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Crude Vacuum Distillation Unit

Prepared by

Rohan S. Sule

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Introduction VDU Feed/Products Different Types Of Vacuum Distillation VDU Flow Diagram Process Equipments
!eater Vacuum Tower Vacuum "ystem

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Crude Vacuum Distillation Unit

To distill t#e long residuum crude from t#e atmosp#eric tower at #ig#er temperatures and reduced pressure$ T#e VDU ta%es t#e long residuum from t#e &DU '&tmosp#eric Distillation Unit( and separates t#e #ea)ier end products suc# as )acuum gas oils* )acuum distillate* slop wa+* and residue at reduced pressure and #ig# temperature$

,ong -esiduum '-educed .rude( from .DU

,ig#t Vacuum /as Oil* !ea)y Vacuum /as Oil* -esiduum* "lop wa+* &sp#alt$

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Different Types Of Vacuum Distillation

Dry Vacuum Distillation
,ow energy consumption* applica0le to fuel type )acuum towers$ Do not utili1e stripping steam$ Pressure profile Flas# 1one2 34 mm !g a0s Top of tower2 5 l5 mm !g a0s 6

et Vacuum Distillation
!ig# product quality* applica0le to lu0e type )acuum towers and utili1e stripping steam$ Pressure profile Flas# 1one2 75 85 mm !g a0s Top of tower2 54 75 mm !g a0s 6

Damp Vacuum Distillation

,ow energy consumption and #ig# product quality$ "tripping steam is apprecia0ly reduced and t#e e9ector system is a t#ree stage system$ Pressure profile Flas# 1one2 :5 mm !g a0s Top of tower2 ;5 35 mm !g a0s

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VDU Flo! Dia"ram

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Vacuum #eater

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Vacuum #eater
Vacuum #eater
Vacuum #eater is a cylindrical furnace #a)ing con)ection 1one and radiation 1one$ T#e #eater operates at outlet temperature of 854F$ T#e furnace is fired 0y fuel gas and pilot gas$

6 Co$e %ormation 6 Reason&

.onditions in t#e radiant tu0es cause t#e reduced crude to t#ermally decompose to co%e and gas$

6 'voidin" co$e %ormation&

<y minimi1ing oil film temperature$ <y reducing t#e residence time of t#e oil in t#e tu0es of t#e radiant section$ "team can 0e used to lower oil residence time$ 6 6

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Vacuum To!er

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Vacuum To!er
T#ree different section of different diameter and #eig#t ,arge diameter columns are used to maintain compara0le )apor )elocities at t#e reduced pressures$

Type o% Trays and Pac$ed beds&

T#ree pac%ed 0eds for t#ree draw off cuts and t#ree draw off trays are used Pac$ed bed ( "tructural pac%ing

Tray ( .#imney type for draw off trays

( "ie)e trays for t#e 0ottom section

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Vacuum System

Typical Vacuum system

"team E9ectors .ondensers .ondensate recei)er

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Vacuum System Steam )jectors

Steam )jectors consist o% %ollo!in" parts&

"team inlet "team no11le =i+ing c#am0er .on)erging inlet diffuser Diffuser t#roat Di)erging outlet diffuser
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Vacuum System
Operatin" principle
To con)ert pressure energy of #ig# pressure moti)e steam into )elocity$ =oti)e steam e+pands to a pressure 0elow t#e suction fluid pressure creating t#e dri)ing force to 0ring suction fluid into an e9ector$ !ig# )elocity moti)e steam entrains and mi+es wit# t#e suction fluid$ T#e resulting mi+ture is supersonic$ T#en t#e mi+ture passes t#roug# t#e con)erging* t#roat* and di)erging sections of a diffuser* #ig# )elocity is con)erted 0ac% into pressure$ In t#e diffuser>s di)erging section* cross sectional flow area is increased and )elocity is furt#er con)erted to pressure$

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Vacuum System
)jector System %or di%%erent types o% to!ers

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Vacuum System
Vacuum Condensers
T#e primary purpose of a condensers in an e9ector system is to condense as muc# steam and #ydrocar0ons as possi0le$ <y condensing steam and #ydrocar0on )apors* t#e load #andled 0y a downstream e9ector is reduced$ T#is maintains energy usage 'moti)e steam consumption( for dri)ing t#e e9ectors* to a minimum$

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Vacuum Condensers

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Thank You

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