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Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy ISSN 2224-3232 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#"$3 (%nline! &ol.3' No.

"' 2#(3

Thermal Energy Storage by Nanofluids


)ani Na*+ %,aid ' 2-a*eed .li )a,ee,' 3/arhan 0afta 1ashid' 4.h+ed )ashi+ ('3 -inistry of Science and Technology 2'4 2a,ylon 3ni4ersity 3 E--ail5 engfarhan$( 4 E--ail5

Abstract Nanofluids are sus ensions of nano articles in ,ase fluids' a new challenge for ther+al sciences ro4ided ,y nanotechnology. Nanofluids ha4e uni8ue features different fro+ con4entional solid-li8uid +i9tures in which ++ or :+ si;ed articles of +etals and non-+etals are dis ersed. .t this research adding of s+all weight ercent of +agnesiu+ o9ide -g%(#.(' #.2' #.4 and #."wt.<! to ure water as wor=ing fluid in the ,uilding heating syste+ ,y solar energy ga4e us different ,eha4ior' adding #.(' #.2wt'< ga4e low te+ erature gradient than the ure water' while #.4 and #."wt.< ga4e greater te+ erature gradient than ure water which is desired. Keywords: Nano+aterials' Nanofluids' Ther+al Energy' Energy Storage. 1. Introduction Nanofluids are solid>li8uid co+ osite +aterials consisting of solid nano articles or nanofi,ers with si;es ty ically of (>(##n+ sus ended in li8uid. It has ,een shown that nano articles with higher ther+al conducti4ity than their surrounding li8uid can increase the effecti4e ther+al conducti4ity of sus ension. /or e9a+ le' a s+all a+ount (?(< 4olu+e fraction! of @u nano articles or car,on nanotu,es dis ersed in water or oil was re orted to increase the inherently oor ther+al conducti4ity of the li8uid ,y $4< and ("#< A(' 2B. Nanotechnology ro4ides new area of research to rocess and roduce +aterials with a4erage crystallite si;es ,elow (## n+ called nano+aterials. The ter+ Cnano+aterialsD enco+ asses a wide range of +aterials including nanocrystalline +aterials' nanoco+ osites' car,on nanotu,es and 8uantu+ dotsA4B. Nanofluids clearly e9hi,it i+ ro4ed ther+o- hysical ro erties such as ther+al conducti4ity' ther+al diffusi4ity' 4iscosity and con4ecti4e heat transfer coefficient. The ro erty change of nanofluids de ends on the 4olu+etric fraction of nano articles' sha e and si;e of the nano+aterials as shown ,y Eang et al. A"B. )eat transfer fluids ha4e inherently low ther+al conducti4ity that greatly li+its the heat e9change efficiency. Fhile the effecti4eness of e9tending surfaces and redesigning heat e9change e8ui +ents to increase the heat transfer rate has reached a li+it' +any research acti4ities ha4e ,een carried out atte+ ting to i+ ro4e the ther+al trans ort ro erties of the fluids ,y adding +ore ther+ally conducti4e solids into li8uids. 0i8uid dis ersions of nano articles' which ha4e ,een ter+ed CnanofluidsD' e9hi,it su,stantially higher ther+al conducti4ities than those of the corres onding ,ase fluids AGB. &ery high ther+al conducti4ity and e9tre+e sta,ility ha4e always ,een desired for heat transfer fluids with articles. /luids ha4ing this i+ ortant co+,ination of features did not e9ist till the ad4ent of nanofluids. Nanofluid technology could +a=e the rocess +ore energy efficient and cost effecti4e.These nanofluids could ,e used in a wide range of industrial a lications. He+and for ultra-high- erfor+ance cooling in electronics has ,een increasing' and con4entional enhanced surface techni8ues ha4e reached their li+it with regard to i+ ro4ing heat transfer. Since nano articles are relati4ely +uch s+aller than the dia+eter of +icrochannel flow assages' s+ooth-flowing nanofluids could ro4ide the solution. Since nanofluids can flow in +icrochannels without clogging' they would ,e suita,le coolants. These could enhance cooling of -E-S under e9tre+e heat flu9 conditions A$B. S ecific heat ca acity of sol4ents can also ,e enhanced ,y do ing with nano articles. Nelson et al. AIB re orted that the s ecific heat ca acity of olyal haolefin was enhanced ,y "#< on addition of e9-foliated gra hite nano articles at #.G< concentration ,y weight. Shin and 2aner*ee AJB synthesi;ed +olten salt-,ased silica nanofluid and o,ser4ed 2G< enhanced s ecific heat ca acity for (< weight concentration. Ther+al energy storage 7TES7 syste+s at high te+ eratures are re8uired to i+ ro4e the o erational efficiencies and relia,ility of solar ther+al energy con4ersion syste+s. The +aterials that are co+ ati,le for these a licationsKsuch as al=ali-nitrates' al=alicar,onates' and al=ali-chlorides 7as well as their eutectics7Kha4e 4ery low s ecific heat ca acities' usually less than 2 J Lg M7while' to co+ are' the s ecific heat of water is 4.2 J Lg M at roo+ te+ erature.


Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy ISSN 2224-3232 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#"$3 (%nline! &ol.3' No."' 2#(3

The ther+al conducti4ity of these +aterials is also low 7usually' ( FL+ Mo. The ther+o hysical ro erties of +olten salts can ,e i+ ro4ed ,y do ing with s+all 8uantities of nano articles' thus reali;ing a high te+ erature nanofluidA(#B. Hirect a,sor tion solar collectors ha4e ,een ro osed for a 4ariety of a lications such as water heatingN howe4er the efficiency of these collectors is li+ited ,y the a,sor tion ro erties of the wor=ing fluid. %tanicar et al. A3B de+onstrated efficiency i+ ro4e+ents of u to "< in solar ther+al collectors ,y utili;ing nanofluids as the a,sor tion +echanis+.The e9 eri+ental and nu+erical results de+onstrate an initial ra id increase in efficiency with 4olu+e fraction' followed ,y a le4eling off in efficiency as 4olu+e fraction continues to increase. In this research we will find the effect of adding different 8uantities of nano articles (-g%! to ure water in the ,uilding heating syste+ dri4en ,y solar energy on the heating loss ti+e. 2. E !erimental "art .n e9 eri+ental in4estigation of the ther+al energy storage ,y using nanofluid (adding +agnesiu+ o9ide' -g% to distilled water! the si;e of the added articles was ranged fro+ 2# to 3# nano+eter for weight ercent of #.(' #.2'#.4 and #." wt.<. The syste+ which is designed to heat ,uilding was consist of reflector which concentrates solar energy to heat the fluid assing through it' fluid storage tan= to store the fluid which is circulated ,y using u+ and solar radiator which transfer the heat into the air in the roo+.

/igure((! 2uilding )eating Syste+ Hri4en ,y Solar Energy #.$esults and %iscusions 1esults were o,tained for adding +agnesiu+ o9ide (nano articles of 2# to 3# nano+eter! with #.(' #.2' #.4 and #." wt.< to ure water in the syste+ shown a,o4e (/ig. ((!!. /igure(2! shows the relationshi ,etween the te+ erature of the heating fluid with heat loss ti+e' one can o,ser4e that when adding #.(wt.< of -g% to ure water the te+ erature gradient will less than the case of ure water ,ecause it will +ini+i;e the heat ca acity of the whole +i9ture(-g%OFater!' while when adding #.2wt.< the te+ erature gradient will ,e +a9i+i;ed and re+aining less than the ure water ' after adding #.4wt< the gradient will ,e larger than the ure water ,ecause it will re4ent the heating loss and the adding of #."wt.< was the greatest one' which is desired.


Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy ISSN 2224-3232 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#"$3 (%nline! &ol.3' No."' 2#(3

/igure(2! &ariation of Te+ erature with Ti+e for Hifferent Feights Percent &. 'onclusions /ro+ the resent wor= we can deduce the following conclusions5 (. .dding nano articles (-g%! to ure water at s+all 8uantities (#.(' #.2wt.<! will +ini+i;e the heating loss ti+e. also a,ility to heat gain is lower than ure water. 2. .dding nano articles (-g%! to ure water for (#.4' #."wt.<! will +a9i+i;e the heating loss ti+e' a,ility to heat gain is greater than ure water. 3. It is ossi,le to sa4e energy ,y 4ery s+all 8uantities of nano articles. $eferences A(B S. Jana' ..S. Mho*in'F.). Phong' Ther+ochi+. .cta 4G2 (2##$! 4">"". A2B S.3.S. @hoi' P.Q. Phang'F. Eu' et al.' . l. Phys. 0ett. $J (2##(! 22"2>22"4. A3B T.P. %tanicar' P. E. Phelan' 1.S Prasher'Q.1osengarten' R 1. ..Taylor'(2#(#!'Nanofluid >,ased direct a,sor tion solar collector' Journal of renewa,le and sustaina,le energy'2. A4B Qu ta ).M' .grawal Q.H' -athur J.(2#(2!'.n o4er4iew of Nanofluids5 . new +edia towards green en4iron+ent' INTE1N.TI%N.0 J%31N.0 %/ EN&I1%N-ENT.0 S@IEN@ES &olu+e 3' No (' 2#(2. A"B Eang E' Phang P Q' Qrul=e E .' .nderson F 2 R Fu Q.' (2##"!')eat transfer ro erties of nano article-in-fluid dis ersions (nanofluids! in la+inar flow' International Journal of )eat and -ass Transfer' 4I(G!' ((#$>(((G. AGB Penghu )an'(2##I!' Nanofluids with Enhanced Ther+al Trans ort Pro erties' Thesis. A$B .. M. Singh'(2##I!' Ther+al @onducti4ity of Nanofluids' Hefence Science Journal' &ol. "I' No. "' Se te+,er 2##I' . G##-G#$. AIB I.@. Nelson' H. 2aner*ee' 1. Ponna an' /low loo e9 eri+ents using olyal haolefin' J. Ther+o hys. )eat Transfer 23 (2##J! $"2>$G(. AJB H. Shin' H. 2aner*ee' Enhanced s ecific heat of silica nanofluid' .S-E J. )eat Transfer (33 (2#((! #24"#(>#24"#4' doi5(#.((("L(.4##2G##. A(#B Honghyun Shin (2#((!' Enhanced S ecific )eat of Silica Nanofluid' Journal of )eat Transfe '/E213.1E 2#((' &ol. (33 L #24"#(-(.


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