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Objectives of Study/Paper/Journal Article: This article provides an inquiry of causes that result in disciplinary expulsion among the students

with health impairments, behavioral, emotional and learning disabilities. Description of the Experimental/Study Design/Problem: The article focuses on the results of SEELS inquiry, using data of 1,824 participators to define the factors of the higher probability of exclusion (HLE) on the bases of logistic regression analyses. To specify the results, individual examination of the disability groups, parent`s interviewing, analyses of the collected data and sociocultural background of students is included into the research. Theoretical Framework: The complex analysis of individual, family and community characteristics of the students with behavioral disabilities, as well as demographics, parent involvement, socioeconomic and socioecologic disadvantage indicators are the most important factors to conduct the issue of the article. Summary of Results of Study/Journal Article: The disciplinary expulsion concerns students with behavioral and emotional disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that according to sociodemographic factors are more probable to be expelled than those with learning disabilities. Moreover, African American and Hispanic students of male gender and older age are more credible to be excluded then their Caucasian counterparts. Family structure is no longer significant for the higher likelihood of exclusion. However, socioeconomic factor prevails to be highly essential predictor. Furthermore, school and community experiences such as frequent school change, urban school setting and lower parent satisfaction with child`s school are of great importance too. In spite of that, deference, responsiveness and school discipline ratings are not crucial. In addition, involvement in extracurricular activities is associated with the risk of the higher likelihood of expulsion. For instance, sport involvement portends it, whereas religious involvement lessens it.

In addition, regression series applied for each group separately reveal that African American male students are associated with all disability groups, while Hispanics only with learning disabilities. However, socioeconomic factors proved to be the most crucial for the risk for exclusion. Extracurricular activities are insignificant for the students with emotional or behavioral disorders, although scouting and religious involvement predicted lower risk for expulsion. In addition, sport activities aggravate its probability. Consequently, age and time of disability onset along with a receipt of Head Start disability services are completely insignificant for the likelihood of expulsion or suspension. Discussion/Conclusions: The article concluded hypotheses it stated. However, while inspecting the disability groups separately, new predications emerged. Therefore, due to the research a certain shift in provided results proved to be very significant for controlling and preventing further misinterpretations of the data, used purely theoretically. Moreover, the results of the research are not precise for the Hispanic ethnicity group, because of very complex contextual factors. It also does not explain disparities in exclusion rates, therefore makes impossible decreasing of these disparities. The reliance on linear cross-sectional analysis limits the use of longitudinal data. Thus, investigation of this issue in progress is impossible. Therefore, the lack of evidence in this research warranted a further investigation. Reviewers application: This article focuses on a burning educational problem that can be addressed using the methods and techniques provided in it. Differential patterns of risk for expulsion could be applied on the broader population extent within three disability groups. That will lessen errors in the data, that are caused by misspecification of the results or underreport of the family situation by parents. Therefore, deep analysis of family and socioeconomic situation will diminish racially or disability-biased expulsion. Moreover, the results of the research this article provides are of great importance for the educational system because they prevent some institutions which are not ready to address

behavioral issues from groundless suspension or exclusion, helping to define protective factors, control the disability groups and determine the factors that obstruct improvement.

Achilles M. Georgianna, McLaughlin J. Margaret, Croninger J. Robert.(2007). Sociocultural correlates of disciplinary exclusion among students with emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities in the SEELS national dataset. Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders, 15, (1), 33-45

Objectives of Study/Paper/Journal Article: The article provides an overview of the national processes that enabled conversion from accepting impoverished students to investigating poverty in the University of Michigan. Description of the Experimental/Study Design/Problem: The article focuses on the analyses of the archival documents, enrollment data, Michigan catalog, president`s reports, articles from 1870-1910, the progress of education and changes in the system of higher education in order to elucidate the reasons and nature of transformation of the University of Michigan. Theoretical Framework: Complex examination of main forces of transformation such as research universities` quest for prestige, the relationship of expertise and professionalism to middle-class ethos of universities and Liberal Protestantism aims at distinguishing the way the University of Michigan turned to be elite and class biased. Summary of Results of Study/Journal Article: The colossal change in the system of higher education in the United States of American proved to be a crucial point for research universities flourishing. They became indispensible part of the country life and students of various race and class groups struggled for the access to them. However, poverty remained a burning problem that prevented students from entering higher educational establishments and a view attempts were made to diminish it. The president of the University of Michigan declared education available for all. But misinterpretation of the term the poor hindered this idea. Moreover, the university lessened the enrollment of poor students, becoming prestigious and expensive. The dependence of the middle class and education aggravated the situation too. Therefore, no opportunities to work, high fees, expensive living and absence of financial aid make The University of the Poor inaccessible for the impoverished students. Liberal Protestantism happened to be a catalyst that influenced the emergence of Studying

poverty instead of admitting individual poor students. Intended social amelioration due to this study raised the status of the university, obstructing enrollment for them. Discussion/Conclusions: The administrative leaders of the University of Michigan declared their intents to provide free education for the impoverished students. But search for prestige, the role of expertise and professionalism enabled it to become elite. Thus, the students with low socioeconomic status had no financial possibility to enter the university. In spite of this, it remained The University of the Poor. Liberal Protestantism found ways to conduct research on poverty. However, it neglected the problem of inaccessibility of higher education and made no efforts to help the poor students to afford studying there. In addition, it provided striking antithesis between intentions and real actions of the university leaders, exposing the developed system of educational hypocrisy. Reviewers application: The article proves the fact of frequent discrepancies between the declared status of higher educational establishment and present minimum enrollment of the poor students. Such phenomenon is not rare which makes addressing this issue of high importance to the improvement of the system of education. Moreover, the inclusion of students grounded on race, religion or socioeconomic status turns to be prejudiced approach which violates human equal rights. Moreover, class remains to be the invincible barrier on the way to enter and graduate from the university. Such discrimination is less conspicuous but it should be defeated in order to avoid the paradox which already exists. Therefore, the

University of Michigan and other educational establishments should provide financial support and activism to warrant social equity and become welcoming to the impoverished students in order to justify words by deals. Nidiffer jana, Bouman P. Jeffrey. (2004). The University of the poor: The university of the Michigan`s Transition from admitting impoverished students to studying poverty, 1870-1910. American Educational Research Journal , 41 , (1), 35-67.

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