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HARRY POTTER SPELL LIST Incantation Accio Alohomora Aparecium A ada !

ada ra A ifors A is '' Crucio Confundus Conjuncti itis '' (eletrius (ensaugeo (iffindo (issendium '' Engorgio Enner ate E+pecto *atronum E+pelliarmus '' ,erula ,idelius ,inite Incantatum ,lipendo ,urnunculus '' -omorphus '' Charm '' Spell Charm Spell .in+ Curse '' Spell Spell Spell Spell '' Charm Spell Charm Charm '' Curse Charm Curse '' Type of spell / charm Charm Charm Spell Curse Charm Spell '' Resulting Effect Summons an object Opens locked objects Re eals in isible ink "urders opponent #nforgi able Turns small objects into birds$ %aunches birds from your &and '' Tortures opponent #nforgi able #sed to confuse opponent (amages opponents eyesight '' Counters )*rior Incatato) Enlarges Teeth Splits seams Opens )One eyed &itch) hump '' Enlarges and item Counters Stupefy Creates a *atronus (isarms your opponent '' Creates bandages -ides a secret &ithin someone Stops any current spells !nocks an object back&ards *roduces boils on opponent '' %ockhart/s 0ere&olf )cure) ''

Immobulus Impedimenta Imperio Imper ius Incendio '' %egilimens %ocomotor "ortis %umos '' "obiliarbus "obilicorpus "orsmorde '' 1o+ '' Obli iate Orchideous '' *etrificus Totalus *oint "e *riori Incantatum *rior Incantato *rotego '' 3uietus '' Reducio

Charm Charm Curse Charm Spell '' Spell Curse Spell '' Charm Spell Spell '' Spell '' Charm Spell '' Spell Charm Spell Spell Charm '' Spell '' Spell

Renders target immobile$ Slo&s an ad ancing object Controls a person #nforgi able "akes an object repel &ater Starts a fire '' Allo&s the caster to del e into the mind of the ictim %ocks opponents legs Creates light at &and tip '' "o es objects &ith &and "o es unconscious bodies Conjures the (ark "ark '' Counter to %umos '' Erases memories Conjures a bunch of flo&ers '' 2ody ' 2ind 0and acts like a compass Result &hen brother &ands duel Re eals a &ands last spell / cast Cause spells to reflect back to the sender$ '' Counter spell for Sonorus '' Returns items to original si4e$ Counters Engorgio

Reducto Relashio Repairo Rictusempra Riddikulus '' Scruge Serpensortia Sonorus Stupefy '' Tarantallegra '' 0addi&asi 0ingardium %e iosa

Spell Spell Spell Charm Spell '' Charm Spell Spell Spell '' Spell '' Spell Charm

2lasts solid objects aside Releases user from binding Repairs Things Tickles opponent #se this spell and laugh to defeat a boggart '' (estroys ectoplasm 5remains of ghosts6 *roduces Snake Amplifies oice !nocks out opponent '' ,orces opponent to dance '' #nsticks an object "akes on object fly

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