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Geoderma, 14(1975) 345--353

Elsevier Scientific Publishing C o m p a n y , A m s t e r d a m - - P r i n t e d in The Netherlands




Abbott, Rohn D.; and Strazer, Robert J. Design concepts for tied-back excavations: In Twelfth Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium (edited by L. F. Erickson), p. 299-319. illus., Idaho Transp. Dep., Div. Highw. Univ. Idaho-Idaho State Univ., Boise-Moscow-Pocatello, Idaho, 1974. Agrawal, P. K.; Gupta, D. C.; and Kumar, V. Finite element analysis for the seismic stability of eac'~h structures: In The Fifth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, p. 189-198, illus., Sarita Prakashan, Nauchandi, Meerut, India, 1974. Anonymous. Earth Manual; A water resources technical publication; A guide to the use of soils as foundations and as construction materials for hydraulic structures; second edition: U.S. Dep. Inter., Bur. Reclam., 810 p., illus. (incl. colored maps), Washington, D. C., 1974. Anonymous. General recommendations: In Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States, I (edited by Odum, H. T.. et al.). p. 132-151. illus. (incl. sketch maps), Conserv. Found., Washington, D. C., 1974. Anonymous. High velocity ecosystems: In Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States, I (edited by Odum, H. T., et al.). p. 252-270, illus. (incl. sketch maps), Conserv. Found., Washington, D. C., 1974. Anonymous. Rocky sea fronts and inter-tidal rocks: In Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States, 1 (edited by Odum. H. T., et al.), p. 152-179, illus. (incl. sketch maps), Conserv. Found., Washington, D. C., 1974. Applegate, James K. The variability of dynamically-determined Poisson's ratios and some factors that may affect the variability: In Twelfth Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium (edited by L. F. Erickson), p. 1-12, illus., Idaho Transp. Dep., Div. Highw.-Univ. Idaho-Idaho State Univ., Boise-Moscow-Pocatello, Idaho, 1974. Asseed, Mohamed; and Soliman, Kbalil. Water Diffusivity and Capillary Conductivity Studies of Some Libyan Soils; Valley Soil in Sidi EI-Mesri in the Jaffara Plain: Libyan Journal of Agriculture (Libya University, Faculty of Agriculture). Tripoli., Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 91-102, illus., 1973. Asseed, Mohamed. Soil Water Evaporation as Affected by the Placement of a Coarse Layer: a Laboratory Soil Column Study: Libyan Journal of Agriculture (Libya University, Faculty of Agriculture). Tripoli., Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 77-90, illus., 1973. Asseed, Mohamed. Physical Characterization of some Libyan Soils in Sidi El Mesri Area in the Jaffara Plain: Libyan Journal of Agriculture (Libya University, Faculty of Agriculture) Tripoli.. Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 69-76, 1973. Ayers, Robert S. Agricultural wastes and ground water quality [with discussion]: In Ninth Biennial Conference on Ground Water, Proceedings; Panel Discussion: Waste Disposal Effects on Ground Water Quality, California, University, Water Resources Center, Report. Los Angeles., No. 26, p. 94-96, 1973. Ayyar, T. S. Ramanatba. Mechanisms involved in the failure of natural slopes and embankments due to earthquakes: In The Fifth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering p. 199-206, illus., Sarita Prakashan, Nauchandi, Meerut, India, 1974. Bailey, Robert G. Land-capability classification of the Lake Tahoe Basin, California - Nevada; A Guide for Planning: U.S. Dep. Agric., Forest Serv., 32 p., illus. (incl. map), South Lake Tahoe, California, 1974. Barsdate, R. J.; Prentki, R. T.; and Fenebel, T. Phosphorus cycle of model ecosystems; significance for decomposer food chains and effect of bacterial grazers: Oikos (Acta Oecologica Scandinavica). Copenhagen., Vol. 25, No. 3, p. 239-251 (incl. Russ. sum.), illus., 1974. Baumann, Hans; Sebendel, Ursos; and Mann, Georg. Wasserwirtschaft in Stichworten; Wasserhaushalt und seine Regelung [An outline of water management; Water budgets and their regulation]: Verlag Ferdinand Hirt, 203 p., illus. (incl. sketch map), Kiel, Germany, 1974.


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This bibliography is prepared by the American Geological Institute (AGI) from its Geological Reference File (GEO-REF).

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