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Computer Concepts and C Programming Subject Code: 10CCP13/10CCP23 $ours/%ee": & Tota( $ours: #2 I ! Mar"s: #0 E'am Mar"s: 100 E'am $ours: 3

P!RT ) ! *nit+I , $ours Introduction to Computer S-stems. Interacting /it0 t0e Computer. Computer 1rgani2ation The Computer defined, Early history, Basic parts and structure of a computer, Categorizing Computers, Information Processing life cycle, Essential computer hardware, Essential computer software. Keyboard, ouse, Inputting data in other ways! Pen"based systems, data scanning de#ices, game controllers, #oice recognition de#ices, microphone, #isual input de#ices, $ideo and sound, onitors, Printers, Plotters, %ata pro&ectors, 'ound systems. *nit+II , $ours Storage 3e4ice Concepts. 1perating S-stems. 5et/or"ing (umber systems, )'CII, BC%, CP*, Buses, other Board, Chip sets, icroprocessors. 'torage media, +loppy dri#e, ,ard dis-s, .ogical structure of hard dis-s and file systems, /ptical media, C%"0/ , C%"0, C%"01, %$%"0/ , 0ecordable %$%, Combo %ri#e, Blue"0ay, agnetic Tape. 'oftware, Custom"made 'oftware, 'hrun-"wrapped software, Types of operating system, Computer processing techni2ues, +unctions of /perating 'ystems, anagement of processor, memory, #irtual storage, de#ices, and information, 3C., E4amples of /perating 'ystems. (etwor-ing, /'I model, (etwor-ing basics, (eed for networ-ing, Basic components of a networ-, Common types of networ-s, Characteristics of networ-s, ,ardware and software of networ-s. *nit+III 6 $ours 7undamenta(s o8 Prob(em So(4ing. Introduction to C 9anguage Creating and running programs, 'ystem de#elopment, 'oftware Engineering. Introduction to C .anguage! Bac-ground, C Programs, Identifiers, Types, $ariables, Constants, Input 5 /utput, Programming e4ample, 'oftware Engineering, Tips and common programming errors. *nit+I: 6 $ours Structure o8 a C Program E4pressions, Precedence and associati#ity, 'ide effects, E#aluating e4pressions, Type con#ersion, 'tatements, Programming e4amples, 'oftware Engineering, Tips and common programming errors. P!RT + ; *nit+: 6 $ours 7unctions %esigning structured programs, +unctions in C, *ser"defined +unctions, Inter"function communication, 'tandard functions, 'cope, Programming e4amples, 'oftware Engineering, Tips and common programming errors. *nit+:I , $ours Se(ection ) Ma"ing 3ecisions. Repetition .ogical data and operators, Tw"way selection, ultiway"selection, Concept of a loop, Pretest and post"test loops, Initialization and updating, E#ent controlled and count controlled loops, .oops in C, /ther statements related to looping, looping applications, 0ecursion, Programming e4amples, 'oftware Engineering, Tips and common programming errors. *nit+:II , $ours !rra-s. Strings Concepts, *sing arrays in C, Inter"function communication, )rray applications, Bubble 'ort, Binary search, Two" dimensional )rrays, ulti"dimensional arrays, 'tring concepts, C strings, 'tring input5output, Programming e4amples, 'oftware Engineering, Tips and common programming errors.

*nit+:III 6 $ours ;asic Concepts o8 Para((e( Programming oti#ating parallelism, 'cope for parallel computing, Thread basics, 1hy threads6 /pen P! ) standard for directi#e 7 based parallel programming, The /pen P programming model, 'pecifying concurrent tas-s in /pen P, 'ynchronization constructs in /pen P, %ata handling in /pen P, /pen P library functions, En#ironment #ariables in /pen P. Te't ;oo"s 8. $i-as 9upta! Computer Concepts and C Programming, %reamtech Press, :;;6 :. Behrouz ). +orouzan, 0ichard +. 9ilberg Computer 'cience, ) 'tructured )pproach *sing C, <rd Edition, Cengage .earning, :;;=. <. )nanth 9rama, )nshul 9upta, 9eorge Karypis, $ipin Kumar! Introduction to Parallel Computing, :nd Edition, Pearson, :;;<. Re8erence ;oo"s 8. Peter (orton! Introduction to Computers, =th Edition, Tata c9raw ,ill, :;8; :. E. Balagurusamy! Programming in )('I C, >th Edition, Tata c9raw ,ill, :;;=. <. Brian 1. Kernighan and %ennis 0itchie! The C Programming .anguage, :nd Edition, P,I, 8??@. >. http!

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