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Liber II


A A Publication in Class E Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law "There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt" "The word of the Law is " Thelema means Will. The ey to this !essa"e is this word Will. The first ob#ious meanin" of this Law is $onfirmed by antithesis% "The Word of &in is 'estri$tion." ("ain) "... thou hast no ri"ht but to do thy will. Do that* and no other shall say nay. +or ,ure will* unassua"ed of ,ur,ose* deli#ered from the lust of result* is e#ery way ,erfe$t." Ta-e this $arefully% it seems to im,ly a theory that if e#ery man and e#ery woman did his and her will the true Will there would be no $lashin". ".#ery man and e#ery woman is a star"* and ea$h star mo#es in an a,,ointed ,ath without interferen$e. There is ,lenty of room for all% it is only disorder that $reates $onfusion.

+rom these $onsiderations it should be $lear that "Do what thou wilt" does not mean "Do what you li-e." /t is the a,otheosis of +reedom% but it is also the stri$test ,ossible bond. Do what thou wilt then do nothin" else. Let nothin" defle$t thee from that austere and holy tas-. Liberty is absolute to do thy will% but see- to do any other thin" whate#er* and instantly obsta$les must arise. .#ery a$t that is not in definite $ourse of that one orbit is errati$* an hindran$e. Will must not be two* but one. 0ote further that this will is not only to be ,ure* that is* sin"le* as e1,lained abo#e* but also "unassua"ed of ,ur,ose". This stran"e ,hrase must "i#e us ,ause. /t may mean that any ,ur,ose in the will would dam, it% $learly* the "lust of result" is a thin" from whi$h it must be deli#ered. 2ut the ,hrase may also be inter,reted as if it read "with ,ur,ose unassua"ed" i.e. with tireless ener"y. The $on$e,tion is* therefore* of an eternal motion* infinite and unalterable. /t is 0ir#ana* only dynami$ instead of stati$ and this $omes to the same thin" in the end. The ob#ious ,ra$ti$al tas- of the ma"i$ian is then to dis$o#er what his will really is* so that he may do it in this manner* and he $an best a$$om,lish this by the ,ra$ti$es of Liber Thisharb 3see .4uino1 /* 5//* 6789 or su$h others as may from one time to another be a,,ointed. /t should now be ,erfe$tly sim,le for e#erybody to understand the !essa"e of the !aster Therion. Thou must 369 +ind out what is thy Will* 3:9 Do that Will with 3a9 one;,ointedness* 3b9 deta$hment* 3$9 ,ea$e. Then* and then only* art thou in harmony with the !o#ement of Thin"s* thy will ,art of* and therefore e4ual to* the Will of <od. (nd sin$e the will is but the dynami$ as,e$t of the self* and sin$e two different sel#es $ould not ,ossess identi$al wills% then* if thy will be <od=s will* Thou art That. There is but one other word to e1,lain. .lsewhere it is written surely for our "reat $omfort "Lo#e is the law* lo#e under will." This is to be ta-en as meanin" that while Will is the Law* the nature of that Will is Lo#e. 2ut this Lo#e is as it were a by;,rodu$t of that Will% it does not $ontradi$t or su,ersede that Will% and if a,,arent $ontradi$tion should arise in any $risis* it is the Will that $an "uide us ari"ht. Lo* while in the 2oo- of the Law is mu$h Lo#e* there is no word of &entimentality. >ate itself is almost li-e Lo#e? +i"htin" most $ertainly is Lo#e? "(s brothers fi"ht ye?" (ll the manly ra$es of the world understand this. The Lo#e of Liber Le"is is always bold* #irile* e#en or"iasti$. There is deli$a$y* but it is the deli$a$y of stren"th. !i"hty and terrible and "lorious as it is* howe#er* it is but the ,ennon u,on the

sa$red lan$e of Will* the damas$ened ins$ri,tion u,on the swords of the ni"ht;!on-s of Thelema. Love is the law, love under will. This messa"e was first ,ublished as a ,am,hlet in 6@6A* re,rinted in The International in 6@6B* and a"ain in Equinox /// 369. (ll 4uotations are from Liber AL vel Legis, the Book of the Law.

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