#r$c / /&"a#$ ! + B 1a$7 Megha"a(a7 I!)$a D#ration2 Decem"er ?<<> to Aan#ary ?<<G My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e 4e"e 4c' B! n, "e!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& o, t'e Lue"tionn i4e", SuBe4Di"ion o, o4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( T >u! tion o, d t nd n !y"i" ( C4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(1,) A s#&)( ! /re5a"e!ce + C g!$#$5e I'/a$r'e!# $! #he e")er"( / /&"a#$ ! + Tha'g'e$Aa!) C ''&!$#(7 I'/ha" Ma!$/&r7 I!)$a D#ration2 Decem"er ?<<> to Aan#ary ?<<G My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e 4e"e 4c' B! n, "e!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& o, t'e Lue"tionn i4e", SuBe4Di"ion o, o4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( T >u! tion o, d t nd n !y"i" ( C4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(1-) A s#&)( ! K! 1"e)ge7 A##$#&)e 2 Prac#$ce (KAP) + +a'$"( /"a!!$!g a' !g 1 'e! + re/r )&c#$5e age gr &/ a##e!)$!g %TNM < s/$#a"7 @a!g# > )&r$!g #he ' !#hs + Ba!&ar( # March 200D#ration2 Aan#ary H -arc! ?<<G My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e 4e"e 4c' B! n, "e!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& o, t'e Lue"tionn i4e", SuBe4Di"ion o, o4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( T >u! tion o, d t nd n !y"i" ( C4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(10) A s#&)( ! K! 1"e)ge7 A##$#&)e 2 Prac#$ce (KAP) + T Aacc s' >$!g a' !g a) "esce!# sch " ch$")re! + Ra!$/ "7 Eas# %$>>$'7 I!)$a D#ration2 5e"r#ary ?<<G My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e 4e"e 4c' B! n, "e!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& o, t'e Lue"tionn i4e", SuBe4Di"ion o, o4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( T >u! tion o, d t nd n !y"i" ( C4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(14) A s#&)( ! K! 1"e)ge7 A##$#&)e 2 Prac#$ce (KAP) + a"c h " &se a' !g a) "esce!# sch " s#&)e!#s + @a!g# >7 Eas# %$>>$'7 I!)$a D#ration2 5e"r#ary ?<<G My 4o!e" Ce4e to B4eB 4e 4e"e 4c' B! n, "e!ection, de"i&nin& nd B4e=te"tin& o, t'e Lue"tionn i4e", SuBe4Di"ion o, o4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( T >u! tion o, d t nd n !y"i" ( C4itin& t'e ,in ! 4eBo4t(18 ) Student" ( , cu!tie" o, SMIMS ' d initi ted community=> "ed c4o""="ection ! "tudy t R niBoo! entit!ed, GKAP s#&)( a' !g 1 'e! + re/r )&c#$5e age gr &/ ! re/r )&c#$5e 2 ch$") hea"#h (RC<) ser5$ces H du4in& 0 "t SeBtem>e4 to 30 "t Decem>e4 622+- T'i" B4oHect C " ctiDe!y "uBe4Di"ed >y D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine ( D4- Amit C' 54 Do4ty, Addition ! P4o,- O, P' 4m co!o&y, SMIMS !on& Cit' Mi"" S'uD D " #uBt , Con"u!t nt, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS(19) Student" ( , cu!tie" o, SMIMS ' d initi ted community=> "ed c4o""="ection ! "tudy t R niBoo! entit!ed, GKAP s#&)( ! s&As#a!ce aA&se a' !g re/rese!#a#$5e sa'/"e +r ' ge!era" / /&"a#$ ! + Eas# %$>>$' H du4in& 0 "t SeBtem>e4 to 30 "t Decem>e4 622+- T'i" B4oHect C " ctiDe!y "uBe4Di"ed >y D4- Amit C' 54 Do4ty, Addition ! P4o,- O, P' 4m co!o&y ( D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS !on& Cit' Mi"" S'uD D " #uBt , Con"u!t nt, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS(20) On .t' SeBtem>e4 622+, 'e !t' educ tion inte4Dention B4oHect C " conducted on GPre5e!#$ ! + Ac&#e D$arrh ea" D$seases (ADD)H in R niBoo! 4e >y "tudent" ( , cu!ty o, SMIMS- T'i" B4oHect C " ctiDe!y "uBe4Di"ed >y D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS !on& Cit' Mi"" S'uD D " #uBt , Con"u!t nt, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS(21) On 03 t' NoDem>e4 622+, Doc tion ! t4 inin& B4oHect C " o4& niIed unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS ,o4 GDe#ec#$ ! + V$s&a" I'/a$r'e!#s $! sch " ch$")re!H ,o4 t'e "t ,," ( , cu!ty o, Senio4 Second 4y Sc'oo!, P ""in&don&, No4t' Si55im- Sne!!enG" c' 4t" Ce4e don ted to "c'oo! on t'e occ "ion- P4e=te"tin& ( Po"t=te"tin& o, t'e B 4ticiB nt" C " !"o done(22) On 66 nd < nu 4y 6221, unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS nd Mi"" S'uD D " #uBt , Con"u!t nt, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS, 'e !t' educ tion inte4Dention B4oHect C " conducted t R niBoo! on GM )e + Tra!s'$ss$ ! + I!+ec#$ !s .H Ent'u"i "tic "tudent" o, SMIMS B 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on" in B4oDidin& 'e !t' educ tion ( conductin& P4e=te"tin& ( Po"t=te"tin& o, t'e B 4ticiB nt"(23) On 07 t' Fe>4u 4y 6221, unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS nd Mi"" S'uD D " #uBt , Con"u!t nt, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS, 'e !t' educ tion inte4Dention B4oHect C " conducted t R niBoo! on GT&Aerc&" s$s $! C ''&!$#( .H Ent'u"i "tic "tudent" o, SMIMS B 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on" in B4oDidin& 'e !t' educ tion( conductin& P4e=te"tin& ( Po"t=te"tin& o, t'e B 4ticiB nt"(6.) Dr. A!>&r Bar&a (Re&- No- +02+.8282) ' d comB!eted ( "u>mitted n o4i&in ! "cienti,ic B4oHect 4eBo4t entit!ed, GThe $'/ac# + c&"#&re 'a!age'e!# $! 'ergers a!) acK&$s$#$ !s + IT r$e!#e) c '/a!$es H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, P4o,- D4- R m n Kum 4 <' , B4o,e""o4 o, P'y"ic", SMIT, M Hit 4, Si55im- T'i" B4oHect 4eBo4t C " cceBted >y Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity toC 4d" 'i" B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 M "te4 o, Bu"ine"" Admini"t4 tion in In,o4m tion Tec'no!o&y (MBA IT)- Du4 tion o, t'i" B4oHect C " ,4om 0 "t < nu 4y 6221 to 32 t' <une 6221(2-) M"- Romi! Sy n&den (Re&- No- +62.3337A) ' d comB!eted ( "u>mitted n o4i&in ! "cienti,ic B4oHect 4eBo4t entit!ed, GB$ e#h$cs + %#e' Ce"" Research H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS - T'i" B4oHect 4eBo4t C " cceBted >y Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity toC 4d" 'e4 B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 B c'e!o4 o, Science" in Biotec'no!o&y (BSc- BT)- Du4 tion o, t'i" B4oHect C " ,4om 0+ t' M 4c'=0+ t' <une 6228-


(20) D4- < y nt H I 4i5 ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GA s#&)( ! De#er'$!a!#s + L 1 B$r#h =e$gh# BaA$es $! Ce!#ra" Re+erra" < s/$#a" + Eas# %$>>$' H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS - T'i" B4oHect C " cceBted >y DiB!om t N tion ! Bo 4d (D-N-B-) toC 4d" 'i" B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 D-N-B- De&4ee in P edi t4ic"- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 30 "t M y 6227(24) D4- S ty Hit Be'e4 ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GNe !a#a" I!+ec#$ ! $! Eas# %$>>$'6 A Case-C !#r " %#&)( H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS - T'i" B4oHect B4otoco! C " cceBted >y DiB!om t N tion ! Bo 4d (D-N-B-) toC 4d" 'i" B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 D-N-B- De&4ee in P edi t4ic"- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 30"t Octo>e4 6227(28) D4- Su"'i! Kum 4 A& 4C ! ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, G% c$ -De' gra/h$c C rre"a#es + P&"' !ar( T&Aerc&" s$s $! A)&"# P /&"a#$ ! + eas# %$>>$'6 A Case-C !#r " %#&)( H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- o, Community Medicine, SMIMS- T'i" B4oHect C " cceBted >y DiB!om t N tion ! Bo 4d (D-N-B-) toC 4d" 'i" B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 D-N-B- De&4ee in Medicine- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 32 t' <une 6227(29) M"- K 4m #u4mey Do!m ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GA %#&)( ! De+a&"#7 3a$"&re 2 Re"a/se Cases + /&"' !ar( #&Aerc&" s$s $! A)&"# P /&"a#$ ! + %$>>$'7 I!)$a H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- o, Community Medicine, SMIMS- T'i" B4oHect B4otoco! C " cceBted >y Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity toC 4d" 'e4 B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 P'D De&4ee- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 30 "t Decem>e4 6227(30) M"- Rinc'en! B'uti ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GD$rec# )e#ec#$ ! + r/ B '&#a#$ ! $! M #&Aerc&" s$s as a! ear"( 'ar>er + #rea#'e!# +a$"&res a!) re"a/ses ass c$a#e) 1$#h MDR $! %$>>$' H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,O, Community Medicine, SMIMS- T'i" B4oHect B4otoco! C " cceBted >y Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity toC 4d" 'e4 B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 P'D De&4ee- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 30 "t Decem>e4 6227(31) D4- # u4i S' n5 4 ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GA C"$!$ca" %#&)( ! CereAr 5asc&"ar Acc$)e!# $! Ce!#ra" Re+erra" < s/$#a" + Eas# %$>>$' H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS- T'i" B4oHect B4otoco! C " cceBted >y DiB!om t N tion ! Bo 4d (D-N-B-) toC 4d" 'i" B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 D-N-B- De&4ee in Medicine- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 30 "t Octo>e4 6227(32) D4- An5u4 B 4u ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GPre5a"e!ce + De/ress$5e D$s r)ers $! E")er"(6 A Me#a-a!a"(s$s H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- M-K- #'o"', P4o,- ( H-O-D- o, Community Medicine, SMIMS - T'i" B4oHect B4otoco! C " cceBted >y Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 32 t' <une 6227(33) D4- A>'in D R "to&i ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GA s#&)( ! C"$!$c -e#$ " g$ca" De#er'$!a!#s + Res/$ra# r( D$s#ress 2 #he$r $''e)$a#e &#c 'e $! Ne !a#es $! Ce!#ra" Re+erra" < s/$#a" @a!g# >7 Eas# %$>>$' H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS- T'i" B4oHect B4otoco! C " cceBted >y DiB!om t N tion ! Bo 4d (D-N-B-) toC 4d" 'i" B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 D-N-B- De&4ee in P edi t4ic"- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 30 "t Octo>e4 6227(3,) D4- C' nd4 Kum 4 NeB ! ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GA s#&)( ! C"$!$c -e#$ " g$ca" Pr +$"e a!) I''e)$a#e :&#c 'e + !e !a#a" <(/erA$"$r&A$!e'$a $! Ne !a#es A)'$##e) $! #he NICU7 De/ar#'e!# + Pae)$a#r$cs7 Ce!#ra" Re+erra" < s/$#a"7 Eas# %$>>$' H unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS - T'i" B4oHect B4otoco! C " cceBted >y DiB!om t N tion ! Bo 4d (D-N-B-) toC 4d" 'i" B 4ti ! ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 D-N-B- De&4ee in P edi t4ic"- T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 30 "t Octo>e4 6227(3-) Dr. A!>&r Bar&a ' d unde4t 5en n indiDidu ! 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GEc " g$ca" I'/ac#s Re"a#e) # 3a'$"( P"a!!$!g H. T'i" B4oHect C " "Bon"o4ed >y Con"ume4" Actin& ,o4 PeoB!e nd t'e EnDi4onment 9imited (CAPE) o, Hon& Kon& - T'i" B4oHect C " comB!eted on 32t' NoDem>e4 6227(30) Dr. A!>&r Bar&a ' " >een BBointed " co=inDe"ti& to4 ,o4 n n !ytic ! 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GC g!$#$5e I'/a$r'e!# a!) Pr$'ar( :/e! A!g"e @"a&c 'a (P:A@) $! #he e")er"( / /&"a#$ ! + Me"a>a7 Ma"a(s$a6 A Case-c !#r " %#&)( H. T'i" B4oHect i" unde4t 5en >y t'e DeB 4tment o, OB't' !mo!o&y, Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC), M ! y"i - T'i" i" n on&oin& B4oHect "c'edu!ed to >e comB!eted >y 30 "t M 4c' 6206(34) Dr. A!>&r Bar&a ' " >een BBointed " co=inDe"ti& to4 ,o4 n n !ytic ! 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GAssess'e!# + N&#r$#$ !a" Beha5$ &r a' !g Me)$ca" %#&)e!#s H. T'i" B4oHect i" unde4t 5en >y t'e DeB 4tment o, P edi t4ic", Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC), M ! y"i - T'i" i" n on&oin& B4oHect "c'edu!ed to >e comB!eted >y 30 "t M 4c' 6206(38) Dr. A!>&r Bar&a ' " >een BBointed " co=inDe"ti& to4 ,o4 Sy"tem tic ReDieC B4oHect >e!on&in& to t'e MCy"tic Fi>4o"i" nd #enetic Di"e "e" &4ouBG o, t'e Coc'4 ne Co!! >o4 tion entit!ed, GL$!c %&//"e'e!#a#$ ! I!#er5e!#$ ! $! %$c>"e Ce"" A!ae'$a a!) Tha"asse'$a H. T'i" B4oHect i" unde4t 5en >y t'e DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine, Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC), M ! y"i nd C " comB!eted on 30 "t <une 6206(39) Dr. A!>&r Bar&a ' " >een BBointed " co=inDe"ti& to4 ,o4 Sy"tem tic ReDieC B4oHect >e!on&in& to t'e MEye" nd ;i"ion &4ouBG o, t'e Coc'4 ne Co!! >o4 tion entit!ed, GT /$ca" N !-s#er $)a" A!#$-$!+"a''a# r( Age!#s + r Mac&"ar D$aAe#$c C(s# $) Mac&"ar :e)e'a H. T'i" B4oHect i" unde4t 5en >y t'e DeB 4tment o, OB't' !mo!o&y, Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC), M ! y"i nd i " "c'edu!ed to >e comB!eted >y 30 "t Octo>e4 6203(,0) Dr. A!>&r Bar&a ' " >een BBointed " co=inDe"ti& to4 ,o4 Sy"tem tic ReDieC B4oHect >e!on&in& to t'e MCy"tic Fi>4o"i" nd #enetic Di"e "e" &4ouBG o, t'e Coc'4 ne Co!! >o4 tion entit!ed, GDes' /ress$! Ace#a#e (DDAVP) + r Pre5e!#$!g Ac&#e B"ee)s )&r$!g Preg!a!c( $! = 'e! 1$#h C !ge!$#a" B"ee)$!g D$s r)ers H. T'i" B4oHect i" unde4t 5en >y t'e DeB 4tment o, O>"tet4ic" ( #yn eco!o&y, Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC), M ! y"i nd C " comB!eted on 30 "t Octo>e4 6206(,1) Dr. A!>&r Bar&a ' " >een BBointed " co=inDe"ti& to4 ,o4 Sy"tem tic ReDieC B4oHect >e!on&in& to t'e MP4e&n ncy ( C'i!d>i4t' &4ouBG o, t'e Coc'4 ne Co!! >o4 tion entit!ed, GA!#$-D A)'$!$s#ra#$ ! a+#er %/ !#a!e &s M$scarr$age + r Pre5e!#$!g Rhes&s A"" $''&!$;a#$ ! H. T'i" B4oHect i" unde4t 5en >y t'e DeB 4tment o, O>"tet4ic" ( #yn eco!o&y, Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC), M ! y"i nd C " comB!eted on 30 "t Decem>e4 6206(,2) M4- 9im T'on& ' d unde4t 5en 4e"e 4c' B4oHect entit!ed, GThe e++ec#s + se"+-es#ee'7 r&'$!a#$ !7 s c$a" s&// r#7 a!) A )( )$ssa#$s+ac#$ ! $! /re)$c#$!g )e/ress$ ! a' !g a sa'/"e + ear"( a) "esce!# g$r"s a##e!)$!g a""-g$r"sD sec !)ar( sch "s $! Pe!a!gH unde4 di4ect "uBe4Di"ion o, D4- An5u4 B 4u , Senio4 9ectu4e4 o, Community Medicine, IMU - T'i" B4oHect B4otoco! C " cceBted >y Inte4n tion ! Medic ! UniDe4"ity (IMU) toC 4d" ,u!,i!ment o, t'e 4eLui4ement" ,o4 C 4din& P'D De&4ee >y 4e"e 4c'-



(0) Tr$Aa" <ea"#h A1are!ess 2 Chec>-&/ Ca'/s $! 1- 5$""ages + U)&/$ D$s#r$c#7 Kar!a#a>a 5#nding agency2 D#ration2 Ne!r# Y#va Kendra H -angalore, an a#tonomo#s "ody #nder t!e I-inistry of Yo#t! +ffairs and Sports, Government of 0ndia ;=t! Aan#ary ?<<@ to ?J t! Aan#ary ?<<@ !! B 4ticiB nt" o, t'e My 4o!e" Ce4e to &et ctiDe!y inDo!Ded in O4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( coo4din tion Cit' t'e "tudent" nd "t ,, mem>e4" o, t'e DeBt- O, Community Medicine, KMC, M niB !, C!inic ! eD !u tion ( 'e !t' educ tion ,o4 c mB ( 44 n&in& ,o4 ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution nd 4e,e44 ! "e4Dice"(6) R&ra" <ea"#h Chec>-&/ Ca'/ a# G%$>>$' Ka"(a! Ashra'H7 Ra!$/ 5#nding agencies2 D#ration2 -anipal *niversity ;>t! Novem"er ?<<> . one $ay acti(ity) !! inm te" o, t'e in"titute( 44 n&in& ,o4 My 4o!e" Ce4e to &et ctiDe!y inDo!Ded in O4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( coo4din tion Cit' t'e "tudent" nd "t ,, mem>e4" o, t'e DeBt- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS, Si55im, C!inic ! eD !u tion o, ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution nd 4e,e44 ! "e4Dice"(3) G%h$sh& %1as#ha D$1asH (a Ch$") <ea"#h a!) %cree!$!g Ca'/) a# Ce!#ra" Re+erra" < s/$#a"7 %$>>$'7 I!)$a 5#nding agency2 D#ration2 &entral Referral Hospital, Sikkim 9 Rotary &l#" of Tadong ?Jt! Novem"er ?<<> . one $ay acti(ity) "7 %$>>$'7 INDIA

&entral Referral Hospital, Sikkim, Rotary &l#" of Tadong 9 Rotaract &l#" of Sikkim'

My 4o!e" Ce4e to &et ctiDe!y inDo!Ded in O4& niI tion o, te mCo45 ( coo4din tion Cit' t'e DeBt- O, P edi t4ic", S5in, Dent ! Su4&e4y, OB't' !mo!o&y ( ENT-

3un$ing agencies for the follo4ing 5ealth #amps 4ere #entral Referral 5ospital, -i""im, Rotary #lu0 of Ta$ong & Rotaract #lu0 of -i""im .anipal 6nstitute of .e$ical -ciences (-.6.-) an$ -i""im /alyan &shram, Ranipool .> to ?D/2'
(.) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' c'ec5=uB cum d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB A"'4 m, R niBoo! on 06 t' <une 622+- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 0+8 needy B tient"t Si55im=K !y n

(+) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' c'ec5=uB cum d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t P nc' yet B' D n, R y Di!! &e ne 4 Rumte5 on 02 t' <u!y 622+- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 6+. needy B tient"(1) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' c'ec5=uB cum d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t R n5 Di!! &e on 00 t' SeBtem>e4 622+- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 67A needy B tient"(8) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' c'ec5=uB cum d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB N mt' n&, Sout' Si55im on 6 nd Octo>e4 622+- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 026 needy B tient"(A) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' c'ec5=uB cum d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB No4t' Si55im on 03 t' NoDem>e4 622+- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 632 needy B tient"t Te5 Di!! &e, t Non&u Di!! &e,

(7) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee Sc'oo! He !t' c'ec5=uB c mB ,o4 "tudent" o, Si55im=K !y n A"'4 m t Non&u Di!! &e, No4t' Si55im on 03 t' NoDem>e4 622+ to ce!e>4 te t'e C'i!d4enG" D y t' t ye 4(02) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5=uB cum d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t Bu"u5 Di!! &e, E "t Si55im on 06 t' Fe>4u 4y 6221- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 032 needy B tient"- F4ee B!ood #4ouBin& ( H emo&!o>in e"tim tion !on& Cit' "c4eenin& ,o4 o>e"ity ( 4e,4 cto4y e44o4" o, eye Ce4e done ,o4 !! B tient"(00) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& Science e%'i>ition C " o4& niIed t Community H !! ComB!e% o, # n&to5, E "t Si55im on 68 t' Fe>4u 4y 6221 to ce!e>4 te t'e FN tion ! Science D y 6221K ,o4 commemo4 tin& t'e di"coDe4y o, FR m n E,,ectK >y Si4- C-;- R m n- T'i" B4o&4 mme C " "Bon"o4ed >y t'e Si55im St te Counci! o, Science ( Tec'no!o&y, # n&to5, Si55im-


(06) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& n C 4ene"" c mB to o>"e4De t'e F)o4!d Tu>e4cu!o"i" D yK !on& Cit' ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5=uB cum d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on 6. t' M 4c' 6221T'i" c mB c te4ed to 061 needy B tient"- F4ee B!ood #4ouBin& ( H emo&!o>in e"tim tion !on& Cit' "c4eenin& ,o4 o>e"ity ( 4e,4 cto4y e44o4" o, eye Ce4e done ,o4 !! B tient"(03) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& FC 4di c C 4eK C mB !on& Cit' ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on + t' AB4i! 6221- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 002 needy B tient" ,4om 02 Di!! &e" 4ound R niBoo!- F4ee B!ood #4ouBin& ( H emo&!o>in e"tim tion !on& Cit' "c4eenin& ,o4 o>e"ity ( 4e,4 cto4y e44o4" o, eye Ce4e done ,o4 !! B tient"(0.) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5=uB cum ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t S n& Di!! &e o, E "t Si55im on 32 t' AB4i! 6221- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 632 needy B tient"- F4ee B!ood #4ouBin& ( H emo&!o>in e"tim tion !on& Cit' "c4eenin& ,o4 o>e"ity ( 4e,4 cto4y e44o4" o, eye Ce4e done ,o4 !! B tient"(0+) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& n C 4ene"" c mB to o>"e4De t'e F)o4!d No To> cco D yK !on& Cit' ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5=uB c mB t Cent4 ! Re,e44 ! Ho"Bit ! o, E "t Si55im on 30 "t M y 6221- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 001 neC B tient"(01) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5 uB cum ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on 08 t' <une 6221- T'i" c mB c te4ed to 02+ needy B tient" ,4om . Di!! &e" 4ound R niBoo!- Sc4eenin& ,o4 o>e"ity ( 4e,4 cto4y e44o4" o, eye Ce4e done ,o4 !! B tient"(08) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5 uB cum ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on 07 t' Au&u"t 6221- T'e c mB c te4ed to +8 B tient" ,4om M 4c' 5 Di!! &e o, R niBoo!(0A) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5 uB cum ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t P 45 Di!! &e in P 5yon& o, E "t Si55im on 00 t' NoDem>e4 6221- T'e c mB c te4ed to 013 needy B tient"(07) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5 uB cum ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t P d mc'e Di!! &e in P 5yon& o, E "t Si55im on 6+ t' NoDem>e4 6221- T'e c mB c te4ed to 06+ needy B tient"(62) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5 uB cum ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution c mB t A"" m 9in&Ie Di!! &e o, E "t Si55im on 01 t' Decem>e4 6221- T'e c mB c te4ed to 87 needy B tient"(60) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee 'e !t' c'ec5 uB cum ,4ee d4u& di"t4i>ution "uBe4="Beci !ty c mB t Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on 00 t' AB4i! 6228- T'e c mB c te4ed to 1A needy B tient"(66) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention P4o&4 mme on FPe4"on ! Hy&iene nd He !t'K in ""oci tion Cit' Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in& in SMIMS, ,o4 B4im 4y ( "econd 4y "c'oo! te c'e4" o, Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on 68 t' M y 6228(63) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention P4o&4 mme on FC'i!d He !t' C 4eK in ""oci tion Cit' DeB 4tment o, P edi t4ic" in SMIMS, ,o4 B4im 4y ( "econd 4y "c'oo! te c'e4" o, Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on 6A t' M y 6228(6.) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention P4o&4 mme on FHoC to coBe Cit' Co44ie"K Cit' 4e,e4ence to A!co'o! Be' Diou4 ( C'i!d P"yc'i t4y, !on& Cit' DeB 4tment o, P"yc'i t4y in SMIMS, ,o4 B4im 4y ( "econd 4y "c'oo! te c'e4" o, Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on 67 t' M y 6228(6+) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention P4o&4 mme on FAC 4ene"" on HI;/AIDSK in ""oci tion Cit' DeB 4tment o, P"yc'i t4y in SMIMS, ,o4 B4im 4y ( "econd 4y "c'oo! te c'e4" o, Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im on 32 t' M y 6228(61) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& ,4ee He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention P4o&4 mme" on F#ene4 ! He !t' ( Hy&iene, Food Hy&iene ( P4eDention o, Acute Di 44'oe ! Di"e "e" nd Fi4"t Aid on InHu4y ( Bu4n"K in ""oci tion Cit' DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine in SMIMS, ,o4 B4im 4y ( "econd 4y "c'oo! te c'e4" o, Si55im K !y n A"'4 m, R niBoo! o, E "t Si55im du4in& 68 t'=67t' <une 622A(68) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& ( conductin& n C 4ene"" B4o&4 mme on FP4otectin& He !t' ,4om C!im te C' n&eK in ""oci tion Cit' DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine in SMIMS to o>"e4De t'e F)o4!d He !t' D yK on 8 t' AB4i! 622A t Cent4 ! Re,e44 ! Ho"Bit ! (CRH) o, E "t Si55im(6A) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in conductin& ,4ee Medic ! C mB o4& niIed >y M ! y"i n Medic ! A""oci tion (Me! 5 B4 nc') in ""oci tion Cit' t'e Me! 5 Ke4 ! S m H m (MKS) o, M ! y"i t A!o4 # H ', Me! 5 , M ! y"i on 6A t' NoDem>e4 6202-



Fi4"t Re&ion ! T4 inin& )o45"'oB on FN tu4 ! Di" "te4 M n &ementK 'e!d on 00 t' NoDem>e4 6222 t M niB ! In"titute o, Tec'no!o&y (MIT), M niB !, K 4n t 5 6) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in FPo"t&4 du te O4ient tion P4o&4 mmeK o4& niIed >y DeB 4tment o, Medic ! Educ tion, K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e (KMC), M niB ! du4in& NoDem>e4 62223) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted nd 'e!Bed in o4& niIin& Co45"'oB on AIDS coun"e!!in&, FCoBin& nd d Btin& to HI;/AIDS$ A St4en&t' Pe4"BectiDe o, Coun"e!!in&K, Hoint!y o4& niIed >y USEFI (United St te" Educ tion Found tion In Indi ) nd M niB ! Ac demy o, Hi&'e4 Educ tion (MAHE) 'e!d t M niB ! on 02 t' (00t' < nu 4y 6220.) Second Re&ion ! T4 inin& )o45"'oB on FMedic ! Re!ie, @ Po"t Di" "te4 St4 te&ie"K Hoint!y 'o"ted >y DeB 4tment o, C!inic ! P"yc'o!o&y, K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M niB ! ( D4- TMA P i Cent4e ,o4 Di" "te4 M n &ement on 6A t' ( 67t' AB4i! 6220 t M niB ! Ac demy o, Hi&'e4 Educ tion (MAHE), M niB !+) )o45"'oB on medic ! C4itin&$ T4end" in medic ! C4itin&, Pee4 4eDieC nd edito4i ! B4oce""- M 4c' 68=6A, 6220 MAHE (M niB ! c demy o, 'i&'e4 educ tion)1) Inte4n tion ! "ymBo"ium on c t 4 ct$ Mo!ecu! 4 nd EBidemio!o&ic ! "Bect"- M niB ! Ac demy o, Hi&'e4 Educ tionDecem>e4 6 =3, 62268) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in deDe!oBin& t4 inin& m te4i !" ( inDo!Ded in t4 inin& t'e F cu!tie" o, Nu4"in& ( A!!ied He !t' Science", M niB ! Ac demy o, Hi&'e4 Educ tion (MAHE) in FT4 inin& B4o&4 mme on 4e"e 4c' met'odo!o&y, EBidemio!o&y nd Bio"t ti"tic"K o4& niIed >y DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine, K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e (KMC), M niB ! du4in& Decem>e4 6226A) C!inic ! T4i !"$ De"i&n nd An !y"i"- DeBt- O, Community Medicine, KMC M niB !- Decem>e4 1, 62267) Non ! t4 inin& Co45"'oB on FA""e""ment o, InHection P4 ctice" in Indi K (6226=6223)$ An Indi C9EN P4o&4 m ED !u tion NetCo45 Study- M 4c' 63 =6+, 6223 B n& !o4e02) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in "ymBo"ium on FB4e "t C nce4 UBd te@6223K o4& niIed >y t'e DeB 4tment o, R diot'e4 By nd Onco!o&y, S'i4di S i> > C nce4 Ho"Bit ! ( Re"e 4c' Cent4e (A Cin& o, K "tu4> Ho"Bit !), M niB ! on 67 t' M 4c' 622300) In"t4ument ! in deDe!oBin& t4 inin& modu!e" ( t4 inin& Po"t&4 du te Student" o, Medic ! ( A!!ied He !t' Science" in 6.'4 cont ct t4 inin& B4o&4 mme on FRe"e 4c' Met'odo!o&y, EBidemio!o&y nd Bio"t ti"tic"K o4& niIed >y DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine, K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e (KMC), M niB ! on M 4c' 68=67, 622306) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in Medic ! Educ tion )o45"'oB on FED !u tion Sy"temK conducted >y Medic ! Educ tion Unit o, Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), Si55im on 06 t' ( 03t' AB4i! 622.03) In"t4ument ! in deDe!oBin& t4 inin& modu!e" ( t4 inin& nu4"in& , cu!tie" nd "tudent" in FT4 inin& B4o&4 mme on 4e"e 4c' met'odo!o&y, EBidemio!o&y nd Bio"t ti"tic"K o4& niIed Hoint!y >y Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t' ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" (SMU) in co!! >o4 tion Cit' DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine, SMIMS, Si55im ,4om 0 "t NoDem>e4 622. ti!! 30 "t Decem>e4 622.0.) In"t4ument ! in deDe!oBin& t4 inin& modu!e" ( t4 inin& nu4"in& , cu!tie" nd "tudent" in FB "ic" o, comBute4 BB!ic tion" in He !t' Re"e 4c'K o4& niIed Hoint!y >y Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMU in co!! >o4 tion Cit' DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine, SMIMS, Si55im ,4om 0 "t < nu 4y 622+ ti!! 30 "t < nu 4y 622+0+) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e n tion ! !eDe! FC nce4 Re&i"t4y T4 inin& P4o&4 mmeF on C nce4 C "e A>"t4 ctin&, St &in& nd Codin& " B 4t o, FN tion ! C nce4 Re&i"t4y P4o&4 mmeK conducted Hoint!y >y Indi n Counci! o, Medic ! Re"e 4c' (ICMR) nd N tion ! C nce4 In"titute (USA) 'e!d t # n&to5 in E "t Si55im du4in& 1 t' @ 02t' Decem>e4 622.01) P 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FRe"e 4c' Met'odo!o&y ( EBidemio!o&yK, Hoint!y o4& niIed >y DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine ( Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS 'e!d on 61 t' < nu 4y 622+ t Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS, Si55im08) P 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FBio="t ti"tic" ( ComBute4 ABB!ic tion" o, Bio="t ti"tic"K, Hoint!y o4& niIed >y DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine ( Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS 'e!d on 32 t' < nu 4y 622+ t Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS, Si55im0A) P 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FP4o>!em "o!Din& e%e4ci"e" on EBidemio!o&y ( Bio="t ti"tic"K Hoint!y o4& niIed >y DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine ( Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS 'e!d on A t' <u!y 622+ t Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS, Si55im07) P 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FABB!ied Bio="t ti"tic"K Hoint!y o4& niIed >y DeB 4tment o, Community Medicine ( Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS 'e!d on 06 t' <u!y 622+ t Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS, Si55im62) P 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FC4itiLuin& o, Re"e 4c' A4tic!e"K o4& niIed >y Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS 'e!d on A t' SeBtem>e4 622+ t Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, SMIMS, Si55im60) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in ' nd"=on=t4 inin& Co45"'oB on FB "ic 9i,e SuBBo4t (B9S)K, o4& niIed t SMIMS du4in& 02 t' ( t' 00 Decem>e4 622+ ( i" 4eco&niIed " n cc4edited t4 ine4 o, B9S ,4om AHA- Re&i"te4ed t4 ine4" ,4om Ame4ic n He 4t A""oci tion (AHA) conducted t'e t4 inin& ,o4 cc4edit tion66) P 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FConceBt" o, He !t' Re"e 4c' ( Re"e 4c' P4oBo" ! DeDe!oBmentK 'e!d on 00t' Fe>4u 4y 6221, ,o4 "tudent" ( , cu!ty o, SMIMS- T'i" )o45"'oB C " o4& niIed >y Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in& ( Si55im= M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), Si55im63) P 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FB "ic" o, ComBute4 ABB!ic tion" in He !t' Re"e 4c'K 'e!d on 0A t' Fe>4u 4y 6221, ,o4 "tudent" ( , cu!ty o, SMIMS- D4- An5u4 B 4u , A""i"t nt P4o,e""o4, DeBt- O, Community Medicine, SMIMS cted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on ,o4 t'i" Co45"'oB- A T4 inin& m nu ! on FB "ic" o, ComBute4 ABB!ic tion" in He !t' Re"e 4c'K C " !"o Bu>!i"'ed du4in& t'e occ "ion- T'i" )o45"'oB C " o4& niIed >y Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in& ( Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), Si55im-


6.) P 4ticiB ted "

4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FSoci ! A"Bect" o, He !t' ( Di"e "eK 'e!d on 00 t' M 4c' 6221 ,o4 "tudent" ( , cu!ty o, SMIMS- T'i" )o45"'oB C " o4& niIed >y Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in& ( Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), Si55im-

6+) P 4ticiB ted "

4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FSocio!o&y in He !t' Re"e 4c'K 'e!d on 06 t' M 4c' 6221, ,o4 "tudent" ( , cu!ty o, SMIMS- T'i" )o45"'oB C " o4& niIed >y Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in& ( Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), Si55im61) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in Co45"'oB on FTe!emedicineK 'e!d du4in& 8 t' ( At' <u!y 6221, ,o4 , cu!tie" o, SMIMS- T'i" )o45"'oB C " Hoint!y o4& niIed >y t'e DeB 4tment o, Medic ! Educ tion o, Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS) nd Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" (SMU) o, Si55im68) P 4ticiB ted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on in Co45"'oB on FB "ic" o, He !t' Re"e 4c'K 'e!d on 68 t' Au&u"t 6221 ,o4 "tudent" ( , cu!ty o, SMIMS- T'i" )o45"'oB C " o4& niIed >y Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in& ( Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), Si55im6A) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& t'e FRe&ion ! T "5 Fo4ce )o45"'oB on ReDi"ed N tion ! Tu>e4cu!o"i" Cont4o! P4o&4 mme (RNTCP)K 'e!d du4in& 30 "t Octo>e4 @ 0 "t NoDem>e4 6221- T'i" )o45"'oB C " Hoint!y o4& niIed >y t'e Re&ion ! T "5 Fo4ce ,o4 No4t'=E "t Indi nd Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" (SMU) o, Si55im67) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& t'e FNeon t ! AdD nced 9i,e SuBBo4t (NA9S) nd E""enti ! NeC>o4n C 4eK 'e!d du4in& 06 t' ( 03t' AB4i! 6228- T'i" )o45"'oB C " "Bon"o4ed >y DoNER nd Hoint!y o4& niIed >y t'e N tion ! Neon to!o&y Fo4um (NNF) nd Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" (SMU) o, Si55im-


Actively participated in the workshop on Research Methodology organised by the regional Medical research Centre, N.E. Region of ndian Co!ncil of Medical Research at "ibr!garh, Assa# d!ring $%th & $'th April $(().

30) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in o4& niIin& t'e FP edi t4ic AdD nced 9i,e SuBBo4t (PA9S)K 'e!d du4in& 07 t' ( 62t' M y 6228- T'i"

)o45"'oB C " Hoint!y o4& niIed >y T'e Indi n Ac demy o, P edi t4ic" (IAP) nd Si55im=M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" (SMU) o, Si55im36) Inte4n tion ! SymBo"ium on O>"e""iDe=comBu!"iDe Di"o4de4 (OCD)$ Cu44ent Unde4"t ndin& ( ,utu4e Di4ection" du4in& 02 t' =00 t' NoDem>e4 6228, o4& niIed >y DeB 4tment o, P"yc'i t4y o, N tion ! In"titute o, Ment ! He !t' ( Neu4o Science" (NIMHANS), B n& !o4e, K 4n t 5 , Indi 33) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e SymBo"ium=cum=T4 inin& P4o&4 mme ,o4 FDeDe!oBin& C B city Bui!din& o, :oun& Scienti"t ,o4 C 44yin& out B "ic, C!inic ! nd OBe4 tion ! Re"e 4c' in t'e Fie!d o, Nut4itionK, o4& ni"ed >y t'e Indi n Counci! o, Medic ! Re"e 4c', NeC De!'i t R-D- # 4di Medic ! Co!!e&e, UHH in, M d'y P4 de"' du4in& 7t' @ 00t' M 4c' 622A3.) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted t t'e Continued Medic ! Educ tion (CME) ,o4 FACe"ome Pu!mono!o&yK, "Bon"o4ed >y t'e Indi n Counci! o, Medic ! Re"e 4c', NeC De!'i ( Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" nd o4& niIed >y t'e DeBt- O, P edi t4ic" o, SMIMS ( STNM Ho"Bit ! Si55im on 6.t' M y 622A3+) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted t t'e Continued Medic ! Educ tion (CME) ,o4 FUBd te on Re"Bi4 to4y Di"e "e" in C'i!d4enK, "Bon"o4ed >y t'e Indi n Counci! o, Medic ! Re"e 4c', NeC De!'i ( Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t', Medic ! ( Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" nd o4& niIed >y t'e DeBt- o, P edi t4ic" o, SMIMS ( STNM Ho"Bit ! Si55im on 6+ t' M y 622A31) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e inte4n tion ! Co45"'oB on FMind,u!ne"" P4 ctice nd St4e"" ReductionK o4& niIed >y t'e In"titute o, Medic ! nd He !t' Science" Educ tion on 03 t' Decem>e4 622A t Medic ! ComB!e%, 9i K S'in& F cu!ty o, Medicine, t'e UniDe4"ity o, Hon& Kon&, Po5,u! m, Hon& Kon&38) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e inte4n tion ! Co45"'oB on FC4itic ! ED !u tion o, MEO$ H nd"=on )o45"'oBK o4& niIed >y t'e Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e o, M ! y"i on 01 t' < nu 4y 62023A) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on FE,,ectiDe Ped &o&y S5i!!"K o4& niIed >y UKM Ho!din&" t Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i du4in& + t'=8t' Fe>4u 4y 620237) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e FOSCE Oue"tion Con"t4uction )o45"'oBK o4& niIed >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i on 6+ t' <une 6202.2) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e FMedic ! Et'ic" Cu44icu!um ReDieC )o45"'oBK o4& niIed >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i on 6A t' <une 6202.0) ActiDe!y o4& niIed nd B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on FRe"e 4c' Met'odo!o&y, EBidemio!o&y nd Bio"t ti"tic"K 'o"ted >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i du4in& 7 t'=02 t' <u!y 6202.6) ActiDe!y o4& niIed nd B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on FSy"tem tic ReDieC nd Coc'4 ne Co!! >o4 tionK 'o"ted >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i on 00 t' <u!y 6202.3) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e FMedic ! Scienti,ic )4itin& )o45"'oBK o4& niIed >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i du4in& Au&u"t @ SeBtem>e4 6202..) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e FISO 7220$ 622A Audito4 T4 inin& )o45"'oBK o4& niIed >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i du4in& 6 nd, 3 4d, 7 t' ( 02t' Octo>e4 6202.+) ActiDe!y o4& niIed nd B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on FCoc'4 ne P4otoco! P4eB 4 tionK 'o"ted >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i du4in& 07 t'=60 "t NoDem>e4 6202.1) ActiDe!y o4& niIed nd B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on FRe"e 4c' Met'odo!o&yK 'o"ted >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) o, M ! y"i du4in& 6. t'=68t' < nu 4y 6200.8) ActiDe!y o4& niIed nd B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on FD t E%t4 ction ,o4 Coc'4 ne Sy"tem tic ReDieCK 'o"ted >y Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) ( Pen n& Medic ! Co!!e&e o, M ! y"i du4in& 66 nd =6.t' <une 6200.A) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on FDeDe!oBin& P4otoco! ,o4 Coc'4 ne Sy"tem tic ReDieCK 'o"ted >y t'e F cu!ty o, Medicine, UniDe4"ity o, M ! y , Ku ! 9 mBu4 o, M ! y"i du4in& . t'=At' <u!y 6200.7) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e F7t' P4im 4y C 4e SymBo"iumK o4& niIed >y t'e M ! y"i n Medic ! A""oci tion (MMA) du4in& 07 t' @ 62t' < nu 4y 6203 t E "tin Hote!, Ku ! 9 mBu4, M ! y"i +2) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on FDeDe!oBin& P4otoco! ,o4 Coc'4 ne Sy"tem tic ReDieCK 'o"ted >y t'e F cu!ty o, Medicine, UniDe4"ity o, M ! y , Ku ! 9 mBu4 o, M ! y"i du4in& 6 nd=1 t' SeBt 6203+0) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e Co45"'oB on F02 t' #ood C!inic ! P4 ctice (#CP) Semin 4K 'o"ted >y t'e F cu!ty o, Medicine, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! UniDe4"ity, Bu5it < !i!, Ku ! 9 mBu4 o, M ! y"i du4in& 00 t'@03t' Oct 6203-



1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Ac#$5e"( /ar#$c$/a#e) $! U@C (U!$5ers$#( @ra!#s C ''$ss$ !) s/ !s re) %#a#e "e5e" C !+ere!ce J G3 c&s ! C ''&!$#( <ea"#h $! #he <ea"#h Care %(s#e'sH 2 /"a(e) a! ac#$5e r "e $! B! nnin& nd di"B! yin& n e%'i>ition o, Bo"te4" nd 4e din& m te4i !" on FCommunity He !t'K #he'e a# c !+ere!ce 5e!&e7 rga!$;e) A( #he %ch " + % c$a" = r> (R sh!$ N$"a(a)7 Ma!ga" re7 )&r$!g Ma( 2000. Ac#$5e"( /ar#$c$/a#e) 2 5 "&!#eere) $! rga!$;$!g #he IIII #h Annu ! Con,e4ence o, t'e A""oci tion o, t'e Ru4 ! Su4&eon" o, Indi K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e (KMC), Ma!$/a"7 +r ' 3 r) # - #h NoDem>e4 6222Ac#$5e"( /ar#$c$/a#e) $! #he I #h Na#$ !a" C !+ere!ce + Beha5$ &ra" Me)$c$!e % c$e#( Ma!$/a" ! :c# Aer 2001. t

+ I!)$a7 K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e (KMC),

IV #h A!!&a" KAC< (Kar!a#a>a Ass c$a#$ ! + C ''&!$#( <ea"#h) C !+ere!ce + #he KIM% Ba!ga" re7 Kar!a#a>a7 I!)$a )&r$!g March 13-1,7 2001. T$#"e + sc$e!#$+$c /a/er /rese!#a#$ ! 1as FA P4o,i!e o, "c'iIoB'4eni nd 4e! ted P"yc'o"e" in B tient" t4e ted t KMC Ho"Bit !, Att D 4, M n& !o4e du4in& M 4c' 0777 @ Decem>e4 6222-K 31s# A!!&a" Na#$ !a" C !+ere!ce + IAP%M (I!)$a! Ass c$a#$ ! + Pre5e!#$5e a!) % c$a" Me)$c$!e) a# P@IMER Cha!)$garh7 I!)$a )&r$!g 3eAr&ar( 24-297 200,. Prese!#e) a sc$e!#$+$c /a/er e!#$#"e)7 FP4eD !ence o, deB4e""iDe di"o4de4" in &e4i t4ic BoBu! tion o, UduBi t !u5, K 4n t 5 K .

IVI#h A!!&a" KAC< (Kar!a#a>a Ass c$a#$ ! + C ''&!$#( <ea"#h) C !+ere!ce + #he KIM% Ba!ga" re7 Kar!a#a>a7 I!)$a )&r$!g March 13-1,7 200,. T$#"es + #hree sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers ra""( /rese!#e) 1ere J FA Study on "ocio=demo&4 B'ic co44e! te" o, &e4i t4ic deB4e""iDe di"o4de4" in UduBi T !u5, K 4n t 5 K 7 FA c4o""="ection ! "tudy on Ou !ity + L$+e $! ger$a#r$c / /&"a#$ !H nd GA s#&)( ! /re5a"e!ce + @ $#re a' !g sch " ch$")re! + Da>sh$!a Ka!!a)a D$s#r$c#7 Kar!a#a>a.H 4) 32!) A!!&a" Na#$ !a" C !+ere!ce + IAP%M (I!)$a! Ass c$a#$ ! + Pre5e!#$5e a!) % c$a" Me)$c$!e) 2 4 #h MCIAP%M (Maharash#ra Cha/#er + IAP%M) a# R&ra" Me)$ca" C ""ege7 Pra5ara I!s#$#&#e + Me)$ca" %c$e!ces J Dee'e) U!$5ers$#(7 L !$7 Ah'e)!agar7 I!)$a )&r$!g 3eAr&ar( 14-197 200-. T$#"es + #1 sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers ra""( /rese!#e) 1ere J FSc4eenin& ,o4 P"yc'i t4ic Di"o4de4" in Adu!t PoBu! tionK a!) FAC 4ene"" mon& Bo"t&4 du te "tudent" on 4ecent dD nce" in HI; / AIDS m n &ement-K



IM%AC:N J 200-7 A!!&a" I!#er!a#$ !a" C !+ere!ce + IM%A (I!#er!a#$ !a" Me)$ca" %c$e!ces Aca)e'() a# Ba$/&r7 I!)$a )&r$!g :c# Aer 22-2,7 200-. T$#"es + #1 sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers /rese!#e) 1ere J FDeB4e""ion in e!de4!y$ A c4o""="ection ! "tudy in 4u4 ! K 4n t 5 K a!) FA %#&)( ! $'/ac# assess'e!# + <ea"#h E)&ca#$ ! I!#er5e!#$ ! ! R a) %a+e#( a!) Acc$)e!# Pre5e!#$ ! a' !g Pr$'ar( %ch " Ch$")re! + Ta) !g7 @ 5er!'e!# %ch " Eas# %$>>$' K.

B $!# Na#$ !a" C !+ere!ce + IP<A (I!)$a! P&A"$c <ea"#h Ass c$a#$ !) 2 IAP%M (I!)$a! Ass c$a#$ ! + Pre5e!#$5e a!) % c$a" Me)$c$!e) a# %. V. Me)$ca" C ""ege7 T$r&/a#$7 A!)hra Pra)esh7 I!)$a )&r$!g Ba!&ar( 21-2,7 2000. T$#"es + !$!e sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers /rese!#e) 1ere J FA KAP "tudy on A!co'o! U"e mon& Ado!e"cent "tudent" o, E "t Si55imK 7 FSc4eenin& ,o4 deB4e""ion in E!de4!y PoBu! tion o, <oC i ToCn, Me&' ! y K 7 FP4eD !ence o, Su>"t nce A>u"e in E "t Si55imK 7 FHe !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention on Di >ete" in Adu!t"K 7 FSc4eenin& ,o4 Met'ici!!in Re"i"t nt St B'y!ococci in E "t Si55imK 7 FSocio=Demo&4 B'ic Co44e! te" nd C'4onic Di"e "e" ""oci ted Cit' DeB4e""ion in E!de4!yK 7 FSc4eenin& ,o4 Co&nitiDe ImB i4ment in E!de4!y PoBu! tion o, M niBu4K 7 FA KAP "tudy on Pu!"e Po!io ImmuniI tion P4o&4 mme in Si55imK a!) FDeB4e""ion ( Soci ! P4o>!em" in PeoB!e Cit' HI; / AIDS-K 10) Pae)$a#r$cs C !+ere!ce J 2000 M< # T /$cs $! Pae)$a#r$csN7 %$"$g&r$7 =es# Be!ga"7 I!)$a )&r$!g Ma( 24-287 2000. T$#"e + sc$e!#$+$c /a/er /rese!#a#$ ! 1as G%$!g"e Ve!#r$c"e 1$#h De.#r -car)$a $! a! A) "esce!# 3e'a"e.H


III #h A!!&a" C !+ere!ce + #he Na#$ !a" E!5$r !'e!#a" %c$e!ce Aca)e'( (NE%A) a# Ce!#re + r E!5$r !'e!# a!) V ca#$ !a" %#&)$es7 P&!CaA U!$5ers$#(7 Cha!)$garh7 I!)$a )&r$!g %e/#e'Aer 10-187 2000. T$#"es + + &r sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers ra""( /rese!#e) 1ere J FE4 dic tion o, H n" e!Ds D$sease6 M$rage r Rea"$#(H , GA Case s#&)( + A'A$g& &s7 E.#er!a" @e!$#a"$aH , GA Case Re/ r# + a! U!&s&a" 3 re$g! B )(H nd GA! U!&s&a" Prese!#a#$ ! + <A E? O 0 Tha"assae'$a.H 06) 74th 6n$ian -cience #ongress at Ann m ! i UniDe4"ity, T mi! N du in Indi d uring ) r$ 8th < nu 4y 6228- Tit!e" o, tCo "cienti,ic B Be4" B4e"ented Ce4e @ G<a!se!Ds D$sease $! R&ra" B$har6 a <$))e! Rea"$#(H nd GDe/ress$ ! $! e")er"(6 %#&)( ! a M )er! %$"e!# E/$)e'$cH. 03) 91st &ll 6n$ia &nnual #onference of 6n$ian ,u0lic 5ealth &ssociation hel$ from 17 th 1 21st +anuary, 2**8 at /ol"ata: T$#"es + #1 sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers /rese!#e) 1ere GKAP ! D$aAe#es $! a)&"#s6 <ea"#h E)&ca#$ ! I!#er5e!#$ !H nd GAs#h'a6 The %$"e!# K$""er.H 0.) 3. t' N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe nd Soci ! Medicine (IAPSM) t AIIMS, NeC De!'i du4in& 66 nd @ 6. t' Fe>4u 4y, 6228- Tit!e" o, t'4ee "cienti,ic B Be4" o4 !!y B4e"ented Ce4e @ GR a) Tra++$c a!) Acc$)e!# Pre5e!#$ !6 <ea"#h E)&ca#$ ! I!#er5e!#$ ! + r Pr$'ar( %ch " Ch$")re! + Eas# %$>>$'H , GA P$" # s#&)( ! ) 'a$!s + K&a"$#( + "$+e $! ger$a#r$c / /&"a#$ ! &s$!g #he =<:*:LBRE3H nd GA1are!ess ! A) "esce!# <ea"#h a' !g A) "esce!# @$r" %#&)e!#s + N r#h K ">a#aH 0+) 1s# I!#er!a#$ !a" C !+ere!ce + #he B &r!a" + P&A"$c <ea"#h7 L$sA !7 P r#&ga" )&r$!g Ma( 9-117 2004. T$#"es + #1 sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers + r ra" /rese!#a#$ ! 1ere J GA M )er! %$"e!# E/$)e'$c6 %#&)( ! )e/ress$ ! $! E")er"(H nd G<ea"#h E)&ca#$ ! I!#er5e!#$ ! ! D$aAe#es $! A)&"#s.H 01) 334d Annu ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n P"yc'i t4ic Society @ CENIPS=6228, du4in& 67 t'="eBt=0"t Octo>e4 6228 t D 4Hee!in&, )e"t Ben& !ComBeted ,o4 F6228 9ee! > ti B'o! n t' AC 4d ,o4 Re"e 4c' in Community P"yc'i t4yK- Tit!e o, 4e"e 4c' 4tic!e ,o4 o4 ! B4e"ent tion C " FDe/ress$5e D$s r)ers $! I!)$a! E")er"( P /&"a#$ ! K14) IM%AC:N J 20047 A!!&a" I!#er!a#$ !a" C !+ere!ce + IM%A (I!#er!a#$ !a" Me)$ca" %c$e!ces Aca)e'() a# Kas#&rAa Me)$ca" C ""ege7 Ma!$/a" $! Kar!a#a>a7 I!)$a )&r$!g 2 !)-,#h N 5e'Aer 2004. T$#"es + e$gh# sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers ra""( /rese!#e) 1ere @ GA#(/$ca" Prese!#a#$ ! + a Case + <A E?P 0#ha"assae'$aH7 GA Case + Ma(er-R >$#a!s>(-K&s#er-<a&ser %(!)r 'eH7 GDe.#r car)$a =$#h %$!g"e Ve!#r$c"eH7 GI'/ac# + hea"#h e)&ca#$ ! $!#er5e!#$ ! ! )$aAe#es $! a)&"#sH7 GNasa" carr$age + Me#h$c$""$! Res$s#a!# %#a/h(" c cc$ $! hea"#h( / /&"a#$ ! + Eas# %$>>$'H7 GDe/ress$ ! I! E")er"(6 Me#a-A!a"(s$s ! a M )er! %$"e!# E/$)e'$cH7 GKAP ! <ea"#h a' !g A) "esce!# @$r"s + K ">a#aH nd GE5a"&a#$ ! + I!)$a! 5ers$ ! + 1h -+$5e 1e""-Ae$!g $!)e. (1h --) + r scree!$!g )e/ress$ ! $! e")er"( / /&"a#$ !H. 0A) ANCIPS=622A >y t'e FIndi n P"yc'i t4ic SocietyK du4in& 6 nd =1t' < nu 4y 622A t Science City, Ko!5 t , )e"t Ben& !- Tit!e o, 4e"e 4c' B Be4 ,o4 o4 ! B4e"ent tion C " GDe/ress$ ! $! E")er"( I!)$a! P /&"a#$ !H -


07) 7t' IEA/SEA Re&ion ! Scienti,ic Meetin& t D' 5 , B n&! de"' du4in& 7 t' =06t' Fe>4u 4y 622A- Tit!e o, 4e"e 4c' 4tic!e "e!ected ,o4 B4e"ent tion C " G%cree!$!g + r De/ress$ ! $! E")er"( P /&"a#$ !6 E5a"&a#$ ! + #he I!)$a! Vers$ ! + =<:-- =e""-Be$!g I!)e.H 62) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e inte4n tion ! con,e4ence on FF4ontie4" in Medic ! nd He !t' Science" Educ tion@622AK 'e!d du4in& 00 t'=06t' Decem>e4 622A t t'e In"titute o, Medic ! nd He !t' Science" Educ tion, 9i K S'in& F cu!ty o, Medicine, t'e UniDe4"ity o, Hon& Kon&, Po5,u! m, Hon& Kon&60) Fou4t' Inte4n tion ! SymBo"ium on He !t'y A&in& 'e!d du4in& 8 t' =At' M 4c' 6227 t S'e4 ton Hon& Kon& Hote! nd ToCe4" in Hon& Kon& M in I"! nd- T'i" "ymBo"ium C " o4& niIed >y t'e Re"e 4c' Cent4e o, He 4t, B4 in, Ho4mone nd He !t'y A&in&, 9i K S'in& F cu!ty o, Medicine, t'e UniDe4"ity o, Hon& Kon&, Po5,u! m, Hon& Kon&- T'e tit!e o, t'e 4e"e 4c' B Be4 ,o4 Bo"te4 B4e"ent tion C " GPre5a"e!ce + De/ress$5e D$s r)ers $! E")er"(6 A Me#a-a!a"(s$sH 66) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e inte4n tion ! con,e4ence on Mu!ti=di"ciB!in 4y ABB4o c' to t'e P4eDention o, Dome"tic ;io!ence$ Soci !, 9e& ! nd He !t' Pe4"BectiDe" C'ic' C " o4& niIed >y t'e DeB 4tment o, Soci ! )o45 nd Soci ! Admini"t4 tion nd 'e!d on 68 t' M y 6227 t R y"on Hu n& T'e t4e, t'e UniDe4"ity o, Hon& Kon&, Po5,u! m, Hon& Kon&63) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in MT'e Me! cc E 4, No"e nd T'4o t SymBo"ium ,o4 P4im 4y C 4e P'y"ici nG o4& niIed >y M ! y"i n Society o, Oto4'ino! 4yn&o!o&i"t" He d ( Nec5 Su4&eon" (MSO=HNS) nd 'e!d on 6. t' < nu 4y 6202 t Ren i"" nce Me! 5 Hote!, M ! y"i 6.) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in M03 t' NIH Scienti,ic Meetin&G nd M. t' N tion ! Con,e4ence ,o4 C!inic ! Re"e 4c' 6202G o4& niIed >y A""oci te" o, C!inic ! Re"e 4c' P4o,e""ion ! M ! y"i nd 'e!d du4in& 6 nd =.t' <une 6202 t t'e Roy ! C'u! n in Ku ! 9 mBu4, M ! y"i 6+) E%ce!!ence in P edi t4ic" o4& niIed >y )i!ey=B! c5Ce!! nd 'e!d du4in& 6 nd @ .t' Decem>e4 6202 t 9ondon- T'e tit!e o, "cienti,ic B Be4 "e!ected ,o4 Bo"te4 B4e"ent tion C " GE++ec#$5e!ess + Pr A$ #$cs $! <ea"#h 2 D$seases + Ch$")re!H. 61) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in MM n &in& Medico=9e& ! ( Medic ! Et'ic" EDent" ( Di"Bute"$ T'e Cu44ent C' !!en&e"G o4& niIed >y Medico=9e& ! Society o, M ! y"i nd MMySemin 4"G 'e!d du4in& 32 t'=30"t Decem>e4 6202 t t'e Put4 )o!d T4 de Cent4e in Ku ! 9 mBu4, M ! y"i 68) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e QI!#er!a#$ !a" %e'$!ar ! Va"&es + %c$e!ce a!) %/$r$#&a"$#( $! 21 s# Ce!#&r(D o4& niIed >y t'e Ud y n UniDe4"ity nd t'e Indone"i n B' 5tiDed nt In"titute Found tion on 3 4d SeBtem>e4 6200 t Ud y n UniDe4"ity, DenB " 4, B !i6A) ActiDe!y B 4ticiB ted in t'e Q3 &r#h I!#er!a#$ !a" C !gress + E!5$r !'e!#a" ResearchD o4& niIed >y t'e <ou4n ! o, EnDi4onment ! Re"e 4c' nd DeDe!oBment nd #uH 4 t Po!!ution Cont4o! Bo 4d du4in& 0+ t' @ 08 t' Decem>e4 6200 t S 4d 4 ; !! >'>' i N tion ! In"titute o, Tec'no!o&y (S;NIT), Su4 t, Indi 67) Ac#e) as a res &rce /ers ! 2 5 "&!#eere) $! rga!$;$!g a se'$!ar ! GM&"#$/"e L g$s#$c Regress$ !H A( #he De/ar#'e!# + C ''&!$#( Me)$c$!e 'e!d t t'e Inte4n tion ! Medic ! UniDe4"ity (IMU), Bu5it < !i! C mBu" in Ku ! 9 mBu4 M ! y"i on 32 t' NoDem>e4 620632) 00t' A"i P ci,ic Medic ! Educ tion Con,e4ence (APMEC) 620. "c'edu!ed to >e 'e!d t t'e N tion ! UniDe4"ity o, Sin& Bo4e (NUS), Sin& Bo4e du4in& 0+ t' @ 07t' < nu 4y 620.- Tit!e o, "cienti,ic 4e"e 4c' B Be4 cceBted in >e"t >"t4 ct ,o4 Bo"te4 B4e"ent tion c te&o4y i" RE./" r$!g #he 3"$//e) C"assr ' A( Us$!g P "" E5er(1hereR.


1) The Th$r) I!#er!a#$ !a" %('/ s$&' ! I&a! La!gS rga!$;e) A( The Ch$!ese Pe /"eDs Ass c$a#$ ! 3 r 3r$e!)sh$/ 1$#h 3 re$g! C &!#r$es7 Ce!#re + I&a! La!g %#&)$es Dac$ Te'/"e a# Che!g D&7 %$ch&a! Pr 5$!ce + Ch$!a )&r$!g %e/#e'Aer19-2,7 2000. Prese!#e) #1 sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers e!#$#"e)7 F;en- Ju n N n& nd 'i" o>"e4D tion" on Sic5ne"", De t' nd Fune4 ! Cu"tom" o, Indi )&r$!g %e5e!#h Ce!#&r( A.D.H nd GE&#ha!as$a Prac#$ce $! I!)$a as :Aser5e) A( Ve!. I&a! La!g.H JJJI"t Inte4n tion ! Budd'i"t Con,e4ence 6221 t Indo" n NiBBonHi (< B ne"e TemB!e) in Bod' # y o, Bi' 4, Indi du4in& At' @ 7 t' Decem>e4, 6221- P4e"ented tCo "cienti,ic B Be4" entit!ed, GB&))h$s# Legac( $! C !#e'/ rar( Ch$!aH nd GE&#ha!as$a Prac#$ce $! I!)$a! C&"#&re6 A B&))h$s# Pers/ec#$5eH Inte4n tion ! "emin 4 on Ati"' DiB n5 4 S4iHn n o4& niIed >y t'e FB n&! de"' Boudd' K4i"ti P4 c' 4 S n&' K t D' 5 , B n&! de"' du4in& 66 nd =634d Fe>4u 4y 6228 nd B4e"ented 4e"e 4c' B Be4 entit!ed, GA#$sh D$/a!>ar %r$C!a!a A!) <$s *&es# 3 r B )h$ch$##a6 A La'/ 3 r The Pa#h T E!"$gh#e!'e!#H. Inte4n tion ! Semin 4 on FBudd'i"m nd #ood #oDe4n nceK t UniDe4"ity o, D' 5 , B n&! de"', du4in& 6nd @ 34d M 4c' 6228- P4e"ented tCo "cienti,ic B Be4" entit!ed, GE&#ha!as$a Prac#$ce6 3r ' #he Pers/ec#$5e + B&))h$s# @ 5er!a!ceH nd G@ 5er!a!ce a!) B&))h$s# <er$#age + Ch$!aH FN tion ! Semin 4 on Soci ! Re!eD nce o, Budd'i"t Et'ic"K t Inte4n tion ! Cent4e ,o4 Budd'i"t Studie" nd Re"e 4c' in Si!i&u4i, )e"t Ben& ! du4in& 06 t' =03t' M y 6228- P4e"ented "cienti,ic B Be4 entit!ed, G%#e' Ce"" Research6 I! Pers/ec#$5e + B&))h$s# B$ e#h$csH. JJJIInd Inte4n tion ! Budd'i"t Con,e4ence 6228 t Indo" n NiBBonHi (< B ne"e TemB!e) in Bod' # y o, Bi' 4, Indi du4in& At' @ 7 t' Decem>e4, 6228- P4e"ented "cienti,ic B Be4 entit!ed, GB&))h$s# B$ e#h$cs 2 The " g$ca" As/ec#s + %#e' Ce"" ResearchH JJJIII4d Inte4n tion ! Budd'i"t Con,e4ence 622A t Indo" n NiBBonHi (< B ne"e TemB!e) in Bod' # y o, Bi' 4, Indi du4in& At' @ 7t' Decem>e4, 622A- T'e "cienti,ic 4e"e 4c' B Be4 cceBted ,o4 B4e"ent tion C " entit!ed, GP /&"a#$ ! Ag$!g a!) Me!#a" <ea"#h + #he E")er"(6 A %#&)( +r ' #he Pers/ec#$5e + A//"$e) B&))h$s'HInte4n tion ! Semin 4 on Budd'i"m nd #!o> !iI tion o4& niIed >y t'e DeB 4tment o, Budd'i"t Studie" t t'e UniDe4"ity o, De!'i, Indi du4in& 08t' @ 07t' Fe>4u 4y, 6202- T'e "cienti,ic 4e"e 4c' B Be4 cceBted ,o4 B4e"ent tion C " entit!ed, GA//"$e) B&))h$s' $! Pre5e!#$ ! + @" Aa" Ec ! '$c Cr$s$sH-

6) 3) .) -) 1) 8) A)


(0) De!iDe4ed motiD tion ! "Beec' on FCommunity DeDe!oBment P4oHect" ,o4 Ben& !i Budd'i"t"K t FP tiy Cent4 ! Budd'i"t Mon "te4y nd )e!, 4e A""oci tionK o, P tiy MuniciB !ity in C'itt &on&, B n&! de"' on 0 "t M 4c' 6228(6) Acted " n dDi"o4 nd e%Be4t coo4din to4 in 44 n&in& nd de!iDe4in& "e4ie" o, He !t' Educ tion "Beec'e" ,o4 t4 inin& B4im 4y nd "econd 4y "c'oo! te c'e4" 4e& 4din& FPe4"on ! He !t' ( Hy&ieneK, FC'i!d He !t' C 4eK, FHoC to CoBe Cit' )o44ie"K nd FAC 4ene"" on HI; / AIDSK 'e!d t Si55im K !y n A"'4 m du4in& 68 t' =32t' M y 6228(3) De!iDe4ed #ue"t 9ectu4e on FUnity in DiDe4"ity$ T'e Cu!tu4 ! 'e4it &e o, Indi K nd F#uide!ine" ,o4 Pe4"on !ity DeDe!oBmentK t FOu4 ! dy o, F tim Sc'oo! o, ;i!! De4de K o, NueD ;iIc y , P'i!iBBine" on 01 t' <u!y 6228(.) De!iDe4ed He !t' T !5 on F9i,e="5i!! Educ tion in HI; / AIDS P4eDentionK t t'e Co45"'oB on FScience SBect4um ,o4 Sc'oo! C'i!d4enK, o4& niIed >y < & di"' Bo"e N tion ! Science T !ent Se 4c' in FSi55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Tec'no!o&yK o, M Hit 4, Si55im on 6A t' <u!y 6228(+) Acted " 4e"ou4ce Be4"on ,o4 o4ient tion t4 inin& on ICD=02 ,o4 P 4 medic ! Be4"onne! o, #oDe4nment o, Si55im 'e!d t STNM #oDe4nment Ho"Bit ! unde4 t'e e&i" o, He !t' DeB 4tment o, t'e #oDe4nment o, Si55im on 00 t'=06t' Octo>e4 6228 nd de!iDe4ed "e4ie" o, &ue"t !ectu4e" on FInt4oduction to ICD=02K, Di"e "e" o, Ci4cu! to4y nd Re"Bi4 to4y Sy"tem" in Modu!e" 01(08 nd FDeDe!oBment o, nd ICD=02 ( Codin& So,tC 4e C'4onic!eK-


(1) De!iDe4ed "i% 'ou4" o, inte4 ctiDe nd inte4e"tin& &ue"t !ectu4e on FEBidemio!o&ic ! Re"e 4c' Met'od"K nd FABB!ic tion o, Bio=St ti"tic" in He !t' C 4e Re"e 4c'K to t'e Unde4&4 du te ( Po"t=&4 du te "tudent" o, Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in& (CON), M niB ! t K 4n t 5 du4in& + t' ( 8t' NoDem>e4 6228(8) ABBointed " Mode4 to4 ,o4 B ne! di"cu""ion on Sc'oo! He !t' Se4Dice" in Indi $ Cu44ent Scen 4io t PEDICON 6227, S'i!!on&, Indi (A) De!iDe4ed &ue"t !ectu4e on FBio"t ti"tic" ,o4 C!inic ! EBidemio!o&yK t t'e F#ood C!inic ! P4 ctice (#CP)K Co45"'oB 'e!d t t'e Inte4n tion ! Medic ! UniDe4"ity (IMU), Bu5it < !i! C mBu" in Ku ! 9 mBu4 M ! y"i on 67 t' SeBtem>e4 6206(7) De!iDe4ed &ue"t !ectu4e on FInt4oduction to t'e Coc'4 ne Sy"tem tic ReDieC"K du4in& t'e FC!inic ! EBidemio!o&yK e!ectiDe cou4"e ,o4 t'e M "te4 o, Science in Pu>!ic He !t' (MScPH) t4 inin& B4o&4 mme 'e!d t t'e Inte4n tion ! Medic ! UniDe4"ity (IMU), Bu5it < !i! C mBu" in Ku ! 9 mBu4 M ! y"i on 3 4d Decem>e4 6206(02) De!iDe4ed &ue"t !ectu4e on FU"e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" nd Met = n !y"i"K Cit' "Beci ! emB' "i" on FInt4oduction to t'e Coc'4 ne Sy"tem tic ReDieC"K t t'e t4 inin& B4o&4 mme entit!ed, FS'o4t cou4"e on Re"e 4c' M n &ement ,o4 M "te4G" Student" (K I 5'"t n)K 'e!d t t'e Inte4n tion ! Medic ! UniDe4"ity (IMU), Bu5it < !i! C mBu" in Ku ! 9 mBu4 M ! y"i on 07 t' AB4i! 6203(00) ABBointed " c' i4Be4"on ,o4 No4m ! Po"te4 P4e"ent tion t t'e 00 t' A"i P ci,ic Medic ! Educ tion Con,e4ence (APMEC) 620. "c'edu!ed to >e 'e!d t t'e N tion ! UniDe4"ity o, Sin& Bo4e (NUS), Sin& Bo4e du4in& 0+ t' @ 07t' < nu 4y 620.-


Sl No 1 +rticle Reference Bar&a A. A P4e!imin 4y 4eBo4t on inB tient Di !o&ue 6222P 0 (0)$ +dmi""ion"- EBidemio!o&y Hig!est 0nde$ing In='ou"e Pu>!ic tion o, KMC M n& !o4e In='ou"e Pu>!ic tion o, KMC M n& !o4e C' Bte4 Cont4i>ution Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Pu>Med 0mpact 5actor NA Nos of &itations =

Bar&a A., S' n5 4 H-, < in A-, Ki4 n N-U-, B' t ;-K-, < y 4 m S- A Study o, Sc'iIoB'4eni nd 4e! ted P"yc'o"e"- EBidemio!o&y Di !o&ue 6220P 0 (.)$ 81= A6A!>&r Bar&a. T >u! tion o, D t u"in& SPSS B c5 &e$ T4 inin& Se4ie" in EBidemio!o&y ( Bio"t ti"tic"- K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M niB ! M 4c' 6223P M niB !, K 4n t 5 $ 0+A!>&r Bar&a7 D " Ac' 4y , K N & 4 H, H ;inod B' t, RSP R o, NS N i4P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4" in &e4i t4ic BoBu! tion o, UduBi T !u5, K 4n t 5 - SouDeni4 o, 30 "t Annu ! N tion ! con,e4ence o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM) 622.P C' ndi& 4'Bar&a A., R- M n&e"', Kum 4 H 4"' H-N-, M t'eC S- A""e""ment o, t'e Dom in" o, Ou !ity o, 9i,e in #e4i t4ic PoBu! tion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'i t4y 622+P .8(3)$0+8=7<-S- S' "'i, B. A!>&r7 K- A"' , M- Co!in- A "tudy o, ,unction ! imB i4ment" mon& indiDidu !" in t'e &e4i t4ic &e &4ouB Di"itin& K "tu4> 'o"Bit !, M niB ! nd t'ei4 "ocio=demo&4 B'ic co44e! te"- SouDeni4 o, 36 nd Annu ! N tion ! con,e4ence o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM) nd 06 t' Annu ! Con,e4ence o, M ' 4 "'t4 C' Bte4 o, IAPSM (MCIAPSM), 622+P 9oni, M ' 4 "'t4 $ 60.=+A. Bar&a7 #-P- < co>, S-S- M 'mood, S- UduB , M- N idu, P-S- RooB , S-<Put'iy d m- A "tudy on "c4eenin& ,o4 B"yc'i t4ic di"o4de4" in du!t BoBu! tion- SouDeni4 o, 36 nd Annu ! N tion ! con,e4ence o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM) nd 06 t' Annu ! Con,e4ence o, M ' 4 "'t4 C' Bte4 o, IAPSM (MCIAPSM), 622+P 9oni, M ' 4 "'t4 $ 000A- < in, A. Bar&a. AC 4ene"" o, Bo"t=e%Bo"u4e B4oB'y! %i" &uide!ine" & in"t ccident ! e%Bo"u4e to HI; mon& Bo"t=&4 du te" o, M niB !SouDeni4 o, 36 nd Annu ! N tion ! con,e4ence o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM) nd 06 t' Annu ! Con,e4ence o, M ' 4 "'t4 C' Bte4 o, IAPSM (MCIAPSM), 622+P 9oni, M ' 4 "'t4 $ 008=AA!>&r Bar&a7 D " Ac' 4y , K- N & 4 H, H- ;inod B' t, N-S- N i4- DeB4e""ion in e!de4!y$ A c4o""="ection ! "tudy in 4u4 ! K 4n t 5 - SouDeni4 o, Annu ! Inte4n tion ! con,e4ence o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (IMSACON 622+) 622+P < iBu4, R H "t' nBar&a A., S' n5 4 H-, < in A-, Ki4 n N-U-, B' t ;-K-, < y 4 m S- Ho"Bit ! B "ed Study on P"yc'o"e" in M n& !o4e- Indi n <ou4n ! o, Community Medicine, < nu 4y 6221P 30(0)A!>&r Bar&a. B "ic" o, ComBute4 ABB!ic tion" in He !t' Re"e 4c'- Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&, Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), 6221, # n&to5, Si55imM Humd 4 D-, Bar&a A., P u! B- Sc4eenin& ,o4 Met'ici!!in Re"i"t nt St B'y!ococci in E "t Si55im- SouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ .+A. Bar&a. A KAP Study on Pu!"e Po!io ImmuniI tion P4o&4 mme in E "t Si55im- SouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ 7A. Bar&a. Sc4eenin& ,o4 Co&nitiDe ImB i4ment in E!de4!y PoBu! tion o, M niBu4- SouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine





Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"


Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"


Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"


Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" EBSCO'o"t Tit!e Pu>!ic tion Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"







13 1,


= =


(IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ 37A. Bar&a. A KAP Study on A!co'o! U"e mon& Ado!e"cent "tudent" o, E "t Si55im- SouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ .2A. Bar&a. Sc4eenin& ,o4 DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y PoBu! tion o, <oC i ToCn, Me&' ! y - SouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ .2A. Bar&a. Socio=demo&4 B'ic Co44e! te" ( C'4onic Di"e "e" A""oci ted Cit' DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y- SouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ .0Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"








Sl No

+rticle Reference A. Bar&a. P4eD !ence o, Su>"t nce A>u"e in E "t Si55im$ P4e!imin 4y 4e"u!t" ,4om BoBu! tion "u4Dey in Ru4 ! Community- SouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ +.A. Bar&a. He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention on Di >ete" in Adu!t"- SouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ ++S' 4m :-, Bar&a A. DeB4e""ion ( Soci ! B4o>!em" in PeoB!e Cit' HI; / AIDSSouDeni4 o, <oint N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (IPHA) ( Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe ( Soci ! medicine (IAPSM), 6221P Ti4uB ti, And'4 P4 de"'$ 018R- P !, A. Bar&a. E4 dic tion o, H n"enG" Di"e "e$ Mi4 &e o4 Re !itySouDeni4 o, N tion ! Semin 4 on So!id ) "te M n &ement$ So!ution" nd Conce4n" ( JIJ Annu ! Con,e4ence o, N tion ! EnDi4onment Science Ac demy (NESA), %e/#e'Aer 6221P C' ndi& 4', PunH >, Indi $ +7R- P !, A. Bar&a. A C "e Study o, Am>i&uou", E%te4n ! #enit !i - SouDeni4 o, N tion ! Semin 4 on So!id ) "te M n &ement$ So!ution" nd Conce4n" ( JIJ Annu ! Con,e4ence o, N tion ! EnDi4onment Science Ac demy (NESA), %e/#e'Aer 6221P C' ndi& 4', PunH >, Indi $ 12R- P !, A. Bar&a. C "e ReBo4t o, n Unu"u ! Fo4ei&n Body- SouDeni4 o, N tion ! Semin 4 on So!id ) "te M n &ement$ So!ution" nd Conce4n" ( JIJ Annu ! Con,e4ence o, N tion ! EnDi4onment Science Ac demy (NESA), %e/# 6221P C' ndi& 4', PunH >, Indi $ 10R- P !, A. Bar&a. An Unu"u ! P4e"ent tion o, H> E/Q 2 T' ! "" emi - SouDeni4 o, N tion ! Semin 4 on So!id ) "te M n &ement$ So!ution" nd Conce4n" ( JIJ Annu ! Con,e4ence o, N tion ! EnDi4onment Science Ac demy (NESA), %e/#e'Aer 6221P C' ndi& 4', PunH >, Indi $ 10P ! R-, Bar&a A., B' 4 ti D-R-, #'o"' M-K- H> E/Q 2 T' ! "" emi Cit' no4m ! B'enotyBe$ A c "e "tudy- <ou4n ! o, He !t' ( Medic ! Science", Decem>e4 6221P 0(0)$ 82=3Bar&a A., P ! R-, Sin' N- H n"enG" Di"e "e in Ru4 ! Bi' 4$ Hidden Re !itySouDeni4 o, t'e 7. t' Indi n Science Con&4e"", < nu 4y 6228P Ann m ! i, T mi! N du, Indi A!>&r Bar&a7 D " Ac' 4y , K- N & 4 H, H- ;inod B' t, N-S- N i4- DeB4e""ion in e!de4!y$ Study on Mode4n Si!ent EBidemic- SouDeni4 o, t'e 7. t' Indi n Science Con&4e"", < nu 4y 6228P Ann m ! i, T mi! N du, Indi B &c'i S-, P ! R-, Bar&a A., Bi"C " R- FA"t'm $ T'e Si!ent Ki!!e4K- SouDeni4 o, +0"t A!! Indi Annu ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion, < nu 4y 6228P Ko!5 t , )e"t Ben& !, Indi Bar&a A., P ! R-, B' 4 ti D-R-, d " #uBt S- FKAP on Di >ete" in du!t"$ He !t' Educ tion Inte4DentionK- SouDeni4 o, +0 "t A!! Indi Annu ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion, < nu 4y 6228P Ko!5 t , )e"t Ben& !, Indi A. Bar&a7 #-P- < co>, S-S- M 'mood, S- UduB , M- N idu, P-S- RooB , S-<Put'iy d m- A "tudy on "c4eenin& ,o4 B"yc'i t4ic di"o4de4" in du!t BoBu! tion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, Community Medicine, < nu 4y 6228P 36(0)$1+= 1A!>&r B., S'uD D-#-, B ni M-, Hi"'ey 9-B-, Son m N-S- Ro d T4 ,,ic nd Accident P4eDention$ He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention ,o4 P4im 4y Sc'oo! C'i!d4en o, E "t Si55im- SouDeni4 o, 3. t' N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe nd Soci ! Medicine (IAPSM) t AIIMS, Fe>4u 4y 6228P NeC De!'i, Indi R- P !, A. Bar&a7 D-R-B' 4 ti, P- D "- AC 4ene"" on Ado!e"cent He !t' mon& Ado!e"cent #i4! Student" o, No4t' Ko!5 t - SouDeni4 o, 3. t' N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe nd Soci ! Medicine (IAPSM) t AIIMS, Fe>- 6228P NeC De!'i, Indi A!>&r Bar&a7 M n&e"' R, H 4"' Kum 4 HN, S H n M t'eC- A Pi!ot "tudy on dom in" o, Lu !ity o, !i,e in &e4i t4ic BoBu! tion u"in& t'e )HOOO9=BREFSouDeni4 o, 3. t' N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe nd Soci ! Medicine (IAPSM) t AIIMS, Fe>4u 4y 6228P NeC De!'i, Indi P "" n& C-S-, Mi! n T-, S'uD D-#-, B ni M-, A!>&r B. A!oc'o! U"e mon& Ado!e"cent Student" o, E "t Si55im- <ou4n ! o, He !t' ( Medic ! Science", AB4i! 6228P 0(6)$ 68=AHi"'ey 9-B-, Son m N-S-, S'uD D-#-, B ni M-, A!>&r B. He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention on Ro d T4 ,,ic nd Accident P4eDention ,o4 P4im 4y Sc'oo! C'i!d4en o, E "t Si55im- <ou4n ! o, He !t' ( Medic ! Science", AB4i! 6228P 0(6)$ 36=1Bar&a A., R- M n&e"', Kum 4 H 4"' H-N-, M t'eC S- A c4o""="ection ! "tudy on Ou !ity o, 9i,e in #e4i t4ic PoBu! tion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, Community Medicine, AB4i!=<une 6228P 36(6)$0.1=8-

Hig!est 0nde$ing Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"

0mpact 5actor

Nos of &itations




Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" In='ou"e Pu>!ic tion o, SMIMS Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"














20 24


= =








Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"



Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" In='ou"e Pu>!ic tion o, SMIMS In='ou"e Pu>!ic tion o, SMIMS EBSCO'o"t











Sl No

+rticle Reference D " #uBt S-, Bar&a A., Mit4 B-, B'uti H-9-, S'e4B S-N- A "tudy on ImB ct A""e""ment o, He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention on Ro d S ,ety ( Accident P4eDention mon& P4im 4y Sc'oo! C'i!d4en o, T don& #oDe4nment Sc'oo!, E "t Si55im- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 6228P 62(.)$618=7Bar&a A., Ac' 4y D-, N & 4 H K-, B' t H-;-, N i4 N-S- DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y$ A c4o""="ection ! "tudy in 4u4 ! Sout' Indi - <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 6228P 62(.)$6+7=10R n >i4 P !, A!>&r Bar&a - A C "e o, M ye4=Ro5it n"5y=Ku"te4=H u"e4 Synd4ome- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct= Dec 6228P 62(.)$30AR n >i4 P !, A!>&r Bar&a. AtyBic ! P4e"ent tion o, C "e o, H> E/R2t' ! "" emi - <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 6228P 62(.)$30AR n >i4 P !, A!>&r Bar&a. De%t4oc 4di Cit' Sin&!e ;ent4ic!e- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 6228P 62(.)$30AA!>&r Bar&a7 R n >i4 P !, D-R- B' 4 ti, S'uD D " #uBt - ImB ct o, He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention on Di >ete" in Adu!t"- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 6228P 62(.)$307A!>&r Bar&a7 Ani4> n C' 54 > 4ti- DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y$ Met =An !y"i" on Mode4n Si!ent EBidemic- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 6228P 62(.)$360R n >i4 P !, A!>&r Bar&a7 P ! " D "- KAP on He !t' mon& Ado!e"cent #i4!" o, Ko!5 t - <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct= Dec 6228P 62(.)$360A!>&r Bar&a7 D " Ac' 4y , K- N & 4 H, H- ;inod B' t, N-S- N i4- ED !u tion o, Indi n De4"ion o, )HO=FiDe )e!!=Bein& Inde% ()HO=+) ,o4 "c4eenin& deB4e""ion in e!de4!y BoBu! tion- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 6228P 62(.)$366A!>&r Bar&a7 D " Ac' 4y , K N & 4 H, H ;inod B' t, NS N i4- DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y Indi n PoBu! tion- SouDeni4 o, t'e 12 t' Annu ! N tion ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n P"yc'i t4ic Society, < nu 4y 622AP Ko!5 t , Indi $+8=ARenH'en P-, D " #uBt S-, Bar&a A., < Hu S-, K' ti B- A "tudy o, KnoC!ed&e, Attitude nd P4 ctice o, F mi!y P! nnin& mon& t'e Comen o, ReB4oductiDe A&e #4ouB in Si55im- <ou4n ! o, O>"tet4ic" ( #yn eco!o&y o, Indi < n=Fe> 622AP +A(0)$13=8A!>&r Bar&a , D " Ac' 4y , K N & 4 H, H ;inod B' t, NS N i4- DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y Indi n PoBu! tion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'i t4y AB4i! 622AP +2("uBB!ement)$S60P ! R-, #'o"' A-, Mo' nt P-K-, Bar&a A. Sin&!e ;ent4ic!e Cit' De%t4o=C 4di in n Ado!e"cent Fem !e- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), AB4i!=<une 622AP 60(6)$83=.R n >i4 P !, A!>&r Bar&a. P4eD !ence o, C'i!d'ood B4onc'i ! A"t'm in Indi - Ann !" o, T4oBic ! Medicine nd Pu>!ic He !t' <u!y=Dec 622AP 0(6)$83= +A!>&r Bar&a. DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4" in Indi n E!de4!y PoBu! tion- SouDeni4 o, t'e 334d Annu ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n P"yc'i t4ic Society @ CENIPS=6228, SeBt=Oct 622AP D 4Hee!in&, )e"t Ben& !, Indi $60=6R n >i4 P !, A!>&r Bar&a. S!oC EBidemic o, B4onc'i ! A"t'm - <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 622AP 60(.)$607D- M Humd 4, A. Bar&a7 B- P u!- P4eD !ence o, n " ! c 44i &e o, Met'ici!!in Re"i"t nt St B'y!ococci in 'e !t'y BoBu! tion o, # n&to5, E "t Si55im<ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA), Oct=Dec 622AP 60 (.)$070A!>&r Bar&a - 9uBu" ;u!& 4i"- M ye4=Ro5it n"5y Ku"te4 H u"e4 Synd4ome- In, AnooB ;e4m (ed)- SBotte4" in Pedi t4ic", Fi4"t Edition- < yBee B4ot'e4" Medic ! Pu>!i"'e4" (P) 9td- 622A, NeC De!'i, Indi $ 7 ( 606=.P ! R-, A. Bar&a , Mo' nt P-K-, #'o"' A- Am>i&uou" E%te4n ! #enit !i o, n Ado!e"cent Re 4ed " Fem !e- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA) 6227P 66(6)$A7=72P ! R-, Sin' N-, A. Bar&a. A Community "u4Dey on H n"enG" Di"e "e in Ru4 ! Bi' 4- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA) 6227P 66(6)$87A!>&r Bar&a. P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4" in E!de4!y$ A Met = n !y"i"SouDeni4 o, t'e Fou4t' Inte4n tion ! SymBo"ium on He !t'y A&in&, M 4c' 6227P Hon& Kon&-

Hig!est 0nde$ing IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" EMBASE EBSCO'o"t, EMBASE, P4oOue"t IndMed, ScoBu" EBSCO'o"t, EMBASE, P4oOue"t Con,e4ence P4oceedin&" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" C' Bte4 Cont4i>ution IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" Con,e4ence P4oceedin&"

0mpact 5actor

Nos of &itations



38 39

2-022 2-022

. =







,3 ,,

2-022 2-022

= =







,8 ,9

2-072 2-022

= =


-1 -2

NA 2-022

= =



-, --0 -4

NA 2-022 2-022 NA

= = = =


Sl No -8 -9

+rticle Reference A!>&r Bar&a . Need ,o4 Re !i"tic Ment ! He !t' P4o&4 mme in Indi - Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'o!o&ic ! Medicine 6227P 30(0)$ .A=7DeDHyoti M Humd 4, A!>&r Bar&a7 B 4n !i P u!- N " ! C 44i &e o, Met'ici!!in Re"i"t nt St B'y!ococci in He !t'y PoBu! tion o, E "t Si55im- Indi n <ou4n ! o, Community Medicine (I<CM) 6227P 3.(.)$31.=+A!>&r Bar&a. A Study on P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4" in #e4i t4ic PoBu! tion o, UduBi T !u5, K 4n t 5 , Indi - UMI Di""e4t tion Pu>!i"'in&, SeBt 6227P United St te"- ISBN$ 78A=0=027=.233.=3A!>&r Bar&a - St 4t :ou4 Re"e 4c' P4oHect NoC- Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Medic ! nd Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" ( Uni>oo5 Pu>!ic tion" Octo>e4 6227, Hon& Kon&A!>&r Bar&a , Romi! Sy n&den, M-A- B "i!io- Bioet'ic ! A"Bect" o, Stem Ce!! 4e"e 4c' nd C!onin&- Si55im M niB ! UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Medic ! nd Tec'no!o&ic ! Science" ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" M 4c' 6202P #e4m nyISBN$ 78A=3=137=6.8A6=.A!>&r Bar&a - H nd>oo5 o, He !t' Re"e 4c'- ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" M 4c' 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=6.11+=2A!>&r Bar&a7 Ni! m d' > K 4- Sc4eenin& ,o4 DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y Indi n PoBu! tion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'i t4y 6202P +6(6)$ 0+2=3A!>&r Bar&a . P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y PoBu! tion o, UduBi T !u5, K 4n t 5 , Indi - ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137= 6+313=.A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- Di"t4i>ution o, DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4" in E!de4!y- <ou4n ! o, Neu4o"cience" in Ru4 ! P4 ctice <u!y@ Decem>e4 6202P 0(6)$18=83A!>&r Bar&a7 N- K 4, D " Ac' 4y , K N & 4 H, H ;inod B' t, NS N i4- ; !idity o, )HO=FiDe )e!!=Bein& Inde% ,o4 Sc4eenin& o, DeB4e""ion in n E!de4!y Indi n PoBu! tion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, #e4onto!o&y 6202P 6.(6)$08A=A1A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4" E!de4!y$ An E"tim tion o, t'i" Pu>!ic He !t' P4o>!em- <ou4n ! Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA) 6200P 6.(.)$073=.P4 c'i RenH'en, S'uD D " #uBt , A!>&r Bar&a7 S'iB4 < Hu, Binit K' F mi!y P! nnin& P4 ctice" in )omen o, ReB4oductiDe A&e #4ouB- <ou4n ! Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA) 6202P 63(6)$ o, tio,

Hig!est 0nde$ing Pu>Med Pu>Med Tit!e Pu>!ic tion Tit!e Pu>!ic tion Tit!e Pu>!ic tion Tit!e Pu>!ic tion Pu>Med Tit!e Pu>!ic tion Pu>Med OBen Inde% Initi tiDe IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" Pu>Med

0mpact 5actor = =

Nos of &itations 1 3







03 0,

ISBN 2-072

= 66





08 09

2-022 2-022

= =


R n >i4 P !, S'4 y n P !, A!>&r Bar&a , M-K- #'o"'- He !t' Educ tion Inte4Dention on Di >ete" in Si55im- Indi n <ou4n ! o, Endoc4ino!o&y nd Met >o!i"m 6202P 0.(0)$3=8A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- Socio=demo&4 B'ic F cto4" o, #e4i t4ic DeB4e""ion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'o!o&ic ! Medicine 6202P 36(6)$A8=76A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4" in E!de4!y- Ann !" o, S udi Medicine 6200P 30(1)$162=.A!>&r Bar&a7 M-A- B "i!io- Ment ! He !t' o, E!de4!y$ T'e Indi n Scen 4ioKMC M niB !, MMMC Me! 5 ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" Decem>e4 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=30A02=.M-A- B "i!io, A!>&r Bar&a7 DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u - #!o> ! Eco!o&ic ! FootB4int$ An eme4&ency Conce4n- Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" Decem>e4 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=6A+A7=+A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- )o4!dCide P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y- Indi n <ou4n ! o, #e4onto!o&y, 6200P 6+(0)$11=8+TiC 4i ;K, A!>&r Bar&a7 Ke" 4i SP- Socio=demo&4 B'ic Co44e! te" o, Re"Bi4 to4y Di"o4de4" in E "t Si55im- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA) 6202P 63(.)$63+R o RSP, 9en A, N i4 NS, K m t' ;, K m t' A, A!>&r Bar&a. E,,ectiDene"" o, ReB4oductiDe He !t' Educ tion in Ado!e"cent, Ru4 ! Sc'oo! #i4!" o, UduBi T !u5, K 4n t 5 - <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA) 6202P 63(.)$6.7=+2A!>&r Bar&a7 < y nt H I 4i5 , M-A- B "i!io, S' "'i So n", Co!in M-, AK m t'- Function ! ImB i4ment" in E!de4!y- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA) 6200P 6.(6)$10=3A!>&r Bar&a7 A> " AB9- Et'ic ! I""ue" in Pu>!ic He !t'- In Medic ! Et'ic" ,o4 Student"$ T'e Co4e ToBic" nd Beyond- Aye SS, S id ARM, S 'ot <S, SC men t' n M, A> " AB9, )ooHdy H)M, edito4"- 0 "t Ed- M ! y"i $ Me! 5 = M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&eP 6200- ISBN$ 78A=7A3=67.A=07=3-

41 42 43 4, 440

Pu>Med Pu>Med Tit!e Pu>!ic tion Tit!e Pu>!ic tion OBen Inde% Initi tiDe IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" IndMed, ScoBu" C' Bte4 Cont4i>ution

= 0-280 ISBN ISBN = 2-022

06 7 = = 0 =








Sl No 80

+rticle Reference %1e KMM7 M e %7 AAas AB$! L&+#$7 Bar&a A7 Na$r N%. L$!c s&//"e'e!#s + r #rea#$!g #ha"assae'$a a!) s$c>"e ce"" )$sease. C chra!e Da#aAase + %(s#e'a#$c Re5$e1s 20117 Iss&e 11. Ar#. N .6 CD009,1-. D:I6 10.1002?1,0-18-8.CD009,1- (B4otoco!)A!>&r Bar&a - MEO" in Community Medicine- In 0+2? MEO" (Modi,ied E"" y Oue"tion")- K n & " > i S, N !!i ' S, K 4 nt' K9, N & nd! K, edito4"- 0 "t ed- M ! y"i $ AUM Ente4B4i"eP 6200- ISBN$ 78A=7A3=.3111=A=3A!>&r Bar&a7 MK #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- DeB4e""iDe di"o4de4" in e!de4!y$ An e"tim tion o, t'i" Pu>!ic He !' B4o>!em- <ou4n ! o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (<IMSA) 6200P 6.(.)$073=.A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- C'4onic Co=mo4>iditie" ""oci ted Cit' DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y- Ann !" o, T4oBic ! Medicine nd Pu>!ic He !t' 6206P +(6)$0.+=AK 4 nt' 9, < , 4 SH, K n & " > i S, N i4 NS, Bar&a A. Anti=D dmini"t4 tion ,te4 "Bont neou" mi"c 44i &e ,o4 B4eDentin& R'e"u" !!oimmuni" tionCoc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6206, I""ue 6- A4t- No-$ CD227108DOI$02-0226/0.1+0A+A-CD227108 (B4otoco!)SCe KMM, Nin T, B' 4dC H A, A> " AB9, Bar&a A. T'e B4eD !ence o, need!e "tic5" inHu4y mon& medic ! "tudent" in Me! 5 , M ! y"i , c4o""="ection ! "tudyEu4oBe n <ou4n ! o, Scienti,ic Re"e 4c' 6206P 80(6)$60.=62A!>&r Bar&a7 < y nt H I 4i5 , M-A- B "i!io, S' "'i So n", Co!in M-, AK m t'- Function ! ImB i4ment" in E!de4!y- Indi n <ou4n ! o, #e4onto!o&y 6206P 61(0)$660=1K 4 nt' 9, Bar&a A, K n & " > i S, N i4 NS- Des' /ress$! ace#a#e (DDAVP) + r /re5e!#$!g a!) #rea#$!g ac&#e A"ee)s )&r$!g /reg!a!c( $! 1 'e! 1$#h c !ge!$#a" A"ee)$!g )$s r)ers - Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6206, I""ue .- A4t- No-$ CD227A6.- DOI$ 02-0226/0.1+0A+A-CD227A6. (B4otoco!)S 'oo S, Bar&a A7 Myint KT, H L A, A> " AB9, N i4 NS- T /$ca" ! !-s#er $)a" a!#$-$!+"a''a# r( age!#s + r )$aAe#$c c(s# $) 'ac&"ar e)e'a - Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6206, I""ue A- A4t- No-$ DOI$ 02-0226/0.1+0A+A-CD202227 (B4otoco!)CD202227-

Hig!est 0nde$ing Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR C' Bte4 Cont4i>ution IndMed, ScoBu" EBSCO'o"t, EMBASE, P4oOue"t Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR EMBASE, P4oOue"t OBen Inde% Initi tiDe Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR

0mpact 5actor 1-+06

Nos of &itations 0

81 82 83

ISBN 2-022 2-022

= = 0




2-302 =

3 =




Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR U9RICHS, Inde% CoBe4nicu", #oo&!e Sc'o! 4, ScoBu" Pu>Med U9RICHS, Inde% CoBe4nicu", #oo&!e Sc'o! 4, ScoBu" EBSCO'o"t, EMBASE, ScoBu" Pu>Med Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR OBen Inde% Initi tiDe, #oo&!e Sc'o! 4 EBSCO'o"t, EMBASE, ScoBu" U9RICHS, Inde% CoBe4nicu", #oo&!e Sc'o! 4, ScoBu" Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR Pu>Med Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR



Som"u>'4 De, A!>&r Bar&a7 A!B n C''et4i- 9i,e in t'e Medic ! C 4ee4$ Pe4ceBtion o, P4e=uniDe4"ity Student"- <ou4n ! o, A"i n Scienti,ic Re"e 4c' 6206P 6(A)$.2.=7R m S, R H &oB ! N, Bar&a A - E,,ectiDene"" o, #4ouB P"yc'o=Educ tion on )e!!=>ein& nd DeB4e""ion mon& B4e "t C nce4 Su4DiDo4" o, Me! 5 , M ! y"i - Indi n <ou4n ! o, P !!i tiDe C 4e 6203P 07(0)$3.=7A!>&r Bar&a. Met'od" ,o4 Deci"ion=M 5in& in Su4Dey Oue"tionn i4e" > "ed on 9i5e4t Sc !e- <ou4n ! o, A"i n Scienti,ic Re"e 4c' (<ASR) 6203P 3(0)$3+=ABar&a A. T4end o, t'e P4eD !ence o, #e4i t4ic DeB4e""ion$ A Mode4n Si!ent EBidemic- Inte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, Co!! >o4 tiDe Re"e 4c' on Inte4n ! Medicine ( Pu>!ic He !t' (I<CRIMPH) 6203P +(0)$38=.8A. Bar&a7 #-P- < co>, S-S- M 'mood- P tient He !t' Oue"tionn i4e (PHO) ,o4 "c4eenin& B"yc'i t4ic di"o4de4" in "econd 4y 'e !t' c 4e- Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'i t4y 6203P ++(6)$06+=32K 4 nt' 9, < , 4 SH, K n & " > i S, N i4 NS, Bar&a A. Anti=D dmini"t4 tion ,te4 "Bont neou" mi"c 44i &e ,o4 B4eDentin& R'e"u" !!oimmuni" tionCoc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6203, I""ue 3- A4t- No-$ CD227108DOI$ 02-0226/0.1+0A+A-CD227108-Bu>6A!>&r Bar&a. Met'od" ,o4 Deci"ion=M 5in& in Su4Dey Oue"tionn i4e" Cit' continuou" D 4i >!e"- Educ tion Re"e 4c' <ou4n ! (ER<) 6203P 3(3)$.8=7Bar&a A7 S' 4m :, B "i!io MA- Bu4nin& i""ue o, HI;/AIDS$ A P"yc'o"oci ! "tudy- Inte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, Co!! >o4 tiDe Re"e 4c' on Inte4n ! Medicine ( Pu>!ic He !t' (I<CRIMPH) 6203P +(8)$ +.+$+0A!>&r Bar&a7 Kum 4 "C my K dem ne, Kum 4 S'iD #u>>iy BB , Ro'it Kum 4 ;e4m , Mu' mm d S' 'id IL> !, S mi A>do R dm n A!=Du> i - A too! ,o4 deci"ion=m 5in& in No4m=4e,e4enced "u4Dey Lue"tionn i4e" Cit' item" o, continuou" D 4i >!e"- <ou4n ! o, A"i n Scienti,ic Re"e 4c' (<ASR) 6203 (in B4e"")K 4 nt' 9, Bar&a A7 K n & " > i S, N i4 NS- De"moB4e""in cet te (DDA;P) ,o4 B4eDentin& nd t4e tin& cute >!eed" du4in& B4e&n ncy in Comen Cit' con&enit ! >!eedin& di"o4de4"- Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6203, I""ue .- A4t- No-$ CD227A6.- DOI$ 02-0226/0.1+0A+A-CD227A6.-Bu>6%hesha"a R , F$!g LT , <&$ L% , Bar&a A7 D&a K- DeDe!oBment nd Anti= mic4o>i ! Potenti ! o, ToBic ! Fo4mu! tion" Cont inin& Coco" nuci,e4 9inn- A!#$$!+"a'' A!#$a""erg( Age!#s Me) Che'. 6203P 06(3)$ 6+3=1.SCe KMM, A> " AB9, B' 4dC H A, Bar&a A7 N i4 NS- Ninc "uBB!ement" ,o4 t4e tin& t' ! "" emi nd "ic5!e ce!! di"e "e- Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6203, I""ue 1- A4t- No-$ CD227.0+- DOI$ 02-0226/0.1+0A+A-CD227.0+-Bu>6-






92 93

0-68A 2-072

= =




= 0-68A

= =










Sl No 101

+rticle Reference A!=Du> i SAR, B 4u A, # n "e&e4 n K, < doo SA, R mB ! K#- Concu44ent ; !idity o, t'e M ! y ;e4"ion o, Pe4ceiDed St4e"" Sc !e (PSS=02)- ASEAN <ou4n ! o, P"yc'i t4y 6203P 0+(0) (in B4e"");e4m RK, Mitt ! P, Bar&a A7 Kum 4 S- Hyd4omo4B'one (OROS)$ It" e,,ic cy in cute nd c'4onic B in- Scienti,ic Re"e 4c' nd E"" y" 6203P A(3+)$0181= A- DOI$02-+A78/SRE00-023+S 'oo S, Bar&a A7 Myint KT, H L A, A> " AB9, N i4 NS- T /$ca" ! !-s#er $)a" a!#$-$!+"a''a# r( age!#s + r )$aAe#$c c(s# $) 'ac&"ar e)e'a - Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6203 (in B4e"")Bar&a A7 T$1ar$ VK7 Kesar$ %P. De#er'$!a!#s + res/$ra# r( )$seases $! Eas# %$>>$'. BMC Research N #es 2013S 06 3-0 DOI$02-00A1/08+1=2+22=1= 3+1 %$!gh S7 Pa$ DR 7 %$!ha NK7 Ka&r A7 % e HHK7 B 4u A- Ou !itie" o, n e,,ectiDe te c'e4$ )' t do medic ! te c'e4" t'in5S BMC Me)$ca" E)&ca#$ ! 6203, 13$06A- DOI 610.1180?1,42-0920-13-128 A!>&r Bar&a7 S'uD D "&uBt , B ni Mit4 , P "" n& C'i5i S'e4B , Mi! n Ti4C , Kum 4 "C my K dem ne, Kum 4 S'iD #u>>iy BB , Ro'it Kum 4 ;e4m , Mu' mm d S' 'id IL> !- A!co'o!i"m mon& Ado!e"cent Student" o, T don& in E "t Si55im- <ou4n ! o, A"i n Scienti,ic Re"e 4c' (<ASR) 6203 (in B4e"")S 'oo S, Bar&a A. Neu4ocy"tice4co"i" in C'i!d4en P4e"entin& Cit' A,e>4i!e SeiIu4e$ C!inic ! P4o,i!e, Im &in& nd Se4odi &no"i"- ReDi"t do In"tituto de Medicin T4oBic ! de STo P u!o 6203 (in B4e"")Som"u>'4 De, P4 t B Kum 4, A!>&r Bar&a. U"e o, Ro"i&!it Ione ,o4 C!omiB'ene Re"i"t nt Po!ycy"tic OD 4y Sy"nd4ome (PCOS)$ A R ndomiIed Cont4o!!ed T4i !- <ou4n ! o, A"i n Scienti,ic Re"e 4c' (<ASR) 6203 (in B4e"")S mi A>do R dm n A!=Du> i, K4i"'n #oB ! R mB !, A!>&r Bar&a. ED !u tion o, P"yc'omet4ic P4oBe4tie" o, t'e M ! y ;e4"ion Pe4ceiDed St4e"" Sc !e (PSS=02) in TCo OccuB tion ! Settin&" in M ! y"i - Ann !" o, Medic ! nd He !t' Science" Re"e 4c' 6203 (in B4e"")A!>&r Bar&a7 Kum 4 "C my K dem ne, Kum 4 S'iD #u>>iy BB , Ro'it Kum 4 ;e4m , Mu' mm d S' 'id IL> !- A too! ,o4 deci"ion=m 5in& in No4m= 4e,e4enced "u4Dey Lue"tionn i4e" Cit' item" o, o4din ! D 4i >!e"Inte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, Co!! >o4 tiDe Re"e 4c' on Inte4n ! Medicine ( Pu>!ic He !t' (I<CRIMPH) 6203 (B4oDi"ion !!y cceBted)-

Hig!est 0nde$ing Pu>Med ISI, #oo&!e Sc'o! 4 Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR Pu>Med Pu>Med U9RICHS, Inde% CoBe4nicu", #oo&!e Sc'o! 4, ScoBu" Pu>Med U9RICHS, Inde% CoBe4nicu", #oo&!e Sc'o! 4, ScoBu" Pu>Med

0mpact 5actor 2-0A.

Nos of &itations =

102 103 10, 10-

2-362 1-+06 0-372 0-.02

= 0 = =














Sl No 1 Nos of &itations C$#e) A(6 &itation Reference Bar&a A7 #-P- < co>, S-S- M 'mood, S- UduB , M- N idu, P-S- RooB , S-<Put'iy d m- A "tudy on "c4eenin& ,o4 B"yc'i t4ic di"o4de4" in du!t BoBu! tionIndi n <ou4n ! o, Community Medicine, < nu 4y 6228P 36(0)$1+=1S 'oo S, K'e"" CR<- P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""ion, An%iety, nd St4e"" mon& :oun& M !e Adu!t" in Indi $ A Dimen"ion ! nd C te&o4ic ! Di &no"e"=B "ed Study- T'e <ou4n ! o, Ne4Dou" ( Ment ! Di"e "e 6202P 07A(06)$ 720%a"5e <7 @ s1a'$ K7 N !g>(!r$h B7 %agar R7 %ree!$5as V. P4eD !ence o, B"yc'i t4ic mo4>idity t Mo>i!e He !t' C!inic in n u4> n community in No4t' Indi - @e!era" < s/$#a" Ps(ch$a#r( 2012S 3,(2)6121-0. De"C ! BS, P C 4 A- An EBidemio!o&ic ! Study o, Ment ! Di"o4de4" t Pune, M ' 4 "'t4 - I!)$a! B C ''&!$#( Me). 2012 A/r-B&!S 34(2)6 110J21. Bar&a A, Ac' 4y D, N & 4 H K, ;inod B' t H, N i4 NS- DeB4e""ion in e!de4!y$ A c4o""="ection ! "tudy in 4u4 ! Sout' Indi - < Int Med Sci Ac d 6228P62$6+7=10#4oDe4 S, Dutt A, AD "t'i A- An oDe4DieC o, Indi n 4e"e 4c' in deB4e""ion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'i t4y 6202P +6(8)$ 08A=AAM ' H n M- 9 te !i,e deB4e""ion$ A "tudy in n u4> n BoBu! tion UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tion (P"yc'i t4y)V- B n& !o4e, Indi $ KemBe&oCd In"titute o, Medic ! Science", R HiD # nd'i UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Science"P 6202Bar&a A7 #'o"' MK, K 4 N, B "i!io MA- Di"t4i>ution o, deB4e""iDe di"o4de4" in t'e e!de4!y- < Neu4o"ci Ru4 ! P4 ct 6202P0$18=83)inte4 :, Ko4c'ounoD A, N'u5oD T;, Be4t"c'i NE- DeB4e""ion in e!de4!y B tient" Cit' A!I'eime4 dementi o4 D "cu! 4 dementi nd it" in,!uence on t'ei4 Lu !ity o, !i,e- < Neu4o"ci Ru4 ! P4 ct 6200P6$68=36)inte4 :, EBi, noD =Be4t"c'i N, S n5oC"5i R, N'u5oD T;, Oe4te! )H, Dode! R, Ko4c'ounoD A- He !t'=Re! ted Ou !ity o, 9i,e nd It" Dete4min nt" in t'e U4> n Ru""i n PoBu! tion Cit' M Ho4 DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4$ A C4o""=Section ! Study- T'e Inte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, P"yc'i t4y in Medicine 6206P .3(0)$ 3+=.7)i!"on MKP, Munin 4 y n BB N;- A "tudy to ""e"" t'e e,,ect o, "e!,=Co4t' t'e4 By on "e!,=e"teem, deB4e""ion nd Lu !ity o, !i,e mon& e!de4!y in "e!ected o!d &e 'ome" o, My"o4e UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tion @ Nu4"in&V- My"o4e, Indi $ <SS Co!!e&e o, Nu4"in&P 6206P ! R, P ! S, Bar&a A7 #'o"' MK- He !t' educ tion inte4Dention on di >ete" in Si55im- Indi n < Endoc4 Met > 6202P0.$3=8)iC nit5it ;- 9o"" o, ,o!!oC=uB o, di >etic B tient"$ )' t 4e t'e 4e "on"S- Indi n < Endoc4 Met > 6200P0+$0..)iC nit5it S, )iC nit5it ;- Retu4nin& o, t'e di >etic B tient" C'o !o"" ,o!!oC=uB ,o4 mo4e t' n 0 ye 4$ )' t i" t'e 4e "onS Di >ete" ( Met >o!ic Synd4ome$ C!inic ! Re"e 4c' ( ReDieC" 6206 (in B4e"")Hig!est 0nde$ing EBSCO'o"t 0mpact 5actor =

0 6 3

ScoBu" ScoBu" Pu>Med

0-1A6 3-012 =

C$#e) A(6 1 2

IndMed Pu>Med Di""e4t tion

= 2-072 NA

C$#e) A(6 0

Pu>Med Pu>Med Inde% Medicu", EBSCO'o"t

= =


Di""e4t tion


C$#e) A(6 0 6

Pu>Med Pu>Med ScoBu"

= = =


Sl No -

Nos of &itations C$#e) A(6 0 6

&itation Reference Bar&a A7 K 4 N- Sc4eenin& ,o4 deB4e""ion in e!de4!y Indi n BoBu! tion- Indi n < P"yc'i t4y 6202, +6$0+2=0+3@r&eA!er : , Kha! MM, La&#e!Aach % , M&""er D, Kra'er A , La>es T , < s#er# P - A "B ti ! eBidemio!o&ic ! n !y"i" o, "e!,=4 ted ment ! 'e !t' in t'e "!um" o, D' 5 - Inte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, He !t' #eo&4 B'ic" 6200P02(0)$31A!meid , M 4i de 9u4de" Co"t Moutin'o So>4 !- An"ied de, deB4e""To, ide WTo "uicid , coBin& em ido"o" in"titucion !iI do" e nTo in"titucion !iI do"- 9i">o $ UniDe4"id de 9u"X,on de Hum nid de" e Tecno!o&i ", 6200; "i4eddy N- A c4o""="ection ! "tudy to ""e"" deB4e""ion mon& e!de4!y ttendin& te4ti 4y c 4e te c'in& 'o"Bit ! UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tion (P"yc'i t4y)V- B n& !o4e, Indi $ M-;-<- Medic ! Co!!e&e ( Re"e 4c' Ho"Bit !, R HiD # nd'i UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Science"P 6206%$!gh AP, K&'ar K9, Re))( CMPK- P"yc'i t4ic Mo4>idity in #e4i t4ic PoBu! tion in O!d A&e Home" nd Community$ A ComB 4 tiDe Study- I!)$a! B Ps(ch " Me). 2012 Ba!-MarS 3,(1)6 39J,3. Be(asee"a! 9, K&'ar S, M ha!raC R, ReAe>ah #, Ra D, Ma!har# 9E- Assess$!g <IV?AID% %#$g'a $! % &#h I!)$a6 Va"$)a#$ ! a!) AAr$)ge'e!# + #he Berger <IV %#$g'a %ca"e - AID% a!) Beha5$ r 6206$0=02#4Y>ne4 D#O, O!>e4tI <H, Ku!5 E- A "B ti ! eBidemio!o&ic ! BB4o c' on Ce!!= >ein& in u4> n "!um" @ EDidence ,4om D' 5 , B n&! de"' UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tionV- Be4!in, #e4m ny$ Hum>o!dt=UniDe4"itZt Iu Be4!in @ #eo&4 B'i"c'e" In"titutP 6200M ity M, Mu5''oB d'y y B- DeB4e""ion in 9 te 9i,e$ A ComB 4 tiDe Study mon& E!de4!y In' >itin& in Di,,e4ent EnDi4onment ! Settin&"- Ko!5 t , Indi $ Indi n St ti"tic ! In"tituteP 6202$ 637=+2Ki4i <, Tim M#- 1=CIT$ Si%=Item Co&nitiDe ImB i4ment Te"t- In$ 9 4ne4 A<, edCo&nitiDe Sc4eenin& In"t4ument"- 9ondon$ SB4in&e4P 6203$ 627=0A@r&eA!er :7 Kha! MM<7 La&#e!Aach %7 MT""er D7 KrU'er A7 La>es T7 < s#er# P. Me!#a" hea"#h $! #he s"&'s + Dha>a - a ge e/$)e'$ " g$ca" s#&)( - BMC P&A"$c <ea"#h 2012S 12 (1)6 144. P4 c'et' R, M yu4 SS, C'oCti <;- #e4i t4ic DeB4e""ion Sc !e$ A too! to ""e"" deB4e""ion in e!de4!y- Int < Med Sci Pu>!ic He !t' 6203P 6(0)$ 30=+Mu>een S- P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""ion Amon& Community DCe!!in& E!de4!y in K 4 c'i, P 5i"t n - I<PBS- 6206P 1 (6) $A.=72Bar&a A., R- M n&e"', Kum 4 H 4"' H-N-, M t'eC S- A""e""ment o, t'e Dom in" o, Ou !ity o, 9i,e in #e4i t4ic PoBu! tion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'i t4y 622+P .8(3)$0+8=7%haC$ KS, B$#h& ;P, B( #h$ KS- Indi n 4e"e 4c' on &in& nd dementi - I!)$a! B Ps(ch$a#r( 2010S -2(%&//"1)6 %1,8--2. Ac>! 1"e)ge'e!# (A!>&r Bar&a) @ Su4i S, ;e4m N- To> cco Cont4o!$ T'e Ro!e o, Futu4e Docto4"- Eu4oBe n <ou4n ! o, Scienti,ic Re"e 4c' 6200P +1(0)$ 06.=ADeDHyoti M Humd 4, A!>&r Bar&a7 B 4n !i P u!- N " ! C 44i &e o, Met'ici!!in Re"i"t nt St B'y!ococci in He !t'y PoBu! tion o, E "t Si55im- Indi n <ou4n ! o, Community Medicine (I<CM)- Oct=Dec 6227P 3.(.)$31.=+#oud R, #uBt S, Neo&i U, A& 4C ! D, N idu K, C' ! nn D 4 R, Su>' "c' nd4 #Community B4eD !ence o, met'ici!!in nd D ncomycin 4e"i"t nt St B'y!ococcu" u4eu" in nd 4ound B n& !o4e, "out'e4n Indi - UP4eD ![nci de St B'y!ococcu" u4eu" 4e"i"tente \ metici!in e \ D ncomicin em comunid de no ento4no de B n& !o4e, ]ndi do Su!V #oud, R-, #uBt , S-, Neo&i, ReDi"t d Socied de B4 "i!ei4 de Medicin T4oBic ! 6200P ..(3)$327=06B' 4 t'i M, P dm H I<- Study on n " ! c 44i &e o, MRSA nd it" ntimic4o>i ! "u"ceBti>i!ity B tte4n in 'e !t'y indiDidu !" nd 'o"Bit !iIed B tient"- <ou4n ! o, EDo!ution o, Medic ! nd Dent ! Science" 6206P 0(.)$ 326=8-

Hig!est 0nde$ing Pu>Med Pu>Med Tit!e Pu>

0mpact 5actor = 6-162 NA

Di""e4t tion


. +

Pu>Med Pu>Med

= 3-07+

Di""e4t tion


8 A 7 02 00

ISBN ISBN Pu>Med Inde% CoBe4nicu" ScoBu"

NA NA 6-22 = =

C$#e) A(6 0

Pu>Med Pu>Med

2-072 =



C$#e) A(6





Sl No 9

Nos of &itations C$#e) A(6

&itation Reference A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- )o4!dCide P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""ion in E!de4!y- Indi n <ou4n ! o, #e4onto!o&y, 6200P 6+(0)$11=8+P! ""m n B9, 9 n& KM, Fi"'e4 ##, et !- P4eD !ence o, Dementi in t'e United St te"$ T'e &in&, demo&4 B'ic" nd memo4y "tudy- Neu4oeBidemio!o&y 6228P 67$ 06+=36- Dementi in DeDe!oBin& Count4ie" @ A con"en"u" "t tement ,4om 02/11 Dementi Re"e 4c' &4ouB Int- < #e4i t4RenH'en P-, D " #uBt S-, Bar&a A., < Hu S-, K' ti B- A "tudy o, KnoC!ed&e, Attitude nd P4 ctice o, F mi!y P! nnin& mon& t'e Comen o, ReB4oductiDe A&e #4ouB in Si55im- <ou4n ! o, O>"tet4ic" ( #yn eco!o&y o, Indi < n=Fe> 622AP +A(0)$13=8Tu! d' 4 H, M 4 ' tt R- AC 4ene"" nd B4 ctice o, , mi!y B! nnin& met'od" in Comen ttendin& &yne OPD t NeB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e Te c'in& Ho"Bit !- NeB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e <ou4n ! 622AP 02(3)$ 0A.=70%aC$) A7 Ma"$> %. KnoC!ed&e, Attitude nd P4 ctice o, Cont4 ceBtion mon& Mu!tiB 4ou" )omen t 9 dy Aitc'i"on Ho"Bit !, 9 'o4e- Ann !" o, Kin& EdC 4d Medic ! UniDe4"ity 6202P 01(.)$611=7Ko4e S, B B i A, P 4i5' M, K'ot R, Am>iye ;- Attitude", KnoC!ed&e nd Be!ie," >out Cont4 ceBtiDe P4 ctice" in )omen Comin& to Te4ti 4y Ho"Bit !- Bom> y Ho"Bit ! <ou4n ! 6227P +0(6)$ 018=82Ma&"$> %7 A/araC$#a Dasg&/#a A. K! 1"e)ge7 /erce/#$ !s a!) /rac#$ce + Q+a'$"( /"a!!$!gD 'e#h )s $! ' #hers 5$s$#$!g a! $''&!$sa#$ ! c"$!$c + r&ra" Be!ga"7 I!)$a. I!)$a! B &r!a" + Me)$ca" %/ec$a"#$es 2013 ($! /ress). S' 4m ;, Mo' n U, D " ;, AC "t'i S- Socio demo&4 B'ic dete4min nt" nd 5noC!ed&e, ttitude, B4 ctice$ Su4Dey o, , mi!y B! nnin&- < F m Med P4im 4y C 4e 6206P0$ .3=8M t'e <K, K "oni KK, M !i4o AK- A""e""ment o, He !t'y Timin& nd SB cin& o, P4e&n ncy P4 ctice" mon& Po"tB 4tum )omen in Butem>o, E "te4n DRC, nd B 44ie4" to t'e AdoBtion o, F mi!y P! nnin& Met'od"- MEA%URE E5a"&a#$ ! PR< $ )o45in& P Be4 Se4ie"- C' Be! Hi!!, NC (US)$ C 4o!in PoBu! tion Cente4, UniDe4"ity o, No4t' C 4o!in P 6200Ma#he BK7 Kas !$a KK7 Ma"$r AK. B 44ie4" to AdoBtion o, F mi!y P! nnin& mon& )omen in E "te4n Democ4 tic ReBu>!ic o, Con&o- A,4ic n <ou4n ! o, ReB4oductiDe He !t' 6200P0+(0)$ 09648. Peym n N, O 5!ey D- M 44ied I4 ni n )omenG" KnoC!ed&e, Attitude nd Sen"e o, Se!,= e,,ic cy >out O4 ! Cont4 ceBtiDe"$ Focu" #4ouB Di"cu""ion- < ReB4od In,e4ti! 6200P06(.)$6A0=AS !uH N, S' 4m S, C'oud' 4y S, # u4 D, P ndey S- Cont4 ceBtiDe KnoC!ed&e, Attitude nd P4 ctice mon& E!i&i>!e CouB!e" o, Ru4 ! H 4y n - T'e Inte4net <ou4n ! o, He !t' 6200P06(0)Ac>! 1"e)ge'e!# (A!>&r Bar&a) @ R H A, N Ci FNM, ) ' > NSA- ComB 4i"on o, E,,ectiDene"" o, Body M "" Inde% nd Body F t Pe4cent &e in de,inin& Body ComBo"ition- Sin& Bo4e Medic ! <ou4n ! 6206P +3(1) (in B4e"")A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- P4eD !ence o, DeB4e""iDe Di"o4de4" in E!de4!y- Ann !" o, S udi Medicine 6200P 30(1)$162=.R m 54i"'n n K- C!inic ! Study nd M n &ement o, P"eudocy"t o, P nc4e " UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tion (Su4&e4y)V- B n& !o4e, Indi $ B n& !o4e Medic ! Co!!e&e nd Re"e 4c' In"tituteP 6206F4 ntIidi" CA, Di m ntoudi MD, #4i&o4i dou E, Seme4tIidou A, Bi!!i" A, Kon"t ntinidi" E, et- !- + -a!alano"is Distance Based +pproac! towards t!e Relia"le Detection of Geriatric Depression Symptoms &o'e$isting wit! &ognitive Decline - A4ti,ici ! Inte!!i&ence ABB!ic tion" nd InnoD tion" - IFIP AdD nce" in In,o4m tion nd Communic tion Tec'no!o&y 6206P 3A6$ 01=6+-

Hig!est 0nde$ing =

0mpact 5actor =




C$#e) A(6


0 2 3 , +



= =

#oDt- Po!icy Inde% Medicu" / MED9INE EBSCO'o"t

Po!icy Deci"ion

8 A 7

= 3-.03






C$#e) A(6 0

Pu>Med NA

0-280 =



Sl No

Nos of &itations

&itation Reference K 4 nt' 9, Bar&a A, K n & " > i S, N i4 NS- Des' /ress$! ace#a#e (DDAVP) + r /re5e!#$!g a!) #rea#$!g ac&#e A"ee)s )&r$!g /reg!a!c( $! 1 'e! 1$#h c !ge!$#a" A"ee)$!g )$s r)ers - Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6206, I""ue .- A4t- No-$ CD227A6.- DOI$ 02-0226/0.1+0A+A-CD227A6. (B4otoco!)CoBBo! A, Di Minno MND, )indy& <- T4e tment ,o4 B4eDentin& >!eedin& in BeoB!e Cit' con&enit ! >!eedin& di"o4de4" unde4&oin& "u4&e4y (P4otoco!)- Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, Sy"tem tic ReDieC" 6206, I""ue 8- A4t- No-$ CD227710- DOI$ 02-0226/0.1+0A+A-CD227710A!>&r Bar&a7 M-K- #'o"', N- K 4, M-A- B "i!io- Socio=demo&4 B'ic F cto4" o, #e4i t4ic DeB4e""ion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'o!o&ic ! Medicine 6202P 36(6)$A8=769ee )<, C'en& ::, 9iu C:, Pen& 9N, 9iu 9K, C'en 9K- Do"e=deBendent e,,ect o, 4e' >i!it tion in ,unction ! 4ecoDe4y o, o!de4 B tient" in t'e Bo"t= cute c 4e unitA4c'iDe" o, #e4onto!o&y nd #e4i t4ic" 6206P +.(3)$e672@3; "i4eddy N- A c4o""="ection ! "tudy to ""e"" deB4e""ion mon& e!de4!y ttendin& te4ti 4y c 4e te c'in& 'o"Bit ! UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tion (P"yc'i t4y)V- B n& !o4e, Indi $ M-;-<- Medic ! Co!!e&e ( Re"e 4c' Ho"Bit !, R HiD # nd'i UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Science"P 6206K&'a' # U!$5ers$#( Re/ s$# r( %(s#e' UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tion (Medicine)VTit!e D i! >!e in C'ine"e ! n&u &e- UR9$ h##/6??h)".ha!)"e.!e#?2298?2-223 Fu5un & R, A>e:, N 5 & C :, Koy m A, FuHi"e N, I5ed M- 9iDin& !one i" ""oci ted Cit' deB4e""ion mon& t'e e!de4!y in 4u4 ! community in < B nInte4n tion ! P"yc'o&e4i t4ic" 6206P 06$ 087@A+A>e:, FuHi"e N, Fu5un & R, N 5 & C :, I5ed M- C '/ar$s !s + #he /re5a"e!ce + a!) r$s> +ac# rs + r e")er"( )e/ress$ ! Ae#1ee! &rAa! a!) r&ra" / /&"a#$ !s $! Ba/a! - I!#er!a#$ !a" Ps(ch ger$a#r$cs 6206P 6.(A)$ 063+=.0A4 nd ER, Monton #B, Te44e4 TM, Bot y RM, C mB yo <#- S !ud ment ! y 4e! cione" "oci !e" en Bo>! ciXn m yo4 4u4 !- Act " E"B P"iLui t4 6206P .2(+)$637= .8Bar&a A., R- M n&e"', Kum 4 H 4"' H-N-, M t'eC S- A c4o""="ection ! "tudy on Ou !ity o, 9i,e in #e4i t4ic PoBu! tion- Indi n <ou4n ! o, Community Medicine, AB4i!=<une 6228P 36(6)$0.1=8Do"'i D, < in A, ;in y K, Koti n S- Ou !ity o, !i,e mon& denti"t" in te c'in& 'o"Bit !" in Sout' C n 4 , Indi - Indi n < Dent Re" 6200P66$++6=+L >are L7 Ne>ar M%7 Ve!>a#esh M. Ou !ity o, !i,e nd 4e"t4icted mon& t'e o!d &ed- Int < Bio! Med Re"- 6200P 6(.)$ 0016=.ctiDity d y"

Hig!est 0nde$ing

0mpact 5actor


C$#e) A(6

Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR




C$#e) A(6 0


2 3 . + 1

Di""e4t tion Di""e4t tion



C$#e) A(6

EBSCO'o"t Inde% Medicu" / MED9INE P4oLue"t Inde% CoBe4nicu"

0 6

2-11+ =

< d' D ;S, Mund d ;D, # i5C d A;, Doi> !e MK, Ku!5 4ni AP- A Study o, Demo&4 B'ic P tte4n mon& #e4i t4ic PoBu! tion in t'e Fie!d P4 ctice A4e o, Ru4 ! He !t' T4 inin& Cent4e, P it' n o, #oDt- Medic ! Co!!e&e, Au4 n& > dInte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, Recent T4end" in Science nd Tec'no!o&y 6206P 3(0)$ 6+=AMudey A, Am>e5 4 S, #oy ! RC, A& 4e5 4 S, ) &' ;;- A""e""ment o, Ou !ity o, 9i,e mon& Ru4 ! nd U4> n E!de4!y PoBu! tion o, ) 4d' Di"t4ict, M ' 4 "'t4 , Indi Et'no Med 6200P +(6)$ A7=73Mu"t , H- A comB 4 tiDe "tudy to ""e"" t'e Lu !ity o, !i,e mon& in"titution !iIed nd non=in"titution !iIed e!de4!y t "e!ected u4> n 4e " o, M n& !o4e UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tion @ Nu4"in&V- B n& !o4e, Indi $ R HiD # nd'i UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Science"P 6206A4 " R, N 4 y n ;, DGSouI N, ;ei& " I- Soci ! A"Bect" o, #e4i t4ic He !t'$ A C4o"" Section ! Study t Ru4 ! M n& !o4e, K 4n t 5 , Indi - Int < He !t' Re' >i! Sci6206P 0(6)$ 17=83A4 " R, N 4 y n ;, DGSouI N, ;ei& " I- O4 ! 'e !t' 4e! ted Lu !ity o, !i,e nd it" imB ct on e!de4!y BeoB!e- Indi n <ou4n ! o, Dent ! Science" 6206 (SuBB!)P .(.)$ 068=36T'om " <- A Ou !ity o, !i,e mon& denti"t" in te c'in& 'o"Bit !" in Sout' C n 4 , Indi UunBu>!i"'ed di""e4t tion @ Nu4"in&V- B n& !o4e, Indi $ R HiD # nd'i UniDe4"ity o, He !t' Science"P 6200-



Di""e4t tion




Di""e4t tion



Sl No

Nos of &itations

&itation Reference A!>&r Bar&a . Need ,o4 Re !i"tic Ment ! He !t' P4o&4 mme in Indi - Indi n <ou4n ! o, P"yc'o!o&ic ! Medicine 6227P 30(0)$ .A=7%r$!$5asa! TM- P"yc'i t4ic di"o4de4" nd 'o!i"tic t'e4 Bie"- I!# B F ga 2010S 3(2)6 3-J0. S' 4m ;K, < & C t S, Mid' A, < in A, T m>i A, M n&C ni 9K, S' 4m B, Du>ey P, S tiH ;, CoBe! nd <RM, 9eBBin& P, 9 ne S, K4i"'n M, P n& 4i A- T'e #!o> ! Ment ! He !t' A""e""ment Too!=D !id tion in Hindi$ A D !idity nd ,e "i>i!ity "tudyI!)$a! B Ps(ch$a#r( 2010S -2(,)6 310J9. M nn 4 t' SC- Ment ! He !t' Fin ncin& in Indi $ B "ic Need" Po!icy "tudy- Ke4 ! , Indi $ Di"t4ict Ment ! He !t' P4o&4 mmeP 6227NiI mie SH, #oy ! N- N tion ! Ment ! He !t' P4o&4 mme o, Indi $ A Re BB4 i" !Indi n <ou4n ! o, Soci ! P"yc'i t4y 6202P 61(3=.)$ 87=A3N y 4 US, D " S- Ment ! He !t' o, C'i!d4en nd Ado!e"cent" in ContemBo4 4y Indi - C'i!d nd Ado!e"cent Ment ! He !t' (6206)$ 338Bi55in N- Pu>!ic 'e !t' Be4"BectiDe o, common ment ! di"o4de4"- T'e "oci ! en&inee4 6203 (in B4e"")%1e KMM7 M e %7 AAas AB$! L&+#$7 Bar&a A7 Na$r N%. L$!c s&//"e'e!#s + r #rea#$!g #ha"assae'$a a!) s$c>"e ce"" )$sease. C chra!e Da#aAase + %(s#e'a#$c Re5$e1s 20117 Iss&e 11. Ar#. N .6 CD009,1-. D:I6 10.1002?1,0-18-8.CD009,1- (B4otoco!)<SA Hu"" in, SM R m, < # !inde, <in& de RRK- OccuB tion ! E%Bo"u4e to S' 4B In"t4ument InHu4ie" mon& Dent !, Medic ! nd Nu4"in& Student" in M ' tm # nd'i Mi""ionG" C mBu", N Di Mum> i, Indi - <ou4n ! o, ContemBo4 4y Denti"t4y 6206P 6(6)$ 0=02-

Hig!est 0nde$ing

0mpact 5actor


C$#e) A(6 0 6

Pu>Med Pu>Med Pu>Med

= 2-710 = Po!icy Deci"ion

3 . + 1

#oDt- Po!icy




C$#e) A(6

Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR Inde% CoBe4nicu"




(1) (2) (3) (,) (-) (0) (4) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (1,) (1-) (10) (14) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2,) (2-) (20) (24) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (3,) (3+) (36) (37) (38) (37) (.2) (,1) Bar&a A. Bi>!iot'e4 By$ An Aide to Community Medicine in Indi n "cen 4io- Co!!e&e 9i>4 4ie"- )e"t Ben& ! Co!!e&e 9i>4 4i n"G A""oci tion 6222P 01(I(II)$ 1=02Bar&a A. T'e Budd'i"t ABB4o c'e" to Bi>!iot'e4 By ,o4 Community T4e tment- < & HHyoti$ S n&' n y 5 D' 4m B ! M ' t'e4 Fe!icit tion ;o!ume- B udd' D' 4m n5u4 S >' 6222P Ko!5 t $ 86=1A!>&r Bar&a. A Note on Stem Ce!! Re"e 4c' nd Budd'i"t Et'ic"$ A Pe4"BectiDe Study- Bod'i B' 4 ti, 6226P Ko!5 t , 3+A!>&r Bar&a. Bio=et'ic" 9oDe nd ComB ""ion$ A Biomedic ! Study- Bod'i B' 4 ti$ #o!den <u>i!ee Co!!ection 6223P Ko!5 t $ 068=AA!>&r Bar&a. PoBu! tion &in& nd it" B4o>!em"$ A Be4"BectiDe "tudy- Bod'i B' 4 ti, 622.P Ko!5 t $ +3=.A!>&r Bar&a. Ju n N n& nd Eut' n "i - Bod'i B' 4 ti, 622+P Ko!5 t $11=7A. Bar&a. Ve!. I&a! La!g a!) h$s Aser5a#$ !s ! %$c>!ess7 Dea#h a!) 3&!era" C&s# 's + I!)$a )&r$!g %e5e!#h Ce!#&r( A.D. % &5e!$r + #he Th$r) I!#er!a#$ !a" %('/ s$&' ! I&a! La!g. The Ch$!ese Pe /"eDs Ass c$a#$ ! + r 3r$e!)sh$/ 1$#h 3 re$g! C &!#r$es 2 Ce!#re + I&a! La!g %#&)$es Dac$ Te'/"e7 %e/#. 2000S Che!g D&7 %$ch&a! Pr 5$!ce7 Ch$!a6 -01-3. A. Bar&a. E&#ha!as$a Prac#$ce $! I!)$a as :Aser5e) A( Ve!. I&a! La!g. % &5e!$r + #he Th$r) I!#er!a#$ !a" %('/ s$&' ! I&a! La!g. The Ch$!ese Pe /"eDs Ass c$a#$ ! + r 3r$e!)sh$/ 1$#h 3 re$g! C &!#r$es 2 Ce!#re + I&a! La!g %#&)$es Dac$ Te'/"e7 %e/#e'Aer 2000S Che!g D&7 %$ch&a! Pr 5$!ce7 Ch$!a6 -0,-8. A!>&r Bar&a. Eut' n "i P4 ctice in Indi n Cu!tu4e$ A Budd'i"t Pe4"BectiDe- 9e& cy o, Budd'i"m in n tion ! cu!tu4e"- Inte4n tion ! Budd'i"t Con,e4ence- Indo" n NiBBonHi (< B ne"e TemB!e), Decem>e4 6221P Bod'& y , Bi' 4, Indi $018=86A!>&r Bar&a. Community He !t' ( Soci ! Cu"tom" o, Indi " 4eDe !ed in t'e itine4 4y o, Ju n N n& o, t'e SeDent' Centu4y A-D- Bod'i B' 4 ti, 6221P Ko!5 t $ +A=7A!>&r Bar&a. Time!ine o, Budd'i"t He4it &e in C'in - S m>od'i (6++2 t' Budd' < y nti I""ue) Fe> 6228P03(03)$+.=12A!>&r Bar&a. Budd'i"t Bioet'ic" ( T'eo!o&ic ! A"Bect" o, Stem Ce!! Re"e 4c'- SouDeni4 o, t'e JJJII t' Inte4n tion ! Budd'i"t Con,e4ence- Indo" n NiBBonHi (< B ne"e TemB!e), Decem>e4 6228P Bod'& y , Bi' 4, Indi $ 76=02+A!>&r Bar&a. Eut' n "i P4 ctice in Indi " O>"e4Ded >y Ju n N n&- < & HHyoti$ 6++2 Budd' < y nti ;o!ume- B udd' D' 4m n5u4 S >' 6228P Ko!5 t $ 038=.2A!>&r Bar&a. Budd'i"t Bioet'ic" Re! ted to Eut' n "i P4 ctice- < & HHyoti$ Centen 4y ;o!ume- B udd' D' 4m n5u4 S >' 622AP Ko!5 t $ 70=3A!>&r Bar&a. Stem Ce!! 4e"e 4c'$ In Pe4"BectiDe o, Budd'i"t Bioet'ic"- S m>od'i (SBeci ! I""ue) Fe> 622AP Bod'& y , Bi' 4, Indi (in B4e"")A!>&r Bar&a. ConceBt o, Bod'ic'itt - < & HHyoti- B udd' D' 4m n5u4 S >' 622AP Ko!5 t (in B4e"")A!>&r Bar&a. Bio=et'ic ! I""ue" on Stem Ce!! Re"e 4c' nd Budd'i"t Et'ic"$ A Study ,4om t'e Pe4"BectiDe" o, P !i 9ite4 tu4e#y n y ni$ Inte4n tion ! I""ue B "ed on Budd'i"m 622AP +(.)$ 3+6=AA!>&r Bar&a. Ou ntum nd t'e A>'id' mm - <ou4n ! ,o4 Inte4di"ciB!in 4y Re"e 4c' on Re!i&ion nd Science <u!y 6227P +A!>&r Bar&a - P !i ,o4 Be&inne4"- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( Uni>oo5 Pu>!ic tion" Au&u"t 6227P Hon& Kon&A!>&r Bar&a , DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u , M-A- B "i!io- ABB!ied Budd'i"m in Mode4n Science$ EBi"ode 0- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" AB4i! 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=6+6.A=.A!>&r Bar&a , M-A- B "i!io- Icono&4 B'y o, Amo&' B^_ $ T'e Bod'i" tt o, ComB ""ion- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( Uni>oo5 Pu>!ic tion" Au&u"t 6227P Hon& Kon&A!>&r Bar&a , M-A- B "i!io- Di" BBe 4 nce o, Budd'i"m ,4om Indi $ E% min tion o, Cont4i>utin& F cto4"- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & AB4i! 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=6.A18=AA!>&r Bar&a , N- Te"te4m n, M-A- B "i!io- ABB!ied Budd'i"m$ T'e Found tion o, Ou4 T4ue Unde4"t ndin&- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( Uni>oo5 Pu>!ic tion" Octo>e4 6227P Hon& Kon&A!>&r Bar&a , M-A- B "i!io- ABB!ied Budd'i"m$ ABB!ic tion o, EmBtine"" in Mode4n Science- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( Uni>oo5 Pu>!ic tion" Octo>e4 6227P Hon& Kon&A!>&r Bar&a , M-A- B "i!io- ABB!ied Budd'i"m in Mode4n M t'em tic"- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( Uni>oo5 Pu>!ic tion" Octo>e4 6227P Hon& Kon&A!>&r Bar&a , DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u , M-A- B "i!io- Budd'i"m F!ou4i"'e" in Hon& Kon&- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" Fe>4u 4y 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=6.267=2A!>&r Bar&a , D-K- B 4u , M-A- B "i!io- ABB!ied Budd'i"m$ P'enomen ! nd Ment ! Cu!tiD tion- Bod'i <ou4n ! 6227P 0.A!>&r Bar&a , DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u , M-A- B "i!io- ABB!ied Budd'i"m in Se!,=Cu!tiD tion- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( Uni>oo5 Pu>!ic tion" Decem>e4 6227P Hon& Kon&A!>&r Bar&a , DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u , M-A- B "i!io- P4eDention o, #!o> ! Economic C4i"i" in Pe4"BectiDe o, ABB!ied Budd'i"m- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( Uni>oo5 Pu>!ic tion" < nu 4y 6202P Hon& Kon&A!>&r Bar&a , M-A- B "i!io- Amo&' B^_ $ T'e Bod'i" tt o, ComB ""ion- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" M 4c' 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=6.+.A=1A!>&r Bar&a , DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u , M-A- B "i!io- Se!,=Cu!tiD tion Cit'out Se!,- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" M 4c' 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=6.7..=1A!>&r Bar&a. 9e 4n t'e Fund ment !" o, P !i- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" Au&u"t 6202P #e4m nyISBN$ 78A=3=137=67381=2A!>&r Bar&a7 DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u , M-A- B "i!io- ABB!ied Budd'i"m in Mode4n M t'em tic"- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" SeBtem>e4 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=32037=8M-A- B "i!io, A!>&r Bar&a7 DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u - Found tion o, Ou4 T4ue Unde4"t ndin& t'4ou&' ABB!ied Budd'i"m- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" Octo>e4 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=30021=AAn5u4 B 4u - N D =N ! nd M ' Di' 4 $ An Undyin& He4it &e o, Indi - N ! nd 6202P N ! nd nd Cu!tu4 ! He4it &e ;o!ume$ 630=6A!>&r Bar&a7 Nico! " Te"te4m n, M-A- B "i!io- T'e :o&c 4 Con"ciou"ne""- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" Decem>e4 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=363A2=0DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u , A!>&r Bar&a7 M-A- B "i!io- #!o4i,ic tion o, t'e Budd' nd t'e Bod'i" tt in T'e4 D d Budd'i"m- Budd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( ;DM ;e4! & Pu>!ic tion" Decem>e4 6202P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=137=6A073=.An5u4 B 4u - N D N ! nd M ' Di' 4 $ An unde4!yin& 'e4it &e o, Indi - N ! nd $ Budd'i"m nd Indi n cu!tu4 ! <ou4n ! 6202PBudd' Pu4nim I""ue$ 630=6An5u4 B 4u - Budd'i"t Pe4"BectiDe" o, Bioet'ic"$ Stem Ce!! Re"e 4c' nd C!onin&- P4 Hn $ A Hou4n ! o, Bod'& y TemB!e M n &ement Committee 6206P Budd' < y nti I""ue$ 16=3An5u4 B 4u - Budd'i"t conceBt" o, to!e4 tion nd 'um n 4i&'t" " 4eDe !ed in t'e in"c4iBtion" o, A"o5 - P4 Hn $ A Hou4n ! o, Bod'& y TemB!e M n &ement Committee 6203P Budd' < y nti I""ue$ .0=AA!>&r Bar&a7 DiB 5 Kum 4 B 4u , M-A- B "i!io- )'en t'e Budd' n"Ce4ed Cit' 'i" "i!ence$ T'e un n"Ce4ed Lue"tion" in Budd'i"mBudd'i"t Doo4, Tun& 9in Ko5 :uen ( 9AP 9 m>e4t Ac demic Pu>!i"'in& SeBtem>e4 6203P #e4m ny- ISBN$ 78A=3=1+7=.1222=+-



Sl No 1 2 3 , 0 4 8 +ppointment ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 -ont! 9 Year M y 6227 Oct 6227 Oct 6227 AB4 6202 M y 6202 Au& 6202 Au& 6202 SeB 6202 0nternational 0nde$ed Ao#rnal 6 7rgani8ation Inte4n tion ! P"yc'o&e4i t4ic" Bu!!etin o, t'e )o4!d He !t' O4& niI tion <ou4n ! o, Neu4o"cience nd Be' Diou4 ! He !t' Ann !" o, S udi Medicine Inte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, Pu>!ic He !t' Inte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, EBidemio!o&y Inte4n tion ! <ou4n ! o, #enetic" nd Mo!ecu! 4 Bio!o&y A,4ic n <ou4n ! o, M 45etin& M n &ement Coc'4 ne Co!! >o4 tion ,o4 Sy"tem tic ReDieC"$ ABBointed " 4eDieCe4 ,o4 t'e MCy"tic Fi>4o"i" ( #enetic Di"e "e" #4ouBG, MP4e&n ncy ( C'i!d>i4t' #4ouBG, MMen"t4u ! Di"o4de4" nd Su> Fe4ti!ity #4ouBG, MSt4o5e #4ouBG, MHe 4t #4ouBG, MEBi!eB"y ReDieC &4ouBG MAcute Re"Bi4 to4y In,ection" ReDieC #4ouBG, MAi4C y" #4ouBG, MP in P !!i tiDe nd SuBBo4tiDe C 4e #4ouBG, MSe%u !!y T4 n"mitted In,ection" #4ouBG, MS5in #4ouBG, MPe4iB'e4 ! ; "cu! 4 Di"e "e" #4ouBK ( MEye" nd ;i"ion #4ouBGCoc'4 ne Con"ume4 NetCo45 MP ne! o, Inte4n tion ! Re,e4ee"G ,o4 Coc'4 ne P4e&n ncy nd C'i!d>i4t' #4ouB B4iti"' Medic ! <ou4n ! (BM<) A,4ic n <ou4n ! o, Mic4o>io!o&y Re"e 4c' <ou4n ! o, Ce!! nd Anim ! Bio!o&y <ou4n ! o, #e4i t4ic C 4e nd Re"e 4c' EDidence=B "ed ComB!ement 4y nd A!te4n tiDe Medicine #!o> ! <ou4n ! o, Medic ! Re"e 4c' BMC P"yc'i t4y Hig!est 0nde$ing P&AMe) P&AMe) CAS P&AMe) P&AMe) P&AMe) ScoBu" = Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR Coc'4 ne D t > "e o, SR Pu>Med SCIE Noo Rec = Pu>Med Pu>Med 0mpact 5actor 2.2, -., = 0-280 6-+37 1-.0. = =


Oct 6202


10 11 12 13 1, 110 14 18

Con"ume4 Re,e4ee Inte4n tion ! Re,e4ee ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 Edito4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4 ReDieCe4

<u! 6200 <u! 6200 Fe> 6206 Fe> 6206 M 4 6206 AB4 6206 Dec 6206 AB4i! 6206 <u!y 6203

1-0A1 1-0A1 0.-273 2-+1. = = .-88. 6-632


(1) Un nimou"!y e!ected " C' 4te4 Mem>e4 nd t'e Fi4"t Centenni ! Sec4et 4y o, t'e c!u>, 'e ' d "e4Ded ,o4 t'4ee con"ecutiDe te4m" du4in& t'e ye 4" 200,-2004 " %ecre#ar( + GR #ar( C"&A + Ta) !gH in Si55im, Cin& o, t'e GR #ar( I!#er!a#$ !a" (RI)H (Rot 4y Di"t4ict nd ctiDe!y inDo!Ded in 36.2, C!u> Num>e4 C2222111+.) R #ar( I!#er!a#$ !a" ID N . 0201180 ,4om 0 "t <u!y 622. ti!! 32 t' AB4i! 6228 FPu!"e Po!io ImmuniI tion P4o&4 mmeK toC 4d" e4 dic tion o, Po!io(2) ABBointed " n e%Be4t ,o4 t'e GCh$") <ea"#h a!) N&#r$#$ ! K! 1"e)ge Ne#1 r> (C<NKN)H C'ic' i" n initi tiDe o, t'e inte4n tion !

,ound tion entit!ed, GCh$") <ea"#h N&#r$#$ ! Research I!$#$a#$5e (C<NRI)H - T'e ,ocu" o, t'i" o4& niI tion i" on >ette4ment o, c'i!d 'e !t' nd nut4ition 4e"e 4c' in !oC nd midd!e=income count4ie"-


(0) ABBointed " F A))$#$ !a" =ar)e! K o, Boy"G Ho"te! o, Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS) ,4om 0 "t Fe>4u 4y 6228 to 30 "t Au&u"t 622A(6) Se4Ded " n ctiDe mem>e4 o, t'e QDea!Ds C ''$##eeD7 QResearch C ''$##eeD7 Q:%CE C ''$##eeD7 QAr#s 2 C&"#&ra" C ''$##eeD ( QCa+e#er$a C ''$##eeD o, t'e Me! 5 =M niB ! Medic ! Co!!e&e (MMMC) in M ! y"i ,4om 0 "t <u!y 6202 to 32 t' NoDem>e4 6200(3) Se4Ded " GM )&"e C r)$!a# rH ,o4 t'e FPu>!ic He !t' P4 cticeK nd FMedic ! Socio!o&yK modu!e" du4in& t'e "econd "eme"te4 o, MScPH cou4"e t IMU, Bu5it < !i!, M ! y"i ,4om M 4c' 6206 ti!! d te(.) Se4Din& " GC r)$!a# rH ,o4 t'e FAIRK nd FPo4t,o!ioK comBonent" ,o4 t'e MBBS cou4"e t IMU, Bu5it < !i!, M ! y"i ,4om 0"t Decem>e4 6206 ti!! d te-



0- 9i,e=Mem>e4 o, Indi n Pu>!ic He !t' A""oci tion (MIPHA) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- .262 @ Since 00 t' Fe>4u 4y 622+6- 9i,e=Mem>e4 o, Indi n A""oci tion o, P4eDentiDe nd Soci ! Medicine (MIAPSM) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- 90A133- 9i,e=Mem>e4 o, Indi n Science Con&4e"" A""oci tion (MISCA) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- 028+2 (73 4d to 78t' "e""ion").- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, Inte4n tion ! Medic ! Science" Ac demy (IMSA) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- 060 @ Since 62 t' M y 622++- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, <o'n SnoC Society (UK) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- 06+7@ Since < nu 4y 62211- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, Indi n Society ,o4 M ! 4i nd Ot'e4 Communic >!e Di"e "e" (MISMOCD) @ Mem>- No- 9M/686/6221 8- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, N tion ! EnDi4onment ! Science Ac demy (MNESA) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- 781 @ Since 8 t' <u!y 6221A- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, Indi n P"yc'i t4ic Society (MIPS) @ Since <u!y 62217- 9i,e A""oci te Mem>e4 o, Indi n Ac demy o, P edi t4ic" (MIAP) @ A9/6221/B=0A302- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, Indi n Society o, Medic ! St ti"tic" (MISMS) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- @ 6221.7/9M @ Since Au&u"t 622100- Mem>e4 o, Inte4n tion ! EBidemio!o&ic ! A""oci tion (MIEA) @ Since 0 "t < nu 4y 622806- Mem>e4 o, A!umni A""oci tion o, t'e Cent4e o, Budd'i"t Studie", t'e UniDe4"ity o, Hon& Kon& @ Since Au&u"t 622703- Mem>e4 o, Hon& Kon& UniDe4"ity A!umni A""oci tion (MHKUAA) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- @ 026=27072 @ Since 01 t' SeBtem>e4 62270.- Mem>e4 o, t'e M ! y"i n Medic ! A""oci tion (MMMA) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- @ F6713+3+ @ "ince Octo>e4 62020+- Mem>e4 o, Inte4n tion ! P"yc'o&e4i t4ic A""oci tion (MIPA) @ Since M 4c' 620001- Mem>e4 o, M ! y"i n P4im 4y C 4e Re"e 4c' #4ouB (MMPCR#) @ Since . t' AB4i! 620008- Mem>e4 o, Society o, Bio!o&ic ! P"yc'i t4y (MSOBP) @ Since 6A t' <une 62060A- Mem>e4 o, Society o, EBidemio!o&ic Re"e 4c' (MSER) @ Mem>e4"'iB No- @ 03SER=2+8.8 = Since 63 4d AB4i! 6203-


0- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, B udd' D' 4m n5u4 S >' (T'e Ben& ! Budd'i"t A""oci tion) @ Since 08 t' M y 622+6- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, Inte4n tion ! Medit tion Cent4e, Budd' & y @ Since Decem>e4 622+3- 9i,e Mem>e4 o, M ' Bod'i Society o, Indi @ Mem>e4"'iB No- 6817 @ Since 00 t' < nu 4y 6221-


A=ARD% (Aca)e'$c)
(0) O>t ined A6-.` m 45" nd "ecu4ed 8+ t' 4 n5 in St te 9eDe! in t'e Second 4y E% min tion (02 t' "tnd-) conducted >y t'e

)e"t Ben& ! Bo 4d o, Second 4y Educ tion, )e"t Ben& !, in t'e ye 4 0770 nd C " C 4ded t'e F Na#$ !a" %ch "arsh$/H + r &#s#a!)$!g /er+ r'a!ce in t'e " me e% min tion(6) O>t ined 8.-+` m 45" nd "ecu4ed 0.0 t' 4 n5 in St te 9eDe! in t'e Hi&'e4 Second 4y E% min tion (06 t' "tnd-) conducted >y t'e )e"t Ben& ! Bo 4d o, Hi&'e4 Second 4y Educ tion, )e"t Ben& ! in t'e ye 4 0773 %ch "arsh$/H + r &#s#a!)$!g /er+ r'a!ce in t'e " me e% min tion(3) )on t'e >e"t B Be4 C 4d ,o4 co= ut'o4in& ch$")re! "cienti,ic 4tic!e entit!ed 7 GA s#&)( ! /re5a"e!ce + @ $#re a' !g sch t t'e IVI

nd C "

C 4ded t'e F Na#$ !a" " +

+ Da>sh$!a Ka!!a)a D$s#r$c#7 Kar!a#a>a7H B4e"ented

A!!&a" KAC< (Kar!a#a>a Ass c$a#$ !

C ''&!$#( <ea"#h) C !+ere!ce he") a# KIM% Ba!ga" re7 Kar!a#a>a7 I!)$a7 March 13-1,7 200,. (,) =as a C 4ded K 4n t 5 , Indi (+) ) " C 4ded

B4e"ti&iou" ,e!!oC"'iB >y T'e SuB4eme #oDe4nin& Body o, t'e Ac demy o, #ene4 ! Educ tion, M niB ! " G3e"" 1 + #he Aca)e'( + @e!era" E)&ca#$ !H- (3A@E) on 06 t' AB4i!, 6222B4e"ti&iou" ,e!!oC"'iB >y T'e Roy ! A"i tic Society, 9ondon, UK " G3e"" 1 + #he R (a" As$a#$c % c$e#(H J

(3RA%) on 0. AB4i!, 622+(1) H " Lu !i,ied t'e U@C-NET e% min tion 'e!d on 61 t' <une 622+, on Soci ! Medicine ( Community He !t' nd C " C 4ded t'e B4e"ti&iou" ce4ti,ic te o, e!i&i>i!ity ,o4 !ectu4e"'iB in UniDe4"itie" / In"titution" t'4ou&'out t'e count4y >y t'e UniDe4"ity #4 nt" Commi""ion (U#C) nd N tion ! Educ tion ! Te"tin& (NET) Bu4e u o, NeC De!'i, Indi (8) ) " C 4ded (A) ) " C 4ded B4e"ti&iou" Acc4edit tion Ce4ti,ic te on T4 ine4 ,o4 Bas$c L$+e %&// r# (BL%) ,o4 t'e ye 4" 622+=6228 >y B4e"ti&iou" ,e!!oC"'iB >y T'e Roy ! In"titute o, Pu>!ic He !t', 9ondon, UK

T'e Ame4ic n 'e 4t A""oci tion, on 02 t' Decem>e4 622+" G3e"" 1 + #he R (a" I!s#$#&#e + P&A"$c <ea"#hH- (3RIP<) on 0A < nu 4y, 6221 (Mem>e4"'iB No- @ 61630)(7) ReceiDed t'e B4e"ti&iou" Fe!icit tion C 4d ,4om FP tiy Cent4 ! Budd'i"t Mon "te4y nd )e!, 4e A""oci tionK o, P tiy MuniciB !ity in C'itt &on&, B n&! de"' on 0 "t M 4c' 6228(02) ) " C 4ded M y 6228(00) ReceiDed t'e B4e"ti&iou" GT&!g L$! K > F&e! P s#gra)&a#e %ch "arsh$/ $! B&))h$s# %#&)$es )&r$!g #he (ear 20082009H >y t'e 9i 5 S'in& Found tion o, t'e Cent4e o, Budd'i"t Studie" o, t'e UniDe4"ity o, Hon& Kon& on 03 t' <une 622A(06) ReceiDed t'e B4e"ti&iou" F6228 9ee! > ti B'o! n t' AC 4d ,o4 Re"e 4c' in Community P"yc'i t4yK ,o4 t'e o4i&in ! 4e"e 4c' 4tic!e entit!ed, F De/ress$5e D$s r)ers $! I!)$a! E")er"( P /&"a#$ ! K t t'e 3. t' Annu ! Con,e4ence o, Indi n P"yc'i t4ic Society @ CENIPS=622A, du4in& NoDem>e4 622A t Bod' # y , Bi' 4, Indi (03) ReceiDed t'e B4e"ti&iou" FCommend tion Ce4ti,ic teK ,4om t'e ;ice=C' nce!!o4 P4e"ent tion Ce4emony o, t'e UniDe4"ity o, Hon& Kon& on 6+ t' AB4i! 6227(0.) ) " C 4ded Indi B4e"ti&iou" ,e!!oC"'iB >y t'e #!o> ! e 4t' Society ,o4 EnDi4onment ! Ene4&y nd DeDe!oBment, B'oB !, " G3e"" 1 + #he @" Aa" ear#h % c$e#( + r E!5$r !'e!#a" E!erg( a!) De5e" /'e!# H- (3@%EED) du4in& Fe>4u 4y, " m 45 o, 4eco&nition ,o4 n tion ! C 4d ,o4 t'e o4i&in ! 4e"e 4c' 4tic!e entit!ed, F De/ress$5e D$s r)ers $! I!)$a! E")er"( P /&"a#$ ! K t t'e 06t' P4iIe B4e"ti&iou" ce4ti,ic te on P4oDide4 ,o4 Pae)$a#r$c A)5a!ce) L$+e %&// r# (PAL%) ,o4 t'e ye 4" 6228=6202 >y T'e Indi n Ac demy o, P edi t4ic" (IAP) in cco4d nce Cit' t'e "t nd 4d o, T'e Ame4ic n 'e 4t A""oci tion, on 62 t'

6206 (Mem>e4"'iB No- @ F/002/06)-


ReceiDed t'e B4e"ti&iou" GBes# Lec#&rer + r <ea"#h Care Research


+ #he (ear (2012)H

C 4d

t t'e FTime Re"e 4c' Medi

He !t'c 4e E%ce!!ence AC 4d" 6206K on 61 Decem>e4 6206 t Hote! 9 !it, NeC De!'i, Indi -

(01) )on t'e t'i4d Bo"ition in Hunio4 4e"e 4c' C 4d ,o4 co= ut'o4in& + Tech!$ca" *&a"$#( + R # 3$""$!gs7H B4e"ented KeAa!gsaa! Ma"a(s$a (UKM)7 Ma"a(s$a )&r$!g :c# Aer 2013.

"cienti,ic 4tic!e entit!ed 7 GRa)$ gra/h$c E5a"&a#$ ! t t'e U!$5ers$#$

t youn& "cienti"t 4e"e 4c' B4oHect B4e"ent tion


Nomin ted ,o4 t'e B4e"ti&iou" GBes# Lec#&rer + r <ea"#h Care Research

+ #he (ear (2013)H

C 4d

t t'e F)o4!dCide Ac'ieDe4"

He !t'c 4e E%ce!!ence AC 4d" 6203K on 62 t' Decem>e4 6203 t Hote! A"'o5, NeC De!'i, Indi -


A=ARD% (3$!e Ar#s)

Sl No 063.+18A7020006030.0+0108&ategory Inte4n tion ! Inte4n tion ! Inte4n tion ! N tion ! N tion ! N tion ! N tion ! N tion ! N tion ! N tion ! St te Sc'oo! Co!!e&e Co!!e&e Co!!e&e Co!!e&e Co!!e&e +ward P4e"ident o, Indi G" Si!De4 Med ! B4onIe Med ! Ce4ti,ic te o, Me4it #o!d Med ! #o!d Med ! B4onIe Med ! Ce4ti,ic te o, E%ce!!ence Ce4ti,ic te o, E%ce!!ence Ce4ti,ic te o, Me4it Ce4ti,ic te o, Me4it B4onIe Med ! #o!d Med ! Si!De4 Med ! #o!d Med ! #o!d Med ! #o!d Med ! B4onIe Med ! (osition Second (P intin&) T'i4d (P intin&) Fou4t' (P intin&) Fi4"t (P intin&) Fi4"t (P intin&) T'i4d (P intin&) Fou4t' (P intin&) Nint' (P intin&) Ei&'t' (P intin&) Fou4t'=Ei&'t' (P intin&) T'i4d (P intin&) Fi4"t (P intin&) Second (P intin&) Fi4"t (P intin&) Fi4"t (P intin&) Fi4"t (P intin&) T'i4d (S5etc'in&) Fi4"t (P intin& ( C! y Mode!!in&) Second (S5etc'in&) Fi4"t (P intin&) &ompetition S' n5 4G" Inte4n tion ! C'i!d4enG"G A4t ComBetition ("enio4 !eDe!) :oun& EnDoy" Inte4n tion !, Hyde4 > d, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) :oun& EnDoy" Inte4n tion !, Hyde4 > d, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) A!! Indi C me! Co!o4 Conte"t ("enio4 !eDe!) 66nd - P !!i Cu!tu4 ! O4& niI tion, Ko!5 t , Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) N D4 n& C'it4 5 ! Ni5et n, ;e!! tu4, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) Ne'4u Mu"eum A!! Indi Sit ( D4 C conte"t, Ko!5 t , Indi (<unio4 !eDe!) 66nd - P !!i Cu!tu4 ! O4& niI tion, Ko!5 t , Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) Ne'4u Mu"eum A!! Indi Sit ( D4 C conte"t, Ko!5 t , Indi (<unio4 !eDe!) A!! Indi C me! Co!o4 Conte"t (<unio4 ( "enio4 !eDe!") FK 4m y t4 K @ Inte4 ct C!u> o, 9 M 4tene4e, Ko!5 t , Indi (<unio4 9eDe!) FOde""yK @ Hindi Hi&' Sc'oo!, Ko!5 t , Indi FA!c'emyK @ K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M n& !o4e, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) FUt" DK @ K "tu4> Medic ! Co!!e&e, M niB !, Indi ("enio4 !eDe!) Year 07AA 0772 07AA 07A7 07AA 07AA 07AA 07A7 07A6 07A+=07AA 07A6 0776 077+ 0771 0778 077A 077A



#o!d Med !



Co!!e&e Co!!e&e

Si!De4 Med ! #o!d Med !

0777 6223



(0) EBidemio!o&y ( Bio"t ti"tic", (6) Community P"yc'i t4y ( P"yc'i t4ic EBidemio!o&y, (3) Community DeDe!oBment, (.) EnDi4onment ! He !t', (+) Medic ! Educ tion ( Re"e 4c' Met'odo!o&y, (1) He !t' C 4e M n &ement, (8) ABB!ied Budd'i"m in Pu>!ic He !t' Pe4"BectiDe", (A) Budd'i"t P"yc'o!o&y-


Sl No &o#ntry .(lace of visit/ &!ina 1:
(#heng$u, -ichuan ,ro(ince)
14#h # 24 #h %e/#e'Aer 2000

(eriod of )isit


T /rese!# 2 sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers a# The Th$r) I!#er!a#$ !a" %('/ s$&' ! I&a! La!gS rga!$;e) A( The Ch$!ese Pe /"eDs Ass c$a#$ ! 3 r 3r$e!)sh$/ 1$#h 3 re$g! C &!#r$es7 Ce!#re + I&a! La!g %#&)$es Dac$ Te'/"e a# Che!g D&7 %$ch&a! Pr 5$!ce + Ch$!a.



62t' Fe>4u 4y to .t' M 4c', 6228

T /rese!# sc$e!#$+$c /a/ers a# @ ( ) Inte4n tion ! "emin 4 on Ati"' DiB n5 4 S4iHn n o4& niIed >y t'e FB n&! de"' Boudd' K4i"ti P4 c' 4 S n&' K t D' 5 , B n&! de"' nd (>)Inte4n tion ! Semin 4 on FBudd'i"m nd #ood #oDe4n nceK t UniDe4"ity o, D' 5 , B n&! de"'-

(!ilippines ):
(.anila, ;ue(a <i=caya & >aguio)

( ) 06 t' to 60"t <u!y 6228

To de!iDe4 #ue"t 9ectu4e on FUnity in DiDe4"ity$ T'e Cu!tu4 ! He4it &e o, Indi K nd F#uide!ine" ,o4 Pe4"on !ity DeDe!oBmentK t FOu4 ! dy o, F tim Sc'oo! o, ;i!! De4deK o, NueD ;iIc y , P'i!iBBine" on 01 t' <u!y 6228To B y cou4te"y Di"it to t'e FBint C n N tion ! Hi&' Sc'oo!, ;i!! ;e4deK o, NueD ;iIc y , P'i!iBBine" on 61 t' M y 6200-

(>) 60"t M y to 30 "t M y 6200


Hong Kong
(,o"fulam & .ong /o")

00t' SeBtem>e4 622A to 67 t' NoDem>e4 6227

T /&rs&e a !e (ear7 +&""-#$'e c &rse ! Mas#er + B&))h$s# %#&)$es +r ' #he Ce!#re + B&))h$s# %#&)$es a# #he U!$5ers$#( + < !g K !g. Th$s 1as + "" 1e) A( #he $ss&e + 1 r> /er'$# A( #he < !g K !g I''$gra#$ !.


67t' NoDem>e4 6227 ti!! d te

A// $!#e) as a! Ass c$a#e Pr +ess r + C ''&!$#( Me)$c$!e a# Me"a>a-Ma!$/a" Me)$ca" C ""ege a# Me"a>a7 Ma"a(s$a a+#er #he $ss&e + 1 r> /er'$# A( #he Ma"a(s$a! I''$gra#$ !.



( ) 61 t' to 6A t' Fe>4u 4y 6202 (>) 32t' AB4i! to 34d M y 6200

A##e!)e) a g&es# "ec#&re A( I%KC:N ! Q%/$r$#&a"$#( 2 %c$e!ce $! <$!)& Ph$" s /h(D a# Na#$ !a" U!$5ers$#( + %$!ga/ re (NU%). T /a( a c &r#es( 5$s$# # GL$##"e I!)$aH a!) GMar$!a Ba( %a!)sH + %$!ga/ re )&r$!g 1 s# # 2 !) Ma( 2011. 3 r PhD reg$s#ra#$ ! a# #he L&'A$!$ B&))ha U!$5ers$#( (LBU). A##e!)e) GI!#er!a#$ !a" %e'$!ar ! Va"&es + %c$e!ce 2 %/$r$#&a"$#( $! 21 s# Ce!#&r(H a# U)a(a!a U!$5ers$#(7 De!/asar ! 3r) %e/#e'Aer 2011. A"s /ar#$c$/a#e) $! #he I%KC:N GRa#ha Fa#raH +es#$5a" ! , #h %e/#e'Aer 2011.

8: ':


03t' to 01 t' Decem>e4 6202

Bali (6n$onesia)

67 Au& to + SeBt 6200




= = = = P intin& (>ot' comme4ci ! ( ,ine 4t"), H ndic4 ,t", Em>4oide4y ( C! y Mode!!in& P'oto&4 B'y (,4ee! nce, Bo4t4 it, n tu4e, ,e"tiD !, di&it !, ni&'t B'oto&4 B'y, "Beci ! e,,ect") Mu"ic (e "te4n "emi=c! ""ic ! Doc !), Synt'e"iIe4 ( Mout' O4& n (E "te4n In"t4ument !) Poet4y )4itin& (En&!i"' ( Ben& !i) U"ui Sy"tem o, Rei5i N tu4 ! He !in& ( Fi4"t De&4ee) Coo5in& (No4t' Indi n "ty!e) ( De""e4t=M 5in& C'e"", Socce4, C4ic5et ( B dminton

P ""Bo4t Num>e4 P! ce o, I""ue D te o, I""ue D te o, E%Bi4y St tu" $ $ $ $ $ F6713+3+ Ko!5 t , )e"t Ben& !, Indi 00 <u!y 622+ 02 t' <u!y 620+ Emi&4 tion c'ec5 not 4eLui4ed

(I""ued >y Re&ion ! P ""Bo4t O,,ice4)


Hon& Kon& ID NoD te o, I""ue $ $ R1A0.30(7) 07t' SeBtem>e4 622A


; !idity Pe4iod D te o, I""ue I""ued >y $ $ $ 2+/26/6202 to 2./26/620+ 2+/26/6202 Mini"t4y o, Hi&'e4 Educ tion, M ! y"i


TyBe o, 9icen"e D4iDin& 9icen"e Num>e4 P! ce o, I""ue D te o, I""ue D te o, E%Bi4y $ $ $ $ $ 9i&'t Moto4 ;e'ic!e 9icen"e 0711 / C / 660 / P8 / 22$ .A10 K 45 ! , K 4n t 5 , Indi 0A/02/6220 08/02/6260


Sl No Name of Referee .&ontact N#m"er/ Designation Name of Department Name of instit#te .*niversity/ ,ocation

Br&ce @. Tr$gg
0P'one$ ?0=+2+=A.0=.006 Me)$ca" D$rec# r %TD Pr gra'7 D$s#r$c# 1 Ne1 Me.$c De/ar#'e!# + <ea"#h 0000 St n,o4d D4- NE, A!>uLue4Lue, NM A8021, US

Fax: 505-841-4147
E'a$" : Ar&ce.#r$ggE) h.s#a#e.!'.&s

Dr. N$"a'a)haA Kar

6Ph !e6 V,,-1902--092,3 E'a$"6 !'a)haAE(ah .c '

Consultant Psychiatri st

Psychiatr y

Corner House Resource Centre

322 Dun"t !! Ro d,


Br$gg. Dr. M.K. @h sh

3Mo>i!e$ ?70= Em i!$ d4>4i&a&m i!-com Pr +ess r 2 <:D C ''&!$#( Me)$c$!e

%$>>$' Ma!$/a" U!$5ers$#( + <ea"#h7 Me)$ca" 2 Tech! " g$ca" %c$e!ces

DeBt- o, Community Medicine, Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), + t' Mi!e T don&, # n&to5 @ 838 026 Si55im, Indi


Dr. D.K. Bha

Mo>i!e$ ?70=7.3.3+1622 Em i!$ H' 4 H 6ay 'oo-co-in

Pr +ess r 2 <:D

Ph(s$ " g(

%$>>$' Ma!$/a" U!$5ers$#( + <ea"#h7 Me)$ca" 2 Tech! " g$ca" %c$e!ces

DeBt-o, P'y"io!o&y, Si55im=M niB ! In"titute o, Medic ! Science" (SMIMS), + t' Mi!e T don&, # n&to5 @ 838 026 Si55im, Indi

Ve!. Dr. Bh$>sh& %a#(a/a"a

Te" 6 V91-11-240040037 M A$"e : +919968218648 +-

Email : bhante_satyapala yahoo!com bhantesatyapala "mail!com

Pr +ess r 2 <:D

B&))h$s# %#&)$es

U!$5ers$#( + De"h$

De!'i @ 002 228Indi

Dr. <.%. %h&>"a

1Te" 6 V91--,2-23091807 Pr +ess r Pa"$ 2 B&))h$s# %#&)$es Ba!aras <$!)& U!$5ers$#( ; 4 n "i @ 660 22+ Utt 4 P4 de"'- Indi

#obile : +9199$%$46442

Ve!. Dr. B$!g F$!

8Te"6 22,1 -019

Pr +ess r 2

E() *irector

Email: &in"yin h'u!h'

Centre o+ ,u--hist .tu-ies

/he 0ni1ersity o+ Hon" 2on"

Room No- @ 621, 6/F, M y H !!, T'e Cent4e o, Budd'i"t Studie", HKU, Po5,u! m Ro d, Hon& Kon&


Dr. La>sh'$ N. Na$>

< ! n B tu H mB 4, Bu5it B 4u, Me! 5 @ 8+0+2M ! y"i

AM A$"e6 ?12081A+A127 Email: ! 5"'mi-n i5a&m i!-com

Pr +ess r


Me"a>a-Ma!$/a" Me)$ca" C ""ege (MMMC)

Declaration2 I 'e4e>y dec! 4e t' t !! t'e >oDe=mentioned in,o4m tion i" t4ue to t'e >e"t o, my 5noC!ed&e ( >e!ie,= D4- An5u4 B 4u

The best idea would not work, unless we work the idea


S-ar putea să vă placă și