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ENGLISH Paper 2 (Two hours)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. ____________________________________________________________________ Attempt five questions in all. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections A, B and C and any two other questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets !. ____________________________________________________________________

Shakespeare : As You Like It

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Orlando : Why, whats the matter? Adam : O unha y youth! "ome not within these doors# within this roof $he enemy of all your graces lives% &i' &ii' Who is the enemy of Orlandos graces? (riefly state how that erson has come to be Orlandos )enemy% Why does Adam say that Orlando should not come )within these doors? -ention another instance from an earlier art of the lay where the )enemy had lanned harm against Orlandos )graces% &iii' &iv' &v' Who had given a similar warning to Orlando earlier? (riefly state what that erson had said to Orlando% Why does Adam call Orlando an )unha Adam give Orlando? What does Orlando finally decide to do along with Adam? .escribe y youth? What advice does *+, *+, *+, *+,

Adams sense of devotion to duty%


Question 2
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 0ilvius: -y errand is to you, fair youth -y gentle 1hebe did bid me give you this: *giving a letter, 2 3now not the contents# but, as 2 guess (y the stern brow and was ish action Which she did use as she was writing of it, 2t bears an angry tenor : ardon me# 2 am but as a guiltless messenger% Rosalind: *"eading the letter, 1atience herself would startle at this letter, 44% &i' &ii' &iii' &iv' Where are 0ilvius and Rosalind at this time? Who else is with Rosalind? What had Rosalind been com laining about rior to 0ilvius entrance? What does Rosalind reveal about the contents of the letter which 0ilvius has given her? 5ow does Oliver, who enters the scene a little later, recogni6e Rosalind and her com anion? What was Olivers feelings for Orlando in the earlier art of the lay? What is his feeling towards Orlando now? (riefly mention how this change in Oliver was brought about% &v' What has Oliver brought for Rosalind from Orlando? What effect does this have on Rosalind and what light does this throw on Rosalinds character? Loya ties : !ohn "a sworthy */, *+, *+, *+, *+,

Question !
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: .e 7evis: 0ociety! .o you thin3 2 dont 3now 2m only tolerated for my money? 0ociety cant add in8ury to insult and have my money as well, thats all% 2f the notes are restored 2ll 3ee my mouth shut# if

theyre not, I shant. Im certain Im right. I ask nothing better than to be confronted with .ancy# but, if you refer it, deal with it in your own way 9 for the sa3e of your esprit de corps. &i' &ii' &iii' &iv' &v' Where is .e 7evis at the moment and to whom is he tal3ing? Why is he so agitated? What had .ancy done earlier that evening which ma3es .e 7evis say that he can )8um li3e a cat? What is the name of the horse that .e 7evis sells and how much is he aid for it? Who bought it off him? Why did .ancy give .e 7evis the )weed? What race does it win later and what were the odds on it? What does the hrase esprit de corps mean? 2n what way does .e 7evis face social ostracism for his accusation of .ancy? */, *+, *+, *+, *+,

Question "
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: :ilman: *Taking the client#s chair$ to the left of the table, -r% $wisden, 2 believe? -y names :ilman, head of :ilmans .e artment 0tores% ;ou have my card% $wisden: *%ooking at the card, ;es% What can we do for you? :ilman: Well, 2ve come to you from a sense of duty, 0ir, and also a feelin of embarrassment44%% &i' &ii' Who is -r% $wisden and what is the name of his firm? Where in 7ondon is it situated? Which two visitors have 8ust left the office? What news had they given $wisden about something odd that :eneral "anynge had noticed about .ancy on the night of the theft? &iii' &iv' &v' Who had given :ilman the stolen fifty ound note? What was this ersons line of wor3 and for how long had :ilman 3nown him? 5ow did this erson account for being in ossession of the note? What decision about the case does $wisden ta3e immediately following this new turn of events? What are your feelings for .ancy in the light of these new revelations and why? */, *+, *+, *+, *+,

"o #en Lyre

Question %
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Wide through the landsca e of his dreams $he lordly <iger flowed# (eneath the alm=trees on the lain Once more a 3ing he strode# And heard the tin3ling caravans .escend the mountain 9 road% *The Slave#s &ream ' 5%W% 7ongfellow, &i' &ii' &iii' &iv' &v' Where is the slave at this moment? .escribe his resent condition% >x lain the first two lines of the extract% Why are the caravans described as )tin3ling? What images and sounds of the wildlife of his native land ass through the slaves dream )li3e a glorious roll of drums? What causes a tear to fall from the slee ers lids? "ontrast the slaves earlier life as a 3ing with his resent athetic condition% What are your feelings for him at the end of the oem? */, *+, *+, *+, *+,

Question &
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 2 remember the night my mother was stung by a scor ion% $en hours of steady rain had driven him to crawl beneath a sac3 of rice% *(ight of the Scorpion 9 <issim >6e3iel, &i' .escribe the night when the oets mother was stung by a scor ion% Where had the scor ion hidden itself and what did it do after stinging the mother? &ii' &iii' What ex ression has the oet used to describe the coming of the easants? What did they do to ) araly6e the >vil One? Why did the easants ray for the scor ion to sit still? -ention any one *+, *+,

thing that the easants said as they sat around the oets mother% &iv' &v' What did the oets father do to relieve the ain of his wife? ?or how long did the mother suffer? What did the mother say when she recovered? What are your feelings for the mother and father after reading the oem?

*+, *+,


A Treasure Trove of Short Stories

Question '
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: @Aim, darling,B she cried, @dont loo3 at me that way% 2 had my hair cut off and sold it because 2 couldnt have lived through "hristmas without giving you a resent% 2t will grow out again 9 you wont mind, will you? 2 8ust had to do it% -y hair grows awfully fast% 0ay )-erry "hristmas! Aim, and lets be ha &i' &ii' &iii' &iv' &v' y% ;ou dont 3now what a nice 9 what a beautiful, nice gift 2 ed inside the flat? What *+, *+, *+, *+, have got for you%B What was the ex ression on Aims face as he ste was the reason for this ex ression? .escribe the resent that .ella has bought for Aim% :ive a brief descri tion of the flat that Aim and .ella live in so as to highlight their oor financial condition% 5ow much of money had .ella saved at the start of the story? 5ow had she been able to save this amount? 5ow would you describe the sacrifice made by the two characters in the story? Were they foolish or wise in doing what they did? :ive your reasons briefly% */,

Question (
$he $iger in the $unnel is a story of the extraordinary courage of an ordinary watchman while erforming his duty% (y referring to incidents in the story describe: &a' &b' $he ordinary life of (aldev as a watchman% $he extraordinary courage shown by him while on duty% Ani$a %ar$ : "eor&e 'rwe *CD,

Question )
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: -rs% Aones loo3ed out of the bedroom window, saw what was ha sli fla ening, hurriedly flung a few ossessions into a car et bag, and ed out of the farm by another way% -oses s rang off his erch and ed after her, croa3ing loudly% -eanwhile the animals had chased ening, the

Aones and his men out on to the road and slammed the five 9 barred gate behind them% And so, almost before they 3new what was ha and the -anor ?arm was theirs% &i' &ii' &iii' &iv' &v' What did -rs% Aones see on loo3ing out of her bedroom window? What was the immediate cause for the Rebellion? 5ow did the animals celebrate their first day of freedom from human tyranny? *+, What did the animals see on their tour of the farmhouse and what unanimous resolution did they ass? What was the first of the seven commandments that embodied the rinci les of Animalism? Where were these commandments written and how was it done? */, *+, *+, *+, Rebellion had been successfully carried through: Aones was ex elled,

Question *
2n "ha ter E222, the humans, led by ?rederic3, boldly attac3 Animal ?arm% <arrate how the attac3ers were beaten bac3 in what came to be 3nown as )$he (attle of the Windmill and how the animals later celebrated their victory% To Sir with Love : ()*) Braithwaite *CD,

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 2 felt drained of strength and thought# yet somehow 2 managed to leave that office, navigate the assage, lift and corridor, and wal3 out of the building into the busy sunlit street% 2 had 8ust been brought face to face with something 2 had either forgotten or com letely ignored for more than six exciting years 9 my blac3 s3in%

&i' &ii' &iii' &iv' &v'

5ow had the rece tionist behaved before and after she learned that (raithwaite had been called for an interview with -r% 0ymonds? What ost had (raithwaite a hel ed in this regard? What had -r% 0ymonds told (raithwaite to ma3e him feel drained of strength and thought? What does (raithwaite do immediately following this first interview to revent further humiliation? 7ater, (raithwaite tal3s about a casual encounter which changed the course of his life% Where and with whom did this encounter ta3e lace and how did it affect his future course of life? */, *+, *+, lied for? 5ow had the A ointments Office *+, *+,

Question 2
5ow had his class behaved on their tri to the Eictoria and Albert -useum that made (raithwaite feel roud of them? Who had earlier ob8ected to the tri and why? Fnder what conditions was it allowed to go ahead? *CD,

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