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1. What was this video about? The video was about an episode of a TV show called The View from the Bay within which a woman and a man interviewed the doctor Gary Small for talking about his book: iBrain. The episode began with an introduction of the woman interviewer, she said that a young person spends eight and a half hours each day exposed to digital technology and that constant use of the internet, blackberries and video games is not only altering our lives but it is altering our brains. Later, Gary Small said everything we do every moment, for example, if we read, write a book, and look at a computer or another technological thing. It affects our brain because it creates a lots of neurochemical reactions and if we repeat the same mental task, itll strengthen our neurons. Also he said that he and other people did a study at UCLA. They took older people who didnt have internet experience and people who have previous experience, then they looked at the brain of these people when were searching on the internet and they found when people had previous experience there is much greater activation of their brains particularly in the front part of the brain which controls decision making. It was too interesting. The interview asked him about other good things that can benefit us from being online or playing with our computers, then he answered it helps hand-eye coordination and helps peripheral vision and there is a study that found that surgeons who played video games actually make few errors in the operating. Also, he said that the Academy of pediatrics recommends no television and video game for children under two. Additionally, It is important for him to take breaks and have rules in house about when to use the technology. Finally he leaves us a question about the time we spend doing one type of activity or interacting with other people when we are doing a disservice.


2. What did you learn from this video? I learnt that I must care my brain and It is too important doing activities that actives my brain because it helps me to make smarter and make good decision. However, we are addicted to the technology and we have forgotten our human essence, so Itll be extremely interesting a day without technology. Additionally, I learnt that I mustnt spend all my time exposed to digital technology but I must also interact with my family and friends.

3. What was strange to you? The pronunciation of the woman interviewer was too difficult to understand what she said. On the other hand, I had always thought that continued use of technological things was extremely badly for the health but I understood that it also helps to increase you skills and to active my mind.

4. What do you want to know more about?

I would like to know more about the neurochemical reactions when we do mental task and I also want to know why if you constantly repeat these activities you can strengthen your mind. I know according to the video that being online or playing with our computers benefits our lives but I would like to know: What are bad things that can generate besides memory loss? When I spend many hours at the computer I get a headache. Is it normal to get a headache?

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