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Phd Thesis Progress Report

Title of Research

Evaluation of Retrofitted Bridge Piers under Seismic Loading

By MUHAMMA !"BAL #$%Ph %&E%'( Supervisor
Supervisor) Prof* r* "aiser% u+% ,aman -han .UET Ta/ila0 &o%Supervisor) r* Syed Muhammad Ali .UET Pesha1ar0 Department of Civil Engineering UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY TA ILA

2* !ntroduction Pakistan is located in a high seismic zone. The research presented in this thesis has been conducted in the aftermath of the major earthquake of 8 th Oct 2005 earthquake in zad !ashmir and "orthern areas of Pakistan# $here man% high$a% structures $ere damaged being deficient of requisite in steel reinforcement# concrete strength and ductilit% to sustain earthquake energ%. &eismic 'azards define the potential of (arthquake. (arthquake is basicall% the ground )ibration# resulted from the natural phenomenon i.e. fracture of the earth crust# )olcanic eruption or artificiall% due to man*made acti)ities like e+plosions etc. ,ajorit% of our bridges $ere constructed prior to October 2005 and those $ere designed according to the -est Pakistan 'igh$a% .ode /01234. 5n that code# the seismic zones for an% particular cit% $ere on the lo$er side# therefore# most of our bridges constructed in an% region are prone to major damages. 5t is reported b% the 6& 7eological &ur)e% that global death toll in 2000 $as e+ceeded 800#000 $orld$ide. On the a)erage about 00#000 people died e)er% %ear# besides the great economical loss# $orld$ide. October 8# 2005 (arthquake brought about 35#000 human losses and 2.5 million homeless.

'* Literature Revie1 s a aftermath of the October 8# 2005 earthquake about 9#921 !,s /83.02 :4 roads $ere destro%ed;damaged# reported b% "<, =ridge is an integral part of road net$ork that pro)ides free flo$ of traffic o)er an obstructions encountered =ridge closure# e)en if it is temporar% ma% result undesirable consequences being a )ital link in transportation. (* Pro3lem Statement >ecent earthquakes in the sia especiall% in Pakistan unco)ered the )ulnerabilit% of e+isting >. structures to the e+pected damage 5n Pakistan onl% one bridge design code has been published in 0123. The said code is deri)ed from the 6& code of 0120 and since then the code is not updated ,ost of the bridges in Pakistan ha)e been designed on the basis of &'TO &tandards / &'O # 01204 $hich has been obsolete in the 6& since 2003 and replaced b% &'TO*?>@< / &'TO*20034 On the basis of field sur)e% and tests it is obser)ed that concrete used in the construction of the e+isting bridges in Pakistan is lo$ strength concrete i.e. AfcB 2900 psi# c%linder strengthC $hich also apparentl% sho$s the )ulnerabilit% of these bridges to e+pected damage or collapse in case of )er% high hazards

The e+ecution practice in the Pakistan $hich is not commensurate $ith the required standard also increases the bridges )ulnerabilit% to e+pected damage in case of an% catastrophe like October 8# 2005 earthquake >efD Ph< ThesisC &T6<E O@ ("(>7E <5&&5P T5O" . P .5TE O@ >. =>5<7( .O?6,"& 6"<(> &(5&,5. <(, "<C b% &E(< ,O' ,, < ?5 /20014 The October 8# 2005 earthquake in Pakistan that $as recorded as 3.2 on ,$ has set minimum benchmark for the seismic design of >. structure especiall% for bridges hence the capacit% enhancement of sur)i)ed bridges is imperati)e to ensure their structural stabilit% and functionalit% in )er% high hazards To undermine the se)ere )ulnerabilit% of e+isting bridges and augment the resistance to e+pected damage# retrofitting is una)oidable 5n this epoch of the modern engineering design F construction# numerous methods of retrofitting are being used To impro)e the old seismic design practice and increase the life of the structures to $ithstand the ne$ looming global effects# retrofitting $ith of old e+isting structures $ith .@>P is demanding

4. Project & Program Objectives Proposed Experimental Work 5n order to predict the effects of impro)ements in confinement b% .@>P jacketing on eight scaled do$n modals /0D94# the complete research has been carried out in follo$ing t$o phases. A. Phase I- esting o! "amaged #etro!itted $ol%mns &. Phase II- esting o! 'ndamaged #etro!itted $ol%mns (.)cope & Objectives )cope <ata gathering &election of t%pical bridge pier <etermination of ,echanical properties of protot%pe &election of 5nput (arthquake time histor% &imilitude studies. (+perimentation 5nterpretation of (+periment results and calibration of numerical model

Objective (+perimentation e)aluation of retrofitted pier columns for drift# ductilit% and >/q4 factor ()aluation of different retrofitting techniques

()aluation of stress G strain of retrofitted concrete c%linder and find out their relation to retrofitted pier columns. <e)elopment of "umerical model and its calibration esting #e*%irements & Available +acilities Preparation of concrete Harious equipment for mi+ design# mi+ing etc &tatus I )ailable in A.oncrete ?abC <etermination of ,echanical Properties of ,aterials (quipment to be used I 6T, 200 tons Juasi G &tatic ,easurementsD ?oad# <isplacement F &train measurement <ata logger unit for static measurement 6. , 30 <isplacement transducers and strain gages <%namic ,easurementsD cceleration# &train F <isplacement <ata cquisition &%stem# accelerometers and string pot displacement transducers required (. ,ethodolog- o! Work #esearch ,ethodolog&election of 5nput (arthquake time histor% a4 b4 c4 d4 Processing of aftershocks recorded b% ((. &caling F frequenc% content correction of aftershocks for bigger e)ents Processing of Oct 8# 2005 ,$ 3.2 earthquake record &election of an attenuation model

>educed &cale ,odeling a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 &election of scaling factor ,odel material ,odel geometr% 7ra)it% loading 5nput earthquake time histor% <e)eloping preliminar% numerical model

Research 435ectives

" 5n Pakistan all the old buildings and bridges are being constructed $ith cube strength of 8000 psi equi)alent to 2900 psi c%linder strength " 5n this stud% $e used the 0D9 scaled do$n one model of target AfcB 2900 psiC i.e. lo$ strength concrete /?&.4 " >efD Ph< Thesis A&T6<E O@ ("(>7E <5&&5P T5O" . P .5TE O@ >. =>5<7( .O?6,"& 6"<(> &(5&,5. <(, "< Kb% &E(< ,O' ,, < ?5/20014 " &ingle and <ouble -rapping of .arbon @iber reinforced Pol%mer /.@>P4 is applied on the model bridge pier $ith LfcB 0800 and 2900 psi strength. " '%brid test comprises of Juasi &tatic .%clic Test /J&.T4 and @ree Hibration Test /@HT4 is then conducted " The e+perimental results thus obtained are then compared $ith the control ,odels of pre)ious researcherBs results i.e. & , li " The e+perimental results of the retrofitted pier sho$s that the capacit% of the bridge has been enhanced $hich ultimatel% impro)ed the functionalit% of the e+isting bridge.

#etro!itting )chemes )elected +or O%r #esearch The e+tensi)el% used materials and included in our research areD a. .@>P -rappings The abo)e retrofitting material $ill be used onD a. <amaged b. 6ndamaged /"e$ ,odels4 The magnitude of retrofitting material $ill be )ariedD a. .@>P $ill be used in single and <ouble la%ers.

$arbon +iber #ein!orced Pol-mers .$+#P/ " The use of composite materials in the construction industr% and infrastructure related applications ha)e significantl% increased in recent %ears. " .arbon @iber reinforced pol%mers /.@>Ps4 ha)e become popular in structural retrofit applications due to their appealing ad)antages such as being light$eight# lo$ maintenance cost# high strength# high durabilit%# high stiffness to $eight ratio and eas% to appl%. " The strengthening of >. columns $ith $rapped .@>P sheets to impro)e seismic performance is one of the major applications of this ne$ strengthening method.

Application o! $+#P " fter appl%ing the epo+% underla%ment on the concrete surface# the .@>P sheets $ere $rapped around the column. (ach la%er $as lap spliced for a length of 250 mm to a)oid delaminating. " The epo+% $as selected to insure that the multiple la%ers of the straps acted as one unit $ith no inter*laminar slippage.

" The continuous .@>P reinforcement column $rapping allo$s increasing the ultimate displacement and the ultimate strength.

6* Pro5ect 7or8 Schedule

Phase #! )! '! 0! Activity Literat$re Revie%! St$(* of Vario$+ Str$,t$ral Soft%are-+! .reparation of /o(el Anal*+i+ an( Te+ting of Sele,te( S*+tem E/pected Time .7ee80 &' &' &0 &0 Status Complete( Complete( Complete( Complete(

1! 2!

Con,l$+ion an( Re,ommen(ation+ Compilation an( final report! Total)

&1 &1 '9 7ee8s

Complete( Complete(

:* Pro5ect
Sr* ;o* # ) ' 0 1 2

etailed Budget
"uantity Rate < Unit Appro/imate Budget.Rs*0 03&&& 03&&& #&3&&& )&3&&& 4&3&&& )&3&&& Total) 2$#=###<%

escription of !tems Fine aggregate+ Coar+e aggregate+ Cement Steel CFR. /aterial La5or E6pen(it$re

>* Utili+ation of Research &trengthening bridge columns $ith fiber jackets significantl% impro)es the fle+ural and shear strengths and increases the ductilit% of the column. &tructures designed b% old design codes need strengthening as a current requirement# $hich can be fulfilled b% retrofitting techniques. The seismic performance of >. columns $as also found to be impro)ed b% increased ductilit% $ith the confinement of .@>P composites. The strength and ductilit% of concrete bridge columns could be significantl% increased b% $rapping .@>P around the columns.

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