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Gain margin, phase margin, and crossover frequencies - MATLAB margin

Gain margin, phase margin, and crossover frequencies

[ G m , P m , W g m , W p m ]=m a r g i n ( s y s ) [ G m , P m , W g m , W p m ]=m a r g i n ( m a g , p h a s e , w ) m a r g i n ( s y s )

m a r g i n calculates the minimum gain margin, G m , phase margin, P m , and associated frequencies W g mand W p mof SISO open-loop models. The gain and phase margin of a system s y sindicates the relative stability of the closed-loop system formed by applying unit negative feedback to s y s , as in the follow ing illustration.

The gain margin is the amount of gain increase or decrease required to make the loop gain unity at the frequency W g mw here the phase angle is 180 (modulo 360). In other w ords, the gain margin is 1/g if g is the gain at the 180 phase frequency. Similarly, the phase margin is the difference betw een the phase of the response and 180 w hen the loop gain is 1.0. The frequency W p mat w hich the magnitude is 1.0 is called the unity-gain frequency or gain crossover frequency. It is generally found that gain margins of three or more combined w ith phase margins betw een 30 and 60 degrees result in reasonable trade-offs betw een bandw idth and stability. [ G m , P m , W g m , W p m ]=m a r g i n ( s y s ) computes the gain margin G m , the phase margin P m , and the corresponding frequencies W g mand W p m , given the SISO open-loop dynamic system model s y s .W g mis the frequency w here the gain margin is measured, w hich is a 180 degree phase crossing frequency. W p mis the frequency w here the phase margin is measured, w hich is a 0dB gain crossing frequency. These frequencies are expressed in radians/T i m e U n i t , w here T i m e U n i tis the unit specified in the T i m e U n i tproperty of s y s . When s y shas several crossovers, m a r g i nreturns the smallest gain and phase margins and corresponding frequencies. The phase margin P mis in degrees. The gain margin G mis an absolute magnitude. You can compute the gain margin in dB by G m _ d B=2 0 * l o g 1 0 ( G m ) [ G m , P m , W g m , W p m ]=m a r g i n ( m a g , p h a s e , w ) derives the gain and phase margins from Bode frequency response data (magnitude, phase, and frequency vector). m a r g i ninterpolates betw een the frequency points to estimate the margin values. Provide the gain data m a gin absolute units, and phase data p h a s ein degrees. You can provide the frequency vector win any units; m a r g i nreturns W g mand W p min the same units. m a r g i n ( s y s ) , w ithout output arguments, plots the Bode response of s y son the screen and indicates the gain and phase margins on the plot. By default, gain margins are expressed in dB on the plot.

Gain and Phase Margins of Open-Loop Transfer Function Create an open-loop discrete-time transfer function.



Gain margin, phase margin, and crossover frequencies - MATLAB margin

h d=t f ( [ 0 . 0 4 7 9 80 . 0 4 6 4 ] , [ 11 . 8 10 . 9 0 4 8 ] , 0 . 1 )

h d= 0 . 0 4 7 9 8z+0 . 0 4 6 4 z ^ 2-1 . 8 1z+0 . 9 0 4 8 S a m p l et i m e :0 . 1s e c o n d s D i s c r e t e t i m et r a n s f e rf u n c t i o n .

Compute the gain and phase margins.

[ G m , P m , W g m , W p m ]=m a r g i n ( h d )

G m= 2 . 0 5 1 7

P m= 1 3 . 5 7 1 1

W g m= 5 . 4 3 7 4

W p m= 4 . 3 5 4 4

Display the gain and phase margins graphically. m a r g i n ( h d )



Gain margin, phase margin, and crossover frequencies - MATLAB margin

Solid vertical lines mark the gain margin and phase margin. The dashed vertical lines indicate the locations of W p m , the frequency w here the phase margin is measured, and W g m , the frequency w here the gain margin is measured.

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