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Subject: Medical Sciences Book Index: Lecture Notes: Urology, 6th edition.

By Amir Kaisary and John Blandy Style: Chicago Manual of Style, Indented
A Abdominal examination enlarged bladder, 2 ! enlarged kidney, 2 inguinal regions femoral hernia, " hernial orifices, ! " scrotum lum# in, " $ s%elling, ", $ s#ermatic cord encysted hydrocele, & 'aricocele, $, ( 'as deferens, $, & Acid load, !2 Acute balanitis, 22( Acute cystitis, )!* + Acute e#ididymitis, 2"! Acute orchitis, 2"! Acute #rostatitis clinical features of, )&& hy#eraemia in, )&* treatment of, )&* Acute renal failure causes of, $& *, ),2, ),! chronic and, difference bet%een, ),2 clinical features of, ),2 #rodromal and oliguria anuria, ),! reco'ery #hase, ),! " I-. and /MSA renogram in, $& oedema, $& #athology of, ),2 treatment of, )," Acute ureteritis, ))! Adenocarcinoma, )"* + Adenoma, *" $ Adrenal gland

anatomical relations of, ++, ),, folded sand%ich arrangement of, ),, tumours of0 See Adrenal tumours Adrenaline, ),) Adrenal medulla, tumours of0 See 1heochromocytoma Adrenal tumours Conn2s syndrome, ++ ),, Cushing2s syndrome, ),, non3functioning, ++ #heochromocytoma, ),, ),) 'irilisation, ),, Adult #olycystic disease, "!, "$ Afferent motor im#ulses, )2( & Allergy to contrast media, )! Al#ha3blockers, )*! " $3Al#ha3reductase inhibitor, )*", 2,, Analgesic abuse, ($ Aneurysms of renal artery arteriogram sho%ing, +" arterio'enous aneurysms arterio'enous fistula, +! treated %ith embolisation, +$ Angiomyoli#oma, +, Anterior col#orrha#hy, )&2, )&! A#lasia, ", ) A##endix testis, torsion of hydrocele0 See 4ydrocele 'aricocele, 2", Aristolochia clematis, (( Aromatase inhibitors, 2,) Arterial infarction, +! Arterio'enous aneurysms arterio'enous fistula, +! treated %ith embolisation, +$ Atheroma, +* A5os#ermia, 2$! B Bacterial cystitis, )!* + Bacterial .6I diagnosis and treatment in men, )"" in %omen, )"! " management of, )"! Bacteriuria, )!& Balanitis, 2)*

Balanitis xerotica obliterans, 22( Balkan ne#hro#athy, ($ ( Balloon #yelo#lasty, ))( Bard bladder tumour antigen 7B6A8 test, + Bed3%etting, )(! Benign multilocular cysts, +, Bilhar5ia o'a, )"$ Bilhar5iasis0 See Schistomiasis Bladder action of drugs on, )&" blood su##ly of, )2", )2( congenital abnormalities agenesis and du#lication, )!! e#is#adias, )!" exstro#hy, )!! " #atent urachus, )!! cystosco#y of0 See Cystosco#y em#tying of, )2* enlarged, #hysical signs of, 2 herniation of, )&, ) injuries to delayed #erforation, )!( intra#eritoneal ru#ture, )!$ ( o#en and #enetrating, )!$ micturition, )2& ner'e su##ly of, )2( & surgical anatomy of fascia of /enon'illiers, )2" male and female bladder, )2$ urothelium, )2", )2( urodynamics0 See .rodynamics Bladder cancer clinical features of haematuria, )$) sym#tomless #atients, )$, combination chemothera#y for, )(, diagnosis of I-., )$) 2 ultrasound and cystosco#y, )$2 #alliation, )(, #athology of, )"* s#read of, )"+ staging of, )"+ $, transurethral resection of, )$$ treatment of 9! #6is, )$2 !

6a and 6) urothelial cancer, )$! " Bladder centre at S2 and S!, lesions of S2 and S! irritation, )(( & S2 and S! segment destruction management of, )($ ( tests for, )($ Bladder outlet, mechanical lesions of detrusor s#hincter dyssynergia, )(*, )&, genuine stress incontinence diagnosis of, )&) treatment of, )&2 ! herniation, )&, ) obstruction, )(* s#hincter damage, )&, Bladder stones, &+ clinical features of, *) com#onents of, (* incidence of, (* laminations of, (+ management of, *) 2 outflo% obstruction, *) su#ersaturation stones, (+ Bone scan, 22, )+( Bosniak renal cyst classification system, ** Bo%man2s ca#sule, 2+ Brantley Scott artificial s#hincter, )&,, )&) Brucellosis, (! " Bulbos#ongiosus reflex, )($ Burch col#osus#ension, )&2 C Calcium stones hy#ercalciuria, &, 2 oxalate, (+ &, Calculi0 See :enal calculi Caliceal cyst, "2, "! Caliceal stones, &( Carcinoma in situ, )$2 ! Carcinoma of urachus0 See .rachus, carcinoma of Cauda e;uina lesions, )(( * Cement kidney, () Central facilitation, excessi'e, )(! Childhood #olycystic disease, "! " Chlamydia trachomatis, 2"! $) Chromium </6A, 22 Chronic e#ididymitis, 2""

Chronic orchitis, 2"" Chronic #rostatitis, )&* Chronic renal failure, &) acute and, difference bet%een, ),2 causes of, )," clinical features of, )," $ management of, ),$ Chyluria, (& Clam cysto#lasty, )($ Collecting tubule congenital disorders of, "( functionality of, !) Com#ensatory hy#ertro#hy, )(* Com#uted tomogra#hy 1<6 scan %ith, 2! of #rostate cancer, )+$ subtraction angiogram of renal trans#lant, )* )+ su##lemented %ith contrast, )+, 2, Condom urinal, )(!, )(" Condyloma acuminatum, 22( Congenital multicystic kidney, "2 Congenital #osterior urethral 'al'es, 2,", 2,( Conn2s syndrome0 See =ona glomerulosa tumours Contrast media allergy to, )! chemical irritation, )! in kidney ne#hrogram, )! )" #yelogram, )" Cor#us ca'ernosogra#hy, 22" Cortical and blood3borne infection, (, Creatinine clearance, !) Crossed renal ecto#ia, !+, ", Cryosurgery, )++ Cunningham clam#, )&, Cushing2s syndrome0 See =ona fasciculata tumours Cystic dys#lasia, "2 Cystine, (+ Cystinuria, "$ Cystitis acute, )!* chronic, )!+ ", clinical features of, )!+ cystica, )!+ ", interstitial0 See Interstitial cystitis Cystometrogram, )2* +

Cystometry, )2& * Cystosco#y correct #osition for, )!2 flexible, )2+, )!) instruments used in, )!) rigid, )!2 / da -inci :obot, 2(, ) /etrusor com#ensatory hy#ertro#hy of, )(* + failure, )(*, )(+ instability, )(& * /etrusor s#hincter dyssynergia, )(* + /iabetes insi#idus, )(2 /ialysis haemodialysis, ),$ ( #eritoneal, ),$ ++m 6c diethylenetriamine #entaacetic acid 7/61A8, )+ /iethylstilboestrol, )++ ++m 6c 2,! dimerca#tosuccinic acid 7/MSA8, )+, 22, !2 /i#3slide method of estimating colony count, )2 /istal tubules acid base balace regulation by, !) congenital disorders of, "( /iuresis, )(2 /i'erticula, $" /ocetaxel, 2,) /ouble3> ureteric stent, &$ ( /u#lex kidney column of Bertin in, !& and ureter, !( yo3yo reflux, ))2 /ys#lasia, ") < Echinococcus granulosus, (( <cto#ic testicle, 2!! <fferent motor im#ulses, )2& <jaculation inhibited, 22! mechanism of, 22,, 222 #remature, 22! <jaculatory failure, 22! " <mbryoma causes of, *!

clinical features of, *! management of, *! " stages of, *" <mbryonal carcinoma, 2"$ ( <ntero'esical fistulae, infection from, $" <#idermoid cyst, 2"( <#ididymis, 2!) anatomy of, 2!$ cysts of, 2"2 ! tuberculosis of, 2"" <#ididymo'asostomy, 2$$ <#is#adias, )!", )!( <rectile im#otence causes of, 22, 2) in'estigation of, 22) 2 treatment of, 222 ! <rection #hysiology, 2)+ 2,, 22) <rythro#lasia of ?ueyrat, 22( <xstro#hy, )!! ", )!$ <xtracor#oreal shock %a'e lithotri#sy 7<S@A8, &" $ B Banconi2s syndrome, "$ Bemale urethra and clitoris, anatomy of, 2,! structure of, 2," Bemoral hernia, " Blexible cystosco#e, )2+ bladder image obtained through, )!) small #a#illary tumour coagulated %ith CA9 laser through, )$$ )* B fluoro32 deoxyglucose 7B/98, 22 Bollicular cystitis, )!+ 9 9enitourinary tuberculosis diagnosis of, () 2 treatment of, (2 9enuine stress incontinence 79SI8 diagnosis of, )&) treatment of, )&2 ! 9erm cell tumours, 2"$ ( 9honeim2s continent di'ersion, )$+ 9iant condyloma acuminatum, 22( 9leason system, )+) 9lomerular filtration test, !) 9lomerulus

arterioles of, 2+, !, filtration, !, 9onadotro#hin3releasing hormone antagonist, 2,, 9out and ne#hrocalcinosis, (( 9ram3negati'e se#ticaemia, $* 9ranuloma, $$ 9ranulomatous orchitis, 2"" 9ra%it52 tumour Buhrman grading system, *$ #athology of, *" $ stages of, *( 9roin hernias, landmarks for, " 9! su#erficial cancers carcinoma of urachus clinical features of, )$+ (, subtotal cystectomy for, )(, 62 and 6! in'asi'e cancers, )$$ radical cystectomy for, )$( & radiothera#y for, )$$ ( urinary di'ersion for, )$& + 9ynaecomastia, 2"& 4 4aematogenous infection, $! 4aematuria, ) 4aemodialysis, ),$ ( 4aemorrhagic cystitis, )!* 4artnu# disease, "$ 4e#atic oxaluria, (+ &, 4ernia direct and indirect, !, $ femoral, " #antaloon, $ 4igh3intensity focused ultrasound thera#y, )++ 4ormonal mani#ulation, #rostate cancer androgen blockade, 2,) testosterone %ithdra%al effects, )++ 2,) 4orseshoe kidney, !* + 4uman lym#hocyte antigens 74AA8 ex#ression of, ),& matching, ),* 4unner2s ulcer0 See Interstitial cystitis 4ydatid disease, (( & 4ydrocele clinical #resentation of, 2") infantile, 2"2

in neonate, 2", ta##ing, 2"2 4ydrone#hrosis, $,, $" bilateral, )(2 /61A renogram in, 22 4y#eracute rejection, ),* + 4y#ercalciuria absor#ti'e, &, &) reabsor#ti'e, &) renal, &, 4y#erne#hroma0 See 9ra%it5D tumour 4y#eroxaluria, &, 4y#er#arathyroidism #rimary, &) secondary, &) 2 tertiary, &2 4y#o#lasia, ") 4y#os#adias com#lete, 2,! glandular, 2,2 one3stage o#eration for, 2,$ #enile, 2,2 ! I Iatrogenic trauma clinical features of, )2, late leak of urine, )2) #osto#erati'e sym#toms of, )2, Idio#athic retro#eritoneal fibrosis0, ))+ Ileal oxaluria, &,, &) Iliac osteotomy, )!$ Immunosu##ressi'e agents, ),*, ),+ Inflatable #enile #rosthesis, 22" Inguinal region examination, ! " Internal urethrotomy, 2)$ )( Interstitial cystitis cause of, )"" clinical features of, )"" $ in'estigations of, )"$ treatment of antimicrobial for, )"( high fluid through#ut, )"$ Interstitial ne#hritis causes of, (" ( clinical features of, (( Intra#eritoneal ru#ture, )!$ (

Intra'aginal torsion of testicle clinical features of, 2!+ ", treatment of, 2", Intra'enous urograms 7I-.8 left renal #el'is, ** ne#hrogram and #yelogram #hase of, )" #atient #re#aration for, )" )$ u##er tracts and bladder, )$ uses of, )! E Eidney blood su##ly of collecting ducts, !! " renal arteries, !2 ! renal 'eins, !! calyces of, !( clear3celled renal cell carcinoma of, *$ closed injuries of com#lications in, "* $, grades of, "& mechanism of, "* contrast media in antegrade urogram, )$ arteriogram and angiogram, )& cystogram, )( I-. studies, )" )$ ne#hrogram, )! )" #yelogram, )" retrograde urogram, )$ urethrogra#hy, )( cystic disorders of, ") cysts of, ""0 See also Fbstruction cysts /MSA scan of, 22 du#lex0 See /u#lex kidney embryology of, !$, !( enlarged, #hysical signs of, 2 errors of de'elo#ment of agenesis, ", a#lasia, ", ) dys#lasia and hy#o#lasia, ") errors of #osition of crossed renal ecto#ia, !+, ", horseshoe kidney, !* + #el'ic kidney, !+ rotated kidney, !*

thoracic kidney, !+ ", #enetrating injuries of, "& #reser'ation for trans#lantation, ),+ structure of glomerulus, 2+ !, #a#illa, 2+ #yramids, 2* + renal tubules, !) surgical a##roaches to con'entional o#en surgery, 2& minimal access surgery, 2( #ercutaneous ne#hrostomy, 2" thoracoabdominal incision, 2$ )2th rib a##roach, 2" 'ertical incision, 2$, 2& surgical relations of #osterior and anterior, 2", 2$ #osto#erati'e com#lications0, 2& trans#lantation0 See :enal trans#lantation 'eins of, !!, !" Eock2s continent #ouch, )$* +

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