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Document 458282.

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R12.0 / R12.1 : Oracle EBS Context Variables (Doc ID 458282.1)

Modified: 26-Sep-2013 Type: HOWTO

Oracle Applications Technology Stack - Version 12.0.0 to 12.1.3 [Release 12.0 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. Checked for relevance on 27-JAN-2013

What is the purpose of each of the variables defined in the context file?

This note gives list of Context Variables with details in short for Oracle Applications Release 12. A) Context Information: Variable Title Context Name Context Serial OA_VAR Value Name of the context, which is of the form <DB_SID>_<HOSTNAME>. This value is automatically updated each time the context variable values are updated through the Oracle Applications Manager. Type of the context - whether it is an Applications context or a Database context. Location of the Applications context file.


Context Type Location of the Applications Context File



B) Applications system information: Variable Title System Name Database SID Database Name OA_VAR Value Name of the Oracle Applications system which this context points to. Database SID for the system. Global Database name for the system. The value of this variable shall be the same as the Database SID on non-RAC environments. On RAC-environments, this name would be the same for all cluster nodes while the Database SID would be different for each cluster node. Database SID in lower case for the system.

s_systemname s_dbSid s_dbGlnam

Database SID in Lower Case


C) System Configurations (oa_system_config) : Variable Title Apps Environment Name TIER_DB TIER_ADMIN TIER_WEB TIER_FORMS TIER_FORMSDEV TIER_NODE TIER_NODEDEV TechStack Config Option OA_VAR Value Name of the Applications Environment. YES/NO, denoting if Database Server is enabled in this context. YES/NO denoting if Admin Server is enabled in this context YES/NO denoting if Web Server is enabled in this context YES/NO denoting if Forms Server is enabled in this context YES/NO denoting if Forms Server is enabled in this context YES/NO denoting if Concurrent Processing Server is enabled in this context YES/NO denoting if Concurrent Processing Server is enabled in this context This is automatically supplied to Autoconfig. Since R12 supports only the 10.1.3 techstack, this variable can take only the value 'as1013'. The tnsnames.ora file is generated from the database when this option is set to 'generateTNS'. This stores the applications version. This variable is used to specify whether Apache should be run in the 'Normal' mode or in the 'Restricted' mode. Apache Restricted Mode is used when Oracle Applications need to be brought down for maintenance purposes. In this mode, during downtime normal users would be redirected to a standard 'downtime' URL displaying the downtime details while the privileged users like System Administrators would be able to monitor patches through OAM. This variable should be in sync with 's_restricted_mode_comment'. For

s_appsEnvName s_isDB s_isAdmin s_isWeb s_isForms s_isFormsDev s_isConc s_isConcDev s_techstack

Automatic NetService Files Generation Config Option Applications version Apache mode

s_tnsmode s_apps_version s_apache_mode 11/25/2013

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running Apache in the NORMAL mode set this variable to NORMAL and 's_restricted_mode_comment' to #. For RESTRICT mode set this variable to RESTRICT and 's_restricted_mode_comment' to null value. IAS version


This variable stores the Oracle Application Server version.

D) Users (oa_users): Variable Title Database 'SYS' User Applications 'APPS' User Applications 'APPLSYS' User CP User OA_VAR Value The database 'SYS' user The applications 'APPS' user The applications 'APPLSYS' user. This username will be used for starting and stopping the Concurrent Manager. By default, this variable is set to SYSADMIN which is the default username of the System Administrator. The applications 'GUEST' user The applications 'GUEST' password. The applications 'GWYUID' user. The applications 'GWYUID' password.

s_sys_user s_apps_user s_applsys_user s_cp_user

Applications 'GUEST' User Applications 'GUEST' Password Applications 'GWYUID' User Applications 'GWYUID' Password

s_guest_user s_guest_pass s_gwyuid_user s_gwyuid_pass

E) Customer Info(customer_info): Variable Title Customer Metalink ID Customer Country Code OA_VAR Value Metalink ID of the customer This variable is used while configuring the Oracle Configuration Manager.

s_metalink_id s_country_code

F) Language Settings(nls_settings): Variable Title Default Territory OA_VAR Value Defines the NLS territory which determines cultural conventions such as local time, date, numeric, and monetary conventions. By default, this value is set to 'America'. Base Language for the Oracle Applications System. By default, this variable is set to 'American English'. For a list of all supported languages, please refer to the Oracle Applications Installation Manual. The variable was created to contain the list of all languages supported on the particular environment. This should have includes the Base Language as well as all the Installed Languages. However, this context variable is never updated when support is added for new languages. Hence, this context variable value is not in sync with the actual list of languages supported on the R12 instance, thus leading to confusion, so the variable will be removed starting from version 120.271.12010000.18 of the file adxmlctx.tmp. For a list of all supported languages, please refer to the Oracle Applications Install Manual.


Base Language


Environment Languages


G) Applications Configuration(oa_shared_config): Variable Title Configuration Home OA_VAR Value This variable is used to specify the top level directory to which AutoConfig will instantiate the instance specific configuration files in a shared file system architecture. This variable is used to specify the top level directory to which AutoConfig will instantiate the instance specific configuration files related to APPL_TOP in a shared file system architecture. This variable is used to specify the toplevel directory to which AutoConfig will instantiate the instance specific configuration files related to ORACLE_HOME in a shared file system architecture. This variable is used to specify the top level directory to which the application services will write instance specific log files in a shared file system architecture. This variable is used to specify the top level directory to which the application services will write instance specific Process ID files in a shared file system architecture.


Configuration Home for APPL_TOP files


Configuration Home for ORACLE_HOME files


Common Log File Location


Common PID File Location

s_pids_dir 11/25/2013

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H) Database Server(oa_db_server): Variable Title Database Server Host Fully Qualified Database Server Domain Name Database SID Database Character Set OA_VAR Value Database server host Fully qualified domain name for the database server. The SID for the database on the database server. Character set of the Applications database.

s_dbhost s_dbdomain s_db_serv_sid s_dbcset

I) Admin Server (oa_admin_server) : Variable Title Admin Server Host Fully Qualified Administration Server Domain Name OA_VAR Value Admin server host. Fully qualified domain name for the Administrator Server.

s_admhost s_admdomain

J) Concurrent Processing Server (oa_cp_server) : Variable Title Concurrent Processing Host Fully Qualified Concurrent Processing Server Domain Name AF_LD_LIBRARY_PATH Concurrent Processing Password Type OA_VAR Value Concurrent processing host Fully qualified domain name for the Concurrent Processing Server. This variable is used to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Java concurrent programs. The Concurrent Processing Password Type parameter indicates which username and password will be supplied by the user when Concurrent Processing is started from the command line. Allowed values are {AppsSchema, AppsUser}. Short name of the application for your responsibility. This name, along with your responsibility name, will be used to select a responsibility for your concurrent request to run in. By default, this variable is set to SYSADMIN which is the default responsibility application short name of the System Administrator. For Concurrent Manager Operator, default responsibility application short name is 'FND'. This name, along with your responsibility application short name, will be used to select a responsibility for your concurrent request to run in. By default, this variable is set to 'System Administrator' which is the default responsibility name of the System Administrator. For Concurrent Manager Operator, default responsibility name is 'Concurrent Manager Operator'. Enable/Disable Concurrent Processing Reviver Process. Concurrent Processing Reviver Process will recover the Concurrent Manager from a Network/Database failure. Allowed values are {enabled, disabled}. This variable specifies the path where ICM reviver process pid file will be created. Oracle recommends using a local disk as the PID file location because the reviver process may run when the network is down.

s_cphost s_cpdomain s_conc_java_ldlib s_cp_password_type

Responsibility Application Short Name


Responsibility Name


Concurrent Processing Reviver Process


Reviver Process PID Directory Location


K) Oracle Workflow Java Mailer (oa_workflow_server) : Variable Title Oracle Workflow Java Mailer IMAP Host Oracle Workflow Java Mailer IMAP domain Oracle Workflow Admin Role Oracle Workflow Java Mailer IMAP ReplyTo Address Oracle Workflow Java Mailer IMAP User Name Oracle Workflow Java Mailer OUTBOUND User Name SMTP Server Host Fully Qualified Email Server Domain Name OA_VAR Value Oracle Workflow Java Mailer IMAP Host. Oracle Workflow Java Mailer domain. Role name of the Oracle Workflow Administrator. Oracle Workflow Java Mailer IMAP ReplyTo Address. Oracle Workflow Java Mailer IMAP User Name. Oracle Workflow Java Mailer User Name to Authenticate Oracle Workflow Mailer against SMTP Server SMTP Server Host. Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Email Server.

s_javamailer_imaphost s_javamailer_imapdomainname s_wf_admin_role s_javamailer_reply_to s_javamailer_imap_user s_javamailer_outbound_user s_smtphost s_smtpdomainname

L) SMTP Server (oa_smtp_server): Variable Title SMTP Server Host Fully Qualified Email Server Domain Name OA_VAR Value SMTP Server Host Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Email Server.

s_smtphost s_smtpdomainname 11/25/2013

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M) Forms Server (oa_forms_server): Variable Title Forms Server Host Fully Qualified Forms Server Domain Name Forms Server FND_TOP Forms Runtime Executable Name Forms CGI Runtime Executable Name Forms Connection Mode Forms Launcher URL Path Forms temporary file directory location Format for the reports job output Maximum number of network retries after network disconnect Is Chronos logging Enabled Chronos URL OA_VAR Value Forms Server Host Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Forms Server.

s_formshost s_formsdomain

s_formsfndtop s_frmRuntime s_frmRunCGI s_frmConnectMode s_formslauncher_path

Location of the FND_TOP on the Forms Server Name of the Forms runtime executable. Name of the Forms CGI startup executable. Forms Connection Mode. Allowed Values are {socket, servlet}. By default, the value of this variable is set to 'servlet' since the servlet mode would be used by default for connecting to the Forms server. URL path used for launching Forms. This context variable is used for setting the ICX_FORMS_LAUNCHER profile. This variable should be set to 'forms/frmservlet' when using Forms Servlet mode and to 'OA_HTML/frmservlet' when using Forms Socket mode. This variable is used to set the value for forms environment variables TMPDIR (on unix)/TMP (on windows) which is the location for the temporary files generated by Forms Process. TMPDIR/TMP is set in the configuration files default.env (Forms Servlet mode) and socket.env (Forms Socket mode). This variable sets the format for the reports job output, i.e. html/RTF/PDF. Number of times the client should attempt to connect to the forms server if the network is interrupted.


s_desformat s_frmNetworkRetries

s_isChronosEnabled s_chronosURL

Enable/Disable Chronos logging. Allowed values are {true, false}. Setting this to 'true' enables Chronos Logging and setting it to ''false' disables it. By default, this value is set to true. If chronos logging is enabled, This value should be set to http [s]://&lt;webCacheHost&gt;.&lt;webCacheDomain&gt;:&lt;webCachePort&gt;/oracle_smp_chronos/oracle_smp_chronos_sdk.gif, where webCacheHost, webCacheDomain and webCachePort are respectively the hostname, domain and port of the webcache instance. Enable/Disable EndUserMonitoring logging. Allowed values are {true, false}. Setting this to 'true' enables EndUserMonitoring Logging and setting it to 'false' disables it. No value(null value) specified for this variable will disable EndUserMonitoring logging. This variable is used to specify the location of dump files produced as a result of a crash of any of the forms runtime executables. The dump files contains diagnostic information concerning what was happening when the process crashed. Forms Servlet JVM Options This variable is used to specify the system properties that should be passed to the Forms OC4J on instance startup. Time in minutes to wait before the heartbeat message is sent by the Forms Client to the server to keep the connection alive. The value of this variable contains the parameters that are passed to the JVM when starting the FORMS OC4J instance.

Is EndUserMonitoring logging Enabled Forms runtime file directory location Forms Servlet JVM Options Forms OC4J Options Forms Heartbeat FORMS OC4J Instance Start Parameters FORMS OC4J Instance Stop Parameters Maximum block time (in milliseconds) for listener servlet Forms Servlet URL Number of frmweb process Forms Servlet Comment Use session cookie Number of JVMs for FORMS OC4J Instance Forms OC4J log rotation time Forms OC4J log rotation size Enable FORMS OC4J Access log Forms Tabstop Forms version


s_forms_trace_dir s_forms_jvm_options s_forms_oc4j_options s_forms_heartbeat s_forms_jvm_start_options


The value of this variable contains the parameters that are passed to the JVM when stopping the FORMS OC4J instance.


Maximum block time (in milliseconds) for listener servlet

s_forms_servlet_serverurl s_frmsrv_nprocs s_forms_servlet_comment s_form_session_cookie s_forms_nprocs

For the Servlet mode, this variable should be set to the Forms Servlet URL. For the Forms Socket Mode, this variable should be set to null. Specifies the number of frmweb process that are invoked at Forms Server startup Removing the # enables starting of jserv processes for the forms group Depending on the value of this variable, the Forms servlet uses session cookie to maintain the state of the session. Allowed values are {true, false}. If set to 'true', the session cookie is used to maintain the state of the session, else not. Specifies the number of JVM processes serving the forms OC4J Instance.

s_forms_oc4j_log_rotation_time s_forms_oc4j_log_rotation_size s_forms_oc4j_enable_access_log s_forms_tabstop s_forms_version

This parameter is used to specify the time interval in seconds for rotating the Forms OC4J log files. This variable specifies the size of the log file in Kilo Bytes when Forms OC4J will rotate its log file. The default value for this variable is set to 10000KB. This variable is used to enable/disable OC4J access log for FORMS application. Setting the value of this variable to 'TRUE' will enable the access log. This variable is used in appsweb.cfg to specify the TAB stop position in multiline text fields in Forms. This variable is used to set the Forms version in the Reports configuration template (rwbuilder_conf_1012.tmp). The 11/25/2013

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rwbuilder_conf_1012.tmp template used to have the Forms version hardcoded to '', and this value was not managed via a context variable. As a result, whenever the Oracle Home is upgraded, the Forms version in this template has to be modified accordingly. So, this variable was introduced to maintain the version of this Oracle home. This environment variable is available for customers having version 120.271.12010000.7 or higher of the file adxmlctx.tmp.

N) OACORE OC4J (oacore_server): Variable Title OACORE OC4J Instance Start Parameters OA_VAR Value The value of this variable contains the parameters that are passed to the JVM when starting the OACORE OC4J instance. This variable is used to specify the system properties that should be passed to the oacore OC4J on instance startup. The value of this variable contains the parameters that are passed to the JVM when stopping the OACORE OC4J instance. This variable is used to specify path to the libraries that need to be prepended to the existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the OACORE OC4J Instance. For UNIX platforms, use ':' at the end of the directory list and to separate a list of directories. For Windows platforms, use ';' at the end of the directory list and to separate a list of directories. This variable is used to specify one or more directories that contain custom libraries to be included in the OC4J classpath before the inclusion of JAVA_TOP. This variable is used to specify one or more directories that contain custom libraries to be included in the OC4J classpath after the inclusion of JAVA_TOP. This variable is used to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the OACORE OC4J Instance. This variable is used to determine whether Oracle Configurator servlet classes defined in orion-web.xml need to be loaded when OC4J server starts. The default value is set to '1' which means that the servlet is loaded. If you wish to disable this feature set the value '-1'. This variable is used to determine whether the Email Center Outbox Processor is started when the OC4J server starts. The Outbox Processor is controlled via the InitializationServlet class defined in orion-web.xml. The default value is '-1', which means that the servlet is not loaded. If you wish to enable this feature set the value to '1'. Specifies the number of JVM processes serving the oacore OC4J Instance. This variable is used to set the time interval in seconds for rotating the Oacore OC4J log files. This variable specifies the size of the log file in Kilo Bytes when oacore OC4J will rotate its log file. The default value for this variable is set to 10000KB. This variable is used to enable/disable OC4J access log for OACORE application. Setting the value of this variable to 'TRUE' will enable the access log. This variable is used to specify cookie names whose values contain a comma. Value for this context variable can be a single cookie name or list of cookie names separated by comma. This variable is used in opmn.xml as a part of OACORE JVM start parameters. Used to pass command line options to the Java compiler. This context variable specifies platform specific javacompiler options used in server.xml via the &lt;javacompiler&gt; for OACORE OC4J instance. For additional information about these properties please refer to 'Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide'.


OACORE OC4J Options OACORE OC4J Instance Stop Parameters

s_oacore_oc4j_options s_oacore_jvm_stop_options



Prepend OACORE OC4J Classpath


Append OACORE OC4J Classpath



s_oacore_ld_lib_path s_load_cz_servlet

Start Email Center Outbox Processor


Number of JVMs for OACORE OC4J Instance Oacore OC4J log rotation time Oacore OC4J log rotation size

s_oacore_nprocs s_oacore_oc4j_log_rotation_time s_oacore_oc4j_log_rotation_size

Enable OACORE OC4J Access log


Ignore comma in cookies named


OACORE OC4J Instance Java Compiler Options Parameters


O) Discoverer (oa_disco_server): Variable Title External Integrated Discoverer URL OA_VAR Value Set the value of this variable to the appropriate external integrated 10G Discoverer URL. An acceptable value for this parameter is a URL that includes protocol, host, domain and port. Discovery URL prefix


Discovery URL Prefix


P) Metrics Server (oa_met_server): Variable Title OA_VAR Value 11/25/2013

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Metrics Server Host Fully Qualified Metrics Server Domain Name Metrics Server Load Balancing Host Metrics Server Error URL

s_methost s_metdomain s_leastloadedhost s_meterrorurl

Metrics server host Fully qualified domain name for the metrics server. Metrics server load balancing host Metrics server error URL

Q) Oracle MWA Server (oa_mwa_server): Variable Title MSCA Log Level MSCA Log Rotate MSCA Log File Size MSCA Drop Connection Timeout MSCA Stale Session Timeout OA_VAR Value Different log levels can be set for obtaining more debug information. Enable log rotation of files based on size (Yes/No). If log rotation is enabled, then rotation occurs when log file exceeds this size. MSCA Server allows a client that was disconnected to reconnect within the time mentioned below in minutes. MSCA Stale Session Timeout. MSCA Server disconnects a client after the client is idle for mwa.StaleSessionTimeout minutes. Specify number of worker threads to start from the dispatcher process Specify number of clients that each dispatcher worker thread can handle MSCA Compatability Setting for JVM Used to specify whether user would like to retain old LOV behavior, i.e. LOV will be activated by ENTER or not Specifies whether Change Responsibility and Change Organization menu items should appear on submenus; if TRUE, then these menu items will appear on the main menu and submenus; if FALSE, then these menu items will only appear on the main menu; the default value is FALSE.

s_mwaLogLevel s_mwaLogRotate s_mwaLogFileSize s_mwaDropConnectionTimeout s_mwaStaleSessionTimeout

MSCA Dispatcher Thread Count MSCA Dispatcher Clients Per Worker MSCA Compatibility Setting for JVM MSCA LOV activation by ENTER Show Change Responsibility and Change Organization on submenus

s_mwaDispatcherThreadCount s_mwaDispatcherClientsPerWorker s_mwaJVMb s_mwaActivateLOVByEnter s_mwaSubmenuChangeOrgResp

R) Oracle Web Server (oa_web_server): Variable Title Web Server Host External URL for Third Party Access to E-Business Suite Oracle HTTP Server Directory Index Page Web Host entry point Web domain entry point Location for Lock files and pid files Fully Qualified Web Server Domain Name Server IP Address OA_VAR Value Web Server Host. This is the URL that third party tools use to connect to the E-Business Suite. This directive sets the list of resources to look for, when the client requests an index of the directory by specifying a / at the end of the directory name. You can specify multiple values separated by space for this variable and the server will return the first one it finds. The Host machine that accepts the http requests. The domain of the host machine that accepts the http requests. Location for Lock and pid files to be used for NetApp setup. This variable is used to set the fully qualified domain name of the web server. This is the IP address of the Web Host entry point (s_webentry_host) when configuring according to Oracle MetaLink Note 380490.1 or 380489.1. This value will be used by the dbc generation utility when registering this Web Host entry point with Oracle E-Business Suite. Complete path to the Oracle HTTP Server Process ID File. URL Protocol to be used. Allowed Values are {http, https}. Web SSL Directory. Local URL Protocol. Allowed values {http, https}. This variable is used to set the protocol for communication between Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J. The allowed values are 'ajp' and 'ajps'. The value of this variable should be set to 'ajps' to enable SSL communication between Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J. Otherwise, it should be set to 'ajp'. By default, the value is set to 'ajp'. This variable is used in OC4J's configuration files to enable or disable the use of AJPS protocol for SSL communication with Oracle HTTP Server. The allowed values are 'true' and 'false'. This variable should be set to 'true' when SSL is configured for OC4J. Otherwise, it should be set to 'false'. By default, the value is set to 'false'. This variable is used in the Oracle HTTP Server's configuration files to enable or disable the use of AJPS protocol for SSL communication with OC4J. The value of this variable should be set to 'on' when SSL is configured for OC4J and to 'off' when SSL is not configured for OC4J. By default, the value of this variable is set to 'off'. File of PEM-encoded Server CA Certificates. This is the name of the wallet file used by webservices. This variable is used to enable/disable the inclusion of the configuration file used for SSL terminated

s_webhost s_external_url s_directory_index

s_webentryhost s_webentrydomain s_lock_pid_dir s_webdomain s_server_ip_address

Oracle HTTP Server Process ID File URL Protocol Web SSL Directory Local URL Protocol Apache JServ Protocol

s_web_pid_file s_url_protocol s_web_ssl_directory s_local_url_protocol s_ajp_protocol

Enable/Disable use of AJPS protocol at the OC4J end


nable/Disable use of AJPS protocol at the Oracle HTTP Server end


SSLCertificateChainFile Name of the wallet file used by webservices Enable/disable SSL terminator

s_web_ssl_certchainfile s_websrv_wallet_file s_enable_sslterminator 11/25/2013

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configuration Sun Plugin version Sun Desktop Plugin Type Sun JDK CLSID JInitiator version (dots) JInitiator version (commas) JInitiator CLSID Fully Qualified Proxy Server Host Name Proxy Server Port Fully Qualified Proxy Bypass Domains List of non proxy hosts for OC4J

environments. By default the value of this variable is set to '#' which indicates that the configuration file is not included in the server configuration. To enable, the pound sign '#' must be removed.

s_sun_plugin_ver s_sun_plugin_type s_sun_clsid s_jinit_ver_dot s_jinit_ver_comma s_jinit_clsid s_proxyhost s_proxyport s_proxybypassdomain s_nonproxyhosts

Sun Plugin Version. Type of Sun desktop plug-in used for running Forms on desktop clients. By default, the plugin type is 'jdk' since only 'jdk' is supported in R12. Class ID for referencing the JDK. JInitiator version(dot separated syntax) JInitiator version (comma separated syntax) CLSID for referencing the JInitiator. Fully Qualified Proxy Server Host Name. Proxy Server Port. Fully Qualified Domains which can bypass the Proxy Server. List of hosts that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy. This is a list of regular expressions separated by | (pipe). For example: '*', '*', '|', '*|'. Any host matching one of the specified regular expressions will be reached through a direct connection instead of through a proxy It is a list of Servers that are participating in the cluster configuration. For example, if two node exists in the configuration, then value will be, on both the application tier servers. URL for Applications Portal. Enter space separated values consisting of node names or fully qualified node names or IP addresses of client machines which will be allowed to access Portlet Provider URLs Sysadmin Mail ID. This profile option specifies the host and port of the Web server that notification mailers use to generate the content for Oracle Applications Framework regions that are embedded in notifications. If this profile option is not set, notification mailers will use the same Web agent specified in the Application Framework Agent profile option. However, if necessary for load balancing purposes, you can optionally specify a different Web agent for notification mailers to use. Refer to workflow administrators guide for more information. Please note that this profile option can be updated only at the SITE level. Specific Domain to which the Cookies will be accesible. Users of Oracle Portal should uncomment this variable. IANA Characterset used by Oracle HTTP Web Server. URL to the Login Page. This variable is used to set the Oracle HTTP Server Listen Directive in httpd.conf. The default value for this variable is set to the value of the context variable %s_webport% which means that all network interfaces configured on the web server machine will listen on this port. If there is a requirement that only one network interface should listen on the specified port then the value of this variable should be changed to IP:port combination or the value of s_webhost.s_webdomain:port This variable is used to set the Oracle HTTPS Server Listen Directive in ssl.conf. The default value for this variable is set to the value of the context variable %s_webssl_port% which means that all network interfaces configured on the web server machine will listen on this port. If there is a requirement that only one network interface should listen on the specified port then the value of this variable should be changed to IP:port combination or the value of webhost.webdomain:port

Nodes in cluster configuration


URL for Applications Portal List of nodes that have access to Portlet Provider URLs Sysadmin Mail ID WF:Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent

s_apps_portal_url s_trusted_portals s_sysadmin_mail s_wfmail_agent

Cookie Domain Session toplevel domain comment IANA Characterset Login Page URL Oracle HTTP Server Listen Parameter

s_cookie_domain s_topleveldomain_comment s_iana_cset s_login_page s_http_listen_parameter

Oracle HTTPS Server Listen Parameter


HTTP Server core file location Maximum Number of clients that can connect Enable Keep-Alive connections OHS timeout Number of requests that an individual http process will handl Number of http requests allowed per connection

s_core_dest s_maxclients s_keepalive s_keepalive_timeout s_maxrequests_perchild

Location where the HTTP Server can dump the core file. This directive sets the limit on the number of Simultaneous HTTP requests that can be supported. The maximum allowed value for MaxClients is 8192. The persistent connection feature of HTTP/1.1 to provide long-lived HTTP sessions which allow multiple requests to be sent over the same TCP connection. This directive sets the number of seconds OHS will wait for a subsequent request before closing the connection. This directive sets the number of requests that an individual http child server process would handle. The maximum allowed value for this variable depends on the capacity of the system and also on the number of simultaneous users. By default, the value of this variable is set to '0'. This directive sets the number of http requests allowed per connection when KeepAlive directive is set to ON. The maximum allowed value for this variable depends on the capacity of the system and also on the number of simultaneous users. By default, this is set to '0'. This directive sets the desired minimum number of idle http server processes. This directive sets the desired maximum number of idle http server processes. Sets the value of the Oracle HTTP (Apache) server directive 'StartServers' in httpd.conf. StartServers directive sets the number of child server processes created on startup. As the number of processes is dynamically controlled depending on the load, there is usually little reason to adjust this parameter. For more details, please refer to The LimitRequestFieldSize directive allows the server administrator to reduce or increase the limit on the allowed size of an HTTP request header field. A server needs this value to be large enough to hold any one header field from a normal client request


Number of minimum idle http server s_minspare_servers processes Number of maximum idle http server processes Number of Oracle HTTP Server child processes created on startup

s_maxspare_servers s_startServers

Oracle HTTP Server Limit Request Field Size

s_limitrequestfieldsize 11/25/2013

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Oracle HTTP Server Limit Request Field


The LimitRequestFields directive allows the server administrator to modify the limit on the number of request header fields allowed in an HTTP request. A server needs this value to be larger than the number of fields that a normal client request might include. The number of request header fields used by a client rarely exceeds 20, but this may vary among different client implementations, often depending upon the extent to which a user has configured their browser to support detailed content negotiation The LimitRequestBody directive allows the user to set a limit on the allowed size of an HTTP request message body within the context in which the directive is given (server, per-directory, per-file or perlocation). If the client request exceeds that limit, the server will return an error response instead of servicing the request. The size of a normal request message body will vary greatly depending on the nature of the resource and the methods allowed on that resource The LimitRequestLine directive allows the server administrator to reduce the limit on the allowed size of a client's HTTP request-line below the normal input buffer size compiled with the server. Since the requestline consists of the HTTP method, URI, and protocol version, the LimitRequestLine directive places a restriction on the length of a request-URI allowed for a request on the server. A server needs this value to be large enough to hold any of its resource names, including any information that might be passed in the query part of a GET request If HELP_WEB_AGENT profile is set, the value is used for the construction of all Help related URLs. This allows multiple application installations to share a common help system. Optional override. Custom SQL reports feature within OAM lets users generate HTML and text reports based on the SQL scripts they register. Sets the value of EBS profile option ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT via afwebprf.sql. The value of s_sesstimeout is specified in milliseconds, but the value of the profile option ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT is set in minutes. The ICX: Session Timeout profile sets the maximum number of minutes to wait before invalidating an idle ICX Session. Defines OC4J's servlet session timeout in minutes. It is specified in orion-web.xml of all the web modules deployed under each OC4J instances. A negative value indicates no timeout. A value of 0 results in an immediate timeout. Default value is 30 minutes. The value for the OC4J session timeout should be equivalent to or higher than the Applications session timeout (s_sesstimeout). For more details, please refer to Feature to show the progress of downloading of JInitiator JAR files. This variable specifies the Hour of day when opmn process will rotate its log file. By default, this is set to '0' which means that the log will be rotated exactly at midnight. This variable specifies the Hour of day when opmn process will rotate its log file. By default, this is set to '0' which means that the log will be rotated exactly at midnight. This variable specifies the size of the log file in Kilo Bytes when opmn will rotate its log file. The default value for this variable is set to 1500000 KB This variable is used to enable/disable loading of the AppsWSProvider servlet when oc4j starts up. To enable loading of the servlet, the value of the context variable must be set to '1'. To disable loading of the servlet, the value must be set to '-1'. By default, the default value of the variable is set to '-1'. This variable is used to enable/disable loading of the AppSearch servlet when oc4j starts up. To enable loading of the servlet, the value of the context variable must be set to '1'. To disable loading of the servlet, the value must be set to '-1'. By default, the value of the variable is set to '-1'. The AppSearchMeta servlet is used as part of Secure Entreprise Search to enable the communication between the Search Modeler and E-Business Suite. This variable is used to enable/disable loading of the AppSearchMeta servlet when oc4j starts up. To enable loading of the servlet, the value of the context variable must be set to '1'. To disable loading of the servlet, the value must be set to '-1'. By default, the value of the variable is set to '-1'. This variable is used to enable/disable loading of the MapViewer servlet when oc4j starts up. To enable loading of the servlet, the value of the context variable must be set to '1'. To disable loading of the servlet, the value must be set to '-1'. By default, the value of the variable is set to '-1'. This variable is used to enable/disable loading of the SOA Provider servlet when oc4j starts up. To enable loading of the servlet, the value of the context variable must be set to '1'. To disable loading of the servlet, the value must be set to '-1'. By default, the value of the variable is set to '-1'. This variable is used to enable/disable loading of the Oracle XML Transport Agent servlet when oc4j starts up. To enable loading of this servlet, set this variable to '1'. To disable loading of this servlet, set this variable to '-1'. By default, the value is set to '1' This variable is used to set the Oracle SOA Provider User Name for establishing Database connections. Size of the connection pool the OXTA servlets will get connection from when serving incoming requests. Setting this to a very high value would result in performance degradation while setting to very low values may result in the OXTA requests to wait longer for getting a connection. By default, its value is '1'. JDBC driver name. The JDBC thin driver uses this library to convert between different character sets. The context value management system automatically maintains this variable and it should not be manually modified. Java 1.4 uses, Java 1.5 and Java 1.6 use Indicates that JVM is expected to have a long lifespan if this value is true. Complete path to the Oracle XML Parser java archive file. fnd_max_jdbc_connections is the maximum jdbc pool size. This is the sum of the number of available connections and the number of locked connections. This parameter controls how many parsed SQL statements are retained in the JDBC cache. Re-execution of statements stored in the JDBC statement cache will not require a reparse operation and will therefore be highly optimized. It should not be increased to an extreme value because maintaining this cache takes up memory in the JVM. We would recommend a value between 200 and 400. This variable sets the value for the DBC file name. Make sure that you enter the file name without the extension. Configure this variable only when you have an Oracle RAC Database instance. Please see Oracle MetaLink

Oracle HTTP Server Limit Request Body


Oracle HTTP Server Limit Request Line


Help Web Agent Custom SQL location Applications Session Timeout

s_help_web_agent s_customsql_path s_sesstimeout

OC4J Session Timeout


JInitiator Progress Dialog Ohs log rotation time Opmn log rotation time Opmn log rotation size Load AppsWSProvider Servlet

s_java_showprogress s_ohs_log_rotation_time s_opmn_log_rotation_time s_opmn_log_rotation_size s_load_appswsprovider_servlet

Load AppSearch Servlet


Load AppSearchMeta Servlet


Load MapViewer Servlet


Load SOA Provider Servlet


Load OXTA Servlet


Oracle SOA Provider User Nam Connection pool size for OXTA servlets JDBC driver file name

s_soaprovider_user s_oxtainpool_size


JDBC NLS character set library name s_txk_jdbc_nls

Long Running JVM XML Parser Path Maximum jdbc pool size FND JDBC Statement Cache Size

s_long_running_jvm s_xmlparser s_fnd_max_jdbc_connections s_fnd_jdbc_stmt_cache_size

DBC File Name Apps JDBC URL

s_dbc_file_name s_apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor 11/25/2013

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Note 388577.1 for more information on RAC and discussion of the value for this variable. Enable or disable the generation of the applications jdbc connect descriptor Apps JDBC Connect Alias


The value of this variable determines whether the jdbc connect descriptor is regenerated and the value of the context variable s_apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor is updated. Acceptable values for this context variable are true (default) or false. Set this value to false when using a custom apps jdbc connect descriptor. Configure this variable only when you have an Oracle RAC Database instance. This variable can have a value of either a load balanced connect descriptor or an instance specific connect descriptor. Please see Oracle MetaLink Note 388577.1 for more information. Application Server Security Authentication can take one of the following values {ON, OFF, SECURE}. OFF Server security is not checked. Any application server machine can access the database. ON - Some level of trust is required to access the database. Either the Application Server is registered with the database or the module and version ID are known to be trusted. SECURE - Full trust is required for access to the database. Only registered Application Server machines and trusted code modules may connect. This parameter is used to set the web entry url protocol. Acceptable values for this parameter are http or https. !CAUTION! Oracle recommends not to change the default value of this parameter. If you change the default value then you will expose yourself to security vulnerability and performance degradation of your site. Time interval in milli seconds before checking for invalid sessions in a Servlet zone. This parameter stands for the amount of time (in seconds) the Oracle HTTP Server will wait for certain events(GET,POST,PUT etc) before failing a request Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg. This context variable is used to set the SSL Log Level. Possible values for this context variable are: none, error, warn, info, trace and debug. By default, the value is set to 'warn'. This is the email address that the server includes in any error messages sent to the client. Indicates the dontChunkRequests property value for HTTPClient.jar. Possible values are true and false. Number of OXTA threads to be used for simultaneous outbound message sending. Setting this to a very high value would result in performance degradation while setting to very low values may result in the OXTA requests to wait longer for getting a connection. By default, the value of this variable is set to '1'. If this property is set to true, the proxy specified by OXTAOutProxyHost and OXTAOutProxyPort is used to send messages to the destination Fully Qualified proxy server hostname for the Oracle XML Transport Agent (OXTA). Proxy port for the Oracle XML Transport Agent (OXTA). The keystore file type of the key material used for the trust manager. The keystore file type of the key material used for the key manager. Location of the key material for the trust manager. Location of the key material for the key manager. Default trust manager factory algorithm name as specified in the Java security properties. If no such property exists, this variable stores an implementation-specific default. Default key manager factory algorithm name specified in the Java security properties. If no such property exists, this variable stores an implementation-specific default. This variable is used to specify the location of the optimizer suite home. This variable is used to enable or disable the URL Firewall required for DMZ configurations. By default the value of this variable is set to '#' which indicates that the URL firewall is disabled. To enable the URL firewall, the pound sign '#' must be removed. This variable is used to set the list of machines that are allowed to access the administration pages. Enter space separated values consisting of node names or fully qualified node names or IP addresses of client machines which will be allowed to access the administration pages. This is the minimum buffer size that should be maintained by the applications database connection pool. Acceptable values are positive integers less than integer:MAX This is the maximum buffer size that should be maintained by the applications database connection pool.Acceptable values are positive integers less than integer:MAX This is the time interval in seconds the maintenance thread checks the buffer size .Acceptable values are positive integers less than integer:MAX This is the maximum number of connections that will be removed during any one thread cycle .Acceptable values are positive integers less than integer:MAX This variable indicates whether a simple pl/sql query should be performed to check whether the connection is usable before giving a connection to the client. Acceptable values are true or false This variable indicates whether the AOL security context and NLS state should be obtained from the database server session instead of the java client when the connection is returned to the pool. Acceptable values are true or false This variable indicates whether the pl/sql state should be freed before the applications database connection pool gives the connection to the client. This variable is used to enable or disable JDBC escape processing mechanism. Changing this parameter value has performance implications. This variable is used in the DBC file to set the maximum capacity of JDBC cached buffer. A buffer whose capacity is bigger than this value is not pooled. Changing the value of this variable has performance implications.


Application Server Security Authentication


Web entry protocol Apache OptionsLink Directive

s_webentryurlprotocol s_options_symlinks

Session Check Frequency Oracle HTTP Server Timeout Apache Log Level SSL Log Level

s_sessionCheck_frequency s_ohstimeout s_apache_loglevel s_ssl_loglevel

Oracle HTTP Server Administrator e- s_ohs_serveradmin mail address Property dontChunkRequests for HTTPClient.jar Number of outbound threads

s_httpclient_dontChunkRequests s_outbound_threads

OXTAOutUseProxy OXTAOutProxyHost OXTAOutProxyPort TrustStoreType KeyStoreType TrustStore KeyStore TrustManagerAlgorithm KeyManagerAlgorithm Optimizer Home Parameter to enable/disable URL Firewall List of nodes that have access to Oracle HTTP Server administration pages Minimum buffer size maintained by the pool Maximum buffer size maintained by the poo Time interval to check the buffer size Maximum number of available objects that should be removed in a thread cycle Enable/Disable pl/sql query Enable/Disable AOL security context and NLS state check Free pl/sql state JDBC process escape Maximum capacity of JDBC Cached Buffer Size

s_oxta_proxy s_oxta_proxyhost s_oxta_proxyport s_ssl_truststoretype s_ssl_keystoretype s_ssl_truststore s_ssl_keystore s_ssl_trustmanageralgorithm s_ssl_keymanageralgorithm s_optit_home s_enable_urlfirewall


s_fnd_jdbc_buffermin s_fnd_jdbc_buffermax s_fnd_jdbc_buffer_decay_interval s_fnd_jdbc_buffer_decay_size

s_fnd_jdbc_usable_check s_fnd_jdbc_context_check

s_fnd_jdbc_plsql_reset s_jdbc_proc_esc s_jdbc_max_cached_buffersize 11/25/2013

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Custom DBC Parameters


This variable holds a space separated custom dbc parameter list of name value pairs. For e.g. 'param1=value1 param2=value2 param3=value3'. These values will be seeded in to the dbc file during AutoConfig execution.

S) OAFM OC4J (oafm_server): Variable Title OAFM OC4J Instance Start Parameters OAFM OC4J Options OAFM OC4J Instance Stop Parameters Number of JVMs for OAFM OC4J Instance Enable OAFM OC4J Access log OA_VAR Title The value of this variable contains the parameters that are passed to the JVM when starting the OAFM OC4J instance. This variable is used to specify the system properties that should be passed to the OAFM OC4J on instance startup. The value of this variable contains the parameters that are passed to the JVM when stopping the OAFM OC4J instance. This specifies the number of JVM processes serving the OAFM OC4J Instance. This context variable is used to enable/disable OC4J access log for OAFM and MapViewer application. Setting the value to 'TRUE' will enable the access log.

s_oafm_jvm_start_options s_oafm_oc4j_options s_oafm_jvm_stop_options s_oafm_nprocs s_oafm_oc4j_enable_access_log

T) Forms c4ws Server (forms-c4ws_server): Variable Title FORMS-C4WS OC4J Instance Start Parameters OA_VAR Value OC4J requires that some java-options be passed to start and stop commands. These options are derived internally by OPMN, are not defined in opmn.xml configuration, and cannot be overridden. This context variable specifies ADDITIONAL java-options used in opmn.xml via the &lt;module-data&gt; for FORMS-C4WS OC4J instance startup. These java-options include JVM parameters and system properties for OC4J. For additional information about these properties please refer to 'Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide'. More details on JVM parameters can be found at and Sets the FORMS-C4WS OC4J runtime options in opmn.xml. OC4J processes require that these options be passed in as part of the start or stop commands. These options cannot be overridden. For more details, please refer to OC4J requires that some java-options be passed to start and stop commands. These options are derived internally by OPMN, are not defined in opmn.xml configuration, and cannot be overridden. This context variable specifies ADDITIONAL java-options used in opmn.xml via the &lt;module-data&gt; for FORMS-C4WS OC4J instance shutdown. These java-options include JVM parameters and system properties for OC4J. For additional information about these properties refer to 'Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide'. More details on JVM parameters can be found at and Specifies the number of java processes OPMN starts for FORMS-C4WS OC4J instance. It is used to set the numprocs parameter of &lt;process-set&gt; tag in opmn.xml. Refer to for more details. This context variable is used to enable/disable OC4J access log for FORMS-C4WS application. Setting the value of this variable to 'TRUE' will enable the access log. Used by the FORMS-C4WS OC4J Service Instance, this display must always be accessible during runtime. Should be set to an active and authorized X Windows display, and should point to a machine that is always available to the Applications instance. 'Headless' operation refers to the ability to run a Java program without a monitor, mouse or keyboard. In UNIX environments, it usually means that X or an equivalent windowing system does not have to be present. Headless Java operation would mean that a server side Java program should be able to use the full J2SE or J2EE API without a GUI environment being present. This means that all AWT calls to manipulate components, graphics, fonts, printing etc. should be functional. Set this value to true to enable headless operation or set it to false (default value) to disable it.




FORMS-C4WS OC4J Instance Stop Parameters


Number of JVMs for FORMS-C4WS OC4J Instance


Enable FORMS-C4WS OC4J Access log X11 Display for FORMS-C4WS OC4J Service Instance

s_forms-c4ws_oc4j_enable_access_log s_forms-c4ws_display

Enable headless operation for Java, for FORMS-C4WS OC4J Service Instance


U) Oracle Fulfillment Server (jtff_server): Variable Title Oracle Fulfillment Server Instance Id Oracle Fulfillment Maximum Number of Threads OA_VAR Value Identifies the One-to-One Fulfillment Server instance that gets started when is run. Specifies the maximum number of threads on the One-toOne Fulfillment Server that gets started when is run. Specifies that the monitors of low priority be turned off on the One-to-One Fulfillment Server instance that gets started when is run. A comma-separated list indicating the items for which to log debug information for the Oracle Fulfillment Server. Logging level for the Oracle Fulfillment Server. For each

s_ServerInstanceID s_MaxBatchThreads

Oracle Fulfillment Turnoff Low Priority Monitors


Oracle Fulfillment Server Debug String Oracle Fulfillment Server Log Level

s_jto_debug_string s_jto_log_level 11/25/2013

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number specified from 1-n, the server will write an extra layer of chained exception traces to the error log. The exceptions are chained together so that the source of the errors as they occur can be traced. Oracle Fulfillment Server RightFax Fax Enabler


Indicates the Java class that the Fulfillment Server is to use for sending faxes. This class must implement the interface to be used as a fax enabler. This flag indicates the Java class that the Fulfillment Server is to use for sending print jobs to the printer. This class must implement the interface to be used as a print enabler. is the zip file containing the Java integration classes provided by RightFax upon installation. That file should be included the classpath of the Fulfillment Server in order to successfully dispatch fax or print requests through RightFax. This variable is used to set the .jsp cache directory. Please refer to JSP Developer's guide for more information on the usage of this variable. This variable is used to enable JSR-45 debugging support. Valid settings are file: to generate an SMAP file, class: to embed debugging info in the generated class, none: to generate no debugging information. Please refer to JSP Developer's guide for more information on the usage of these variables. This variable is used to enable printing the stack trace when certain runtime execeptions occur. Valid settings are true: to generate a stack trace, false: to turn off printing of the stack trace. Please refer to JSP Developer's guide for more information on the usage of these variables. This variable is used to specify whether JSP-generated classes are automatically reloaded or JSP pages are automatically retranslated when JSP changes are made. Valid settings are recompile: container will check the timestamp of the jsp page since the last load, reload: container will check the timestamp of classes generated by the jsp translator, justrun: container will not perform any timestamp checking. Please refer to JSP Developer's guide for more information on the usage of these variables. A classpath that specifies the location of custom enabler code (if present) By default, warnings do not show up in the error log. If this flag is not set, then the first time a warning appears a single message shows up in the events log signifying that a warning had been issued. The default is 'false'. Identifies the One-to-One Fulfillment Server that gets started when is run. Classpath to be used by the Oracle Fulfillment Server

Oracle Fulfillment Server RightFax Print Enabler


Oracle Fulfillment Server RightFax zip Location


JSP cache directory


Parameter to enable JSR-45 debugging support


Parameter to enable printing of stack trace


Whether JSP-generated classes are automatically reloaded


Oracle Fulfillment Server Enabler Classpath Oracle Fulfillment Server Log Warning Flag

s_jto_enabler_classpath s_jto_show_warnings

Oracle Fulfillment Server Id Classpath to be used by the Oracle Fulfillment Server

s_jto_server_id s_jto_classpath

V) Connection Manager Server (oa_cman_server): Variable Title Oracle Connection Manager Host Oracle Connection Manager Domain Name OA_VAR Value Oracle Connection Manager Host Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Oracle Connection Manager host

s_cmanhost s_cmandomain


NOTE:745580.1 - How To Apply Patches On Shared Application Tier File System Environment 11/25/2013

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