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IELTS Speaking: Part 3

Speaking Home |Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In Part 3, you and the examiner discuss some topics related to the topic you spoke about in Part 2. he time limit !or Part 3 is about 3"# minutes. he examiner $ill help you and mo%e the con%ersation along.

&xamples o! Part 3
Topic in Part 2 Describe a place you visited recently Possible Related Topic in Part 3 How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other? Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have? Are friends more important than family? What is the role of parents in raising children? Has the role changed in recent years? Who is responsible for discipline? Describe a child you know Do possessions make people happy? Why do people buy things? Are people in your country wise consumers? Describe an object you like Are images important in your culture? What is the role of advertising? Do films and television influence our decisions? Who are the most influential people in your society? Are there many heroes or role models today? What are the ualities of a good leader? How do different cultures celebrate events? What is the importance of festivals? How have special occasions such as weddings changed in your culture?

Describe a friend

Describe a photograph

Describe an historical figure Describe an important event in your culture

Success!ul students'
Comment on the question hat(s interesting. I $as $atching a program about that last $eek hat(s a big problem today. I heard Sheikh )ohammed talk about that in a speech in *ubai. +h, that(s %ery di!!icult to predict, I don(t think anybody really kno$s $hat is going to happen. -o$, that(s a tough .uestion. It depends on your point o! %ie$. /es, I(%e o!ten thought about that. Relate the question to their own experience hat(s %ery important because I am getting married next month hat(s an interesting .uestion because I $ork in computers, so I o!ten $onder $hat the !uture o! technology $ill be. hat(s a tough .uestion because I am not an economist. hat(s !unny " the other day I $as in 0l"0in and someone asked me the same .uestion. )y kids o!ten ask me the same .uestion Divide up your answer 1asically, there are three $ays to look at this problem. +ne $ay is to imagine2. I think there are se%eral $ays to sol%e this problem. I think one $ay $ould be to2 It depends on ho$ you look at it. 3or example, i! you $ere a parent, you $ould ha%e one opinion, and i! you $ere a student, you might ha%e another perspecti%e. I think t$o %ery di!!erent things $ill happen. 3irst o! all, there might be2 here ha%e been se%eral e!!ects. +ne e!!ect is that I suppose you could break it up into t$o or three areas. 3irst2 Use Modals In the I&4 S speaking test, Part 1 !ocuses on Present ense, Part 2 on the Past, and Part 3 on the !uture and modals 5can, could, might, may, etc.6 /ou are expected to predict, guess, analyse, relate, suggest and e%aluate 5gi%e your opinion6 in this part.

Problem and solution: Ideas: Drug Abuse

-rite them do$n 7 don(t organi8e yet. Problems &!!ect on parents, distress, pain &!!ect on !amily 5brothers, sisters, $i%es, husbands, children6 &!!ect on $ork, producti%ity, punctuality, career 9riminal problems, the!t, police resources, smuggling, ma!ia, under$orld, gangs )edical problems, addiction, death, o%erdose, dri%ing, irrational decisions or beha%ior, hospitali8ation, medical resources, treatment, clinics, detoxi!ication, counselling Solutions

&ducation, schools, a$areness, campaigns, choices, ad%ertising 9ounseling, treatment, ad%ice, con!idential, helpline 9ommunication bet$een parents and children, meals, non":udgmental, !irm, close, open communication 9lose !amily relationships' brothers, sisters, parents &mployment, meaning!ul acti%ity, acti%ities in e%enings ;ood en%ironment, leisure, sports, !riends &xpectations

Problem and Solution: Drug Abuse: Layout

Drug abuse is rife in many countries( )illions of dollars are spent internationally preventing drug use* treating addicts* and fighting drug+ related crime( !resent situation" definition # problems !resent situation" solutions Although drugs threaten many societies* their effects can also be combated successfully( $his essay looks at some of the effects of drug use on society* and suggests some solutions to the problem( Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities( $he medical and psychological effects are very obvious( Addicts cannot function as normal members of society( $hey neglect or abuse their families* and eventually re uire e.pensive treatment or hospitali1ation( $opic ,entence -edical effects -edical e.amples /+0 Crime Crime e.amples /+0 $he second effect is on crime( Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and dealing( Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds develop with the money from drugs(

$his essay will %&ssay outline'

Ho$e%er, the menace o! drugs can be !ought. &ducation is the !irst battle. 9hildren need to be told at home and in school about drugs. People need to be a$are o! the e!!ects so that they can a%oid this problem. opic Sentence &ducation &ducation' &xamples 1"2 0 second approach is to increase police manpo$er and create e!!ecti%e legislation to stop dealers. Ho$e%er the main target should be the user. Police' &xample 1 <ser'

<ser example 1 <ser example 2 <ser example 3

3amilies and counselors need to talk to children and people at risk. Parents need to look at their children and help them to become responsible. =obs are also needed to gi%e people a role in society.

In conclusion, opic Sentence Summary o! essay' problem' solution although the problem o! drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there are concrete steps that can be taken to $eaken the hold o! drugs on society. he danger !rom drugs is too great to ignore.

3uture statement 5$hat $ill or might happen6

Paragraph 1' Introduction

*rug abuse is ri!e in many countries. 1illions o! dollars are spent internationally pre%enting drug use, treating addicts, and !ighting drug"related crime. 0lthough drugs threaten many societies, their e!!ects can also be combated success!ully. his essay looks at some o! the e!!ects o! drug use on society, and suggests some solutions to the problem.

Paragraph 2' Problem

*rug abuse causes multiple problems !or countries and communities. he medical and psychological e!!ects are %ery ob%ious.0ddicts cannot !unction as normal members o! society. hey neglect or abuse their !amilies, and e%entually re.uire expensi%e treatment or hospitali8ation. he second e!!ect is on crime.Huge police resources are needed to !ight smuggling and dealing. 9riminal gangs and ma!ia under$orlds de%elop $ith the money !rom drugs.

Paragraph 3' Solution

Ho$e%er, the menace o! drugs can be !ought.&ducation is the !irst battle.9hildren need to be told at home and in school about drugs. People need to be a$are o! the e!!ects so that they can a%oid this problem 0 second approach is to increase police manpo$er and create e!!ecti%e la$s to stop dealers.Ho$e%er the main target should be the user' 3amilies and counselors need to talk to children and people at risk. Parents need to look at their children and help them to become responsible. -orth$hile :obs and housing are also needed to gi%e people a role in society.

Paragraph #' 9onclusion

In conclusion, although the problem o! drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there are concrete steps that can be taken to $eaken the hold o! drugs on society. he danger !rom drugs is too great to ignore !or us and our children.

Drugs: Essay Organization

Why are drugs becoming a problem in our society and what are the effects?

he essay belo$, although it is a problem>solution essay and not an argument essay, still !ollo$s the simple3??3 layout.

Introduction !resent situation" definition # problems !resent situation" solutions $his essay will %&ssay thesis* or outline'

Drug abuse is rife in many countries( )illions of dollars are spent internationally preventing drug use* treating addicts* and fighting drug+ related crime(Although drugs threaten many societies* their effects can also be combated successfully( $his essay looks at some of the effects of drug use on society* and suggests some solutions to the problem( Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities($he medical and psychological effects are very obvious( Addicts cannot function as normal members of society( $hey neglect or abuse their families* and eventually re uire e.pensive treatment or hospitali1ation( $he second effect is on crime(

Paragraph 2 $opic ,entence Medical effects &.amples /+0 %-edical' Crime &.amples /+0 %Crime' Paragraph 3 $opic ,entence Education &.amples /+0 %&ducation' Police &.ample / %!olice' Users &.amples /+0 %2sers'

Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and dealing( Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds develop with the money from drugs(

However* the menace of drugs can be fought(&ducation is the first battle( Children need to be told at home and in school about drugs( !eople need to be aware of the effects so that they can make avoid this problem A second approach is to increase police manpower and powers to stop dealers and to

enforce the law( However the main target should be the user( 3amilies and counselors need to talk to children and people at risk( !arents need to look at their children and help them to become responsible( 4obs are needed to give people a role in society( Conclusion $opic ,entence ,ummary of essay" problem" solution 3uture statement

In conclusion*although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate* there are concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the hold of drugs on society( $he danger from drugs is too great to ignore( We must act now to save our society(

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. In most parts of the world people are living longer. What are the possible causes of this situation? Is this a negative or positive development? You should write at least 250 words. Model Answer Longevity in the world over has been increasing for a variety of reasons. Babies born today enjoy much longer life spans than those of their parents. It is argued that this increase is a positive phenomenon and that the main causes of it are both the deepening of medical understanding and the sharing of such information between people via tools like the Internet. These causes will be examined in detail to prove their value in the lengthening of worldwide life spans. Firstly medical advancements over the last century have allowed people to postpone death. !mong the more significant discoveries that made this possible is the development of antibiotics. !ntibiotics now available to most people the world over dramatically lower incidences of infection and have thus greatly curbed the number of people the world over who die due to diseases once thought incurable. Thus advancements in science can be seen as one of the more major contributors to the extending of worldwide life spans. "econdly the Internet and the information shared across it has made the debunking of ineffective medical practices much easier. For example medical folklore in countries like #hana and rural $hina dictate new mothers avoid washing themselves for a month after giving birth. Before tools like the Internet ridiculous and unsanitary practices such as this were widely believed to be in the best interests of the mother%s health. Today few people in either country would argue in favour of this postnatal tradition. Thus the Internet has allowed people to share life&promoting information the world over. In conclusion human life is precious and the global extending of life spans should be seen as positive. It is hoped medical discoveries continue to increase in number and that access to the Internet continues to grow allowing longevity to be a pleasure enjoyed everywhere.

Healt !are: "nlimited and a#ailable to all$

Posted on November 20, 2011 by writefix

Does everyone have the right to the best healthcare, regardless of cost? Some o! us are lucky to li%e in parts o! the $orld $ith excellent medical care. Ho$e%er, e%en in rich countries, health authorities ha%e to make tough decisions because o! the staggering costs o! ne$ procedures and medicines' $ho gets $hich treatment@ -hich patient is more deser%ing@ In this essay I $ill discuss i! uni%ersal healthcare is really possible. here are se%eral reasons $hy it is ridiculous to expect !ree or subsidi8ed medical care inde!initely. 3irst o! all, e%ery country has a limited health care budget. )oney must be spent $here it can do the most good !or the most people. Second, many expensi%e treatments are experimental or a last resort. he patient may ha%e already cost the go%ernment a small !ortune. 0 third and harsh point is that $e need sometimes to let nature take its course. 3or example, prolonging the li!e o! someone in su!!ering, :ust because $e can, is sometimes not the ans$er. Ho$e%er, it(s also natural to !ight !or li!e. -e re:oice $hen $e hear stories o! babies sa%ed by incredible medical inter%ention or o! di!!icult surgeries that success!ully repair !aces, hands and bodies. 0 related point is that $e hope that these costly procedures $ill become routine and more $idely a%ailable. Heart surgery $as re%olutionary in the 1ABCs but is no$ commonplace. 3inally, most people understand the need !or healthcare premiums, $ithin reason, e%en i! they ne%er get sick. hey are happy to share the burden o! insurance i! they kno$ that they and their !amilies are protected. In conclusion, deciding $ho deser%es $hich treatments is immensely di!!icult. -e need to accept that there are limits to $hat medicine can do, as $ell as to ho$ much $e can spend on it.

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