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El futuro (4): will, be going to, Present Continuous

En ingls se utilizan varias formas verbales para referirse al futuro: will: Ill come with you. (Ir/Voy contigo.) be going to: Hes going to come with us. (Va a venir con nosotros.) Present Continuous: Were coming tomorrow. (Venimos maana.) Utilizamos will + innitive (sin to) para:
Decisiones repentinas: Hacer predicciones sobre el futuro: Ofrecerse a hacer algo por alguien: Promesas: Oraciones temporales y condicionales. Las identicamos fcilmente porque aparece en la oracin principal: if (si ) when (cuando ) as soon as (en cuanto ) before (antes de que ) after (despus de que ) until (hasta que ) Fjate que tras estas expresiones se utiliza el presente, NO: I will phone you when I will arrive. I like this coat. I think Ill buy it. (Me gusta ese abrigo. Creo que me lo comprar.) In the year 2300 everybody will be happy. (En el ao 2300 todo el mundo ser feliz.) Ill clean the car for you. (Te lavar/lavo el coche.) Ill love you forever. (Te querr siempre.) Ill phone you if I arrive early. (Te llamar si llego temprano.) Ill phone you when I arrive. (Te llamar cuando llegue.) Ill phone you as soon as I arrive. (Te llamar en cuanto llegue.) Ill phone you before they leave. (Te llamar antes de que ellos se marchen.) Ill phone you after they leave. (Te llamar despus de que se marchen.) I wont phone you until I arrive. (No te llamar hasta que no llegue.)

Utilizamos be + going to + innitivo para:

Hablar de nuestros planes, proyectos e intenciones para el futuro. Fjate que para hablar de planes jos se puede tambien usar el Present Continuous Predecir el futuro utilizando informacin disponible en el presente. I am going to be a famous artist. (Voy a ser una famosa artista.) They are going to visit the Pacic islands next spring. (Van a visitar las islas del Pacco la prxima primavera.) He never goes to class. He is going to fail the exam. (No va nunca a clase.Va a suspender el examen.)

Utilizamos be + gerundio (Present Continuous) para:

Citas y compromisos futuros que ya estn jados. Im going to the dentist tomorrow at ve. (Voy al dentista maana a las cinco.)

A Con o sin to? Completa los huecos con la partcula to si es necesario. En
caso contrario, pon una X. 0 If it rains, then I will X
48 ESO
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1 Are you going 2 Is he arriving 3 Dont worry, I wont 5 We are taking

visit Mary soon? in the next ight? drive if I drink. take it to the shop. an English test on Monday.

4 My computer has crashed. I am going

B Completa las oraciones con be going to/will y las expresiones de la tabla.

take it to the car wash go to the hairdressers get you an aspirin have a shower see her make some tea

0 Mary: Philip: 0 Sally: Paul: Sally: 1 Melanie: Jill: 2 Andrew: Sam: Andrew: 3 Mother: 4 Mike: Paul:

Philip, Im very thirsty. I am too. Ive already put the kettle on to boil. Im going to make some tea . Whats the matter, Paul? Ive got a headache. Oh, I ll get you an aspirin Is your toothache better? No, but Ive phoned the dentist. I Do you think my hair looks all right? Not really. I think it needs a cut. Yes, I think so too. I as soon as I can. . . Where have you been with the car? Its very dirty. Wheres Tom? Hes just gone to the bathroom. He at 10:30. .

Daughter: Oh dear! Im so sorry, mom. I

C D lo que Ann va a hacer la semana prxima con ayuda de su diario. Si

tiene una cita o compromiso, utiliza Present Continuous. Si se trata de un plan o intencin en general, emplea be going to. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00 p.m. play tennis with Bob Write some letters 9:00 p.m. have lunch with Jo Tidy my room Get Dad a birthday present! 11:00 a.m. meet Aunt Jane Watch Titanic again!

0 Ann cant see Fred on Monday because she s playing tennis with Bob. 0 She doesnt want to go out on Tuesday because she s going to write some letters. 1 She wont be at home on Wednesday evening because she 2 On Thursday Ann 3 Ann is excited about Friday because she 4 Ann cant oversleep on Saturday because at 11:00 a.m. she 5 Ann really likes lms, so on Sunday she
Gramtica Oxford

ESO 49

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